Payable without Charge CHAS. BALLARD, Manacen. PORT PERRY BRANCH, THROUGHOUT AND THE UNITED STATES. CANADA, GREAT BRITAIN > 3 cannot keep from growing. And gradually all the dark, rich color of early life comes back to gray hair. BA ae Le a pea TEs, Hutw Vigor my nd as thick as I could wish." us. KLorrxsTiRN, Tuscumbia, R. D. ARCHER, M.D.C.M. Victoria University ; M. Toronto University, Memb-r ort. uly of Physicians and to Liceatiate o the Royal ur geras, Ont. of Su Kilinburg : Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians, Edin. barg ; Member of the Faculty of Physicians and Sdrgeons, Gliagow; te Resident Pupil of the Rolunda Hospital, Dublin far Wamen. Ottive and Residence, second dior west of Davis' Farniture Emporium, Qteen Street. Uffice hours--9 to 11a. ., 'and 2 to 3 p.m, and evemings, I have taken as partuer, my brother, Dr R. Archer, M. D,, C. M., Member of Col- ege of Physicians and Surgeons, Out. Port Perrv, June 9, 1897. V state that ou hin pa made « x Cy 1 on applicuti x DR. 8. J. MELLOW, Pacti « wi-hing to engage his services Pursician, SuroEox, &c. may consult his SaLx Rrecinrer either at * the Olciver or Stundard Offices, Port Office and Residence, Queen St., Port Petry ? Bee hours--Sto 0 am; 1to3 pm, aud Evenings. Telephone in office and house, open night and day over the lim: south, connected with the residence of (3. L. Robson, V.S. Port Ferry, Nov. 15, 1804, WM. H. HARRIS, BALLS. Buccessor to and occupant of the offices of the Jate F. M. Yarnold. Port Perry, Ont. &¥ Pho A Ri E und of ret atromage + past wir inter Tort will coe MONEY TO LOAN. JNO. W. © BD ROZIER CONYFYANCER ARRISTFR. SOLICITOR, &c. Office at residence, 6h Cou Reach (one mie west of Port Verty,)- JO Moxey To Loan, { ICEN Eh aad { J Conn N. IF. PATERSON, K. C., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, &c., T H. Noa. 310 311, Temple Building, Cor. Bay TARRTAC snd Richmond Streets, Torouto. rt Pein Toronto, Murch 31, 1898, th rh Sh RA NR GR -FE. FAREWELL, K.C, LL.B, Count, J . Crown Attorney, Barrister, County - sitor, &c., Notary Public and Conveyancer Otfice--South wing Court House, Whitby, { GEO. JACKSON, Licensed Anctioneer, Valuator, &c. FoR THE COUSTY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSHII ISHES at this the commencement ot another Auctivn Sale Semson to re tary thanks to lis numerous past favors. snd continued patronage he desires to him successes. Hix very extensive practice in the past should be wu sufficient recom mendation as ta his ability. All Sale given into hix charge will be attended § with prownptneas und dispatch. Perry, for dutes claimed for Sales and make arrnugements, or write to his address CHARGES MODERATE, Nov. 1, 1901, he Opsrrver OHice Manchester, Jan. 19, 1500, OF CAKTWKIGHT, rons for In requesting Ne Fapee ran uo vffort or Pais will be spared rt to make all sules entrusted to Kale list aul blank notes supplied free, ne at Residence, No. 81. ma £100,000 STERLING (British Capital) on good Mortgage Security. Apply to Bapker and Broker, Port Perry, Ont GEO. JACKSON, Purt Perry I. 0. | UOTIONEER. lersigned tukes this opportunity trning thanka for the very liberal be has received us Auctioneer in The increased experivnce and stensive practice which I have had will be ned to advantage of putrons, md parties wring me with their sules may rely on ata being fully protected. ~ No he spared to make it prafitahle their salvsin my hunde: will be found" wt the House, Cresarca. THOS. SWAIN. msarea, Ang. 26, 1896. S. BAIRD ED AUCTIONEER for the vy of Ontario, Sale Register at Patronage solicited. MeCAW, INSURR OF {E LICENSES, Port Perry Ont, , Dec. 19, 1883, ownship Clerk, Commissiorer, &ec. Ont. prepared to Laan any quantity of Money ; | wimproved Farm Security at G and 7 per ent (Trust funds). W. A SANGSTER All Lindi 0 Conveyancing executed with . ' catness au dispatch. | DENTAL SURGEON. Otfice--Ouy door west of Town Hall, h---- anchester, k Office Hoara--9 to 12 a.m., 2to am. Manchester April 11, 1888. Also open 8 lay i 8 » r ar Gold Fillings, Bridge and Crown N th 0 t 0b Nor a Specialty" Vitatmed Al: Ori vmiario unserver, Weekly Dr F. D. McGrattan (DENTIST) 1 .D.S. of Royal College of Dental Surgeons, also B.D.S. of Toronto University. Cfice in the Allison Block over Allison's Drug Store. "VERY > \/isu addy Het BEER rh of rvery 3118 and color MISS HARRISON Political, Agricultural and Family Newspaper IX PURLISHED AT PORT FERRY, ONT. TUURSDAY MORNING H. PARSONS ware, Would in advaee ; If nor $1.00 GREATEST Nurseries" in the towno! Office hours--8 a.m. 08.30 p.m. FERMS.-- 8) " Cort Perry, April 9, 1002. mill be charget. No athacription taken for long Moti: arrews arv puid up, LETTERS containing movey. when addressed to 3 Ores, royal and resirtered wil Le at ourriek. and surrounding country, and tak ADVERTISKMENTS i by Nonparie', and and no paper discontinned | this' space they occuyy. kon ont until to Merchants and other year or half 1 eay. H PARSONS. and Mantle Maker ES to inform the ladies]. t she has moved to ber fire |, 'Allison Block where I Toronto, be article they sell. Jamieson' Livery ] THE wmdersigned takes th opportunity of thanking the inhabitants of Port Perry und wieronnding conutry for the liberal wind still increasing put- rounge bestowed upon him oommencing Curting nid Livery in Port Perry an now intimates that he is Detter than ever prepared to supply all requirements in his los Having extensively added to my stock of horses ; as well as conveyances of the latest Iy pe of construction for comfort aud pleasure, Iam in a position to meet the requirements of the most fastidious as to style snd desirable equippage in every rexpect--in every way suit able for private driving. wed- dings. fone ids, ®c. Purties wishing an afternoon drive un have their choice of suitable double or single vigs and cure- ful drivers will also be wuppli- ed when required. I possess a number of good Spring and Deay Wagons snd will, at all times, attend to Curtisg with the utmost care and proniptness. I wisk further to state that in future suitable conveyances will he at the Railway Depot to convey passengers and Lag- Kage to private re nees, and Will also convey passengers and bagyage to the Depot in time for departing trains, on being given notice. WM. JAMIESON. Port Perry, July 30, 1903. WANTED A man to represent "Canapa's PORT PERRY orlers for so OUR ARDY SPECIALTIES in:Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, 5 Ornamentals, Shrubs, Roses, Vi ies, Sced Potatoes, &c. and free from nt po WELLINGTON FONTHILL NURSERIES ovEx 500 acmxs = - ONTARIO and HARMLESS HEADACHE 'Near AJA AND NEURALGIA CURE 0 heart " reatest cure ever discovered Eto 'All deters or direct § Se Ot ei 1 wor DACHE Coat! Coart--The firm of Purdy & Archer, coal deali rs, have to hand n their Coal Sheds--Water St. mmense quantitizs of Coal of every variety knww to coal miners. Their arge stock of genuine Scranton willl |. be found, true to name, dircet from the celebrated Scranton mines, so that parties ordering Scranton Coal of them will obtain just what they rder. The firm intend to cater for he full requirements of this entire | :ommunity and their prices will be ound consistent with the value 220s gr Klondyke, British Columbia lorth-West oba, Pa Territory and Man , going to any of the e parts call on A. I Davis ticket agent, for injormation &e, tN ee To lend at 4. 4% and 5 per cent. DAVID J. ADAMS . however. in every line of hii sturde ve ; ible 'S got {se old equine, knew that po d held the reins. From a ls galt (nseusibly slackened 'When the slope of Old he subsided to a walk. He Ir two backward glances in urging from Migs Boone's then the cutter stood square. pread hig fellow in Boston." wing Financial Strength and Careful Management of this Bank™ Warrant Your Coufidence. LOANS SAVINGS Theat formality costs thie Provineo 30 cents every time Sent} Crier Tay lof utters it in the courts at City Hall. "Oyes! Oyes! Over! Undoubted Security to Depositors. No Delay in Drawing Your Money Tuterest Pai or Compounded Twice a Year Don't Wuit till you have a large xum to deposit. #1 will Open an Account. Begin with ux Now ! Small Savings form the Base of Large Fortunes, Owr long acquaintance with this district enables wa (0 make ax liberal loans to onr customers as sound financing will per mit, ly on th flroad track he glanced sad- ment on the top of Old Pine before dropping upon the sled for anof between smooth white hills. It was Duke. a goodly stretch of country he sur- stranger In the neighborhood and paid to the whistle, if, Lndeed, she | dash down"the road, a creamy FIbhOR #0 great was hér anger at eanwhile Tom was thinking fren- Sold by all druggists. master approached him uTUS BiG in all humility veyed. On the right of the road and ly. [A cry of warning would not "You should not smoke, sir," he be halfway to the foot of the hill stood de." The train was scarcely farther gan his own home. From the kitchen away than was Mowbray himself. The "Indeed!" ejaculated the traveler chimney a column of smoke, un- girl might not understand. If she did, | "That is what my friends say." | the Incumbering robes and blankets In "You misunderstand me, sir," re which she was swathed could not be turned the station master. "You must tort off lu time for a leap to safety. not smoke." In Bis agony and horror Mowbray "So my doctor tells me," responded gripped the sled until his muscles the other. creaked. That gave him an idea--the The station master was rapidly los- sled, the sled! ing his temper, and, assuming the 'The of ed the a HE BENATCHED THE GIRL FROM THE CUT TER AND THEY FELL TO THE ROAD, | troubled by vagrant wind, rose straight in the air. A few rods beyond the house the railroad track crossed the road. At the bottom of the little val- ley the iron bridge over Winkoos creek marked the end of his coast. Tom was twenty-four and stood & full six feet, but he still loved, boy- like, to cruise at breakneck speed over courses that would have frightened The road down pe ot ca Aa 'night frosts. It was full of quick dips and turns, which sent many a careering over the snow crust youth on head and shoulders while his sled followed a path of its own in another direction. Mowbray's long coaster, of stout oak frame, shod with springy steel run- ners, was paused for another birdlike flight when a vehicle appeared on the bridge, headed toward Old Pine. It was an old fashioned cutter drawn by a ponderous farm horse. A splotch of red was visible above the cutter, hereupon Tom's heart beat Inconti- nently, Horse and cutter were the of John Higgins, Mowbray's | neighbor on the north; the carmine was | & tam and. the person be- | neath It was Mrs, Higgins' pretty niece indignation visible, The t The train had not gone its length so rapidly aid these thoughts flash through mand, he roared: the young man's mind coaster, he took two or three quick you shan't smoke, sir!" steps and flung himself face downward upon it. Responding to the Impetus, the sleigh rushed madly down the hill sprang. The { tunes In Mowbray's ears. At the back brain something prayed that he nity--Jt rose on a single runner. Again as they followed a sharp angle it slow- rode with Mowbray that morn- most severe attitude he cguld com- Raising the "But It's against the regulations and "Dear me!" exclaimed. the unmoved offender in grave tones. "That's my wife to a tee." --London Globe, flexible runners creaked and wind whistled welrd Cuft Buttons. "Your cuff buttons are not properly worn," sald a jeweler to one of his cus- might be In time, but all his faculties "gamers. "What's the matter with were fntent on keeping the sleigh up- (ham Haven't I got them In my rights Once for a sccond--nay, an eter- oq "Yes," replied the jeweler, "but you are like a great many other people; you are not a close observer. You have the little gold plece at one end of each link placed so that in one cuff it Is toward your body and in the other away from you. The small end of the link should in every case be toward you. Yet nine men out of ten pay no attention to this detall. The careful dresser never has the small end of a link button on the far side of the cum." width of the road. But Provi- catastrophes could only threat- ® feet from the cutter he jerk- d of the coaster suddenly in- bank. His own momentum straight ahead. Rolling ed caterpillar, he crashed glitter, Something snapped, fd pain stabbed him, but he "Db ndly to his feet. Some | tehed the girl from the cut- | fell to the roadside In | train thundered by, hurl of the wrecked vehicle | warning and prompt relief must be Duke, uninjured, but | ,hained. There is no necessity of fired of his balkiness, gal- | inc, ring the expense of a physi- REP Old. Pine, cian's service in such cases if Cham- NE berlin' Colic, Cholic and Diarrhoea | gaid Toi In telling the Remedy is at hand A dose of this a of! i emedy will releive the patient be- | w. Mowbray. "4.1 a tor 'could arrive. 'It has ' known to. fail, even in Unnecessary Expense. Acute attacks of colic, diarrhoea and dysentery come on without 'never the most severe and dangerous cases and no family should be without it. . For sale by all druggists. "A" and "gn" Do you use "a" or pirate? The London Chronicle, in didcussing the matter, says that the Oxford "Rules For Compositors," a rston, a once fa- lawyer: as attending court attorney made 4 an d by the court. book of real authority, gives "an habit- onstrated against wal" "an historical," whereas one says is the wrong ruling "a habit," "a history." It ls & ques- unently did he re- was fined $10 for An older attorney and he was fined a other, who thought 'with the judge, n the matter iched the coffers of a "ten spot" for tion of phonetic laziness, adds the Chronicle. The "n" of the article is a mere step over the stile, and the stile is the aspirate at the beginning and the ac- cent on the second syllable. A hotel is tie crucial instance. With the ac- cent on the first syllable, that is right. But give the stress to the second syl | lable and you must say "an hotel" It is a mere question of stress, accent, | that later syllable. "A history" may be correct, but when there the ! novel it must be "an historical novel," for you could not say the otber thing without sneezing. & Different Now. Biggs--Your friend Enpeck speaks four or five languages, doesn't he? Diggs--He did before his marriage, but he seldom gets a chance. to speak any now.--Detroit Tribune. g - g Bs = a soiterapt for this and I am pay- | Sugxestion Rejected. = gentle- | Economical Wife--Henry, we must 'compartment i ent down our expenses this month. Can you think of anything we can do i without? Henry--Well, there's your i mother, for instance. X So COLIC, CHOLERA AND DiarrhoeaRemedy 1d keep Every man of a family she "All Persons having anything to dd' fore the Court of General Sessions of the Peace depart hence and givd your attendance to-morrow. "God save the King!" Province 3d Handling the Book: giving the oath !" That, too, costs the cents ly at the towering hill and stopped | y 5 0 . 1 A 1 H 1 A I I T gy 'S to witnesses, and, announcing their The girl clucked impatiently and WW KE i / S S/ J N 0 1 OU. names nets 0 cents per wit- jerked at 'the reins. Duke planted his hess. He a day for his legs imn bly and laid back an ear. attendance at court and a small salary Miss Boole laid the whip across the BANK MONEY ORDERS. is_factotum to Judge Winchester, 5 . ol ere are many fees pald at the = re horse's ti d a 3 UPI 85..00vs wavs jis} Eorts at City Hall The. sherifrs are and the crossed together until they Over $5up to &10.. 6cts. [Best way to send small amounts paid §6 a day for attendance at court D ve let 1 ) : Over 10 upto 30..10 cts Cashed free at any Bank. and $1 for every prisoner arraigned. Te A Me scarle ne, she struck Over 4 J For summoning 80 petit jurors and 18 right heartily. Duke never budged. ver 30 up to 50..15 cts. grand jurors the sheriffs get 13 cents iy | d | K Mowbr bserved by the girl, >) 8 y i TRAP a mile and 25 cents for each man NE NOB stood'on fie hilltop and enjoyed the af. | For sums over 50 use Bank Drarrs, J served. This amounts fo'a Udy suny By M. J. Phil fair § ly. "She's got grit. all Best and cheapest way to send LARGE AmouNTS Special Rates. each year and it would total up fully, YN. 5 Poin: right" Belobserved to hin sled. "At Dracatad Fae ml sural ot py first she thought the old boy was tired 0 R Y 0 both civil u and criminal assizes. This Copyright, 1908, by M. J. Phillips Then ft 'peeurred to her that he was P RT PER Y AGENC . B. C. HUTCHES N, Manager. usually works out without a hitch, but ------ a a5 idierfn, p How she swings that gad! & couple of times the vagaries of court March Tad come, but Winter is 4 BLucks! 8W¥ho'd thought her little fist A -------- ---- procedure have kept the sheriff on ten: » but winter is tena- .,,1q fhe gad that way? And that on ter hooks, lest the panel should be ex- E clous In Massachusetts. There were Duke villalh is Just cajoying himselgrr | Summer Diarhoea in Children Horrinle Herolom. hausted. On one day two years ago fr few signs of a breakup. The tops of More m sheer vexation than fa During the hot weather of the One of the Resolution's gunners was foul Juries were out Bt once from jhe Vi the hills were still covered, no tinkle tigue Boone ceased to ply the summer months the first unnatural ®tanding by his gun as the ship = i otier vss Yee the peoe came from the frozen creeks. whip and Jooked helplessly about. It |ooseness of a child's be wels should beered abreast of De Grasse's flag- woul most assuredly have petersd out Tom Mowbray, ascending to the top did not océur to her to look upward. immediate attention: so. as to ship. The gunner was all ready, just before the selection was made . . > - Mowbray felt that she was on the 5 » 8 going to fire, when a shot came In at On another occasion three criminal of Old Pine Knob, after a coast of check the disease before it becomes nearly half a mile on his stout slel verge of rs and was about to reas i : the port and took his leg off at the Assige furfes were out at once. The . i BY gure her with a cheery cry when a So 0US All that is ne CSSary 1S 8 knee. As quick as thought the man Cases were short, but the evidence was » looked on a fairy world. The ever- sharp whisfle t it in bis throat. The i¢W doses of Chamberlain's Colic, pulled off his neckcloth and tied his Contradictory. At 7.45 His Honor, thy greens were loaded with snow and gojion express! . Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy leg above the stump. The next Instant 18te Jude McDougall, aireoted , that bearded with boar frost, the dark rie girr'd danger was imminent. At followed by a dose of Castor Oil to he selzed his shot off limb and opaa™ies be made ay to the probability green boughs standing out between this polut the track, sunk in a deep 'cleanse the system. Rev. M. O thrust it into the muzzle of the UD, the answer was "We cannot agree." X like wondrous carvings In frames of cut, described a sharp curve to the left. | Stockland, pastor of the first M. FF, which went off two seconds later. "My "Lock them up," sald Judge Mec! purest white. The air was like honey A train for these reasons was not visi- | Church, Little Falls, Minn , writes foot," shouted the man exultantly, "is Dougall ¥ and diamonds. Everything glittered ble until within a short fifty yards "We have used Chamberlain's the first to board the Ville de Paris." ; At 8 o'clock, fst before he departed blindingly beneath the sun, which from the erossing. The cutter, its love- | Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Re-| ¥rasier's "Famous Fighters." Jor ome another inquiry was instk , shone, brillant and hard, from a ly freight unconscious of the death medy for several years and find it a "We have agreed" said the foreman Sloties "1 5 ol Fron down, Sood Squarely be- very valuable remedy. especially ° » of the first fury. ng, owbray paus a mo- tween the rails. Miss Boone was a for summer disorders in children Chamberlain 5 The jurymen were brought into Sour but b:fore they had been discharg the second jury sent out word that they had agreed. Hard upon the heels of this announcement came a similar announcement from the third jury room Every one of those three juries comn- victed their man and they all made up' this remedy in his home. Buy it | their minds In less than fifteen mine now. It may save life. Prior, 8c utes. There are a lot of fee pald officials' i in County Courts. County Crown At4 ; dlenri . Dia Using Enden Tp torney Drayion gots $10 a case whether ld you ever n dtices=lut Of Course (4 1,qy ten minutes or ten days. On you did--what a difference there 18 In the face of things this looks like a men in the matter of using endearing bonanza, for very few of the cases last terms? It is just as natural for some beyond half a day, but there are cases men to say "Yes, dear," or "No, sweet- Which cause the Crown Attorney to heart," as It {8 for somebody's pet ter- wor ar wa EO a This r 30d50 on 4 rier to chase the family cat up a tree, through twelve days In addition to" Of course, it doesn't Always mean AnY- hoa fees Mr Druyton is entiled to thing In particular. That is to say, If two dollars for every indictment he a man calls a girl "dear" or "little one" draws after he has been "paying her distinct Constables on duty at the doors and attention" for awhile, it doesn't neces. oaide the courts kre rei $150 a day , . each ey are agitating for more. sarily mean that he's going to propose. ©, C0 y ni a fee for serv If certaln women would get that yl ices and making arrests, through thelr heads there would be 5,4 summoning witnesses fewer broken hearts. Actions, not The County Court Clerk's office words, gauge sincerity, and « man may farely bristles with fees. The clerks of > string the conversation full of pet other courts are pald a salary, but inv names and not have any deeper affec tion than the man who doesn't call his wife "dear." It is only a habit, but it is such a pretty one and It is so easy a way of making a woman happy that it 1s really too bad more men do not cultivate it.--Woman Correspondent in Detroit Free Press. 8 ---- Make Hay While the Shines." There is a lesson in the work of the thrifty farmer. He knows that the bright sunshine may not last but a day and he prepares for the showers which are so liable to fol- Sun low. So it should be in every houschold. Dysentry, diarrhoea and cholera morbus may attack some member of the home without warning. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which is the best known medicine for these diseases, should always be kept at hand, as immedidte treat- ment is necessary, and delay may prove fatal. For sale by all drug-| gists. | The Strongest King. ~ | The strongest king en record, sv fle Thracian peasant and emperor of Rome. It is related that with one of his fingers he stopped a chariot dash- ' ing by at full speed, that he could draw a loaded wagon, by a blow of bis fist could break the hardest stones between his fingers and split trees with his hand. This redoubtable severeign was eight feet high, and bis wife's bracelets served him for finger rings. _We have passed over Og, the king of Bashan, who, as the rabbis say, was holding them up to the sun and who, when Noah refused him shelter in the In Great Demand. The demand for Chamberlain's me ly her: has been so great that I have sc reclv been able to kecp i in stock. 1 s ntry here when all other re m ches failed -- Frasx Joxes, Pike- viile. Ind. Ths reme 3 by all druggists. Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Re: | It has ewnd cases of | the County Clerk's office there Is list of fees from 25 cents to $1 for fil Ing judgments, issuing certificates, re- gistering official documents of various kinds Woolen and Worsted. If a plece of woolen cloth is exam< med through a microscope, the two yarns--warp and weft--are found to be so crossed and closely matted to- gether as to be indistinguishable, but MM a plece of worsted material you cau easily distinguish them. " This is due fo the fact that woolen goods are made from short stapled carded wools, whose fibers In the process of carding have been made to overlap eaeh other so as to become closely matted or felted, while worsted goods are made frony long stapled wools thaf bavé been card- ed and then combed fill the fibers lio a8 straight and parallel as possible. A "Wild Hair" 4A "wild bair" is the most aun th. It grows in from the eyelid in- stead of out and, constantly brushing' against the eyeball, sometimes causes an irritation that results in a loss sight. Te pull it out gives only tem porary relief, since fu a few weeks it ¢omes back, as well grown and strong as ever. The only way to kill it is to' Answers Weof Napleds Sir Charles Napler hated a man whe had not an answer ready for him. He once asked Richard Burton, the explor- er, how many bricks there were in & newly built bridge. Richard, koowing} bis foible, answered without hes! 3 tion, "Two hundred and twenty-niae" thousand and ten, Sir Charles." He turned away and smiled. Another time be ordered a review on a grand scale'