Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 24 Sep 1903, p. 4

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Sometimes the hair is not properly nourisheds Itsuffoers, for food, starves. Then it falls cut, turns prematurely gray. Ayer's Hair Vigoris a Hair Vigor hair focd. It feeds, nourishes. The hair stops falling, grows long and heavy, and all dan- druff disappears. My hatr was coming out terril almost afraid to ab it. I th 1 was ly. restored th al color M K. WARD, Landing, N J £1.00 8 bottle. 3.c. AYER CO, Arugorists owell, Mass ] All drugist for 1 Mass. {Poor Hai > oor Haii | ! Just In Time Mr. \WW. H. Doubt has provided a _magmific "ent supply of such goods as all should weak for health, .comfrt and appearance during the present season He Yuakes them up in finest styles Don't fail to give him a call Western Bank OF CANADA Port Perry Agency. GENERAL Banking Business tr acted Special attention paid tc Collections Drafts ed available at all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain Savings Bank Department. highest current credited te at the Deposits receivad rates. Interest ca each depositor ulate HG. HUTCHESON 00,000 N ( Bort Perry, Ju STERLI (British Capital) To lend 4 4 andl 6 per cent on good Mortgage security Apply to DAVID J. ADAMS Banker and Broker, Port Perry, Ont MONEY TO LOAN. Ts } A'T PER CENT &F Als n Vill 1 Office next to Ontario | k J. A. MURRAY DENTIST Rooms in H. 1 PORT PERRY All branches f DD Vir Crown and Bridge Wark successfully practic Artifical Tecth ( Silver, Aluminur Fillings of ( or or Cement Painless extraction whe 1 47" Prices to suit the t 3 W. A SANGSTER, DENTAL SURGEON Office over the Post Of Office Hours--9 to 12 a.m to 6 pu Also open Satu enii 82 Gold Fillings Fork a Hp lalty a~ Dr ¥. D. McGrattan (DENTIST) 1.D.8. of Rayal College of Dental Surgeons, also D.D.S. of Toronto University, Cflce in the Allison Block over Allison's Ding Store. Office hours --8 a.m. to8.30 p.m, Port Pury, April 9, 1902. Bridge Vitalised Crown Al Jos. BAIRD the Opsyriv er Office Manchester, Jan. era OTIONEER. HE undersigned takes this opportuaity of returning thanks for the very libernl patrcuage be has received as Auctioneer in | the The increased ex webeusive practice which I have had Will be goa solicited. 1899. rely on ed" No it profitable favoring we with their sides ma their interests being fully it effort will be spared to make g Airy placing their sales in my hands Sale Register will be found at th Xnd House, Cmsarea, THOS. SWAIN. Cmsarea, fig 26, 1890, WM. GORDON, Licensed Auctioneer, Yaluator &¢: QE the Townships of Brack, Uxbridge, Saqbt, Thorah, {i Eldon arties entrusting their Sales to intrests. WM. GORDON, Sunderland. FCENSED AUCTIONEER for the] 4 County of Ontario. Sale Register at tarned to advantage of patrons, and parties | lara, Rama, Mariposa | through us advertised for me may gn illustrated and on the utmsot attention being given: 'to | consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. THE CANADIAN pink Coens HEAD OFFICE ORONTO, ONT Capital (Paid Up) Rest 3,000,000 ESTABLISIIED 1867 : A General Banking . Business Transacted BUSINESS WIT FARMERS b L CawkeraSon saved their children's lives. i: i eriods 53 very household mld have a ne Er ccs | poit atband. GONBRGRY day a rom one auths fo A . > d'other farm purposes ISH TO ANNOUNCE | hon save life. Tor sale by A. ] that they are now comfort-['psi;s LEAR I armern , 1 ak ® he otes inenuuted oreol-| 1 ensconsed in their new pre | 1 eted atthe most favornble rates mises in the EZ Thelaliesof the Preshyteri- | an Church, Port Perry, will give a SAVINGS BANK Purdy Block | Tea at the home of Mrs. David FIYHE undersigned takes this \ y 3 . Re | Archer, on the evening of Friday, opportunity of thanking the er Ter | where the Public' will always fin . 5 J ok i} of Porc Po 8 \ | DEPARTMENT. an ample supply of | Sep! 18. inha Aenpis o art erry wii | } ' ! surrounding country for the 5 1 ip ¥ . . . 1 | Deposits of One Dollar anil upwards 7 Piikers Bre mot in it with Tora ao ill increasing pat | rates * CHOICE, FRESH MEATS Evaporators' at; buying apples. awed hm | ° ) nea o ncing Carting | Interest is added to the deposit TWICK| at prices that cannot fail to please Don't sell until you have consulted Livery in Port Perry and now ine yéars at the end of May ahd A full sup f Meats of the ver , | the Regal Packing Co., Port Perry intimates that he is Detter than | A full s ly of) SC ¢ 4b ) November me ever prepared to supply all The Depositor is subject te delay be st gr and fut in dimensions E# Port Perry now possesses the requirements in his line hh CT teen , it the whole] to pleas Wost fastidious. t | most extensive IZvaporating Works | Having extensively added to No Cha go is made ou, withdrawing or| Al will receive prompt | in the.world. The Regal Packing | An. RW f Tong money tention. nse ean | CO Lt ave Just cated here. Syevahert of Hon Inte vie Port Perry Branch S. T. CAWKER & SON E72 Mr. Vickery has just to hand pleasure, Iam inn position f ] vab2 I sortlandeme | meet the requirements of the Ww. H. DUNSFORD, Manager March 5, 1g¢ y car load of Portland. Cement, which iT ra yte rid { he is,sclling ati$2 75 per barrel, and desirable cquippage in every PD. ARCHER, M.D.C.M. Vict "Sv ANTED-- FATTHFUL PERSON To |i lots offive-batrcls, and upward, | respret--in every way suit R. D. AR R i¢toria VANTE . PE ! ) ity : M.I, Toronto University, | TRAVEL for well established house in a lower prices will be quoted. able for private driving, wed . cge of Physicians and | few counties, calling on 'retail merchants dings, funer ls, &c Purties geons. Out BE te of the Royal lind ngents. Local temitory Mary | £%* The Regal Packing Co., Port wishing an afternoon drive can scons, Kdinburg: Licentiate | $1624 ear nnd exp y 0| Perry, reguire 5 (apples grown have thelr choles of ital e double or 8 gs and care of t College of Physici Jdin. | werk in cash an « oti-| iy this édtire district for which they ful d . 150 be supp! | ft R f Physi tior rpanent i {cessful nd il drivers Also be suppl ww e Faca ty hy leans . Tard HH obi Dearborne | Will pay prices un ard of before ed when required (ilasgow te 1 y ng widard Ho carbone | mda Hospital, Dublir Chica £2 Klondyke, British Columbia, | I posses=a number of good ( 1d Resic ' ' 32 North-West Territory and Man | hE ol Dray Wagons and I Furnit Fwy v vg Tr or - RP, le | will, at all times, attend to | 90t ' Grand Trunk Railway [itoba. Parties gong to any of the | Carting with the utmost cure | ing# IME TABLE abeve paris call.on, A. J. Davis ,| and promptness. | r Lrotl I C.P.R ticket agent for informati on | I wish further to state that Men Port PERRY rates. &c. in futur snitablv canveyuces or ¥ ¥ 7 will be at the Railway Depo ! ' Gut GOING SOUTH. COIN Dysentry causes the death of] to convey passengers and bag ¥ 180 » agian | 0.51 , N Co gage to private residences, and | more people than smallpox and will also convey passengers and ~ I { p.m yellow fevt¥ combined. Inan army baggage to the Depot in timo NOTITCH 1 | p-m it is dreaded more than a battle It for departing trains, on being | N cr requires prompt and effective treat- given notion J AMIESON R. J. fH. SA 1 jan, Sur . . . ( | ' y . D -- SEVERAL INI ! PERSONS | ment. Chamberlain's Colic, Chol-| -- Do fas £0 1A t and Dr. W. A tablished elever | Port Perry, July 30, 1903. ngster st, may fter 10-day t era 'and Diarrhoea Remedy has | : i ind Dental Lon een) used in hide cpide mics of dys " | I they will all t } ir ivancedin | entry in the United States witle per I SIRADLE PROPERTY Mm i | on i " ! ip i ref and enclose lope. THE | fect success, and has cured t 10 T L, 334 Dear : | malignant cases both of | 9 ) : ~-- | and adults," and the mast trving cor Th E undersigne I offers for sal Important Notice. Jitions. Every household should| ] her property on Simcoe Street, | DR. 8. J. MELLOW = have a bottle at hand; Get it to | PORT PERRY, . | day It may save a life." Sold by consisting of IFine Residence cor Puvsic RGE ke rMYHE REPORT current that Ij 4 |. Davis. | taining nine rooms ; spring and soft | )f Resider Qu t.. Port Per have disposed of my business | | water ; good cellar ; one-half acre of | ice and Residence, Queer ort Pecry h Bese | oo ey 3 fH Off hot 10 a.n 1to3 pm, |tO Mr. Alex. MacMillan, V.S., it 1s - | land, together with ornamental an 1] yn¢ : ni "| almost needless to state, is untrue ; The Proper Treatment for a Sprained | fruit trees [ phone in office and | open night | the fact] finding that it was 1m Ankle. | Iso for sale Furniture, includ- | cted e to attend to all ther : ning Piano and Org y n Ly rt r i | ted ible to at end 5 4 ne Aw a rule as manawil® feet wel Ing Piano and Organ in good cc [ 1 80D call h whit 1ave of "late r diti | t Ferry, Nov. 15 4 nu pth led | | satisfied if he can hobble around on | 41190 \ McM ol pat Co p ne | . . | crutches two or three wéeks alter p Perry AMELIA. MCMECHAN. | ( tan d in orc o ri I Sept 9, 1903 L B te x ! \m. | €praining his ankle, and it is terry pt 9,19 eet the requiremerts my nu : h WM. H. HARRIS, B.A. L Dom Tl entered int ly two of three months bel | J u patr 1 VC niere Oo 114 i) " | BARRISTER, & part Mac Mil has fully [recovered This --_-- Hn | ) . \ . "| necesrary loss of time, for in n . : . . Successor to and occupant of the|llic na al Al I © new oe cases which Chamberlain's | 100 GIRLS and 30 MEN ices of the late F Jarno ein Lior & MacMi « a Ho > offices of the Jate F. M. Yarnold bei Et ! 0 hy i. | Balm lias been prymptly and freely | Good wages given. Apply at | , C Surgeons, so- th ) : X ! : z Port Perry Ont ay : a 2 it al tin " "l Zpplied, a complete cure has on Evaporator { will be prepared at all 1c8--n fected a Ee . | | . ) , Co flected, in. legs than one wecl LEGA yaokiNg Co 0 MONEY TO Loy ard day p © care oe | A time, and in some eases within three | REGAL PACKING oar Li oo Private Funds &t & per cent our prote \ . fail Y he "days... For sale by A. J. Davi { Port erry menrer 1a annc 1al Oo 1 i | their approbatior JNO WwW CROZIER | J. T. ELLIOT eT ee at resin cen, | Port Perry, Apri) ©, 1903 IMPORTANT 13 : Off reside CULE EGGS IN WINTER MONEY I [FL PATERSON. KC. AS MANY AS IN SPRING | Barrister, Solicitor, Notary i Public, &c., w | YOU CAN GET THEM FROM | 310 311, Temple ¥ Bay hi INGRAM'S, Toronto, Mareh 31 189, | © FAREWELL Kk C 1nn. comty| Prolific Laying Strains | Crown Attorney, Barrister, County Sol- | oF &c., Notary Public and Eonveya Vite PIN Te South wing Court House, Whitby, | BUFF ORPINGTONS { rH, MeCAW, { ISSUKR OF \1AR AGE LICENSES 'ort Perry; Dec. 19, 18 3. | WM. SPENCE, Township Clerk, Com missioner, &e. s prepared to Ls mn fnproved cent (Trust funds) All kjpds of Conveyancing executed with eatness and dispatch. | Office il door west of Town Hall, | Jancheste » Manchester Aj H. GRAHAM il 11, 1888 Has just takco possession of the FOY SHOE SHOP one door South of the St. kinds of Boots and Shoes, and dc ji kinds of repairing strictly attended to. He wants tc ta please all who come his way, 1 possible, Port Perry, June 10, 1903. "| { - | Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sendin | jou and description of any invention wil he patentability of same. 'How to Obtain | Patent" sent upon request. Patents secure: sale at our expense. | Patents taken out through ns receive special | notice, without charge, in widely circulated end for sample copy FREE. Address, VICTOR J. EVANS & CO. "PROF. 8. J. COHN alist, 176\Wilton Ave, Toronto P y 'once "in six month. -- entrusted to hin: warranted t isfaction. RErERENCES Mr. vr. D. J Adams aud Mr. Kar 8 it CTICAL OPTICIAN and Eye and (Pateat Attorpeys,) vans B : WASHINGTON, D. C. EZ The Regal Packing Co., Port Perry, require all the apples grown in this entire district suitable Yoh for evaporating purposes. delivery. $8,700,000 | Port Perry Ont. | yan any quantity of Money rm Security at 6 and 7 per Charles perience oid | Hotel, where he intends to.make all All comers [PATENTS GUARANTEED romptly receive our opinion free concerning h ne HE PATENT RECORD, journal, Cash on | Sittings of the Division Courts COUNTY OF ONTARIO. 1903 Whitoy --Janmt Muy 6 June vurber 4, WHITH \ Jann M a Jif 4 sve be De Gleeson, G duly 7 optumiat®, Rov Jun. 8, 1904 PORT TERRY Clerk, JW. Turnham, Tart Perry antiary 9, March 6, May 13, July 9, September 12 November 11, Jur 3, 1008 | yor FH Gondd, Txlridge Muy 29. July 15, Septewbe, 2, a. 18,19 4 CANNINGTON -- Clerk, Gen. Smith, Cannington Jnnua March 19, Muy 23, July 14, September | 24, November 19, Jun. 13 1904 [ 6. BEAVERTON --Clerk, Gen. F. Brnoe, Beaverton January 14, Murch 98. May 27, Septeniber 23, Nov ember 18, Jan. 12, 1904 | Thos. T. Tart ember 22, November ork Uptergrove mo UPTFRGROYF March 17, My. Sep! J La ml. we. | fantum The first w looseness of ed at Whitly, Nove w, 10% gh of the ¥ [the bowels shonldtbe cient warn AND SEE BEFORE ing. Ii immediateand sproper (reat YOU BUY L fod 0 N W Pr mi n me nt is given serio Teri ences | a beaverted. Chamberlain's Colic, W , ocate in ure emis | Cholera and diarrhoea Rencly. is . H. DOUBT. | ihe sole reliance of thous off Se Sept 16, 1903. mothers and by its aid fhe havey . o_o | BARRE D*PLYMOUTH ROC KS| | WHITE WYANDOTTES { | Some excellent Trios and Up-to- | Date Cockerels for Sale, | 25 One year-old Barred Plymouth Rock Hens, must' go for yourfg stock. N. INGRAM & SONS, Cochrane St., Port Pérry to make room | V J WW. BURNHAM, Clerk of the Third |). Division Court, . Office in sot Office Block, Cort Perry Dizzy? Appetite poor? Bowel i ongue coated Head ache? Tongs s your liver! Ayer's Pills are liver pills, all vegetable. fone, |, In ) Want youf moustache or a beautiful brown or rich black? Use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE Western Bank of Canada Dividend No. 42. N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a.Dividend of Three and One-half per cert, has! been declar- ed upon the Paid-up Capital Stock of the bank, being at the rate of Seven per cent. per annum, and the same will be due and payable on and after THURSDAY OCT, 1, 1903, At the offices of the Bank. The transfer Books will be closed from the 15th to the 31st of Sept. By order of the Board. T. H. McMILLAN, $ : Cashier. Oshawa August 29th, 1903. f l s 'et MRS. WINSLOW'S ased by millions of mu rest by a | Ontting Ty | Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Ghildren 1 will relievy thedpaor little safferer immediately. Depend Co. | Beard] 16 CLYDESDALE STALLIONS AND FILLIES Uiartligs, Reguintes the Stomach ant Towels, Cures Wind Golie; Softens the Gums, Red Years BYRUYP has boen Rheir children while py dinufhog as Jand lLroken of you k obild' se ing and crying with pain of | st 00ce and get u bottle of "Mr ething. Tt Live in Harmony' with the Times. | COME soos SEE. thing. 1pon it, mothers, there in no mulstake al out iL 1 Cres noes 1nfiammstion 1d gives tone aod energy to the whole system. Mrs Winslow's So thing Syrap foe, Children Teothing ix pleasant to the taste and is Pre cription of one of the dest upd best female and noses io the United States. Price twas cents & bottle, Sold by all druggists throwghout the world. Bo sure and sk} Our Itall Importation of British or MItS. WINSLOWS' i en : " ar ure SYRUE_~ [Goods is now on hand, in I nglish, | in Iris) 5 | The mails are despatehed from the Dost 1and Scotch, in Tweeds, Serge, | Office Port Perry as folos child shows sy mptoms of cholera in T5HEA rn of such world famous families as Miss Ramsden, Clementine, Duchess of Gloster, Strawberry, Worsteds, Fancy and Plain, Pantings and Overcoatings. Our stack has | never been' larger and mord varied, | both in coloring and design, and the | quality is A 1. \Ve make Buttons, | do Shrinking, also Pressing and Re { pairing at short notice,and our prices wil suit yon, (ioing North-- 930 a m Going Sonth--11. 2 Am Gotwg North-- 5.15 Goiug So Sati alo 10 pm Be Quick. Nora minute shonl be lost all m era -::BD- - mj orted and Home-bred, straight Scotch and Scotch topped Shorthorns Village Girl, Stamford, Crimson Fower, Miss Lyme, ctc. will be held in the Drill Shed, Whitby Fair Grounds - ON WEDNESDAY, OCT. I4, 1903 or ida ah BY sa owes in Wh ORE 14k sharp. Ex. Lunch wilh Lo at the | Hotels in W bye 1. 3° to 12.30 clock. "ON THE FOLLOWING DAY vy Thursday, October 15th, At Place of Residence, MYRTLE, There will be sold TOGETHER WITH ALL OF MY Grade Cattle, Ootswold Sheep, Pigs, B. Rock Hens, ; Implements, Hay, Grain and Roots. r= Lunch will be provided at Eleven o'clock. Sale to commence at Twelve o'clock, sharp. Having rented my farm, everything will be sold without the slightest reserve. TerMs oF SALE.--Hay, Grain Roots, and all sums of Ten Dollars and under cash; over that amount twelve months' credit will be given to parties furnishing approved notes with jpterest at five per cent, : JOHN BRIGHT. Myrtle, i LEVI FAIRBANKS, Whitby, | i GEO. JACKSON, Port Perry, AJCTIONEERS, | lain's Ste [and the | WorLD. | Perry RIGS AT CANADA STN MORTGAGE CORPORATION Formerly The Canada Permanent and Western Canada Mortgage Corporation Toronto Street, Toronto ABSOLUTE SECURITY J. IERDERT MASON I ident : GEO GOODKRHAM Ist Vice-Tresident) and Managing Director 2nd Vice-President : W. H. BEATTY We avi e yore dep-sit accoun, and are prepar d 0 gr.nt the best term co sistent wiih tho 1b .olute sufely of iby Our By klet c ata nin; of yd ex ir Syste by whi il as Rl Ts a «ffice we'e iny ur own be seat free on receipt of your addr.ss. YOUR Paid up Capital § 6.000.000 CO SAYINGS Reserve Fund - 1,600,000.00 SAFE Invested Funds 23,600, 000.00 EVERY FACILITY 50 YEARS® EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DesiGNS i CorvRiaHTS at nyone sending a sketch and deseri may A aseertail our opinion free w ky an invention is probably patentable. Communica. tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents ee. Oldest agancy for securing tents. taken through recelve notice, without charge, in "Scientific Fimerican. A handsomely {llustrated weekly: In rest er. odin of any scientific fonrn rms, $3 a oar; four months, $1. Bold by all pewadealers MUNN & Gp so ores New York + Washington, D, C, ~rhoy Make You Feel Good. MISS HARRISON Dress and Mantle Maker \ ISHES to inform the ladics that shehas moved to her fire Rooms in the Allison Block where 'she is prepared to execute all orders lin Dress and Mantle Making in a manner unsurpassed for | Correctness of Style and Charming Eflect. Our charges are consistent the value given. with Port Perry, March 27, 1goz. (ieneral Blacksmit hing The andersigned ha having opened business in the Shep abley occupied by Mo, E. Bal Just west of Drs, Archer & Archer's Office, is prepared to do all kinds of of General Blacksmithing at Reas onable Charges. HORSE-SHOEING A Specialty and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Patronage Solicited. S. W. SWITZER. Port Perry, Sept. 16, 1902. GEO. JACKSON, Licens:d Anctioneer, Valuator, &ec. effect cx- Chamber Tablets, | of the create sale by The pleasant purgative periented by all who use ymach and Liver healthy condition body and mind they makes one feel joyful. For which 1A] Davis TO ALL TARTS THE Mr. W. H. McC Pert 1S now In a position Lo 1ssué€ TickeTS OF aw, Cent ral Live FI hax 1g the public for the lily re ed during the |, many years V » Livery ki tablish ment in PortPerrs hav ¢ much pl sure ir announcing that I have removed MY LIV I RY to my forme rp! 'Water 5 £ reet which Iam about to ely extend it reasc facilities o that t | may € | better accomodated with s and desir uble MODERATE CEARCES | R. VANSICKLER 21 Port Perry, Junc 1900 Chamberlain's Remedies. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. For Coughs, Colds, Croup and Whoop- ing Cough. Price 25 cents; large size soc. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. For Bowel Complaints. Price 35 cents, Chamberlain' s Pain Balm. An antiseptic liniment especially valua- ble for Cuts, Bruises, Sprains and Rheuma. tism, Price 25 cents; large size 50 cents, Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. For Disorders of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. Price 25 cents, Every one of these preparations is guaranteed and if not fully sat« isfactory to the purchaser the money will be refunded. It's a strong Statement : but a straight fact, when we say that the greatest help to fe 1 live En _ The "Canadian Grocer." You cannot read it without getting some valuable information. Spend a " cent for a post card and send for a sample copy and be convinced. The MacLean Pub. Co., Limited] TORONTY, MONTREAL, Kd NANA ANNAN NNN 45900) YEARLY to Christian man Lor woman to look after our Bowing Jor ss in this and adjoining Counties; to net as Manager awd Corres pondent ; work cvn bo done at your home, Euclose self-addressed stamped Benvelope for particulars to 1. A. Sher-¢ Sn General Manager, Corcoran Build-Z ing, opposite United States Troasury § Washington, D. C. YO NN AS Farm for Sale. OUTIL HALF lo Tot 9 and South- west quarter. of lot 10, con 3, Township of Brock, consisting] of about Bo acres good Farm Land with house and barn; also 20 acres and 50 acres Pine, ON NEN ~ Hardwood, edar, Hemlock and Tamarac. Apply to owner, H;B. CLEMES; Port Perry, Dec. 8, 1902. CAPT. T. E. ROBSON, Iiderton, J | FOR THE COUXTY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNS OF CARTWRIGHT, 7 ISHES at this the commencement © | W another Auction Sale Season to re | taro thanks to his numerous patrons fo | past favors. In requesting their esteemed and continued patronage he desires tc | state that no effort or pains will be spared | on his part to make all sales entrusted te him successes, His very extensive practice in the past should be a sufficient | mendation to his ability. All given into his charge will be att recom ns 1 S | y all s he yrld 2 [tickets to all parts of the world and | Giph promptness and dispatch de list to supply all necessary informatien| made out and blank notes supplied free to parties as to the cheapest and | on application, | best routes, &« In addition to his! Parties wishing to engage his services , Ticket Awdtcies for Rail. | ty consult hie Sate Reciervw either at | namerous Ticket ger.cies lor Rat | ho" Observer or Standard Offizes, Port road and Steamship lines, he has| perry, for dates claimed for Sales ane been re appointed Ticket Agent for | muke arrangements, or write to his address [ the Grand Trunk Railway Parties | CHARGES MODERATE | intending to travel will consult their | GEO. JACKSON, own. interests by consulting Mr. | Nov 1901 Port Perry I. O | McCaw before embarking on a trip. | Apples Wanted. I'he well known, reliable house of E ard Jacohs & Sons of London | En and Hamburg, Germany [want Consignments of Canadian Apples. Highest prices to be ob [tained assured. Reasonable ad | vance against B/L. allowed. Ccm | municate ith E. P. BrLickForD Nurseryman, Toronto. Tt will pay you to ship. to the firm of Edwar: | Jacobs & v 'Y PAINTING Sons. 'Kalsomining, &c| HE undersigned would take this oppor ng his numerous pat n ud still increasing patronage during the time he has carried ot the business of TI P AINT ING 1 Port Perry, and would state that he i tter prepared than ever to execute al or vs for ainting, Kalsomining and Paper Hanging Parties entrusting their work to me nm it noatly and promptly exe moderate or: having To uted, My charges are 1 ani also prepared to supply Paints, &e, vhen contracting A co ited. mtinuance of public patronage WM Mar. 28, 1503, TREMEER Port Perry Ln TS a dea JOHN NOTT, g UNDERTAKER di and Funeral Director, PORT PERRY. TISHES to inform the public of Porc W Perry and surrounding country, tha: Jfter four years experience in prosecuting, his business in some of the largest cities o the United States, he is better prepared than ever to execute any of the following his trade :--Stone Masonry. Bricklaying in all its branches; Rlain and Orvamental Plastering. Also Artificia Stone Walks, that will remain permanent md will endure uny weather. Conerete Cisterns without any wood in their con struction to decay or give out. If you are in need of avy of the above, come to me and obtain price All material required in my ine will be kept constantly on hand, and for sale after the first of nexy April, GEO. GARDNER, Port Perry, Jan. 3, 1804, i WASTAR mm SRUATROn RY or las for reaponsble, established housc in Ontario Monthly $65.00 and expenses. Dosition teady. Reference, Kncloseself-nddressed tam ped envelope. The Dominion Com p vy, Dept. Y Chicago, branches of rm------------ PO0O0 YEARLY toChristian man {i or woman tolookafter onr graw- ing business in this and adjoining Counties to act as Manager and Correspondent ; work can be done at your home. Enclose self- addressed, stamped envelope for particulars to A. HM. SHERMAN, General Manager, Corcoran Building, opposite United States j Treasury, Washingtcn, 1. © Wood's Phosphodine, Before and Arar, vos universal Sigfastion. It o tly cures all forms of N Ere permatorr ha: Ro 'missions a, Impoten: and oa the Ae SE om i ast, nd Insanity, Consumpti Early Grave. Price $1 pe GE or aly for £5. picase sx will cure. Matled 1 Pohiel addres on re- ood Sop ut, Canada, 2a Wood's Phosphodine is sold in Port Perry by Ai J. Dgyis and GC, H, Allison, Druoggists. g I: oo be | TORONTO, ONT. GIVES INSTRUCTION IN 1--m Gregg Shorthand Touch Typewriting Bookkeeping Penmanship Expert Instructors. Complete Equipment. Students assisted to positions. -- 1Qollege Re-Opens Sept. 1st. Catalogue free. J. W. WESTERVELT, Chartered Acconutant, Principal. HARNESS i, N returning thanks $o the public for ne patgonage extended tome for over 3C would réspeetfully intimate that now ready for business, amd have a Large & Assorted Stock OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS which I am determined to sell very CHEAP As an inducement to Casn purchasers 4 Diovound of 10 por tondee ul Sales from now unit Jan. 1st next. All work being gy MADE BY HAND<%J factory work kept in stock, the rity of my goods will at ence become ent cuding ne & call before I years, am, as usual, will be allowed on wd ne super \y purchasers will find that by looking elsew here he yean be soited in quality and price, my «perience in the trade being an indis guarantee that perfect satisfaction given by any articlerpurchased Everthing in my line of business kep ounstantly on hand and repairs neatly and promptly attended to JOHN ROLPH. Dee. 1, 1892 giving uta I» Cort Perry Agricultural Machmes AND IMPLEMENTS SUNDERLAND [ULE c sales the following Agricultural Mach ues and Inplements manufactured by the TTR DAMILTOY WTR PETERBORO Mower, Daisy Iwo Furrow Combina- Of Crown Ruke ww Gang, Renpers, I'iger Hay Ihree Fut lows, Champion Cultivator, 8 Roller Cultivator, dso the followh the manufacture JOHN ABEL, Torento. ontfits, Traction s, Victor Clover Huller, Triumph Engine, I am prepared to supply' everything the iM Iniple- armer requires in way of Machines, nents, Repairs, & 27 A call solicited, IcDonald's Hotel. One door West of BRYANT. Sunderland, April 8, [o Rent or for Sale. \Whecler's beautiful Brick Residence on the Nonquon Road, south of Port Pury. There s a splendid Fruit Garden attached, with Outbuildings, ete. A large juantity of ranching or pasture land nay be rented or purch nection with or separately Mrs, Jane ased in con- frcm the above. Apply to W. H. HARRIS, Barrister, Port Perry. Aug. 18, 1903 for acceptable ideas. State if patented. THE PATENT RECORD, [BM Bubscraption price of the Parent RECORD $1.00 per annum. Samples free. coRvRIGHT SPRING IS THE THE FCR HOUSE CLEANIKC. I am prepared to Jo all kinds of Papering, Painting, &c, Paper and Paint required. furnished if WwW. F..NOTT, (Successor to J. A. Rodman.) 2 : doors north of Mr of Mr, Wid lens store. Threshing Machine for Sale. The undersigned offers for sale his Challenge Threshing Machine at a Bargan. Although thie machine has been in use about three years it is none the worse for that. Parties requiring a good Separator should see this machine. Apply. tp the awner. JOHN COLLINS, Jr. Scugog, June 2, 1903:

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