Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 9 Apr 1903, p. 3

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Hy i 2 hi £agd si § 2 FE 5 2 2 g gfx iH i g 3 1 25 x i] 1 2 ff Filtan | IY, 3 geologist. 1 - himself with it, and it dropped the water. It was sent to 1's to be cleaned. He took i} his band, when it went off him on the spot. 4 Bank Bills. if rhe average life of one dollar and $we dollar bills from issue to Jeten} Pon as mutilated currency 1s Ii nore than two years. " fmdinns With Japanese Origiu. es Indians on the Aleutian islanils copper shield hanrmered, and T og Te "The custom still pre ng in widows 0 tp blue glass for collecting tears, which are "afterward poured over the graves of thelr husbands. ¥ "A Quéér Species of I'arrot. fn New Zealand a species of parrot 1s found that, finding its food entirely on the ground, has lost the power of flight. fe from the rest of 'its family boly in particular and in being al- fnost voiceless. as 5 Engtaving on Opal: = = On account of, the thousand fissutes of the stone engraving upon opals Is al- | ways dificult and often impossible. Al head of Sappho engraved upon a "pre- sumsble opal"--an antique--has been highly valued and carefully studied by . experts' in gen lore. 1t is catalc © #0 we read, among the treasures of a neve | We do all kinds of Cle : | Raisins, Currants, &c., we are sell- ig todayat 10 per cent. less|- | , Marriage License Orfice. twelve joths 'Bek ; e & Y On io lbs. Ram Lal (Stanbaro . Quavrry) for $3.00 you save $1. On 40 1b. lot of any of the above, © you will save $225. : + Ad having purchased double otir ustal quantity of Fine Fruits in thali Toronto Wholesale Prices. ave nothing but Selected 8t0cks in these to offer, but th are the goods to' buy--no stalks git of any Jind. 5 Bis © n all other goods Big Discount for Cash for one month. 8 T.C. FORMAN & Li __, Port Perry, Mar, 10, 1403 METHODIST CHURCH. REV. G. M. COPELAND, Pnstor. Salibmh Eervices, 11 and 7. Week Evenfog y Borvice, Thursday 7.30. Strangers welcome sod conducted to sents. 8T. JOHN'S CHURCH. 2 © (PRESBYTERIAN.) REY. W. COUPER, B.A., Pastor. 81bbath Bervives, 11.00 und 7.00. Wopk Evenin Service, Thursday 1.30. BAPTIST OHUROH. REV, MR. MCFARLANE, Pastor. "Sabbath Services, I 1.00. Week Frching Borvice, Taaredag, 1.30 " OHURQH OF THE ASCENSION, (ANGLICAN) BEV. G. W. LOOKR"M-A.. Tocumbent. > 1pm. Sunday , RICHARDRON. Sundag at 10 30. m, This Wayeze~ ORL nis b ih Nobby Spring Suitings : IN ALL THE I ATES! COLORS axp DESIGNS Come in and see our Large Stock oi New Goods which are atriving almost daily and make an early selection. hth We are conversant" with some of of the Best Methods of Cutting and endeavor to do First Class Work. Whether Old or Young we will do oir best to give you what you want in Fit and Style, and our Prices are Moderate. _E. See our line of Water. Proofs. aifing;, Re pairing and Pressing bt he Sons est Notice. Ha fap : ou sive Bo On 10 Ibs. Ceylon Pekoe for $3.00 177 you's ave $1 a {On fol Young Hyson for $3.40 % i to give the most careful at ~~ to every order entrusted to us. : 3 Pretty Ready-to-Wear, New Trimmings; ~ Chiffons, Fruits, etc. are here in pleasing variety, ¥ STILL EXTENDING I would beg to intimate to the general public that I have. added another branch to my already extensive business. --| Finding that there is a large and steadily ingréasing demand | FOR A BRAND OF PAINT. I have concluded to add Paints" to my ether brariclies and have ordered an extensive and complete Stock vf Ramsey's famous world-wide Celebrated Paints which there is every reason to believe will meet the requirements of this entire section of country, and the prices "are such ds will surprise the public. Also a stock of Oils for reducing grrly- ing. A magnificient and complete Stock of Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, Wall Paper, &e., &e. W. HEH, MCCAW. For Perry, March 12, 1903. CorvRaILHT To Manitoba and Canadian. Not! will leave Torouto every TUESDAY ly March avd April, 1003, if safficioft Duis offers. \ Passengers travelling witholi® Live 8 should tike the train leaving Toros 1.45 pm. ; Passengers travelling with Live should take the traio leaving Toronto a Colonist Sleeper will be attached IME FOR =: For full particulars aud copy of 8 { Guide," "Western Canada" or # | Columbia," apply to your nearest | Pacific Agent, or to A. H. NOTMAN Assistant General Pastengér Zp 71 Yonge, St., Toronto. Apples Wan The well known, reliable Edward Jacobs & Sovs of Eng., and Hamburg, G want Consignments of Can dian Apples. Highest prices to be" tained assured. Reasonable' vance against B/L allowed. mttnicate with BE. P. Blac Nurserynidn; Tdionfo. Jt wi you to ship to the firm of E Jacobs & Sons. Grand Trunk Railwi TIME TABLE. Port PERRY. SPRING IS THE T HOUSE CLEANING. I sn prepared to «lo all kinds of Papeuing, Painting, &c. Paper and Paint required. furnished if W. F. NOTT, (Successor to J. A. Rodman.) 2 doors north &f Mr. Widden's store. Farm for Sale. OUTH-HALF lot g and South- west quarter of lot 10, con 3, Township of Brock, consisting ol about 86 acres good Farm Land with house and barr'; also 20 acres' Hardwood, and 50 acres Pine, Cedar, Hemlock and Tamarac. ly to owner. pry - H.B. CLEMES, Dec. 8, 1902. 3 rt Perry 11.35 a.n1 1.33 pm. THAT WILL STAND THE TEST. fence * id . The sales the first week were very large. lew ghod bargains when they saw the low ere offering first-class, new furniture for, genuine und covers the whole stock. : : ery reduction was $20 was 2 was was was was was was was was Barlor Suit at $13 go, Parlor Suit at 3% 78, arlor Suit at 19 oo, arlor Suit at 21 oo, Parlor Suit dt 22 oo, Parlor Suit at 29 oo, Parior Suit at 34 oo, Parlor Suit at 34 oo, Parlor Suit at 21 oo, Parlor Suit at 49 75, Parlor Suit at was *Parlor Suit at 69 oo, was 3 75. was 85 oo Lounge at Couch 4 50, was 6 50 00, was 7 50 Couch at deboard at 8 so, was 8 s0 deboard : was 1b Nr Ay "50, wa Dak do. at 22 oo, was 30 Qo MorrisChairat 3 75, was 5 00 . MorrisChair at 5 oo, was 7 oo MusicCabn'tat 8 oo, was 10 oo MusicCabn'tat 3 95, was 5 00 ome ahd sceire some of the Lig bargains, cheaper. this th than any other time in the year. = ° JESSOP FURNITURE (0. J. NOTT, Mandger, YT RCICICICICISICHIBSISS OR & Port Perry p< ¢ Roller Mills IN FULL BLAST I take great pledsiire in announcing that my New Mills are now completed and in full opei= Galion and that I am betler than ever prepared to meet the requirements of my [riemds and the general public in every line pertaining to my already extensive and rapidly increasing busi- ness. Correct business principles, prompitude and courteous treatment may be relied on. JAMES CARNEGIE. Port Perry, Dec., 1902. RIBCISICISICICICK Ole KR Find 1 ZINN ,. The undersigned would take this opportunity of thanking his nu- ni-rous customers for the liberi... patronage received since opcuing business in Port Perry, and would iuform the public that he has moved his business from he Market Luilding lo the Store First doorEast of {the Post Office where he will be pleased to fill all erders for Meats in a manner that cavnot fail to please customers. Having new and increased fecilities for the transaction of husiness he feels confident that | be can give better satisfaction than heretofore, and in order to _aerify this state he solicits all to give him a call in his new prewises. J. WHEELER. HEE pe Port Percy Woolen Mills are now running full blast will pay the HIGHEST PRICE for and utity of Wool delivered at these Mills. JAMES MAXWELL. v, May 12, 1902. e 1 EE - i gr Diba El p-- ASP d the dimensions of my premises, I hate purchased and opened out an Extensive Stock of MADE CLOTHING tii which for quality atid low prices cannot be equaled wn of BOOTS anp SHOES ever the prices are such as can: ity fot 764 inspection; a HOOK SINZ IN *, p A Han ad Tor Mg Having had thq cdiftittod us Store in the Currie Black fitt ally, I am satisfied 1 haye how one of the best app Stores ip the Province, afid have taken possession Bf and extensive premises, wherg 1 have opened boy addition to my extensive stock of,Drugs, Chemicals, Goods, a full line of SCHOOL BOOKS. AND «SUPP While retlithing thanks to my numerous patrons I would e: &n invitation to dll to tall and see me in my new premires. A.J] DAVIS. - anh ne Port Perty, Sept 2, 900. ness Line CHERPNESS. STYLE Durability and STRENGTH, Robes, Blankets, Bells, Trunks &o., in abundance; . Ooniparison of Prices Courted W. A. BEATTY Port Perry IR AVING had considerable experience in negotiating Sales of some of the largest transactions in Real Estate in this district, and in every instance giving perfect satis- | faction to all concerned, 1 have concluded to [devote my | whole aitention to disposing ot all Real Estate that may be | placed in my hands for sale. | FARMS FOR SATLHK I would call special attention of parties requiring Farms to Four fine properties now listed and for Sale : Thre= Farms in Stugog. One Farm in Reach. #& Parties desirous of disposing of landed properties will consult their own interests by placing them with me for sale, Satisfaction guaranteed. LOANS EP I represent the most desirable Fire and Life Insurance Companies Prompt attention given to applications. PortPerry, Sept. 3, 1901. without Commission on Real Estate security in sums to suit borrowers, at unusually low rates. Quick action. EEE ee EEE A GREAT SACRIFICE ----IN THE--= | Sale of Furniture! DURING THE HOLIDAY SEASON The undersigned will sell a large quantity of first-cla s Furniture, c&u 2 sisting of Parlor, Dining Room, Bed Give me agall. Cash or Approved Cred Room Bets. &s, £7" Wood Wanted. €3 JOHN NOTT: Sn tr S kx MDNID BAL a Diesfeld' § We aré prepared té give SPECIAL BARGAINS in - GOLD AND SILVER WATCH Gold Filled Cases. in great variety, some as smell as a Q © Dolla sdicely Enameled and Set with Peails, &. Prices to ult you all right. WEDD EMENT im-Peatl; Opal aid Ne RE, in Knives, Forks,

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