Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 24 Dec 1903, p. 2

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"By a thickening of the linin By ne of the middle ear owin } germs. The only cite h 1s carried 'ness permanently. . many wonderful cures, --very easy and pleasant. and L * sat Catarrlibzoné fevef fafls | it is gua eed. Two months' $1.00 at druggists. TH ¥ GBBERVER....... His ao Goop CrecuraTiox. snd Is con It is the BEST Advertising Medium in the County; is the champion of the Agriculturista and more conservative and practios! class of peopht sadtly growing in favor. eliques: it fu the Oldest nad Best Establidhed --founded in 1827 --the most original and best in ts local and gemeral mews department and is printed entirely in the place of pub lication--Port Perry. nse ---- PORT PERRY, DEC. 24, 1903. hal Deafness is Eatised| Srowex Tuan HAS prolonged inflamation from ca- is healing EatarrhoZone ofie by the air you the to the remotest parts of the pat and ear; it reaches the arce of the trouble and tures deaf- very sufferer " impaired nating dhond ps i t En whieh ot siaely their destination ; the distance being breathe its healifig medicated Sapo 0 this r hearing will h& restored. treatment 2 The Christmas Fair held by th Thursday evening, dt 6.10, Dec. 10, we despatched by mail at Port Perty office, two parcels of printed matter for Blackstock, and it took the Hon, Wm. Mulock with his Yigteater than has been" mail ser- vite, just six days and nineteen hours to convey said parcels to a grand success. poultry, butter and other exhibit creditable to the exhibitors, and th six railes, a mile a day, in this en- lightened age certainly is far from creditable to the authorities of our T- largest cities. supposed perfect mail service. And | prize what makes in this instance the delay still mote. aggravating, one of about as cruel as it could well b the parcels contaiged proclamations announcing an Election, which, in order to be of any use, must be post |of just such a gatheringas make ed up--pursuant to Statute--~on a a certain date otherwise the result of the election would not be valid. If there is one thing more than cos, other that Tur Osserver is noted for it is its aversion of complaining we would be doing an injustice | SVerY dogree of speed--professiona | the authorities of the mail service | good Derby. | | The officers were unremitting i Why Canadian Wages Are] Tbe people of Port Perry and sur | Ri educed The Liberals have been finding] much needed solace in the idleness | cents aday- This is a lesson ir protection which should not be lost the government on Canada, supporters. . Yes, it is an unhappy state o cry affairs which should bring Sir Wil- frid Laurier and Hon. W. S. Feld ing to their senses, if anything will At present Canadian factories are being ciosed up and the wages of | Canadian workmen are being re- duced, largely are forced to enter into competition with the 48 cent labor of Germany At Sydney and the Soo hundreds of 00 i > ' s, the red of some 8 German men and | Cited is one that the Postmaster- judging and all appeared satisfied on o male bards then Jingle for many years. Coming to us remedy as soon as the croupy cough Seagrave. v oT a hen lays a certain number of egps 1 q > ~ 1 ' pi women who 1efused to work for 48 | General or the Post Office Inspector with the decisions The following y a 1 BE with his rich experience and deep appears and it will prevent the at« Listan [prizes were awarded and paid as|'¢ Fest of her eggs are not neatly |jnterest in the cause of God, we re-|tack. It never fails and is pleasant : 1| for this district would do well to |F pal 5 I higeii1 i | d safe to tak F le by A Dear Friends, I - so aptto hatch, and should they, ard him as a valuable accession to | 21d Sale tO lake. or sale by A. J. : vegtit Te ; soon as the awards were made ; R g § : ID 1 have just completed my engage. investigate in order to discover the batch the chicks will not be so our church, and we trust that the| 2 nents for X fin, d | Pair Chickens--1 Jas. Watson : 2 , ' ------ = ments for Xmas oufings and am the guilty party that they may be Mrs. T. Hall: 3 Jas Jus, Wa « Mrs strong, therefore select a good cock united couple will enjoy much of the | » SCHOOL GARDENS. pleased to say that } have made (| made to feel the consequences of | Hr 3 ; 4) erel or cock with a good short, wide sunshine of Divine mercy, goodness -- arrangements with Seagrave Sab Hil ' 1 ams | head and a well curved beak anda dl 1 re y of life r pees Ft dno ot xopertment | bath School to be at their Snlertayk their stupidity or willful neglect of | pair Fowls--1 Mrs. A. W. Wil bright eye, "the head arly half gud. oven the evening of lile, ane [ ot Rduoation J y ment on that night, Dec. 25th. A duty liams; 2 Jas. Watson s Mrs, | g y ' 1€ head 1s nearly half | that their path will be as, "the path| The establishment of school gardens | strong effort has been made in the I I Ral h ne the bird', select a bird that stands of the just, that shineth more and | 1s engaging the attention of the Edu- preparotion, so : JLEEDING ReENFrREW.--If possible, | Ralp | well on his feet, not on } , : cation Department. Some explana- r | on ' on his toes ct dav." , Pair Ducks--1 Mrs. J. Ralph; 2 : on bus toes only | more unto perfect day. | tion bar purpert was given re- You Wirt Haar . the Ross-Sullivan Government are | ph; but on all his foot ; a bird with a | ently by Mr. John Millar, Deputy |3 Rood program. I would like to intent of still further heaping igno Mrs I. Hall | good, long, straight breast bone, The Mission Band organized by | Minister of Education give you full particulars but to | | Pair Geese--1 Mrs. Jas. Parr; 2 good and wide in breast and fairly | Mrs. Wilson while on this circuit of | | 'School gardens," said the Deputy [surprise is my greatest delight. 1 miny on the geod people of North Mrs. T. Hall; 3 Mrs. J. Ralph; 4 i Sa § | Mipister, "have been in existence im just say that the entertainment will 5 ) N a, ' . ph; deep, good and wide in back and | which Miss Epton is President will | some other countries for several be made up of the very best to Renfrew. Not satisfied with dis- | Mrs Sheppard fairly long in back. Then select a|conduct the morning service in the | Years. In the Eastern States much please old and young a qualifying that important and intel- Hen Turkey--r1 Mrs. Hall ; 2 Mrs |. ° . Methodist church on Sabbath next. | 8ttention has been given to the | §; A 8 ; few of the best hens on the same | Methodist church on Sabbath next movement, and much advantage is | fancy that grown people would en ligent constituency for nearly two | Franklin; 3 Mrs. T. Hall; 4 Mrs. | points, don't feed them too heavy An appropriate, varied, and instruc- | said to be the result. Any movement joy hearing those men are idle or working for what they can get, while the steel works of Germany are turning out thous ands of tons of steel rails for Cana dian railways. It is time therefore, for the gov ernment of this country to protect the Canadian workman from 48 cent German labor. The Conservative party has declared [most emphatic ally against such ruinous warfare from abroad, and on page 1495, Hansard, 1903. Mr. R. L. Borden dealt with this very question as fol- lows : "To so frame our fiscal policy that labor in Canada should be paid a fair living wage. remembering always that our laboring classes and therefore our producers and manu- facturers cannot be expected to compete on even terms with coun tries in which the condition of life among the laboring classes is alto- gether different. We do not de sire to reduce our laboring popula tion tothe low standard of living, to that hard fierce struggle for ex i<tence which prevailsin many coun- | tries. We do not want our laboring classes to compete without protec tion against the pavper labor of any country." This is how the Conservatives propose to deal with Germany's 48 cent labor. What does the Laurier government intend doing for the men of Sydney, the "Soo," Brant- ford and other hard hit industrial cenires. Lt, A Suoccesstul School. By reference to our advertising columns will be noted that the 'Winter Term in the British Ameri iness College, Toronto, This Col- a reputation work and superior in- the Management find Il all the applications because Canadians f & Mission Baxp Concerr.--In Cutters by, the car load and they are | best constructed in the Dominion-- all tne product of wis season, (no | 0 y reing |roundings have long suffered from | their attention to duty and seeing | IF that everything was as it ought tc miserable and unsatisfactory mail be ' ) service, but the instance above |} being manifest in | Ralph Gobbler Turkey--1 Mrs. T, Hall; 2 J] Rennie & Sous; 3 Mrs. T. Hall; years it now brings the election on the day following Christmas so as to be in a position to distribute its 4 Mrs. J. Ralph infamous Christmas presents on the Fatted Pig under 200 Ibs.--1 and evening previous to the election |2 S. T. Cawker; 3 J. Rennie & Sons day, the election day being fixed | Fatted Pig over 200 Ibs,--1 Frank | for Saturday, the gang will have all Howsam . Lamb--1 J. Rennie & Son day Sunday to rearrange the bal- Y J Butter, 10 lbs or over, in lb. prints lots should they not be cast to thelr 1 Mrs. T. Jeffrey; 2 Mrs. P. Stone; liking Smith Butter, 5 Ibs. or under 10 Ibs, in 3 Mrs. Sheppard ; 4 Mrs. T. | EZ The promoters of the Port Perry Christmas Fair are indebted |)}, prints--1 Mrs to Mr Lick, the, popular | pre W Bright ; 3 Mrs. Fair; 4 Mrs | and indefatigable Secretary of the Sheppard South Ontario Farmers' Institute for the excellent lecture on poultry de Orr Graham; 2 Elmer Butter, 10 Ibs. or over, in crock or or pail--1 Mrs. W. Bright; 2 Mrs. livered at the Christmas Fair by Mr. | 7. Hall ; 3 Mrs. Sheppherd ; 4 Mrs of Milton. The |p. Sione large gathering were delighted with Side Beef nie & Sons. Single Driving Horse under 154 hands--]. W. Meharry; 2 Robt 3 Wes. Horn. 1. R. Cotterelle, 1 A. Butt; 2]. Ren- the talented lecturer's remarks and | | the much information acquired First Prize Brer.--The dressed beef that took first prize at Port | Jackson ; Single Driving Horse, over 15} hands--1 R. Woon ; 3 W. Breen. nan farm, Reach, and although not Driving Horse (open)--1 Paxton | a registered animal is a descendent | & Collacutt; 2 Jas. McMillan. Heavy Draft Team--1 J]. Mc | Millan ; 2 J. Rennie & Sons. [forty years, and was introduced in- { Agricultural Team--r1 Thos Hall; | to Reach by the late Wm. Buynton. [2 Alex Jamieson. Mr. G. R. Cottrelle, of Milton | Annual MeeTing.--We are auth- lorized to state that the Annual] who was present af the fair kindly | | Meeting of the Liberal Conserva- [tive Association of South Ontario will be held at Brooklin, on Wed nesday, Jan. 6, 1904. KS" Service will be held in the Church of the Ascension on Xmas morning at ro.15 o'clock; also the Perry's Great Christmas Fair was taken from the carcas of an animal bred, raised and fatted at Dundren- of Short-horn stock that has been in | possession of the Christie's over | ligent criticism on the poultry exhi | each bit and interesting remarks concerr- | ing properly breeding, fattening and | marketing the same :-- The quality of the poultry at the Fair was good and in some cases] excellent, a few of the birds had not been properly plucked and at a high class Fair or on a number one mar- ket many birds would have been badly scored for having heads and feet off and for being drawn. The best judges always place awards according to what the best markets demand. The market to-day de 3 possible and with as much flesh on that bene with not too much fat as can be get; the birds have to be plucked dry in order to keep color a long time, the feet have to be on in order to determine the age of the bird; after a bird comes five months old it then starts to develop a spur and a bird with a spur start- ed is pot worth within two cents a Ib of a bird that has not that spur; then again the birds should not be Holy Communion will be adminis- tered at the close of the service. E# Don't fail to hear the Scot- tish Concert Co. who appear in the Town Hall on Wednesday evening, Dec. 30th. This is their second visit and the excellence of their musical am and moving pic- da connection with the Baptist Church Port Perry, under the auspices of the Mission Band, a Grand Con cert will be given on New Years night. Tea will be served from 5-30 until all ar served, after which a splendid programme will be giv- en by the children, the choir and other talent, consisting of recita- tions, singing and speaking. - Rem- ember the date, Friday. Jan. 1st|drawn, the bird will keep much 1964. Everybody come. Admissi-|longer not. Much the same points on--Adults rsc. Children joc. [are taken into comsideration in Now ror Currers.--See Mr. A. i W. Allin's immense advertisement |i in this issue. He is bringing in in every respect--the laid over out of date stock) but up- 5a 40-date, and he is disposing ef them cared. sive sales. He is prepared to sup Cutters as all should bave. One car at prices that cannot fail of exten- ply this entire district with just such [the most valuable meat, load is already to hand. See them. | good as thie 2nd prize Sirds. The zad Bean. --On| Port Perry Ohristmas Fair Port Perry Board of trade under the auspices of the Scugog Agricul- tural Society on Tuesday last proved The large Market Building was literally packed with all of a quality that was highly immense quantity not on exhibition but for sale was eagerly picked up by the active buyers at good figures, was a sight rarely seen outside our The prize birds and butter were disposed of by Auction and realized fancy figures. The weather in the morning was but this did not prevent a magnifi- cent show and a generous turn out fair a success, and business was kept rushing during the whole day and congratulated on the splendid suc- When the show of Single Drivers was set on foot fifteen handsome of the -managemént 6 ug instity. | hotses. to "the call, all tious; in nema f iy and qualities and altost trotter, amateur trotter, and no to ourselves as well as our : ) trotter at all--however, be this asi esteemed patrons were we not | may, there was sufficient speed ir to make public the shortcomings of | both classes to furnish a pretty | like, and s0 on we have (o go back A large degree of interest was 2 A. Hunter ; | supplied us with the following intel- gain of flesh of about 2 to 2} Ibs. on |}; sale by A. J. Davis. prize birds were also good bit. d not carry as much flesh fo? amo of bone as first prize birds. In b pairof fowls four pairs competed o pair were throw out because t were this years birds, the first pri pair was very good, the third prig pair would have won second h not been scalded, the pair winnin second were a little too soft to good quality, 2 e e The smallest exhibit was duc s only two pair competing, and wil pair the quality was not extra. Ig geese quite a number competi with some splendid quality, The fir prize pair was good color, well co e|ered with good firm flesh, T, second prize pair were not so la but quality good. Other geese w a | good size with plenty of flesh, buf little soft and others were §caldad strong company. In these glas és also scalded and crooked b ) birds were also in=eviden ing will score a bird' be scalded or have a ced bi 1] All these points, drawn out at this Fair, then throws us into the, t | problem how are we going to overs As like produces , | COme our errors, to the beginning of it all--=the selec | tion of our breeding stock. No male' | birds should bein the flocks at this ) [time of the year, the stimulting food you are feeding hens for J the pro duction of eggs is very objection- the result of the the new year cores in get them started | | to lay, more chicks from same segs | hey 'with Holida have to han fa rival in this district in the desi 5 supplies by placing an ently, completely, stylishly Don't fail to read Blackstock. [and looked bad. In turkeys, twof NEw Year's Dav FestivaL-- the promoters of the fair are to be [good classes. The first prize birddfd he ladies of St. John's Church will in both classes would win in very |b old a Festival on New Year's Day jo the to 1n hall, Blackstock. Te ase Prince Albert. - We welcome to our village Mr. Richard Branton, who was united in marriage on the 16th inst., by the Rev. W. Kenner, of this Mr been a member to Mrs. Moon place. loca useful and preacher of the Methodist Church first of the winter, when the [tive programme will be rendered Election of Officers EF Forman & Soi are at thel Delicacies. an immense of the very best goods for the day season procurable through- the world. This firm is without / manner in which it secures the hoicest tropical fruits, nuts, &c., in fact raise all their trop- their borders long before these commodi- § [ties are grown, and are thus in sition to supply the very BEST d give their patrons the benefit of these superior advantageous cir- exception of one duck in first "pri 8 cumstances as to prices. This firm is now in a position to amply supply all the requirements that go to make this season joyous and eunjoy- able and at the same time perman and cheaply shoe the entire community. their mammoth "§ advertisement in another column. from 5t0 7 p.m. A Lecture Hur, with Limelight views, en by Rev. H.C. Dixon By Order Committee lof Arrangement. Ng Branton has The il paid on Sunda: ; New Years Day, at 2.30 p.m. Rev, r- preach at 7 the Choir. Intellectual Feast. ton and Mr. T. W. Brooks, Scugog, will address a Mass Meet- ing of the Sabbath School, and will .m. Choice music b; ollection in aid of the Sunday School at the close 6f each Service. On New Year's Day Tea will be served from 4 to 7 o'clock, after which there will be a Grand The program will consist of Readings, Recitations and Dialogues by the scholars of school ; solos by Miss Greta Ormis- Myrtle, Reductions 1 Only Pattern Hat in Millinery Worth 86.00 for $5.00 1 Only Pattern Hat Worth $5.8¢ for s Mcwaren, Coomera ev & Only Pate Hat Worlh $323 for 8105 H. Copeland, Port Perry. The I Only Pattern Hat Worth 36.50 for $5.50 proceedings will be interspersed by . 1 Only Pattern Hat Worth $o. 5 for $8.25 = Choice Music by theColumbusChoir, A Number of Velvet Hats worth $3.75 and $4.00 for $1.2 Tickets--Tea and Entertainment A Number of Velyet Hats worth $10 and $e 5 for Ls 25¢ {? Children not belonging to the 1 Only Hat worth $825 for $55 school 15c. Entertainment alone 1 Only Hat worth $9.85 for $820 15e. All are cordially invited. A 1 Only Hat worth $7 50 for $6.00 C. WiLson, Pastor, E. WeLsoury, 1 Only Hat worth $575 for $5.00 Sec, A. A. BrvANT, Supt. All Trimmed Felt Hats worth from $2 25 to $2.75 for $2.00 The Best Remedy for Croup. " "oom uw $300 to $3.50 for $2.65 a (From the Atchison, Kan., Daly Globe.) " wa n $3 75 to 84 00 for $3.25 This 1s the season when the wo- " "aim " $4.35 to $4.50 for $3.75 3 et 3 5 awakened in the middle of the nig volver is sure to be in case of burglars. croup, some modern mothers Give lief in a shorter time. | is deserving of consideration which man who knows the best remedies croup is in demand in every t by a whoop from one of the hin, The cronp remedies are almost sure to be lost in case of crounp, as a re-- lost There used to be an old fashioned remedy for known as hive syrup, but say that +| Chamberlain's Cough Rentedy is better, and does not cost so much. 1| It causes the patient to 'throw up the phlegm" quicker, and gives re- this tends to make children fonder of the country end less disposed to feel that everything pleasant is to be foumd | days. | only in the city and a greaf deal stronger eggs will | 1 x i | At aregular meeting of Star of | garden a fair-sized site would be de- be the result Whatever variety | > { | si Bethiehem Lodge No. 121, Loyal | sirable, but much may be accom- you start to select your coc kerels 'rye Blue Association, held at their | Plished with the present school from stay with, never cross-breed, lodge rooms on Thursday evening and in five years by this selection, | last the following officers were duly no matter what scrubs you had to |clected for 1gog :-- start with, you will have a flock W. M.--Mrs. G J. Morrish lie 4 P. M.--Mrs. R. J. Evans | practically as good as pure-bred Lhaplain--Miss C. Raymes | birds. : { With the way the market is af the present time, the producer aan | wait till ths weather gets warm be- | fore starting to hatch chicks, then | as soon as possible get them all out{ but don't hatch any more than you intend to [feed feed well and | get them on market as soon as pos- | | sible, keep them growing until 3%¢ manths old when they should weigh | | them and 3% or 4 lbs, then shut crates, 12 birds in a long by 16 wide and 20 |y inches high, with slats in bottom, 1p {and up from the floor the birds keep |] inches | clean without any trouble, feed on|Short; 3rd V or any of the grainns with the excep- | tion of peas, ground into a meal, mixed together and mixed with milk | and very soft, feed them twice a day [all they will eat and no more, never |* | leave any in trough, leave the birds {in the crates three weeks when a bird will be the result ; then you have a superior quality of poul- try fleesh that you cannot get any k other way, the birds eat less and are less trouble than any other way 3 starve 24 hours, kill by breaking the b neck or bleeding, pluck dry, leave feet and head on and not drawn then you have the first class article. A FEW POINTS. Don't keep scrub stock, never hatch any more chicks than you in tend to feed well and get them to, market before they are five keep hens after their second winter, punch pullets in one foot this year and the other foot next year. The} key to success with winter eggs is], a dry floor, with ten inches, no less, |! more would be better, of cut straw fy on floor, a variety of food, plenty of i fresh water and plenty of grit, be sure and keep them at work. e i. all vermin down. All these points taken into consideration any one Ei can make more for the amount of | Rec Sec'y--Miss Dora McKinley McLaughlin, Miss Emma Raymes, Mrs Wells, dMrs Rodman. up in and organized for the season with crate 6} feet HS following officers :--Hon. Pres., soft food, oat meal and barley meal, | Millan : mild and gentle, easy to take and lain's Stomach an For sale by A- Davis. acted as deputy returning officer for Poll 1, Township of Pembroke, was upon him. shooting pains, torturing muscles, ho rest no sleep--that means rheu- matism. fight, but Chambealain's Pain Balm Fin-Secy--Mrs. A. Mills Treasurer--Mrs. N. Ingram D. of C,--Miss Ethel Raymes Conductor--Miss A. Mark. I. G.--Mrs. Wells Committee--Mrs. Hicks, Mrs. Eig A meeting of the Thistle Curling ub was held in the rooms of Mr I. B. Clemes on Friday evening Vm. Ross, M.P ; Hon. Vice-Pres., >. Christie, H. G. Hutcheson ; resident, E. H. Purdy; Vice Pres., ohn Stovin; 20d V. Pres., W. S. Pres., A. N. Mec- Sec-Treas, F. M. Brown; ce Committee-- J. C. Dennison, A. . Carnegie, J E Cooney. When you want a physic that is ertain to act, always use Chamber Liver Tablets. Pembroke, Ont., Dec. 22.--Wil- am Matheson, who was to have illed this morning by a tree falling He was cutting it own, when a strong blast of wind lew it on top of him. Sore and swollen joints, sharp It is a stubborn disease to as conquered it thousands of times. ne application gives relief. Try it. vis sells it, ' ce to-day id up the flue, to satisfy his chil- pn that Santa Claus would have ity of room in thechimney. When pulled out a short while after- by his wife he was dead. It osed that Corrigan had heat and succombed when he difficolty in breathing with d in the chimney. Attack of Pneumonia Warded Off. Some time ago my daughter ht a severe cold. She complain: pains in her chest and had a h. I gave her Chamber. h Remedy according to ns and in two days she was able to go to school. I d this remedy in my family past seven years and have r known it to fail," says James rgrast, ve hel, Justo Jamaica, West India nds. ins in the Shas! lodicited an h #itack of pneumonia, sop etl was undoubt- ly warded off by Chamberlain's th Remedy. It counteracts tendency of a cold toward and pushed his| grounds if the matter is taken up with interest. Portions of the sckéol | grounds may be cultivated in com- | mom by the pupils under the teach- er's direction, or, what is probably better, plots may be assigned to dil- ferent scholars, who will then dis- ers and vegetables are grown in such school gardens, and in a few places the products have been and have realized quite a little re- wenue, which is spent for the im- provement of the school. "The subject of Nature Study, which is engaging #0 much attention, could be taken up with much great- er zeal if school gardens became gen- eral. It would be exceedingly desir- able if the operations of agriculture could be made more attractive to pupils in the rural districts. Nature study will de much in this direction, and, with the establishment of a school garden, a teacher will have additional facilities for making a success of the subject. "That the Legislature is alive to the importance of this mutfer is shown by the fact that $1,000 was voted last year for thé purpose of making a beginning. Already much has been done to create an interest in school gardens in the County of Carleton by Inspector Cowley. It is intended to make a grant to each school that establishes a satisfactory school garden. Too often the school grounds are far from being at- tractive. Much has been done al- ready by tree-planting on Arbor Day, but it still remains for such grounds to be put in still better shape by the establishment of school gardens. The farmers of the commun- ity will doubtless be ready to assist teachers in this movement. Certain- ly the way is open for doing much for children living in the country.' ------------------ Hydraulic Lift Leck. The students of the School of Prac- tical Science, Toronte, recently paid a visit to Peterbore. Teo them wonders of the hydraulie lift Ieck en the Trent Canal, the highest lock ia the world, and the peculiarities of its construction and working, explained fully by the enthusiastic chief of the engineering staff, Wm. Rogers, assisted by his staff, two of whom are graduates of the school, viz., Messrs. Francis and Easson. central Standing on the top of the tower, which ag play much pride in having the price of ground kept in good shape. Flow- sold In the establishment of a school |ories. The Sabbath School will be Jats | he has thirty young pigs for sale. L.& XMAS | $4.75 to $5.00 for $4.00 J. STOUFFER. BeautiruL Bers that seem so real in childhood's This entertainwent will do much to revive those pieasant mem. | pleased to have you make good use | of the tree as a means of distribut- | ing to your friends the gifts yule-tide mspires the heart to give. I hope the passing year will have many pleasant memories but that the evening spent AT SEAGRAVE ON Xmas NiGHT will be the happiest of them all; Your Friend, Santa Craus. Admission, Adults 15 cents, Children 10 cents. Doors open at 7.30 p- m.--Jokn Brown, Secy.; Rev. M. MeriereLe, Pastor; | StonE, Supt. isbn ees When Your Appetite Fails And it makes you dizzy to even think of eating, you need Ferrozone the greatest of appetizing tonics. Ii builds up the whole body, the taste becomes aware of new flavors in | food you never noticed before. A relish and alter--satisfaction in eat ing is another result ffom Ferrozone which improves the digestion and converts everything eaten into hourishment for the blood, and brain and nerves. Just one Ferro zone tablets after meals, easy to take and pleasant. Try Ferrozone. Price soc at druggists. Almost Every Woman Is inclined to habitual constipa tion and should use Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut which cleanse the system and regu- late the stomach and boweles. For mild and sure relief use only Dr. Hamulton's Pills. Price 25¢. Satchel Lost. LOST in Port Perry or between lot 13, con. 6, Reach and Port Perry, on Tuesday, Dec. 22, 1903, & Satchel containing a small sum o money, an account, &c. A suitable eward will be given by the finder eaving the lost property at Mr. Brock's store. MRS. NANCY McKINLEY. Manchester, Dec. 23, 103. ORT PERRY RACES The Thirty Fourth Winter Meeting of the Port Perry Trotting Associa tron will be held on Woeditiesday and Thursday dan'y 13 and 14, 1904 RPA AE > | LAKE SCUGOG FIRST DAY. 2.50 Class--= .. $100 00 2.22 Class-- . 100 00 SECOND DAY. 2.30 Class -- .. $100 oC Free-for All-- 125 00 CoxpiTions.--Entries to be ad- diresed to the Secretary at Port Perry. Five to enter, four to start # no conditional entry accepted. Ice or turf records to govern. Races called each day at 1.30 p.m., sharp: Heats trotted alternately, best three in five; Purses divided 60, 25, and' 15 per cent. National Rule to gov-- ern. Judges have power to post pope in case of inclement weather, Positively all entries close January 11th at 10 p.m. All Races 'open to' Trotters and Pacers. . Reduced fares on railways. Track clear from date of bill. Managers.--]. \W. Meharry, H. Collacutt, Dr. Elliot J. D. Paxton. ORR GRAHAM, Treas. I. WATSON, Secy. B. F. Crandell, Track Manager. MR. JOHN NOTT has an attrac- tive exhibit of very fine Pictures, both framed and unframed, at his Furniture Rooms to be sold cheap for the next month. Give HIM A carl and secure bargains. ¥==" Mr, Thos. Glass, Scugog, announnces in another column that ---- PORT PERRY MARKETS. are just receiving a Teas ordered _especi &&F This will be a good oppor- tunity to dispose of promising young Trotters. A Merry Xmas what we wish everyone and this year we are more anxious than ever to make it as merry as possible and we think the following hist will do much toward making it so.-- We' nice line ally for "te 8 © 42|canvinced. re Xr y ) 045@ © 47(2 Cans H Shoe Maple Leaf 3 A oTIvgnEe The Oats. tiveness 024@ O27 2 ni ey oF ape ing to think that Canada should be | Peas--Blackeye ... © 60@ o 65| Peas and Corn ge. can. leadin, Peas--Small....... © 58@ 0 60] Tomatoes 12c. can. Buckwheat . ® 3 s © 35| Canned Pine Apple roc. can. » 08 savers 50 Canned Raspberries 15c. can. ha rasciul Uned wad proportions, is 500@ 5 50/4 Ibs, Home Made Mixed Candy fof fences assy ope and Eat cay te 500@ 5 50 25¢C 1°VeIY pleasing and aprctarroy 1 50@ I 75/3 Ibs. New Mixed Nuts 25c. deste = © 15@ © 15|New Table Raisins ah y The Witch Masel's Gun. 010@ o 10 Grapes 15c¢ Ib. The pro) v of the Wi oI o \ i i ; 8 ra y ts ° ne ° iy Navel and Mesivin Oranges 25¢ to Hiss DR Bex Te «vids © "7 @ © 19/4 Great Reduction on all Diskes, "several yards. Naturally the Witch © 208 © 2 Games, Tovs, Picture Books, . Hazel knows fits ws Sista and y snd a large election other has sufficient reason for strange oods at tl uced_ prices. Behavior. It desires to. Shere bry wc Lost. a Different Flayors. in STEWARTS hes will Toot ak etary oon. 1 Pa CuLEBRaTED CHOCOLATE, reduced _ eg TE cunning |, In Port » on Wednesday, | from socto 4oc Ib., and the finest ° plant. December 2 a pair of Fur line of Fa y Boxes of Confectil We have, got it fixed in our stupid | MirTs. ~The finder wiil be suitably ery ever for the Xm Sunk ane ples; Taavs, the power | Tus Osszavar Ormice. h. CLE doors is the ret of this veliv JAMES MUNRO. food, duly digested. 'Force", ready-to-serve wheat and barley food adds no burden, but sustains, onia. Forsale by A. j. Davis. nourishes, invigorates. : Wanted. A Fort eeriy Wi W. H. HARRIS, Barrister, SEAR 50 Dec. 23, 1903. Port Perry.

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