Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 3 Dec 1903, p. 3

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bi Fone andsome saving. 'Wa dosot mention special lines, because all lines in stock ave at special price. WE WANT CASH JON ES s 's means a and ave willing by discounts on goods to pay you larger jutoreet on your investment than you can get anywhere. 52 GO. N.B. A new and important lino just added to our i Come and see it. S000 500 1050050550 505 5005005050500 500 0w50 500 00 0005500 LS FOR SPEC CHRSTMAS! Forman '& Son's ing that a great many - commence early to perpare for Christmas, we have bought a very roquired, and are now prepared to supply all demands - AT THE LOWEST LIVING PRICES. 3 Ibs bent Selected New Raieina fer age, ' 1bs bust Selected 1gea Raiolne for age, bs proud cleaned Currants for ago, Ibs cholcest cleaned Currants fur ase, xtra Blue Pearl Currants roe per lb, eded Raising toc packue, (New Scedlexs Raising roe ust Cooking Figs sc 1b, tie Jarge New Prunes toc 1b, New D ates, . helled Almonds and Walnuts, Shows & & Biackwells Orange, Lemon and Citron oN Pals, Mince Meat in packages, Shredded & coanut 250 Ib, Granulated Sugar for $1, Sugar (clean) for calces, \lveriged Sugar 3 Iba for age, a Packs Foe 0 for age, ~ ing hae voit and price as Port a Ty, Bees » Ibs for age Brand Lard warranied pure and equal to pi lomads. Ee Blend of Tea 2 ase, Royal Blend Toa--black and 4 We have largest and finest assortment ofl FANCY CHINA ever ghewn in Port Perry--in French, German and Japanese goods, in everything you can wish for, and we will make the prices right in Vases, Salad Bowls, Berry Sets, Biscuit Jars, Fern Pots, 5 O'clock Tea Sets, Cream and Sugar Sets, Table Sats, Hose Jam Marmalade Jars, Jardinieres, ancy Pitchers, Plat 4 in, ora es and Cups and Shucers A choice selection of Di ner Set DIES aotection ol 5 nner Sets [rom all the Bedroom Sets of all a andPprices, Beautiful Lamps of all kinds, Qur Stock of Boots, dnd Shoes is always in the lead both for Value, Style and Quality, and as we carry the Jorge Stock, we can suit every one iy See our Ladies' 'Pie Hoots at $1. 50, $7 75, $2.00, $3.25, $2.50, Extra values in Slippers for ladies and men. Rubbeys of every dese # In ourchapter "OUR PRICES" clroalated ¥aras aud Lies that they were | bots to She effect that we have ve a Jheavtiful equipment, it t use a & wrong impression we abil show those who have 2 ~{ DIAMOND HALL and extensive premises, where 1 have spend 3 ee addition to my extensive stock of Drugs, Chemicals, and Faney Goods, a full line of SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES While returning thanks to my numerous patrons I would extend age. ro hy ih 5 an invitation to all to call and see me in my' hew premises. in| & "Yarn snd d Port Perry, Sept 2, Gob. -- ANITURE 00. Experience is Invariably Essential to Success. I AVING had considerable experience in negotiating Sales of some of the largest transactions in Real Estate in this district, and in every instance giving perfect satis- faction to all concerned, I have concluded to 'devote my ------ -- rr Gold Filled Cases in great variety, some ag Dollar, nicely Enameled and Set with Prices to Suit you all right. GREAT VARIETY VERY CHEAP, Sets, &c., and some nore to follow. EF Also Fancy Goods: €&r Repairing 4s usual, Port Porry, 30, 1808, We are prepared tc give SPECIAL] BARGAINS n GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. pei as, a Quarter ol WEDDING AND ENCACEMENT RINGS in Pearl, Opal and Diamonds, all fine and New Designs. Knives, Forks, Spoons, Fruit Dishes, Butter Dishes. Cake Baskets, Tea LEveryTHING GOR CHEAP. §F DIESFELD' S whole attention to disposing ot all Real Estate that may be placed in my hands for sale. FAERMS FO R SATH {In the Surrogate Co of the County of Revised Statute ee. 38, and ed lavilig' claims aguinst the estate of t we Thomas WW seer Sonley who died" on ik about the 12th day of July A.D. 1908; uray quired to send by post prepaid, or deliv to Maury, Jane Souley or Joshua Dobson, Manchester post office, Adminstra + tors of the Kstato of the suid deceased am x or before the 4th day of December, A, Dy 1903, their Christian aud surnames, ad- dresses and desciiptious, together with foll particulars of their claims, a and a ull statement of their account, the nature of the securitify, any, held by them duly certifiedy" And Notice is further given that af wi such lust mentioned date the said Admin trators will progeed to distribute the assets | of the decomsed among the, persciis otitdedl I would call special attention of parties requiring Farms to Four fine properties now listed and for Sale : 4: Three Farms in Scugog. fine Farm in Reach. &&" Parties desirous of disposing of landed properties wills consult their own interests by placing them with me for sale. "Satisfaction guaranteed. in sums to suit borrowers, at unusually low LOANS Quick ac EZ | represent the most desirable ¥ ire and Life Insurance i Companies. Prompt attention given to applications. | Port Perry, Sept. 3, 1901. arls, &c. Crocks iu . without Commission oh Real Estate security rates. 1 wish to i can $ave | bought, of me | other dealer i Ei have a big # | Thanking you for you gai { & Shoe Busia naw | ALL ITS inform the public that I have visited the celebrated fifi of TUDHOPE CARRIAGE C0. ORILLIA AND WHILE THERE PERSONALLY INSPECTED AND Bought for Gash a Gar Load of which cannot be beat for benuty of design, and first-class workmanship. | you $2.60 to nd give own. ection on hand. ny of ny premise 0 an Extensive Sia fo $3 on Cutters. ou a better article than any | all and make your choice while liberal patronage in the past and soliciting a eontinuance of the same, Ke W. ALLIN, FonT PIRRE ed thereto having regard only te thesclaji | of which they shall then have notice. And | the suid Administrators will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to am | person or persons of whose claim they shall not have had Notice. Dated at Manchester in the Township of | Reach this 4th day of November, 1903, MARY JANE SONLEY, JOSHUA THOMAS DOBSON, Adwinistrhtors. | DOW & MeGILLIVRAY Solicitors for the Administrators. Let Us Deliver You Your next order of Groverids {You will then learn what really 'Good Groceries, are, Our stock is made up' of goods 'which have proved meritorious. We sell at the Lowest Prices | indeed many things #ié sold | at less than their good quality | demands. E. H. PURDY. Livein Harmony with the Times. COME use SEE Our Fall Importation of British ' Goods is now on hand, in English, | I Irish and Scotch, in Tweeds, Serge, ., | Worsteds, Fancy and Plain, Pantings 3 and Overcoatings. Our stack has, ! | never been larger and more varied, | both in coloring and design, and the! qualit ty is A 1. We make 'Buttons, " do Shrinking, also Pressing as > pairing at short notice, aod ar will suit you. R Full Stock I' EVERYTHING IN THE WHICH FOR Durability and STREN GTH, - Cannot be sarpassed in the Coney. Shots: ever such as can: & &o., in sbundance. Harness Line CHEAPNESS, STYLE Sept 16, 1903 For Sale or to Bent... East part of Est 17, a Wo son Reach Townsh prefer selling. Apply > 5 CII1AS. TE he Shelburne, i Or Jonny WW. HovLtsy, Rov H Manchester, Out. Ca Comping Tenis fo ArrLY TO 1 Blankets, a,b Pr ry

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