Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 23 Feb 1905, p. 1

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-{ \ A\ ¥3 aT wwotxo? aniluss® oldT xu oo opasab rok no wean i > " x io - Ey ¥ oh "IT 18 EABIER 70 MISTAKE i _ [Trrus:--$1 Pa ( IW BH { yi ET XCOM IN ADVANCE. (9 BLINHED E vil Y fH eo at a es sm ypAp No.5 TRS A Y, FLD, 28, 1005. (WHOLE No, MMDCXLXX1E Ee Bet GonBdunce. : __ and wits beauty gf expression; 'and AAMMDDAT Grand Trunk Rai ; Et arta vg I Rat. r COMMERCE f TIME, TABL a EF watts a EY dity of ans Dr, Drume t otid's . h contrasts them f t ehi + . with the American Woman whose hus- AT : Sic pints ADORE. PERRY. hE iCh hen i Si showed el S band cannot find a eeat in the train ESTABLISHED 1867. . A up uttere sis now : owing to her on, not of child- : ' Jurdy x GOING SOUTH, © Mifidence. This is owing ren, but of society novels, Jr pe re rg awh An1 a 7agam, 9-51.am. m success of Chamber- was a source of great dolight to the ' ; -- rere Spas ra 8 5-40 p.m. lg fh Boiedy in the treat- [| Feed your ae; Perish RR rodicnce. Fes a Pe Ly fey Loh er Pe \( PPS 7-33p-m at' disease. Mrs MM. 1. e it something to live on. The Masterpiece. Capital--paid up $ 8,700,000 nn o Ef jit elt 2 EN : of + Poolesville. Md., in [§ Then it will stop falling, and The physical ailments of an old" Sittings of the Division Cot Sher oxpurince nthe [will grow. long. and heavy. J Devliont who ak she i vas noted ] ngs o E DIVISIon GoM duiedy says: I have a Ayer's Hair Vigor is the only § jeered at boys, and who .OOUNTY OF ONTARIOZ Bi ems Tor 1 have . (id mot. ml By. 20 ch aa : y for | have : ; to a doctor to its 190 hai' ih i success. My BM § L : wers, are admirably de- oe 3 id | ct lo + iilbann-.. mi en To withdra y ue p " A HIFAWA ork, 10. - well Fang JR eT pg si Lu grin : i 2 Ek spc] ques J GRY : "est current i ! nasa TRINA I rE cues oth 5 : "one of the boys," ; Te yh fod i £1 o lo 1 If. Jas he ) aq - ember 7, Jan. io. 1906. } N 8 of Choice Grain fo: ped to be very short. But tamed down after his ingrriage was a Smiths, not counting the Smyths.z Farmers' Business--Special attention given to Farmers, Cattle and {og Dealers, and'; nroucsas cies. u. diceren, treeuwsod-game| L0HMPFOvement of Seed. Aree es marvel to them. Thay had reckoned Of these 79 are John Smiths. 'Ihere to but of-town accounts. Farmers' notes discount d. Sale Notes Oashed or] aM. Mart, May a July iG, tSopcciniat 1h or. | 3 -- . atter being without his good, strong-willed wife, are 811 Browns, of whom 53 ars waken for collection at lowest rates, Blank forms [ree on application. To the Editor of Tne Onserver J.B. Furia, Colorsdo who sg tamed him down that in dus' John' Browns. Jencs gs 8 nine 3. PORT PERRY Clork, J W. Burnham, Purt Perr a . hy lining--387 all, uy Tanuary 13, March & Muv8, July 11, Sepraaber| DEAR SiR,-- By instruction of the i foayrmoe. course he would almost doso off hiwi- scemns to be seslining dk i a ; - . CHAS. BALLARD, Mawnacsn. Byi-Noysmher 10, Jur 43, 1906, + HH on BJinTst f Avricultare znotl hb ; § self in his efforts to rock the baby ta compared to obinsons, : FORT PERRY BRANCH, ' OWRD CYTE Ea - Sinister ol Agriculture anoth slecp. Dr. Drummond's imitation of Scotts and 278 Johnsons. So thai ------ = ------ --- | fe 12 Moir Say Ta, July Tr, Sapam ver distrifution will be made this Johnny's lullaby was a clever musi- so far as Toronto family named ars: rrr eer TET 16 ag {og qrenuly T/Tia 15.0 . {season of samples of the most pro § B cal effort, and the piece generally . concerned the leading triugivirals HE M. D.C. M. Victoria | 5. CANNINGTON Clerk, Geo. Smith, Chnningten-- | du . Ira iz aroused great enthusiasm. Another should be Smith, Drown and Scott. R. D. ARCHER, h ' ton -- | tive softs of Gran to Canad.an g " Yitver . 1B. Toronto University, { Cdanuneyte, Mapols16;, May I5, July 13; Seprembefif 1» reat hit was the visit of the Cham-| The ancient theory as to the origind University : M.D. x 14, Novewber 23, Jan. 11, 120s. | Farmers fol the ir proveme - itis, | & o ? s y 3 d d Anctf Valuator, & Ss. far provement o furnishes three greut Mo tre College of Plysicians and License. rctioneer, Valuator, &c. { J s a | bly girl to Montreal to hear Madame ©f surnames furniches se gr ein or out: Licoutiate of the Royal by TET 6 BEAVERTON Clerk, (ica. F. Rruoe, Bowery seed. The stock for disiribution is | Albani, who is naturally Something sources of nomenclature, one derived 3 ' at; A * i 4 a 0) N V2 arch 15 a, Lean bi 3, > " ' 1 ) : Surgeons, Out. Lies of arg Lioeutiate SOR TRE Cog 2x a7 SRLel J | January 1 March 15 May 17, Soptsuber 15, Nov of (le vey best and has been secur POET OF THE HABITANT. | of nx goddess ts the Habitant. The from a man's occupation, .anotheg Jolley ' Kdin- . 4 . | i 0, BN Joltege of Physicians, mn a ' . ' od mainly from the excellent ops > or § from his personal appearance, of tho Ruyal College of LA ayaicians ISHEN ut this the commencement of STERLING T. UFTFRGROVE Clerk Thon 1, thor, Untarroves +5 IRIN FOL LIE EXCCIBOE TODS | dunt Pinang of Frouch-Canndinn Pemsant TONE ERECT APEOLTE OR the SLago other from some quality which hi huey s Meir ow 1 Late Kusident another Auction Sale Season to re- ida chsh eh bE ad at the branch Experi-| © Lie~Dr, Drummond Recently Delighte | With a mere man Lo ing, 3 Sours 14 [was supposed to possess: All this 1 Surgeons, Glasgow i La e , " . { Py orden, { adr Fara : ! J vet, an item in the musical wor Sor an Fok aa olanta {ospital, Dublin, tury thanks 3a his numerous pa rons fen (British Capital) Fore AREAL i ial Fara at ludian Head in the | ® Terente University Audience. on oom. In nin peasant Nie. | was vory easy to compichend in tha t 3 (06 and Residence, second past favors. In requesting their esteemed Clark of the peaks urth-west Territories Fie dis | pr. Drummond of Montreal, the py. | a Indian days, when Rais in-the-Face, for Women. Office , i anil eontiened t 1 1 ow Dated a W! o : | I'he Chambly girl is shoeked when : 1 door west of Davis' Furniture Epon Da trunge he oats io To lend at 4, 4% and 5 per cent SE #8 Whitby) Noni dptuitsok tribution this spring will consist of poet of the habitant, has what would {he man is so rude as te start sing- | Sitting Bull and Stick-in-the Hue avon Stee Offi» honrs--8 to 11a. # io effort or, pajus will be spare 4 ian 9 ¢ " saniples of oats, spring wheat, bar-| be called in the theatrical world a Sts sho ""E" | got their appellations, but in thess Qin Sey and evenings. 0 his part to make nll wales entrusted to | on good Mortgage Security } } " ing firsts, but sho is delighted when | 4 wo "or conguses, directories and di | ley, 1udiam corn and potatoes. The | fine stage presence, and the average xfadamo Albani : him successes, Hix very extensive practice begins, 'soon catches | | the philosophy of I have tiken as partuer, my brother, Dr |g po whould bo ae [wattle | apity to 1 quantity of oats to be sent this year { Student of human nature does not re hig up, and finishes Just as quick as visions of lehoF rint ry R. Accher. M. D., GC. M., Member of Col | mendation ax to his ability. All Sale | A will be g 1bs., and of wheat or bar | 34% to be told that he is an. actor pe gid! Tt is some pathos ad- | 287 R fe > | Surgeons, Ont. given into lis charge will be attended ¢ Hey < ibs, suflicis Rl born, not made His _declamatory pirapbly blended fn the poens, and the | "What's ia & Nam lege of Physicians an # : i ley 5 ibs, sufuciaut in cach case 1c wers have a refreshing naturalness ), », 0. 1807 with prow prices wind dispatch Sale list ll dor vuctwahtieth uf he | po have a ng "| Doctor's ndition was one » of the Divided as to the occupations re Port Percy, June 807. L made vit wd blank. notes supplied free, - KL a 20 w-twentieth ol an acre he | and his almost every word is fitted | at of his many fine efforts. De Bell presented by the spelling of. thd 2 EEE on application | | samples of Iniddian 'corn and pota-| with a gesticulation which conveys St. Michel was o grand closing item, | names, the 1905 Directory furnishes DR. 8. J MELLOW, Pacti-x wishing to engage his services| Banker and Broker . toes will weigh 3 Ibs! as heretofore | well nigh as much meaning us his | ond given with a dramatic eflect | the following classification: 72 Baro ; o Suicaral, #0: may consult Iie Sane RecisTer either at % y 3 A quantity of cach of the following eloquent articulation itself, the whole largely . niscent of Sir Henry | bers, 14 Shavers 176 Bakers and PUYSICIAN, © ' the Observer or Standard Uffizes, Port | varidies as been secured for dis leaving no doubt in the minds of the trying in The Bells An old Habi- | one Bake, 24 Brewers, 23 Carpens Residence, Queon St. Port Pecry [Perry for dates claimed for Sales, and | Port Perry (Ont es audience. exactly what he intends to tent is in the United States, but the | ters, 145 Carters, 18 Cartwrights, joe and Res oe (08 pm, | KR Arrangements, or write to his addrens ' ' ibd Hy Wid ke | convey. What the stage may have ound of the old bell haunts him, | 2 Clerks, 228 Coopers, 0 Curriers, 24 UV fie~ hours--8 ta am ' " i UATS. = Banner, ide-awake, Im N y gai ; . ' . ! . . ) 75 sid venting. £7 Phone at Residence, No. 31. wa | 2 | proved Elgsoo, Waverley p Jdfind Pon al pron oy He & he nd fina he resolves to go and Dyess ! Divine ha ory Mase e 8 ni yo dd in | v ' OC ¢ 8 BY prolesaio ive and die within the reach of the | Gardners 2 Go ¢ 54 Telephoue in office and house, open night CHARGES MODERATE. { J vr. Abuidance and = Thousand | adornment of the world of literature ' original strains of his childhood | ons, and 17 Singers. Thus if a. new and diy over the lines south sehfissie GEO. JACKSON, 6S01 S | oe ab are taken into consideration His gays industrial community wero formed, with the residence of G L Robson, ViS. Nov. 1, 1901, Port Perry I. 0, IEW HEAT, Prestor, Red Fif eyes can sparkle with humor or look ; I based on names alone, there would Port Ferry, Nov. 15, 1594. ry ER Gg 8 | Ty s , Rec "IE, | gad with pathos with equal facility . be fisherman to every baker, tem -- - AUCTIONEER, | : - ic { Percy, Stanley, Huron, Laurel au Whilst his' writings Have: fs Miordry POLICING THE, PLAINS, be rolmakers and'one preacher tu 3 -- | White Fife. charm and fascination which hava | Mew Canada's Vast Kmpire of she Flalse | cyory hrewer, one clerk to every nine Wi H HARRIS B A LL . THR wmderivund tukes this opportunity : A | BarLey ----Six-rowed. --Mensury | made his name famous throughout 1s Governed. cartmakers, and seven masons to ev- ii bd. y 1A ellay of returning thanks foi the very liberal 1 1 | Odessa, Mansfield, Claud and | & large proportion of the civilized The duties of the Northwest Mount- | ery singer. Also thers would epee STER, &c., patrinnge he has received as Auctioheer in . , To world. What Charles Dickens was in | lic , . p re barbers to do nothing but cut hai BARRISTE the past. The increwsed experience und THE andereigued takes this H SE ! ARIN Royal Tworowed.---Sidoey, In| depiction of the life and charac. | oo ol PEPhaje mors and administor shampoos Successor to and occupant of the |oxteusive practice which I have had will be Yo Lit y of thunkiug'the | " x he [viticible, Standwell and Canadian | tor of His time particularly fh the ded: than u at any other 2 dose in But ms an instance of how illogi4 offices of the late F. Yarnold tarned ta advautage of patrons, nnd parties inhabitants of Port Perry und | | Thorpe. . ' Ne of the world like position he tle | the civilized human race has bes Groin he ra) \ sncroandivg country for the I am prepared to <0 ali &kinds of . humbler strata of the peopl what | force of which he forms a part, num- | & £ lat Port Perry, Ont. their 5 I a Hielr 20 es may rely on Tiharul and still Sucreasing put Paperitig, Paidting. € ¢ | PotaTors--Carman No. 1, Early | Bret Harte did in the delineation of | pering scarcely more than 500 men, | €Ome through the division of. '0bA« rt rated No e hestawid. upon him pa Sous " gud | White Prize, Canadian Beauty. | the heathen Chinvse, 50 t 8 have to police a vast area, almost gy | It may be said that only one o '10 arod t p ofitable . z i . £ ' a e wo © e Carte MONEY TO LOAN. for partis placing. thor sales in ar Dn commencing Carting aid | apor ud Pat turcished | Gucle Sam, American Wonder, | Pr. Drummond, in his remarkable pire in extent, extending from the Bakers bak : en ude 5 . . > ) o( . Ri 1s o y e 6 >, ONG O » Coope n e Private Funds ul 4 per cent. My Sale Register will be found at the Livery 'in Port Perry uid now Tera 45 Wo Bovee, Early Andes and Late | Poetic portrayals of the life of the juternational boundary to the Arctic grive, he box maker; nona Leland House, Cesaten jutimates that he ix better thin { WwW. IF. NOTT, Pi. vita | Habitant, which, to the uninitiated, | Ocean. = His scarlet uniform is a | tOF, and anothct & i kor; Bolo Fobl Im 3 "THOS. SWAIN evir progied » supply all | (Suceesser to |. A. Rodman.) an farmer Iv. but | may be explained as life among our genonym. for law and order. Wher of the Fishers fish, aud.' noTe - - "ean » La a requirements in his line | : " e may apply, but | } a e Canac \ peas~ | y Singers sing INO Ww CROZIER Ciesarea, Aug. 26, 1806, rire finalising 9) doors vorith of Mi Wildlden's siti ¥ y cleave 2) PPiy nA neighbors, the Fr ni heCanadiar pens ever he rides lawlessness is kept in Names asd Thilr Meanings. . iv ' -- Ly Huving extensively added to AU slo ulily oue sanlple can be sent Lo eac antry, whose interesting characteris. check, criminals are pursued and YARKITNR. SOLICHOR, CONVEYAXCER, | yey 3 A TTR i my stock of lyrese 28 well us re z on ------ [applicant, hence if an individua | tics it ia not necessary to extol here, | prought, to justice, the predatory in-| As to colors there ure in ind &o. GAL at residence, 6th Cou - = he | conveyances of the latest type TW » WIVES a sample of oats he caano A Fine Foundatiea, stincls of the Indian tribes are re- | year's spectrum 115 Greens, h oi o AT : w : r : ti Te ; a » 2 A, ay a r ; >inks, 8 Roach (one nil'e west i Ter [Cun shy A LCTIONEER fatale . ph eunatruction for comfort ad J PATENT C IA I REE) ye one of wheat, barley ou The : not Pressed, and the tlor sleeps in per- grays. SLL Sowa. 8 I Jas 14 foxey To LOAN. g ¥ ; X ; e requireinen 3 r fee returned if we fail. Any one $€Bd a? on se, aN i a fone " N Sear : y no. Ae OnireleR Uc Ratrolivgs cticiteds mont fasNdivus an to style and sketch and description of suy livehtion' wi icisumpe 16F GUE | : of paying Dr. Drummond the compli- | he North hci. Res atari ili a Sl i » - ry Muncliester, Jan. 18, 1509, | desirable 'cquippige in every | promptly receive our opinion frce concerning canijot be entertained. These sam- p i. wb lithe, active figure is the very ecm- © Salmons, § Bass, 2 Chubbs and > pA TERSON, K. Ci} ee SRS EE SCS nv Te | the pateutability of same. 'How ta Obtatl § : Se ca' of cl ment of being an Irishman, but, bodiment of Canadian justice, swift sh Th ix are' Smud NETRA TERICN, Rife H. McCAW Yeipeciriy every Way: sii Fatent® sent upon request. | Patents plesiwill be sent Tree of charge | pater of fact, it was on Erin's fair oe v| common Fish. Thirty-s « = : . Mc ' i able for private driving. wed | through us advertised for sale at our expense, | hbo oh te mail | Fe that he first opened his cyes and, | and' uncrring, a veritable terror to | 413 targe Barrister, Solicitor, Notary . oo MSUER OF dings, fone ls, &e. Parties Patents taken oul through us receive special 108 B! Lhe ¥ : Yom e tha . hoy have been evil-doers. Whether engag d in tracks The four seasons are representef Public, &c UARRIAGE LICENSES, Port Perry Ont. wishing an afternoon drive can a Ia i eiatg Ts Appiicati hould "be address-| literally speaking, they ha 1 ' ing a murderer, rounding up horse or | \ CUS Goringe 10 Summers, 3 Falis ic, ' . > yp . EH ng an afternoon c en An illustra and wid oo 2 " Den . eV ' « L Vy § g € Nos. 310 311, Temple Building, Cor. Bay | Port Perry, Dec. 19, 1883. have: their -chuioé of suitnkile Sousited by Manufacturers and Investors. d to Director of Experimental | very much open ever Ane, Hany cabtls thioves, pursuing a redskin fn | DY 10 S00 Ee. From the standpoing aiid Richmond Strects, Toronto = = double or single rigs and care | Soul ionminpresiny Reh, Dicey Farnis, Ottawa, and may be sent u Shing Dleasartly Da orien Of to the very heart of an Indian re-| o¢"\. compass there are 17 North. B81. 18 drive also be supp | ier . EVAN . a . ali > 2 > ve dominating the mining camps | ¢ . 5 7 ests Toronto, March 81, 1893 WM. SPENCE, ei AH bi wrod v Trt Attorncys,) ny me before the 1st of" March Whith is such a prominent factor, oo 5 - baling o ling J is oo 2 Souths, 8 I - { Bags Woks I --- en - - - T _ | . * oh the lists will be closed § ob of the ukon or paddiin ITED the Department of kine oe : FARWELL, K.C, LL.B. County | township Clerk, Commigtioner, &c. IT possess a number of good | Bras Butane. WABHINGTON 2S Th, 'he s " les aske P for | ond ae " Be ut then canoe on the borders of the Arctic | pennys, 5 Farthing. 2 DoUats 4 % Fs AE ) Sol- 1 © . h R e | -- 1 a AMplos 3 x ! many of his poe t Sea, his conduct is always the same, | po) 5 Cash, and only one Nickle +} Crown Attorney, Barrister, County Sol et Shao mud i ! 3X woortive im. Sea agles, 5 i ckle. "tor, ko. Notary Public and Conyeynncer prepared ta Lian iy gmntits of Mavey Ly a, | For Over Sixty Years may be sent oul in good time far Ie Trish bum ro his te mportive in (000 Boe na indomitable. There | Classified as to drinks wo have 17 5 : y ¥ ' ) roved ¥ Sec . i + y woul A ° . eal © \inan intere: wo 3 « yuts. A Yhee--South wing Court House, Whitby, ct rat tet) Riyal eng oP Carting with the utmust cure | MRS. WINSLOW'S SOUTHING HYRUP has beet sowing, Parties writing should largely dealt with by him--and his is a good deal ol h L \ oe rest Se Beers ° « inns amd Sn 20 Ont. ' 0 { and promptucss used ny millions of mothers for their chiidrwa whity | ypention the sort or variety ihe) EY ory the life and habits the reports of the wen of the Mou birds there are ws, 20 All kinds 0" Conveyancing executed with f rent keen observance od Polos. Cattlestenling is a crime | Nightingales, 2 Starlings, 6 Swal ' pitiieas i oli patch 2 | 1 wish further 10 state that f contin. 32 distri 2 BENE Auf Broke of yo would prefer, with a sec nd sort ac| of our neighbors, and you have the they have frequent xporience with, | | ft ne Swans, and 18 Crows, be- enti shalis - in future <uitable conveyances rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain gf { HJ | tl il | t ti yn which is based tho 3 ; 4 XpaLe Y CL } 3 Under tk Oftice--One door. west of Town Hall, , : ! ict ol an alternative, and <liould the avail | foundation on \ i) fiMoalt thin 5% common Birds nder the Tuilwi de Cutting Tec th, send at once and get » bottle of ** Mm. | 42 ¥ sai . and it is often a « g sides . W A. + y tghehester, [ A ei aval Sool or time Syrup for Children Testing: "Nt | ablestock of both these varieties be | works which can fair 3 i prove. Sometimes, however, the por- | heading of table spices = come three DENTAL SURGEON. Manchester April 11, 1588 gage to aiuto reslrhence ord | with reticre uit poo little sufferer immisdiaicly. Depond wasted, some other good sor | only JLo have immo agile petrators are eaught red-handed Mustards, 6 Salts, 19 Peppers and & - se Ae | y or >! it whom he has eal - » ot iil " = a tre willulso convey passengers and | pon i modes, there isn mistake alout it. It cures wil be sent instead, Those apply but those wi hog Ne » Here, for example is an account of | Pickles 1 Oto 12am, 2tob pm . 1 3 | Diarrhoes, Begwinise the Stomach and Bowwla, Cure | SFE | Soaring h three alleged cattle-thicves wero Divers and Sundry. Office Honrs lave a Jinggnge to the Depot: dn, Hime Wine Col froms the ( Reduces Jufanmstion. ng for Indian corn or polaloes wil 1 his recent re ow ge. . ; | given notice and given tane sont onary ia . whole op oat 3 = plgase bear in mine 1 eco 1* | cital at Toronto University of a fine 1+" ig taken from the report of Ser closxification, Only one man in tba sr Gold Filings, Bridge and Crows | elily Political, Agricultural and | WM, JAMIESON, [ ts ---- Te th ' ption of neotcic | NOL @vailable for distribution unti'| new poem which ho humorously said opp Piper of *"D' division On | whole category appears as a Fizzelly y - eel y . p pleasant Lo the taste nnd « pro -eription of of 3 3 | | p ) ) s only Vork u Specialty. Vitatised® Air. "Family Newspaper Port Prery, July 30, 1963. [ S1dest and best faniale yhysicians And nurses mith rch or April, und that potatoes | would no doubt be interesting In' iho 13th of September, accompanied | one nmn is a Wonder, and the only -- 2 nay T TRE | United States. Price twe. ty-fiva cents a bottle. Sole | o ot be mailed from here until| asmuch as it showed how the dev by Constable Pemnycuick, I left Mac- | Wrong man is a professor of history - 15 PUBLISHED, AT j ue ps Tie sare andindl Jou ' was whacked by one of the Habi vod for Rocky Coulee to investigate | at the university. It was David als Dr F D. McGrattan PORT PERKY, OAT. WwW ANTED | lt dri i mm thewnid, } o roe sud dapger 'rom [ro t in g ansit ® over. | NAB WhO aon to the end boing tho Leod oF Recky Soule to investigat at the voraity It ve a. nb, \ AUNDERS, c 2 fosly A ' - © . 905 1 y xT 3 2 at goo > > SEAT -- 2 3 smoking out of his Satanic majesty sorted to have be carried on for t one,% but in the 1905 ist 'af DENTIST) KVERY THURSDAY MORNING | - J TT : itect. r Experimental Farms. | pe the froe use of Canadian tobacco por tec y have been cor k for not « Dut nh ee man, sod . o A ma ont CANADA'S v. BURNHAM, Clerk of the Third | ! ¥ caveral months. I visited the place | poars at les ; 2 Jollege of Dental Surgeons ny man to' represen ANADAS WV. BURNHAM, , > - - It is an exquisite legendary poem N. Trai Jutcher, formerly | his name is David. Musically consid D.S. of Royal College of eu « | GREATEST N GRSERTES! ib Lhe town Division Court. Office in sot Office ich tide fair to rank high in the °F RX ain,' a 1 y NE te 7 Flatts and 69 D.D.5. of Toronto University | {ATEST ] RIS t Hn Oo Perey '" which bids fair to ran gh in of Morris, Man. and afterwards of ered there are 7 Ne he Allison Block over Allison' H. PARSONS | | Block, Lott prey _.: |Chamberiains Stomach and Doctor's notable collection What yacleod, but mow res g on mec Sharps; 3 Highs and 18 Lows Also ( fice in the Jaan Joe CRRMS. $1 por anim if paid in advance ; if not 41.50 POR | PERRY Liver Tablets. Uuequalled may be called Ihe pig Sticking (ion 8 township 11, range 24, about | we find 122 Longs and 24 Shorts, 7 foe | 8 a.m. t05.30 p.m than six months 0d ne purer. dcapristued | { H G RA HA M t tor Constipation poem'* throws some excellent side 1g miles from, the town of Macleod, | Jurys and 27 Judges Thore wre 17 Office hours--8 a.ni. to 8.2 na, until arrears are paid up. . . Hight French-Canadian peasant n his hot Cates and 25 Darrs, 5 lLucks ang u A nd surrounding country, and take | 7 : ls ; # , ghts on n [ and about 1350 yards from his house y . Port renyi Anil 9, 1003 ETERS orotainins money. wher adtomed to hi | 1 SHEEOUES i for : | as just taken possession of thedt Me AR. Kane, a prominenl| if, The champion pig sticker, who (yards a coulee found all appliances Gayhearts Further appears 13 Be tp Ouice, propuid and resiclered wil Le at our risk | bruers. lo { 3 o I 'frugrist of Baxter Springs, Kansas, | is adored for his prowess by the o putchering cattle. Noticing sev- Ings and 8 Dears, 57 Shields oe : on I | HE A : , ! c s and § aoks, JA MURRAY, ADVERTISEMENTS memured | Tp rare and ou R HA RDY SPECIALTIES | FUY SHOE SHEP « | says: * Chamberlain's Stomac h and whole Gipipict, hay; a i u ing eral hides im the corral, and not Spears <3 8 Sights; asi Seroghm , : : \ i are ; 'ment. | daughter Rosine, who has captivate I to t ,y suspicion n the e Cl a DLNTIST ADVERTISEMENTS received for pnl lication. with. | x . - on one door South of the St. Charles | live Tablcts are in my judgment, Zaug ER a Tanatgr of wishing: to hrow ar mu P wr 7 Bdens, one Aaron and 3 Scrip Gi : ont a rr cra in Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, Hotel, where he intends to make ak the most superior preparatien 0 y Fir men and it becomes a difficult ah he Pr an p str "N th tures Two Wars balance up 9 u . » ee. orb qd raged norordingly a advertise : . ' . > SE - yO e COMI : evenings of wa 13th and 1 1 oth ; " Pe YMice over the Post Office ott willbe taken oni uti] paid for Ornamentals, Shrubs, Roses, kinds of Boots aud Shoes, and do hing in use today for constif a uestion as to who shall claim hor. 0 ple and no cattle were Peaces. There is on ! Aj Bd : > y y s © ~ > a, ' , C yinters, bu PORT PERRY. A LIBERAL discount allowed to Merchants and other Vines, Sced Potatces, &c. Jl kinds of repairing All comers Tlicy are sure in action and | Eventually the point is to be decided yutchered, On the 15th we went Appel J | hore are 5 Pipes and, a ; ay elaling wii advertise by (he year or linlf ; ear Stock true to name and free from | strictly attended to. He wantsto no tendency to hauseate or if any of thems eal Jyrost the cham about. seven miles north. of Train's = Bl Sut tary oad BEY hranchs ' ill in al ho strict) dhered o + Ws 1 . 1 ris \H s { > yall vo 5, | pionship from the old man due o sive nformation t bd . ren ve Crown and Bridze Work entiduiially Tap "JOR. DEPARTMENT a "| San Jose Scale. 'A permancul pos {to please all who come bis way, tf For sale by all drorgiety si Bo effect one of the young ae rs n th at day driv Christmas; pl 3 A ok at he, ol ~- . : % 5 x ITS tn ir o . o ist, e N practiced. < Paniphlet Hind Bi ls, Posters, ition for the right man on either | possible. a ™. men succeeds and claims Rosine, but {no 4h ag steers, brands unknown, to- man sell Lire in which Artifical Teeth on Gold, Silver, Aluminum Dodges + Bit ests cheers | S21TY OF cCOnIMIsSiON Port Perry, June 10, 1903. ; oar | Cox !- The firm of Patdy | the old Habitant derives consolation ggiis the home: 1 determined to Beige I allowod BY 8.- ur" or! Ruble: Plates, Treg o . STONE & WELLINGTON is} oe wth & Archer, coal dealers, have to'hand | from the fact that the championshid jean o close watch on his corral that = *'® AR Fillings of Gold, Silver or Cement Latter Heads, Wedding Lovitations, FRILLS NURSERIES re eee A Coal Sheds ' Water St.-- | still remains in the family. The pizht Reaching, at about 7.15 p - cake Painless extraction when required: Glank¥orms, Recolp Buokk" Business Ca # FONTRHIL |B THe Canavian Poultry REVIEW, in their Co ed ith] St | jiory of tho easy catching of "sweet 85 ty bo Bh le 800 yards from his \ £ Prices to suit the times® Balke Cire tain 1 Assembly Orda, OFRR 30 sons Toronto, Ont. is now in its 38.Ji |i nse quantitiss of Coal ol €VETY | parpotte's is told in fine Janguage, rea], we waited. At 7.19 p.m. we The Spell of the Theater. I : : ToroNTO, - ED ONTARIO ou 0 a in importance, ig: variety knuw to coal miners. Their Mi honed a rifle shot, sounding as if it The glamour of the stagel No one Vie oh y t § size with each yédar tge stock of genuine Scranton will! IT as | had como from the corral. At 7.30 ean define it or explain it; no one who, 3 : eigst and ¥ four | i nder its spell can resist it. off eC : lovers pylnond . © : found, true to name, direct: fiom ave a Cold. p.m. another rifle shot and a groan bas fallen u spel i Cora Belle M aw - AE By Pol. A. G. Gilbert of Otfans pri the: eelebrated Scranton mines, so When You H from an animal. We immediately You see it at work in the great artist % f { \ other extahlishwent. in conducts the department, Practic iat'y ies ordering Scranton Coal The first action when you have @ mae for Train's corral, it Leng who, confident of success, already r of Drawing, Painting,. --- the County... Souliry," and all other branches part ; s y > jeve the lungs dark when we reached there. 1 heard wned with laurels, comes da tio Parties tr distance getting land hills, 36 hit ogRy) Hooked ateer [of tl will obtain just what they | cold should be to re B : ? Sod re roa aR SY a. ay i 1 fide om & 8 ; Ciness are w Cked alte : a : . a A isha ; 4, the voices of two or en, al with the zes! n i... ...Dosign and China Decora pintod can have thew printed to take hu with them. Wf the business are well lo lls bach | ordered he firny intend to cater tor | This is best accomplish d by the i RO down to rehearsal ith ihe x gn | s--g'to 12 a.m. ; 1.30 1¢ 'ON Reve J. oNo7 Wididms © tells each TF tr i this free use of Chamberlain's Cough : ek buoyancy of youth. Satlety does nog Stadio hours g 4 H. PARSONS. hat i i on in England the full requirements of this entir T ly 1 fies | their hands, which .they did asked ouch him; a blase actor is an unhear¥ 4 30 p.m. $ i - a week what is going © ' gH i | commumity and their prices will be | Remedy. This Remec y NQuelltS] po was boss, and Train replied that J" 00 ® an may act for twens Studio over W. H. McCaw | S HARRISON The January an February on us found 'gomsistent with the value © |the tough mucts and causes Xs x bo was, Obtaining a lantern, I in- 98 anos A xe vy ; : cach contain 56 large piges of SO1i¢ Niele thew sci su'sion from the air cells of the pected the place and found three men =» . h 4 store, Port Purry. | M S i dollars per box. «| matter and. illusivations, and this the-anticletihey soil. hi produces a free expeclora- | thero--Train, Dram and Carr--also Stricken with illness his one ome A A ee re etree . Coo , x s, P { 3 ai pos A d Mantle Maker _ ky urd for wn hout , advance in price, which .---- HM } sorelions. A | the carcasses of two three-year-old that he ean act no more.--(eorge Alex= Dress an Cotten Root Compoun y 00 dthet wHIULEDY Rue de ' : i | tion, and opens, the vinegiy steers that had just been shot. 1 ander in Pelican. vo MONEY 10 LOAN. [SHES to inform the ladies $2 gorcus. No. 1 and and fmitatlons arg | iy but §oc. a year. Readurs of this : Onse of Rheumatism | complate cure soon follows. This) Seeert Lar 08 nds were on the } i \ / hat she has moved to her fire recommended by afl Tn the Do. / napericuri sel it for three -ycars lor] Guped 3 Ubamberlain's Remedy, will cure a severe cold in| ERE © L0G the two just shot. os Te Works. a [HE Subscriber is prepared to LEND pl 5 je Allison Block where inden ok Malled to any address | $1.00, A sample will be séot free) LC Pain Balm less time than any. other liealment| po replicu: 'No brands at all. I "She broke off the engagement yester- ANY AMOUNT on Farm Security 00 : Company, | for asking if THE OBSERVER Is men: i, a the System in a DAlUr-| bought them from a man two or day, and now she's sorry for it." he is prepared to execute all orders stampa Cana, ORL |r anil 5 e - of Chamberlain's | and it leaves y g! n y, a AT 5 PER CENT. nD Ped Mantle Making in a : tioned in request. ho velich-of rheumi. |al-and Healthy condition. «It count. thee months gc I then told him of don't think so. She told me last & Also on Village Property, in Dress an : d in Port Perry | roe tol- sol os ndency towards pneu-| to go ahead and to take the hides ofl gight that she dldn't care. 8 er unsurpassed for va No. 1 and No. 2 aresold in y ---- ctrated daily. Par-|eracts any ter y F | RL rey che ye 4% MORTGAGES BOUGHT. WA | manner ? by C. H. Allison and A. J. Davis, Druggists Shia mongiral | ia le by allidiuggists. | Without injury.an ess thom pi "Yes, but she told me today that she HUBERT L. EBBELS, - y . : . 9 t, of Grigsby, Va. says moma. or sale by party, Ho said: TEI have made. 8 quis caremvory much Banister. | Correctness of Stvle E APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE. Chamberlain S herlain's Pain Balm gave | or mistake 1 wish to pay. for them. 1 : to Ontario Bank. : I cl. Be 4 A , ff heuma- | . 3 Ea y.| then sent for the Stance o --- Oto sst 100 and Chirming Effect | oninprmgusrpernxor | § Remed: Gta from TNS | ery Arcs usc OSC RL rn, fo see iste : ried woman, will «UU , AN ARAN Re 1 wh ry + Feryunon, lot 7, con hy \ Day - i ©& Mr. O. Graham, V.S. has Our charges are consistent with ane in oe Pariamont of Canada. at the pot Session 2 1g vn led nd' he would not be SR bis splendid farm, has determin: Sosa bi gris digo shy "The Jousses took every precaution de arrangements for free comma | he value given. a thereof for 8 Billo Divorce tro Lor A Fh of Pars ALWAYS CURE, it. For sale by "all 'Geng | edt soliby Auction on, hin premisce the | 00 ar taat Toba at the christening of their first baby. mma g Port P March 27, 1902 en rosent. rasiding AL ot mear the Village ' Aud 1s Pieasant and Safe. Spor sale Dy | Whole of his Targa stock of Horses, aE and ER eine tuk "Every precaution?' ication, day or night, over the tele ort Perry, ' t inthe Privince of British Colwmibia, Rau her, Eo " caine. Farm [mplements, &o. good case. On t being taken oned the. waitent®i) ni ' ; Rheep, Swine, Far V y 4 "Yes; they f Dr. Mell nd meee | the of adultery, cruelty and des chon, g Se 3 ard hee he excelleney Gf his | off the carcesses they were both found x Rong £ystens 9 REEL AGP: TS WANTED. FOR SSTORY OF ROUTH Soliortor for Clara te) Dermat. x ig . " hn et + # | Furguron nate] sort tre all Shorthoros | to have the brands Y. T. on the left A r Procter. AFRICA" by Juhn Clark Ridpath, LID. Edward of 1 oronta in the Province of Ontario wit | order to meet increasing five stock. Hix cattle 4 he 'the "wattle brand tha' © ee 3 i 'Goopor. Managine_ Editor of the | Dated at the (4 oron i Tp XE.ra | hh rses lrst-clasa ; hi- | ribs and e wal rand om 8 Klis MAL IN per Ae i. Alken. of | thin Second duy of July A.D. 1904. a dens his patrons and put [amd High Grades : his bo xses ™ ight neck recognized Patience ls not nerveless and weak, --_-- Lan Magazine, y po tid ed en or 5 3 | sheep pure Leiveste 8. hin swine are ob the | lower rig! then ogn £7 Klondyke, British Columbia, ymuiiveint fh apioc wei ir! tous. Sofie Retoneh with thet ve | LILI ILLS wy Juiplrmnts ata SL ther as the: property of George Lave, but vigomans and powerful, The Scrip : gel : . ohn for acceptable * Neuralgia and Netvousacss' cured gi r. George Jackson, " tcuction, the best obtain: | of Calgary. I at omce placed Train, tural synonym is endurance.' & ritory and 'Man-! ame € quir Mr. « of modern Oust s : we ; He ee soy of th . State if patented. | AJAX ASME ALEC EUR has h istallee in his res'dence an | ypla. The ye wih eke Huse od Thant®y Bram and Cort_untles vest, and Boston Watchman Ee 1 ES x : . » THE PAT ' No sprossion, Greatest curaever discovered elenho Dou't forget Feb. 28, and all wi * + Ar han oned a . bavi Rart ry ENT RECORD, for - ul ne. Dou't forget F ; Er ne i : BORE aS fee A. ; Davis, red or Saas an, Baltimore, Md. Ane Tider oedirect {em : o 1 LG Jackson, will be Auctioneer. | etm---- rt : rola comparison TENT RECORD $LO0 Avett Simeoe, Ont. Money back, C P. tickyt agent for 3 a S------~ gris h : Gunn, Somos free. . Satisbeds woe -- ecg! jatais Od (CI Bim funy os Bp at re Fiend wa. an aly § duald gy ve REE SLE 4 . noah % tans : Joie

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