Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 20 Aug 1903, p. 1

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Western Sammie (PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY) - a "IT IS EASIER TO MISTAKE OF cvs 47 YEAR, NO. 31) PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, | Bank Port Perry Agency. . acted, Special attention paid to ions. Drafts issued available at all tein Casinda, United States and Great ASE Bankiug Business trans- \! 18s Bank Department, Deposits receivad at the highest current fates. Interest calculated ans eredited to each depositor semi-annudlly. H. G. HUTCHESON, MANAGER. Port Perry, June 26, 1897. STERLING (British Capital) To lend at 4 4 and § per cent| on good Mortgage security. | Apply to DAVID J. ADAMS Banker and Broker, | Port Perry, On. | MONEY TO LOAN. | | | FVHE Subscriber is prepared to LEND ANY AMOUNT on Farm Scoutity AT b PER OENT. { ar Alo on Village Property. £4 MORTOAGES BOUGHT. TRA HUBERT L. EBBELS, . Bariister, Office next to Ontario Bank J. A. MURRAY, | DENTIST, n_the Leonard Block over Mr. J. iH Brows' Ofte]. oe Le PORT PERRY. All branches of Dentistry, including Crown aud Bridge Work successfully practiced. Artifical Tecth on Gold, Silver, Aluminum or Rubber Plates Fillings of Gold, Silver or Cement Painless extraction when required: #4 Prices to suit the times ®s CW. A SAMGSTER. DENTAL SURGEON. Jffice over the Post Office. Office Hours--9 to 12a.m., 2 to 6 p,m. Also open Saturday evenings, #7 Gold Fillings, Bridge and Crown ¥ork a Specialty, Vitallsed Air. Dr F. D. McGrattan (DENTIST) .D.S. of Royal College of Dental Surgeons, also D.D.S. of Toronto University. {fice in the Allison Block over Allison's Drug Store. Office hours--8 a.m. to 8.30 p.m, Port Perry, April 9, 1002. JOS. BATRID I ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the _4 County of Ontario. Sale Register at the OBrrkver Office Patronage solicited Manchester, Jan, 19, 1899. AUCTIONEER. pag undersigned tukes this opportuaity of returning thanks for the very liberal patrcnage he has received as Auctioneer in the past. The increased experience aud extensive practice which I have had will be tarned to advantage of patrons, and parties favoring me with their sales may rely on their intercsts being fully protected. No effort will be spared to make it profitable for parties placing their sales in my hands. My Sale er will be found at the Leland House, Cmsarea, Aug. 26, 1806. Rares. THOS. SWAIN. WM. GORDON, Licensed Auctioneer, Yaluator &e. OR the Townships of Brock, Uxbridge, Scott, Thorah, Mara, Rama, Mariposa and Eldon Partiescutrusting their Sales to me may rely on the utmsot attention being given to their intrests. WM. GORDON, Sunderland. PROF. S. J. COHN RACTICAL OPTICIAN and Eye and Ear Specialist, 176 Wilton Ave, Toronto will visit Port Perry once in six month,-- All orders entrusted to him warranted t ive satisfaction. RE¥ERENCES--Mr. W. cQill, Mr. D. J Adams and Mr. John Nott, Port Perry SL "GUARMTEED sie iow ae inventi wil an! p Cie tly or opi; ree co ng he patental of same. "How to n a is 3 1equ Patents us for sale at our expense. Without oe is parhT 3 RECORD, door west of Davis' Furaitu Smpori feueerr gpk ol Danis Faigitnrs Bupaden, "IGHUTGE, FRESH MEATS THE GANADIA OMMERCE HEAD OFFICE, Capital (Paid Up) . Rest . ie x ESTABLISHED 1867. 8,000,000 A General Banking Business Transacted Loans made to farmers for periods ex tending from one to nine months for feed cattle and other farm purposes. . Farmers' Sules Notes disconnted or col lected at the most favorable rates. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. eposits of One Dollar and upwards received and interest allowed at current rates Interest is added to the deposit TWICE in each year, at the end of May and November The Depositor is subject to no delay whatever in the withdrawal of the whole or any portion of the deposit. No Charge is made on withdrawing or depositing money. Port Perry Branch W. H. DUNSFORD, Manager D? D. ARCHER, M.D.C.M. Victoria University ; M.B. Toronto University, Member or the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont College of Surgeons, Edinburg; Licentiate of the Royal Colleg Physicians, Edin barg ; Member of the and Surgeons , Glasgow ; Late Pupilof the Rolunda Hospital, for Women. Office and Residence, second and 2 to 5 p.m,, and evenings. I have taken as partner, my brother, Dr R. Archer, M. D., C. M., Member of Col ege of Physicians and Surgeons, Out. Port Perry; June 0, 1897: NOTICH. D® J. H. SANG R, Physician, Sor geon and Accoucheur, y and Dr, W. A. Sangster, Dentist, may on and after to-day, be found iu their new Surgical and Dental Offices aver the Post Office, where they will be found as heretofore, prepared to attend to their respective professions in all their branches, Port Perry Dec, 8, 1897 DR. 8. J. MELLOW, PuysieiaN, SurGEoN, &o. Office and Residence, Qteen St., Port Perry Office hours--8 to 10 a.m ; 1to3 pm, ind Evenings. Telephone in office aud house, open night and day over the lines south, connected with the residence of (+. L. Robson, V.8, Port Perry, Nov. 15, 1894 WM. H. HARRIS, B.A. LLB. BARRISTER, &c., Successor to and occupant of the officés of the late F. Yarnold. Port Perry, <= Ont: MONEY TO LOAN. Private Fomds at 4 per cent. Fob. 7 1801 "JNO. W. CROZIER ARRISTER, Sonici1or, CONVEYANCER, Jr Office at residence, 6th Con, Reach (one mile west of Port Perry,)-- Moxey 10 LOAN. NN. F. BATERSON, K. C., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, &e., . Nos. 310.311, Temple Building, Cor. Bay and Richmond Streets, Toronto. Toronto, March 31, 1808. E. FAREWELL, K.C., LL.B., County +J . Crown Attorney, Barrister, County Sol- sitor, &e., Notary Public and Conveyancer Jffice--South wing Court House, Ont. hitby, . ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, Port Perry Ont. Port Perry, Dec. 19, 1883, WM. SPENCE, Township Clerk, Commissioner, &c. s prepared to Loan any quantity of Money on improved Farm Security at 6 and 7 per cent (Trust funds). All kinds of Conveyancing executed with ueatuess and dispatch. J Office--Ono door wost of Town Hall, Manchester. Manchester April 11, 1888. H .GRAHAM Has just 'taken possession of the FOY SHOE SHOP one door South of the' St. Charles Hotel, where he intends to make all kinds of Boots and Shoes, and do all kinds of repairing. All comers strictly attended to. He wants to possible. Port Perry, June 10; #903. TORONTO, ONT. $8,700,000 | BUSINESS WITH FARMERS |* "ica: to please all who come his way, 1f F. SMITH, | General Carter Takes pleasute in returning thanks to the public for the esteemed pat ronage bestowed on him Since com- menting the business of Carting and would state that he is fully equipped to do CARTING AS IT SHOULD BE at the very shortest notice and at prices that candot fail to please. nee 3 dae 3 1 site the Methodist Par Port Perry, Aug. tor. fe vara aa Sittings of the Division Courts. COUNTY OF ONTARIO. | 1903. 1. WHITEY Clerk, D. U: Maedodell, Whithy --Janu ary 6, Febroary 4, March 4, April 4, May 6, June 3, Ju y 4, Beptoiiber 4. October Novenyer 4, Deo ember 4. Jan, 8, 1904. | { | OSHAWA Clerk, D. C. Macdonell, Whithy-- Jatin | ary?7, February 5, March 5 April3, May 7, June 4, | July 6, September 5, October 7, Nuvember 5, Doc ember 5, Jun. 7, 1904, BROUGHAM--Olerk, M. (leeeon, Greenwood --Janr . Muy 8, July 7, September 9, Nov ember 7, Jan. §, 1904 3. PORT PERRY Clerk, J W. Burnham, Port Perry March §, May January §, 1 13, July §, September 2, November 11, Jun. 11, 1904 190 4 UXBRIDGE Clerk, Jos. EK. January 16, March 20, May 29 2, November 20, Jan. 14, 19.4 Gould, Uxbridge-- | July 15, Septewbes CANNINGTON Clerk, Geo. Smith, Ca January 15, March 19, May 2, July 14, 24, Novewber 19, Jar. 13, 1504 ington September t. BEAVERTON x, Junuary 14, March 18 emiber 18, Jan, 12, 194. Clerk, Ge Bruck, Beaverton May 27, Beptember 23, Nov. UPTERGROVE March 17 Clerk, The May 24, Septem P. Hart, Uptergrove or 22, November 17 By order, J. BE. FAREWELL, Clerk of the Peace Dated'at Whitby, Nov. 2th, 1902 Localed in Our New Premises S.T CawkersSon Ww ISH that TO they are now ANNOUNCE that comfort | Licentiate of the Royal|ably ensconsed in their new pre | mises in the Faculty of Physicians | Resident | Purdy Block Dublin, | where the Public will always fin | an ample supply of not fail to please Meats of the dimensions at prices that c: A full supply of best grades, and cut in to please the most fastidious. All orders attention. S. T. CAWKER & SON March gs, will feceive prompt 10%, | TICKETS TO ALL FARTS OF THE | WorLp.--Mr., W. H. McCaw, Pert Perry, is now in a position to issue tickets to all parts of the world and to supply all necessary informatien to parties as to the cheapest and best routes, &c. In addition to his numerous Ticket Agencies for Rail road and Steamship lines, he bas Jkirts, new manish shape--hand sewed and welted in box enamel-- patent leather and vici kid lace or button ; the new Louis XV. heels in all leathers for dress wear--high arch--hand turn flexible soles. See my window. It affords a view of stylish footwear that is not to be found any place else. Every shoe shown, every price named can be duplicated in your size inside. A. F. CARNEGIE, WANTED-- FAITHFUL PERSON TO TRAVEL for well established house ina few counties, calling on retail merchants and agents. Local territory. Saliary $1024 a year and expenses, peyals $10.70 weck in cash an expenses adtanced. Posi. tion permanent. Business successful and rushing. Staddard House, 334 Dearborne St., Chicago, "Grand Trunk Railway. TIME TABLE. PorT PERRY. GOING BOUTH. GOING NORTH. 7.25 a.m, 9.51 a.m. 11.35 a.m. 5.40 p.ih. 1.33 p-m. 7:33 p-m. WANTED -- SEVERAL INDUSTRIOUS PERSONS in state to travel for house years and with a large capital, to call u; merch. ants and agents for successful and profiable line. Permanéntengagement. Weekly cach salary of &I and all traveling expenses and hotel bills advanced in | cash each week. Experience not essen tion | roferencd and enclose self-addressed en HE NATIONAL, 584 Dearborn Btu, Chicagos | [itil or of the indigent poor committed to the House of Reluge [rom this mun- very |icipality for 1903 | through a By-law to raise by assess- ment the sum of $3569.98 purposes of the township of Reach { for 1903 n {order was granted in favor of | | con. 1, div. 3, also right of wav: tenbury for work Reach Council. The regular meeting of the Ri Council was held in the town on Monday, Aug: roth. Alln bers present. z On motion of Mr. Doble, order was granted in favor of ]o Naton for $6 for four lambs kille by dogs. : On motion of Mr. Doble, an was granted iti favor of for $12.12 or gravely tras paid to J. J. Saunde ing and digging out stones opposite lots t and 6 on Brock townline On motion of Mr. Munro, an order was granted in favor of Geo: ilichie for $2 for clearitig ott ditch be tween lots 18 and 19, con, 12; also $1.50 for snow shovelling and draw Ing stone, On motion of Mr. Mclntys, 'Mrs, Gibson was appointed caretaker of the town ball at the regular salary. On motion of Mr, Mclntyre, an order was [granted in favor of the Municipal World for $2.65 for sup- plies. On motion of Mr. Lambe, an order was granted in favor of | Abbott for $30 for building bridge on con. 7, lot 17 On motion ol Mr was granted in for 8o cts for con. 2, opposite to S. Vickery for his division On motion of Mr order was granted in Lambe an order Wm. Steel Snow also 40 cts shoveling snow in favor of shovelling 18: on ot Lambe, an of G. Heard for drawing stone and filling holes on Nonquon road, cons 3 and favor On motion of Mt. Munro; &4 87 was paid to Jos. Burton for grading con. 11, lot 17. Mr. Lambe introduced and carri- ed through a By-law appototing| Wm. F. Dobson collector of tafes| for 190g at a salary of $110, Mr. Lambe introduced and carri ed thiough a By-law to raise $2605 | for ational for the | year 1903 Mr. Munro introduced and carri- ed through a By-law to raise by assessment the sum of $3,471, being amount to be raised by the munici- pality of Reach for county purposes. Mr. Mcln wiedolradice "Fife nn) 504.09 for the maintenance edu purposes Mr. Doble introduced and carried for the On irotion of Mr. Lambe, an Heal for $3 for 39 loads of gravel on on con. 11, Oppo site lots 20, 21 and 27 often appears on tke face, neck and] body of babies and sihall children which is liable to alarm the careful mother. It is due to the exccessive heat, and, while not dangerous, is tHe cause of much suffering. Im- mediate relief is given by dusting the Powder, which may be had at any druggist"s, but to cure the trouble a medicine must be given that will cool the blood of the little sufferer. Baby's Own Tablets will be found a positive blessing in such cases and will soon restore the clear ness and beauty. of baby's skin. Mrs. Clifton Cuylet, of Kincardine, Ont.. says: "My baby had a rash break out on her face and all over her body. I gave her medicine, but the eruption never left her until 1 gave her Baby's Own Tablets, and after using them a short time the rash entirely disappeared. I have also giten her the Tablets for con- stipation with the best of results they act gently but promptly, and always make baby quiet and restful. I think the Tablets a splendid med- icine for young children." Baby's Own Tablets may be had from all druggists at 25 cents per box, and Baby's Own Powder at the same price. If you prefer to order direct they will sent post paid on fe- of the stock of the Grand ie i x STRey URSDAY, AUG. 20, 1903. i eda x the Grand Trabk Polio Railway Com.- | fiiiiigration for the Yoar Ended 80th y, deepite the earndst, protests of ihe | She Byyend AL! Prosedent: ition, will be empowered by the go Mr. Smart, Canadian Deputy Min- Beut to issue stock for $43,000,000 in | istor of the Interior, has compiled a on to which the company muy raise | Statement of the arrivals of immi- heir Bonds 852,000,000, so that their | grants for the fiscal year ending June tapital will be $97,000,000. This vast 30th, which places the total for the fof tioticy will Be placed at their dis-| yoar at 124,658. He thinks that this os the purpose of conducting » road number wAll probably be added to 4 intiipeg two the Pacitie coa Sir | slightly when the returns are com- frig Laurier estimatis that this work ' pleted. The showing is certainly a h fully equip ed, only $63,000,000, | marvellous one, both in regard to She Dug tera will | ve a pleat sur- | the number who have landed in Ca- hide y na. 0 idents and i er i th provides that the Oraud tories, | The arrivals for the month of June von 1) Dah acquire $25,000,000 | oro' piven as follows: United States, rePiiont. wl bennd Trunk P 0 . and hold it for fifty years ; and Snuso 11 of | 7.939; British Isles, 6439; conti- the Grand Trunk Pacific private bill, which | nent: 6,154. Total for June, 1908, enablos the company to pay for 'rights, | J0:092 powers acquired aud also for bona file| Lhe statement for the twelve cling, ete," with stock which may be sub months ending June is as follows wcribad for or not, That means that out of | United States, 44,080; British Isles, the $34,000,000 the management of the 41.787; continent, 37,891. Total, Grand Trauk Pacific may hand over to| 124,658 themelves, as directors of the Grand The ritdrhs for 1899 gave the ar Trunk $25,000,000 in stock, without one, rivdls as follows: United States; 11, cent passing between the two parties. The 945; Dritish Isles, 10,660; continent, stock ed transferred will call for dividends ' 21,988. Making a total of 44,543 just the sme us if it had been bought at! Jn 1901 these arrivals were record par | The people of h- west will hare to ell: United States, 17,987; Dritish pay the interest on hot «x ra $34 000,000 Isles, 11,810; continent, 19,852. Tot and if attempt is made to regalate rates, al, 49,149 the company will be ever rendy with the In 1902 these arrived from the excuse that its capited must be allowed to! United States, 26,388; British Isles earnifair dividends. Itis madiess to per- | 17,259; continent 23,782 Total mit such wild capitalizition god the govern 7,879 ment is not protecting pdblie interest Ly The t&tal increase for 1908 over permitting it 9 ). The increase from tHe United States is 70 per cent from the British Isles 140 per cent and from tHe continent 680 per cent . The homestead ontries show even a 0 t greater average increase than the S air total arrivals, the number for the fiscal year ofiding Jufie 80th running up to 81,343. In 1896 the entries £¢ My hair came out by the hand- numbered 1,857, in 1897 2,884, in lul, and the gray hairs began to 1898 4,848, in 1899, 6,689, in 1900 in 1901 8,167, and in 19 ereepin. I tried Ayer's Hair Vigor 7,426 14,633 1902 The increase n 1903 over and it stopped the hair f ing out and restored the cole Mrs. M; D. Gray, No. Salem, Mass was 16,710 The Land of Promise There's a pleasure in Rev. Canon Welch, of offering such a prepara- | C3 ctrl doo to ne Feats -tion as Ayer's Hair Vigor in London, Eng., or 3 It gives to all who use it | | sroke of Canada : y , H Here, he said,is a virgin land of vast such satisfaction. The f | extent, awaiting the settler; millions hair becomes thicker, jj | and millions sent unbroken 5 airie ill ustle with go longer, softer, and more ¢ foit gran "the population glossy. And you feel so ¥ | 1s as yet scarce movement has : : k ( « cont « til as secure mn using such an R eo aa he road Plains. Ct ® py old and reliable prepara- § | modorn land of promise, and, com p i ( f Id, he parin t witt anaan of old, h tion. $1.00 a bolle. All drugylsts quoted A land wherein thou shalt Bf your druggist cannot supply vou, || | #8t bread without scarceness, thou Lone dollar and we wifl express f shalt not lack anything in it; a land whose hills thou mayest di ii fad J.C. AYLI CO. Lowell, on an | Yes, a land of promise, Inc in it lay the great opportunity of j---- | i} Church, such an apportunity as been and as would never fmmi Government Displays Dense | had never red ur Twenty-five lynorance grants were pouring in each month thousand 7 5 8%he consideration of the Grand Trunk English; Scotch, Americans and for cific | eignérs--iere these tb be left to ie bill of incorporation emphasized the - Mee ignorance wiich prevails in govern themsélves, or was it not the plain Rn ore rd to the whole aus. | duty of the Anglican Church in Can- When the was first. announcsd | ada to gather them into her fold? e was not a cabiuet minister who would And now," he concluded I am within $10,000,000 what the cost o: the | fot asking for financial help. It 1s et to the wountry ad Now. it | men that we want Englishmen, not mpires, that no member of the govern to preach to Canadians, but to min fster to. the English settlers of this t is aware as to what route will be On motion of Mr. Munro, $3 was eli ors ys ra > 7: ag 25 te 5 ted for the new Government line from | generation until they anc neir c granted to F. Holmes as temporary Kkton to Winnipeg: Thore has been no | dren shall become absorbed in the aid MnEvey made, but it is known that the in | Canadian nationality It is these | On motion of Mr. Munro, $1.25 |#etiou is to build througlr a country which | people, leaving Fng ish shores, who was ordered to be paid to Wm. Rat- fsdivided and subdivided wi h large rivers, | will make Canada the granary of the that it is impossible to estimate within | Wmpire; let us not be backward in ad of life.' millions of dollars the cost of cons rie'iug tendering them the br Hébbssaty bridges. Another element | eet - / c \which will add largely to the outls 1 , been_re appointed Ticket Agent for| On motion of, Mr. Melotyre anhalt ou dul "lhl | The Memsesmers Homey the Grand Trtnk Rdilway. Parties | order was granted in lavor of ARSE, "f\ iiory to be opened up is a waste As the homec&mer goes through intending to travel will consult their | drew Bryant for 81 for filling wash=fggow ont io tr pp :r* and hunters There | the crowded streets with their busy own interests by consulting Mr, |outon Brock road, opposite lot 6 irs po railroals. Wat-rways, or cart tauds murts 1 trade he: gocs . nat ho ~ i bby means of which tools, "exp'osives, food, | What others see \e mass of people McCaw before embarking on a trip On motion of Mr. Lambe, anf rier, and idge iio an bo for. | and the intruding buildings are hustl pre order was granted in lavor of J @arded to points where they are required. | 68 away to nowherd. In their places Ross for $11.30 for 155 loads gravel Ffapilitics will have to be forwarded for this | aro set up the scenes of ten, twenty TO CONSUMPTIVES. On motion of Mr. Minro, $1.50 Sransport s wl here agen vast or they years ago gd an abun The n v a r bee 3 y of wr will ave to J ent 0 + of scenery as 10 0Ime-Comy sche undersigned having boon restored to | yas granted Richard Reynolds foffhe't,, ut has ven cous deration | brings along with him: No trai: imple means, after sufferin 4 gove 1t has given cousideration iar ain or BS or a rs ative os work on sidewalks in Seagrave. feo none of these important points. Allthat | could carry it. Ravines that have affection, and that dread disease Consump On motion of Mr. Lambe, an {Sie \Vilfiid Laurier calls for is millions, and | been filled up, hills that have been tion, is anxious to muke known to his fel- | order was granted in favor of A. [iis impaticice to start &cpending them | Joveled down, streams that have | HO fforera the means of cure. To thaee | Williams for $1 for filling washoufiems to bo the predowmivating feature of | coused to flow, are all restored. The who desire it, ho will send (free of charge) 6 te jot 16 the scheme hand on the dial of time is turned « copy of the prescription used. which they [ OT con. 6, opposite lot 10 } ro - | back to the happy days that gave a will find n sure cure for Consumption, On motion of Mr. Munro, an order Nervous Dyspepsia | glorious tinge to overything. When & atarrh, Bronohidis and all | was granted in favor of John Bright : Jicnic was a whole lifetime of joy Sins, adi 4 £ How hal x , invades | throat and lung Maladies. He hopesall| for a5 oo for new gate for gravel pit ow it shakes one 'up, INVAQLS| hen a summer was an eternity sufferers will try his remedy, as itis invalu : sleep, destr strength, adds a real | When there was not a care in all the able. Those desicing the prescription, | 2! Seagrave. misery to li Not the stomach | world. Memory, indeed, is very kind which will cost them nothing, and may a Br Lo ves are affected Starved | to the past. It covers up the ugly prove a blessing, will please address, rues ate alloc ee ON ite | places; it forgets the pais piv] Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Caused by the Heat. ES Te He ss ils | troubles. So the home-cowmer brings Brooklym, New York = : You need Ferrozone because its a | gjone with him a whole world of A Rash on Baby's Skin Thagherve food. It supplies the ele-| pleasure. He is a true philosopher, ERSTE TR Y ; t Fments that are needed to make rich, | for he discerns the realities of life Goop SHOE Often Alarms Caretul "Ired ble This is the savings bank | The real things dre those that are > red blcod. This is the savings bank | g& Mothers. , remembered. Tho littlo home, its VaLues. -- of health, The richer the blood in PeeRAerecs, oe influences, its & > . | p 8 5 Women's shoes, adapted for short During the summgr months a ra e red cells, the richer you're sure | Jo oboe of rest and affection, Be in health. Ferrozone quickly | needs mot to be sung nto our mem makes blood, strengthens the nerv--| éries. It is enshrined in' the holy of ous system, strengthens the diges- holies, ; aa tive organs and, presto! the nerv-| PERTTI AG SapRears.. Soldl oys Changing . aug Qisturbance disappears. Sold | for years the country boys have by all druggists. fo - -- lage, the town boys have been win- i ning success in the cities, and the Grease and oil stain in white] oity hoys have been making their goods may be removed in the fol | mark in the metropolis. The process, however, threatens to leave the farm lowing manner : Dissolve a quarter As the urban of a pound of sal-soda in half a| without its workmen 3 a1 : NY population which must be fed from pint of boiling water Spread the | {0c Fcreases, the tillers of the fabric on a beard, dip an old| (4) become fewer in number and toothbrush in the soda. and geotly | poorer in quality. Those who re- rub the stains with it wetting | main to care for the crops have one thoroughly, Jet the stains rest ten | fault which the city dweller is quick to notice. The worker somehow does mivutes. than wash them in hot] soapsuds, scald | not put the spirit into his tasks that them, and rinse carefully. the eight-hour-day man in town ex- hibits. The city boy grows up in an | atmosphere of hustle. With his abil- STANCES ity to make every moment count, the | city"bred man may get out of a farm | fmmeasurably more than the average A Well Kaown Albany Man. 2 - { rural resident. Agricultural sehools Befommends Chamberlain's Colic, | ! ! ora an | and a business instinct and training ast x kag | aro not bad substitutes for farm eighteen m t ' breeding; and it will not be surpris- W. S. Manning, of Albagy, N.Y, ing if the next few years witness an 'known in trade circles as the exodus of city-bred workmen, filed e 1ve ny Chem- | with spirit and speed, to the 8 tative Ot the Albany a pro- tricts which produce the original WAS Sutiering PIO} patter for all the breakfast : foods, -- tack of diarrhoea. "I tried pou E, Downer, Eni lain's Colic, Cholera and | a Remedy," he says, "and | immediate reliéf. 1 cheer- what be can find a friend sincere ceipt of price by the Dr. Williams' |' Medicine Company, = Brockville, | t 4 Ont. ymmend this medicine tO g; ough to tell him disagreeable truths: arly affficted." Sold by | --Bulwer Tatton. oo Lt lean Present of $28,000, . 000. $ "1" How GANADA GROWS. +. An ol I | been deserting the farms for the vil-| ------ There is no man so friendless' but 4 ed Advantage. hea practitioner, a lawyer of ability and an orator of known reputa- tion, was pitted against a recent grad- uate In the profession in the trial of a case before a jury. The young lawyer bad the first ny the oMer lawyer. He. ed his cuffs before beginning his argu ment, stroked an imaginary imperinl on his chin and then rested the index finger of his right hand along the side of his nose. These were the habitual preliminary mannerisths of the older in lawyer, a8 they vere repeated sevolial oughout the argutgnt | which was 'made by the young man they provoked the jury and judge to laughter. When the veteran arose to make re- ply he did not neglect to go through his preliminary motions with even more deliberation and precision than usual. He bowed to the judge and to the jury and then began "Gentlemen of the jury and your honorable sir, that young man acts like a good lawyer, but he talks like a blamed fool." The advantage which the young man thought be had gained in the contest vanished in the roar of laughter which followed at his expense. SMALL GROUP OF STATUES. This Is the Growing Time and There Is a Prospect of Mere Monuments Heolng Erected at Ottaws. the of the Cans It isn habit people t t many men on pedes tals, wr 1. F.G n Toronto Star. Our prais it is luct bee i8 gi to he t 8 a wt Perhaps this is thir ix ars f Conf t I t y yur statucs t 1 liam H As of fact, thete ought t Georg Bre the f makers of ( t in the 1 f 1X But the Lfberhl G vhich added Alexar Mach he I will babl 3 bro f wt Mack 1 these s ( r ment grar al that the great s d each atter its own f{llustrious dead. This xplains why Alexander Mackenzie did not get his statu til a couple of years ago, and why orge I wn has ¥ coming. The Conscrvativ although 6a long in power, did not turn Pax lament IIill into a cemectery They t a number of choice spots for the Hriti me In twenty- OUT EE fed Yt Siig Tn Lwenty until the men died before they cou build monuments to them; but on a simple calculation of timc they se lected only one great man for every twelve years I'his shows more re straint than the Liberal Govern ment, which has one to its credit ir six years. Howéver, this is a grow ing time, and the y of statues may be expected to follow the gener al tendency Perhaps an average might be struck. If Canada can pro duce enough great men to mako it figure out one in nine years, her re nown is assured On Dominion Day thes ur stat | ues looked down on a eity gay with flags All of them had more or less to do with the great nt "hick was being celebrated > was, | instance, Queen V ANC tioned the Confederation, because her | Ministers told her that ft was the | right thing to do. Ottawa owes a debt to Her Majesty for without her royal word it would not be Otta wa and the capital of the Dominion but just Bytown, a head rters for shantymen and camp pplie not much bigger than I oke Arn prior: Theré was also Sir John A Macdonald. There Alexander Mackenzie Bir George Car the cause of un in ( The oldest of these statues, and the finest from an artistic péint o is Cartier"s The figure is and strong I'he pediment plastered with allegorical fantasies The man's greatness stands detacned from the vagaries of the sculptor It is as il he scorned any symbols | to interpret him, relying solely on his deeds which, ar n record This way it should be with all statues Nothing should distract the 1 from the man who nmemorated Cartier's statue is the way, the bost piece of bronze on Parliament Hill. Tt patinates beautifully. Tt is vory different from the Mackenzie gtatue, in which the bronze is of such an inferior qualify that ft al ready blisters with rust and verdi- | gris. The Cartier statue was erected | in the early eighties. Sir John Mac- | donald was present at the unveiling | and delivered the panegyric. It was a ¢old blustery day in October, the old man stood barcheaded through the ceremony The statue 6f Sir John Macdonald stands at the eastern end of the terrace against a background . of trees. It is remotely vis-a-vis of Car tier's statue, which occupies a sii lur position at the western end of the Herbert and terrace. The bronze is by Hebert is a 'French-Canadian who lives in Paris. He has had most of gift is a the artistic commissions in the of the Government, because he good sculptor, and because, in this as in other matters, it is well that Canada should be for Canadians. He- bert has given an excellent likeness of Sir John, and has even succeeded in lending impressiveness to the spare, rather unsculpable figure. Ca nada is symbolized at the base in the shape of a beautiful woman. But the effect is to take away from Father than to onhance the dignity of the work as ao whole. This statue was | set up in 1893. Sir Adolphe. Caron | was the orator of thé occasion. Ar- thur Weir, the poet, Wow dead, re- cited an original 6dd, Alexander Mackenzie has suffered most at thé sculptor's hands. His gaunt, angular frawas did not lend itself readily to idealization, and the artist made matters worse with a stilted pose and his uncouth treat- ment, of the conventional frock coat. Mackenzie's right hand is exténded. 1t seems to be out of proportion. At any rate it entirely ovérshadows the Scotch Dremier and makes him : er napughtin > whon the unfor- tungte victim of a stock market re: action trying to staunch the fresh financial gashes that are fast bleed ing h white, he is forced to listed to the tur and the censures o the innocents who never speculate T'his salting of his wounds may be « méral duty and a pul service It makes the wretch writhe when he might be taking a little ease be- tweon spasms; and thus helps to keep him in a state of suffering which should be to all beholders a | warning against the temptations pb | the stock market.--Toronto Mail and acres, Rarink by comparison. FHcre, as. the Macdonald statue, the symbol figures of Canada raising I from the ground--which are the wi of Hebert--are excellent in thems selves, but very much out of place ad, an ornament. Hebert is not to blame for the Matkengie part of it. Another man did it. i & Tlebert's chef d ceuvre i6 the st of Her Majesty Queen Vietorjd, occupies the most commanding tion on Parliament Hill, thes knoll whieh flanks the ywpsters block; It is the first thing to. séize thoy eye fi the central g and is. the only statue that a. yd seen' from the river. The Qucen pre~ sented standing, as shv was in how prime. The sculptor has "us H artistic Ieens® to give her thon" uired eficct of height and regalitys f'lic whola spirit of the work is al- legorital The Dritish lion in a; noble, rampant attitude and the fig ure of Fame offering the great QueeH well conceive a wreath of laurel are ed. The motif is harmonious. This; statue, at least does fiot try to prink itself out with shreds and patches of idealism. A HERMIT'S DEATH. Romance of the Laurentian Range--~Whyz Honore Paqueite Fled ¥rom and Shunued Haunts of Men. Hoviors Paquette, the hermit of the sixth ra , Quebec, is dead. Thirty years ago a man of this name, in the full flush of manhood, love a pr vid t. Jer 01m and t smiled for for i lay was named, and th e published in tk lit I I girl's h 1 f hour Hon- ¢ ha en he sic k t my a m a the ext pectant bride 1 hed it fn his hand I I gathered learned afte i nts eof that note; it had told that the girl had g r But 1 re 1 i 1 na man Ww } nl cat 6OITOW He wofids, into the Laur II and thereafter, Ivance friend or 8 tr lonely life Fow w him, for he \ juented part of the 1 1 again sought the I a fc LYS ag lumber= en 1 « the her t's 1 tl ttle clearing s ng tl lilapidateg shack 1 the old profie jupon thd ground 1 clutching the tin with whieh he } been about to preparé a mea 1 long he had on there could not be told, for the body was fast returning to the dust from which it had come A shirt, trousers, boots, scarcely holding to- gether, were the only protection, h shack had but one room; mi that it jeontainod as 4 . SEOVGL od the myiterious hermit with hav=" ing much gold, but all the treasure' that has en found is a bag cor taining $160 gt 1 Buried treasure is a magic Word: and the ds of imaginative peo- ple cling te sly to pet theories I e | heard that the hermit was wealt] not a man in the coun t t had s en of gold which th 5 € 1 an _hagd hidden in the d guarded "with, the zealous s of a miser 1 overy of the sur shone bright, I the t cl g in tho X ng a probed and dug, hu T t su But Honore has take he secret, if any; to the burial ground in the village of St. Adolphe de Ho I After a Break im Prices. People whose mone £ In a slump the st ar as a rule, blamed they are pitied. Sympa there is; if mov caught ) Mercy, 1 justi rather than justice tempered with mercy, i§ the portic the unsuccessful stock iealer When Job's sores were in tha friends rt him with rodf far his form= gathered Empire C Our Chinese Flaver Miners. 2 A place where the Chinese have as- sumed control of a British Colum- bia industry is on Wild Horse Creek," East Kootenay This is one o the most famous historical placer, mining camps, and from it fully $15,000,000 were taken in the early days. The Celestials work the "'side~y hil ground" with modern hydraulic: appliances and no little success. The gold they obtain is worth $18.25 an ounce, and the exact ameunt they win is never told, though it is ex- pected to reach $50,000 for the cur- rent year. That it is considerable is shown by their staying by the creek,- I'he Bum Quon company has tWe six- inch "glants" in operation oa the. 1 wor part of the Invicta ground. I'he Nip and Tuck ground has heen leased by Celestials, and several oth- - ¢r Chinese:outfits are working along the Led of the creek, taking out om ° én average from three to five dollars' a day per man. in % Worked Both Ways . Jaggles--Are they 'good divorce laW- yers? Waggles -- Best in the They've originated over a hundred ferent ways of collecting alimony an as many more for evading the n of it.--Judge. pS 3 In one of the Howe islands, off tralia, 18 a banyan tree 1 and trunks of which cover nearly | hn tn ead wp ge

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