. * Tr tv THAN RIGHT OUR MISTAKES." / BW RSDAY, DEC. 24, 1903. (PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY) 47 YEAR, NO. 48) Western Pank Boo ad Le fr rare hh Vat Prey fr Sb for Sa'e orto a MEE OO W hie i Wd repair Tie Dweiling ix comfortable, in good repaic 50 000 Acres, more or less, on the property] physical weariness seemed to have de- scended upon ber. She felt stifling in the bright glare of the morning sun- shine and, putting up her hand, push- 4 PEYHE audeiglaned oilers For Sale a Farn § pt ha i r arm, being composed of {4 OF CANAD2 A Jr Hi and Je Pont, Peery. 10 Eat-lulf of lot 20 and North wis uf toh 3 ed the heavy hair back from her fore- ¢ ' © 2), in the Int con. of Cwrtwright, coutained head When she had passed out of sight of the doctor and Little Lad, she " . 1h ay} % The J contain: Adacres Bret ple ioLrcted ® fist otixe Bain Driving {3 turned and leaned \ eid ¢ ox lund on whi 1 there are a number of vil Stables, and Dwelling House. The an hardly find a home urned and leaned against an open win- ah Turing few Ves thre a abs i non state of cultivationgiiwell fits Aver's Cherry f 0°, In placeof the Bare 1d brick Port Perry hge ney. ony ot Un OIentey uthe PITS Fenced, thee inn grand spring of Gon 3: Parente know what) U8 ot the nupmes) Lorie apposite she roi Ww ser he ron hers are ahout 40 acres of [4 for children: breaks Serna bo sea Joa « 1 recs, mh JOSEPH BRYANT. wood pasture land. el : e doctor and Little Lad lying on the USEPH BRYAN For further particulars, apply to W Holl goft pine needles beneath and the wa- ritain % « Nav) GENERAL Banking Business trans- | May 14, 1003 Threshing Machine for Sele Manchester jyaggys, Barrister, Port Perry, or to proprietress, Juve 24, 1003. "Bargan Although the aching Has just taken possession of the C herry 1 parents to keep Iton hand. ter lapping idly at thelr feet. A swift, Intense desire to be one of 2 acted. Special attention paid to MRS, M. LANG, leotions. Drafts issued available at all ry RS the little party rose within her. For ts in Canada, United States and Great pa Priucy A the frst timo in ber life she was weary wo thao she bad ever oh a LIT Ta reliant man. Deposits receivad at the highest current has been in use about three years it : yearsiy 7. Tho beat rates. Interest caloulated and credited to |is none the worse for that. Parties FOY SHOE SHOP gers hi es Hl ba Bh As ns stood there an Spuiaay HEAD OFFICK. TORONTO, ONT, | each depositor semi-annually. requiring a good Separator should Bot ag Cod po avatoss. Td. turned in at the gate, aud Jean Lind- Stee see this machi ! one d South of the S 2%.,5 00, RY ae " 1.0. AYER CO. say sighed protestingly. She knew that Oapital (Pald Up) . $8,700,000 H G. HUTCHESON, | A | ne 1 oor South of the St. Charles] ad f Jowell, Mass. If there was to be an operation she : 3,000,000 MANAGER, pply to the owner Hotel, where he intends to make all or would be sent for, and her whole being ee ESTABLISHED 1867. Port Berry, une 26, 1897, | JOAN COLLINS, Jn, [Wile of Hous ood Shor S30 aa} roa ungs } ick Favors OL Weed : Ns of : une 2, 1go ' all kinds of rep: Je 2 "Oma t g rose in a quick revolt of weakness anc So J 9°3 SO To at: re Sil tH All comers ' inadequacy. She felt that the small ef | mm inpinias 1 FL CA 8 dea to e wants to sth t then would strangle ber and Y A General 'Bankin lait saa te Cinergy *(h¢r Just then would strangle ber un Yiui at é ) come his wz f gre 4 : hou .W G t Sitting of the Division Courts SPs 10 come his way, 1l| picearal In breaking up a her put out ker bands as though she would Business Transacte | possioie, push away the burden of responsibility a TH FARMERS J | OOUNTY OF ONTARIO. Port Perry, June 10, 1903 TT i rat those firm 'white hands to whic R NE S WIT | y 00000-00000 0-0 strong men had clung in agony and | 3 > +900 00-00-00 BUSI § STERLING | 190 - y ¢ 4 within whose warm clasp more than oans made to farmers for periods ex: | 3 | a. WANTED -- SEVERAL INDUSTRIOUS PERSON P one little form had grown cold Loa { \ the for feed | - 1. WHYPRY...Cl in cach state to travel for house established el , é 5 tending from one to nine mouths for feed: | 3 | Clerk, D. 0. Macdonell, Whit: years and w [J use established eleve Khe tried to realize as she stood | Ns ny 5. netl y --J Anu rs and with a large capital, tc upon merch outtle and other farm gurposes, | (British Capital) Torin Maret kA gril, May 6. June, "successful 1 otitable line | @ & there what her life would be when Farmers' Sales Notes discounted or col: | | ember 4. Jan. 6, 1904 : : manent engagement. Weekly ¢ y of $18 8 . To lend at 4. 4% and 5 per cent. | all traveling expenses and hote 1 By M. Dexter Garst went out of it lected av the most favorable rates. » . | ONHAWA- Clerk, D. 0. Macd w a onc woth Bcerione 1 4 y ® "A th fr L I 1d. and -- on good Mortgage Security | wry 7, February 5 ort: Salrby--- Janu: yference and olor poriblice Hos ¢ on! & LOUISE A. month 1 how," she sa', anc SAVINGS BANK | duly 5 Neptoniber 5 October I, Novem her 3 Dee NATIONAL, 834 Dearborn St, , ¢ I CUMMINS @® her strong lip q ered--*'a month from { mbar 5, Jan. 7, 1004 " y pI 0 a will be Germany, and 1" --t Apply to © ¢@ now he will be In Germa 1 ENT. 2. BROUGHAM Clerk, M. 01 0) he tho t as lke yall [I DEPARIM ar 8, Maron 1. Mar bo haney: Greenwood dant: |W ANTED--FAITHFUL PERSON b (Copuriohe, 190s, by 2 ©. Mochure | @ + TDe thought was I pall descend Deposits of One Dollar and upwards ember 7, Jan. 9, 1804 ? TRAVEL ' RESON TO ing upon the brightness of the sum Teoelved and interest allowed at current » o : 3 Me «for well established house ina O09 C000 0 00-0 O She turned away, and even as she did . 3 F RT FERRY Olork Lv Burnham, Port Perry | 10W counties, calling on retail merchants ( y Littl ratos ; 2) puary 8, Murch May 13, July §, September, und agents. Local territory Sululary | Jean Lindsay passed down the long 5° sarst's silence in answer to le Interest is added to the Sepoett TWiR anker and UX il $1024 a year and expensos, payable $19.70 | hospital ward with firm, quiet step. Lads passionate "Male her come, too in each year, at the end of May and B k Brok IXBRIDGE Clerk, Jon ¥. Gould, Uxbridge-- | Weck in cash an expenses ad ¥ Posi- | Th and came to ber with a stab 3 n March 20, } ly 15, Se penses advanced. Posi 3 gingham id amp it ' November SD er, forgery it iain Sap, Sule, BEotathe | fon permanent Business susoeasiul snd | [HC blue gingham and amp WAU | "iss Lindsay needs a rest," the Tho Depositor is kubjoct to mo dela P 5. CANNINGTON--OI : rushing Staudard House, 334 Dearborne | "POR Of ber nurse's dress DUNE pee surg thought, looking after Whatever in the withdrawal of the whole ort Perry, Ont, |® CANNINGTON Clerk, Geo, Smith, Oannington-- | St. Chicago 8¢| Joose | folds around the tall, gracious DOUSC SUTECOR BIORKIDL o0 ent late or any portion of the deposit. : ray | 24, November 19, Jan. 13. 1604 y opember figure. The spotless bands at wrists °¢ | ith a ¢ en ) at la No Oharge is made on withdrawing or 6. BEAVERTON Clerk, (eo. F. B and neck only served to show up the ™' noting the pa of Jer lace E. » o 0 moe, Beavertc n u 3 on : - - i s she le he ound 0 depositing money. J. A. MURRAY, [ Jummiary HU; Maso Ls. May 29 Bepcamber 33, Nor Grand Trunk Railway fine whiteness of her skin. Her snowy Toat fighis whet I. her ' und ! 2,16 \ re . , . . @ ward she became aware of a pa Port Perry Branch DENTIST, 1. UPTERGROVE Clerk, Thot P. Hart, 1 TIME TABLE. ap rested on thick waves of bronze = ed upon her above ager | fice over the Post Office March 17, Muy 96, September 22, Novem hair ery »d cheeks. She ss t 2 W. H. DUNSFORD, Manag > PERR Dexter Garst drew back Into the cor- 'o ! 3 539 aL a ; w . , By order, ORT ERRY glance that Little Lad had been crying PORT PERRY. | J. E. FAREWELL, | * ridor and, watching her, wondered if oo, 0 io cwirtly to bis side, knelt and -- i Terk o po GOING SOUTH GOING NORTH t ou er Gor hen he 1( g swiftly to his side 0 er | Al branches of Dentistry, including Dated'st Whitby, Nov. 25th, 1003, + © 10 40 7.25 a.m 9.51 a.m. Tee} be gathered him into her a R. D. ARCHER, M.D.C.M. Victoria| Crown and Bridge Work successfully | - - 1.35 a.m . : could see ber move thus toward him What is it, sor University } M.B, Toronto University, | practiced. fod 3-42 p.m and not find his whole being stirred £0 yo weak hands went around her Member or the College of Physiciens and | Artifical Teeth on (old, Silver, Aluminum M | S S H A 33 p-m 33 p.m. its very center neck Surgeons, Out. Liountinte 0 the Royal or Rubber Plates | The day, nearly a year before, when "I want you--to come College of Surgeons, Gdinburg ; Licentiate Fillings of Gold. Silv . C he had laid his he \t her feet was - ; Soltore tang, Edins Hing d, er or Cement | ™ } J ! pered witl ring lif ne a oy Physiciam Painless extraction when required: |Dress and Mantle Maker like a badly healed n the doctor's ned i? and Surgeons , Glasgow | Late Hesident 2 Prices to suit the times ss TISHES to i 3 life. It had apparently passed out of day ro: Pupilof the Rolunda Hospital, Dublin, |- \ f bat ssh inform the ladies |. om fee returned if weigih, Anyone sending | her ecol notion g i go fol | I VV that she has moved to | | sketch and description of an entio She gave h , nd with a smile | for' Women, Office and Residence, second | GEO. JACKSON, B. hal he has moved to lier fire | prompy receive our opimop. free concerning She gave him her hand with a Bxil® pjttle La said w door wost of Davis' Furniture Emporium, | Rooms in the Allison Block where | the patentability of same. "How to Obtain a of good comradeship, and ther He dos The Queen Strest, Offion hours--9 to 11 a. Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator, &c. |she is prepared to execute all orders RR On luc, Saints Sour 1 | they made thelr usual morning round I 1 u and 2 to 5 p.m,, und evenings YOR THR COUNTY OF ONTARIO AND Townshn | 0 Dress and Mantle Making in a | Zatents taken oul through us receive speotal of the ward. Near an empty cot atthe g.,4 4 g After Ik ke sartner, my brother, Dr - | notre, without charge, tu Tine PATENT REcorD, | end she paused have taken as | u - A Y OF CARTWRIGHT, manner unsurpasse d for an illustrated and widely circulated journal, Littl Pp vi . asked him, and he sald R. Archer, M. D,, C. M,;, Member of Co ISRES at Shin the commencing consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. "Little Lad is sitting up," she said, 1 twa y Sa \ , SHES \ ¢ ent 0 % na : 4 sald 'twasn't any use a : eye of Physicinnn and Surgeons, Out. WV Liiotiier Auction Sale. Sesson to ve. | Correctness of Style fr smiling with the triumph of one Who pod asked you once to go aw Port Perry, June 0, 1807, [rasa {aks * his numerous puirons for | and Charming Efect | (Patent Attornars,) © ue a bard battle and led tha Way pi to a beautiful place and to live -- -. a past favors u requesting their esteemed | . v Evans Bulldin side with him always afterward, but that TTCH und coutinued patronage he desires to| Our charges are consistent with | a" WASHINGTON, D. C. | By a sunny window his BB he and voli Bot NO - state thut no effort or pains will be spared | (he value given | | wheel r, a little f for oH rehed hers wit R. J. H. SANGSTRR, Physic 5 fou his part to make ull sales entrusted to | I . | | ofgn ' % ey \rehed hers with J. H, SANGSTER, Physician, Sor | him successes. His very extensive practice | dort Perry, March 27, 1002 Cook'. 8 lous re goon and Acooucheur. and Dr. W. A. |{u tho past should be sufficient, recom | ) 7:19 | Cook's Cotton Root Compound. | of self | Jean bent suddenly and kissed him Sunuwter, Dentist, may on and ater 0-day, | mendation as to his ability. All Sule Ec Is 0h 2508 Favors, uo) had e nearly three | yjttle Lad ti t she E ever look be found tu their new Surgical and Dental | given into his charge will be attended to | re } months LI ss bu He f I > renc py egulator on which man I 1 80 beaut t he was t satis Offioes over the Post Office, where they will | With promptocss and dispatch. Sale list | JOS. BAIRD can depend "in the hour | had been plucked from under a lorse's fed, H > put har iy be found as heretofore, oo pared to attend | nade out und blank notes supplied free and time of need.' | Boots in the street. No one se 1 to : e put Ws to their respective professions in all their} op application '| 1 ICEN ED AUCTIONEER for the or epared Ii two dogrosa of | ih tag street. seem breast and pushed ber b 3 branches, - Parties withing to engage bis services | 14 County of Ontario. Sale Register at | Nee For Es Ae oT Any bled ol could see her face Port Perry Dec, 8, 1807 muy consult hie Sax Reaister either at | the OBexkykr Office Patronuge solicited ar the best dollar apd yet be was andoubtedly the Would 1--if he was to ask you es - the Observer or Standard Otfices, Port Manchester, Jun, 19, 1899 A 8 known ofl refined parents ag he pleaded wistfully DR. 8. J. MELLOW, Perry, for dates claimed for Sales, and No. 2~Por special cases ~10 degrees | or weeks Garst and Jean Lindsay | Then he was b e azalnst her ; 5 . muke arrungemonts, or write to his address . y ion. oor Te "for Cook's | Dd fought with death f s one bosom. and ber tears wetted his cheek PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, &0. "HARGIS "ri a Cotton Root Compound. Take no other | small 1 apparent up 1s 1 . Hilo T <1 en : CHARGES MODERATE : Catt ie, mixtures and imitations are - f : ip pa 2 supe s } Yes dear Little Lad spered Yoe and Residence, Queen St, Port Perry PE JA SON, angerous. No and No, 2 are sold an re tin 1 th 1 would x I Resi 9 Si Tore P Nov. 1, 1001 ! 0 Ta kop 0 ini aed by all cha in th bo uj ope (ad noth! ol t ear oath : : : . q Nov. 1, 1001. wt Pi 2 ecommended by sts in the Do- ope, and nothing but the strength sould hare eef night wit Otfive hours--8 to 10 am ; 1to3 pm, EVES Fry | minton of Canada. Malled to any address 2) at motherhood in the woman Hs © Aq bar A y 5 an h and Evenings AUOTIONE Cp - . | on receipt of pres and four 2-cent postage DOL Lon IGA is longing for the When fit Telephone in office and house, open night ER { | stamps. o Cook Company. * | Bepmed (0 keep (he ebild alive came he was in his w Air watels and diy over the lines south, cennected x 3 RE | ndsor, Ont "#How is the little lad?' the doctor ' ing the door by which the doctor would with the residence of Gi. L. Robson, V.8. r HE undersigned takes this epporialty a No. 1 and No. 2 id in Port P would ask as he entered the ward enter, and as he him he ralsed th the oe of 8 of returning thanks for the very liberal w. No. | and No. 2 ave sold in Port Perry after mort Little self Le ar r unt Port Perry, Nov. 15, 1894 patrcuage he hus received as Auctioneer in HE utidersigned takes th [by C. H. Allison and A. J. Dav.s, Diuggists > g after morging, & d : Ais self by the § chair ntl -- ~---- | tha past. The inorewsed experience and Pi sdeuped ike y5is Ia every one in the | Le was almost sta He did not ' L B extensive practice which I have had will be Tanah Torsenily of thanking the | Tree wasas. POR SFPORE -- | bgspi know that Je ered the corrl hn. y DLA. 0. | tarved to wdvantage of patrons, and parties surrounding country for the [ AGENT AN ED OR dr Ion. ah fis Le took a feeble hold on life again dor from the her end and was moving favoring me with their sales may rely on Rberal wid still inoraasing _ EAL lin, M Ad J. A Goaper fanaging Editor of the Bis Ww e starved little heart w out toward him BARRISTER, Sa, a eT oo, Re Fors Two anor Din [ Londen, "nt. "Yho as res ie peek trom of] ahd laid hold on these two people, bis She sald"--he had to stop and swal effort w we spared to make it profitable OA GOTNOhC er Ling | y 5 ® Are the onl te d nur it mig ES © 8 € - t ir offices of the Jate F. M Yarnold. | : / Livery in Port Perry and now | vs, yiving us sn immense | 10ye which almost hurt him at times she sald--she would if you ' | My Sale Register will be found at the intimates that he is better th advantage in proeuring photographs and material. Our 1a 1 ' 1 1 Port Perr - Ont. Leland House, Cesarea. e 18 begter than authorship, letterpress nnd engravings are superior, and would lie in his cot and, watching = was to ask ber again would!" he or erry, " v . . ever prepared to supply all Canadian Contingents better illustrated than in apy | the doctor while he made his rounds ried tremblingly Eten THOS. SWAIN requirements in his line rival work. So sure are wo of this that will mail free | 83 "07° dle he m Ms rouncs, cried trembling! 4 Cmsnrea, Aug, 20, 1896, for comparison our pros anyone possessing & | think that he must be very like the Garst's eyes went beyond the wheel MONEY TO LOAN, Having extensively added to { rival prospectus Oirculsrs and terns free. Apply about whom N » Lindss 1 } tothe Ww § tood behind Private Funds at 4 per cent. H, McCAW, my stock of hurses ; as well as | World Publishing Company, Guelph, Ontario. n, abou jom Nurse Lindsay hac chair te the woman o stood behiné alt 5 ISSURR. OF conveyuncosof the Tatest type | > . btm, who once lived upou the it. A dull red leaped to his fuce. There HAR AN MARRIAGE LICENSES, Port Perry Ont, of construction for éomfort and | For O Sixty Year rth and healed ali the slek people | was a sweet tremulouspess upon the 7 Port Perry, Dec, 10, 188 plensure, Iam ina position to | OF UYer fiXty Years abd loved little children, It never oc- gracious figure that sent the blood JNO. W. OROZIER animist meet the requirements of MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP has been red to him to associate the beauti- = bounding through bis veins. He took : q t the | - py 1 g ARRISTKR, SoL10ITOR, CONVEYANCER, WwW most fastidious ns te style «nd used by millions of wothars for their children while | fd) gtory with the name he had so of- | a step forward. and the strong hand I xe. Office ut residence, 6th Com. M. SPENCE, desirable equippage in every A E, heard in blasphemy in the street. ' which he held out shook ; i ro ), Per an res pti : rest by & sick child suffering and orying with pain of A 3 : ] ¢ k Reach (one wile west of Port Periy,)-- | Township Clerk, Commissioner, &e. Dy private rivirg avis Outiing Tooth, send at vod got a bottle of "Mm. | HOt he looked at his own doctor and Will y be asked simply v Money To LoaN, iol dings, funer ls, &o rirties Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. It| f8lt that it must be true. Jean lald her own within it with a a. rere Ah od Sl RL winBiop ast afternoon drice oan will relieve the poor little sufferer immodiately. Depend light might suddenly have been looked that blessed N. F PATERSON, K. C., |cent (Trust funds) y P have die choior of wituble shone ter re pola bout. Ie gars ged on fnside the small body, so | *1 want to go. even more than Little ' y + ouble or single rigs and care Soll 4 at vit sWift was the radiance which flooded .ad does!" she sald. All kinds of Conveyancing executed wi ¥ ' : Wine Colle, Softens the Gums, Reduces Inflammniation, Barrister, Bolicitor, Notary Sent ote and at 8 with iui drivers will also be suppli- and Gives tone and siiergy to the whole symem. "Mra. [LIB face as Jean and her companion i. Public, &e., fRod--One door west of Town Hall, ed when required. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children Teething isfedqme in sight. Garst sat down near Left Handed Vitupersafives, Nos. 810811, Temple Building, Cor. Bay | Manchester, I possess a number of good pleasent to the taste and is the prescription of one of the ths wheel chair and, taking one small One of the gravest objections to train- i 8 1d A bot female ph « and in th B J snd Richmond Streets, Toronto. Manohaster April 11, 1888, Spring and Dray Wagons und a apie ot rovss re in re bdnd, beat it softly agaiust his broad ing a cbild to be left handed is the cer Toronto, March 81, 1898, ML a wil Sie, attend to By all drigiints throughout the world. Be vure and ask palm, tainty that it will be nicknamed from i ' 8 tie pliost, cute for MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP." Voxt week," he sald, "I am going its peculiarity, especially during the aud promptuess, rd P ¥ y | i 2 | run away inte the country with = early years of life. Most counties in # ol 4 I wish further to state that 53 4 tor, &e.. No blio an ro vd He 2 A VA | "'in'futtrennitable eyatioe Ww a Foikadveni Lad for a few days before--be- England have their Idiomatic expres- Jfflce~-South Court House, Whithy, A Weebly Political, Agricultural and will be at the Railway Depot ss Had Mis WidA Yentusesy i 70 gbroad." Wa | sions to denote left handedness, and & amd 10 convey passengers at ; The London Star says: There hi ndsay could not quite conceal they are often prefixed to the unfortu- ; nt, amily Newspaper y gers and bag: ; ioe Spi tives smo 18 PUBLISHKD AT gige to private residences, and just joined the Abyssinian army, he bis words gave her, but she nate left banded child's name. In Lon- will ulso convey passengers and | with an important post at the head- Id her Yoice steady. don the term is kack handed, the word PORT PERRY, ONT. b gare 3 tors of the Emperor at Addis s : A aggage to the Depot in time quarters of the Emperor af "Then the long contemplated course being also equivalent to awkward. In . . 'VERY THURS. for departing trai bei Abeba, 'oung English officer whose n | 1 EVERY THURSDAY MORNING Sr , g traius, on being oh 3 8 i partis ole id at Bonn is to be an accomplished fact Lancashire it is k-pawed, In Yorkshire g * w adventures by™ Lo i after all," she sald. | gallock or gawk handed, an expression DENTAL SURGEON. BY demon Kix WM. JAMIESON, 1 ked h t one Office Hi 9 to 12 2t06 H. PARSONS Port Perry, July 3, 1903 > AT re rai to "Yea." The doctor did not raise bis dating back to at least the seventeenth ce Hours --! am, wm, | . : fon Te fre is | of : Derbyshlr s 1 Also upan Saturday eveniogs. a0 TRRMS, ~81 per snnum. if paid in advance ; if not $1.60 _ follow. © Licut. Ramsay-Fairfax is | ; century. In Derbyghire are used the vi will be No subscription taken for less only 27, and he began life in the | Little Lad had looked from one to terms keg handed, cork handed and 4 Gold Fillings, Bridge and Crown en mei a. 20 Pagep tisusd WwW A NTED Royal Navy, but, as there was no | the other in vague bewilderment. corky handed, while in the Teesdale Work a Specialty, Vitalised Air. LETTERS soatak A sign of fighting in that branch, he | "But, first of all," Garst went on, district cuddy handed ls commen, and ETTER containing money, when addressed to thie left the sea when the war broke out | "Little Lad and I will have perhaps a in Nottinghamshire wallet handed. Dr F. D. McGrattan ve, prepaid and registered will be at our risk. ADVERTISEMENTS) Noi ol, and eharged according to the iy Bnparint . in South Africa. As a Captain in, the 80th Batt. of the Imperial Yeo- | manry he won some distinction dur- | A man to represent 'CANADA'S GREATEST NURSERIES' In the town of whole week at a splendid place I know of, where there are tall pine trees and a big lake." In the south of England special terms to denote left handedness are alse found. In Dorset it is scrame handed, In ADVERTISEMENTS received for publication, with- : vc I Eons REPT Cn | DORT. PERRY. | 150i a arn atk occ | J ras watching te boys tao na 3201, DOs Sh sie Tient, will be Laken ous nad paid for why lost. lo | saw how the delight which his words Scotland we find gawk banded, and in ,D.8. of Royal College of Dental Surgeons, also D.D.8, of Toronto University, Cfo In the Allison Block over Allison's Drug Store. Office hours--8 a.m. to 8.30 p.m, 4% MORTGAGES BOUGHT. SX ©. HUBERTL royals: Hela ar later, © Office next to Ontario Dank, A LIBERAL discount allowed to Merchants who advertise by the year or half year. a0 bor THESE terms will in all cases be strictly adhered to JOB DEPARTMENT, oi SA ney td _ H; PARSONS. ment. Going out to the Red Sea, he | joined McMillan, the young American explorer, on the risky voyage down the Blue Nile, and he appears to | have enjoyed the sport of the wreck | of the party early in the journey. | and surrounding country, and take orders for OUR HARDY SPECIALTIES ready--to-serve wheat and barley food adds no burden, but sustaius, [ ONTARIO nourishes, invigorates. FONTHILL NURSERIES OVER 800 ACRES ToroNTO, called up became slowly clouded. "Will she come too?' He motioned with his hand toward the nurse. Garst remalued silent. The child turned to Jean. possible, Little Lad," she sald quietly and moved away down the corridor. But even as she did so un intense the west cawry handed. In Ireland a left handed man is called a kithogue. | mising lite | Bluce that time it Las be Mr. Tim Healy used this word in a | speech at East Wicklow, im which he sald that Mr, O'Kelly could fight with Port Perry, April 9, 1002. Pamphlet Hand Bills, Posters, Programs, Dodgers, Bill Heads, Obeoks in Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, Having had a rest after this adven- "Won't you ceme, too?" he pleaded. his left hand and had already given s Lotter Heads, Wedding Invitations, Ornamentals, Shrubs, Roses ture, Lieut. Ramsay-Feirfax now He read the yegation in her face his opponent some "kithogues" that Bak Fotos Reeoly aticoss Caste Vines, Seed Potatoes So. goes to the Abyssinian capital t@ even before she slowly shook her head would spoil his political beauty during MONEY T0 LOAN. Boel, ton : » y opep out a mew military career for d flung himself toward the doctor. the contest.--London Chronicle. a Sooks, Cia, AwembyCerds, | Stock true to name and free from | himself, and no dount & good Joaz ke her come! Make her come, | Tu Subscriber Is prepared to LEND Visiting Cards, ko, San Jose Scale. A permanent pos: Will yet be. heard o | tool" le begged passionately. A Congwering Fawn. ANY AMOUNT on Farm Security of vey wale and color ition for the right man on either -------- Jean stooped hurriedly and, putting A sambhur fawn 1 possessed in India AT 5 PER OENT. gressiod nd salary or commission, Strength and vi back the damp hair from his forehead, of the age of four to six months made gth and vigor come of good 4 Also on Village Property. a in STONE & WELLINGTON (food, duly digested. "T vg kissed it. a practice of chasing all dogs that ON "[loog, duly digested. orce", a wpm gtraid that would be quite im: came into the compound und did so with every appearance of considering it the greatest possible fun, The docs. [Trums:--$1 Per ANKURM IN Apvancr] ----p--" me ---- 2 No. MMDCL i 5g RY 5 {WHOLE on the other hand, fled with their talls between their legs. This fawn evi dently imagined itself to be the guard- {an and protector bf the establishment. 1 have a vivid picture iu my recollec- tion of the gentié little beast trans- formed into 84 ect fury, its coat bristling on end make It look twice its usual size; head and tall defiantly erect, stamping sbarply on the thresh- old with fits dainty forefeet, demon- strations Intended to frighten away two pariah dogs who cringed before it on the veranda, yet showed a great de- sire to intrude into the house. The dogs finally sneaked off, depressed and de feated, and the conquering fawn swag gered back inte the room to be praised by me either for ouce disdaining to chase ita foes or rred therefrom by Js a Vivid and Levisg Pesoriptieon of Gesulne Nutare Lever--Truly It Math Been Said : "There ls Ne Death." Where the sedges wilt and wither, exposing the hard, frozen earth, and where the leaves bave been souked carried away by the the elaborate pre with the rain or searching winds parations for a new season are fresly revealed. The wintergreen pays no attention to the penetrating frosts that congeal the moist earth about its roots and lidity the linger foliage most of its forest neigh bors. Its sca and green, its mild flavor and pleasant aroma remain as in. summer, But in the open. spaces the artistic rosettes of fresh lea show a thoughtful regard for tf coming v se. The even ing pr a most hand SOME : r in stalk and per f summer. The slen ted leaves rad making a from ti circle sometin n diamets t yws regularly ght in to the cluster the centre the whe r g and ever th ef to sleep under the « spring. Thesc of pointed leaves are n yst decorative prepara t season to com I'he ler a 1 1 even Lc the frozen gre 1 by their symmetrical n and I promise c newe 1 hey w spe yarse stalk i, and the oir Y I 1 I heir l a ast with th and with k n ing © prix w the tling dark LT 1 1 w i f ant L r flowers a w r pods in ng, there are other buds devel n day to day to per f g nto th all e are ative rosettes nestling clos he frozen surface The s b brand by an ur athet init as a noxious Ww n spit bright picture aspe of € bristling spi flowers Are like dark g «rs under th b ered gTASS nd sedges. Its coarser and bristling xture d gL es It I sur peculiarly its owr ASE pictures. que, with g kes of smal blue tubular wers relieved by pink buds and I truding stamens But the best 1 he wild flowers is a t A he shepherd's | nspi s as a weed r, now takes on a f e form and 8 to the gro ef ed eaves in a 5 g an at f In su € tw d, purse-like seec w lous tha i white flowers Just w it a t best The saxifrage a tl egular bur r the nd, seen g a ance to > AWAY jer tt Ww e leafy ircles appear I claims staked o n es in the spring 18 ated there is life In dark sol e¥ nee {f the seeds the robe of sj ; ft weaves Where it is not sustained in the vig Orous evergre the surviving cir cles of leaves tho hidden ots that endure the winter it lives in the inert sceds that have been scattered and hidden in infinite variety in every crevice of the receptive earth. It seems strange that every foot of that solidly-froz- net with life, dor inst for the moment en surface is mant but ready to renew its infinitude of activities with the changing seasons "There is no death; what seems so 15 transition." ep en * A SAD CASE. The following letter, addressed to the Se. of the National tary Ass ation, Toronto, from the Rectory, Norwood, Ont., and signed by Rev. J McKee McLennan, a well-known Angli- cin minister of the province, n It reeds: *"1 nission comment of ours. to gooure tho &« juto th Hospital for Consumptives at Graven hurst «f a young womau, a member of my parish. = 'I'he casa is a ve and if help at once be ¢ 1 be saved. A ago the mother died of cousumplivi duty to bury two of the = same disease. Now Aunio, soventeen, and a bey of funrtcen, are sil that remain of the fa The pom girl has boen in Musk ling at? private house, waiting to be aduitte She returned homa lust week, and with twenty-four hours of her return he father dropped dead in lis brggy whi driving into Norwood. The case 1 surely one that must appeal to the syn pathies of everyone, and yet, I fear, uly ono of tho many that aie coustan ly coming under your notice." [Note.--Readers--and may their num ber be many --who desire to assist in if worthy work may send their gifts to 8 Wm, R. Moradith, Et, V Prasiden National Saniravivm Assee ronto, or Mr. W. J. Gage, Chuirman oo ao Lxecutiye Cumumittes, Torunto. | tion, IN + | Sanitarium AN APPEAL TO TEE FASHION ABLE SET IN CANADA. | + Lally Bernard," the Woll-knowdt® Toronto Journalist, Writes from Ings «ww land of the Battle Agulust Conenmp= tion in Muskoka. Lally Bernard, of the editorial staff of the Toronto Qlobe, writing to that paper from London, Eugland, wheres sho is now » resident, shows most clearly that the, battle against the great whiw plague is, one that should interest all classes of the community. It will be remembered thas this writor entered incog. as a patient ig tho Muskoka Free Hospital for ConsGif tives, and afterwards in the Glebe told of real life in that institution. express to my unknown corres ond ih my warmest thanks for the kindly op 7 preciation for the little I have bovn alle ; to do in the battle being waged against tuberculosis in Canada. 'The need of: sympathy and interest is a tromendoua © one, and I am always puzzled when I7 find really well educated aud intelligent people in Canada so criminally ignorant of the extent of the danger; and the means which aro-being taken to combabs it. r "It may be of soma interest to those who feel as I do in regard to'the respons sibility which rests upon each and all to aid in this fight against a most iusidioas foe, whon I tell them, th +t hero iu Lone don, where 1 en for only a few days, I have o across the drend enemy irat of all, in the back gard ible qua ters dy con in Ker nAadornin 1 « a tent with 3 in it L f our landlord why y tent there, and was to a lot stury the coronation and quarters for some boys comir y from tho country, nd that he, the landlord, had sub- t more agrenablo to ntly found it r tent than in the {room he had formerly o« little lator v wl I the la rd's 1 was ot d to a teut Oe nt vy 4 "In 1 f ¢ s I found a cha g bome of a young doctor and hi , where extraor rily t Ww asked for really exce good 2 The docte" at lored s } » house g a 3 t third ple for was abt [ tho e had not or her read di 3 ) ¥ f able AR 1, wr know ™ tk he tol the } 2} ¥ 1 mo how= w 0 « y I ask t to use all 1 p to make tho quoss tion ¢ «is one of inter f y ret' to which she evi I know full wel from t : eo I have had, how tremendously a little genuine in- terest and ight lighten tha burdon now res the ( rs of the authorities of the F tal for Cun sur t It is, of pa wealthy centros, and ¢ t of mind t until ints nd th ty or fit JA s of cousump ban linmedse riven by thoso ba free from s kindly promised y and got musical societies and terostod in music to provide a for the Hospital, and I feel sure it { immense benefit to the patients, Surely my correspondent who evinces such sympathy with the eause could make that sympathy take a practical form a organize a hospital library where books worth reading might be supplied, with some system gimilar to that of the Aberdeen Association, which has done such excellent work." [Note Readers--aud may their num. ber be many--who desire to assist in the work of the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives may send their gifts to Kir Wm Meredith, Kt., Vice-President, National Sanitarinm Association, To- ronto, or Mr. W. J. Gage, Chairman of the Executive Committee. } NAMES HIS SUCCESSOR, General Beeth Oniy mun Whe Knows Whe Will Fellow Mim. When a Paris correspondent asked General William Booth of the Salva- tion Army what he thought of the prospects for world péace his aniwer was characteristic its practicabil- ity 4 Let two nations--say the United States, or England France---unite for permanest. This will be a tremendous: step Then let them urge a third State to join them. When this is done, other Governments will be fors ced to do the samel ""Woutd it be hard for twa pations to be case of a dispute. Hor it; we can do without it and in England and and peace want it," instead of saying, N rather than surrender one square yard of territory we'll fight, we'll shed blood, we'll make widows and orphans?' "If but two nations would resolve to act as civilized beings should act, they would treat each other im the way of Christ; and in this respecs, (he Salvation Army, 1 believe, i8 doing its work. It is a great com= Lining force. It is reaching out into, ul the world and teaching a lessom of sacrifice and love," x Mas Nemed a Fucessser. "General," 1 asked, "will the work go en, say fifty years from now, as it does to-day?' 4 He caught my meaning and anSwety ed: 'It will. My going will not af= fect the army. There will be some, regret, 1 hope, but you know the cry "The King is dead; Long live the King!' My successor is . chosen. 1 have the right to appoint my successor, just as he will alter ws ho will he be?" | is "No one knows but I. Not the lawyers know. His name ed up in an envelope, ang, érs know where to get, it. When death is announced the el be opened, and the new claimed." Ch