icin ns ifs) Confectioneryr ve Holiday Trade! 4 i Holiday : olla : cy $ tomers a liberal discount on every purchase. than to wish youa Merry Christmas, etc. Suggestions. As this is the Season of the year in which you desire to spread good cheer among your fellow men, we are ready to do our share by giving to our cus- {ts far more practical CCC CE CC J J BC Come and look, TO iesivietaieiaivieldifiieie: Sesto who come now and buy a Spring Suit'at a reduction never before offered here--as the price on Woollens will be much higher in the Spring. showing a handsome array of New Dress Goods, at once and thus save money. JCC CC CC CC CCC CC CCC CC CC CC CC CCC CC CE RC Ladies' Ready-to-Wears. Here's where we shine, as our variety is large. and correctly made Chevoit Skirt--just the thing for wintér wear--$2 75. Our most Stylish Chevoit Skirt--well stapped and fitted--regular $5.50 line--now $3. We invite inspection is this department being fully ¢onvinced that the goods will bear the closest scrutiny. if only to look: JON i A LB HE A are Wise We are and the price is Cur. Come i $ $ $ § $ $ An All-Wool, Fashionably Trimmed § [] $ $ $ $ 1S =2° CO. ¢ QPECI a LS FOR Forman & Son's CHRISTMAS! R HEAVY STOCK 4 lbs good cleaned Currants for 25¢, Extra Blue Pearl © Seeded Raisins 1oc package, New Seedless Raisins 1oc Ib, Best Cooking Figs sc 1b, Extra large New Prunes 10c Ib, New Dates, Shelled Almonds and Walnuts, Cross & Blackwell's Orange, Peels, Mince Meat in packages, Best Shredded Cocoanut 25¢ 1b, 22 lbs Granulated Sugar for $1, Dark Sugar (clean) for cakes, Soft Pulvetized Sugar 3 lbs for 25c, 2 Packages Force for 25¢, &o Perry Bread, Spanish Onions 7 lbs for 2c; Home-made, Sliced Boiled Ham, Try our Special Blend of Tea 25¢, mixed--3oc, mixed - 4oc, Choice Coffees 25¢ and 30¢, 'Chase & Sauburn's Coffee foc, Good value in Flour, ealizing that a great many 'commence early to perpare for Christmas. we have bought a very requirad, and are now prepared to supply all demands AT THE LOWEST LIVING PRICES. 3 Ibs best Selected New Raisins for 25¢, 4 Ibs best Selected 1go2 Raisins for 25¢; 3 Ibs choicest cleaned Currants for 25¢ rrants roc per lb, Lemon and Citron | Toronto Bread same weight and price as Port Rose Brand Lard warranted pare and equal to ~ Try our Kings Royal Blend of Tea--black and Try our Coronation Blend of Tea--black and Tilson' s Rolled Oats in bulk or picages, OF ALL THE GOOD THINGS | We have largest and finest assortment of FANCY CHINA ever shewn in Port Perry--in French, German and Japanese goods, in everything you can wish for, and we will make the prices right in Vases, Salad Bowls, Berry Sets, Biscuit Jars, Fern Pots, 5 O'clock Tea Sets, Cream and Sugar Sets, Table Sets, Rose Jars, Marmalade Jars, Jardinieres, Fancy Pitchers, Plates and Cups and Saucers in endless variety. So A choice selection of 35 Dinner Sets from all the best English makers. Bedroom Sets of all styles and prices, Beautiful Lamps of all kinds, Jin Otir Stock of Boots and Shoes is always in the lead both for Value, Style and Quality, and as we carry the largest Stock, we can suit every one. See our Ladies' Fine Boofs 4t $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, $2.25, $2.50. Extra values in Slippers for ladies and men. Rubbers of every description TI Ladies' Rubbers, lined and unlined at goc pair. - A\RRIAGE LICENSE OFFICE, 'Nov. 25 1903. \ x will be saved if you study SHORTHAND) tnd TYPEWRITING Y. M.C. A. Bldg. TORONTO. e "have the exclusive right to ch the famous Gregg Shorthand Toronto, We also teach well iF commercial subjects. Better te. Information free. r term, Jan, 4, 1964. . W, WESTERVELT, Chartered Ac:ountant, EZ We do our own delivering and guarantee satisfaction. Sale of Furniture | GET YOUR CHOICE, T.C. FORMAN & SON A GREAT SACRIFICE --IN THE-- DURING THE HOLIDAY SEASON The ¥ndetgigted will sell a large quantity of first-class Furniture, con sisting of Parlor, Dining Room, Bed Room Sets, &c Give me a call. Cash or Approved Credit. EF A Fine lot of Picture Frames and Gilt Mouldings suitable to the trade. EF Agent for Mohunents. «2 EF Weod Wanted: ©3 bei = ~3 $ { = : $ $ 3 Sous PEOPLE hy th that it is Ver ¢ manner we ih bo thie wold, naan is world was onl; that no one cise has a ttoa.l Roe curiloms, we Tks So wee avocation. This worl large enough and judgment, degen epg i without anything, and it is certain that of clay when we depart from earth, and To Live and Let Live," isn shosre, life would be better worth I that of our neighbors, we then become It may be ** Vi ide case, and everyth D0 matter what their calling, or if we use ouly a little common senve, ng. We all come into thie MH | receive shall be a bare aix © a dollar 10 help ua over the river, acted upon, and if we were all more We want our owh share as well as \" and selfish, to furnish a Cloth Casket, out th ove St que fine Hearse for $34, lo so wl ay 4 being "Vi YY Juear. pei fi alias given by others at day and age. Revov. Having had the commodious Star in the Currie Shark fitted up .eipeo ially, I am satisfied I have now one of the best appainted Drug up, iu addition to my extensive stock of Drugs,Chemicals, and Fapey Goods, a full line of SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES While returning thanks to my numerous patrons I would extend and extensive premises, where 1 have opened an invitation to all to call and see me in my new premises. When people who ought to know better 3 atatements to the effect that we have been overcharging on our funeral orders We have a beautiful equipment, it ply shows that such persons are not © H Queer." but use '* Yarn and Lies," and do not heaitate to Ne, if, by so jhe) can create a wrong impression wo serve their own ends. In our chapter "OUR PRICES" » we shall show th ho h ted Yarns and Lies that they were show those who have false reporta. FURNITURE (0. W.J. NOTT, M Now. 19,1903, DIAM We are prepated to give SPECIAL BARGAINS n A.J] DAVIS Port Perry, Sept 2, goo. REAL ESTATE, BR A ATi Li is Invariably Essential to Success. AVING had considerable experience in negotiating I Sales of some of the largest transactions in Real Estate in this district, and in every instance giving perfect satis- faction to all concerned, I have concluded to [devote my whole attention to disposing of all Real Estate that may be placed in my hands for sale GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. Gold Filled Cases in great variety, some as smell as a Quarter ot | Dollar, nicely Enameled and Set with Pearls, &ec. Prices to suit you all right. | WEDDING AND ENGAGEMENT RINGS | in Pedrl, Opal and Diamonds, all fine and New Designs. GREAT Variety Very Curae | Crocks iu Knives, Forks, Spoons, Fruit Dishes, Butter Dishes, Cake Baskets, ral Sets, &c., and some more to follow. | $e Also Fancy Goods. EVERYTHING Goks Crear. "€3 Repairing as usual, DIESFELD'S Port Perry, 30, 1898. FARMS FOR SATE I would call special attention of parties requiring Farms to Four fine properties now listed and for Sale Three Farms in Scugog. fing Farm in Reach. | | | | * Parties desirous of disposing of lahded properties ji will consult their own interests by placing them with rie for i sale. Satisfaction guaranteed | L ANS without Commission on Real Estate security ! in suns to suit borrowers, at unusually low rates. Quick action i | E> | represent the most desirable Fire and Life Insurance | Companies. Prompt attention given to applications u Port Perry, Sept. 3, 1901. J 2 ah == UTTERS FOR ALL I wish otorn the public that I | | TUDHOPE CARRIA ll AND WHILE THERE CC hich cannot be beat for beauty of ought of me and give ther dealer in town. w 'b ou 0 I Thanking you for your very liberal patronage in Ke PERSONALLY 'Bought for Casha Gar Load of OTTERS can save you $2.50 to $3 on Cutters all and make your choice while have a big selection on hand. have visited the celebrated firm of GE GO. ORILLIA, INSPECTED | | | | | | { | | { | AND | { design, and first-class workmanship. || i a better article than any I ti the past and soliciting a continuance of the same ll We ALLIN, ! PORT PERRY. ( (1 thing and Boot & Shoe Business | | "VIN ALL ITS Erin a a By aati ie Pueciused aid READY-MADE CLOTHING tes or Men and Boys which for quality and low prites cannot be equaled in this district. I have the largest and most veried Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES ever opened in this locality for your inspection, andthe prices are such as can- not fail to ploase. Come and see us in our enfarged quarters. My aim shall be to please my customers in every particulr. A. F. CARNEGIE. JOHN NOTT. Port Perry, Full Stock 2 OF EVERYTHING IN THE arness Line ------ WHICH FOR AR 5; CHEAPNESS. STYLE Durability and STREN GTH 3 Calitét be surpassed in the County, &o...in abundance. W. A: BRATHY Fort Perry Stores in the Province, and have taken possession of my new Robes, Blankets, Bells, Trunks Comparison of Prides Oourted which withdrawn ug fg iy egos were qur office. Send for it. You wil " find it interesting, Canada Permanent Mortgage Corporation (Formerly The Canada Permanent and fi Western Canada Mortgage Corporation) i TORONTO STREET, TORONTO | Heifer Strayed., TRAYED from the pretnises of the undértighed lot 1, con. Mari a bout igth eh Red Hell ifer, i in Ap pr ng "wife its whereabouts, RICHARD MARTI Mariposa, Nov. 30 1903. Young Pigs for Sale The undersigned offers for sale at his place, lot 2, con, 6, : A SCUGOG, about | 30 Young Pigs, Crossed Yorkshire and Berkshire. Théy are pure-bred | stock THOS. GLASS Scugog, Nov. 25, 1903, | | ra | Teacher Wanted. | | Wanted [eacher for Union | School No. 2 Brock, 14 Reach.-- | Gentleman preferred. [ W. MEDD | A. STUART D. MeTAGGART, Sec Treas, Sanya. 3 | Teacher Wanted. ~EACHER WANTED for School |r | Section No. 13, Reach, near Seagrave. Apply to | Joun Watson, | OLIVER SLEEP, Rost, Munro, Secy. Us Deliver Let You Your next order of (roceries You will then learn what really Good Groceries are. Our stock is made-up which have proved We sell at the of goods meritorious Lowest Prices indeed many things are sold at less than their good quality { demands E, H. PURDY. Livein Harmony With the Times. COMEuis i SEE Our Fall Importation of British Gocds is now on hand, in Engli Irish and Scotch, in ieee Sei Worsteds, Fancy an and Qv fooae urs both in coloring and design, and the quality is A 1. We make Buttons, do Shrinking, also Pressing and Re- ° pairing at short notice,and our prices will suit you. AND SEE BEFORE COME ous. W.H. DOUBT, : Sept 16, 1903. For Sale or r to Rent. I ast part of Lot 17, 13th' Conicons Reach Township. Would Apply tof CFIAS. MASON, Shelburue, ol. Or Jou W. HoLT#y, Manchester, Ont. S101 preler selling. Ayer's Pills are good liver ; A Is. You know wi By =e Tha lasative ; Jou keep the bowel Te yt ation,