Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 23 Jul 1903, p. 3

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sme 50500500 50m 0 505005000 505 SSO SO SSS IT STILL KEEPS ON June this year We are showing just ¥ Mention : $ $ ; ; : € 3 dsBe is a very fashionable 9 Wi Notwithstanding the hot; sultry weather rain, SiS Jones & Co's. in Thin, Filmy Wool and Cotton Fabrics that are Fashionable. 7 fa New Colton Godds for Summer Waists ; we have'just received a shipment ne --Colors, Reseda, Pink, Sky, Tuscan and White--price s55¢ the yard. makes a handsome Shirt Waist the rush still keeps on at was the best month in the history of the business. the thing to make your comfort complete. Everything a few at Hot Weather Prices : ngaline Boseaux White Soie coarse-weave Cotton Goods, resembles a Blanket Cloth; 4¢Suit or Blouse. Price reduced to 40 cts! yard: VELVET RIBBONS a The undermentioned towns and ingd addressed by MISS MORGAN and MRS. COLIN CAMPBELL. Miss Morgan will give practical demonstrations in preparing the Whitby, Port Perry, and Greenbank --Meat and Fish. Oshawa, Kin- sale; Myrtle, and Brooklin--Made- over Dislfes. Mrs. Colin Campbell will give an address on " The Housekeeper, her Importance to the State,' at the evening meetings. Some music and recitations will Each of these points will have both afternoon and evening ses- sions, except Brooklin and Myrtle which will be divided as stated abowe. Ladies who attend are rE este their baskets in order that refresh ments may be served after afternoon session. The gentlemen are also cordially invited to attend. Nestings to begin at 2 p,m. and 7 30 Vill Prowty be Soh en IN PRINOE ALBE RT. in all widths and prices, with : THE undersigned offers for Sale at a Satin or Cotton back, wove edge. en Bargain her beautiful residental pro [SOUTH ONTARIO 1 Woman's [nstitute villages will have S.0,W.I. Meet:} following dishes in the afternoon at 4 the following places :--Columbus also be given at the evening ses sions. Columbus ..........&0. July 20 | Oshawa .... July 21 Whitby ... July 22 Kinsale July 23 Brooklin (afternoon only)... July 24 Myrtle (evening only) ..... uly 24 Port Perry... usissssss soins July 25 Greenbank ....... July 27 the Big "Puniture Sale February. ales the first week were very large. Why ? Buyers 00 bargains when they saw the low prices which we fering first-class, new furniture for. Every reduction e and covers the whole stock. Parlor Suit at 813 go, was $20 Parlor Suit at 16 75, was 24 Parlor Suit at 19 oo, was 28 Parlor Suit at 21 oo, was 29 Parlor Suit at 22 oo, was 30 Parlor Suit at 29 oo, was 38 Parlor Suit at 34 oo, was 45 Parlor Suit at 34 oo, was 47 Parlor Suit at 21 00, was 29 Parlor Suit at 49 75, was 63 Parlor Suit at 55 00, was 75 Parlor Suit at 69 of, was 85 Lounge at 3 75, was $5 oo Couch at 4 50, was § 50 Couch at 6 oo, was 7 %0 Sideboard at 8 50, was 8 50 Sideboard at 8 50, was 10 50 Sclid Oak Sideboard at 17 50, was 22 00 t Oak do. at 22 oo, was 30 00 MorrisChairat 3 75, was 5 oo Ln ~ MorrisChair at' 5.00, was 7 oo MusicCabn't at 00, was 10 00 MusicCabn'tat 3 g5, was § 0b pe and secure some of the big bargains, cheaper this monthithan any other time in the year. JESSOP FURNITURE C0. X w. 3. NC NOTT, Manager, SIACCICICRIPIIOR MMA] perty in the Village of Prince Albert. This SO 3 cn | fine property is situated on Simooe Street | TF NANA Ng 7 ® and contains fifteen acres, more or less 4 There is erected thereon a fine and commo- | #1 2N Fancy ollars and Belts & | dious Brick Dwelling House, constructed | N]< Sk and. finished in the most approved and | 5 ct ZS y Lbs i TTA deity modern style ; a large hip-roofed Ba th XR Ni/ We represent the manufacturer in this line and show EXCLUSIVE PATTERNS, § stono base a for Sablbng x conveniont | 1 0r err [ Ba or SE Come and see our New, Dainty Line of Collars and Novelties in Belts g Driving House and a splendid, ygung bear | { » | Ni" ing Orchard of Plum Trees vw Moh wore | 7 & expecially selecied for the desirable qual- | 4% 1 < > [a ities of their fruit; Pear, Cherry and Oina z R | mental trees. Splendid water. The pro ZN | perty is well fenced, in fact, the whole <i> . . pC &n outfit for desirability, location, and com 3% Ad 7s ' pleteness igjone rarely to be met with. Im-| {3} - JONES 2 ( Primed matte 2 SZ ) A 4 < \ / er | - . € LEY 4 CAN = Ye § : [$2 Sz | Also for Sale a Farm, being composed of IZ < iN Cam am © ¢ Com lm ol Oo ¢ the East-half of lot 20 and North-half of lot | 7 0m 500 500500 500 500 508 502 500 500 500 50 500 S00 500 500 500 500 500 500 50 S00 500 500 [21, in the lst con. of Cartwright, contwi 3% ; > N ing 200 Acres, more or less, on the propetty | £) I take great pleasure in announcing that ny Z -- ~ thore is erected a first class Barn, Driving | ° Ioted hy < Barn and Stab s, and Dwell ing Ho use. The | J New Mills are now completed and in full oper 7 N z 2/1 ow com > | BBR SOR ROBE HOBBOOORBOK BB nd 1 god sae of culation: wi SE Fo toner than sors prepoved 15 enc ed there isa grand spring of good 3 ation and that I ant better than ever prepare 7 1 7 water thereon. There are about 40 acres "| = ) PY ' os SZ 2: | good pasture land to meet the requirements of my Jriemas ana ine is 3 For further partioulars, applyto J. W 4 lic in every line pertaining to my Js MEHARRY, Port Perry, or to the propti general public in every line perlaining ZN { ore, MRS. M. LAN Es already extensive and rapidly increasing Oust De To Our Lady ad Gent nl | Prince Albert ness. Correct business principles, prompitude S17" Friends and Customers and to all requiring Boots and Shoes, We Would Say : That we have now on hand the | FINEST SELECTION, LARGEST stock | and the most beautiful goods in this line ever offered in this part of Canada and we are bound to sell them if prices and quality will do it. Our prices (compared with qual ity) are always the lowest and this season we are prepared to give Bic CuTs for Cash on all goods. See our Ladies' fine Kid Shoes from $145 to $2.50 See our Ladies' fine Kid Lace Boots from $1.25 to $4.00. | See Men's Lace and Gaiter Boots | at $1.25. $1.50, $1 75 & $2.00 See Men's fine Kid and Calf Boots from $1.50 to $4-00. And any quality and variety off Children's Boots at all prices. And for Cash down a discount of 10 per cent. on all Boots and Shoes: Now is the time to select your | Summer Boots and Shoes, as ™ have a heavy stock to dispose of. Also full stock of Greoseriss, Crock | ery and Glasswar Also all kinds of ton n Frui i and Vegetables in their season, Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Pine Apples, &c. &c. Butter; Eggs and almost all kinds of produce taken at highest prices in exchange for Goods or Cash. T.C. FORMAN & SON. THE GreaT BooT & Stor EMPORIUM Maraisoy License OFFICE. } ort Perry, May. 21, 1903. Summer Attractions in light weights and suitings are many 'and varied, but none take the place of fine Serges and Tweeds that and are cool and neat, and both asa hang well and keep their shape| when made into well-fitting garments. We will make you "a Summer Suit for outing, business or Sunday-wear tha will be elegant in style and finish, and be artistic in fit and make. Look at our new styles and come in and see us. A 'W.H. DOUBT. | a UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF MISS oJ. SSTOUFFER will carry on business at the old stand and in the same satis- factory manner which bas won them so many patrons and friends. AS USUAL we close our store for the month of August secure all the best ideas and practical experience from the/ work-rooms of the best millinery houses. For the Balance of this Season we will clear all the Millinery and Fancy Goods at feiitly] | reduced prices. The new season we will present our new usual well-select ed steck of Seasonable Goods and Novelties. J. STOUFFER. Ir BREE % SI LL EXTENDING I would ben to intimate to the genera] public that I have added another branch to my already extensive business.-- Finding that there is a large and steadily increasing demand FOR A BRAND OF PAINT THAT WILL STAND THE TEST. I have concluded to add Paints to mnry other branches and have ordered an extensive and complete Steck of Ramsey's famous world-wide Celebrated Paints which there is y reason to believe will meet the requirements of this ction of country; and the prices. are such. as will surprise te public. Also a stock of Oils for reducing arriv- ing. A magnificient and complete Stock of Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, Wall Paper, &'e., &'e. WwW. I. MC AW. For Perry, March 12, 1903. Wood's Phosphodine, a3 uni It prom ness, lb Sperm ha: Ca nl oo "Opfum oF Stimulants, rental Brain Worry, all of lead rity, Bio Jor peckase fx tor & i please, siz ay cure. ales RS re oeipt of price. Hl Soma #8 Wood's ------ is ci in Port . Allison, SPRING s THE TIME FOR | Bgutn 2 0 A USE. CLEANING. LOST! I am prepared to do all kinds of ---- «| Papering, Painting, &c. SILVER WATCH on road between Pine Point and Port ry with initials J. A. H. on back. Fi inder will be rewarded by leaving same at the office of W, H Hague Barrister, Port Perry. Paper and Paint furnished if required. W. F. NOTT, (Successor to J. A. Rodman.) 2 doors north of Mr, Widden's store. to enable us to| | June 24, 1003. Cakes & & [islries k | Le, rn iP Lea S852" IA BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS. Spare yourself the trouble of preparing Cake, Pastry, ete., for weddings and parties. | We will be pleased to receive | your orders. We have the necessary skill, materials, and facilities for producing these | articles. | Superior fruite, flour, flavor- lings, eggs, butter, ete.. are lused in the making of all our [Cakes and Pies. And care- ful baking ensures wholsome- ness. E. H PURDY Chamberlain's Remedies. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. For Coughs, Colds, Croup and Whoops ing Cough. Price 25 cents; large size 50¢. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. For Bowel Conplafuts. Price 35 cents, Chamberlain' s Pain Balm. An antiseptic liniment especially valua- ble for Cuts, Bruises, Sprains and Rheuma- |b tt Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. For Disorders of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. Price 25 cents. Every one of these preparations is guaranteed and if not fully sat- |isfactory to the purchaser the money will be refunded. Bouse oad Lok for Solo or do Rend THE undersigned offers for Salé or to Rent his House and Lot on the corner of Arrow and Lorne Streets, Port Perry. Lhe Dwelling is comfortable, in good repair 14 story. Tho lot contaius 1{acres first class land on whi:h there are a number of choice bearing fruit trees; there are also u good well anew pump. For particulars pply at THE OBskrvER office, or to the proprietor, JOSEPH BRYANT. Manchester. May 14, 1908, his Challenge Threshing Machine at a Bargan. Although the machine has been in use about three years it is none the worse for that. Parties requiring a good Separator should see this machine. Apply to the owner. JOHN COLLINS, Jr., tism. Price 25 cents; jarge sive So cota, Re n fireshing Machine for Sale| The undersigned offers for sale | 2 3 and courteous treatment may be relied on JAMES CARNEGIE Dec., MN Port Perry, 1902 ZINZINZIN/ ZI WOK Removal V The undersigned would take this opportunity of thanking his nu us customers for the liber. patronage received since opening business in Port Perry, and would inform the public that he has moved his business from ihe Market building to the First doorEast of the Post Office where he will bo pleased to' fll all crders for Meats in a tanner that wnnot fail to please, customers. Having new and increased fecilities for the trarsaction of business he feels confident that he can give better satisfaction than heretofore, and in order to aerify this state he solicits wll to give him a call in his new fa premises wm GAME AND FISH IN SEASON I. J. WHEELER. blast | Bort Perry Woolen Mills are now running full and ill pay the HIGHEST PRICE for y of Wool delivered at these Mills. JAMES MAXWELL. ERRY, May 12, 1902. & Shoe Business ~--N ALL ITS DEPARTMENTS a creased the dimensions of my premises, I have purchased and opened out, an Extensive Stock 6f Y-MADE CLOTHING edit Boys which for quality and low prices cannot be equaled 1» argest and most veried Stock of BOOTS ans SHOES ever docalicy for your inspection, and the prices are such as can 'see us in our enlarged quaftérs. My aim shall be to please 'in every particulr. A. F. CARNEGIE June 2, 190% r Scugogs Harness Line {ING saris Having had the Somntodiots Store in the Currie Block fitted ip espe, ially, I am satisfied I have now one of the best appainted rg Storesin the Province, and have taken possession of my new, opened up, in addition to my extensive stock of Drugs, Chericals, and ol Goods, a full line of SCHOOL BOOKS. AND 'SUPPLIES, 3 While feturning thanks to my numerous patrons I would extend and extensive premises, where I have an invitation to all to call and see me in my new premises, A J DAVIS. 900. 4 R Full Stock # OF EVERYTHING IN THE Port Pov: Jer7y, Sept Sept 2 Po Le WHICH FoR. (Sale of Furniture! DURING COLD AND SILVER WATCHES: '| CHEAPNESS. STYLE | Durability and | STRENGTH; | Cannet be surpassed in the County, "| Robes, Blankets, Bells, franks &e., in sbandance i 3 Comparison of Prices Oourted W. A, BEATTY Port Perry . JW. Meharry REAL ESTATE BROKER: lll Experience is Invariably | Essential to Success. experience gotiating | AVING had considetable in n S some of the largest transactions in Reel X: and in every instance giving perfect satis fa concerned, I have concluded to [devote my i whole attention to disposing ot all Real Estate that may be } laced in my hands fob sale ) 1 ta all FARMS FOR I would call S ATH spécial attention of parties requiring Farms to Four fine properties now listed and for Sale: | hree Farms in Scugog. ih ne Farm in Reach. | Fr PF, arties ilt their own desirous of disposing of landed properties erests by placing them with me for con will ill sale Satisfa tion guarar ato [1144 I fri LOANS without Commission on Real Estate security ii s to suit borrowers, at unusually low lit ra Quick action i EZ I represent the most desirable Fire and Life Insurance | Companies ntion given to applications. | If Port Perry, Sept. 3, 1901 | A GREAT SACRIFICE ~ IN THE THE HOLIDAY SEASON The undersigned will sell a large quantity of first-cl sisting of Parlor, Dining Room, Bed Room Sets; &a.' Cash or Approved Credit, EZ A Fine lot of Picture Frames dnd Gilf Mouldings suitable fo thie 'trade. EF Weod Wanted. <€3 ass I'urniture, con Give me a call. JOHN NOTT. 5 a -- ------ Diesfeld's DIAMOND 1 HoH AAA Halls ea WA We are prepared tc give SPECIAL BARGAINS in Gold Filled Cases in great variety, some as smell As _4 Quarter of Dollar, nicely Enameled and Set with' Pearls, &c. Prices to suit you all right. WEDDING AND ENCACEMENT RINGS in Pear], Opal and Diamonds, all fine and New Desigas. Cuooes io GREAT VARIETY VERY CHEAP, Knives, Forks, Spoons, Fruit Dishes, Butter Dishes, Cake Baskets, Tea" Sets, &c., and some more to follow. EZ Also Fancy Goods. CAO GOES Criar ea &&F Repairing as usual, i DIESFEL Port Porry, Nov, 36, 1898,

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