Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 20 Sep 1906, p. 3

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ON Is! of fine 7, 8, 9 of the best mills in ¥ 'can have their Seed Cleaned by. (Seed Mill) and be able to e Market 2.Cl Price in: We have found it second lot of these in the. * first-class. ' Wrapperettes. We would call your 2 'we are showing in- "Shose choice. ; Coal of all sizes--No. 1 Quality. Steam Lump) for threshing purposes also for E. already to get in a y (Selected 11/4 size. Quality Dillon Hinge-Stay Fence: Manufactured by the Owen Soun Wire Fence Uo. Ltd., and o i prepaicd to supply this whole. community with the very BEST WIRE FENCE producéd on thie + © Continent aud at prices that tan nol fail to satisfy T BE TOUCHED ; URDY. the excellent range Port Perry; 89g. 30 905 were never » oh i) 7 » "BARGAINS Fl only Sateen Blouses, regular $2 only Sateen Blouses, regular $1 only Silk Blouses, regular §3 only Silk Blouses, regular $5 is the ; or anyother country Before purchasing a \Wire Fenca, don't fail to inspect tlhe DiiLow Fence, EXCURSIONS 10 THE NORTH-WEST SEPT. 11, good fo return until NOV. 12, 1906 hi 7 Zo 3 : 39 GOIN SEPT. 25, good fe return until NOV. 36, 1008 RETURN FARES 00to $4 50 for 2 69 FROM YOUR NEAREST STATION: AND MATTRESSES. DAY | &5 ous wv PICTURE FRAMING A SPECIALTY. J. H. Brown, DEALER IN AGRICULTURAL MENTS AND MACHINERY. {April 6, 10 5 IvMELR Se ACRAVE 25 © for: 3 75 00 - for 1 89 Yorkton - - CE ---- is replete with every requisite. : v, hearse and. "casket wagon are new and dest, specially igned-- thoroughly to date. In our whole " turnout" is recognized to be the best and. best appointed ever placed before public in this district. ; ay Order is given careful wd courteous attention and funerals personally directed in ousmanner. MC STONEHO SE. -BLONG BLOCK, PORT PERRY. DO re Ne ey I. OTICK 19 HEREBY GIVEN appoints. : Sh to me Fay be relied on in °_levery respect. aving had con- son wehdioned io Sections 8 io Ortho, Vatooy' bist Act ble experience at cementing yp) required by anid sections to be go and being possessed of a recipe of the proper constituent parts, 1am in a position to guarantee eyer or delivered of the List, made P 8 y suant to said Act, of all persons by the last revised Assessment job with which I may be favored. id Municipality to be entitled to harges moderate. JOHN HARRISON, the said Municipality . at ele members of the Legisiutive Crandell Street. ut Muaicipal Elections ; and that Port Perry, July 11, 1906. was first posted up &t niy office at chester, on the 20th day and ¢ NIB W D. PERKINS Begs 'to announce to the Citizens of I'ort Perry and of i Ti Jaw, Dated this 29th Jaye of Angust, 1906. DOBSON, has been Cork of oT ies in'any' W.H.D t there is only where such Garments may be be A Superior School in every Respect has opened Merchant Tailoring Business in the Ebbels' Block, with a fine collection of Suitings, Vestings and Pantings. * Having had a large exper- ience I 'am prepared to make as good and as cheap up-to-date as any in the trade. Suits made to order from $10 up. Port Perry, May, 1906. all the pro- establishment to JMways Jeiaiy their "Fall Stock | "and includes' the hest best goods ob- "the best mae Dhising July we had filty times as many calls for office help as we had graduates going out, and during August we bad six- 'ty-seven times as many. This the school that is col hstantly going ahead" and not "stahd- ing still' or " backing up"-- Write for beautiful catalogue. Now is the time to enter. #® W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal, Cor. Yonge wind Alexgn Sts. he Bell Telephone Com- pany of Canada S ABOUT To 1ssUE ¢ of Cana surrodnding country that he!' only Flannel Blouses, regular $3 only Flannel Blouses, regular $4 doz. Fancy Collars, regular 25¢ Jones 2° 00, $4 25 and 83e¢ Winnipeg «+ $52.00 $36.00 North Battleford Souris ST 8%. Macleod - Brandon .- nm 80 Calgary - «un 5 Red Deer - «um NB Stettier . Be $2.00 a . and full par for for 279 15] Son. Regina . Moose daw - Moosomin Strasshurg- - Arcola pe Estevan Saskatoon - SpringStylesi i Ladies' Mel § Boots & Shoes| 'We are Sote A Empress Shoe for Ladies, NONE BETTER THAN THESE We baye bought very heav y stoe ks| Having had the commodious Store in the Currie Block fitted up espec- | the most effective Rate before the advance in prices | ECan ACeNTS | SEE THE NEWEST | THE MANNISH STYLE We are Salo Agent for the Cele-{: baated "Sovereign" and * $250, All the newest lasts and! Patent Leather and Valour Calf. Prices the same as last year, #4 $4.00 and £4.50. We are Sote Agents for Getty Scott's Classic Shoes for €hil I'bese are the best and finest S made. : Port Perry, April 10 New Granite and IN PORT T RR. STAFTHFO Beg to intimate to the inhabitant of that have established Grapite and M just west of the Post Oftice, Port P prepared to execute all or for Monuments, H EZ All work first-class and sati Having had large experience ext line of business we are confident we are formation regarding values, and we business at such prices as cannot fail Patronage solicited. Port Parry. July 5, Kindly give us as itsbould be; Flavored with t Jar iio sold by the dish, ies: B=, Special mpran Anniversaries and 0 CHA F Po ST, 1 Con, y ARE SHoEs MADE IN' CANADA. are se Aling at the old prices........... $3.00, $3.50, $4 00) , where Ch » : ===] see mearest Canadian Pacific Agent, or write { C.B. FOSTER, D.P.A, C.P.R, 71 YONGE STREET, TORONTO. Bs ents for the THE BEST and we | ially, I am satisfied I have now one of the best appointed Drug Storesin the Province, and have taken possession of my new and extensive premises, where I have opened up, addition to my extensive stock of Drugs, CI Goods, a full line of SCHOOL emicals, and Fancy EPPS) \ND SUPPLIES SB(SHOE) (FL BOOKS While returning thanks to my numerous patrons I would extend an invitation to all to call and see me in my new premises, A] Port Perry, Sept = 1900. R Full Stock Me | ASK TO SEE | OF EVERYTHING IN THE THE MANNISH | wo Ifarness Line SIGN FOR WOMEN | » FORMAN & SON. CHEAPNESS STYLE Durability and rble Works STRENGTH, & SOI Caunot be and surrounding country orks in Jessop Block, they will be ed to them , &c { | | urpassed in the County. Robes, Blankets, Bells, Trunks | anteed. . &c., in abundance. very many yearsin this tion to give rchiable in ly all pertaining to the y all. Oomparison of Prices Courted W. A. BEATTY. Experience is Invariably Essential to Success. AVING had considerable ~xperience in negotiating § Sales of some of the largest transactions in Real Estate in this district, and in every instance giving perfect satis. faction to all concerned, I have concluded to devote my whole attention disposing et all Real Estate that may be placed in my hands for sale. most popu- in large with events. ARN, ER. Sale. 1081 of Lot 12, Sy Good strong 'buildings TABRMS FOR SATE I would call special attention of parties requiring Farmy to Four fine properties now listed and for- Sale 'Three Farms in Scugog. fine Farm in Reach. (e 8 Parties desirous. of arbi of landed properties strean), will consult theit dwn interests by Plgsiag them with me for haladce| sale. Satisfaciion guaranteed 5 "Two 3 * C.PR.|" LOANS without Commission on Real Estate. seenrity. of Port in suns to. suit borrowers, at untsually Jow: = represent the most desirable Fire and th Vil . yates. Quick action. Companies. Prompt attention given to Terms. or Port Petry, Sept. 3, 1901. © x in| | | | | { | TF YOU WOULD HAVE GOOD LUCK | IN HATCHING CHICKENS, DUCKS | AND TURKEYS, you should without delay, "The Chatham", the Kiog of all Incubators | purchase Let us lista few. of, the features that make The Chatham Incubator ling apparatus ever | built It has double walls, which are thoronghly | packed with Mineral Wool which ia | absolutely fireproof, and the most perfect non-conductor that could be used It has Automatic, Thermostatic Bar Regu lator, Selfvent Hlated Nursery It is made for a Canadian People by a reliable Canadian Firm that has a reputation to maintain [THE CHATHAM will hatch m robust chick re strong, from strongly fertilized thau any other machine made. | | THE CHATHAM will pay you 100% better than any other iuvestiient made on the | Farm. | Mr ( | as full N. Ixoram, Port PrEruy i Drak Sik.--1 am more than delighted with the Chathaw Ine ihator purchased last teorge Lee WE § Greenbank, Ont., writes Ox Summer as it is giving entire satisfaction, I have just taken off my first hatch fox this son, March 15th, 1905. and from 90 eggs 79 smart chicks which 1 consider hard to heat at this time of the year and is 07% better than hatching with hens. & can cheerfully recommend The Chatham to | every person contemplating Incubator, as you I have buying ar sannot make a mistake by 80 doing THE CHATHAM is sold on time, wo or three p. either wyments, not a cen d until next Oct EGGS FOR HATCHING When purchasing eggs Winter Laye 8 FLadies' Idol Barred Prymovrit Rook for Prives eX INGRAM & SONS, CHRANE ST or write RT PERRRY ONT, Sale of Ready- Clothing. Not having disposed of my Ready made Clothing to Mr. J. A. Lane, I" hove decided to dispose of it at a' Sacrifice in order to clear out the entire Stock. will be allowed on all Cash pur- chavs. Mens' and Boy's Suits," Ovorcoats, Caps, Brace, Mits; Gioves and Undearwear, Sale will covtinue till all of the stock is dis- posed of. Come early get your: choice. pay Sale at Purdy s Old Stand. = <H. PURDY. Oct. 12, 1905. Since the above appeared (Oct. 12) 1 have above stock of mendous saer ve the public {my fo tunate 20 per cent discount':

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