Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 21 Jan 1904, p. 4

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, the v chiffon, and the applique ifidicat- od that the affair was held in a place en the highway of civilization. Thers | were charming youfix ladies in the | tearoom, and, indeed, all the re | pources And even superfluities that are considered indispensable to mod- wrate comfort in this stage of being. | Such paragraphs may be found id | newspapers every day, but what drew attention to this one particularly | was that a person might have stood on the spot Where this gathering took. place five years ago, and unless he had carefully grub-staked himsell would have been in danger of dying from hunger before he could work | Jiis wiy out of the bewildering wil- | derness of woods and mountains that | rose all about him. For that was | what it was--an untouched wilder- | ness. The only trees that had ever | fallen in the thick fir bush in the valleys were those that had succumb~ ed to age. The wild creatures of stream and hillside did mot know man well enough to be afraid of him; and now within five years' space 2 3 have & well-grown town, with its c gatherings made bright and elegant by the rich fabrics of the looms of France and Britain. The matter is worth remarking, for it constitutes a factor in every cal- culation that may be made as to mational growth If we were to ar- gue from Canadian progress in the past to Canadian progress in the future we would be egregiously mis- led, says The Toronto Globe Five | years alter John Galt cut the first { tree on the site of Guelph or Galt | there would scarcely have been re- | ceptions graced with Paris gowns and the other luxuries that arrive in a Rocky Mountain mining camp al- most as soon as the first shipment of ore goes out. Hon. James Young in his 'Public Men and Public Life in Canada' says that even as late as | 1858 matters were decidedly rude, | raw, and democratic in this Ontario | of ours "Every thing,"" he says, | "'produced on the farm or manufac- tured, which required to be exported as well as all kinds of groceries, hardware, and goods of every de scription imported into the interior of the country, had to be laboriously teamed by horses or oxen to or from tidewater House of stone or brick were still the exception in the country The surroundings of all but the wealthy classes, and es pecially of the farmers were rude and backward judged by present standards, The houses of the: latter ere scantily, often indeed roughly, furnished. In the country Canadian bomespun and the coarse tweeds and other woollens made at the old- fashioned woollen mills were still generally patronized. Luxuries of all kinds were scarce There was neither the wealth, the conveniences, the comforts, nor the pleasures which are now enjoyed by the great mass of Canadians in all the well-settled sections of the Dominion." The Province had been settled for more than fifty years, and yet these were the conditions in the fairest and most fertile portions of it. It must be thought that we make more pro- gress to-day in five years than fin fifty in the early days. The rallroad i is undoubtedly the great lover of pro- gress, and the speed of present-day settlement will bear the same rela Rion to the settlement of the past that the locomotive and cars bear to the springless ox-cart on the cordu- roy roads of primitive Ontario . ------------------------ HOW CANADA COMPARES. | Classes te Which Is Belongs as te Popu- iation and Resources Canadians are often at a loss to know how their country compares in size and population with others. A few parallels will cnable the average man to estimate the possibilities of the Dominion and the premier pro- vince. Canada with a population of 5,871,815 is iu the same class as the - Argentine Republic, with 4,794,149; Belgium, with 6,693,548; Afghanis- tan, 4,000,000; Bavarfa, 6,176,057; Suzoay. 4,200,000; Holland, 5,268, - 832; Portugal, 5,428,659; Roumania, 6,000,000; Siam, 5,000,000; Swed en, 5,175,228, Turkey in Europe, 6,- 000,000 But these countries differ widely from Canada in size. Afghanistan is somewhat smaller than Ontario; the Argentine Republic is about half as large as Ontario. If Canada was as thickly populated as Belgium is we should have a nation of 1,772 mil- lions. The area of Ontario is 222,000 square miles, and its population 2,- 182,947. Compare these with Cape Colony, population 2,483,000, area 221,311; Austria-Hungary, area 240,- 142 population 45,242,889; France, area 207,054 population 38,961,945; Madagascar, area 228,500, popula- tion 2,500,000; Grecce, populasion 2,434,000, area 25,014; Liberia, population 2,200,000, area 85,000; Morocco, area 220,000, population estimated at from two and a half to ten millions; Finland, population 2,-~ 673,200, area 144,255; Servia, popu- ation 2,493,770, area 18,630; Spain, area 194,788, population 18,618,086; Wenezuela, population 2,324,000, area 593,048; Norway, population 2,289,- 880, area 124,130; Wurtemburg, th half the area of On- hus a population of 82.475,- 8." Japan, three-quarters the size of Ontario, has 44,260,604 people. Peumark squeezes a population larg- er than Ontario's into 15,800 square miles. go i 2 TT IL vn = gT 0 e y SL Great Dritain spends $112, 500,000 a year on the support of the poer: This does mot include private charf- 3 Their Only Treuble. James Abbott MacNeill Whistler was g anen who lived to see the full development of the myth about him- self. 'His name is linked with cndr less good stories, many of them, ef course, apocryphal, but nearly all worth the tclling. Ilere is ome of the artist was requested to THE GREAT CHARITY. THE HOSPITAL FOR SICK CHILDREN, TORONTO. 1% Takes Cave of Every Sick Child In Ontario Whe Ganndt Afford to Pay For Treatment. « The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Is not a local institution--it is Provincial. The sick child from . any part of he Ontario \ gv whose par- \z4 £9 Al] entscannat > Ay] a ford to I= SEZ 1 = Re NE NE pay for -- has the MASSAGE FOR RHEUMATISM. same claim and the same privileges as the Toronto child borm within sight of its walls. This is the reason that the Trustees ap- peal to the fathers and mothers of On tario--for as their money goes out to help the Hospital so the Hospital's mercy can £0 out to belp the children. This is the 28th yoar of the Hospital's life. The story of the years is a wonder ful one--for in that poriod 10,000 children have been treated, and over 5,000 cured | and 3,000 improved. Last year there were 868 boys and girls in its beds and cots, and of these 403 were cured and 247 improved. Look atthese pictures of club fect--be- fore and after. Bis money iheans mercy to somebody's cl Your mondy can cheer: some mother's heart by saving some mother's ehild. Health and wealth. You give wealth to the Hospital, and the ospital gives beaith to the children. The Corporation of the City of To- tonto gives $7,500 a year to the Hospi- tal for the main- [= tenance of eve child, whether from rt city or country. The citizens of Toronto contribute about $7,000 a = year towards the maintenance of cd every patient in the Hospital, whether fromcity or country HE ENJOYS READING. Toronto does its share in the good work, and the Trustecs ask you to do yours: | The News, r Proprietors of Ontario have kindly Fred the Hospital by insert- ing our appesls. here are two nowspaper cots, and boys and gicls from the country are placed the cots founded by the news men.' of "before and Look at the pictures after." They tell their own wary surely 'the fogs: you will help us in this good If your dollar could straighten of a litle boy or girl Mii club-feet Ie would gl ve it, cur dollar will help to do Wh ¥ = sxvol AFTER Of the 868 patients 293 came from 216 places outside of Toronto. In three years the patients from different parts of Ontario, not Toronto, average 250 -~nearly a third of the entire number, In six years 1,400 outside patients have been treated--and for 80 years past they will average 100 a year. The average stay of every patient was B4 days, the cost per patient per day 94c. A dollar or two means a small lot of money out of your pocket, but it takes a BEFOKE AFTER Take off the handicap of deformity-- | give ull children a fair start in the race of | life { Twenty-three children who came in with | alub-feet were sent home perfect cures last | | results. ear. There are as many more in the big load of misery out of some little life. Tospital to-day awaiting treatment. The X Ray department gives wonderful A girl came in with a double thumb on one hand. She left with one thomb--a perfect hand Bee whut the hand of the Surgeon does for the crippled children of Oatario. ig AFTER BEFORE If you knew of a sick child--the club AFTER the Hospital Please send your contributions to J. Ross Robertson, Chairmas, or to Douglas | Davidson, Sec.-Troas. of the Hospital for | Bick Children, College Street, Toronto | foot boy or girl--send his parent's name to | y org p - | | BRFORN Money kept from the Hospital is mercy ¥en from the children. a. Spt 12 2h «(anada's (3reatest Charity." Muskoka Free Hospital peor Not a single patient has ever been refused admittance for Consumptives because of his or her poverty. FROM THF YU Koy --From Bishop of Selkirk, Caribou Crossing, Yukon: 'The trifling remittance ($10.00) herewith enclosed, is intended to express our sympathy for the sufferers in other parts rather than imply a special need for your institution here." CONFEDERATION LIFE ASSOCIATION --J. K. Macdonald, Esq., Managing Director Confederation Life Association, in sending cheque for $500.00 from his Compauy, says : "Iam pleased to be able to be the medium of helping on so good a work." Funds Urgently Needed The financial reports for the year just ending show that to keep the doors of the Free Hos- pital for Consumptives open, maintaining 'the number of patients for which accommodation has been provided, not less than $25,000 is required for the year now entered upon. Since the Free Hospital was opened (18 months ago) 224 patients have been received. The help the institution has been to these people--all from the wage-earning and poorer ranks of life --cannot be estimated in human language. --Edward D. Heddon, Solina, Ont., on leaving the Free Hospital, writes: "I caunot speak tuo highly of the institution irom which I have received so much benefit. I can but teuder my best thanks for the kindness shown." --Minnie Linklater, Hamilton, writes: *'I have spent over nine months at the Free Hospital for Consumptives. I believe I have buen greatly helped, and shall never hesitate to use my influence to further that good cause." ay PNR opport | will for the liber. pal received sived the for Ee a (ae egies rete pol ihe Purchase of Ai o 'any of the f arm pleased to fill all ctders for Meats in a manner that EALED TENDERS ing to Mr. John Adams, advertised to be sold By auction on the 23r¢ November, and withdrawn at the sale. ag % J. A. McGILLIVRAY, Temple Building, Nov. 30, 1899. to please customers. Having new and the tr jon of husi be feels Py that better satisfaction than heretofore, al this state he solicits all to give him a call nd in in his new order 2K 4 2 bi } op A ~ + Roller Mills 15 7 take gre pleasure in announcing that ny New Mills are now completed and in full oper- ation and that Xam better than ever prepared to meet the réguivements of my [riemds and the general public in every line pertaining lo my already extensive and rapidly increasing busi- ness. Correct business principles, prompitude and courteous treatment may be relied on. ~ JAMES CARNEGIE Port Perry, Dec., 1902. BK ACK > SKE SAA INI ZN 3 - 12 oe MEEICKIBICKIBCIICICICIICKX trade. Er Weod Wanted. ----IN THE-==-- sisting of BZ Agent for Monuments. &3 A GREAT SACRIFICE Sale of Furniture! DURING THE HOLIDAY SEASON The undersigned will sell a large quantity of first-class Furniture, cc Parlor, Dining Room. Bed Room Sets, &c Give me a call. Cash or Approved Credit, EF A Fine lot of Picture Frames and Gilt Mouldings suitable to tl JOHN NOTT. te cw isis eo There Sno endowment, excepting the provision made by three life insurance companies for six beds for the current year. Only by the conv tinued contributions ¢f the Canadian public can the work be maintained. Patients are accepted from every part of the Do- minion, and there have been in residence during the past year patients from Prince Edward Island on tho east to the Northwest Territories on the west. Prasidan & Contributions may be sent to Sta W. It. Al , Kr., Vi National Sanitarium Associstion, or Mx. W. J. Gaaz, Chairman of the Executive Committee, Toronto, Cau. County Council County of Ontario. HE first meetisig of the Council of the Corporation 'of the Ceunty of Ontario for the year 1904, will' be held parspant to all [Statate in tht behalf, at the Court House in theTown of Whithy, on TUESDAY THE 20th bay or JANUARY, A D. 1004. at the hour of Two o'clock iv the afternoon. i Bi pewhtete by laid before The Cogsei 1st be operly cortified, to re aa to of the Council. ; JNO, E' FAREWELL, Canada = Guarantee hatched. ayable Oct., 1905 able Oct., 1906 ells the story. ch every Egg that NO FREIGHT! & SONS, ' PORT PERRY. Chamberlain's Remedies. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. For Colds, Croup and Whoop- ing Cough. Price 25 cents; large size Soc. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. For Bowel Complaints. Price 35 cents. Chamberlain's Pain Balm. An antiseptic liniment ly valua- ble for Cuts, Bruises, Sprains and Rheuma- tism. Price 25 cents; large size 50 cents. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. For Disorders of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. Price 25 cents. Every one of these preparations is guaranteed and if not fully sate isfactory to the purchaser the money will be refunded, TICKETS TO ALL FARTS OF THE WorLp.--Mr. W. H. McCaw, Port Perry, is now in a position to issue tickets to all parts of the world and to supply all necessary informatien to parties as to the cheapest and est routes, &c. In addition to his merous Ticket Agencies for Rail oad and Steamship lines, he bas wen re appointed Ticket Agent for he Grand Trunk Railway. Parties ntending to travel will consult then interests by consulting Mr McCaw before embarking on a trip wn Gentral Livery PORT P_RRY. EARTILY thauking the pubic for the liberal patronage received during the nany years 1 have kept a Livery Eatablist went in Port Perry, I have much pleasure ix announcing that I have removed MY LIVERY! to my former place of business Water Street hich Iam abont to largely extend iu couse facilities so that the public may be etter nccommodated with 'safe and desir able :1GS AT MODERATE CHARGES R. VANSICKLER. Part Perry, June 21, 1900. t's a strong Statement but a straight fact, when we say that the greatest help to the live grocer and general storekeeper in Canada is "The Canadian Grocer." You cannot read it without getting some valuable information. Spend a cent for a post card and send for 8 sample copy and be convinced, ge led Tenders|] Toronto. | §* The mails are despatched from the Post Office Port Perry as follows : Going North-- 9.30 a. m. Going South--11.20 a. m. ug North-- 5.15 p. m, Lab General Carter Takes pleasure in returning thanks to the public for the esteemed pat ronage bestowed on him since com- mencing the business of Carting and would state that he is fully equipped to do CARTING AS IT SHOULD BE at the very shortest notice and at prices that cannot fail to please the public. Carting to and from the Railway Depot a Specialty. Residence--Brick House, oppo site the Methodist Parsonage. F. SMITH. Port Perry, Aug. 1901. (leneral Blacksmithing The undersigned having opened business in the Shen laley oomuged by Mo, E, Bal Just west of Drs. Archer & Archer' )fice, is prepared to do all kinds of f General Blacksmithing at Reas ynable Charges. HORSE-SHOEING A Specialty and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Patronage Solicited. S. W. SWITZE! ort Perry, Sept. 16, 1902. PAINTIN( Xalsomining, &« THE undersigned would tahé this oppo tunity ot thanking bis vunerous pat ons for their liberal and sull increaxing (tronage during the time he has carried of the business of PAINTING u Port Perry, and would state that he i setter prepared thun ever to execute al orders fo¥ *ainting, Kalsomining and Pape | Hanging Parties outrnsting their wérk to me mi 'ly ou: having it neatly and prouiptly exc ated, My charges are mdtlerate | am also prepared to supply Paints, &c, vhen contracting. A continuance of public patronage w ited. WM. TREMEER Port Perry, Mar, 23, 1593. JOHN NOTT, UNDERTAKER, A and Funeral Director, PORT PERRY. GEO. GARDNER ISHES to inform the public of Poi: V Perry and surrounding country, tha ter four years experience in prosecutin, his business in some of the largest cities o! the United States, he is better prepared than ever to execute any of the following branches of his trade :--Stone Masonry. Bricklaying in all its branches; Plai; a Qroamental Plastering. Also Artificia Stone Walks, that will remain permanent and will endure any weather. Concrete Cisterns without any wood in their con struction to decay or give out. If you are in need of any of the above, come to me and obtain prices, All material required in my line will t constantly on hand, and y OI next April, Counties; to act as Manager aud Corres: ¥ dent ; work cen be duie at your 'Benvelopo for particulars t. tH. A. Sher. RATA ATRL AD LF BY, | | cow RLY to Christian AB900 2 look tian man cowie basics in this and adjoining ome. Knclose self-addressed stamped ® Genersd Manager, Corcoran Build-§ Mor ble, entablished housc in Ontario 'Manthlv £65.00 and expenses. Position itearky. Reference, Eucloseself-addressed 'tam ped envelope. The Dominion Com p by. Dept. Y Chicago. man METHODIST CHURCH. ERV. G. H. COPELAND, Pastor. Sabbeth Services, 11 snd 7. Wesk Evening Service, 7.30 Strangers welcome and conducted to seats. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH. (PRESRYTERIAN:) RWY. W. COOPER, B.A., Pastor. Sabbath Week Evenis or Sania 1 | BAPTIST CHURCH. - RBV. MB. MCFARLANE, PasToR. pman, Xo. te United Sta.csa Treasury, x ashington, D. C. 8 YEARLY to Christian omen ourgrow- {i dines 14 Anis and adjoining Counties § Correspondent ; work can be done at yomr home. Enclose self || AR addremen, 4 for I | EEE W! mises in the "| A full best grades, and cut. in to please the most fastidious. attention. years, I would yaspuctiolly am, as useal, now ready ANTED -- TRUSTWORTHY ANC _ active gentlemen or ladivs to tarvel | of about Ro acres goo Js SH TO ANNOU that they are now ly enmsconsed' in their r Py ere thetil CHOICE, FRESH MEATS supply of Meats of the zices that cannot fail to please. ond All orders will receive prompt S. T. CAWKER'& SON. .. March g, 1goz. HARNE N returning thanks to the public fot 4¥ patronage extended to me for over 3€ intimate that or business, and hive a Large & Assorted Stock OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS which I am determined to sell very CHEAP Aw an inducement to Casn purchasers -) Divwouat of 10 pir vende will be allowed on all Sales from now naif Jan. lst next. All work being gr MADE BY HAND) and nc factory work kept in stock, the super ority of my goods will at cuce become ippa ent. Iutending purchasers will find that by viving ue » call before looking elsewhere the yean be suited in quality and price, my ong experience in the trade being an india utaole guarautee thit perfect saticfuotion will be given by any wrticie prrchus 3 Everthing in ny liue of husinces ke kd oustautly on hand and repairs neatly aud ea promptly attended to JOHN ROLPH Port Perry, Dec. 1, 1692, Agricultural Machmes -- AND ---- MPLEMENTS -- AT -- SUNDERLAND THE undersigne Terps on hand aud tos sales the following Agricultural Mach ues and Lvplemonts manufactured by the TTR EAMILTON MTG 6. OF PETERBORO: jinders, Reapers, Crown Mower, Daisy Secdéf, Tigér Hay Rake, Two Farrow Plow, Thidd Furcow Gang, Combing tion Plows, Champion Plows, 8. T Cultivator, 8. 1. Hwrrow, Land Roller, Steel Frame Spring Footh Caltivavor, Binder Trucks, &c. Iso the following. the munufactuie of JOHN ABEL, Tororte igh class Threshing outfits. Tractioe Engines and Machines, Victor (loves Huller, Portable Trivnph Engine, I am prepared to stpnly everything th irmer requires in way of Machines, Imiple ruts, Repairs, &e. er A call solicited. cDonald's Hotel, One door West + R. K. Sunderland, April 8, 1543 BEY AN. 2 SNEED A SPRING IS THE TINE FOR HOUSE CLEANING _ 1 am prepared to de ail kind: Papering, 'Painting, &c: 2 doors north of Mr. Widden's store Farm for Sale. OUTH-HALF lot g and Souths west quarter of fot 10, con 3, Township of Brock, consisting Fam Land with house and barn; aise 20 aercs Hardwood, and 50 acres five, Cedar, Hemlock and Tamarac Apply to owner. pi H: BECLEV ES; Fort Perry Dee. 8, 1902. ROH OF THE ASCENSION, (ANGLICAN) \ in. Port Justin Tove MR WEE BY "has provided a nd nif olanchopecitiige ole {ior Health, com during the presen ) makes them up in Aoest st; Don't fail to give him a calli iq WL HURNHAM,. Clerk of the Af Division Cond Offer in lock. Part Baw y Si

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