Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 22 Oct 1903, p. 3

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Sasa 513 is guaranteed. eet 'wear a small glove - OUR KID GLOVES tell the tale of entire satisfaction to the consumer. because we handle only first class goods made by first class makers. Fownes art (he Best! A large shipment just to hand of the best shades for fall and winter. Every pair wl PAIRS rs of Black Kid Gloves, Real French Kid, in; swhighy We are offering. r hile hey' Tast. This 8 wrire' chance, if you T= | = First-- © Everything that care department. C 00S 00 0S 0S 0S 0S 00a Ready- to-Wear Skirts »ful buyers demand in style and quality, all and see our $3 25 SKIRT, in Black, Navy and Grey. =r COS. 2 losses: 00500 50050005 02 500 500 50m 0 (0 Lm 50m S004. | is in this fit included, Sass Clothing and Boot & Shoe Business Ee opened out an Extensive Sto ok of 'this district. oo fail to ploase, Come and see us in our enlarged quarters. my customers iii every particulr. " Port Perry. Evaporators Pay Big Prices for Avples A glance at these figures speak for thethselves. which is 75 barrels. $1 for No. 1 and 75 cts for No. 2. 30 barrels No. 1 quality at $1 ......... $30 oo 70 No.2 AL FHC... ew 52750 $82 so "IN ALL ITS DEPARTMENTS Having increased the dimensions of my premises, I have purchased anc AND READY-MADE CLOTHING hui or Men and Boys which for quality and low prices cannot be equaled in| 124 ¥nvested Funds 3 2 . I have the largest and most veried Stock of B OQOTS axp SHOES ever ef PA EEE ed in this locality for your inspection, and the prices are such as can- | My air shall be to please AF CARNEGIE. For instance take an Orchard of 300 barrels, all varities, 25 per cent are packed by buyers, Allow a margin and say he packs 100 barrels. per cent. only are No. 1 quality and his prices are the best when he offers | ie lige In Harmony - h the Times. Our Fall Importation of British jo} cons is now on hand, in English, Irish and Scotch, in Tweeds, Serge | Worsteds, Fancy and Plain, Pantings [aver Overcoatings. Out stock has | never been larger and more varied, | both in coloring and design, and the | quality is A 1. We make Buttons, | Now we draw your attention to the great profit derived in selling the | do Shrinking, also Pressing and Re same apples to the Evaporators, viz: pairing at short notice,ant 1 our prices |, D SEE BEFORE COME u'soi W. H. DOUBT. Sept 16, 1603. ce 300 barrels in orchard and 80 to go per cent. are used in Evaporat- | will suit you. ing for the best quality. 85 per cent. of Orchard = 255 barrels or 3413 cwt. at 30c..§102 45 15 un " " = 45 " 60} Hi 15C, 9 04 Price paid by Evaporators .$111 49 Price paid by Packers...... 82 50 a Difference in tavor of Evaporators.. $28 99 C Delivered Over above. = pe8PPLES BUS. WANTED! Port Perry Fair Fair Grounds Having been purchased for the erection of a large Evaporator (Largest in Canada) - are in the Market for 2,500 Bushels of Apples per day On and after Sept. 1st. 'We pay 30 cts. per cwt. H for good, sound, Hard Apples of a size large enough to peel on paring machines Scales at Factory. elivered as All inferior sizes are to rate as Chops for which we will pay 15 cts per cwt g# All loads coming to the Factory must be of one quality. Kindly note and save future trouble or all will rate as Chop Stock only. '&& Highest P rice Paid for TF Dried Apples. ckin 2), PERRY. g Go., | faults than thelr virtues,--Kate Masters Ir YHE REPORT | have disposed of my business [to Mr. Alex, MacMillan, V.S.;it is 8 | almost needless to state, is untrue ; % Ithe fact is, finding that it was im ® | possible to attend to all the numer {ous calls with which I have of late | | been patronized I concluded to obtain assistance, and in order to ¥ Cartadn Pormuncnt and | meet the requirements of rhy nuth Femme To cag Permanent 300 | erous patrons I have entered into Toronto Street, Toronto. | partnership with. Mr. MacMillan, SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. the name and fine f the new frm and upwards recelved on de- being Ervrior & MacMirran, Vet $1 posit. Interest paid or 3.7 erinary Surgeons, so the new firm compounded half-yearly at YQ will be prepared at all times--night | 1 and upwards received for and day--to cater to all requiring | $100 which debentures are issued our professional services in al with half-yearly coupons attach 4 manner that cannot fail to meet ed for interest at : their appre ybation. RRA Moke J. T. ELLIOT, EE | Port P ertYs Aull, 6, 1903. [ raideup Capital, $6.000,000.60 rg AE Tre Reserve Fund, 1,600,000.00 ONE. on SEE Short t-Horn Bull rea Happiness, i We a) That is one of the reasons we seek it r and wide when it is right at our | own door, if we could only remove the bandages from our eyes. Lillian Whit- ing"s is a good definition of happiness: "Happiness is not a possession; it is a btate of mind." We seek a material, 'angible thing to possess, never learns ing that it is a quality of mind and heart and soul we must educate our selves to. We are egotists; we place the highest value upon our lives and look for the world to compensate us up- on our own valuation, and with the failure of material achievement we be- come self pitiers, creatures for whom Carlyle had such sturdy scorn. Asked if she would like to live her life over again, one woman is quoted as saying: "I'd lite mine over agmin, with my nightmare of childhood, for the pleas- ure I'm getting now in self develop- ment, in trying to become a fine wom- an on a slim foundation. To tell you the truth, I think it would take two good lives to make me amount to much." This woman is happy because in seeking development of characte she 1s receiving more than she expect- ed; censequently life is very full to her, the world ylelding its richest har- vest, for her sowing is In harmony with nature's law, Toh Woman's Ideal Man, The ideal man as women would make him out to be if their several tastes were consulted as a recipe would be indeed an impossible he! He would be § creature never seen on land or sea-- a monster that only a feminine Frank. enstein could create, Sunday schoo! teacher and part Don 'e would be part] , . On The Run. CHAPTER IL ENOWING ONES have made the preplieEy: that we would be out of business in a lew years; this same prophecy has beeit ie a dozen times and still we are in the Run. Have five wheeled vehicles, and four on sieighs, and the best im in town, so that when the run starts we shall.go ea ¢ we Run we purpose making some lively Running ; to make interesting we shall furnish all funeral orders at half, or less, ofits usually charged by other Undertakers. utiful, b'ack-cloth Casket handsomely trimmed and ed, with Hearse, and attendance for the very low price of $32, instead of 45 or 850. When it is considered that our Heaise team, and New Hearses and equipment. are ten rior to any other Undertaking outfit in Port oih of in be readily seen that our prices are. extremely low, un. hall Rui either of oiir fine Hearses for train, or other fanexals rwithin thiee miles of town for $4, as we save the livery charge ach trip. pess is Business ; when called on we attend strictly to business; Employ; "outsiders, and we do not pay commissions, as our profits Ww it. expenses are limited we intend to give the public the full bsedquently our prices with our grand equipment are many Bwer than any other Undertaker can possibly do. Next week's ad. "" PuLLing Wool Over THE Eves." JESSOP FURNITURE (0. $34 J. NOTT, Manager, foes ag Ceesar--beautiful of face and manly of form--yet without vanity; quick with his sword, yet a paragon of mercy t0 the afflicted; deeply intelligent, yet nev. er preoccupied; with the soul of a poet and the pocketbook of a broker; a good judge of a bonnet, and not too particu lar as to cooking; charming of temper, quick to forgive feminine faults; grand of character, yet an adept in drawing room persifiage. Such & man if he ex- {sted would have to live in a cage to be looked at and photographed, for he would not be companionable to women or to men. He would be a freak, to bé seen at a distance and never to bd loved, for when we look deep we find that we like people more for theip son in Ainglee's. Important Notice. current that I 4 - wr ) BG 34 SY; "tg "4 IN BEAUTIFUL BENE | Spare the trouble of preparing Cake, Pastry, ete., for weddings and parties. We will be pleased to receive your We the [necessary skill, materials, and producing. these Souesys orders have | fac ilities for articles Superior fruits, flour flavor-| IR {ings, eggs, butter, etc.. are [used in the making of all our Cakes and Pies. And care- ful baking ensures wholsome- ness. E. H. URDY. IMMHE undersigne a offers for Sale that grand young Short-Horn ull DUKE oF York = 44641 = he is is large for his'age, color red roan and 1s pronounced by all one of best in the Province. The animal and pedigree may be séen on the premi- ses of the proprietor lot 24, con. 7, Scugog. Scugog, May 18 1903. Camping Tens to Rent ArPLY TO T. J. ASH. Port Ferry, July 30,1903. 50, 000 feet: Cull Pine at $8.50 Cash at Carnegies. Great oekly. Oapada's' Illust ated To keeping with the progress of the age, CANADA'S GREAT NA. TIONAL HOME NEWSPAPER, THE WEEKLY GLOBE, will be very materially improved in 1904. Numerous important changes are in contemplation, but the leading feature will be the introduction of of an EIGHT-PAGE ILLUS: TRATED SUPPLEMENT ON CALENDERED PAPER. This will undoubtedly make it the most popular weekly offered to the people ot the Dominion. For particulars see advertisement in another column JOHN: COLLINS, Jr; }¢ TO SUIT Hyery ACK AT L. & J. Stouffer's HE WEEKLY GLOBE Canada's (Great Illustrated Weekly. A leading featute of The WrEkLY GLOBE to be added this fall will be an 'Eight-Page Illustrated Supplement For the productioft of this great paper an immense new electrotyping, photo-engraving and printing plant has been added to The Globe's mechanical equipment. This will make The WEEKLY GLOBE ungues- tionably the most desirable home paper iii Canada: Hic CRACKACIORIAGIAGRIRS Port Perry m< 8 $s ..Roller Mills SK S| ® Ho ® | Sz 5 IN FULL BLAST & 1 take great pleasure in announcing that ny New Mills are now completed and in full oper- ation and that I am better than ever prepared % to meet the requirements of wry friemds and the general public in every line pertaining to Hy already extensive and rapidly increasing busi- 8 ess. Correct business principles; prompitude 3 nd courteous treatment nay be relied on. JAMES CARNEGIE. Port Periy, Dec., 1902. ECccoerBoeseece NU S < & Soo CRICK smoval ¥ The undersigned would take this opportunity of thanking his nu- merous customers for the liber. patronage received since opening basiness in Port Perry, and would 7 the public that he has moved his business from ie Market building to the Store 8t doorEast of ost Office whare he will be pleased to fill all crders for Meats in a minder that cannot fail to please customers. Haviug new and in facilities for the tr of busi he feels fidesrt that he can give better satisfaction than heretofore, and in order to aerify this state he solicits all to give him a call in his new premises. AND FISH IN SEASON. Harness Line ERR I TR UR RII RG To a ae Having had the Commotion: 3 Sores in the Cartie Block fitted sp epee: ially, I am satisfied I have now ope of the best appointed Drug : Stores i in the Province, and have taken possession of my new and extensive premises, where I have, bpened | up, in addition to my extensive. stock of Drugs, Chemicals, and Faney Goods, a full line of SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES, While returning thanks to my, numerous patrons I would extent! an favitation to all to call and see me in my new premises. iain 5 A] DAVIS. Port Perry, Sept 3, 900. . Sn mat R Full | Stock® OF EVERYTHING IN THE Le er fYRICH FOB tre 1 CHEAPNESS. STYLE Durability and STRENGTH, Cannot be surpassed in the County, Robes, Blankets. Bells, Trunks &c., in abundance Comparison of Prices Courted W. A. BEATTY Port Perry eT E Es a Meharry REAL ESTATE BROKER. | Experience is Invariably Essential to Success. | HAR mn this district; and factior y all co » had «« ol.some ynsidetrable ol the largest transactions every inst I have oncluded erned EF 1 represent the most desifa I Companies I whole attention to disposing ot all Real Estate that may be placed in my hands for sale FARMS FOR SATHE min I would call special attention of parties req g Farms to i Three Far ms in Sc ugogy. fim fine Farm in Reach ii i && Parties desirous of disposing of landed propertie || il will consult their own interests by placing the with me for I sale. Satisfaction guaranteed { { iil mmission or Est ecurity | | LOANS "mn hl ates. Quick act mh i i (lit A GREAT SACRIFICE IN THE Sale of Furniture | DURING THE HOLIDAY SEASON I'he undersigned will sell & large quantity of first-class F sisting of Parlor, Dining Room, Bed Room Sets. &¢ Give me a call; Cash or Approved Credit EZ A Fine lot'of Picture Frames and Gilt Mouldings suitable to the | trade: £7 Agent for Monuments. 3 £7 Wood Wabted 4 JOHN NOT 1a Gd rr ---- <.... \L BARGAINS if GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. Gold Filled Cases in great variety, some as smell as a Quarter' of Dollar, nicely Enameled and Set with Pearls, Prices to suit you all right. WEDDING AND ENCAGEMFNT RINGS in Péarl, Opal and Diamonds, all fine and New Designs. Erock® iu Great VarieTY Very CHEAP We aré prepared tc give SPECI Knives, Forks. Spoons, Fruit Dishes, Butter Disties, Cake Baskets, a Sets, &c., and some mora to follow. a &F Also Fancy Goods. EVERYTHING GOES CHEAP. a= | of this issue. I. J. WHEELER. = Repairing as usual, DIESFELD ye Port Porry, 30, 1598;

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