Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 4 Jan 1906, p. 1

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Ah ol gs Departm D College of Sar 2 parg; Membse of the Fae and Jacgeons, tlsgow Papil of tho for Woman. Queen Street. Office hour and 2 to 5 pn. and evenings, I have tiken as partner, my brother, Dr KR. Archor, M. D., C. M, Member of Col- eye of Phy: Port Perry, June 9, 1807. DR. 8. J. MELLOW, Pavstoray, SvraeoN, &c. Office and Residence, Queen St, Port Pery fice hours--S8 to 10 ami; 1to3 pm, and Evenings. Telephoue 3 and day over the with the res Port Perry, Nov. 15, 1594 ssor to and occupant Port Perry, Out. Wore Loav. Moxey 10 Loan. CAR AR * NF. PATERSON, Barrister, Solicitor Public, &c., Nos. 310 311, Tewple Bu and Richmond Sirects, To Toronto, March 51, 1 shui % Ww KC LLB, % » Crown Attors sitor, &e., Notary Pu tiny ave and Adv. NY 7.L87) (Lhd 8 Diag Store, Office hours-- § a.m. 168.30 p.m. ort Perry, Apiil 9), 1802, % 3 BaNIIST, Five over thy PERE less extraction when required: ent -- Deposi armers' Dusiness-- : to out-of-town acconnts. taken for collection at lowest rates. SPORT PERRY BRANCH, : . eT Te re mr We. Db. ARCHER, M D.C.M. Victoria Uaiversity 3 VB. Torouto University, Membr o« tae College of Physicians and Barges, Ot; Licentiate of the Royal sos, inliuburg ; Licentiate of the Royal Uolivge of Dhystcians, Edin: alry of Physicians Late Resident Roliunda Hospital, Dublin, OFce and Residence, second door woat of Davis' Farnityre Eaporinm, ~9 to 1) a. sicians and Surgeons, Out. in a@ee and house, open night lines mouth, connected snee of G. L. Robson, V.8. WNL HARRIS, BA. LLB. 'os of Lhe ate F. M. Yarnold OF J CBOZIBR mi Qortcitom CONYEVANOER. wf Ofc ut veridenee, 6th Cou Reach (one mile wost of oct Perty,) Bavrister, County ic and (onveyancer eo Sauth 'wing Court House, 'Whitby, SARRSTER HE cota 12am, 20h pom Pr FD 3ZcCrattan D.S. of Royal@ollega of Dental Surgeons, also D.D. Sof Poroute University. C fice in the Allison Hock over Aliison's J. A MURRAY, ' PORT PERRY, ONT ts inl attention given to Farmers, Cattle and fog Dealers, and | Farmers' notes discounted. Sale Notes Oashed or | Blank forms free on application. CHAS. BALLARD, ManAGeR. £100000 (British Capital) GEO. JACKSON, Licensed Anctioneer, Valuator, &c FOR THE COUSTY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSHII OF CARTWRIGHT, V ISHES at this the commencement ef another Auotion Sale Season to re turn thanks to his numerous pa rons fo past favors. In requesting their esteeme rand contiuued patronage lhe desires to , | state that no effort or pains will be spared {on his part to make all sues entrusted to him successes. His very extensive practior in tho past should be a sufficient recom mendation as to his ability. All Sale given into his charge will be attended t with promptncss und dispatch. Sale list made out «1d blank notes supplied free, on application Partin withing to engage bis service: may consult his SALx REGISTER either at make arrangements, or write to bis address 27 Phone at Residence, No. 31. 'v2 CHARGES MODERATE GEO. JA } Nov. 1, 1901. Port Perry PP. O AUCTIONEER. FEIHY undersigned takes this opportnaity of returning thavks for the very liberal patrcnnge hs his received as Auctioneer in the past. The increwsed experience and extensive practice which Ihave had will be Leland House, Ciesarea, 'Cwsaren, Aug. 26, 1896. Tos BAIRD sehester, Jan. 19, 1509. rH. McCAW, ISSUER OT 'ort Perry, Dec. 18, 18835, Wl. SPENCE, Township Clerk, Commissioner, &e | . prepired to Loan any qu j= finproved Farm Security at 6 and 7 ent (Trost fonds) kinds o Conv dispat put anchester Manchester April 11, 1888 i i { Family Newspaper ISHED AT PORT PERRY, OAT, H. PARSONS until arrears arc patd tp. TETTY | rept Land re; ii tered wil be at our risk (oem according Lo the space Ley ovo. Say © 13 1 year oral ear. JOB DEPARTMENT. Pamphlet Hand Bi ls, Posters 8 the or : jy 130to} « printed cun have them printed Lo take Lt © with the: : ie a8 Tow Fo en neu: . the County... - | b THE UNITED STATES. of one dollar and upwards received in this department subject to withdrawal at any time without notice or delay. est current rates. 2 | but Provincial, The sic on good Mortgage Security DAVID J. AD foundation the Hospitul has treated {7 the Obsorver" or Standard Offices, Port Perey, for dates oluimed for Sales, and | tarved to advantage of patrons, and parties favoring me with their sales may rely on their interests being fully protected. No Tort will be spared to make it profitable For parties placing their sales in my hands, My Sale Register will be found at the THOS. SWAIN, intimates that he is better th requirenieuts in his line | know of any child in vour neig I ICKN ED AUCTIONEER for the 4 Conny of Ontario. Sale Register at the Owsrnvkr Office Patronage solicited. ed iin Trent aud hundre JARRIAGE LICKNSES, Port Perry Ont, able fur pelvate alriving, wishing au afternoon drive can their choice of snitable Children, C neing executed with door wust of Town Hall, {orth Qutario Observer iy Political, Aaricultural and EVERY THURSDAY MORNING =r nm WANTED GreaTBsT Nurstries" in the townof | PORT PERRY iid surrounding country, and tak CUR HARDY SPECIALTI I'rces, Small Fruits, TERMS. - 81 per anoum, If paid in dvance : if nor £1.50 wali bo charged. No subseriptio + taken for lesg than six month; snd no puper discontinned taining money, when addressed to this PISEAENTS measired by Nonparie, and AL {received for puldication witl- (tins, will Le inverted until £4 rdingly No advertise an oi until paid for. All feanpt at wed bo Merchants sud other PIES tarmpaill in all cases la sti ict'y adhered t Stock true to'mame A permanent pos ition tog the right salary or commission. STONE & WELLING "Dodger Bill Heads, "hecks TICKETS TO ALL FARTS OF THE fiom a distance getting herd bis, 2c Worrp.--Mr. -W H. McCaw, Pert m. : : ! : Perry, 1S now'in a pos tion to issue el H. PARSONS. tickets to all parts of the world and to supply all necessary informati.n ooms in the Allison she is prepated to exec tin Dress and Mantle" to parties asto the cheapest and _| best routes, &c. In addition to his ] er numerous Ticket Agencies for Rail- adies| fine! ai oad- and Steam:hip lines, he has been re appointed Ticket Agent for the Grand Trunk Railway. Parties tending to travel will consult their gn interests by consulting Mr. ARIC hss In Ontario whoue Paves Canvot Aflird to Bay ov Qreatureni. ow NK Tho Hospital for Sick Children, Collage child trom any (R01 ¥ iol ~ fl promprly stop the falling? Your hair will begin to grow, andruff will dis- too, and all street, Toronto, appeals to fathers und Gg mothers of Ontario for funds to maintaiv | the thousand sick children that it nuree within its walls every year The Hospital 1s not local institation-- | me' My halt wagffaiiy the Hair Vigor open | all Hight -- W, £100 a bottle, All dropglsts. ancial Strength and Careful Management of this Bank Warrant Your Confidence. BET appear. Could you reason- ably expect anything better? « Ayer's Hair Vigor la a great snceens with b | On 1 acquaintance I strict enables us a No De i ns £6 ou Intere a { financing , for LOANS SAVINGS | £1 will Ope Small Sar ih this | Undoubted Security to Depositors y in Drawing Your Money Paid or Oc Don't Wait tall you pounded Twice a Year, 1 ) deposit n an Account. Begin ny Now ! § form the Bas I Foriwmes | Thin Hair WE CASH SALE NOTES. Siuee tes f 14,262 chil- [ iren, About 3,000 of os8 Were unable to pay and were treat ad frec Your money can | s n hi 3 H rey m he Friend ild b toor of h I ) 1 15 of h ne yy t TRH yf! ehildh t every doling os that is pai ~23 WS | by friend Trt CON VA LYE NTE HR TROINY DUMB BLLLE vou ho is sick or cr nd the parent's Soe what can t ren. © There were 33 like ca st yea 090805060800800 ° Fro ticaven: ® e O eQe Copyright, 1905, by K. A. Whitehead O Qe 00 S "An angel from heaven?' repeated Jack Hider. "Well, mother, I guess when an angel from heavens drops down this way I'll think of getting married Until then I am very well content as I am." He snatched up his hat and, whis- tling to his dog, strode across the flelds while his mother stood in the doorway and watched him until the woods swak lowed him up. Then she turned with a sigh and ens tered the house. An inveterate match maker, it was one of the SOITows of Mrs. Elder's life that her handsome young son had withstood the persua- gions of all the girls of his acquaint- ance. He had even assisted ber in the plans whereby she deputized for Cu- pid, but, perhaps, it was this familiar- ity with ber methods which enabled him to so easily from the snares e es RRR Fad He shown an Interest in any one | she would bave felt some hope, but not one of the girls she kuew had been able to arouse other than bis friendly interest, and she was in despair. Had she seen his face as he strode through the brush she would have been surprised, for It was white and drawn and his teeth were clenched. i it was hard for him to face his moth- er's persuasions with 8 jest when all the while his whole soul was bound up in a woman to whom he could not offer bis love. It happened on one of his trips to the shore. He had formed one of a yacht- ing party, and there he had met Clara 'Ripley. For a time it had seemed to him that there was the woman for whom he had been destined, and gin a 'MeCaw before embarking on a trip ough Remedy ALWAYS CURES g&F Mr, O. Graham, V §. has ade arrangements for {ree commu ation, day ornight, ovat the e systems of Dr. Mel gh the long summer evenings he had sat by her side and wondered how it was that to some men it was per- mitted to have a foretaste of heaven. Then Tom Ripley had joined the par- ty, and for the first time he had learn- ed that she was married. The blow had been tod much for him, and, feign- | ing fliness, be had left the yacht and | come home heartbroken. That had been a year ago, but the wound was still fresh, and. on those long strolls through the woods he could still feel her presence, could smell the salt air above the fragrance of the pines. And his mother had declared - 2 hos ho waa o confirmed bachelor who : : | ike would not marry an angel from heaven were she suddenly to appear and make declaration of her love. He thought bitterly of his mother's hopes, and tears dimmed his eyes as he realized how impossible it was to grant her her heart's desire. He made his way down to the lake where there was a little clearing. loved to lie on the soft grass and look up at the white elouds traversing the summer sky, while he pl self how diferent lile Clara by his side Lo face the world So full of bis thoughts was he that he did not netice his dog's until with a sharp bark he dashed to ward the water's edge. With a cry he Over the surface of bounding a huge bulk from which de pended a swaying mass of black an white, Now it struck the water; now i rose in the air omly to fal some wounded bird In a flash Jaek there was to have been cension across the lake th and he knew that this though he was at a loss to underst why a feminine figure should be cling ing to the ropes. Just as he neared the shore the car dipped again, and as it rose & - brushed past Jack's 17 . 2 hos stinctively be grasped it, and with a Cin ar LATTER (aid oe mimo ARTES star ann en Hae LL were Tose hé was jerked info the air. For a moment he §lung, dizzy with excite- ment and the fil rending sound ward, and Eldq the branches of cutting his fice they did not logs rope. There was an and as they rose wits, began to ¢l himself up hand rose in the air, ' Ie the car when: il again, and now weight of the « against the brancl nigh breathless. Ir work of the edge his shoulder ass side. For a moment while the balloo and then with a his eornpanion v One glance int anxiously over b love, and the k stimulated his T was diving agah recovery was le they scarcely ele trees. Just bey and as they sank lurch settled to « beneath its huge bu the valve rope ! with Jack's arm car, and the gas the neck of the tube their discomfort. With a desperate en his way aver the side of the cur, drag ping his aamnpguion after him. it seemed he must give up, a pu fresh alr struck with one lagt effort he dragged Clara from beneath the infolding cloth. When consejousiess came sgain she | g Land in hers while the down her face. she gave i little ery was chafing tears strea haled top much gs leave you to "1 am all feebly. Then, did you happen "There were swered--""Tom, gelf. I had a balloon trip, & splendid chance "The professal into the car Wh parted, and I: thought I shotil@ But it's all right "Yes" he 8 smile. "We'll tas send you home home is just mother will Dé Taskea » with grim per car rose once more "that you had in- now," he answered r a minute, "How 'carried up. alone. i to give out, and I BANK MONEY ORDERS. Uj $ 1 ci8 ) OQ r p to §10 6 cts QO p to "30..10 cts ( QO Pp ) ) 1 cls I v e Bank Drag Be i way to send L PORT PERRY AGERCY, H. 6. HUTCH Q Q ESON, Manager. with thie memory --of 1ast year." "Wag it so unplea eg md wondered why you left us so suddenly Could it be that anything I sald gave offense 7" Her 1 red as she asked the que: she 1ze unflinch ingl No," was t was thing--that Some I le i tl he w I 1 v ) 1» him i land to take 1 Somers told me t A Riple s already n be 1 and that T 1s with his board r al al 18 Comm 1 all 1 1 the tone in which it was asked Mrs. Elde v g the sun set across the flelds em coming tos ward | "Mother," cried Jack jubilantly, ym heaven, 0 be married just as atters," "this is the ax and we are going t goon as we ca Punishing a Proud Maine Judge. In the early days of Augusta, Me, when the people rode about the country on horseback, a certain aristocratic judge, riding into town one day on his gmart horse, was overtaken by a neigh bor, a poorly dressed Irishman, riding a rather rough look z animal. In the outskirts of the city the two jogged along side by side, discussing the topics of the day, but as they near ed the town the proud judge, thinking it beneath his dignity to be seen in company with Patrick, requested tha Irishman to fall back a little. The quick witted son of Erin, grasp- ing the situation, fell back a few paces and awaited his opportunity for re- venge. As they were entering the principal | street the Irishman called out from be- hind: "Jedge --, am I far enough be- hind yer honor?' The discomfited judge, sitting very erect, paid no heed to the Irishman. A little further on Patrick again call- ed out, to the intense amusement of the bystanders, 'Jedge ---, am 1 far enough behind yer honor now, sir?' So, all along the way, Patrick pun- | ished the proud judge--Boston Herald. | A Smart Man. "Fourteen cents for each of these," he said, handing the saleswoman two cravats he had selected. "That's 28; 18 | for this and 14 for this. ~ That's just 50 cents in all." And ke placed a half | dollar on the counter. | The girl took the cravats he had se- lected, entered the purchase on a slip, which she footed up at 50 cents, and sent them away. Soon they came back wrapped ready for the purchaser. He took them, but did not go away. "I knew I could do it," he said. "Just count it up again--three for 14 cents each and oue for 18." The girl counted and found the total was G0 cents instead of 50. Then he | wanted to give her 10 cents more and 1 go off with the goods, but it took more | than 10 cents' worth of his time as well | as of everybody else's concerned before | "The lesson was quite as expensive for me as for you," he sald to the girl "+wvlien he fioally left with his cravats.-- ' ix | matter eould Le straightened out. by all diuggists. % i sowing Parties writing 101 mention the sort or variety they wen d prefer, with a second sort as as an alternative, and should tie available stock of both varieties be exhausted, some other good sort will be sent instead ose apph ing for Indian Corn or Potatoe will please beor in mind that th corn is not available for distribution until March or April 1 that pe tatoes cannot be mailed from. here until danger from frost in ransit is | ured on | ver. No postage hail atier addressed 'to the "Cent cal Experimental Farm, Ottawa. Wat. SAUNDERS, Director Experimental Farros | The Grip WBefore we can sympathize witl sthers we most have suffered ou elves," 'No one can aeabze th uffering attendant upon an attack {the grip wales he has had the (ctual experience, There 1s prob- ably 1:0 disease ti at cuuses to auch Shysical and mental agony, or which so successtully defies medi i aid. All dancer from the gon however may be avoided by the prompt use of Chon ber! in's Couch Remedy, Among thie tans of Wicus ands wha have uvsed this remedy, not our cies has ever been reported that has sésnited an puedinoiia or (hat hos not vecovewsd, For sdie «| A Tawacian Lady Speal : Tham ria» Cough Mrs. Michael Haft, wife: superintendent of Kinizsto 'ars used Chamber] tmedy for golighse whooping congh od Iv viry hencficlaly po g Ll ? 2 Wow an Orang Outang Travels. ¥; It is a most Interesting sight teé- watch an orang outang make its way through the jungle. It walks slowly along the larger branches in a semi- erect attitude, this being apparently. caused by the length of its arms and | the shortness of its legs. It invariably selects those branches which intermin- gle with those of a neighboring tree, on approaching which it stretches out | its long arm and, grasping the boughs opposite, seems first to shake them as if to test their strength and then de- liberately swings, Itself across to the | next branch, which it walks along, as before. It does not jump or spring, as monkeys usually de, and never appears to hurry itself unless some real danger presents. Yet, in spite of its apparent ly slow movements, it gets along far quicker than a person running through the forest beneath Sickened of th » Scalpel. An extraordinary event led Lassone, physician to Louis XVI of France, to nat 1] studies. While : some dead bod- abandon selecting fes a suitable subject for ection he Samples of ( Grain fo ! 9 E showed the Improvement. of { fund sauglit, 10 ! 8 not s y i. H rown- + o jccess @ Ioan, I 17 I t I nd sup- \ having I 1 t of ting a 1 4 1 t t he felt " his accus- : 3 for 1 tory and took the place of that of eX el 1 t i} 1 1 fead t n, Mar I'l t t abit 3 1 ontith B) come . To them Lily, Dh Ne 8 Whi int 4 go ot women, married re Serr 1d eh Wha OFA Le sped £00 ; W wer y of an ac I wine, ll attended by Y fi an. ¢ 1 mothers. T last | t from I 1 0 A 1 th 1 A ! I I 1 Rist t € kex I'here 1 t f Vave I r Every brook 1 1 AT Prest R wa , ff. Wha mn Huron La W I 8 lie vitl prom f ving r--1 BAF S 7 in't ng hing. M 1 f yo 1 1d ireful- ; 7 : I ly v t wh 18, 1 I g ung yachable pe, and C N € { \ ng time I , 1 to me [ h year i a Wi 1 5A > Las' be ular 18 Why, the Hent t stand without I ( N I Mpnniencan That do rl a Hevea Early Af and protection from burgl vf : ha A Well, 1 11 le pendently poor Is eff any be applicant. hen it a v $ a sang t also receive f r potatoe I > e individual, or a The Stone of Destiny re than one samy The histo known in Scotland 14 cannot be eutert tiny," in Applications should be a ot Director of Exper ta Farms, Ottawa, and may be sent in | Ireland by re the 1st placed it in T' 3 fte w h the lists will present this very ancient relic o that all the samples { for | temed underneath coronation chair may be sent out in good for | in Westminster stone is of dark color, streaked with red, and is twenty-six inches long, sixteen inches wide and eleven inches thick. Its sur- face is much defaced, and a deep crack | almost divides it into two parts. Tra- | dition gays that this stone can be trac- | ed back to the plains of Luz where | Jacob laid his 1 upon It and dream- ed his lad id that at the | captivity Je it to Bgypt. Hoo L Every Nambeoer erie t 3 it coutains nothing harmful. For sts, sale by all ¢ A Life of Passion. £ | In Lord Byron's letters he tells how ! he once had a visit from "a Mr. Cool- | idge of Boston, a very pretty lad, only | gomewhat too full of poetry and 'en- tusymusy.'"' Byron says: "1 was very civil to him during his few hours' stay and talked with him much of Irving, = whose writings are my delight. But I~ suspect he did not take quite so much, to me, from his having e to meet a misanthropical gentleman in wolfskin breeches and answering In

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