all-wool material, Jar We are showing the Handsomest to show how they go, lem s, Broadcloths, Granite Cloths, Venetians, Serges, Voiles, 'Come and seo dhe 3 ov, DRESSMAKI.G Under the able management of MISS HANDCOCK has turn- «ed out numerous stylish Garments this Spring ; and the rush of ite work | makes it necessary to put on = hands. Now Arrivolsin in Women' 's Rolr Coats. AMONG THE NEWEST PRODUCT ONS in Rain ter length full box back 85 75 ¢ to 8 . House Furnishings Department. Full width 33 yards long soc and 75¢ a pair. wove edge regular $1.35 for $1.10. are best exem smplited by calling at our our immense range of Suitings. Here you find -- no two alike, Thi oints considered our values --Never surpassed. - We are showing a splendid tange DEPARTMENT 53 ArprENTICES WANTED To learn Dressmaking. Apply at once. rr ts fot ladies are--That stylish flaked Jenglh Coats in either fawn or grey $6.25, $7, $9. Three quar- Also many other quite interesting arrivals in this line. itterng allo) 0 length of this beautiful new seessos----ommee es ma eee We quote a few ptices Tape edge extra width Good ones wove edge $1, $1.25, $1.75 to $2 pair. sre range of Lace Curtains ever shown here. &Yr goc Warranted fire frame. Eases ALL STYLES, large variety [ro faggoted, with drop skirt for FRESH Groceries & Fancy Cak s always on hand. Carpets ! Our 75¢ line of Tapistry Carpet for one week 6oc yard. Ready-To-Wear Shirts. Carpets! Carpets ! 75¢ the yard. Our $1.50 line Brussels for one week line for one week $1.35 yard. ESE m $2 up to B12; one special line regular $10.25 Taffeta Trimmed, $9 45--onc weck only. Be sure and see this line JONES & GO. QBS - dd Millinery! nA AFTER A MOST SUCCESSF UL Are You Tempted ? Dollars to Doug! nuts that once you taste our Cakes and Pies you will never be satisfied | with any others. You will realize how good they are, | and ever afterwards will insist on getting them. We use only the best flour and other materials, and great care is taken in the prepara: tion and baking of all Pastry. That the result is nA tory is proved by the popular-/ ity of our Bakery. Jo. Te | oH E. II. PURDY. AA 9 fe ° BIillinery Opening wo have settled;down to a Season's hard work. We are prepared to give the most careful attention to every order entrusted to us." Pretty Ready-to-Wears, New Fancy Chiffons, Fruits, etc. are here in pleasing variety. Trimmings; We are pleased to show goods whether you wish to buy or not. L. & J. STOUFFER. 91 1 EXTENDING I would beg to intimate to the geen] ple that I have added another branch to my already extensive business.-- Finding that there is a large and steadily increasing demand : FOR A BRAND OF PATNI THAT WILL STAND THE TEST. I have concluded to add Paints to my other branches and have urdered an extensive. and complete Steck of Ramsey's G wide which there i 4) rements of this { prices are such as will surprise the pubic Also a stock of Oils for reducing arriy- ificient and | Romnplets Stock of Watches, Jewelr [Sverre 'Wall Bape, &oi Fe. ¥ WwW. EH. *MocAWwW. Farm for Sale. OUTH.HALF lot lot 9 and South: West quarter of lot 10, con 3, Township of Brock, consisting of about 8o acres good Farm Land Vit bens ban also 20 acres Hardwood, and acres Pine, Cedar, Hemlock an Tamarsc, Apply to owner. + inh H.B. CLEMES, Port Perry ve Stock Toronto at, Dec, 8, 1902. ve Stock | S|SILVER GREY DORKIN . | There are on the premisésa good, LL WHO TAKE a (and who does not have noticed the great rise of Teas which are ta daily and the scarcity of th By late accounts only abot million pounds of Japan Te i London in place of 43 last year, and eight mont a new crop can arrive, Bi early secured quite a quanti will give our customers the ad age of it FOR ONE at Big Saving. On 10 Ibs, Fine Japan for § yousave $1. On 10 Ibs. Ceylon Black for you save $1. On 10 Ibs. Ceylon Pekoe for $3 you save £1. On 1o0lbs. Young Hyson for you save $1. > On 10 Ibs. Ram Lal (STANDARD Quarity) for £3.00 you save $1 On 20 1b. lot. of any of the above, you will save $2.25. And having purchased double our {usual quantity of Fine Fruits in Raisins, Currants, &c., we are sell- ing today at 10 per cent. less than Toronto Wholesale Prices We have nothing but Selected |, Stocks in these to offer, but they |[¢ are the goods to buy--no stalks or |, dirt of any kind Qn all other goods Big Discount | for Cash for one month T.C. FORMAN & SON. Jur Big Funiture Sale For February. The sales the first week were very large. pew good bargaing when they saw the low prices which we | bro offering first-class, new furniture for. genuine anil covers the whole stock. ne and secure some of the big bargains, than any other time in the year. . J. NOTT, Manager, MusicCabn'tat 3 gs, was 5 00 JESSOP FURNITURE C0. Sei 5 3 SOK Port Saver Roller Mills ZINN] NS ISN] NASA 2 G N/ 3 7 [52 Le Why ? Buyers Every reduction Parlor Suit at 813 go, was $20 addition to my extensive cals, : Parlor Suit at 16 75, was 24 y ack of Drugs, Cres} and Pa : Parlor Suit at 19 00, was "25 Goods, a full line of SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPL] Parlor Sui 4 : cb Su 3 a °8; Tas pr While returning thanks to my numerous patrons I would exts Parlor Suit at 49 oo; was 38 an invitation to all to call and see me in my new premises, Derjor Ci at 34 00, was 45 arlor Suit at 34 oo, was 47 r Parlor Suit at 21 oo, was y : Ad DAVIS Parlor Suit at 49 75, was 6% Port Perry, Sept 2, goo. Parlor Suit at 55 oo, was 75 . Edin Parlor Suit at 69 oo, was 85 a Lounge at 3 75, was 85 oo Couch at 4 50, was 6 50 Couch at 6 oo, was 7 50 Sideboard at 8 50, was 8 50 Sideboard at 8 50, was 10 50 Sclid Oak Sideboard at 17 50, was 22 00 . OF EVERYTHING 1X THE Oak do at 22 oo, was 30 00 lotrisChairat 3 74; was" § ob * MorrisChair at § 'oo, was 7 00 MusicCabn'tat 8:00, was 10 00 cheaper this ally, I am satisfied I have now one of the best appointed Stores in the Province, and bave taken. possession of. my; and extensive premises, where I have opened u * '| CHEAPNESS. STYLE | Durability and | | STRENGTH, Cannot be surpassed in the County, Robes, Blankets, Bells, Trunk | &o., in abundance, Comparison of Prices Courted W. A, BEATTY han is for sz i 1 my . 4 ha re re I placed in Prices are Moderate! |i [Ji i E=5. See our line of Water. Proofs, Re m OC va al V ni "ARMS FOR SATH | We do all kinds of leaning, Re- ' ® | til I would call ial attention of parties requiting Farms to jprisiee and Pressing on the Shorts would take this opportunity of thanking his nu- | i Four fine properties now listed and for Sale | est Notice. ustomers for the liberi. patronage received since | ||} a . : i, ry Ladies" Task d pening business in Port Perry, and would taform the public | Three Farms in Scugog. aye Peles dies' Jackets fang] that he haa moved his business from tie Market Luilding to the | One Farm in Reach. ater-Proofs ; Store 3 Parties desirous of disposing of landed properties WwW ill giv u son € ' | i © I 1g Prof Ba oy ey Witt 6 i AF'irst doorHast of ] If will consult their own aris by placing them with me for argains in Winter Goods x | sale. Satisfaction guarantee e Post Office [il as we wish to Reduce our Stock. {th | heont ¢ gto Ww. H DOUBT. where he will be pleased fo All all ctders for Meats in & manner that | LOANS without Commission on Real Estate security £ . cannot fail to please customers, Haring new and increased sums to suit borrowers, at unusually low March 3, 1903 3 f for the transaction of business he feels confident that | | rat Quick action k give better satisfaction than heretofore, and in order | a | nrecent most désirable '° ra i TN 5 o aerify this state he solicits all to give him a call in his new il EF Ire nit m i&sirable Fire and Life Insurance x mises | Companies. Prompt dttention given to applications 1 ¢ GAME AND FISH IN SEASON il Port Perr ept. 3, 1901. TEE Blt <H GUNENAT WHITE WYANDOTTES BUFF ORPINGTONS BARRED PLYMOUTH R These fowls are the Gems of the Poultry Yards; as Winter Layess they have no equal, and for Mar they cannot be excelled. The wide-awake breeder has no use for mongrels why waste time and money in raising useless birds when you can secure eggs for hatch- ing from the very best at a small |# cost. Now is the time to book your orders. t N. INGRAM, Cochrane St., Port Perry. Farm toRent or for Sale 100 ACRES, pp s.r: tlie 15t Concession, Township of ~ | Cartwright, near Shirley post office. 10dious Dwelling House, and a young Orchard just bearing. About 35 acres done on the farm, and L. K. SURTOR 'Oshaw nd he Port Perry will pay JAMES MAXWELL. I. J. WHEELER. Magrriace License OFFICE. bo | Port Perry, Mar. 10, Igo : Port Perry This wa u IN FULL BLAST Jere Ni 3 Bn 1 take ov pleasure tn announcing that my Nobhy § Spring Suit ngs New Mills are now completed and in full oper VR M eharry LIN 1d 7 ter than ever prepared ZN J ation ana eller than ever eparec | a 'J ents of wv 17 , wd th Me ii IN ALL THE LATEST > to meet ther ents of wey friemds ana lie x tit REAL ESTATE BROKER. COLORS ano DESIGNS < ~ general pu ey riaining to y 1% il -- Th already e / y increasing busi he fl % i ZN oT ZN HH . . i Come in andes oun Large Stoek [QF ess, Corvect business principles, prompitade $2 Wl Experience is Invariably of New Goods wii h Bg arriving as anid coi? ent mav be relied on 71s iit . almost daily and make an ear wHric reste HED pee Nis) o Ye _-- Baily and Make A RN) sk| it Essential to Success We are conversant with some of id JAMES CARNEGIE: S42 ith so of the Best Methods of Cutting'amd a Port Pe Dec., 1902 { / i erable experience in negotiating endeavor to. do First-Class Wark. Sh i it | | the largest transactions in Real Estate | 1 y Grice: gieiny BL Eg Whether Old or Young we will | BK Si = lt BINS NIANSA | Ii | in this ¢ d in every instance giving perfect satis- do our best to give you Ee > LAA 17 A HK 4 £3 / RS IN| hi fact H to all cor Ho I have conc luded to {devote my want in Fit and Siyle, and | i whole attention t ; of all Real Estate that may be iil IN "Sale of Furniture! THE Woolen Mills are now running full blast | (Y LN the HIGHEST PRICE for and DURING THE HOLIDAY SEASON antity of Wool delivered at these Mills. REL Y yw 3 > [i undersigned will sell a large quantity of first-class Furniture, ca sisting of _ Parlor, Dining Room. Bed Room Sets, &e, - v rT PERRY, May 12, 1902. ~~ IN ALL ITS DEPARTMENTS Ah eased the dimensions of my premises, I have purchased and opened out an Extensive Stock of DY-MADE CLOTHING Boys which for quality and low prices cannot be equaled in | see us in our enlarged quarters. in every particalr. A. F. CARNEGIE. AND he largest and most veried Stock of BOOTS anp SHOES ever this locality for your inspection, and the prices are such as can- oase. Funaishinge My aim shalt be to please Give me a call. €ash or Approved Cre Credit, EFT A Figeyet of Picture Frames and Gilt Mouldings suitable Yo the trade: £2 Wood Wanted. 3 JOHN NOTT. Diesfold's fx Gold Filled Cases in great variety, some as smell as a Quarter Dollar, hice Enameled and Set with Pearls, &c. Prices to suit you all right. WEDDING AND ENGAGEMENT RIRCS in Pearl, Opal and Diamonds, all fine and New Designs. GREAT VarigTy Very CHEAP. Knives, Forks. Spoons, Fruit Dishes, Butter Diss, Cake Sets, &c., and some more to follow. EF Also Fancy Godds.. EveriTHING GOBS Casa. TF Repairing as usual, T Port Porry, Nov. 30, 1308,