Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 15 Feb 1906, p. 1

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est to out- taken "PORT PERRY BRANCH, current rates. of-town accounts. for collection at lowest rates. Savings Densctmant--Bripwsn of one dollar and upwards tetbived ii thin department subject to withdrawal at any time without notice or delay. Interest at high- x Barmers Business--Special attention given to Farmers, Cattle and Hog Dealers, and Farmers' fiotes drscoun ted: Sale Notes Oashed or Blank forms free on application. CHAS. BALLARD, Manacer. TT R. D. ARCHER, M.D.C.M. Victoria Dnivecuit a , Toronto University, Member or th ege, of Physicians and surgeons, Oot; fos itiate of the Royal College of Surgeons, Kalinburg ; Licentiate of the Royal Colfegd of Physicians, Edin- barg ; Membsr of the Paocalty of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow; Late Resident Pupilof tue Rolunda Hospital, Dublin, for Women. Ofioe and Residence, secand door west of Davia' Furniture Emporiam, Queen Street. Ofise hours--9 to 11a. , and 2 to 5 pm, and evenings. I have taken as partuer, my brother, Dr R. Archer, M D., C. M., Member of Col- eye of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont, Port Perry, June 9, 1897. DR s. I. MELLOW, SURGEON, &O. PHYSICIAN, . Port Pecry 1to3 pm Offer dnd Residence, Queen St fice hours-->5 to 10 a.m ; nd Evenings Telephoue in office and house, open night and day over the lines south, connected with tho residence of G. L. Robson, V.8. Port Perry, Nov. 15, 1594, WM. H. HARRIS, B.A. LLB. BARRIBTER, &c,, to and occupant ef the Successor oiEces of the Jate F. M. Yarnold. Port Perry, - Ont. MONEY TO LOAN. Private Funds at 4 per cent. Fen T 19 ' FN OW OROZIER. ARRISTKR. SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, co. Offire at residence, 6th Con Roach (one wile west of Port Perry,)-- Moxey TO Load, Wor P ATE R SON, x. C., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, &c Nos. 310 311, Temple Building, Cor. Bay and Richmond Streets, Toronto. Toronto, March 81, ROS E. FAREWELL, K.C, LL.B., County Crown Attoruey, Barrister, C: onty Sol- Notary Public and Conveyancer Whitby, J sitor, &e., five ~South wing Court House, Ont, W. A SANCSTER, + DENTAL SURGEON. Office Hours --9 to 12am, 2 to 6 p,m. Also open Saturday evenings. a Gold Fillings, Bridge and Crown York a Specialty. Vitalised Air. pr PF D. McGrattan (DENTIST) .D.S. of Royal College of Dental Surgeons, also D.D.S. of Toronto Untversity, Office in the Allison Block over Allison's Ding Store. Office hours--8 a.ni. to 8.30 p.m. tort Perry, April 9, 1902. J. A. MURRAY, DENTIST, fice over the Post Office, PORT PERRY. All branches of Dentistry, including Crown aud Bridge Work successfully practiced. Artifical Teeth on Gold, Silver, Aluminum or Rubber Plates. Fillings of Gold, Silver or Cement Painless extraction when' required: ; Prices to suit thetines® . ; "Toncker of Drawing, Paivting. . +. ...Design and China Decoration: Sri hours g to 12 a.m. ; 1.30:t0 4 30 pn. { _ Stadio "over W. H. McCaw s Stoney "Port Perry. + | Leland House, Ciesarea. Parties | printed can Lave 'hows printed GEO. JACKSON, Licensed Anctioneer, Valuator, &c. FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSH1) OF CAKTWRIGHT, V ISHES at this the commencement of another Auction Sale Season tore turn thanks to his numerous patrons fu past favors. Iu requestivg their esteemed and continued patronage he desires to state that no effort or puins will be spared on his part to make all sales entyusted tc him succel His very extensive practice in the t should be a sufficient recon mendation 'as to his ability. All Sale given into his charge will be attended t with prowptuces aud dispatch. Sale list made out «id blauk notes supplied free on application Parties wirhing to engage his services may consult hie Sarz ReaisTer either at the Observer Siaudurd Offices, Port Perry, for dates claimed for Sales, and make arrangenicuts, or write to his address 2% Phone at Residence, No. 31. ®& CHARGES MODERATE. GEO. JACKSON, Port Perry I. 0 AUOTIONEER. 1E undersigued Takes this opportuaity of returning thanks fot the very liberal - or , 1901. TP patrinage he Lue received as Auctioneer in the past. The increased experience and extemsive practice which Ihave had will be tarned to advantage of patrons, and parties favoring mie with their sales may rely on their interests being fully protected. No effort will be spared to make it profitable for partivs placing their sales in my bands. My Sal: Register will be found at the THOS. SWAIN. pms, Ang. 26, 1896. JOS. BA IR ne I ICENSED AUCTIONEER 4 County of Ontario. the OBsrkv ir Office for the Sale Register at Patronage solicited. Manchester, Jai. 19, 1899, KMGaY, 138UKR OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, Port Perry Out. Port Perry, Dec. 19, 1883, WM. SPENCE, Township Clerk, Commissioner, &c. « prepared to Loan any quantity of Money on improved Farm Security at 6 aud 7 per cent (Trust funds) All kinds 0" Conveyancing executed with neatness anu dispatch. Otfice--Uune door west of Manchester. Maithester April 11, 18 North Ontario Observer 4 Weekly Political, Ayricultural and | Famady Newspaper 18 PUBLISHED AT PORT PERRY, ONT, Town Hall, H. PARSONS [33 Ber annuum, i paid in advace If net $1.50 wie duck ged, No Sbscription og I it 9p Jon wutil arrears wre ot up bo at ow LETTERS centsin'nig money, when addressed pT this aud registered wil. Odie, prepaid au: ADVERTISFMENTS measured Kouparlel, and charged according to the space oceupy. ADVERTISEMENTS received for publicatios A out specifio in:truotions, wii), be' | a: wy forbid and charged according); fn advertise ment will be taken out until for. who ndvertise by the A LIBERAL discount Blieved ia al uchans aad other | i THESE terma will inall cases be strictly adbered to JOB DEPARTMENT. Pamphlet © . Hand Bills, | TER Blank Forms 'Recelp Books, Bushes Ca s Bovks Ciroulus "Asseinbly Coa, TL Visitiag Cots, bo of np a Bs Tow Then other establishment 'in the County... fom » distance LSE nant dilly H. PARSONS. ~ MONEY T 10 Ie we Subioriber sg in py AMOUNT on Farm Security AT 5 PER UENT. 4% Also on Villuge Fr operty. far MoktGAdEs| BOUGHT, Bd HUBERT L. EBBELS, Spina ister, 1 Dext i Bank 5 wre Dutarlp SL ig £7 Kioudyke, British Col i-\West Territory aud: Parties gongto any ol I'shie is prepated to execute all ordefs 20 orrectmess of Style vs all on Av ithe: iad ket agent, for atomation for compan MISS HARRISON aL A BERD ,Drese 'and Mantle Maker f ISHES to inform the lad! W that-shepas moved to ber fire Rooms in the Allison Block where n Dress avid Mantle Making in a wauner unsurpassed fc and Charm ng 2 EVERY THURSDAY MORNING. £100,000 STERLING (British Capital) To lend at 4, 4% and 5 per cent on good Mortgage Security. Apply to DAVID J. ADAMS - | Banker and Broker, Port Perry, Ont Jamieson's Livery FPYHE undersigned takes th opportunity of thanking the inhabitants of Port Perey and surroanding country for the liberal and still increasing put rouage bestowed upon him since commencing Curting sud Livery in Bort Peiry and now intimates that he is beter than ever prepared to supply all requirements in his line. Having extensively added to my stock of horses ; conveyances of the latest type of construction for comfort and pleasure, Tam in a position to us well an meet the requirements of the most fastidious us to style and desirable equippage in every respeot--in every way uit able for peivate driving, wed dings, funerils, &c. Parties wishing an afternoon drive can have their ehoice of suitkble doulile or single rigs and care- ful drivers will also be suppli ed when required. I possess a number of good Spring and Day Wagons «nd will, at ull times, uttend to Carting with the utwost care aud. promiptness, I wisl: further to state that in future suitable conveyauces | will be at the Railway Depot | to convoy passengers aud bag gage to private residences, and 180 convey passengers and o the Depot in time narting trains, ou being given notice, WM, JAMIESON, July 30, 1903, Esa. TICKETS TO ALL FARTS OF THE Wortp.--Mr, W, H. McCaw, Pert erty, Is now in a position (0 issue i tickets to all parts of the world an to supply all necessary informatio to parties asto the cheajest arid best routes, &c. In addition to bic numerous Ticket Agencies for Rail- road and Steamship lines, he has been re appointed Ticket Agent for the Grand Trunk Railway. Parties intending to travel will consult their own interests by McCaw before embarking on a trip. | Port Perry Canada's Greatest Nurseries want a Local Salesman for PORT PERRY to seil High Class Nursery Stock (10 Fruits and Orman nals. Larg- ke hist of NEW SPECIALTIES ever offered. 'Start HOW at the Best Selling Seasor Big Inducements, Liberal Handsome Free Outfit, Reserved. Write, for Catalogue and send 25¢ for ow Aluminum Pockédt Microscop: (magnifies: 4 tines) and soc for our Handy Saw, just ihe thing for Primming trees (eats won as well a. woced. ; STONE & WELLINGTON FONTHILL NURSERIES 3 Oren 800 somis Pay Territor Terms and I oRonto, Chambe ain's Cough ends | . ALWAYS CURES. ONTARKC etn day or. pas over Hone systems of Jr. Procter, consulting Mr)! "Mr, O. HALT 8. has! e arrangements for free commu- | the tele way. Avers herry. Pagtons stops the coughing, and heals . § the torn membranes. : w The bast kind af W testimonial = "Bold for over eixty years." i Oe., Lo 3 yor Low Mase. yers iim 1 'We have no ¢ We publish the formulas of all our ack rig er | Blliousness, constipation retard re- | covery, Cure these with Ayer's Pilla. Circus vs. Cookery By COLIN" S. COLLINS Copyright, 1905, by J. W. Muller Jackson Peters regarded the girl by 8 side almost with horror. "I can't help what you think," she cried defiantly. "I just can't stand this gort of thing any longer." "You don't have to," he urged gently. "You just say the word, Sally, and I'll gee your pa tomorrow." "Can't you understand, Jack Pe- ters?' she cried, with a stamp of the foot. "That woman wouldn't let me take the high school course 'cause I'd be wantin' to go to college next, she said. She just don't want to see me do anything grand; just get married and settle down slaving for some man just as I've been slaving for her ever since pa married ber." "Don't you think," he suggested gen- tly, "that perhaps she means well? She's sech a lot of the world. Mebbe she knows 'twouldn't do no good." "There you go, Preaching like all the rest," she stormed. "Some of these | days you'll wake up and find me gone. I can be as good- as her." "I don't see why you want to go off and be foolish jest because you don't like Mrs. Burrows," he declared gently. "She means well." "I'm going to be like her," insisted the girl, pointing to a lurid poster rep- resenting & young woman in gay ap- parel standing upon the tip of her toe back of a ite horse. "She was one of 'em 1 can ride that way as well as on a saddle." | "Huh," mused Peters. "A girl as can cook as well as you ain't got no call | to be trapesing round the country with a circus." Sally Burrows wall. "All the same" | antly, "I'm goin' with 'em," | toward the circus posters. can cook for 'em until I can ride' | She darted off down the road. Peters | looked regretfully after Ler. He knew | from experience the futility of seeking | to overtake her. | Things had been well between him- | | on the once. I got down from the she cried defi- with a nod "1 guess 1 self and Sally Burrows until her father | had married a circus rider who had been thrown from her horse and left | behind by the show. until her fractured leg grew well Long before that time she had won the affections of Hiram Burrows, and she made him a good wife. Sally, hqw- ever, had refused to accept her new mother, and there had been quarrels ever since Hiram had brought home his bride. The girl resented the intrusion of another woman in her mother's place and her owu dethronement as mistress of the house. Now she chafed fo leave the quiet ! 'home and make a name for herself even as the rival had done, and Jack- son Peters pleaded in vain. He hada strong ally in Mrs. Bur rows, who saw that the girl in a home of her own would be far happier than in her father's house, but this very alfi- ance was against him, and Bally from ' the barn saw. him go into the house, and her slender frame shook with sobs as she realized that-Jack was talking. over her new idea with her stepmother. She did not, however, connect Jack-" son's visit with his departure 'for the county town the following day, Hor did she realize that he carried with him'a letter to the proprietor of Wells' Grand United Shows and: Consolidated Men- ageries; therefore It was with no sus- picion that she regarded that gentle- man's enthusiustic welcome of her proposition that she join the troupe and act as cook until she could learn to be a performer, "Just what T wanted," he cried jo- vially. "You've got the very build for a rider. We lay over here tomorrow, and I'll give you FOR0at lesson dt the afternoon." Sally wantéd fo wait, but Wells" ' would take no denfal. TLe show would stay on the grounds over Sunday, and there was no time to be lost. She could slip away from her people, and ibe as tell nsec what she could do, for, a visit - oo SA # Bag hl 16 Hr OUR MIST OM aA] rn ba Loon a i . & broad backéd h icky with pow- be wa Ho iw he | cos she kept ber | n, with & yell, she realized t aig Her feet went up | pight of ber body was thrown | against belt. They laf ber down, gasping for breath, anti! she cjutched the horse's mane and 8 her, footing. Then the p Sanne again, and again whe hung [ by 'belt wildly waving hex (imb "Phe boom wus pushed | around fat. she kept always over | the horse, and by an effort ed her balance, aided some @é slackening of the rope at the "mechanic." | Twice around the ring aud her am- | bition to be a rider died within her. | Bbe scrambled from the horse's back, trying to @hioke back the tears of hu- wiliation, | Wells s all sympathy. "Perhaps you night [be better as an acrobat," he suggested kindly. "You'd make a good enough rider if you kept at it. Dolly, here, wag worse than you when she started in. Want to try it again?' "I think, I'd rather Le an acrobat," she alimos@ whispered, trying to choke back the #bbs. Acrobats were not left dangimg oyer a horse, and they had a soft mat fall upon. The clown led the horse from the ring, and fwo men unrolled a felt pad upon the 'sawdust. Even without the blue ht she recognized them as the acrobatsyand she watched them curl ously as they fastened a rope about the belt. ¢ "Now, when we say 'Now! "cautioned e, "yo@ throw yourself forward just as though you were going to dive into water." { She braced herself for the command. It seemed ages in coming, but at last she heard the cry and gave a jump forward. She felt the rope around her waist tighten; she realized that she was spinning in the air, and then she land. ed on Lunds and knees on the pad. She | bau omly fumed twice, but it seemed she reco: what by | the end woment she lay there, sobbing, | Fy until fhe kindly faced woman took het | to the @ressing tent | "It's harder work than you thought, isn't §t?" she asked kindly. "We all have to go through with that. I thought they were goiug to kill me before I learned to ride." | Wells scemed disappointed, but not surprised, when be learned that she Lad abandoned a circus career, but he | was Very nice about it, and she crept out of the tent huuiillated and asham Three months later Jackson Peters was saying goodby to Mrs. Burrows before taking his bride to her new home. © . "Be 8 good husband to her, Jack," said the lady, "and if. you want to hold | her love'. never let ber find out that I used 0 ride for Wells and that we had | it fixed up for her." i Ang dict on, being wise, never told. | Twelve Series of Perfumes, A leading authority on perfumes di- vides the entire list into twelve series-- (1) floral, as of the rose, violet aud the | like; (2) Lerbal, as of bergamot, mint and other aromatic plants; (3) the grass series, comprisiug several fragrant grasses: which grow in Ceylon or In: dia, ash the orange grass, which con- tains an essential oil Identical with that of the orange, and ginger grass, the perfume of the ginger a he citrine series, comprising lemon aud their combina: ) the spice series, derived from cinnamon, allspfee apd the e wood series, as the sandal safras, rosewood, which de- ame not from the fact that it lor of roses, but from the Bpied by it when freshly cut; got series, as the orris root and thers; (8) the seed series, as the y and vanilla; (9) the balm and des, of which there are many {.(10) all perfumes and es- ed from fruits. The elev- ts of combinations of 1g varieties, and the twelfth | animal perfumes of what- te ] Kew Zealand Is. d is popniarly supposed | of comparatively unim- | lying close off the coast | subject to what is "the Australian govern- | 1 of fact, it is about the British islands, is 00 miles from the nent, is an independ- ing colony and pos- Beutito and varied scen- er single country of . the United States. £2 | CAREFUL, 25 Hu diven. 0 Pus gor 10 ont Ketping (TELE 2st sl '3 IL atran GHARTERED Bx AT, oF PAGANS sT, lead Wor Guafide RADA LOANS SAVINGS Our long acynaintance with thix district emablex ua to make aa liberal louns to aur customers as sound Ruancing will per mit, the be Undoubted Security to Deposit No Delay in Drawing Your Interest Paid or C alot fed Don't Wait GY you huve a 81 will Open an Account Suadl Savings form Be ice Mowry sum with wx Year Fort 3 \ § { on YY (CA WE CASH SALE NOTES. BANK MONEY ORDERS. Upto $5 j cts ) Over £5 up to §10 6 cls Best way to se wall amounts Over 10 up to 30..10 cts ( Cashed fre t sik Over ) up lo. 50..15 Cts For sums over §50 use Bank Drarrs Best aud cheapest .way to send LAkGE Am s pecial Rat un tu PORT PERRY AGE BH. 6. HOTCH ny SON, Manager. 450 B. C., refused, It is frue, any pay- ment for his works and declared that he was sufficiently rewarded with the title of citizen of Athens, which had been conferred on him. But such dis- interestedness was seldom imitated Thirty years later the painter Zeuxis of Heracleum was called to the court of Archelaus I, king of Macedonia. He received for his frescoes in the palace of Pella 400 mines, about $8,000. Mn son of Elathea paid $20,000 for a "Bat tle With the Persians," which he had ordered from Aristides, the leader of the Theban school. Pamphlilus of Sycl- one gave a course of lectures on paint- ing. Bach pupil paid for attendance one talent, or $1,200 a year. Apelles re ceived twenty gold talents, about $240, 000, for a portrait of Alexander L, or- dered by the city of Ephesus. gh i A Habit to be Encouraged AN ENGLISH VETERAN. Acrobat Who Three Sovereigns Still Active. Henry boasts Johns. that he in England, year Dec 25, he 1s as lthe man €0 years his Has n is 1906. Performed Before of the « In spite and active junior entered on his hundredth of his year Johnson has lived in the reigns The mother who has acquired five British and | he habit of keeping « ar himself on the he has e of Chamberlain's Couzh lem formed before three the Ar 711 IV., Queen Victoria K £5 hersell.a grea) a. Edward VII, when he wa : xiety and une css. | 2 olds wales He is juie ind cronp, to "wl 1 the evening of e at tha usceptible are quic nd he hopes t 15€ It « ra s a € me ( cold t result " ¢ Johnson was born on Ch A | 1806, at Norwich, but © It give 1 as t of his childhood is ve H npLoms ¢ up appear, members that he was left a revent the t |! I his ( a very early age, and ! ard § tains thir gle to maintain hin 1 ers give itt : ey ' Jer, but his ambit red celing ol perlec > y WE YY seeing a troupe of a ba all gist and he rejected the sugg v scorn. He attained his a TW Absolutely white flour makes the most beautiful white bread--the kind we all like. But white bread is not necessarily pure because it is white. To be pure it must be mede from purified flour. There is only one method of making flcur absolutely pure, and that is by elec- tricity. No impurity can withstand the searching, purifying work of this clectrical process. The electrical method is employed by every big mill in the United States. In Canada the only flour purified by electricity is 1 Royal Household Flour therefore: it is the only flour that can be considered as absolutely pure. Say *Ogilvie's Royal Household to your grocer--he'll do the rest. Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Limited, MONTREAL. "Qgilyie's Book for a Cook," contains 130 ie of excellent recipes, some never betore hed 2 grocer caa tell you bow to fo (WHOLE No, wh ds are = Toe Common out ol {any i cnt WHO et palped a ) Pg | PRO LEC Pal Bi Es Bano of Fhe enrie ot ar cus dic ase, elpiing a TERT ER FA Favaids ed a rd i | Weddin be dias Loi doi 1 Culp { and chiro aid all dag Tsk yo yon have Coulee: ned vow | { egy eo tains 1 p t Ha other yer fing 'a tight< sirian acrobat he perf 1 y at V I 4 VII 4 Arne} John f 1 age, He can 1 I ty of rg 11d dar a hornpiy weeks a8 8 lealer ulking gh the le i j aT, he d A y l i 4 DIAN 3 If You Want { ke Them, ere La the Px * £ Many u Ww Ig nto & 1 Q ar 1 Ww 1 i matter wil found to « no tiny ystals 1 3. A ist with a well equipped lal make d 1 tt f them will ne 18 of an inch In dlan THE CULT SILENCE. Truest Intere Detween Congene fal Spirits Ia Wit comrse hout Words, Now, to one fr ness there ought to be of sllence around every bun during some part of every d slguificant that the great religions of be world Ea out of silence und not out df noise, and the finest ereative work is done, as a rule, in seclusion--not necessarily apart from men nor in s plices, but away from the tumult away 'from distracting sounds. It is in silence alone that we come {nto possession of ourselves. The nolses of life disturb us as a cloud of dust in- tervenes between the eye and the sky. There ought to Le a cult for the prac- tice of silence--a body of men and women commitied to the preservation of the imtegrity of their souls by nei- ther hearing nor making specch for certain periods, p! od to the culture of the hablt of quietness. Maeterlinck as pointed out the fact that the best things are never spoken, and the truest Intercourse between con- genial spirits is carried on without words. If we raid less and thought more there would be far fewer things to explain, wany sources of irritation" would be dried up at the sources and the prime cause of Irritation, which is' nervous exhaustion or excitement, would be regioved.--Outlook. Comierhie' s Cough Remedy Ad WAYS CURES.

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