Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 1 Oct 1903, p. 4

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zona, da, ought to be able to ¢ ee Jirers | everywhere assured rd Strath- a's title to the regard of the Ca- "people grows with his ad- yoars. He has rendered u services and is dis- hed as a philanthropist. These to the esteem of his fellow- ;adians are of long standing, and not have received the popular mition they deserved. But they thought of and appreciated now. he vemerable High Commissioner ied the aflection due to a 'truly loyal patriarchal character. He is one of the Old Canadians. He hh a past far enough away 9 become glorified in the min _ the present generation by its es and the achievements of its great " {men. And as they were achievements 4a which bodily hardihood and per- wonal prowess largely counted, they are specially admired to-day by all Canadians. Lord Strathcona be tongs, so to epeak, to our heroic Though a Scotchman born, be is a Canadian of the Canadians. Life in Labrador. 0st notable of the officers of the i' rank who have conducted the nu 'grade in Labrador is Lord Stra and Mount Royal, the present 'of the company. Coming 0 Donald Alexander , h, a well-educated Scotch lad, felated to Peter and Cuthbert Grant, and the brothers John and James Stuart, prominent officers, whose deeds in the Northwest Company are still remembered, the future governor began his career. Young Smith on arriving at Montreal (1838) was de- spatched to Moose Factory, and for more than thirty years was in the service, in the region of Hudson's Bay and Labrador. Rising to the tatk of chief trader after fourteen years of active service, he reached in ten years more the acme of desire of every aspirant in the company, the rank of chief factor. His years on ithe coast of Labrador, at Rigoletto and its subordinate stations, were most laborous. The writer has had 4 fhe privilege from time to time of : hearing his tales, of the long journey along the frozen coast, of camping on frozen islands, without shelter of storm-stayed journeys rivaling the recitals of Ballantyne at Fort Chimo, of cold receptions by the Moravians, ha ry and of the doubtful hospitalities of both Indians and Eskimos Every statement of Cartereal, Gilbert, or abot of the inhospital hore is corroborated by this successful officer swho has lived for thirty years since feaving Labrador to fill a high place in the affairs both of Canada and the Empire." So writes Professor George Dryce E "The Remarkable History of the udson's Bay Company." . A Life of Adventure. + | W&. biography of Lord Strathcona Jwould be excellent reading for Can- 'adian youths In his old age he is ghought of as an administrator a Bnancier, a philanthropist, a man of thought, in short, rather than a man ; of action But he lived a most strenuous life, gne of adventure and exposure to all kinds of danger and hardship Only a man of great cour- x age, endurance, and resourcefulness i could have survived the conditions of existence in the continental wild- fh ae over which he so many years andered. If he chose, he could, as r Bryce hints, unfold a tale alr-breadth escapes not less mov- 'Ing than those poured by Othello in- 2o the ear of Desdemona. Riel's Second Rebellion. When Rupert's Land was transferred by the Hudson's Bay Company to the Dominion of Canada, in 1869 ford Strathcona's part in the politi- cal history of Canada began. The company gave up unwillingly the vast tract of 2,300,000 square miles, for which it received only £300,000. It did not use its influence with its late Metis subjects to reconcile them to the change of rulers. These Riel broke out in rebellion took possession of Fort Garry, now Winnipeg. To tranquilize the situ- ation the Dominion Government sent as special commissioner Donald A \ under They Smith, now Lord Strathcona He was eminently qualified by his know- a ledge of the West and of the half- ons breed character He arrived on De- : cember, 27 1869. The disorder is described in his own language The state of matters at this t was truly humiliating Upwards of fifty British subjects were confinement as politice security for per Sons or property there was none. . The leaders of the French hall breeds had doclared their purpose to use every effort for the purpose of an- mexing the territory to the United States." His negotiations with Riel were carried on with caution. The rebel leader tried to intercept Mr. Smith's commision on the way from Pembina The commissioner cbtained consent to address the people. Upwards of a thousand assembled in the open air to hear him, the temperature be- ing 20 degrees below zero. The re- sult was the election of delegates to a convention, which, however, adopted a second bill of rights, form- ed a provisional government, but out of which peace ultimately came Services in this crisis were follow- ed by work in Parliament and by la- bor in behalf of the transcontinental railway which has done so much for prisoners efforts of Donald A. h were crowned by his elevation ery has just to hand lan Portland Cement, which ling at $2 75 per barrel, and of five barrels and upward, ices will" be quoted. N1fD--FAITHFUL PERSON TO L for well established house ina calling on retail merchants' ry territory. he 3 expense, payable 819.7 se i : nl 4 Be ld in close | UNDER THE AUSPICES OF I will be held in the Curling Rink opposite the G. T, R. Station, Porm PERRY N FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1905, 1 P.M. THE DOMINION SWINE BREEDERS' ASSOGIATION. be offered. All the Boars blished herds, will » of them near the farrowing period. well esta SOME Among the contributors to this TERMS sums For further terms and particulars apply to To residents of Ontario : All over $10, A. P WESTERVELT, Sec. Iave SToCK ASSNS, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Ont. HL Live Stock COMMISSIONER, individual sums cash or credit will be allowed on approved joint notes. (fifty) carefully selected Boars and Sows from Ne arly all the Sows will be in pig, will be of suitable breeding age. Sale-are several of the most reliable Canadian breeders. of $10 and under, cash. All GEO. JACKSON, OFFICIAL AUCTIONEER, Port Perry, Ont. WwW. EHODSON, OTTAWA. EALED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned for the purchase of all or any of the Parcels--Farm Properties'--belong ing to Mr. John Adams, advertised to be sold by auction on the 23rd November, and withdrawn at the sale, J. A. McGILLIVRAY, Temple Building, Toronto. Nov. 30, 1899. 50 YEARS" EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DesiaNs \CORYRIGINS &c. sending a Heute end, description may ole Sacer a Cr oe rar vant lon Ts "prob a! De DO set fro it ree: dest ney for pa ents. rou, Mons A receive pon Without "Scientific A Fimerican, handsomely 11 lustrated weekly. Jarcest oir. lation of any scientific 8, i Tour onthe. $1. Say by hi vey. MONN & Co,ze eroewe New York 'Washington, They Make You Feel Good. The pleasant Purgstive effect ex- nced by hi aC amber- and the healthy body and mind which they create makes one feel joyful. For sale by A.J. Davis. Tickets TO ALL FARTS OF THE WorLp.--Mr. W, H. McCaw, Port Perry, 1s ow. in a position Lo 1ssue tickets to all parts of the world and to supply 3 necessary ir ormate to parties asto the cheapest and best routes, &c. In aie to hig numerous Ticket Agencies {or Rail road and Steamship lines, he hat been re appointed 7 icket Agent for the Grand Trunk Railway. Parties intending to travel will consult their own interests by ulting Mr. McCaw before embarking on a trip. con Central Livery PORT PERRY. EARTILY thanking the public for the [ liberal patronage received during the many years I have kept a Livery Kstablish ment in Port Perry LIVE anno MY MD JN to my former place of business Water Street which I am about to largely extend in crease facilities so that the public may Ix better accommodated with safe and desir able GOIN' BAREFOOT GANADA PERMANENT It's more fun gofn' barefoot than anythis* 1 know, thing that There aln't a single 'nother AHH LT helps yer feelin's ® Some days I «tay In Muvver's room a get- | tin' In her way | Formerly The Canada Permanent and An', when I've bothered her so much she Western Canada Mortgage Corporation sez, "Oh, run an' play! 1 say Kin I go barefoot?' En she says, Toronto Street, Toronto "oi y' choose' Nem 1 slwuz wanter holler when I'm pull ABSOLUTE In' off my shoes! SECURITY If y often go round barefoot there's ots | - o' thingg to know Of how t' curl yer feet on stones so won't hurt ¥' so President : GRORGE GOODERHAM 1st Vice-President) and Managing Director they | J. HERBERT MaisoN hey n' when ass is stickley an' pricks ond Vice-President: W. H. BEATTY A hig J. Fieas N Siikiey Shon eed Jos plunk yer feet down solid an' it don't We invite your deposit account, and are hurt halt So muck prepared to grant the best terms co sistent I lose my hat mos every day. I wish I iin the sbsolute sufety of the d:posit. Si a Our Booklet containing full exp ansiion Hex 2 adn' To tesiay ful ery suntios Br else, I visit 1 was so poor 1 nadn't made by mail as conveniently as If our office were In your own Post Oifice, will be seat free on recelpt of your address. Burges Johnson. Liver Pills , That's what you need; some- | thing to cure your biliousness, | YOUR Paid up Capital § 6,000,000.00 Reserve Fund 1,600,000.00 Invested Funds £3,600,000.00 EVERY FACILITY MONEY TO LOAN. | and late your bowels. You We have funds from private parties for investment on marighgs a 4) PEK CENT. and ne vic wi i need Ayer's Pills. Vegetable; Obtain money trom lr without : wd gently 1 laxative. =~" ; sd 3 hi oo. quietly). Want your moustache or beard] a beautiful brown or rich black? Use BUCKINGHAM DIE Goop SHOE 1 VaLugs. Women's shoes, adapted for short skirts, n nish shape--hand perties for sale, any kind, please send us piice Fire and Life Iusurance cffect and brokerage business transac ND & CO, 28 Victoria Street, Tokoxto. | | gessnt) leather and vici utton ; the new Louis XV. Tots in all leathers for dress wear--high arch---hand turn flexible soles. my window. It affords a view of stylish footwear that is not to be found any place else. Every shoe shown, every price named can be duplicated in your size inside, A. F. CARNEGIE, EEA GR RE EZ" Kloadyke, British Columbia, North-West Territory and Man- itoba. Parties going to any of the above parts call on A, Davis, C.P.R. ticket agent, for in ormation rates, &c. and imitations are No, 2 are sold and stamps, wa No. 1 and No. 2 are sold in Port Perry H. Allison and A. J. Davis, Druggists by C. Our fee returned if we fails rom venom wi h and description of any invention wi Farm for Sale or toRent, For Sale or to Rent, lot 31 and-32 5 | COB: 10, Darlington c8htaining 165 acres more or less. On the premi- te | ges there are a good stone house, stone stable, well watered, "most plowing done. For further particu- ars, apply to the proprietor, FGauaone, Burketon. {Patent Attorncys,) Barkin Sor 24, 1903. At Place of Reside 16 CLYDESDALE Grade Cattle, Cotswa Implements, H 155" Lunch will be provid, Twelve o'clock, sha without the slightest reserve. TERMS OF Save.--Hay, Graig under cash ; over that to parties furnishing ap Dispersion SS A TL EH "OF wep-- Miss Lyme, ete, will be held in the Drill Shed, Whitby Fair Grounds TOGETH ALL OF MY rp. Havii LEVI FAIRBANKS; Whi GEO. JACKSON, Port P CAPT. T. E, ROBSON, 1d IMPORTANT 75H EA DSteh a and Home-bred, straight Scotch and Scotch topped Shorthorns consisting of such world famous families as Miss Ramsden, Clementine, Duchess of Gloster, Strawbetry, Village Girl, Stamford, Crimson Fower, | YRTLE, There i be LIONS AND FILLIES| ines wis sa Sooiur heep, Pigs, B. Rock Hens, _ Grain and Roots. ven o'clock. Sale to commence at ed my farm, everything will be sold , and all sums of Ten Dollars and t twelve months' credit will be given es with interest at five per cent. N BRIGHT, Myrtle. ) RIGS AT MODERATE CHARGEF R. VANSICKLER Port Perry, June 21, 1900 Chamberlain's Remedies. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. For Coughs, Colds, Croup and Whoop- ing Cough. Price 25 cents; large size 50C. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. For Bowel C omipls ints. Chamberlain' s Pain Balm. An antiseptic liniment especially valua- ble for Cuts, Bruises, Sprainsand Rheuma- tism, Price 25 cents; large size 50 cents. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. For Disorders of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. Price 25 cents. Every one of these preparations is guaranteed and if not fully sat- isfactory to the purchaser the money will be refunded. ft's a strong Statement but a straight fact, when we say that the greatest help to the live grocsr and general storekeeper in Canada is "The Canadian Grocer." You cannot read it without getting The MacLean Pub. Co., ited TORONTO. MONTREAL, Ns AVA DFID NTA ¥590 YEARLY to Chustiun man Jor woman to lock iter oury rowing business in this wid w. oining& (Counties; to act as Manager and Uirres: sh ndent § work cen be dove at yonr Buolose self. 1ddrusad stam pedy Bins for partieulnie to il. A. Sher- man, Ceneral Manager, Corcoran Buikl- SA A ASAT aN Farm for Sale. OUTH-HALF lot g and South- west quarter of lot 10, con 3, Township of Brock, consisting of about 80 acres good Farm Land with house and barn; also 20 acres Hardwood, and 50 acres Pine, Cedar, Hemlock and Tamarac. Apply to WE . CLEMES, Port Perry Dec. 8, 1902. Md. P. RECORD ATENT -m Sealed Tenders | Price 35 cents, | The undersi hep lakley ¢ Just west of I ymable Charg A Specialt Edward Jac Eng., and want Apples. aimed vance ag nunicate w Nursarynia, THE undersi tunity ot ms for their y Port Perry, etter shen contractin ited | | Port. P Mar erry { ¥. iE A WOTT, f UNDERTAKER, HA and Funeral Director, | PORT PERRY war NT he United St than ever to ex branches of Jrnamenta Walks, Stone obtain prices, atronage guivg A continuance and will endure Cisterns without any wood in their struction to decay or give out. in need of any of the above, come to me and All material required in my jine will be kept constantly on hand, and for sale after the first of next April, 25 One year-old Barred Plymouth Rock, Hens, must go to make room for young stock. N. INGRAM & SONS, EGGS IN WINTER AS MANY AS IN SPRING YOU CAN GET THEM FROM INGRAM'S Prolific Laying Strains eres BUFF ORPINGTONS BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS WHITE WYANDOTTES | Coclirane St., Port Perry ed business in 1 ARI (EEL i peneral Blacksni ithing ed having the opened id by Me. 8, Bal rs, Archer & Archer's es. y an S Port Perry, Sept. Apples Wanted. The well known, bs & Haml Consignments 1est ith E Toro > the 1 wi and would state 16, Office, is prepared to do all kinds of f General Blacksmithing at Reas HORSE-SHOEING I Satisfaction Guaranteed. Patronage Solicited. W. SWITZER 1902. reliable house of Sons of London rg, of prices to be ol able ad allowed. Com P. BLACKFORI nto. It will pa firm Edwar Germany Canadian Reasoi of PAINTING Kalsomining, &c uld take this oppor numerous pat still increasing hie bas carried ot of PAIK NTING 1 that he i» prepared than ever to execute al orders for ¥ of p 23 ites, his trade Dricklaying in all its branches; Plain and A Plastering. any G Port Parry, Jan. 3, 1894, alnting, Xalsomining and Paper Hanging Parties entrusting their work to me ma ely or having it neatly and promptly exc ated, My churges ave moderate, I am also prepared to supply Paints, &e, ublic patronage sol ITREMEER GEO. GARDNER TISHES to inform the public of Por: W Perry and surrounding country, tha fter four years experience in prosecutin, 1is business in some of the largest cities of he is better to any of the following prepare: Stone Masonry Also Artificia that will remain permanen Concrete cou If you arc weather. EO. GARDNER, ISH TO ANNOUNCE that that they are now comfort ably ensconsed in their new pre: mises in the Purdy Block where the Public will always fin an ample supply of CHOICE, FRESH MEATS Srjes that cannot fail to please. 11 supply of Meats of the very Al grades, and cut in dimensions to please the most fastidious, All orders will ei tei receive prompt ~~ S. T. CAWKER & SON, March 3, 1go2. N returning thanks to the public for ae patronage extended to me for over 36 years, I would respectfully intimate that am, as usual, now ready for busincss, and bave a Large & Assorted Stock OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS which I am determined to sell very CHEAP, As an inducement to CAsH purchasers A Ded of 10 pr ode will be allowed on all Sales from now unit Jun. Tst next. All work beiug gar MADE BY HAND %3 wd ne factory work kept in stock, the uper ority of my goods will at ence become \ppas ent Intending purchasers will find that by dving we a call before looking elsewhery he yean be suited in quality aud price, my mg experience in the trade being an indis fect satisfaction 1. yutavle guarantee that perf vill be given by any article purchased 3 erthing in my line of business kep oustantly on hand and repairs neatly and rom pty attended to JOHN ROLFH. Port Perry, Dec. 1, 1892 Agricultural Machimes AND = IMPLEMENTS SUNDERLAND WHE undersigned keeps on hand and fot sales the following Agricultural Mach aes and Inplements manufactured by the BIR EAMILTOY MPR GL OF PETERBGRO: linders, Reapere, Crown Mower, Daisy Seeder, Tiger Hay Rake, Two Furrow low, Three Furrow Gang, Combina- tion Plows, Champion Plows, S. T. Cultivator, 8. T. Harrow, Land Roller, Steel Frame Spring Tooth Cultivator, Binder Trucks, &e. so the following, the munufacture of JOHN ABEL, Toronto High class Threshing outfits, Traction Kugines and Machines, Victor Clover Huller, Portable Trinmph Engine, I am prepared to supply cverything the armer requires in way of Machines, Imple- nents, Repairs, &e. 2 A oall solicited, McDonald's Hotel, ASE One door West of R. K. 1893 BRYANT. Sunderland, April 8, COPYRIGHT SPRING IS THE TIME FOR HOUSE CLEANING. 1 am prepared to do all kinds of Papering, Painting, &c. Paper and Paint required. Ww. F. NOTT teady. Referen $900 addressed, stam to A. FL. SUE] Tey by. A.J. | Drugits. * tam ped envelope. p ny, Dept. Y Chicago. ford apt and ex] oe, YEARLY to Christian man or woman to lookafter our grow- ing buriness in thisand adjoining Counties to act ns Manager and Correspondent ; work can be done at your home. envelope for MAN, General an er, Corcoran Building, opposite United States Treasury, Washington, D. C. k, sar Wood's Plosphas . Davis vod Eneloss self- ine din EE him cpeuses, Position | Enclosesglf-addressed The Dominion Com "| Evapor. PA for ur intteaiag rocks or's Help' and How LA ro swi Send us a roi Radel of ) vention SE Arn willtell free our aside as to Ee ep t is pd ec a surest ly roseouted Bs £4 We y id Washi Rit to Barareh Sok and Shi Sei ua broad the invention, Pate hed Sou Marion oo] Me n rion recelve special nbtice itl charge in over Joo Hewspapers distributed th & 3 'busin t Ma; a at iness of ne MARION & MARION Patent Experts and Solicitors. Offices : 13 New York Lite Wanted Tmmediately. Good wages given. Apply at ator, 'Rueay PACKING | Co., Lp. : Port Pers: furnished if 100 GTRLS and 30 MEN. >.

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