subject to ands sobetvet in this dopdrtment est currént rates. Parmer Busin Sy attention given to Farmers, Cattle and Hog Dealers, and to out-of-tewn accounts. i pir Eh ERA RORT PERRY BRANCH, ithdrawal at any time without notice or delay. Interest at high- Farmers' notes discounted. Sale Notes Oashed or taken for collection at lowest rates, | Blank forms fd on application, A GC. VERCHERE, Manaser. er RD. ARCHER, M.D.C,M.. Victoria D University 3 M.B. Toronto Unive mb r ur the College of Dhysiviang i urgeops, . Qut.; Licentiate of the Royal ple; Gite of Surgeons, Edinburg ; Licentiate of the Royal Uolluge of Pliysicins, Tidin- burg ; Member of the Susulty o of Physicians Surgeons, Glasgow; te Resident upil of the Rolunda Hospital, Dublin r Women, Office und Residence, second oor west of Davis Furniture Ewporiam, | Sr Sed Odige hours--8 to ki a.m., A KE ind 2 to wand evenin 1 hnve iy as partner, my br te Dre > Archer, M. D., C. M., Mantes of Col- Port Ferry, June 9, 1897. DE. 8 J. MELLOW, PuysiiaN, SURGEON, &d. \ co anid Residence, Queen St. Port Peery five jfigurs=3 to 10 a.m ; lto3 pm, d Eve 2 Telephon A ffs and house, open night diy over the lines south, connected "with tho residence of G. La. Robson, V.8. Port Very, Nov. 15, 1894. Ban RISTER, so. necessor to and occupant of the Ee of the late Fi M. Yarnold. Port Perry, Ont. MONEY TO LOAN, Funds at § per cent. 'Sottorror, CuRvEYA fon at vewidense, Oth 'o west of Port Pert tu i an, "Temple Buildiog, Cor, Bay chmond Streets, Toronto. 110, March 81, 1808, in . FAREWELL, K.C., LI.B., County Crown Attorney, Barrister, Connty Sol: y da, Notary Public and Conveymoer. ~South wing Cours House, Whitby, "Wl. A SANCSTER, _ DENTAL SURGEON. "1th * Norllt Ontario Observer LETTERS cont; APY rT ARMIN re: vy THESE terms will in all cases be stiiotly adhered to Frogranis, + | Blank Forms past favors. and continued patronage he desires to state that no effort or on his part to make a! him successes. wendytion as to his ability. given into his charge will be attended § with promptoess and dispatch, made out and blank notes supplied free, on appligation: ! Perry, for dates elnimed for mal arrangenicuts, or write to bis addres 42 Phone at Residence, No. 31. '®a AN 1, Weekly Political," Agricultral and Kamily Newspaper 15 PUBLISHED AT PORT TERRY, ONT. VERY THURSDAY MORNING H. PARSONS He Es it that six 'month; until arrears are Paidap, °° ing inondy, when 0, ndddyemted to dau registered wil oo thu ication, with. Fc fn Loic one wil fp Tal ap will be taki ont nd] pad fore LIBEUAY, dites discount. ble wed EoMerstants and other Ivertise by (hie year or half not §1.50 for less Si FN TI [# gest fort is nin JOB DEPARTMENT, * Pamphivt Hand Bills, Posters Dodger BlIHedds, hocks Lower ilosdn, Wedding Tavitations, Ruceip Books, Business Oa . Circa, Assembly Cals, Visiting Oards, &o of every style and color exeoutad pr py and oR any Books rijee fiom a dial ne pris * Licensed Anctionoer, Vetnotur, &c. JOR THE CUUNTY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSHII ¥ CARTWRIGHT, ISHES at this the commencement of another Auction Sale Season to re- ro thanks to his numerous pa'rons for Iu requesting their esteemed Pains will be spared sales entrusted to His very extensive practice thie past should be a sufficient rcoom All Sale Sale list Parties wishing to eugage his services 'may consult hie Sars Recistin either at a Observer or Standard Offices, Port Sales, and CHARGES MODERATE, GEO, JACKSON, 1901. Port Perry I. Q, Bridge and Crown tatised Air. F. D. MoGrattan || (DENT STY the Onsriever Office Maughester, Jan, 19, JOS. BAIRD ICEN-ED AUCTIONEER for the - £100,000 STERLING {British Capital) To lend at 4, 434 and 5 per cent. "on good Morgue Security. Apply to DAVID J. ADAMS Banker and Broker, Port Perry, Ont, Jamieson's Livery TPYHE undersigned takes th portunity of thankinggl inh VB of Port A snerounding conutry for the liberal and stifhiy touage bestowed 8inoa commencing Carting and . Livery in Port Per i and ich J PARA FRI A requirements in his line, Having extensivoly added to my stock Of horses ; as well us conveyancengf the latest ty of construction for comfort 4 pleasure, IT am in a position to meet the requirements of the most fastidious ns to style and desiruble equippage in overy respect--in every way anit. alle for private. driving, wed. din, fanerils, &e. wii or Rs rigs and ful drivers wilt i be bupii- A ed whew required I possess n Serie dd Spring and Deay WW LONE fond will, at all tines, attend go Citing with the utmost care and promptucss, I wish further to state shat in future suitable conveyances will he ut the Railway Depot to convey pssangers and bing. gage to private residences, and willulso convey pusseng: vs and bagiage to the Depot in time for de 'parting trains, ou bring given notice WM. JAMIESON, Port Peay July 30, 1903. { 4 Connty of Ontario. Sule Register at Patronage solluited. 1809, + of Regal College of D-ntal Surgeons, 1.8. of Torontu University, Oicd fF the Alfison stock over Alilaon's 05.30 p. ATA. : Pot "WH. MoCAW, Perry, April 9, 1902. gt 3-HARRISO N J Manito Maker form the ladies 5. Camada's- Greatest want a Local Salesman for TSNUR iE ry Ont -P ORT PERRY xi} "to sell High Class in Frufts aod Ornan: nials. jest hst of N Start ¥oW at the Best Selling Season Big Tudy cements, Nurseries --Nursery Stock Larg- EW.SIU'ECIALTIES ever offered. Liberal Pay, lison Block where execute al orders, | Making in ssed for escrved, Catalogue 'and send 25¢ for ow All i As iCroscope IH) Free Quifit, Territory. aminum Pocket cures dandruff. 'Ayer's Hair Vigor scalp healthy, 'and keeps it so. It is a regular halr-fopd ; this is the real secret of its won- derful success. Tha best kind of a testimonial -- - "Sold for over sixty years." Ta 9 SARSAPARILLA. Ayers Cnady pecromaL. RETNA # EL & f TERREMOTO By HONORE WILLSIE Copyright, 1006, by P. C. Eastment FHF YANNI For three months now Eleanor had been on the desert edge fighting for her brother's health. At first the desper- ation of the struggle had kept her thoughts from straying eastward; had crammed with anxiety each moment that otherwise would have been wretch- ed with homesickness, + But now, with the leisure that came with Jack's returning health, homesick- ness was beginning its inroads upon ber. This made doubly hard to bear the fact that Jack was developing the fractiousness of the convalescent and that an ordinary pacific disposition was becoming so irritable that it taxed even the devotion of this most devoted sis- ter. On this particular afternoon Le had expressed an inordinate desire for a certain brand of cigars. ey Jack dear," hs JHleapor, t aq 4 sniff of them and them. "And 1 want them today." Eleanor sighed patiently. "It's five miles to town, Hacky. And though it's 4 o'clock, it's Trightfully hot. Don't you want to wait until tomorrow ?" "Oh, of course, If you don't want to do the favor for me," replied the in- valid, walking feebly across the tent to pick up a fan, "Why, certainly I'm going, Jacky," she cried. "The heat won't last much longer," her own tent, leaving her brother look- ing a Lit sheepish. 80 now Eleanor was riding slowly along the blistering trail toward the sleepy little adobe village which boast- ed a single Yankee store, at which she thought she could get the cigars. She was a beautiful girl, slender of body and lovely of face, with the refinement of good blood through mauy genera- tions showing in every lineament, Her I dark blue eyes, shadowed by the heavy lashes, looked tired, and her figure shelve * Eleand and she disappeared toward - drooped a little as If in utter wear ness, "It's getting pretty bard," she thought. "It's spring up there, with the snow melting Ianto little rivulets, and the pussy willows out, and the wind flowers coming. Only the thought of Jack's getting well keeps me from going mad." She started a little as a cheery hal- loo greeted her, and she saw riding down the trail toward®her a broad shouldered, jolly chap in cowboy at- tire. He wheeled bis mustang and rode beside her. "I was taking a jaunt out to tell you that I have almost finished my work and must fly eastward again." "Oh, that Is too bad!" cried Eleanor. The man's fine brown eyes beamed. "Tye omly known you a week," he an- swered, "but it's been a mighty pleas- ant week. Jack will miss you," said the girk he man eyed Let silently. © "She's awiy from. fal ells nearly strong enough - alond now. Gads! Sue's a Bleanor Wired the alkali ot from r face and told bim the reason for her trip 4 town. "Ra : on you," commented ip seareely or old me a word r file be- i if she real trom "the store suddenly pulled Warcant Your Coutts ard htm, as it trying to shidld beg with his body. Then a great rumbld, with continuous shocks like ex- | LOANS 'SAVINGS It had all happened in so short a space of time that Eleanor had scarce ly realized that she was actually en- | countering' an earthquake. She bad | been throtyn violently to the ground, | as the final shock came, and now she | plosions, & fearful erash an rkness! | Owr long acquaintance with thi district enables ws to make ax liberal loans to our customers ax sound financing will per- mit. Uulorbte No Delay wn Drawing Your Interest Paid or Com Don't. Wait til you ha 1 $3 will Open an Small Savings form t} berrity to Dg positors. ney ice a Yh vege xum to deposit Begin with ws Now ! e of Large Fortunes inded felt out in the darkness and encoun- | tered Hartley's quiet form. Almost | hysterfeal swith fright, ste called to | him ahd chafed his hands feverishly, WE CASH SALE NOTES. Then came the voice of the store keepers | "Hello, jou two in there!" | "Yeq," called Eleanor weakly. "I'm all right, but Mr. Hartley seems badly hurt."| v | The whole dinged front of the store | has fallen fn," ealled the Vermonter, | but I got out through a hole. Can you stay still till I get help?" 'Yed" answered Eleanor, and sean | she fell to chafing Hartley's hands. It was a long and arduous task to remove the debris without injury to the prisoners beneath. The work was | doubly long, owing to the fact that | what few natives had not fled to the | desert were hovering over their ruined adobes with wails of "El terremoto! Ll terretoto!" so that the storekeeper did most of the work himself. Long before their rescue Hartley bad | recovered his senses and by combin- ing their handkerchiefs Eleanor had bound the wound in his head that secmed to be his only Injury. It was twilight when they reached the street, a (uiet, southern twilight, with just | the edge of a great full moon coming up over the edge of the desert. As soon as it was possible Eleanor | with 'Hartley on guard set out for camp, She was greatly disturbed over her brother, though the natives assured her that the shock was not serious | wh | there were. Sue's pctores 3 picturesq ere aut on (he trail. 'Then he rode up to Eleanor's pony. Miss Burwell," be sald, "an acci- BANK MONEY ORDERS. Upto $5 4 Over 85 up to $10... Over 10 up to 30.. Over 30 upto j50.. 3 cts 10 cts undersi centre of the town, er, TOs, { 6 cts. 15 cts. ] Best way to send small amounts For sums over £50 use Bank DrarTs, Best and cheapest [10sY Tine ACENGY. way to send Larce goed having purchased that brick | Queen and John Streets, in the W bas opened out a | .»| FUESDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY BARGAINS. | Wanted Scrap Iron, Rubbers, She = Skins! Ww re ote an Horse Hair, &c. Cashed free at any Bank. Avounts, Special Rates. H. C. HUTCHESON, Manager ling on the corner o on of the business ie Stock of stern pot General & Fancy Dry Goods TINWARE, GRANITEWARE which he will sell Cheap for Cash. HOTICNS, &C. rn. | | oil | makes Scott's Emulsion | That he is dead NEW STORE IN PORT T PERRY A ee eee I'he | Fo | And loyal still, as -he gave the | Mild amd gentle | When Te sw 'Scott's Frulsion | combines the best oil | with the valuable hypo- phosphites so that it is' | easy to digest and does far more goad than the alone could. That the most strengtheningy" nourishing food - medi cine in the world. Send for free sample. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists Toronto, Ont. 60c. and $1.00. All druggists + { and a wave of the Et AWAY. and 1 will not say he is Just away. T cannot say With a cheery smile hand He has wandered sto an unknown land And left us dreamir w very fair It needs must be Ince he lingers there. And you--O you, who r the old time turn-- the wildest yearn step and the glad re- Think In the love of him faring of There blows Of his warrior strength to his cOuntry's foes «| as he ve was brave, of his life 1 he eetest To simple where the violets grew, things | Daim otis mye: is Cash, £ | Cow Hides When th | like this makes us friends of about | ears' standing, doesn't it?" surely does," cried Eleanor. Phen," he went on eagerly, "don't | § think that two such old friends | id safely care for each other and-- f perhaps marry each other?' anor did not seem so much aston- as the short acquaintanceship warrant. But she blushed deeply | moonlight t you don't know me and I don't you," sald 11, I'm architect," he an- | "and I live in Chicago and"'-- | 0 'Join Hartley, architect,' Egll the world knows!" cried Elea- shi an plshly. ped. "My little name into insignificance," she said. ley looked at her suspiciously. the illustra- : { bn afraid so," he replied, a oe a aren't IJ, Burwell, 'he exclaimed afraid so," she mocked. ley stopped the ponies and drew ose in lis arms. "\Whatever the wh spered, woe belong Bible Courtship. poung geutieman at church con- a most sudden and violent pas- or a young lady in the next pew felt desirous of entering into a [Ship on {he spot, but, the place fiting a formal declaration, the acy suggested the following plan: itely Landed his fair neighbor a 'open, with a pin stuck in the fol text, second eplstle of John, : "And now 1 beseech thee, t as though I wrote a new com- Bent unto thee, but that which from the beginning, that we She returned it SOUVE Roast Beef of Old England secured its fame through being roasted on an old-fashioned spit before an open fireplace, the meat being constantly sur- rounded by pure oxygen while cooking. This supply of oxygen is essential to give the cooked meat its natural, rich, jucy flavor. The oven of the ENIR RANGE is so constructed that a flow of pure, heated oxygen passes through it continually when the Range is in operation. Meats are roasted therein on exactly the same by the old-time spit without the constant wa WOFTY. The Aerated Oven of the Souvenir can be secured on no other range. Evry. S guaranteed by the makers THE GURNEY-TILDEN CO. Hamilton, Winnipeg, Montreal Vancouver. cualng and ouvenir is nbaolitely FOR SALE BY*W. principle as L. PARRISH of "Then she fell on her 'herself to the ground ato him, Why haye I found es, that thou shouldst me, seeing I am a stran- irned the book, pointing the third epistle of John; things to write unto of write with paper and | to come unto you and face." From the above | rringe took place the Scottish American. Won. eman ouce laid a 1V. that geese in a race. The uch a wager was | a8 won, willingly | the gentleman was and place and Tis | cquainted ith the accordingly chose ening, just before place the road out- find a mile for the and each ap- | ck of birds and the the end came the true, to thelr | aio bud quite' Wager | would alread made left tod sunse side 3 Als and Iiending at Diamond hall Promptly and well---and at reasor able prices--we attend to the repair- ing of Watches and Jewelry of all kinds. A special mailing box in * "which © forward your watch to us will be sent you free on request. 'We have unequalled facilities, 100, for the designing and manufacwring of special articles in Jewelry, Silver ware, Lodge Regalia, Insignia, Etc. ema gn est prices. . We send upon request free of charge 'ustrated catalogue. © wr lavge illu of all. work, wise onda afforded them a te for any trouble she at ntail. One day the owner of (he place stated in the girl's hearing that he Intended to have a8 wood house built on a plece of ground which at that time Inclosed a - well. "Shure, sor," sald the inquiring Mar garet, "will you be movin' the well to a more conve lent spot whin the wood house is buiiled? As a smile crossed the face of her employer Margaret nt ofice perceived she lad made a mistake of some sort. "It's a fool 1 am, shure" she added hastily, bound to retrieve herSell. "Of coorse whin the well wi oved Ivery drop. of wather would run out of 4!" rr rp Getting luto His Place. When Governor Head was in office. in New Hampshire Cologel Barrett, an estimable member of 'the goveraor's scramble of would be successors for the office, even while his body awaiting burial with Wilitary the rest, ventured to '| ernor Head, thinking to the bent of the SoremaE's suid wpou tie . important question. Y |. "Governor," lie 8 Was dear to him as t! staff, died, and there was an unseemly One candidate, somewhat bolder than i you would have was tu get tuto. - don't think 1 should | i tions, If the undort The touches of his hand have strayed As reverently as his lips have prayed; . i ttle town thrush that harsh ly chirred o mocking bird, And he pitied as much as a man in paln' A writhing honeybee wet with rain, 1 Think of him still as the same, T say. He 1s not dead--he Is just away Whitcomb Riley. ACTORS WERE FRIENDS. Relations That Existed Between Toole and Irving. Among man which might ry pleasant two following friends and, d with a aln fes- nembers of habit of al= »d deal of Ii- urse of which vith Toole's per- 11 peculiarities, to f the company. r » round he toid 1 the course of which ule his way to the gate eter was anting as guars Trving, who wag ahead ght In, and he started but was ped by St 1 him what profession at whik h St He s you cannot be allowed tn" Reter ing g lng in just now," "But I saw Irv said Ti "Oh, he's no actor,® was the reply. Henry Irving used to tell with glee of a joke that he, with Mr. Took and a third party, played on one occasion at a Glasgow hotel. After thelr work they were SupDIng, at the hotel, and there was in a high screen. was gone ii 3 ¢ They strippe a orware, there was a tolerable supply, table and placed it behind the 'screen... They then opened the window and turn- ed out the gas, and finally cll got under the table The jokers had only to remain ir; their cramped position a few minutes. before they heard the unsteady feet of the waiter along the passage. The darkened room amazed him, and tha, role. cold air from the window sgemed to strike him with aff:ight. + x "Goodness!" exclaimed he. It's thieves they are. 1 thocht as much' frac the luiks o' them and fraé thel gay talk and their huchin'. Eh, bu! €3 the hale o that last bottle! 17 ral" Thieves! Thleves?! 17 aves! Thieves! And, ut ih top of his volée, he ran out of resin and along the passage. 'The minute he had gone the ¢ the shut the window, lit the gus, the silver to tha table and sat a as before, enj ying a quiet Presently there was a oon: mer along the passage. If. and louder, and jn poured ley throng, ' mostly sisting of the x