Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 11 May 1905, p. 3

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Li HAH gins cena I UT Consultiiss Watts| If. yon want Rint Lote Ta Cashm Tan in Lace and Pla Stylish Dress 4 : fa A We have fine values in Our Dressmak is Back. HOSE. [| Ho ery. oidered ... dle. 25¢. and 35 Come Barly. Here are a few quota- 5c. and 50c. 50c. to $1.00. C. > | | The Provincial [ive Stock: Asscciation GLOVES. purpose having another Sale if Live Stock sometime in the first part of -» JUNE next in RORT. PERRY The list of Animals to be disposed of will consist of Young Cattle, Milch Cows, Grade Cattle, Horses, Sheep and Pigs. £7 Parties having any Stock to contribute to this Sale will please notify Thos. Graham, George Jackson or J H. Brown as soon as possible so as to advertise it thoroughly. would like a Further particulars as to date and terms will be given later. Balbriggan Fancy Vests in White and ( olors A splendid Vests Ae to 75c 50¢ to Tac. Lisle Thread in Tce, Black and White 25¢ and 50c, srey, Tan, Black and White Silk Jo 50e¢. Silk Taffeta, Grey Mode, White and Black 25¢, 85¢, 50c. ' LADIES' UNDERWEAR. Hygeian Vests, Special at 10ci A complete range of Hygeian vests from 7¢ to 10c ALADE ORANGES ST NAVAL SEEDLESS RANGES JICE LEMONS 1CAN ORANGES 1 ISH ONIONS HE-MADE MAPLE SYRUP RSOMETHING NEW HAKING: ;PIES. ate Pre Filling, 10 cts. per T.C. FORMAN & SON. - Port Perry, Feb. 11, 1905. package of qur Lemon ort. "Beauth ful | Li Vs | coming No one article of woman's apparel adds so much to her attractiveness as a stylish becoming hat. The hats were never prettier, nor more becom- ing than tlie Spring hats we are now showing. A great variety of Ready- to-Wear Hats. CALL AND SEE THEM. la; & d. Stouffer. "MONEY | --TO 1LOCAN| Om first-class Improved Farm® Property AT 6&5 | §7 rowpt otiention'iven to wil applications Aviirie 1H. BROW | ' POLT PEI { SILK WAISTS. at assortment just in, White, £3.50 to 35.00. Black and Brown CRevova. Having had the commodious Store in the Currie Block fitted up espee- ially, I am satisfied I have now one of the best appointed Drug Stores in the Province, and have taken possession of my new and extensive premises, where I have opened up, in addition to my extensive stock of Drugs, Chemicals, ahd Fancy Goods, a full line of SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES While returning thanks to my numerous patretis I would extend an invitation to all to all and see me in my new prerhises. A.J] DAVIS. Port Perry, Sept 2 1900 PRODUCE Bring in vour Butter, Eu and other Produce FUR Tarket offers you splendid prices and we do the same FEW LIVE CHICKENS each week. The We THOS GRAHAM J. H BROWN, PRESIDENT, GEQ. JACKSON, Auctioneer. JONES & SON. SEORETARY. | THE BUSY STORE. THE BARGAIN STORE| Motice ToGoodDressers 1 { 1 | We haye on hand a large range of | {Up-to-date Spring and Summer Suitings at a F YOU: WOULD HAVE GOOD LUC K! IN HATCHING CHICKENS, DUCKS OR TURKEYS, you should without de purchase "The Chatham'; the Kivg' of all Tucubators Let us liga? few of the features that muky The Cf adh fnoubator the most oTeTUEREYet ii Apparatus sa Kindly givens a call before | built. Lpurchising elsewhere and vou| which we offer Very Reasonable Price] rd cuarantee entire satisfac- tion mn every respect, It han dof $7 fa ¥. 3 vin eal: pucked 3] Xl Ts Neil be convinea absolut "the mont od Far M. F. LAGELL. A New Button Maker ion hand will make {buttons on short notice. nou-cond Ueto a be used Regn It hus Autom ities Thermostatic Bar lator, Neltyeutilated, Nuisery. made for adanudian People by rita) Candin Fira that hus a reputation to maintaig, - THE CHATHAM will hatch move strong. robust chicks, rom strungly Sei tified M. F. T.ACELL eggs. than suy other awachine mnslo: . ih y THE CHATHAM Wil pi you 100 7 better] Ebbels' Block. tha ro DEBT gs, oo , Ge Batt Fery, March 28, 1905, Ais ii 131} your Mr. GU A rites ~ rau ax Tulle pe me 5 BX ios J wa]. op N Leo (We i 0 tne nia ht iin can cheer fil rigofifiend The' Clinthai od every persons 'ontemplating buying an Incubatodpah yeu esunot meke u mistake, fg fo Farmers of Reach, Be Brock and 0d Mariposa. THE CHATHAM is sold an time, either in one, two or three payments, pot a cent|l Wish to intimate to ite to the farmers o required uotil next October. this district that I have been .p S pointed Sorte AGENT for the EGGS FOR HATCHING Sale of the Famous When purchasing eggs for hatehing make ore yout reseirag thon rant purect Dillon Hinge-Stay Fence pure, heath k, \We can eupply, you with the el best, and agree to oh lace every Manufactured by the Owen Sound Slast voy reluus, froe of 5 > Wire Fence Co. Ltd, and am ve the Borr OrpiNaroNn, the Quven « 3 i Sh prepared to supply this whole Winter Layers; the Bury LrGHORNR, the community-with the very BEST WIRE FENCE produced on this - "Céatinent and at prices that can- Ladies' Llol; and the reliable the Bazrro PLyMouTH Rocks. Call or JWiite, not fail to satisfy | urchasers. The DirroN Fence is without a for Prices. Aang N. INGRAM 8 SONS, peer. It is the BEST because it is CoCHRANE ST, flexible ; it is a square mesh ; itis a Port Perry, ONT. perfect hinge stay fence, therefore y it is impossible to bend the stays; in fact it is'the best fence made in this or any other country. To 'Sell or Rent. Thesidetsigned will sell of rent [don't fail to inspect the Diriox his Honde and Lot in Prince Albert. Fence. For particulars apply to the pro J. H. Brown, prictos on the premises DEALER IN AGRICULTURAL IMEL" BRANTON. MENTS AND MACHINERY. | se Prince Albert, Mar 20, 1905. [Ap i 6, 1905 SEAGPAY. Before purchasing a Wire Fence. THE HIGHEST AWARD AND GOLD MEDAL has been given to the Salada Tea at the St. I Louis Exposition. Frere STYLE aud will THE FIRST OF THE NEW Spring | Suit Ings and Tri f always | seen her | BEST : ed po Tg a I We have preatly incfeased our shelving space and. &till have not | room for © mmense stock of { Y D { NEW SPRING GOODS, and to clear out onr Winter Lines, | we are offering 'many medium | weights in ts 'and Overcoats at | cost, and' some less than, cost, i No IW | 1s UR, TIME For A SNAP. { H H STONE, | Port Perty, Mar. 8, 1905 FOR SALE That Magnifcant, Imported Clydesdile Stallon Lh [23901 6895 hiderdiined oer "for sale that Iniported Clydesdale Stallion » "Ha stands unsurpassed as 1 .his progeny are unequaled in and fre prize.getters wher © STOVE, FURN ACE Also the very best Lump Stem Coal for threshing. Blacksmithing Coal, A No. 1 Blosburg Coal. Prices right. PURDY & ARCHER. Give us a call. te. Foll particulars may be the Company. OCK HORSE COMPANY, Sunderland BEN PARK, Manchester, where Simon Yet may be scen ng and heavy, and kee dou dandruff. And ears. ir Renewer iy soft and glossy. 3 sivays restores pines Torolto Chief, Jr. OF EVERYTHING VW Harn IN [HE iin SE WHICH FoR CHEARPNESS STLYE Durability and 'STREN GTH, Cannot be surpassed im the County | Robes. Blankets ko., o , Bells, Trunks fn abundance, omparison of Prices Courted W. A. BEATTY. {iit Hil =k J Wi. Micharry | | REAL ETSATE BROKER. l Experience is tnvariably Essential to Success. AVING had cor I | Sales of some o in this district, an faction to all cor whole attentic placed in my hands lerable the experience in largest transactions in Real negotiat { | Estate I | | 1 every instance, giving perfect satis concluded to {devote my t all Real Estate that may be | for sale | | | 1 erned, I have 1 on to dispo FARMS FOR SAITH I would call special attention of parties requiring Farms to il Four fine properties now listed and for Sale Three Farms in Scugog. fine Farm in Reach. < && Parties desirous of disposing of landed properties [ | will consult their own interests by placing them with me for sale. Satisfaction guaranteed. LOANS without Commission on Real Estate security in sums to suit borrowers, at unusually low rates. Quick action. EZ" I represent the most desirable Fire and Life Insurance Companies. Prompt attention given to applications, Port Perry, Sept. 3, 1gor. Rag Carpet t Weaving, The sndersigned having had large experience at the business, is prepared to do Rag Carpet Weaving as it should be. He may be found at all times at his room up stairs adjoining = the Public Library.-- Charges moderate. All work first class and guaranteed to give satis faction. Caution. [FFYHIS IS TO FORBID GINING | credit to any one on ny ac count as I will not be responsible for debts contracted without my written cider JOHN JOHNSTON Port Perrys Neh 6, 1905. House and Lot for Sale. As an inducement get parties to bring in their Weaving at once, 1 | 1See our ends and odd lengths. NEW Merchant Tailor § D. PERKINS Begs to announce to the Citizens of Port Perry and surrounding country that he is opening a Merchant Tailoring Business ' in the Blong Block, with 2 fine collection of 'Suitings, Vestitigs and Pantings. Having had a large exper ience [ am prepareil to mak Suits as good and as ch ont and up-to-date asany in trade, Suits msde to order frond $10 up: i Pott Perfy, os 1; tool. AL wT NH Taking Home Good Things to eat is an ea matter if yod make your selection heré.-- We Lave everything in Fancy&Staple Groceries UALITY 00000 is the mainstay of our we never let that We buy forcash and make the best deals pos- sible, ] ¢ive our customers benefits of all advantages ob< tained E. H. PURDY. 1904 business, deteriorate and Sept. 7, Spring 1s Coming And you will need that Spring Suit or Overoat, so call if and see out complete stock: TAll the newest designs and Suitings and We have some patterns [rousering m snaps in last year's stock which we will clear out at (Cost and less than Cost, TYWe have the largest range [of Blue and Black Twill Worsteds and Serges (pur chased before the advance int [price) and are prepared tof | offer some Snaps in the same. We make Buttons. Repair- ing and Pressing done on short notice. We guaranted our work. WwW. HH. DouBT- Port Perry, Feb. 17, r'qos. To the Public. As timesand seasons change so it becomes necessary for business men occasionally to change their | advertisements. "The Fall is heral and Winter is coming and I am sti here with a large and first elass' Stock of F urniture suitable fof the' furnishing af house reasonable as any other. {solicit a fair share of trade. My Motto is ** Equal rights; to all, BUT NO MONOPOLY, of Selfish Motive." My Undertaking Department. i complete with a full line of Caskets and Coffins. TI can furnish a first class Hearse without extra eharge, Warerooms next door to S# Charles Hotel. ; JOHN NOTT. Port Perry, Oct. 10, 1904. [ce me The vndersigned offers for sale a rsigued offers for Sale| prame Dwelling House and one- g young Trotting Stal | aif acre of land on Union Avenue. NTO CHIEF, Jr. He may | For particulars apply on the pre- the stables of the owner mises. BPA EDWARDS. | | The 4 D. BOOTHBY, | Marilk ) it 12, 1905. | Feb 7, 1905. Port Perry. will weave 6 vards free for the party bringing in the greatest anmber ol yards between now and 1st March, and 4 yards to the party bringing in the next largest number of yards. ROBERT PORTEOQUS. Port Perry, Nov, 1904. HEADACHE Neuralgia and Nervousness cred AJAX ANEMIA No hea Greatest cus 3 Take no Sgr CS out! SE Austin

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