Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 15 Mar 1906, p. 1

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: iin taken for collection at lowest rates. PORT. PERRY BRANCH, . : 4 al attention given to Farmers, Cattlo and Hog Dealers, and: wtes discounted. Sale Notes Cashed or ank forms free on application. yk. D. ARCHER; M.D.C,M. Vie D versity ; M.B. Toronto Unive ht ov the College of.Phyy clans 2Ins, ; Licentiate o College of Suey, 3 of thn itoyal Uoliege of Physicians, barg; Member of the Fagul and Sargeons, Glasgow; Le Papilof tie Rolunda. Hospital, Dublin, frr Women. Olice and Residence, secon dor wost of Davis' Furniture Emporia, (and continued Bay Qaeen Street. Office houra--8 to and 2 to 5 p.m, aml evenings, I have taken as partner, my brother, Dr, R. Archer, M. D,, C. M., Méwber of Col: 1.ge of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont. Port Perry, June 9, 1867. "DR. 8. J. MELLOW, #. PuYSICIAN, SURGEON, &C... Off.ce and Residence, Queen St, Port Perry "fue hours--8 to 10 a.m ; 1 tod pm, open pight comected 3nd Breunings. . *Teleptinne in office and house, wird day 'over the lines south, with the residence of (3. L. Robson, V.8., "Port Perry, Nov. 15, 1804, : WM. H. HARRIS, B.A. LL.B. : BARRISTER, &c., Bucsossor to And, Cr arnold, Port Perry, - Oat. MONEY TO LOAN. Private Funds at 4 per cent, Fe. 7 19 * NO. W. ORQZIER R. SOLICITORy CON EYANGI Wh. 4 fd Con a N. F. PATERSON, K.C; Barristor, Solicitor, Notary ~ - Puhbiic, &c., Lu Nes. 810 311, Temple Building, Cor. Bay sud Riehmond Streets, Toronto. Toronto, March 31, 1893. E. FAREWELL, K.C., LL.B., Coun +) . Cro Attorney, Barrister, County Sol- sitor, &c., Notary Public and Conveyanber Jtfice--South wing Court House, Whitby, Ont. : W. A SANGSTER, Office Hours --9 to 12 am. 2to6 pm. Also open Saturday evenings. ex Goll Fillings, Bridge and. Crown Nock a Specialty. Viwlised Air. "Dr F. D. McGrattan: \ (DEN TISTY 0.8. of Rayul College of Dental Surgeons, also DDS, of Toronto University, ~* Cffice in the Allison' Block over, Allison's : Dray Stove. A v Office homs-- 8 antl to 5.30 pam. DENTIST, ) fice over the Punt Office, i PORT PERRY. All branches of Dentistry, including "Crown and Bridge Wak succesafully ® practiced. * Krtifieat Teeth on Gold, Silver, Alumintp " = or Rubber Plates: Rings of Gold, Silver or aniless extraction when iredt ns, Bdinbarg; Licentiate Edin Te Cement. | GEO. JACKSON, A, G. VERCHERE, Manager. Licensed Anctioneer, Viluator, &c. FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSHII om] $100,000 ir oy IS | at this the commencement. ei W i er Auction Sale Season fore | turn {lane wo his sumer gas for past favors. In nestin ec i SE desires te | state that wo effort or pains will be on lila patt to hake all sales entrusted ti him successes. His very extensive practic: in tho past' should bes sufficient recom mendation as to his ability. All Sale given into" Lis charge will attended ¢ with promptuiss end dispatch, Sale list made out u ul blank notes aw ve, on applicativn. Pdgties wirhing to engage his servicer may consult hie Sais. RreisTrn either at the Observer or Standard Offi Port Perry, for dates claimed for Sales, and make arrangements, or write to his addrees ar Phone at Residence, No. 81. CHARGES, MODER ATE. ; . JACKSON, Nov. 1, 1001. orang br 0 AUOTIONEER. TE andersignofitakes this opportunity THI of retarning thanks for the ver patrcnage he has received as Auctiopeer in the The inareased experience and extensive pragtice which I have liad will be tarned to advantage of patrons; and parties favoriug me with their sales may fely on | their interests being Tulippmiested No effort will be spared to mike it profitable for parties placing their sales in my hands. My Sule Régister will be found 'at the Leland House, Cesarea, : THOS. SWAIN. Ciesarea,-Aug. 26, 1896. _ [eaten AUCTIONEER. dor the 4 County of Ontario. Sale Register at the Ossenvir Office Patronage solicited. Manchester; Jan. 19, 1899. H. McCAW, - ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, Port Perry Ont, tort Perry, Dec. 19, 1883, 'WM. SPENCE, Township Olerk, Commissioner, &e. « prepared to Loan any quantity of Money m improved Farm Security at 6 and 7 per sent (Trast funds).® All kinds 0 Conveyancing executed with ieatness and dispatch. Otfice--One door west of Town Hall, Jdaunchester. : Manchester April 11, 1888. North Ontario Observer 4 Weekly Political, Agricultural and Family Newspaper STERLING (British Oapital) To lend at 4. 4% and 5 per cent on good Mortgage Security. Apply to DAVID J. ADAMS Banker and Broker; Port Perry, Ont. Li T= undersigned takes th opportunity of thanking the fb tants o Mort raat surronnding country for tle liberal and still increasing pat. ronage bestowed upon hfin ¢ cominencing Carting and ry in Port Perry aud now intimates that he is better than ever prepared to supply all requirenients in his line. y b ny ao a conveyances of the latest type of construction for comfort and pleasure, I am in a position to meet the requirements of the most fastidious as to style and desirable equippage in every respuct--in every way suit. o able for private driving, wed- dings, funerils, &c. Parties wishing an afternoon drive can have their. choior of suitable Jos or singe rigs and care- ul drivergawvill also be suppli ed whens#®quired, rR I possess a number of good Spring and Dray Wago d.. will, at all times, attend to Carting with the utmost care and promptness. I wish further to state that in future suitable conveyances will be at the Railway Depot to convey passengers and bag- gaze to private residcices, and will ulso convey pasien gars and baggage to the Depot in time for departing trains, on being given notice. . WM. JAMIESON. Port Perry, July 30, 1903. 18 PUBLIBHED AT ee ---------- PORT PERRY, ONT. ie TickeTS TO ALL FARTS OF THE EVERY THURSDAY MORNING Soren Ms W. H. McCaw, Pert ov erry, is now in a position to issue _H. PARSONS it tickets to all parts of the world and it paid if not $1.50 ; aad Ne to parties as to the cheapest 1 of: ARAL ior 0... p: rest and - - fo supply all necessary, informatisn loss ned best routes, &c. In addition to his 28 numerous Ticket Agencies for Rail: road and Steamship lines, he hac 'been: re-appointed Ticket Agent fo the Grand Trunk Railway. Parties intending to travel will consult their own interests by consulting Mr. ; McCaw before embarking on a trip Salesman 'for PERR) > Liber : Ounifh; y § Terms and yers En" We have no séorets! We publieh the formulas of all our medicines. The Call By ANNA ALWARD EAMES Copuright, 1906, by McChire, Phillips & Co. Koto had been on the wharf since dawn. When the tug, plethoric and important for th® honor of bringing oft his prince, had scuttled hoarsely across the channel and under the bows of the Manchuria, mysterious, enchanting, her red mouthed funnels slanting to the listening blue, he had followed her with straining eyes, When she bus- | tled back with all her might, a flounce | of foath at her prow and her decks gleaming war bulletins, an emotion grew big within him and there was a | late that after 0 d eager. Not since. i had he come so eloss to bis vonutry. Was it the t, gay with his coun- hat shook his soul? Wad | jne's ship from Tokyo. gallant | In the blue water outside | "or. was it the "Flag of the | J* which, all day, over the 'hang ike a great bird with rings, eloquent of Japan in | his he knew: His country f and in desperate struggle. | - gald a soft voice as hd ly marshaled his glasses late | ="Koto, they say you will | and Deheld the Japanesd | who had worked in the with him for four years, aw deliverance. It was no tise of love, he knéw, as he noted the droop of the demure little figuse, the tremulous smile. She would smils 'though her heart were breaking. It was way of the women of his on ind she would die for him if determined, as he lingered ly arranged grace of her which fell in a voice as next rem soft as her apple cheek. "Kota, do you go fo fight for Japan?' "Ye, Be answered, wih difficulty, "I.# t for Nippon. The aged parexts~ His face grew sharp. "Yes, Koto," she comforted. He bent mist in bis glance that swept the port ower unable to meet her eyes. of HonS8hlu, stretching along the line | of curling swells and up the sides of the gay green mountain. It had all happened in what seemed a second of time. He had been tossing banzais from his perc on a tier of sacked sugar as the tug came alonfe ' side, and his prince was transferred to ; the governor's shining carriage, the music, the flag bearing school children, ! the ship and his prince tingling through | his blood in happy, chilly Tipp edt: Then troops on waving war bulletins, the heartrend: ing vision of Japan which the occasion | evoked--Japan, rainbow hued, flower scented, wan In the gloom of desper- ate conflict, the careworn fighre of his ! prince, fresh from the thick of the fight: for this embassy, upright and undaunt. ed in the lurching victoria--fused in his = consclousness with the smoke of the | exploding bomb. Through his exaltation there plerced A lightning flash of impelling purpese, and he shot over the gay kimonos, the lean Americans, the dusky natives, to the center of the widening®ecircle and dropped at the horses' heads. The national hymn of Japan choked. in a jangle of discords as the runaway horses sheok the dark, sinewy body In the affrighted faces of the crowd, then {46 stood, spent with the pain of the sa ing weight on their bits. % Five minutes before he had been only one of hundreds on the wharf waving (8 unworthy, could be a daugh- "honorable parents," she bow y, & fierce pain in her breast. | : | his well ordered Japanese exter o's heart gave a great leap of Telia "ghd thanksgiving, but he only said gravely, bowing low before the woman's soft pallor: "I will marry | yoli, most honorable of women. Then | you feel free to watch over the | nts, and if I die support "nt ter. ed "You shall go to | The aged parents the first objects of my. un- . | ent over her hands In sincere Love was mot for him, he bi and he knew that she knew. forth he belonged not to him- in her nor to his parents, but ian. It was not for the fine man Bow painful emotion, so he said : | 9 pe, let us go to them." | prince has drafted me, O my | and my mother!" He bowed | emperor calls for troops," he d miserably, aghast at their pal- Then, snatching at his one ray fort, he gently drew the woman d. "Here is your daughter. She e you and care for you." | aged pair raised their faces, unearthly, celestial. Bowing ithe mother quavered: "My son, it greatest of all glories to die for , but the soldier, the samurai, j§ have no divided heart. Rejoice Rus and with our daughter that we Farm the soldier with the gift ot worthy lives, lest, thinking of us, fprgot his duty to Nippon. My son, y is your sword; it was your grand- 5 . [oto sickened as he beheld his, des- fl Ho besought the uplifted face of woman where she knelt, graceful hite cheeked, near the aged pair. faces of the three were resolute, , radiant. gentle rush of wind filled the room a flood of fragrance, Beyond the p with the sen- | [fe eye of anguish, a' moonlit canoe | to the crest of thé Booming swell, | and in the next dash with the um of the universe through ind sea drift high on the tawny » } seefve it," the delicate voice flick- e red blood Jeaped to her a Ee rated." knelt until dawn | emperor's troops, | of the vision ghat had | light bearted youth and | re hours had furrowed his | 4 throes of thé patriot and is life to its task. and Muats. yurts. tell us, on the au- generally. attributed | music was the most ex- i which he had cog- | j@ did not limselt thor- | 1 it, but be was deep- it. He treated it al- | He got, so it is Yo Our long acquaintance with this district ux (0 as liberal loans to owr customers ax sbund financing will per. mit, Undoubted Security to Depositors. No Delay in Drsing Your Money Tuterest Paid or Compounded Twice a Year Don't Wait till you have a large sum to deposit. #1 10ill Open an Account. [egin with ws Now ! Small Saviugs form the Base of Large Fortunes, WI CASH SALE NOTES. BANK MONEY ORDERS. Upto $5 3 cls. Over $5 up to §10.. 6 cts, Over 10 up to 30..10 Cts Over 30 upto 50..15 cts. | Best way to send small amounts f Cashed free at any Bank. IFor sums over $50 use Bank DrArTs, Best and cheapest way to send LARGE AMOUNTS PORT PERRY AGENCY. Special Rates. H. G. RUTCHESON, Manager. Their superior cookin 5 qualilies and simple construction A SovveniaRanee is all that a first class range should ke : Duplex Grales, Aerated oven, socked tons, Direct 8 _ Pralt Pamper, and special + Tire Box all combine ir. making Souvenir RANGES 'the besh on the market A TIME ARD COAL SAVER - USED IN THOUSANDS OF CANADIAN HOMES The Gurney. Tilden Company Nanufacturers Limiag [ | Hamilton Toronto Montreal Winnipeg Vancouver { § Our parsonal guarantes anol) an hat OF he makers gren with avery stove We lave Souvenir Ranges on view. W. L. PARRISH, Port Perry Tha vegetation, the fruTtaridn, and the nutarian -- Arian, may we state, Advocates of Nut-Eating Will being the designation of early heretics With Failure. --submit convincing reasons why we - b should follow their frigid example. Lord Charles Beresford and Lady They quote astonishing fi es as to Charles Beresford are claimed as vege- the length of the long jump achieved ABOUT LIVING ON NUTS. Meet tarians, and many of the leading lights of society are sald to draw their illu- mination chiefly from nuts. These facts are advanced with the object of per- suading us to close our accounts with the local butcher, and transfer them to the green-grocer, who undertakes to keep us 'alive for twopente or three- pence a day. says The London Expreas. by the man who subsists on Brussels sprouts, and thé speed of the sprinter whose only 'Joy is scarlet runners. It logic had any say in the matter, the butchers would at once turn their knives into ploughshares and their poleaxes Into reaping machines. But ft is currently reported that successful master hutchers are still on the look- THE cost of living is an important thing in most homes. You may have to figure closes ly in these matters. A little extra om a barrel of flour may look big to you. : . But there is a differ- ence between Spending money Wisely ard spend- ing it foolishly. Sometimes it is econo- my to spend instead of to "save. It is in the case of Royal Household Flour. Those few extra cents a week, that give you - Royal Household Flour in preference to inferior flour, buy health. Nothing contributes so much to the tood you eat as flour, and therefore nothing should be more carefully bought. Ogilvie's Royal Household Flour is the whitest, cléanest and how toget it most nutritious flour that's 'milled. Itistheonlyflour * that is absolutely: pure. Ask your grocer. Ogilvie Flour Mills Co, Lid. Montreal. w > "Qgilvie's Book: contains 130 pages « yeci 80{0e NOVEE Pi fore. Your grat FREE: urbs wherein to ii tail thelr.didest 42 This proves whit has Fug been sug. pected by the Impartifi student of dje~ tetles--that a taste for dinner dishes: depends as little on cold reason 8s & taste for novels or musical comedies. | The lMterary critic may say ong, ought to read George Meredith, but: the artisan's wife persists in reading" Miss Marie Corelli and Mrs. Henry! Wood: The musical authority may eXs. haust his vocabulary in praise of g. ner--bwt it is "The Bohemlan Gi which pays, in the provinces and thé suburbs. ' All through life the lel Molds, Prophets cry In the wilderness; ut the multitudes do not hear or 40. fot heed. It Is to be feared that fol some years to come the nut-eaters willl have only delayed success. Peopls will eat nuts, but they will eat theld, dinners first. Nature is chiefly ta, blame. She gave us an ancestry who ate beef and drank port or beer, oF both, and the habit of taking nutriment in large quantitiés was born In us. A Brazil nut is an insult to a man whose, father followed a pound of steak with an apple tart and cheese " ret : SE Always Keep Chambérlain'g Oough Remedy in the House "We would not be witlout Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.~ It is kept on hand conlinually in euf home," says WW. W. Kerney, editér of the Independent, Lowry City Mo. That is just what every fami- ly should do* When kept at hand Iady lor instant use a cold may be checked a: the cutset fil cured in much less time than alter it has bes come settled in the system. This remedy 1s alse without a peer for crouprin children, and will prevent the attack when given as soon as the child Lecomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough. app.are, which can orly be done when the remedy is kept at haud. For sale by all druggists, large park. The doctor used to his phtients, "Look over thers an me what you can see." Whed the engls. neer learned that his sight was to be, tested he arranged with his son to take. his bicycle half a mile into the parig and be oiling it. In due time the od man was led to the window, the doce tor saying, as usual: "What do you see?" The old man, pecring out, said, "I see a young man stooping beside his bicycle." : "Bo you?" sald the doctor. "f don't see anything at all" 3 "Nonsense," sald the engineer. "Why, | he is oiling it." 4 The doetor took up a pair of field glasses and plainly saw the same, "Magnificent sight!" he sald. The engineer is still drawing his wages. --London Telegraf h. PR Afflicted With Rheumatism. "1 was and am yet afflicted witlf { rheumatism," says Mr. |. C. Bayne, editor of the Herald, Addington; Ins | | {dian Territory, "but thanks to | Chamberlain's Pain Balm am able [to once more attend to business. It | is the best of liniments." If troubk ed with rheumatism give Pain Baln{ a trial and you are more than pleased with the prompt relief which it aflords. One appli- cation relieves the pain. For sale by all druggists. certain to be |" They say, from rising of the sum |i* Until they light the lamps, &n woman's work Is never donee But neither is & framp's. a4 ~~ The One Thing He Dreaded. Mra. Benhani--Are you afraid to die? Benbam-=1 wouldn't be if I felt sure that I wouldn't meet your mother. pr og 4 HTL This at Least. Lives of great men all remind us - we sams make ours sablime . » can leave, signs behind Bhowing we tried all the time. - 4 i A SA ee Pid wy Patience -- Do you remember your first kiss? . Patrice--Oh, no; I was too young. + A Junt nfession. : "Though IT philanthropist,' The swindler sald, "it's trus I'm always on the lookout farly The good things I can do" zn { } i a, He=-Don't you think that some. éayings are smart? ut ip "They aren't, but they da" 2 a

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