Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 30 Mar 1905, p. 3

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ToGood Dressers We have on hand a large range of Up-to-date Spring and YOU WOULD HAVE GOOD LUCK I HATCHING CHICKENS, DUCKS prtimamwii Summer Suitings which we offer at a Very Reasonable Price and guarantee entire satisfac- tion in every respect. Let us lista few of the features that The Chatham Incubator the most effective hatching apparatus ever bailt. It has double walls, which are thoroughly packed with Bliseral Wool wh is abesin's'y fi-eproof, and the most perfect mos-conductor that coaid be nsed. It has Aatomatie, Thermostatic Bar Regu- : . Selfventilated Navsery. It is Kindly give us a call before purchasing elsewhere and you will be convinced. ' estient made M. F. LACELL, = Ebbels" Block. Port Perry, March 28, 190s. HA $han any other in Fars, Mr. George Lee, Greenbank, Out., writes as follows ; -- N Isoraw, Porr Prruy, Onr. "Drak Stk --1 am more than delighted with the Chatham Incubator purchascd last Sommer as it is giving entire satisfaction. I have just taken off my first hatch fou this season, March 15th, 1905. and from 90 eggs I have 79 smart chicks which I consider hard to beat at this time of the year and is 20% better than hatching with henr. 1 can cheerfully recommend The Chatham to every person contemplating buying an Incubmtor, as you cannot make a mistake by to doing. THE CHATHAM is sold on time, either in ome, two or three payments, pot a ceut required until next Cetober. EGGS FOR HATCHING _ When purchasing eggs for hatehing make sure you are receiving them from pure, heathy stock, \We can supply you "th the very best, and agive to replace do. elenr vgg returned, free of charge have the Durr Oxpixerox, the Queen of Winter Layers; the Luyy Lronorss, the Ladies' Idol; and the old reliable the Bakken Peymovrs Rocks. Call or write for I'rices N. IKGRAM & SONS, CocHgANE ST, Rag Carpet Weaving, The undersigned, having had Jarge experience at the business, is prepared todo Rag Carpet Weaving as it should be. He may be found at all times at his room up stairs adjoining the Public Library.-- Charges moderate. All work first class ard guaranteed to give satis faction: As an inducement get parties to bring in their Weaving at once, 1 will weave 6 vards free for the party bringing in the greatest nnmber of yards between now and 1st March, and 4 yards to the party bringing in the next largest numl.er of yards. ROBERT PORTEOUS. Port Perry, Nov. 1904. we To Sell or Rent. | The undersigned will sell or rent his House and Lot in PrinceAlbert. | OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN N that 2 Dividend of Three and shelving space and still have not CARPET § We have a large and varied range of Carpets wh month of APRIL we are offering Rs a are preparing for Spring cleatiing and the renewing' fa portion of their Carpets. There is no lime which gives more satisfaction than Brussels, and in this we have an extellent display. Tapestries, Wools and Unions also find their place in our array. wel I of Perry, Feb. 11, 190s. A Lom ld iin mamlinleioks PECIALS 2 RMANS MALADE ORANGES EST NAVAL SEEDLESS ORANGES DICE LEMONS KICAN ORANGES ANISH ONIONS IME-MADE MAPLE SYRUP SOMETHING NEW Bh: MALIN; PILS, or per EMOVAL Having had the commodiots Store in {hé Ciirrie Block fitted up especs ially, I am satisfied 1 have now one of the best appointed Drug Storesin the Province, ard hive takes posiession of my new and extensive premises, whefé 1 have opemed up, addition to my extensive stock of Drugs, Chemicals, and Fancy Goods, a full line of SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES While returning thanks to my numerotis patrons ! would extend in an invitation to all to call and see me in my mew prémises. A.] DAVIS Port Perry, Sept 1 1900. A - THE HIGHEST AWARD of our Lemon ie Filling, 10 cts. NEW Merchant Tallot §hop D. PERKINS Begs to aunotnice (3 the Citizens of VYort Perry and surrounding country that hd is opening a Merehant oq l Tailoring Business = in the Blong Block, with & fine collection of Suitings, Vestings and Pantings: Havltig fiad a lirge expét- jence | am prepdrétl to make Suits as good and as chedp and up-to-date as any {fi i trade. Port Perry, June 1, 1904. 'T..C. FORMAN & SON. AND COLD MEDAL has been given to the ENDS AT GOST While this Sale lasts, you can have all the ends or remnants | at Cost. We wish to clear out all these. I MONEY | LCAN On first-class Improved Farm pr & Salada Tea Go. at the St. Louis Exposition. | | TO Property. AT 6 romp t atiention given to all applications. J. H. BROWN, PORT PEEEY Apply te HOUSE FURNISHINGS ih [4 Mik Cow. "No Place Like Port Perry 'MREE-QUARTER BreEp JErsev Must sell aud will Cow For Bale nts of a modern business | . |= > Perry, ONT. : : , ¢ Porr ERRY Rm For particulars apply to ibe pro | s¢ll Cheap. Apply ©, ASH FOR MANY YEARS, in fact ever since becoming acqu | prietor on the § remises. 5 + " At Mx. M y , ainted with the good people of Port Perry and vicinity | have fas M R. BRANTON. | [f you wish anything in Curtains, Drapes, Curtain Poles or| | Hr Actas bad a warm place in my heart for them, and, circumstances Prince Albert, March 20,1903 Blinds, remember that we have a stock of these, and can permiting, have long since bad a desite and determination to be | fer vou yod valu } ----- | with them and permanently reside in their midst, and in order { . offer you good yalue. u | to be of service to the community have purchased a suitable | Caution. 1 To Rent. property embracing one of the best business stands in town, | me 4 } % _-- where I shall carry on the Bakery and ( onlectionery Business rPHIS IS TO FORBID GI ING EVEN MILE ISLAND -- Lake which for extent and efficiency will be second to nove in the credit to any one on ny 2 Scugog-- 50 Acres. Excellent County, an | wouid solicit the patronage of this entire section of { ount as I will rel he Fesghia € land. Apply Co } county. In the past most of you have tested my productions for a" Is cr fnvagtel without my . H BEPSLEY. { and are aware of my capacity in catering for the public. Re written CIC y FEE AN ®| Scugoa P. O. | turning thanks for past favors, soliciting still increased patron- g Q Port P i) JOT NESTON - rr ------ and a renewal of support of former patrons. } 3 4 ort Perry, Ma:ch 6, 19¢5. g - CuaapiantlonseSuow| ron decks of THE or a; 3 y House and Lot for Sale ~T ~NT E South half of Lot Number 13, in ~ A Gala Baster Week for -- ar | MQ DD INIT ; QPT | V Een Tr ana in | Apl 13. 1904 CHAS. PEAR. . ' orney The undersigned offers for sale a | 7757, © [ \ \ \ PA) «. Posscasion to piow at once Apply Toronto's Great Event. Frame Dwelling House and one-| 7 A ) A I A ) 1 JL A 1d 10. 190: D ls pay | The 11th Atnaal Canadiab Horse hall acre of land on Union Avenue. | . 10, pithy Show will be held in Toronto, on For particulars apply ou the pre ; ( - od Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Mises. D BOOTHBY -- ( Vi |Z a Saturday, April 26th. 27th, 28th Feb oo Port Perty UOS hs EADAC H E u OC and 291th, in Easter week. Their| "© 7, 1905 3 ' furalgia and Nervousness cured quickly by | Exc-liencies the Governoi-General = | HARMLESS HEADACHE | Co i. ; . and Countess of Grey wili make AX 20 NiynRaLGIA CURE | OF EVERYTHING IN THE their first visit to Toronto to open other, 1oc and ssc. All dealers or direct from . the Horse Show an it promises to | & Ca, Simcos, Ont. Money back if met be a gala weck at the Provincial | bh a S&S Hy \ Ine capital. Each year the prize lst of } " . the Horse Show has buen increas- | WHICH FoR- ed, nutil now close to $7000 is given EC] DE NOW i in premiums and prizes. His Ex- lo cellency the Governor-General has ~~ Lea co Coil lan EA PN ESS STLY E LN em given a cup for the best four-year-| § course in our Jilege A LWT old mare or gelding by a thorough-| BD 0 fill a responsible 1; i A bred sire, that would be suitable 4 unerative position. ur | . ) for cavalry. -poiposes. Reduced . for skilled office help are | Durability and v R= railway rates wil be made for the greater than we ean supply r= / # Show at a single fare for the round 7 } i EN H . is trip on the opening day and a fare] BRITISH AMERICAN | S R G 1 . and a third on the other days of the 7 an s---- --~AND «ue . T T ' / : / Show. The entries close on April | STY LE d MERIT ca -- nme . ed i ) 2 12th with the Secretary, Henry | gLLE E Cannet be s urpassed in the County Wade, Parliament Buildings In- formation in reference to the Show | THE FIRST CF THE NEW Y. M. C. A. Bldg, | can be obtained from the Manager, ' 9, | STEWART HOUSTON, S In Suitin q TORONTO, ONT. (Robes, Blankets, Bells, Trunks Toronto. ; : . SI i s. reputation for giving the kc, in sbundance. and Trimmings are always to be AT TT BREST Oomparison of Prices Courted j Western Bank of Canada seen here We search for the 3 iy P 7 5 BEST and select goods of undoubt- : f t Commercial and Shorthand | YI A TIYIL Dividend No. 45. od style and merit. ' ; io ge Out ig are sou | W. A. BEA I I 1 . 5 'and | We have greatly increased our ° ® We . PR! 0 fect the h 'oom for our immense stock of NEW SPRING GOODS nd i 10 out our Wi Oue-half per cent. has been declar- ed upon the Paid-up Capital Stock of the Bank, being at the rate of r Bocks will be closed from the 15th to the 30th of March. . Notice is also given that the Twenty-second Annual Meeting of of the Shareholders of the Bank will be held on WEDNESDAY, THE 25th pay oF Apri NEXT, at Head Office of the Bank, Oshawa, Ont. at the hour of Two o'clock, pm., for the election of Directors and such other business as may legally come before the Board. By order of the Board. T. H. McMILLAN, Cashier. 1S YOUR TIM ror A SNAP. H H STONE. P rt Perry, Mar. 8, 1905. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ALWAYS CURES And is Pieasant and Sale. FOR SALE That Magnificent, Imported Clydesdale Stallion SIMON YET [23907 695 w Oshawa, Feb. 15. 1905. ELLIOTT TORONTO, ONT. SPRI3G TERM FROM (PIL dre. % "THE dersigned offer for sale that Cor. Yonge and Alexander Street. IE Sraigh Gr ule ths This igh fade College is making a moet | .-3ji00 Yet " He stands unsurpassed as a remarkable record this year 'for puscing iv | Gp his progeny are unequaled {eins io food pusitine, 372 Sve thi the Dominion avd are prize-getters wher- {Eajuing 3h a aind ever wcilidued. Tull Jutieslnrs uiny be Meni Spek the Shy ye, Tun Bmock Wonk couran. | W.J. BLLIOTT, |r trom JOHN PARK. Manchester, | : i Crizetpal. where Simeon Yet may be seen NUT, STOVE, FURNACE, GRA" Also the very best Lump Ste Coal for threshing. Blacksmithing Coal, A No. 1 Blosburg Coal Prices right. Giveusa call _ PURDY & ARCE Basi kkeeping, Commercial Arith- | Law P. ho. Spelling, Gregg Houch Trobe taught by experienced 'Enter any time. dual Instruction. Catalogue Free. REAL ETSATE BROKER. Experience is Invariably Essential fo Success. AVING had considerable experience Begotiatiny I Sales of some of the largest transactions in Real Estate in this disirict, and in every instance giving perfect satis faction to all concerned, 1 have concluded 10 devote my If whole attention to disposing of ail Keal Estate that may be | i placed in my hands for sale. il WM. BROOKS, Priucipal; mn 0 every Thursday [ARCH axp APRIL 00 P.M., POR FARMS FOR SATE 1 would call special attention of parties requiricg Farms to Four fine properties now listed and for Sale Three Farms in Scugog. fine Farm in Reach & Parties desirous of disposing of landed properties will consult their own interests by placing them with mie for {ii sale. Satisfaction guaranteed. LOAN \J in sams to suit borrowers, at anusaally low H i rates. Quick action. fi EF | represent the most desirable Fire and Life Insurance gif Companies. Prompt attention giver to applications. Port Perry, Sept. 3, 1901. nto, Grand Trunk, Canadian Pacific. will be attached ers travel should take | oronto at 1.45) lying Toronto at > passengers travel and copy of "from any Can-| ay Agentor C. orouto. without Commission on Real Estate security I NCE Taking Home Good Things to eat is an casy matter if you make your selection here.-- We have everything in Fancy&Staple Groceries UALITY tee ed is the mainstay of oif business, we never let that deteriorate. We buy forcash and make the best deals pos: sible, and give our customers benefits of all advantages ob- tained E. H. PURDY. Sept. 7, 1904 ny ---- Al r . § ' ; Spring 1s Coming And you will need that Spring Suit Overoat, call int and our complete stock. [TAIl the newest designs and patterns in Suitings and Trousering. YWe have somo or SO see snaps in last year's stock which we will clear out at Cost and less than Cost: "We have the largest rangd of Blue and Black Twill | Worsteds and Serges (pur- chased before the advance if [price) and are prepared to offer some Snaps in the same: "See our ends and Bei We make Buttons. Repair< ing and Pressing done on short notice. We guarantee our { work. oy H. DOUBT. Port Perry, Feb. 13, 1905. To the Public. As timesand seasons change so if becomes unecessary for busines# | men occasionally to change theif | advertisements. The Fall is hets {and Winter is coming and [ am stiff here with a large and first class Stock of Furniture suitable for the furnishing alhouse reasonable as any other. 4 solicit a fair share of trade. My Motto is * Equal nghts |to all, BUT NO MONOPOLY, or i Selfish Motive." My Undertaking Department is | complete with a full line of Caskets (and Coffins. 1 can furnish a first« | class Hearse without extra eharge. Warerooms next door to St. Charles Hotel. JOHN NOTE. Port Perry, Oct. 70, fgo4. && Ib order 10 mect increasing 'demanls of lus patrons and put "him iff closer touch with their pes | gmirem nts, Mr. George Jackson, bas ha | tustallee in his Ee ck a up-to- la'e telephone. Don't forget the number -- XXX, ' a

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