500500 50000505500 50050050805 50500505505 5050050850555 00500 Just a few days more pm SALE IT ENDS WITH AUGUST Blouse Waists Cotton Hose At Prices Never Heard of Before. COME! JONHES = CO. $Ovith te im (nL 505000 nS tn 00 S050 50 502 50m 1 wei resasaraiain > Q, 7 LS To ivieielatalaiaiaieieieiainiesesaesetalieseie; > 5 © 50500 500 50 St 150,000 BUSHELS WANTED! Port Perry Fair Grounds Having been purchased for the erection of a large Evaporator (Largest in Canada) | are in the Market for 2,500 Bushels of Apples per day On and after Sept. 1st we pay 30 cts. per cwt. CA SET for good, sound, Hard Apples of a size large enough to peel . on paring Delivered Over Scales at Factory. All inferior sizes are to rate as Chops for which we above. fl # All loads coming to the Factory must be of one aud save future trouble or all will rate as Chop Stock only. ~ The Regal Packing Go., ~....PORT PERRY. STILL EXTENDING. I would beg to intimate to the general public that I have added another branch to my already extensive business.-- Finding that there is a large and steadily i ucreasing demand FOR A BRAND OF PATITINT THAT WILL STAND THE TEST. I have concluded to add Paints to my other branch ésand furaished ;f| have ordered an extensive and complete Stock of Ramsey'; 8 famous world-wide Celebrated Paints which there is every reason to believe will meet the requirements of this entire section of country, and the prices are such as will surprise the public. Also a stock of Oils for reducing arriv- ing. A magnificient and com Silverware, Wall Paper, will pay 15 cts pec ewt., delivered as quality. PTA ol ~ SPRING IS THE TINE FOR HOUSE CLEANING. 1 am prepared to do all kinds of| Papering, Painting, &c. Paper and Paint réquired. W, F. NOTT, (Successor to J. A. Rodman.) _4 doors north of Mr. Widden's store. EF Mr. Vickery has just to hand +, a car loadof Portland Cement, which Bona sefling at $2 75 per barrel, and five barrels and upward, Juki will be quoted. plete Stock of Watches, Jewelry, &e.,. Se. W. EH. MCCAW. For Perry, March 12, 1903. TE EPPA o spss yr ome «©< jie APPLES nfachines | Kindly note ( FOR NEW FALL OF ALL KINDS -------------- New Fruits! A 1 Peaches A 1 Plums Tomatoes, &e: T. C. FORMAN & SON. BB ZN NS LN LN SK IN IN 5 Cannot be surpassed in the County, % SRIGI 7 GICRGRK li SI NRF CRIRX X Magriace License OrrIcE. | 21S >K | Port Perry, Aug. 36,1903. | |S S| Robes, Blankets, Bells; Trunks Zs S12 <P &o., in abifidanca, J [ZN / AN . ; a | i I $2 [ 3 Jomparison of Prices Courted oy ; Vaal Pry th Sth 25 Zs W. A. BEATTY | IN PRINCE ALBERT. 1s paler | ] q > Pork Torey fio 52 tin i ort Pe f[YHE undersigned offers for Sale at a Eo Ze an " Bargain her beautiful residental pro- | NJ Se | perty in the Village of Prince Albert, This | FIN AS i | ZIS ¢ fine property is situated on Simcoe Street | NJ IN FULL BLA I= and contains fifteen acres, more or less JIN EE = === = There is er Eid arent Bo and Comm: C1 5 pe i im dious Brick Dwelling House, constr ood | 3% i i and fidished in the most Appr ved and N I lake areal pleasure in announcing that ny £ Hin Ea tho, ort spproved. aad en char stone basement for stablia a convenient | New Mills are nou mp eted and in full oper SZ Hil | Driving House snd a splendid, young bi 21N I ing Orchard of Blum Trees bi oh our J {4 ation and that I am better than ever prepared \]/ itl | i hor rs Fepstelorrabie gud 3 to meet the requirements of my friemds and the (5 lj) R EAL EST TATE BROKER & of their fruit ; Phir : v2 | x mental trees. Sp Mendid' water, The pro- | SZ bli 1a et / peviaining to My HH Ant perty is well feuced, in fact, the whole | #1% general public in cvery line pevlaining to Eo i outfit for desirability, location, and come | Nj" lyead len nd pidly increasing Oust . i . v . \ alreaay exiensive ana rap 0 iii pletevess isjone rarely to be met with. Im ' bd SN } mediate possession given {> HESS Correct busines nciples, prompitude S| Hi Exper lence Is Invariably - \ uplen: ment ni he lied o Zi | An Q Hee For Seles Poe ite sorbose 4 and courteous treatment may be relied on $l ll Essential to Success: | the East-half of lot 20 und N 1-half of lot ZN Hl] DEL ALN | 21, in the | n. of Carvwright, coltain-|y/ JAMES CARNEGIE 2 HH Bag 2A 1e property | Sf Po J Perry. D - ~ IE (ih I I AY G ad considerable experience in negotiating hota] bi De ing LiF 0 ¢ €c MZ Ht f some of the largest transactions in Real Estate RIE na, §00 ation, well | 205 . . . Sis | 1 tr and in very instance giving perfect satis- fenced, there isa grand spring of good | NJ ENNIS SAN IN I INN HSK | faction to all concerned, I have concluded to {devote my } wasee the Peon, Sugre are about 40 acres of NINN SIRS Zl NAT RASARZ 7 NIN whole attention to di isposin got all Real Estate that may be gbod pasture lang For further particulars, apply to JoW : placed in my hands for sale. | Meusuar, Port Perry, or tw the prope -- oo ag hi I F RMB FOR SATLH Jane 24, 1903 Priaes Mberl Re TIO Wi v al ? o : I oily call special ow agen of pricy requiring Farms to our ine propert €8 now lisiled anc or oaie ; Ihe undersigned woul y of thanking his nu Three Farms in Scugog. st f tr received since Cakes 8 hslhea IN BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS. Spare yourself the trouble of preparing Pastry, ete., for weddings and parties. | We will be pleased to receive your orders. We have the | necessary skill, materials, and | facilities for producing these |articles. Superior fruits, flour, flavor- (Cake, ings, eggs, butter, etc.. are used in the making of all oar Jakes and Pies. And care- ful baking ensures wholsome- ness. Voters' List, 1903. | Mumcraiiry or 1 oF THE T6 OWNSHIB, OTICE is hereby given, that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in sections and g of the Ontario Voters' List Act, sections to be transmitted or deliv- ered of said list, made pursuant to the said Act, of all persons appear ing by the last Revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality to ba entitled to vote in said Municipality af Elections for Members of the Leg islative Assembly and at Municipal Elections; and said list was first posted up at my office, at Man- chester, on the 11th day of August, 1903, and remains there for inspec- tion. Electors are called upon to ex-- amine the said list, and if any 6mis sions or other errors are found therein to take immediate proceed- ings to have the said errors correct- ed according to law. WM. SPENCE, Clerk of Reach. Dated Dura Wlarehorter August 12,1903. 50,0 000 feet Cull Pine at $850 Cas at Carnegie's, BOOTS --GHEAPSIDE-- E. H. PURDY.|3 ir Big Furniture Sale For February. Revol Having had he commodious Stote i in the Currie Block f Sd op & : ially, I am satisfied I have now one of the best appointed Drug Storesin the Province, and have taken possession of my new, sales the first week were very large. Why ? Buyers ¥ good bargains when they saw tlie low prices which we offering fiest-class, new furniture for. Every reduction nuine and covers the whole stock. and extensive premises, where I have opened up, in 5 Paros Sout = ol 4 Wag Be addition to my extensive stock of Drags, Chemicals, and Faney Parlor Suit at 19 00, was 28 Goods, a full line of SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES, Parlor Suit at 21 oo, was 29 While returiiog thank 4 Parlor Suit at 22 oo, was 30 g thanks to my numerous patrons I would exten: Parlor Suit at 29 oo, was 38 an invitation to all to call and ses me in my new premises. Parlor Suit at 34 oo, Was 45 : Parlor Suit at 34 oo, was 47 Parlor Suit at 21 00, was 29 A.J] DAVIS Ne Parlor Suit at 49 75, was 65 | Port Perry, Sept 2; goo. pe Parlor Suit at 55 oo, was 75 smo ee E x Parlor Suit at 6g 00, was 85 my Lounge at 3 75, was $5 oo | Couch at 4 50,was 6 50 | Couch at 6 oo, was 7 50 | Fu tock FY Sideboard at 8 50, was 8 50 Sideboard at 8 50, was 10 50 Sclid Oak OF EVERYTHING IN THE Sideboard at 17 50, was 22 00 } Oak do. at 22 00, was 30 00 ov MorrisChairat 3 75, was 5 00 arness ines a MorrisChair at § 00, was 7 00 ¥ \ i 4A a MusicCabn'tat 8 oo, was 10 00 Sern ad : MusicCabn'tat 3 g5, was § 00 vet WHICH" | JO Ranges ' ( 3 : Come and secure some of the big bargains, cheaper this { = month than any other time in the year. CHEAPN ESS. STYLE Durability and STRENGTH, JESSOP FURNITURE 0. w. J NOTT, Managbét, | R? ym the publi fine Farm in Reach us 1 sit 18 Market building to the Il && Partie le of disposing of landed properties Store f | will consu v tere by placing them with me for First doorBEast of fi sate. Sa guaranteed the Post Office Ill LOANS sion on Real Estate security iil s suit borrowers, at unusually low where ho will be pleased to fill all orders for Meats in & manner thut Ii Quick action f cann ot fail to please customers Having new and increased | nt . sle Fire and I.if a | froil for the transaction of business he feels confident that i EF 1 reptese tth t desirable Fire and Life Insurance 1 y give better satisfaction than heretofore, and in order 1} I Companies Er pt tention given to applicatic ns t ify this state he solicits all to give him a call in his new mi Port Perry pt. 3 Jol premises Hil s® GAMF AND FISH IN SEASON = = I. J. WHEELER. WOOL WANTED The Port Perry Woolen Mills are now running full blast | sisting of and will pay the HIGHEST PRICE for and | . a x y Ea up " guantity of Wool delivered at these Mills. Par lor, Dining Room, Bed Room Sets, Sc JAMES MAXWELL. A GREAT SACRIFICE THE- " Sale of Furniture! 'DURING THE HOLIDAY SEASON The undersigned will sell a largé quantity of first-class Furniture, cof' IN Give me a call. Cash or Approved Credit, Reach, COUNTY OF ONTARIO. "a the copies required by said | EZ A Fine lot of Picture Frames and Gilt Mouldings suitable to thé trade 'Port Perry, May 12, 1902. fothing and {= Boot & Shoe Business "IN ALL ITS DEPARTMENTS HEP HS Having increased the dimensions of my premises, I have purchased Lod] opened out an Extensive Stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING rity gf Men and Boys which for quality and low prices cannot be equaled in Prices to Suit you all right. hye the largest and most veried Stock of BOOTS ano SHOES ever WEDDING AND ENCACEMENT HNGS opened in this locality for your ifispection; and the prices are stich as can- in Pearl, Opal and Diamonds, all fine and' New Designs. Croc not fail to ploase. GREAT VARIETY VERY CHEAP, EZ Agent for Monfiients. 63 £7 Wood Wanted. "€3 JOHN NOTT.' Diesfeld's ok DIAMOND 3 We are prepared tc give SPLCIAL BARGAINS in GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, Gold Filled Cases in' great variety, some as smell as a Quarter of a Dollaf, nicely Enameled and Set with Pearls, &&. | AND ome and see us in our enlarged quarters. My aim shill be to please customers in every particulr. A. F. CARNEGIE. Knives, Forks Spoons, Fruit Dishes, Butter Dishes. Cike Baskets," Sets, &c.,; and some more to follow. % EF Also Fanev Goods. EVERYTHING GoEs CHEAP. CY RY Repairing 45 usual, DIESF Pott Porry, 30, 1508;