aby's O ; pov Ff teething time. very sick at that time, a nd had no ihe not ee sa Jue Tablets are Just the * medicine to elp little over the try ; ie thing time. You can get §Own Tablets froni any or by mail at 25 cents a y writing The Dr, Williams' Nios Co., Brockville, Oat. 5 Several sums from eh SEHR THRE OBSERVER. Has & Goop OiRoULATION., and is com. stuntly growing in favor. It is the BE Advertising Medium in the County; ls the ehampion of the Agriculturists and more couservative snd practical class of poeple a net » favorite of schemers, beomers and cliques; It in the Oldest and Best Established ~founded hu 1857--the most original and best in hs local and general news department and is printed wwsirely; Ss the piace of PD: loation--Port. Perry. a aonum in advance, if not paid in rand, SL wl be charged JOB PRINTING THE MOST MODERN STYLES . AND AT LOW PRICES North Ontario Observer. (The Official Paper of the People.) FOUNDED IN 1857 Only Paper Printed and Published in Pert P PORT PERRY, SEPT. 6, Editors Guests of the Fair Board. At the Banquet given by the Directors of the Canadian National Exhibition to the Press of Canada on Friday last in the banquet hall, | on the Fair Grounds, Mr. Goldwin Smith was the principal speaker «n the occasion. + Dr. Smith, who was the first ypea'er, and who was enthusiasti- cally received in spite of his appa- rent good spirits, 'declared that he was B terrisly knocked down by the ows. He said however, he was unusually pleased to be present, perhapy his last opportunity to be # present at such a gathering of re- presentatives of so great and im- portant a calling. For sixty years he had been engaged in this calling and had his first experience on he Sa urday Review. With them it was {not that everything was new, everything true and everything of the highestfimportance. In their case it was entirely reversed. No- thing was true, nothing was new and nothing was of the slightest im- portance. In their case it was en- tirely reversed. Nothing was true, nothing was new and nothing of the slightest importance whatever. The Saturday Review was owned by John Douglas Cooke, who, although he was not a writer himself, bad a good appreciation of writing, and, a poor man when he became owner of The Saturday Review, he died wealthy. The speaker said that he had observed mnch during his sixty years. What was the sum? He thought jt was the immense im- provement of the press. In the lit- erary side this improvement had 'been almost too much. It was said that no books were successful now 'but text books or novels,and the reason for this was that the literary . | trict, fretor and publisher of &| in the town of Medina Journal" -and it i§ needless it iis journal is in every. in keeping with the age, a the town as well as the "He attained his koow- ledge of the Art at a school, that never, bat in hand, begged patron- door to door, and we are ed in marriage to Mr. Charles A, Rundle, of the firm of Rundle Bros., dealers in farm machinery, Port which was Deagtitolly decofat he bridesmaid was Miss Serbo prehe Worrell, 3 Mr. Ni know that he abominates| M. Rundle, sister of the groom, ak * contemptible and degrading mode of soliciting patronage. ~The beautiful wedding cake to seen in the show window of Mr. Chas. Pearn 1s one of neatess and most artistic design.-- The constituent parts are composed of the most delicious ingredients ob- tainable, and the creator of this particular emblem of matrimony has every reason to be proud of his handiwoik. Mr. Pearn is to be Mr. Robert Benson of Buffalo and his sister Miss Benson of Roches ter, both natives of Port Perry, were in town on Monday last calling on friends and acquaintances. Mr. Benson has succeeded financially and otherw'se in 'the land of his adoption. Mr Benson is a fine specimen « f ma thood and a spleudid representative of Canada, and a convincing evidence of what type of manhood the Star-Spangled Ban- ner would run up against shou'd it ever be so unfortunate as to disturb the equilibrium of the Maple Leap. Chas. J. McIntyre, M.D., D. L., of Chicago, who has been at- | tending the British Medical Asso | ciation in Toronto, made Port | Perry a flying visit on Saturday last in company with Mr. George Brown of Saintfield, whose guest he is during his sojourn in this dis- The Dr. is an old Ontario County boy, having been born noar the County town. The following from the Uxbridge Journal ison a par, for varacity, about as near to fact as all other assertions that appear in that un | reliable and worthless sheet. "Cuearer * Here. -- The hotel rates in town remain at one dollar a day, notwithstanding in nearly every surrounding town the rate is a half dollar more. This is the case in Sunnerland, Cannington. Beaver- ton and Port Perry. Whiskey, too, in these places is ten cents a glass, while in Uxbridge it is five. The other fellows must be geiting rich." =r ugg, Piano Tuner, is in town. Ieave orders at Mr, McCaw's store, =" Mr. Walter Cook is making preparations to" open a Restaurant in THE Opservier Block. Further particulars jater. The action af Colonel Denison in sending a inent doctor who misbébaved himself in the King Edward hotel to goal for seven days contrastsfavourably with the course of the Bracebridge magistrate who let off on suspended sentence the millionaire hoodlums who were brought before him for misconduct at the Royal Muskoka. There should be one law for all, and the poor man should be given no ground for believing that he is more harshly punished for his offences than his rich neighbour would be for similar breaches of the statutes. " A combination of gridiron and collander'" was the not inapt descrip- tion which-Col. George T. Denison gave of the: Stars and Stripes last week, The Colonel was angry at the time fe coined the phrase, an Americanfirm having issued a large edition of pigture. postcards of the Torento'Agasoliries with the ensign of the United States flying from three of tiie bastions. Such impu- while Mr. I. Irwin, brother of the bride was best man. As the strains of the Wedding March by Mrs. | West, were heard, the , bean tifully attired, looking and carrying a lovely boquet of roses was ushered into the room and given away by her father when the knot was tied. The weather, was delightful and the Siety congratulations aod best wishes were offered, the party con- sisting of about forty guests, sat The supper being ended the bridaleparty accompanied by a host of friends proceeded to Maytle depot, from which, midst showers of rice, the dewn to a sumptuous supper. happy couple departed on the even- ing train for the Queen city. "The ornamental and of which the numerous useful, valuable presents | bride was the recipient are evidence] J. J. Hart, Orillia; | of the esteem in which she is held. The contracting parties purpose shortly to visit friends in the far west. ee RE EL Cow Ditehed Cars. Selkirk, Man, "Aug. 30 --Peter Fiddler, of St. Peter's met instant death in a wreck on the Winnipeg Selkirk and Lake Winnipeg Rail- way near Mapleton, a points almost midway between Selkirk and Low- er Fort Garry, Fiddler was a labor- er employed in a ballasting gang, and was on the wrecked gravel train. He was 20 years of age, and was unmarried. The train was backing from Sel- kirk to Lower Fort Garry, and when it reached Mapleton struck a cow which suddenly attempted to cross the track. The first gravel car passed over the cow without accident, but several succeeding cars were derailed. Fiddler was on the second car, and met death of flying 'timber, oh all employed in the gang were injured. Two cars wel badly smashed up in the crash and four were derail- ed. a - [Should the offending cow in the above instance have at its back a wealthy corporation like the tagged cows of Port Perry have, then the surviving family of the dead, as well as the railway authorities and like- wise the owner of the cow will have no trouble in obtaining recompense for losses sustained.]-- Ep, Oss. it i Arsixe CLovig Seep--Mr. Purdy isin the market for all of the Alsike Clover Seed in this district for which he will pay the very high- est market price, aud in order that farmers may obtain the best figure obtainable he has installed the cele- ing the most perfect cleaner yet in- vented, 'so that parties having Alsike Seed to dispose of willconsalt their own interests by delivering it harming i 'made 'ma retary's Ren : es {and the n store we The business transacted in a! like manner an this now giant" arity and solidity encouragipg, grand triumph, beingyconstantly increase boundaries limitless. Ch closed .on Thursd In the morning th of the next tplace was taken up. Owen ilton, Truro, N.S. N.B., were proposed. being taken, Owen Sound lected. The Executive Cb reported on a complete re the constitution. The ft officers were elected: Grand Depn Master, W. Grant, Picton Secretary, N. Ingram, Grand Treasurer, E. Picton, Grand Chapl Cobourn, Stayner ; Grand of Ceremonies, W. S. Wild Sound; Grand Lecturer: ley, Owen Sound, 'and Newcastle, N.B., Gra H. P. Wilson, St. Catharig | ; rheafed redicted Tue Resotror [A Person mudiesl mek a Ci authority for the statement Tollawers of the «custom vey adopt- ed. He sai now wearing shart 'sleeves Tih to be 'in fashion will regret it in a A couple of years when they see long ng | hair growing an he on their arms. To Tran the thie Hen. WasBINGTON, Aug. 3t.--The Am- erican hen is to be given a course |S in the Luther Burbank finishing school. The Department of :Agri- cultire propose to jtake her in hand and train' her to lay more freqitent- ly and cheerfully, and 'especially to induce her to lay at least oncea day in cold-weather, It is found that the besetting sin of the hen is wanting to set. If it wasn't for the | distraction of this strange ambition, T. H. Willie/#Toronto Jddet Grand Anditors, J. D. M¢ onto, andG. J. Morrish, Associate Deputy ah. 25 ut Sister Wise, Newcastle, ciate Grand = Secret acobi, Oshawa ; Assoc haplain, Sister Virgin, { Associate D. of C., Sistet G St. Catharines; Associate Treasurer, Sister Crawford to; Assoctate Grand Sisters Yonng, Brantford son, Toronto; Orphanage W. M. Fitzgerald, and R man, or ently slee condition. stores sleeps less--just a nourlshi ing tonic. Ferrozone s art of the ma Dry, completely system. The cause of is removed -- healt you can work, eat, new after using F put off --Ferrozone box at all dealers ; 8! = Who Wants Exacuror's Sate ' --1It will be seen that that fine Farm, the Estate of 'the Scugog, is to be the Sebert House, Wednesday, Sept. 12 The farm is a good oi glen sitnated the advertisement umn it will be Jas, Brander is ster Jd rand she would be much more useful. {velop a hen that will not want to set, but that will lag all the time, Sundays, of course, excepted. To this end Secretary Wilson has in charge of Robert R Slocum, a hen expert, Mr. Slocum will es- *I'more, where colonics of hens will be bandled by various processes, and 1a scientific diet and course of treat- .| ment worked out. fo cn cs product was wheat. Secretary Wil- {nore annual wealth than the gold and silver mines together, and is e wh en the Ve ulam' and Harvey fall" famous, says the Bobcaygeon Inde- pendent, and the chief agricultural Those were ic|ihe days when the farmers ran an- Le|ing alter harvest, and bought | ther set in. nual accounts with the: stores, settl- supplies in large quantities, the chest, at a dollar a pound, 'and sugar by the barrel. Pork was raised of the fat Berkshire variety, and sold in the fall when cold wea- Pig kil'ing was an event of the year and duly celcbrat- ed. The times are completely ,| changed. Pigs are now raised of the lean variety, to marketin a few months, and are sold alive, all the | year round. \Vheat is rarely raised, _| most of the farmers buying their own flour. 'A Speci lidcorrespon- de The Globe in an interview Mr. J. D. Flavelle obtained hom' that gentleman the fact that | twenty years ago, about three-quar- ters of a million bushels of wheat . were exported from Lindsay,.and over: that quantity of coarse gra Flay LE DEER ® £7 Wedding Cakes a Specialty at Mr. Chas: Pearn's, CARTWRIGHT FaIR.--At a meet] ing of the Directors of the Cart- wright Agricultural Society it was resolved to hold the coming Exhi- their bition on Tuesday and Wednesday. by | October 2 and 3. 5 Execntor's arm Sale JOHN FOY 0Y ESTATE. On Wednesday, Sept. 12, 1908, At 2 pm, at the Sehert House, Port Perry, Thomas Graham, Esq., This onss "has been newly de- corated throughout and et extra well built ; location all that can be desired ; large lot and an abundance of choice fruit; good well and cistern ; outside windows and shutters' two concrete cellars. ate on Lilla street. new®house, extra well built; square hall and very warm summer Kitchens Verandah ; well and cistern ; concrete ¢ Jar. There] are about § of an. of land and a stable 14x30. 'Apply to the proprietor GEORGE' pe. 3, 1906. re ir Bo ou vt give yu the hi School work and Paptie rh Sencol ol be sure and write for our new Catal FANTED a of Woodchuck Hides to be delivered at my resi- dence, Ebbels' Block, Queen Street, for which the highest price in Cagh will be 00D PAST RAGE for and cattle at $2 per head the season ma may be obtained in the 8th con. Reac J. BLONG. Port Perry, April 25, 1906 {906 The St Cora. 1006 Navigation on Kawartha Lakes. ; 3s wish to ike the public {hat r atin? ties, Pleasure Part Euroa' Ea Parties to all Eble points on the Kawartha Lakes, during the present Season. There is good fishing in the porth- | ern lak 8 and I possess information Exec:tor of the latesJohn Foy, will : offer for sale by Public Auction, the Farm of the Jate John Foy; part of cugog, and the - adjoining 'Road Allowances, 068} 'acres :--a good farm. well and Fab wad Situaled, 3 miles from , with. x Dwellin, y Sia Wate i her particulars see enquire of 'Thos. Graben, ¢ HUBERT Li 'EBBELS, Thon 's Salicitor. as to jhe best fishing gronnds 10 Vi - Terms reasonable. ce or tel ; ordars king the public for the lar, ronage already bestowed on 1 *¢ PT. BOWERMAN.