I ok yom roe: on application. sin) Manaezn. \R. D. arom MDGM, Victoria Universi B, Tor Say and Moni or $4 2 urgeons, Ont, College of Sur, Cini of i Royal . nts Edin- © 3 Mosber of the ith Ln Fi: J EVERY THURSDAY pe = forth oh Sa 4 Woably tidal, Agricultural dd Family Notespaper : 15 PUBLISHED AT ' | momY -PRRRY, ONT, in & ' Cana I have tigen as partuéf, my brother, R. Archer, M: D., C. M; Somber of Col- foge of Phyhicians and Surgeons, Ont, Port Perry, June 9, 1807. 3 'DR. 8. J. MELLOW, PuYsIOtAN, SURGEON, ®O.- Office ind Residence; Queen 8t., Port Ma fice. hours--8 to 10 am ; 1to3 p. my and Evenings. Télophons in office And Hon open night and day over the lines south, conneo w wish the residence of G, L. Robson, V8. "Port Perry, Nov. 15, 1804. BARRISTER, &e., sasor to and dcew of the tn of the late F. So Yarnold. Port Perry, Ont. MONEY TO LOAN. Private Funds at 4 per cent. Fob. 7, 1901, a i i Jno. W. "Ooi ARRINTEY, Sovterror, CONVEYANCER, B (Office at Ipifence, &¢ 6th Con, ach (one mile weet of Port Perry,)-- Money 10 LOAN. w. RI PATE RSON, . C. Barrister; Solicivor, Notary Public, &e., Bax and Crown Air. Nowe -310-84.-T aud Richmond Streets, Toronto. Toronto, Maret 31, 1898. F REWBLL.X KO 1L5. Lotnt J 2 hi Attorney, bd oi &o., okay ey and SE i Con higby, CWRALS ANDSTER, 3 DENTAL SUF SANG | Office Hours--9 to 12 a.m., 206 p,m Also open Saturday evenings. Gold Fillings, Brid, Work a Spbcialty, Vitalined {Dr. F. D. McGrattan i (DENTIST) 4 D.S. of Royal College of Dental 2) Suf geond, also D.D.S. of Toronte University. e in the Allison ek over Ailain's Drug Stor, {Office houre--8 a.m. os. 30 pw: En " 113 Al Murray, | DENTIST, Na Oifics over the Dost Offic, © PO RT PER R ¥.f --- ' ADVERT INE 'oy H. PARSONS ma bis J RS onntal ET bee Tropa mn rostered Wi a ot our il Nonpariel, and En ocoupy. |. A LIBERAL fodiens ai pool and other THER terms will in'ail casos bo striotly a TMENT. JOB DEPAR Pamphlet h Hand Bills, Posters Programs, © Dodger Bill Heads, Theeks Toute toads, Wedding Invitations, Blank Forms ,Receip Books, Business On» Books Circalars, Assembly Cada, Visiting Cards, &o g 4 Of ayafy isin ang oclon 2 "" lon rites of any establishment STER (British To lend at 4, 4} Apply to Banker Livery nba ebro wie thom uns peed SLR Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator, &e. FOR THE COUXTY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSHII "or CARTWRIGHT, i 'at this' the comjencement of fér Auction Nale 'Sekson to re. tar YT 0 ISR » his part to make All a ivr fuocenses, " His very extensive practios iu 'the past should be SE adation" a4 to "his ability. ATl Sale & into his obi willbe dftentled 4 with prompiness and dispatéh. "Sale list made' out' sid blank, "supplied free, ou wpplicutio le \ 'Parties hing to en, his servioés may ooneti® hie HAL REaTavr® either we tiie Obsét ver or Standard Offi ses, * Port Porvy, fob dutes. claimed' for Sales; and nin lve derangements; or "write to bis drone Flot at Residence, No, §.% ; LOHARGES' MODERATE. +i GEO. JACKSON, Port Perry Pro Nov. 1, oo T os. BAIRD | AUCTIONEER toc the ak ote p Prarie + idl One kRYRE laneitulory Jan, 19, ) bia »* Fanunity pho? still of eonstruction f moet the requir respect--in able for private dings, funer ls, wial ouble or si 19 drivers w ed when requ ronage bestowed upon shoe comntencing Curtin wud Liveey in Port Peyey pi ing extensively added to k of horses ; as well as conveyances of the latest type ng an afternoon drive can have their choice of suitable £100,000 LING Oapital) and 5 per cent. on good Mortgage Secusity. DAVID J. ADAMS and Broker, Port Perry, Ont Jamieson' § on undersigned takes th of thanking the Port Perry and for the n him ine: or comfort and pleasure, I uni in a position to ements of the most fastidious us to style «nd debian equippage in every every way suit. driving, &e. wed- Parties rigs and care- i also be Suppli A I possess a nhmber of good Spring and Dray Wa and. will, at all tinies, a Curting with th and prow ptncas. I wish further in future suitable ponv "to © utmost cate to state that 5 noes "will be at the Railway Depot. to convey passengers and bag: goge to private residences, and bi Lulso convey tugaace to the ngers ind pot in time eparting trains, on being for en notice. WM, Port Perry, July JAMIESON. 30, 1903. &. Large quantities of New Brunswick. Shingles just arrived ai Vickery's. t' Perry One] &F Mi. 0, Gishamr'V. S. has made arrangements for free commu- alion, dae or nig + : be Fro. sysiems of ht, over the tele- Dr. Mellow and | a plece of paper and after a few min- We have no peureta | 'We publish the formulas of all sur medisines. The Irish Bull Ia Journalism, Of a well known reporter of a past generation many curiosities of stile are still repeated with zest by Dublin journalists. It was this man who ex- | plained, describing a case of drown- ing off Dalkey, "The body was washed ashore by a receding wave." Of a fu- gitive from justice he wrote: "The burglar was surrounded on all sides by the police. Rscape was Impossible. Suddenly he made his way down' 8 cul-de-sac and disappeared through' a side street." The most popular story of this 'impressionist writer, however, relates to Mr. Gladstone. On fhe Grand Old Man's one and only visit to Dublin he was Interviewed by the ec- centric press man. Mr. Gladstone, at the conclusion of a somewhat amusing array of questions, very courteously expressed his pleasure at meeting the Interviewer. The latter, in a high state of delight, sald with enthusiasm, "The pleasure Is mutual, Mr. Gladstone, but is all on my side.""--London Tribune. The Oldest Semse of Humor. The oldest idea of humor is surprise This the child exhibits (for that which is oldest we shall find in the youngest) When it hides and cries "Bool" both trightening its senior, be , ter or Lri ern short sto I -- the turn tn the plot, If not in ita develop: ment, hinges upon this cliild humor of surprise. Even 80 grownup folk will pull a chair from under one, thus showing themselves still chiidren fu their sense of fun. The verbal conceit found in much of the verse In the pages of modern comic papers is of this same class of humor and furnishes conclusive evidence that a number of | men and women are at child's play in ' literature. Poems which end contrary to their foreshadowings are of this sort. Worked Out. They were talking about tutinty and for some reason known only to. each other failed to agree. Finally she asked: "Well, now, suppose you give me an example of what you call futility." "All right" sald he. "Multiply 8,840 by 121." I: She took a pencil In her hand, seized utes or diligent Aguring announced the | _ result. "It {s 2,845,060," sald she. "Divide that by 2." he continued. "It Is 1,422,533," she sald. "Very well," sald he. "Now add 7 to that apd then subtract 1,422,540 and. tell me what you get." "The result Is 0." sid abe arte fue. ther figuring. "Well, that's what I call futility", sald he, with a'laugh. "Yeu've covered a sheet of paper with figures tv arrive - at nothing." 4 Whereupon she became 80 angry with him that she refused ta argue any further on the ubject.--London Sphere. He Ae The Formation of Ceal Many different theories are held by geologists to account for the formation of beds of coil between strata of rock." 'The of them Is that vast:: masses of wood, such as grew inthe carboniferous age of the earth's de- Sulopmant, . of ailt sunk under the i | lley, all the central parts » undoubtedly at one with water and' formed surprising.and this senior fatber, mother, o brotpen. se 7 boy the tor 'I a8 DO PI ; can gttend to his own we ex services. If any of the patients of these two capable D. D. 8.'s are revengeful of disposition it would @o them good to see them In the chair, All men are much mare difficult sub- fects for dentistry than women, accerd- fug to my ewn experience, but the way the two In question wriggle, writhe, groan and euss under the ordinary oper- ations should be most gratifying to any their hands." Rain Insect Ofl, In certain parts of India the ofl ex tracted from a species of mite Is used In medicitie as an external counterirrie tant. The creature is about half an inch long and on pressure exudes an oil of a deep red color. It fs only found for a few Weeks at the beginning of the rainy season and is, hence, known as the rain insect. BE. G. Hill contrib- utes a note on the chemical composi tion of this oil to the Journal and Pro- Bliefit of those six years at my 48 1? Widow--Not at all, my a I do--London Telegraph. hments In Early Days. wing extracts from early the sin punishments in vogue in England: Brown, for beatl nd, 1s ordered to be d to a post™ the assistants order three men to sit In the stocks on 8 for traveling on the Sab- Il Anna, wife of George Eills, ced to be publicly whipped g the magistrates." 088, for slandering the elders, \§ cleft stick put on her tongue hour." An Odd Sermen. doubtful if there is anything pked than the following title hlet published in 1708: "The of Bin Cured; a Sermon at Bt. Michael's, Crooked Licenses stig 6 may be Morris of Our long with this district enables ws to make an liberal loans to our customers as sound financing will per. . mit, Interest 81 rill Unoubled. Security to No Dela Small Savings form the Base of Lmrge tors, in Drawing Your Money. id or Compowunded Twice a Year, Don't Wait till you have a large sum to Open an Account. Begin with wa ow 7 the stomach' er of powerful\ I Your safet always soo nN WE CASH SALE NOTES. BANK MONEY ORDERS. plo $5...00 0 ess 3 cts. Over $5 upto §ro.. 6 cts. Over 10 up to 30..10 cts Over 30 upto §0..15 Cts. . Best way to send small amounts Cashed free at any Bank. For sums over 850 use Bank DrarTs. Best and cheapest way to send PORT PEERY AGENCY. LARGE AMOUNTS. Special Rates. H. G. HUTCHESON, Manager. fore , on retiring always brings Fleasizy Lo tare the roost potent yet genue remed ponuine help of Nuture's--a- ve Taxative which cures constipatior. Ree aad for sale by A. J. DAVIS A - Saturday Night says: days ago aman from the West re- marked on the fact that people had much tosay about the subsidies given the C.P.R. and the Grand Truuk Pacific, but spoke very little] about the assista.ce in money and, land given to the Mackenzie and Manu combination. He told me that people out West were begin- NEW STORE IN PORT PERRY The undersigned having purchased that brick buil res on the corner o Queen and John Streets, in the Western portion of the business centre of the town, has opened out a fine Stock of General & Fancy Dry Goods TINWARE, GRANITEWARE, NOTIONS, &C. which he will sell Cheap for Cash. Horse Hair, &c. -------------- A Curious Custom. In certain parts of India in families where there are severs! daughters the youngest sisters may only marry after the elder sister is married. Qf course it frequemtly happens that no suitor appears for the elder, in which case she is got out of the way by a very peat expedient. Ebe is wedded to a tree or a large flower, and then the younger sister may marry. The elder sister must be careful, however, to choose a plum, apple or apricot tree, from which she can get a divorce, for if she married an elm, pine or poplar these are sacved trees and wust not be trified with. His Wig In His Poeket. Benjamin Franklin boce wore his wig in his pocket at thé court of Ver- sailles. When Be was about to present himself at the court for the first time he was informed that a wig was essen- tial. Franklin's head was so large that no ordinary wig would begin to fit it. However, one was found sufficiently large to pass him through the ante- chambers, after which he was permit- ted to remove the ridiculous conven- tional appendage and place It 1a his Overstepped the Line. At Willesden, a woman who obtained & summong for assault against & man, said that last week her daughters young man struck her and she sald nothing, but when he sent his brother sounditotatsike her, well, It Wh (oe much, (Laughter) == TUESDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY BARGAINS. M. SHAPIRO. 1 "e=*Budttér, Eggs, and all lands of Farm Produce taken as Cash. Also Wanted Scrap Iron, Rubbers, Sheep Skins, Wool, Horse and Cow Hides, | Engraved Calling Cards @ Your name eagraved in grace- additional $1.00. § The card sock wsed is made specially 0 our cider and is of the thin "sappy " sore thet. dencres quality-elegancs. § Our Catalogue contains speci- mens of engraved Wedding lnvit- tions, Society Stationery, Etc. Drop ws a postal cord and we will ning to say that William Mackenzie was getting away with more fat' lands with less outcry than any other land-gobbler in the business. In past years the Grits kept a jeal- ous eye on the C.P.R. For polit- ical reasons the Tories kept a jeal- ous eye on the Grand Trunk Paci- fic, but neither political party feels called npon to denounce the quiet little plans of Mackenzie and Manu. They Bare YenIe in both parties. Going quietly ong, those meek magnates inherit a good deal of the earth ont West, and, one of these days we shall learn that Macken fe and Mann own about ten million acres the choicest farm land in North Amories,' also a pretty extensive railway system. In' the art of psinlesaly extracting aubsidiesy from the nation Bill and Dam have atl other railway promoters hopelessly beaten. --- The Public is Often Faked. . Unscrupulous dealers actuated by large profits often 'recommend corn cures 'ag good as Putnam's." There is only one genuine Corn' Extractor and that is Putnam's Pain-_ less which is a nnracle of efficiency and premptucss. Use ho other. a --.. Peterboro | Review :-- Mr. Hyman old the Elgin electors the o her day that with an expenditure ot eighty millior s a year it was not surpris- ng that scandals should arise How would it do to escape the scandals by reducing the expenditure to the ceds of honest Government, as the Liberal platform suggested ? - oor Ti Preventics, as the name implies, revent all Colds and Grippe wherf™ 'taken at the sneeze stage." Preventics are toothsome can- ly tablets. Preventics dissi- pate all colds quickly, and taken arly when you first feel that a cold is coming, they check and prevent hem. Preventics are thoroughly, :afe for children, and as effectual, for adults. Sold and recommended n 5 cent and 25 cent boxes by A. J. Davis, (luioxes Wanep We will buy vour Chickens Alive' wud pay the high st Cash price for 'eliveries at our Warehouse, Port Perry: chy We are Prepared to take them ny time now if they are plump,' vell developed and weigh from 3 Ibs' 2 A Souvenir Range is built to draw well ~-the chimney must fit the range. A SOUVENIR RANGE will fit any chimney. Tt will draw freely and perfectly on the meanest chimney that was over consteucied 4. es will draw all right Sere ls flue is built in a certain way; if not, it will not draw § at all, or very imperfectly ip. Before delivering see there is no' rain in the crops, otherwise the birds are nt as salab pl "your ch hicks ce he losses incurred Sh the co wet weather of the late fall months" Later in the scason we will be in' the market for Turkeys, Geese and' Ducks. Get our prices. Tue Matrew Epwarps Co. Port Perry, Aug. 16, 1906. Local Salesman Wanted At Once for PORT PERRY and®' Surrounding Districts, 9IGH OLASS SPECIALTIES' 4 Fruit and Ornamental Stock' grown and for sale by Janada's - Greatest Nurseries A permanent situation for the' right party. Liberal inducements: ray Weekly. Handsome fi fir. Write lor terms ee