Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 21 Jul 1904, p. 4

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FHE AIM, Thou, whe lovest not alome The swift success, the (nat But hast a lauient épe to The fallures of the Inconstant souk t goal, i; Consider uot my little worth-- The mean achievement, scamped lo act, The high resolve and low result, The dream that durst not fuce the fact [SH TO ANNOUNCE that that they are now comfort ably ensconsed (in their new pre mises in the I Purdy Block where the Public willf always find an ample supply of CHOICE, FRESH MEATS At prices that cannot fail to pleas A full supply of Meats of the ver: | best grades, and cut in dimens to please the most fastidious. All orders attention. S. T. CAWKER March 5, 1go2, But count the reach of my desire; Let this be something fn 'thy sight) Bave uot, In the slothful dark, Forgot the vision and the height. Nelther my body mor my soul To earth's law ease will yleld consent. I praise thee. for my will to strive; I bless thy goad oi discontent C. GD Roberta, ion will * receive prompt LY AT NEWPORT, ISLE OF WIGHT. & SON Mr, Albert Midlane's ¥or Little Children' of Children Past and Pr mima Luke, Who Wr HARNESS Her 9188 Year. TREX: those of Dr. like the former better than those of refined, 2A FAMOUS HYMN WRITERS TWO OF THEM WHO LIVE PLEASANT- "There's a Friead Ite Author's Views I Read That Sweet Story of Old, fu ! YAymns 7dr infant MInas,} as weil Watts, but I think Dr. Watts--they are more and I wish they were sung mow.' Mrs. Luke settled in the Isle servant's life. She from consumption, and the did her a great deal of good, | kindly tones the old lady spoke o | ,"" she sald, "'and often tel tween the Japs and and about many other questions the day." ls V.C. HERO, Lieut, Smith, land, the King has conferred the cov eted Victoria Cross on Lieut ment Leslie Smith of the Duke o | Cornwall's Light Infantry | ing, indeed, was the act that | the oross. Hosptial mat Alli was hit with the dervishes at Jan. 10. Lieut. Smith and wor Jidballi Dr endeavored to tion on a horse bring him But as 1 of Wight {fn the hope of prolonging her was suffering change In tf "She is an joisllizen me how the struggle is going on Te the Russians, of Few the Oross Was Won in Somaliland by For conspituous bravery in Somali- Cle- 1 Thrill n Assistant Raha- early in the fight on Wel- land went out to his assistance and out of ac- Ali was killed, | ana his two brave would-be rescuers | we.e surrounded by the enemy. which deposits withdrawn by ently as if your Permanent = | ' Mortgage Ca (Formerly The Canada P Western Canada Mortgage TORONTO STREET, Removal yo The unders gned won d take this opportunity of thanking Mis nu- merous Store customers for the opening business in Port Perry, that he has moved his business f 'Willard Block ~ Queen Street libera. where he will be pleased to fill all orders for Meats in a manner that cannot fail to please customers, Having new and increased fucilities for the transaction of husiness he feels confident that he can give better satisfaction than heretofore, and in order to aerify this state he solicits ull to give him a call in his new prem wm GAMR AND FISH IN SEASON. 1 J. WHEELER. THE WORK OF N Inventions That Have Wen ders In Glam In 1827 a carpenter Mass, wanting a piece of iy patronage receiv d since | and would iuform the public row the Market building to the EALED TENDERS will b | the purchase of all or any of th November, and withdrawn at th sale, J. A. McGILLIVRAY, Temple Building, Nov, 30, 1899. 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE Pate TraDE MARKS DEsiGNs COPYRIGHTS &C. ketch and des: y A isto tran ham quick! rtain our opinion ivendon i in probably patentable. Communica. thor oon andbook on sont Pot, Idest ancy for erring tents taken tl ugh ave ial notice, Without © Arge, nt "Scientific American. andsomely (llustrated weekly. I.argest cir- culation of any selontific Journal, errs, $3 a ; four months, §L. Bold by all newsdealers. Remedies. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. For Bowel Complaints, Chamberlain's Pain Balm. tism Price 25 cents; large size 50 cents. Chamberlain's Stomach 'and Liver Tablets. For and Bowels. Price 25 cents. Mr. Albert Midlans, suthor eof the Helping the doctor on to his horse, particular size and shap children's favorite hymn, "There's a | Lieut, Smith turned his head to the the idea that the molten m Friend for Little Children," was vis- | lines of safoty. Fate was against pressed futo any form, m ited by a representative of Lloyd's the Fie boast ory down with A - ay lend might be, writes > crash, passing mule was caught. 5 C Weekly Ne oa tewart in the Cosmo; eekly we (Londen) at his plea | There was another attempt to that. time all gk | sant home in Newport, Isle of Wight, | {amount; the mule was killed. Blows Shs 8 He was hale and poarty, and much | Then Dr. Welland was speared, but 1d Sis TLE w : happier for his 'visit to London, | his dauntless companion stood hy considerable 4 a ma which had resultefl in his being treod | him to the end, pouring the contents the process was slow. The gla from all financial dificulty. The ven- | ©f his revolver into the surrounding ufacturers laughed at the ca erable hymn writer produced a hand- | foe but he went ahead and built & press, some gold medal, which he said was | "I was much astonished to find hs ' and now the United States 8 the | presented to him at the City Temple « had escaped with his life," reported greatest pressed glassware cousttry in in recognition his work through | Lieut. Stevens to the major-gencral. the world I Z the Y | the mins of sacred song. It g - > 1 returning thanks to the public for a | inscribed ad song Le is Inmate's Legacy to n Workheuse ' " 1500 novice a fe plate clase in. > age extended to me for over I ' ¢ Sra ry, J eckner o ttaburg, patronag -- nti hat | @nd 1s sur: ted by & crown and a | At a recent meeting of the Birming ' ny led x { glass had ; / ; N years, I woul nee ody ature representation of an open | bum Board of Guardians it was an- |' o0¢ on y nowledge o si : [ take great pleasure in ANNOUNCING that my BH, 4% Ustal, ROY pave 2 le, and it further conveys the in- | Bounced that a legacy, worth £150, | been acquired in a window glug - / pleted 7 in full oper / ad atior Fe distinguished service had been left to them by an inmate tory, invented an annealing "lehn" the w Mills are now complerea ana in Juli oper i A Sund School Mr. Midlane of the workhouse infirmary This | most important single improvemer.t 7 PIR / ZN , nd the an ry han ever reparec Large & ASSOT1E . ite, in his easy style, bald but interesting announcement ever introduced in plate glass manu- ation and that I am belle ' prep Mz / a ct of trained children's | has, on inquiry, ripened into quite a facture. In three hours by the lehr the | +}< fo meet the requirements of 71) J? remds and the SiN OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE H ARNT 8 s sang h hymn There's a | singular story same work is done which under the old | \{."~ | Ls, y NI which I am determined to sel yO HEAP | pry at the close he had to The testator is a man of culture. | uy; gvetem required three days, Fs general public in every line pertaiming lo my 7s As an inducement to CasH purchasers shake hands w the dear children Years ago he was a prosperous mer Abo » 52 ear Pl 'Argoba " , / IY 107 ensInD ; NY F 1 we wo nns have you writ- | chant, and executed large orders for ont the rane yew Philip a4 as Z already extensive and rapidly increasing busi- J - Diceny li Wu i i | ten he of your long life?' | helmets for the army; indeed, he once | ©f Pittsburg, also a novice oo ri ) , 155 principles, prompilude / int ! » HH was ash He replied, 'about 730, | fashioned a Life Guards helmet for | making, invented a process by Which | \}.7 ness Correct business principles, prompu SJ v Quler from w i 15 of ¥ i. Tite the King. He spent a good deal of | bottles and jars may be made entirely | *|< , 4 4 lied ZN 11 be allowed on a r n I ar in my little 8 g ! . nd courteous almenl may be relied on Whe i Tat next work being kK. er Fhe Bright Blue | time in traveling on the continent, | by machinery, the costly blow: ven |\]/ ana 'r 4s (real ¢ may NZ = MADE BY HAND "53 k 1 b preface Mr Midlane | and was an ardent student of French | process being avoided and the expense | |<. "I fo . oe hus expresses his: aim These | lieraturs. He was, however, some- | of bottle making reduced ed one bul, NJ JAMES CARNEGIE 2 d uc factory wor ns hymns are 1 for the lo »{ | thing of a misanthrope and Jost | a A er arity of my goods will at once becom | - ' Cian uch with all his relatives and IN Port Perry, Dec., 1902. a super ority o g Hir iced, "The Children's | vouch a 1 ativ anc SRESENCE OF MIND, N\A c 7 ¢ \1/ appa ent | Frienc at whose fect this tri- | friends. Of late years he has earned PRESENCE hi A Intending purchasers will find that by | 5 id his living as a metal worker, but on) SNS INNS NL ake giving ne a call before | elsewhere Mr. M reply to a question | failing health and lack of energy | The Way Twe Englishmen Captured XE JN) Kok NZ the ycan be suited Ir pec s most famous hymn, | caused his trade to leave him Four Hundred Prisoners. JASN SARA long ex nce lu t . oh LE I have heard ©! the children Lying neglected in a 1lid lodg Toward the close of the peninsular putaocle guarantee that | re singing it iaelic, Italiar Ger- | ing, the thought came to him a few | war 400 prisoners were captured' by will be given | f man, in t guage of the natives | weeks ago that he would be much | John Colborne, afterward Field AMar- Everthing i of Be \ whatever that may | better off in the workhouse infirmar shal Lord Seaton. Colborne, who was constantly or be d als it is & great joy to | and a messenger ne wont othe | | wounded at Talavera, had been dis- I PtH YEN ROLPH. |X I hav d an account of the | lieving offic ihe onicial mm abled for some time, but in 1813 he » JOHN ROL! little ADS kohama singing the | ately decided that it was litable x PM Port I I | hy : am told that they | case for admission, and, incoherently | WAS in active service again, and When o L dec. 1 y n 1 anc ar old tha 10) ase ) 0 and 1coherer . ! on gre: 1 muttering his feelings of gratitude, | Wellington's army crossed the frontier I once s ¢ late Rev Chas. | the old man was removed to the in- | into France he performed what was in- IN THI ' " An « | Had Spu in his own home, | stitution. The following de deed the most amazing feat of his ca- ! ! af ) | and after had been discussing | ed on the relieving officer, ar reer uv NV 8 . . | some points octrine, on which we | ed to him his will, legally draw When riding, with no comrade but 4 { i were « differ, he wound | leaving to the Guard ans the de-| {he famous Sir Henry Smith, separated a e O urni ure . I b i ic by placing a har serted metal oy i With its plar ana rom his column, he saw 400 French 1 a of mn sho er r look fit v 8 book C su « | | rr } wo uly ® a Wo nga en 3 ¢ f " " "oo . soldiers passing along a ravine below ing me straight in the face, he said | mone) > ole of whict 1s | hin " Iv T Y 1 r | lt a San) oti Tn | Tt TT et 150 "ng | im "The oir war wan gw NTR ING THE HOLIDAY SEASON wide gulf. that separates usfare. | available good face on the matter," he Wrote. J Av Ld X 4 4 4 4 LXN A i) The old man told the relieving off So I went up to them, desiring them A of e v. ver io e 0 Bl 3 § > flicer K "1 1 )n one occasion I saw the late r that he was mfortable | to surrender. The officer, thinking, of | po ner signed will sell a large quantity of first-class Furniture con i | D Parker .in the vestry at the | where he was, and that he wanted | course, the column was behind me, sur- sisti of Sl INDE R LAN D | City Temple at the close of one of [| to pay for the co forts he was re- | rendered his sword, saying theatrieaily, $ g the services. He said, 'I would soon- | ceiving during the f brief wecks | «jg yous rends cette epee, qui a'blen tr} Sa | ae renin or i atlor, Dining Room.Bed Room Sets, & ITYHE undersigned k « e 1 the author of your | Which remained f | Tait son devoir' (I surrender this ario P ining oom, Be oom ets, CG sales the following chi 4 n's I v= n than the preacher Mary Queen of Boots' Helios. | sword, which has done its duty well) ines and Iwplements manufacte ¢| of we most eloquent sermon i ; 3 : SE TOT | best, a sermon reaches only a limit-| Few dead-and-gone soversigns nro The 200: followed) his oo A Give me a call. Cash or Approved Credit, 1 I'M i] ed number, but your hymn has gone | more liberally represented hy relics | Henry Smith used to are te wl i i | 7 n A the wide world over | than Mary Queen of Scots, whose | bad never seen such cool pi ce of EZ A Fine lot of Picture Frames and Gilt Mouldings suitable to the I first began writing hymns when | harp was so keenly bid for at Edin- | mind as Colborne displayed on this oc | rade OF PETE oo I was ars old, 'and I wrote | burg on a recent Saturday. At Newhy | casion. i oe | EF Agent for Monuments. 63 Binders, Reapers, Crow der the signature of 'Little Albert' | Hall one may see the massive four | re. $ | Seeder, Tiger Ha I'v w(t f e magazines | poster in which she slept for two | ANCIENT MIRRORS, EZ Wood Wanted. 53 JOHN NOTT. Plow, Three Furrow Gang, Combir What Is your opinion of child | hights at Nappa, the historic scat of | ' | tion Plows, Champion Plows, I to-day compared with your early | the Metcalfes, of Yorkshire, and at The Old Egyptians Made Theirs of - Cultivator, S. T. H w ud days Rm | Low Hall, Yeadon, is treasured a | Highly Polished Metal," Smee Roll Stee Ot he remarked there appears | r-gloves -esente YY . gi : I to be a deplorable lack of reverence pale pl hawking 8 ssn : r | , Wilkinson shows that wefare in: x 0 Jinder re we erence t uee o lx Ser e 1€: ile RI vaior, bio to me that the children in nul ee "an | debted for our mirrors to the ancient } at Boltq stle ew ye > also the following, tho munufacture ef | the e 8 of my life were Kept | Sir James Naesmyth presented to | EZYDtians. At first they were made 1am ' parental control. DIS | pe Peebles Museum a hawk's lure, of | Of metal, so well compounded and pol- JOHN ABEL, Toronto. |cipin more strict. Of course, 1| 0 yerrul workmanship, which was | ished that some recently dug up from High class Threshing outfits, Tractior | I we. live a vo 3 dif | once her property. At Oxford is pre Thebes have regained a wonderful lus Engines and Machines, Victor Clover eT competition 1 cannot hely | Served a dainty leather glove, em- | ter after burial for thousands of years. #3 Specialists In the Treatmont of Nervous, Blood, Private and Sexual Diseases of & "Haller, 1o:table Tri mph Engine | er. and forth; st cannot N° | broidered with silver wire and de- | Oval in shape, they were fastened to Men and Women. 25 Yoars in Detrol T am prepared to supply everything the | thinking there is fax Ciel UMC | corated with flowers worked in vari- | carved wooden handles. References a Names used without Written Consent. Cures oats 7s am reg WwW po | sper the pursult of pleasure. Life | ~ . » t Castle is Thousands of young and middle-aged men are annually swept farmer requires in way of Machines, Imple- | PPR 1 PP6 PUTER 0b iasure. He | colored silks; at Dunto in wate 5 | are made to such looking glasses in yo epnxnde of young sud migdisaged mes are aynially awe ments, Repairs, &c ought to be." | a cast of her face; " o arc VE | Exodus and Job. The Greeks and Ro- Auderson was ane of the Yictima, but cipher ng vine A init ) 1 Ve o | Hall are tapestries o wer working. | . says: "I learned an evil habit change soon came over me. #4 A call solicited. One door West In conclusion Mr. Midlane said ho [ J18ll are tapestries of her wo pane | mans made similar mirrors of silver. I could feel it; my friends noticed it. I became nervous, deapon- MobDopald's Hotel was 1 that th st | ° from an old hall at | Pliny says that the earliest glass dent, gloomy, had no ambition, easily tired, evil forebodings. R. K. BF NT i ondact = com on | Of glass taken fro A | ) y poor circulation, pimples on face, back weak, dreams aod drains i » him to conc ce Buxton on which the unhappy | Wlrrors were made of black veleanic At night, tired and weak mornings, burning sensation. To make Swuperland, Aoril §,71893 inday at tho Mission Hall; and he | Suxton on' whith =the | WEAPEY | oii" Through the middle AgesiEjass as iers worse, T bec sie seckient and evutfaiody bid diessss that he i b Sunday | Queen t 2 s | ) . - t . - bool teacher Tor + 7 roan farewell no more perhaps my feeg | DACKEA With thin metallic sheets came Sn Ly foe at modisss Boaoalt Saliod Si Dee on acher for over sixty years, | Buxton, farewell. no more perhaps my feet | 500 0g "bullseyes," oF glass few weeks was eatirely cured. They are the only reliable and il spared t Jan. 28, | Thy famous tepid streams sha er greet | . ) hiouset Specialists in the country. corvRICHT ould be 80 vears of age Wl montid House B globes into which while hot a metallic DHR-- We guarantee t> curs you of 10 pay. You rum mo h oO 901 et And in an old moated house ne mixture was blown for backing. re go reputation and business at stake. Beware of ch 2( 0 we celebrated | Afroton is another pane, on which At Murano, near Venice, in thir {randy ud Jitoos tore, We will pay $1,000 for any case we take that our NEW fen wedding. and now my or Ont 1 t Murano, ne enice, in the - M OD TREATMENT will nat cure. and I have | together 53 | 3h inseribod this sad legend "P| teenth century, the repubile protected Wo treat and cure Nervous Debillty, Varicocele, Stricture, Weak Parts, Kidney : heureuse en toi; Malheurcuse en mc : 3 and Bladder Diseases. Consultation free. Books free. Call or write for Question years of connubial bliss Westminster Gazette | the trade and jealously guarded its se- List for Home Treatment. Mrs, Jemima Luke ; | crets, securing a lucrative business for Cor. Michigan Ave Shelby St. [oy authoress of tt ' it The Earliest World's Falr a century and a half, Mirrors were DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN Detroit, Mich. re ithores of the favorite ; a children's hymn, "I Think When 1| In the centuries before the nine | then made from cylinders of glass flat- MEK KK &Me KEK: K PN K&N Kd Read That Sweet tory of Old," | teenth the nearest approach to an in- | tened on stone, carefully polished, bev- was visited the other day at her | ternational exhibition appears to | eled at the edges and silvered by an | pleasant home in Newport, Isle of | have been the Fravkfort fairs of the | amalgam. od rT. | Wight. A representati of Lloyd's | sixteenth century Henry Estienne, | 3 3 | found the lady, who is in her ©lst | the scholar, describes this institutior I! Sitt 8 { th Divi 0 I ; : ear, well and cheerful, though her | 88 "the epitome of all the markets ET 3 iN wy fon 4 it tin 50 6 ivision oar bao Fa | Tot is lonely, as she has survived her | of the world But it is from an . OOUNTY OF ONTARIO. n dl suicides A dnb aie. | husband and all her children. She is | event within the memory of many | ANeeded in Every Home | gentle and refined, and speaks with | persons now living that the fairs at For Sale a Farm, hed composed of 1904. SPRING IS THE TIME FOR | a clear, musical voice. Her face | Philadelphia. Chicago, Buffalo and he Eant-half of 10t20 aud North half of Jot 1 t| lights up with the sunnicst of smiles | St. Louis i their genealogy. The il, in the Ist con. of Cartwright, contain: |, prey Gin bo Macdonel, Whitby Janu ' when she is talking about the work | mother of all such displays was the 'ng 200 Acres, more or less, on the property ary 6, February 4, March 2, April 5, May 3, June ( HOUSE OLEARIRG which lies nearest her heart--the I in 3 palace of glass hare is erected n first class Barn, Pavig Juv, So tebor 8 Uctober 4, Novewber 7, Dec . work of foreign missions, On this|in Hyde Park, London, in 1851. 1t arn and Stables. and Dwelling House, The I am prepared to do all kinds of | subject Mrs. Luke is an enthusiast. | OWed its existence to the Prince Con amd ina good state of cultivation, well O3HAWA Clerk, D. 0. Macdonall, Whitby Jany In her early days she longed to en- gage in it, "When I wrote the hymn in 1841 to which you have referred I was in- tending to entef the mission field," she said. "At this time I attended the Noigal Lk Schoo! Gray's Inn' d it was pon first heard the air to which my hymn is sung. In 1843 I married a Congre- gational minister, and went to Ches- ter. Subsequently we removed to Or- ange street Congregational Church, Leicester square, a church which is historically associated with the com- ing of the Huguenots as French re- fugees to the city of London. When I Papering,; Painting, &c. Paper and Paint sequired furnished ii W. F. NOTT, (Successor to J. A. Rodman.) of Mr. Widden's store Farm for Sale. OUTH- HALF lot g and South west quarter of lot 10, con 3, Township of Brock, consisting of about 80 acres good Farm Land > cone | Was quite young I was a prolific with house and bari ; also 20 acres | gliior of verse. hut as soon as. Hardwood, and 5» acres Pine, | came to read good poetry I was so Cedar, Hemlock and [amarac. disgusted with my efforts that I Apply to owner. threw the verses away,' PP {. B. CLEMES In answer to a question, Mrs. Luke BB. > 2S, said: "I attend the Congregational Church on Sunday smorning, when it is fine. T go in a bath-chair. 1 can hear the minister best in his prayers. | I suppose it is because he is more deliberate. I have sometimes thought I should have to got some kind of ! ear trumpet for the sermon, but I | don't really think I shall, because it ' must be a little disconcerting to the minister," she laughingly remarked. iY We ne Saath of She Thin IB Yow do the litoe solkh of today Blok. Port Perry. | compare with those of your early years?" was asked, | "Well, I don' t know that I ean give any opinion,' she said, *'but I think children are to a great extent what their parents make them. If they havé cause td respect their parents then so much the better for the chil- dren, but as I say I am not very much 'in touch with children.' The venerable lady remarked, "When I was young we used to sing Dec. 8, 1902. Port Perry sort, and was ly {row every point of view, enormon successful Customs Im Mongolia. Tea, with an admixture of salt and mutton grease, is the' common beverage in Mongolia. It is not recommenda- ble. Bpuff taking is universal, and the offer of the snuff bottle is the gen- eral method of greeting. Mongols ap- pear to seclude their women In some measure, at least, from strangers, and e traveler's arrival is usually the sig- nal for a hasty departure of the ladies of the family for the tents of their next neighbors. The Whole Story, Robert--Ilas your wife much curios- ity? Richard--Oh, an awful lot. If I began to tell her what you told me standing on this corner she wouldn't hear a word of what you said until I told her what corner we were standing n. ° Timely Warning. Fortune Teller--Beware of the hand- some man with dark eyes and brilliaut diamond pin, Fair Maid.---Why? For- tune Teller--You can't support him. Knew It. S8he--I suppose you flatter yourself you are a great man? He--I do not flatter myself. I merely recognize a fact. To know how to be silent is more dif- ficult and more profitable than to know bow to speak.-- Dumas. the hymns of Jane and Mary Tavior. A Digtionsry of Biography,Geography, The New and Enlarged Edition Contains 25,000 New Word New Gazetteer of the Wor with more than 25,000 titles, based on latest census returns. New Biographical Dictio fenced, ter thereon. there isn gran | pusture land. A spr ug of good There ure about 40 acres of parton apply to W.-H. Port Perry, or to the TIME TABLE, Port © Px GOING BOTITH. containing nurmes of ovor1000 notaws 7.25 a.n. persons, with nationality, ocoupation, dgf £11.35.4.m. of reigns, date of birth, death, ete. ; pm. Kdited by W. T. HARRIS, PLD, I United Bates Cm of Edi New Plates 2380 Quarto Page Rich Bindings 5000 Illustration We also publish ~ 1400 Iilustrations. Bie Tx10x3 68 wy a a in quality, Second-olss in a LET US SEND YOU FREE a Test in Pronunciation" which affo leasant and fiusteuctive avening's e nment. Illus pamphlet also G.GC.MERRIAM COMPA Publishers, Springfield, Mass, ALWAYS CURES And is Pieasant and Safe. kinds of repairing ctly attended to. TRRY. 9.51 a GOING NORTH. m. 5.40 p.m, . GRAHAM just taken possession of the FOY SHOE SHOP 'door South of the St. Charles 1, where he intends to make all ds of Boots and Shoes, and do All comers He rt Perry, June 10, 1903. cash sal wants to se all who come his way, 1f BD -- SEVERAL INDUSTRIOUS PERSONS 0} as for houso established eleven iis ree cariinl, to call uj ncoetal and prof n merch. ble, A Ww f $18 cling Sens and hotel bitty anand in Experience not essential, Mention enclose seli-nddiessed envelope, THE os: Deuiborn St, Chisago. --- i) 1, February 5, Mari 3. July 6, Beptaniber 7. SR 1, Jaw. ly, I! 2 BROUGIAM- Cle, M. Gle Green 9, oson, --J any April 6, May 4, June 7 October 5, November 8, Dec Ji eabee yn 5 July7, September 3, Nov. « UXBRIDGE lark, Jos. January 14, Marob 18, May 16, November 18, Ju. 13, 19 b. Tr INaTON- otk, oi Bmith, Cannington aAnuary Arc] J 14, 15, November 17, Jun. 11, thos" uly Homember 6. BEAVERTON - Clerk ¥. Bruce, Beaverton Geo. January 12. March is a, 18, Bepte: ember 16, Jan, 10, ' Réenber td, Sov. Tx! 0 oh. Sulvds, ra 7. UPTERGROYE Clerk, Thos. P. Hart, U [le rove ~--March 15, May 17, September 13, Novembe Er By order, J. E. FAREWELL, Clerk of the Peace. Dated at Whithy, Nov. th, th, 1903. i 2 GUARANTEED Our fee returned if we fail. Auy Sue seu Jeading sketch and description of any hvestion Beate, receive our opinion invention wif he patentability of same. *' How to Obtain a Patent" sent upon request. Iatents secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. Patents ¢ taken out through us receive special nolice, without charge, in THE PATENT hh an fikstrated and widely circulated jow: asulted by Manufacturers and et Oa 7 for sample copy FREE. Address, VICTOR J. EVANS & CO. (Patent Attorncys,) Evans Building, WASHINGTON, D. 6. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ALWAYS CURES Acd is Pieasant and Safe. y Cenrtal Livery PORT PERRY. I EARTILY thanking the public for the liberal patronage received during the nany years I have kept a Livery Establish ment in Port Perry, I have much pleasure it announcing that I have removed MY LIVERY to my former place of business Water Street Iam about tn largely extend so that the public may he etter accommodated with able RIGS AT MODERATE CHARGES R. VANSICKLER, 1900. which reasc facilities safe and desir Port Perry, June 21, it's a strong Statement but a straight fact, when we say that the greatest help to the live grocer and general storekeeper in Canada is "The Canadian Grocer." You cannot read it without getting some valuable information. Spend a cent for a post card and send for a sample copy and be convinced. pr, The MaoLeap Pub. Co., Limite NI WAVE AT WARE ANNI, 1500 YEARLY to Christian man Lor woman to lock after our, Lorowing busine ss in this and adjoining™ Counties; Lo act as Manager and Corres ¢ ypondent ; work cen be done at your home. Enclose self-addressed stamped Zenvelope for particulars to H. A. Sher. mau, General Manager, Corcoran Build Zing, opposite United States Preasiry { %V ashington, D. C. 70 VAY QIAO NDE WN METHODIST CHURCH. REV. G. H. COPELAND, Pastor. Babbath Services, 11 and 7. Week Evening Bervics, Thursday 7.30. Btrangers welcome and Shree Lo seats. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH. (PRESBYTERIAN) REV. W. COOPER, B.A., Pastor Babbath Services, 11.00 «nd 7.00. Week Evenin rvice, Thursday 7.30, BAPTIST CHURCH, REV. MR. MCFARLANE, PAsToR. Sabbath Services, 10 30 and 7.00. Week Evening Service, Thursday, 7.30. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION, (ANGLICAN) REV. G BOOTT. Incumbent. Sunday--Matins, 10.30 a.m. Evensong, 7 pn. Sunddy Bchool, 2.30 pm. - Thurcsday-- Evensong, 7.30 pm, R. C. CHURCH. REV --. RICHARDSON. Third Sunday at 10.30 8. m, Sealed Tenders J; received by the undersigned for Parcels--Farm Properties-~belong | ing to Mr. John Adams, advertised | to be sold by auction on the 23r¢ Toronto. Clismlerlaits For Coughs, Colds, Croup and Whoop- ing Cough. Price 25 cents; large size 0c. Price 35 cents. An antiseptic liniment especially valua- ble for Cuts, Bruises, Sprains and Rheuma- Disorders of the Stomach, Liver Every one of these preparations is guaranteed and if not felly sat- e € € through receive moti: without 100 dissribubed :--Patent business of Mumulac- Engineers, MARION & MARION and Solicitors. We have funds from private + rrartralion mortgage at 4f PER CEN ond on whe wish te renew old mort obtain mone; quietly). © h=ve customers wh' wi proved : also those who would nge busi: Barn Yor io smn: Tor ary ld azenanke pro: perties for wale, commercial, mechanical. or burinew ef any kind, please send us price and dwscription of sawe Fire and Life Insurance effected, and » general nancial snd brokerage business Lransac LUND & CC 28 Vietorls Street, Tosoxre, The mails are despatched from the Post Office Port Perry as follovs : Going North-- 8.30 a. nr. Goi th--11.20 a, General Carter Takes pleasure in returning thanks to the public for the esteemed pat. ronage bestowed on him since com- mencing the business of Carting and would state that he is fully equipped to do CARTING AS IT SHOULD BE at the very shortest notice and at prices that canhot fail to please the public. Carting to and from the Railway Depot a Specialty. Residence--Brick House, site the Methodist Par: oppo- onage F. SMITH Port Perry, Aug. 1901. General Blacksmithing isfactory to the purchaser the 3 7 money will be refunded. I'he un Srsigne 1aving opened usiness in the i RIA teeupind by Mr. 3, Bal T'ICKETS TO ALL FARTS OF THI ' WorLD Mr. W. H. McCaw, Port | Just west of Drs. Archer & Archer's Perry now in a position to issue )ffice, 1s prepared to do all kinds of ickets to all parts of the world anc [of General Blacksmithing at Reas o suppiy all necessary informatien | gnahle Charges to partics as to the cheapest anc 1 best routes, &c. In addition to hi HORSE-SHOFIKG umerous Ticket Agencies for Rai . oad and" Steamship lines, he ha A Specialty and Satisfaction jeen..re appointed Ticket Agent for Guaranteed he Grand Trunk Railway Partie: Patronage Solicited ntending to travel will consult thei S.. W. SWITZER. own interests by consulting Mr Pp Perry. § 6 McCaw before embarking on a trip ort Perry, Sept. 16, 1902, PAINTING Kalsomining, &c [uz undersigned would take this oppor tnuity of thanking his numerous pat- rons for their liberal and still increasing patronage during the time he has carried ou the PAINTING o Port Perry, and would business of state that he is petter prepared than ever to execute all orders for Painting, Kalsomining and Paper Hanging Parties cotrusting their work to me may ely ou having it veatly aud promptly exe- uted, My charges are moderate I am also prepared to supply Paints, &ec,, shen contracting A coutinumuce of public patronage oli ited. WM. 23, 1693. TREMEER. Port Perry, Mar JOHN NOTT, UNDERTAKER, and Funeral Director, PORT PERRY. WwW ISHES to inform the publie of Fors Perry and surrounding country, that Jfter four ycars experience iu prosecuting his business in some of the largest cities of the United States, he js better prepared than ever to execute avy of the following branches of bis trade :Stone Masonry, Bricklaying .in all its branches; Plain and Ornamental Plastering. Also Artificial Stone Walks, that will remain permanent and will endure any weather, Concrete Cisterns without any wood in their con struction to decay or give out. If you are in need of any of the above, come to me and obtain prices, All material required jn my line will be Reh constantly on hand, and for sale after the first of next Apel, 3 ANTED -- TRUSTWORTHY AND active gentlemen or ladics to tarvel for reaponshle, established house in Ontario Monthly $65.00 and expenses. Position teady. Reference, tam ped envelope. The Dominion p by, Dept. Y Chicago, Encloseself-uddressed Com YEARLY to Christian wan \ or woman to lookafter our grow- ) ing business in thisand adjoining Counties I to uct as Manager and Correspondent ; work W) can bedone at your home. Enclose self- i addressed, stanipéd envelope for particulars )) to A. H. SHERMAN, General Manager, Corcoran Building, opposite United Btates Treasury, Washingtcn, D.C. Hetore und Aner: ~ &¥ Wood's Phosphodine 1s sold in Porg Perry by A, J. Davis and C, H, Allison, Druggists. wh | i

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