of TUE OR Sir--By insttuction of the ter of Agriculture an- Tstition will be nade this of saniples of tie foot pro sorts of grainté Canadian for the improvement of wp 4 3 © d;"~ THe stock for distribution is the Very best dad has been secur- mainly from the excellent crops had at the branch Experi-| atal Farm at Indian Head in the) North-west Territories. The dis- | tribution this spring will consist of Shiples of oats, spring wheat, bar- > ley, Indian corn and potatoes. The] "quantities of oats, wheat and barley 'sent this year will be 4 lbs. of oats wd lbs. of wheat or barley, suffi- ; = sow one-twentieth of an lié samples of {ndian corn "Wind potatoes will Weigh 3 lbs as] + heretofore; Every farmer may apply, but only orie sample can be _ gent to each applicant, hence if an " {ndividual receives a sample of oats | he cannot also receive one of wheat, | barley or potatoes, and applica | tions for more than one sample for ope household cannot be entertain- | d These samples will be sent free t charge through the mail. | - Applications should be addressed the Director of Experimental Ottawa, may be sent in any ore 'the 1st of March, after | fiich the lists will be closed, so that all the samples asked may be seat | out in good time for sowing. Parties | writing should mention the sort oh ® ty the would prefer, an had the Y rattle stock of the| kind asked for be exhausted, some] other good sort will be sent in its | place. [ WM SAUNDERS, | Director Experimental Farms. Ottawa, Dec. 15, 1903. | me Tendency ot the Times. | The tendency of medical science | is toward preventitive measures. The best thought of the world is being given to the subject. Itis] easier and belter to prevent than to cure. It has been fully demonst tated that pneumonia, one of the| ost dangerous diseases that med jcal men have to contend with, can prevented by the use of Cham- rlain's Cough Remedy. Poeu- monia always results from a cold or from an attack of influenza (grip) and it has been observed that this | remedy counteracts any tendency of these diseases toward pneumonia This has been fully proven in many thousands of cases in which they has Deen fised during the great] prevalence of colds and grip In re { cent years, and can be relied upon with implicit confidence. Pueuv- monia often results from a slight cold when no danger is apprehend ed until it is suddenly discovered | that there is fever jand difficulty | in breathing and pains in the/chest, | then it is announced that the patient | hag pueumonia. Be on the safe | 'side afd take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as soon as the cold is con- | tracted. It always cures, For sale - by A. J. Davis. : | For Sale composed of a the East-hulf of lot 20 and North half of Jot Farm, being 21, in the Ist con. of Cartwright, coutain- | fog 200 Acres, more or less, on the property | there is erected a first class Barn, Driving | Barn and Stables. and Dwelling House. The | land in a good state of cultivation, well} fenced, there isa grand spring of good | water thereon. There are about 40 acres of pasture land. - For further particulars, apply to W.-H. Haxmis, Barrister, Port Perry, or to the propricicess, MRS. M. LANG, Prince Albert. June 24, 1908. "@rand Trunk Railway. PIMB TABLE. Port PERRY, | GOING SOUTH. GOING NORTH. | | 7.25 a.m. 9.51 a.m. 3 1.35 a.m. 5.40 p.m, 1.33 p.m 7-33 p-m. LEAVE RE: Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending | sketch and di ption of any invention wil | Fromly receive our opimion free concerniug patentability of same. * How to Obtain a Patent" seut upon request. Patents secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. Patents taken out through ns receive special mole, without charge, in THE PATENT RECORD, an illustrated and widely circulated jowrnal gonsulted by Manufacturers and Investors Send for sample copy FREE. Address, VICTOR J. EVANS & CO. (Pateat Attorncys,) Evans Building, WASHINGTON, DB. C. H GRAHAM ; 'the St. « e he intends to make ai s and Shoes, and d. All comer y attended to. He wantst ise all who come his way, 1 TT Port Perry, June 10, 1903. AXTED -- SEVERAL INDUSTRIOUS PERSON uk cach state to travel for house established eleve witha to eall upon merc ants for successful and dtable Jin t. Weekly cash salary of & penses and hotel bills advanced weal: Experience no} Mentio self-addressed envelope. TH ., Chivago. A ED--FAITHFUL PERSON T: JAVEL for well estubiizhed house in i calling on ail merchant 'Local toni . Saidar and expenses, payable $19.7( an expenses advavced. Posi. ag successful ana House, 334 Doarborus htc was fittle boat with such force that occupant was sent flying water. Captain Scott continues: that, and I laughed. But just as I { day!" Ceptatn & F. Scott of British yachting off Victoria of friends, 6x with a party alone one evening in a rowboat a mile from the yacht, got into a gchool of Blackfish, which struck "he ts the into It seemed a joke to be upset like had swum back to the boat and taid my hands on the upturned keel 1 felt myself seized hallway below the knoes--seized with such strength and suddenness and pulled down with such tremendous force that the boat was jerked clean 'over, , and thme down on the top of my head. Likp lightning came the truth. I was in the arms of a devil-fish | There is no mistaking the grasp. Every one the devil-fish's eight powerful arms closes upon his prey. and he pulls down, down, until he drags it to the bottom. With a des- perate kick I freed mysell from the creature below me. Seizing the boat, 1 had my arm under one of the thwarts when the devil-fish caught me again. 1 felt his grasp tighten. The pain was excruciating. With every move- ment that I made my flesh was lacerated. I began to grow Weak {rom loss of blood. But I never re- laxed my hold of the boat. The agony must have lasted for only a Tew minutes in reality, but it scemod an eternity before I felt that clutch on my legs loosen. 1 kicked with all my strength, | Ete twirled, and then felt my#ell I think my solid boots must have injured the arms of the octupus and compelled him to let go. It was not until an hour and a all later that my friends noticed hat my boat was motionless on the water, and came out to see what was the matter. They found me | more dead than alive The skin | was nearly all gone from my feet to | my knees, and above that it re- | mained for weeks as black as a man's hat For two months after- ward I lived only on milk Alto- | gether, I was laid up for seven | months as the result of my encoun- ter. | Opn ICHMS OF A RECOIL By Louise J. Strong Copyright, 1008, by T. O. McClure "Wh-e-ew! This is the hottest day that ever broiled!" Mr. J. Sanborn, el- | derly, somewhat portly and very iras- cible, glared about, defying contradic: tion. The old gentleman In front of him bristled aggressively | Mr. Banborn, with an eye out for of- fense, observed the bristling and relter- ated dogmatically, "The very Batest "No such thing! There's been mil- | lions hotter!" The old gentleman flash- | ed around like a pugnacious bulldog. "The very hottest day!" Mr, S8anborn bawled stubbornly "Not even the hottest this season! On the 10th the thermometer registered | 16 degrees higher," his opponent ex- plained with aggravating exactness. "The the thermometer led! All ther- | mometérs do "My thermometer is exact! best made." "1 don't care If it's the only one made, it lies if it says there's ever been a bot- | ter day than today" Mr. Sanborn mopped his face in exaggerated dis- tress People were smiling at the absurd | contention, and a girl across the alsle giggled. Both disputants looked at her, and with a gesture of authority the old gentleman ordered: "Here, miss, you look cool and rea- sonable. Tell this lump of obstinacy that today is frigid beside the 10th." "Oh, don't ask me to be umpire. I don't know anything about thermome- ters. 1 always go by my feelings," she cried. "The only sensible way," Mr. Ban- born affirmed. "The way of ninnles and pumskulla!" stormed the old gentleman. "Your etation, sir," the conductor in terrupted. The old gentleman bounced off, trailing lis statements and asser- tions to the platform. The train started. Mr. Sanborn stuck his head out the window and shouted, "The very hottest day!" Then he settled back and laughed. The girl laughed, too, and "slipped across into the old gentleman's place. "I wound him up!" Mr. Sanborn ex- plained with satisfaction. "I expect he thinks it is pretty hot by now," she smiled, "but, really, you know, we have had hotter weather." "Oh, yes," he assented unexpectedly. "I suppose I'mn doing my own roast- ing." "Fuming?"' she intimated. "Like a boiling kettle. Think I'd ex- plode but for easing off on the old gentleman," he chuckled in wemory of the exploit. : "You should take things ea} is bot weather. It's the only Way to keep cool," she remarked sagely. . "Take things easy! Look here, when you've bad a blow that's knocked all your life plans helter skelter you don't feel either easy or cool." "No; that's true, One might make new plans," she suggested. "New plans!" he scoffed. "I don't know why I'm the one to make conces- sions. He owes all be is to me." She looked polite inquiry, and be con- tinued: "You see, it's my nephew. I've raised him and been a father to him-- done well by him too; given him the best advantages money'll buy. And all I've asked of him is that bell go ahead and be g credit to us." Hé paused reminiscently. "And hasn't he?" she asked. A glow lit his face. "He has! He's been on top all the time, taken the honors everywhere, and he stands to pull off the biggest of all now." : "I should say that was satisfactory," she commented. "Satisfactory! I'm chock full of pride! But I'm justified in being proud. He graduates from C-- university--no lit- tie college, mind you--with the honors of his class. Why, with my money be- | El , 1 It's the | | _ she raid. |. "Tnat's what I'm on the road for. | parting. | joined in tle applause that called him | he would," he beasted to the girl, who, | grunted, his eyes fixed significantly up | sly glance at the girl beside him: | the 'country alone to open 5 | not go." rr #. Fike TT LA 'farm, ted tains. | "Farmer's 'daughter, he said, but they're all milkmaids 1 #appose her 'dad raked up R gle gooey and sent her to the university fb take on some polish and take in some young idiot like Maurice. He's the star, and. she' couldn't do better, though she might find some with more money." "Hgve you seen her?' "No, nor want to either. I know how. she looks; overgrown and coarse, with big red cheeks that he, the simpleton, calls 'roses of nature," he quoted con- tempfuously. "He can go to the farm with her and make a field hand for the. old man, and I'll try to crawl out from the ruins. Jings, I wish I'd trained him in the business back there in Chi- cago!" He struck the seat excitedly and went on: "He kept it from me till his last letter. I've been boiling ever since--110 in the shade. I came pretty pear not going to the graduating fan- dango, and I've looked to it for years." "Fhen you are to be thers tonight," ) He spoke of my coming a day or so earlier, but I don't want to see him till afterward. It might not be good for bis nerves, and I naturally want him to do bis best before the public." "Naturally," she assopted, adding: "I'm going there too. I bave friends fa the class." . "Why, that's gll right," he exclaimed. "We're strangers, and we'd probal each be alone. Why not sit together" "Thank you, we will. It is kind of you to suggest it," she replied, hiding an amused smile. By exchange of cards they introduced themselves and had become very good friends by the time they reached their destination. "Shall I call for you?" be asked at "Oh, no, thank you. We will meet In the hall" she returned, with a flash of repressed merriment. "Very good, young lady, but not quite so perfect as you suppose," be mut- tered, watching the slender figure flit away. When in unaccustomed and uncom- fortable evening dress he was conduct- ed to his seat he scarcely recognized her in the resplendent creature the cen- ter of an fncense offering throng, but when he did he breathed an "ah, ha!" of satisfaction, adding, with a chuckle: "I see, I see! But I think the little joke will boomerang!" She detached herself presently and made her way to him, murmuring an apology for omitting to mention that she had attended the university the previous year. To his eager question she admitted toat she had met Maurice. To his equally eager question concerning the milkmaid she hesitated uncertainly. Which was not strange, seeing that Mr. Sanborn had no name for her, the young blockhead having alluded to her merely as "a farmer's daughter, the girl of my cholce." "I am sure that short, thick, homely girl is the one--the third from the end," Mr. Sanborn groaned. "Oh, perhaps not," she comforted, sub- duing a smile. "She's the one," he assented as posi tively and aggressively as he had pro claimed the state of the weather. The | opening exercises prevented further dis course In spite of his heated resentment Mr Sanborn swelled with pride at the over- whelming success of his nephew and out again and again "He's pulled them off, as I told you with flushed cheeks and wet eyes, had burst ber glove in expressing her ap probation. "It would be glorious but for that beefy creature he's talking te," he added, choking indignantly Maurice got away from the congratu lations at last and reached them, say- {ng with outstretched hand, "Well, un cle, T hope you are satisfied with me." "Um-m--yes, pretty well!" his uncle on the thick, homely girl across the hall, Seeing which, Maurice sald, with a "May 1 introduce you to my farmer's daughter, uncle? Bhe's"-- Mr. Sanborn broke fn, exclulming "Why, I know the man she's talking with; dome business with him! I'll just introduce myself and have it out with her too!" he growled over his shoulder, slipping like an eel through the crowd. "Good heavens!" Maurice cried aghast "If be should say anything impertinent to Miss Millioness!" "Oh, Maurice! And she the pres!- dent's niece! He'll say anything! Stop him; stop him!" the girl walled. "Stop who--the thief?" a young man queried langhingly. They trailed through the crowd in an agony of apprehension. There was no pleasantry In the situation for them. Mr. Baoborn bad arrived, shaken hands with the gentleman and was speaking to the young lady, who lis- tened with serious attention. "Look at her! There'll be an explo sion soon! Oh, why did we undertake the silly trick?" Maurice's compaalon moaned in his ear. His uncle bedkoned urgently, prevent- ing Maurice's reply. "I suppose you know my nephew and his milkmald, the farmer senator's daughter," Mr. Sanborn said to the gen- tleman as the reluctant proached. - =n « Then he burst into a roar of laughter at the blank faces of the wilted young censpirators. : a Family Discipline. Dr. Tuckerman, classmate of William Ellery Channing, was one of Chan- ning's few Intimate friends through life. They were always extremely frank with one another and sometimes gave each other sharp answers. On at least one of the recorded occasions, says Mr. John W. Chadwick in his life of the great preacher, Dr. Channing came out abead. > Dr. Tuckerman on one of his fre- quent visits inquired for Mrs. Channing and was informed that she had gone to Newport to open the house for the sum- mer. "Alone?" asked Dr. Tuckerman. Dr. Channing assented, and Dr. Tucker man, responding, said: "Do I understand you to say that Mrs. Channing has gone into the coun- try alone to open the house for the sum- mer?" : "That is what I sald, Dr, Tucker wan." 3 "Well, Dr. Channing, you will per- mit me to say that I should not think of asking Mrs. Tuckerman to go to the summer." ; you should most probably she would questions of farge publie take this opportunity of thanking his nu) the liber. patron reecived since a Port Perry, and would inform the publie his business from the Market building to the a Willard Block Queen Street ased to fill all orders for Meats in a manner that e customers. Having new and in transaction of husiness he feels confident that faction than heretofore, and in erder w # EE SRS \/ IN FULL 'BLAST I take great pleasure in announiing that my ZN ROK 3 New Mills are now completed and in full oper- Ni7 $2 ation and that 1 am better than ever prepared { > Zh to meet the requirements of my [riemds and the as I< general public in every line pertaining lo my oi ph Z already extensive and rapidly increasing busi- x J£ NJ ness. Correct business principles, prompitude ie Z B and courteous treatment may be relied on. 4 hy ot oR M4 JAMES CARNEGIE J Ey Port Perry, Dec., 1902. ¢ 3 7IN IS x XECICHCHHSICRIBICICICRICIER mE A GREAT SACRIFICE --INTHE-- Sale of Furniture DURINGTHE HOLIDAY SEASON| Che undersigned will sell a large quantity of first-class Furniture cor- sisting of BA y Parlor, Dining Room. Bed Room Sets. &c Give me a call. Cash or Approved Credit, EZ A Fine lot of Picture Frames and Gilt Mouldings suitable to the rade. EZ Agent for Monuments. gj} £7 Weod Wanted. 3 JOHN NOTT. THE OLD FOGY DOCTOR AMILY Doctors arc all right as general practitioners, F 'but they are uot CII Tie sexual organs com- IN most Intricate and 4 in the " ige the oe system Se isi body and require the most skillful treatment. 2 You might as well expect a blacksmith to repair your watch, as a family physician to cure Sexual gars nts. We hae indde a specialty of these dineases for over 30 Fears, Havejuveste) tens of thousands of dollars and have every faci known to medical science to cure them. E case taken with a positive guarantees of K No Cure--No Pay. BLOOD POISON Whether inherited of ac is positively cured forever. The virus is eliminat the system so no danger of return. Hundreds of cu by us 25 years ago aud no return best evidence of a cure. NBRVOUS DBBILITY and other complications such as emissions, drains in the urine, varicocel i weakness, etc., are cured by our New Method j- mens under & positive guarantee--NQ CURE--NO PAY, WE CURE ALL DISEASES OF MEN AND WOMEN. Consaltstion Free, Books Free. Write for question blank for ho private Home Treatment. Everything confidential. DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN, RB STREET. { 148 GHBLBY 81 DETROIT, MICH. Eo aS A a OT 0 a oe 1 4 uired, from cases K 8 A Merry Xmas Sittings of the Division Courts COUNTY OF ONTARIO. | ERA RL TALE gi i :ver to make it as merry as possible |! a i, Nogsh be AprLS, May 3, Jun §, und we think the following list will ay apembe. obo 4 Novewber 7, Dec: fo much toward making it so. 4 Ena ce Ph Matai an ire just receiving a nice lir 7, Febrn (ai 3. Apri 6. . Macdonell, Whitty --Janu- cadeand are positive that bot JuaLiTy and Price cannot be beat, un, come and get a sample and by anvinced. ¢ Cans Horse Shoe or Maple Le Salmon for 25¢, | Peas and Corn gc. can, Comatoes 12c. can. Canned Pine Apple 10c. can. Canned Raspberries 15c. can. t Ibs. Home Made Mixed Candy fo . ember$, Jeo. RRY--Olerk, J W. Burnham, Port Perry PO er 11 March, May 8, July 11, September , Novewber 1 1905. Jar.\3, , UXBRIDGE. Clerk, January 14, March 18, 16, November 16, Jan. CANE IN TON Clerk Geo. Smith, Cannington -- wary 15, March 17, May 19, July 14, Ssplember 15, November 17, Jan. 11, 1905. be La ST BIR an . or. Ta a UPTFROROYE --Clerk. Thea, P. Hart, Untargrove "March 15, Moy 17, Sepiember 13, Novew ber 13. By order, d NT . M, Gloason, Groen any 4 Jay July 7, Ssptamber 8, Nov. 11, 195. ty Jos. FE. Gould, Txbridge-- Ham. July 15, Beptewsbe. is 25¢. » Ibs. New Mixed Nuts 25c. New Table Raisins 20c. 1b. Malaga Grapes 15¢ 1b. Navel and Mexican Oranges 25¢ t 4oc_ Dozen. EG duction on all Dis < J. E. FARFWELL, # i Olek of the Pesce. 4 at Whitby, Nor. 14th, 1903. / You Take No Ohauces. "Games, Toys, Picture Bool i : and a large. selection of oth . J. Davis guarantees every bo - Goods'at greatly reduced prices (Chamberlain's Cough Renee.ly refund the money to any- (2 Diflerent Flavors in STEwWar CeuapraTED CHOCOLATE, reduce from 10 4oc¢ Ib, and: the fis line of Fancy Boxes of Confecti ery ever oflered for the Xn trade. FRANK C. DAWES. Port Perry, Dzc. 17, 1903. 50,000 foot Cul ho 18 pot satisfied alter usin: irds of the contents. This is Best remedy in the world for la , coughs, colds croup and ing Ch and 1s pleasant and' o take. It prevents any ten- 'of acgoldto result in penu- af NG e Cause of Piles 'Mandrake and Butternut. and po griping paine. y that never fails use bly constipation which is|8 femedied by Dr. Hamilton's | é EALED TENDERS will be rgceived by the undersigned for the purchase of all or any, of the Parcels--Farm Propertics---belong ing to Mr. John Adaws, advertised (0 be sold by auction on the 23r¢ November, and withdrawn at the sale. . J. A. McGILLIVRAY, * Temple Building, Torouto. Nov. 39, 1899. 80 YEARS® EXPERIENCE Ri Anyone sending a sketch and d 10K: ascertain our opinion probabl; 'Chamberlain's Remedies. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. BE a Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. For Bowel Complaints, Price 35 cents. Chamberlain's Pain Balm. An antiseptic liniment especially valua- ble for Cuts, Bruises, Sprains and Rheuma- tism. Price 25 cents; large size 50 cents. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. For Disorders of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. Price 25 cents. Every one of these preparations is guaranteed and if not fully sat- isfactory to the purchaser the money will be refunded. TICKETS TO ALL FARTS OF THE WorLp.--Mr. W. H. McCaw, Port Perry, 1s now in a position Lo issue tickets to all parts of the world and to supply all necessary informatien to parties as to the cheapest and best routes, &c. In addition to his numerous Ticket Agencies for Rail road and Steamship lines, he has been re appointed Ticket Agent for the Grand Trunk Railway. Parties intending to travel will consult their own iuterests by consulting Mr. McCaw before embarking on a trip. Sa ors Central PORT PERRY. FEARTILY thanking the pubfic for the H liberal patronage recived during the mavy years I have kept a Livery Establish ment in Port Perry, I have much pleasure iu announcing that I have removed MY LIVERY! to my former place of busiuess Water Street which Tam about to Iyfgely extend in rease facilities so that Ahe public may he better accommodated With sufe and desir able RIGS AT MODERATE CHARGES R. VANSICKLER. Port Parry, June 21, 1900. 5 tt's a strong Statement but a straight fact, when we say that the greatest help to the live grocer and general storekeeper in Canada is "The Canadian Grocer." You cannot read it without getting some valuable information. Spend a cent for a post card and send for a sample copy and bo convinced. 3 : § AD RAVAN OAV STN Ny. h $90 Lor woniitn to look after our growing hiisivess io this and adjoining Counties; to act as Manager and Corres 7 poudent ; work en be done at your home. o£ wan, General Manager, Corcoran Build. ing. opposite United Stazes Treasury £Wishiugton, D. C / METHODIST CHURCH. REV. G. H. COPELAND, Pastor. Sabbath Services, 11 and 7. Week Evening Service, Thursday 7.30 Strangers welcome aud conducted to seats. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH. (PRESBYTERIAN.) RRV. W. 0)UPER, B.A. Pastor 3 Sabbath Servi-es. 11.07 nd 7.00, Week Evenin 3 Service, Thursday 7.80. 'BAPTIST CHURCH.- REV. MR. MCFARLANE, PASTOR. Sabbath Services, 10 3) nnd 1.00, Week Boning 1 1.30, bervice, Thumeday. v we RE | JHUROH OF THE ASCENSION - ¥ " Thereupon interest were dmmediately taken up, wd at Carnegic's on Jton's Pills. Price 25¢. Turd Sunday 10 0 e. m, a - YEARLY to Christian mand Ehigtvisel nef: sdrdrommd stam pat envelope for particulars to ii. A. Sher-# 7 LN ANA DEAN NEDA AN NN 2 tent business 'Manufac- turers an a of MONEY TO LOAN. for investment an mises in the. where the Public will alwa |GHOIGE, FRESH SH TO ANNOUNCE that they are row com ly ensconsed in their new Pr wd Purdy Block an ample supply of i MEATS Patent Experts and at prices that cangliffail to lehse. Otticeas { New York Lite -A tull supply of Meats of She very best grades, and cut in di to please the most fastidi All orders imensions " ous. ¥ will receive prompt 'We have funds from private : mortgage ot 4} TRE OR '« and those whe w | attention. tuewicid moiigaies; buy more ised ov build, may S ~ NU i We en ve uy delay, ( od very . T. CAWKER & SON Den 1k toe sae. | ELoot ave Tah or os: March 5, 1902. Z hanical, or businoss of £3 ki 2 send us pric descri same. ny Kind, please Hie snd Tire re) ant oapun Leste, and br_ke:sge business LUND k CO., 28 Victoria Btreet, TORONTO. The mails are despatched from the Post Office Port Perry as follows : orth-- 9.30 a. m. --~1120 8. Rs i General Carter Takes pleasure in rcturning thanks to the public for the esteemed pat ronage bestowed on him since com- mencing the business of Carting and would state that he is lully equipped to do CARTING AS IT SHOULD BE at the very shortest notice and at prices that cannot fail to please the public. Carting to and from. the Railway Depot a Specialty. Residence--Brick House, oppo- site the Methodist Parsonage. F. SMITH. Port Perry, Aug. 1901. General Blacksmithing The undersigned having opened business in the Just west of Drs. Archer & Archer's Office, is prepared to do all kinds of of Gener«l" Blacksmithing at Reas onahle Charges, HORSE-SHOEING A Specialty and Satisfaction Guaranteed Patronage Solicited. S. W, SWITZER Port Perry, Sept. 16, 1902. PAINTING Kalsomining, &c r{YHE undersiunod would take this oppor tunity of thanking bis numerous pat rons for their liberal aud still increasing patronage during the time he has carried ou the business of PAINTING in Port Perry, and would state that he is better prepared than ever to execute all orders for Painting, Kalsomming and Paper Hanging Parties ontrnsting their work to me may roly or having it neatly and promptly exe cuted, My churges are moderate | am also prepared to supply Paints, &e,, when contracting. A coutinunuce of public patronage soli cited. WM. TREMEER. Port Perry, Mar. 23, 1593, JOHN NOTT, UNDERTAKER, and Funeral Director, PORT PERRY. EE ISHES to inform the pnblic of Porc V Perry and surrounding country, thai after four years expericuce in proscouting his business in some of the largest citios of the United States, he is better prepared than ever to execute any of the following branches of his trade :--3tone Masonry. Brickleving in all its branches ® Plain and Ornamental Plastering. } Stone Walks, that will remain permanent and will endure any weather. Congrete Cisterns without "any wood in their cou struction to decay ov give out. If yon are in need of any of the above, come to me and obtain prices, All material required in my Jine will be kept coustantly on hand, and sale altar the i EO. GARDNER. 94. ¥ Port Parry, Jan. 3, 1 W ANTED -- TRUSTWORTHY ANC active gentlemen or ladivs to trve for reaponshle, established house in Ontario Monthly $65.00 and expenses. Pogitior sendy Reference. Kncloseself-nddrensed tam ped envelope The Dominion Con p vy Dipt. Y Chicago EEE man p) > \ YEARLY to Christian 2 $800 or woman to Ibokafter onr grow. 1 ing business in this and adjoining Counties 4 y i i HE h addressed, ston ped envelope for particulars to A. 05, BERMAN, Genera) Manager, Corcoran Building, opposite United States Treasury, Washingten, D.C. REE Shep aly cud by Mn . Ball wn HARNESS IE returning thanks to the public for ae patronage extended to me for over 3€ years, I would respectfully intimate that xm, aa usual, now ready for business, and have a Large & Assorted Stock OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS which I am determined tosell very CHEAP As an inducement to CasH purchasers 5 Diseount of 10 por tonkee will be allowed on all Sales from now unit Jan. Ist next. All work being &5 MADE BY HAND€3 und uc factory work kept in stock, the super ority of my goods will at ence become appa ent Intending purchasers will find that by giving we a call heforc looking elsewhere the yean he suited in quality and price, my long experience in the trade being an indis putaole guarantee that perfect satisfaction will be given by any article purchased. Everthing in my line of business kep constantly op hand and repairs neatly and promptly attended to JOHN ROLPH. Port Perry, Dec. 1, 1802. Agricultural Machmes ---- AND IMPLEMENTS a AA SUNDERLAND sales the following Agricultural Mach ies and be plements manufactured by the MUR IAMILTON MTEL OF PETERBORO: Reapers, Crown Mower, Daisy Tiger Hay Ruke, Two Furrow Plow, Three Furrow Gang, Combina- tion Plows, Champion Plaws, S. T. Cultivator, 8. TI. Harrow, Land Roller, Steel Frame Spring Tooth Cultivator, Binder Trucks, &e. Binders, Seder, following, the munufacture of JOHN ABEL, Toronto. High class Threshing outfits, Traction Engines and Machines, Victor Clover Huller, Portable Tri mph Engine. I an prepared to supply everything the farmer requires in way of Machines, Tmple~ wients, Repairs, &e. ox A call solicited. McDonald's Htel. also the One door West of R. K. Sunderland, April 8, 1543. BRYANT I am prepared 10 Paper and Pant quired. Ttovniched Wf F NOTT, (Success 1 to J. A Rodwaii 2 doors north of Mr Widden's store Ww. Farm for Sale. GUTH HALF loi. and Soul ~ NS WSL quarter col lot 16. con 3, Townstip of Brock, consisting ol ut Bo acres vood Farm Land with house and barn; also a0 acres Hardwoud, and 50 Cedar, Hemlock and Tamarag. Apply to ewner. : H. B. CLEMES, Port Perry Dec. 8, 1902. ys find 71IHE undersigned keeps on hand and for acres Poe, = A ' a : Wo