Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 9 Apr 1903, p. 2

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. liam's Pin r ar y doubt send direct to the Dr. \Villiams' Medici vi pills will be sent by do not joo id the how | they are gently health nk Seg every part of jams' Pink Fi A. Cam iigestion, headachus, nervolisness, euralgin, backache, rheumatism, sontinned weariness and all other "blood troubles. tonic you need for this spring. Mrs an, says ;-- received great from ni use of Dr. Williams Pink absorbed into veins with Blood that carries a. the bod: lis cure in La They are just the Qnt., benefit Alexandria, Pills, and take pleasure in recon: mending them to all who suffer from troubles § you Yiged Yor Bee tl that } on the wrappe Ifin Ont . and th 'condition of the blood. ie there is no better tonic medicines e dealers Profit, 'offer their Pills for arising out of a It a medicine this spting rialthey 'will su who « only stomers. Wil Je rie is every. box. full "naj di€ine Co., Brockville mail post pafd, at soc per box or © six boxes for $2.50. > 7 pl oo ¥ 4 THE OBSERVER. Has A Goon CiaouLaTION. stantly growing in favor. Advertising wn 16 from Medium in the County; is the Champion of the Agriculturists and more vonservative and practical clas of people is not a favorite of schemers, boomers and 'cliques ; it is the Oldest and Best Established ~founded in 1857--the most original and best in ta local and Is print and gesersl news department ted entirely In the place of pub lication Port Perry. Tenus $1 por annum advance, §1. JOB tie asnum jo advance, it not paid in 0 wai ta charges, PRINTING IN THE MOST MODKRX STYLES AND AT LOW PRICES NORTH ONTARIO OBSERVER "only Paper Printed and Published in | Port Perry. ' PORT PERRY, APRIL 9: 1903. "The , Week in Parliament, In Parliament "this week it was decided to provide for increase of Chinese head t ax to 8500. Mr. Monk moved for particutars of the purchase by the Canadian government of supplies for South Africa, concerning which grave _yamors of irregularities ars being Circulated. A 'Was 'carried on though the business by the Minister of Agricufture, Parliament was refus- *d avy information. The redistribution bill, which pro- vides for the appointment of a tom- mittee of sever three Conservatives what changes y, four Liberals and to determide shall be made, was introduced. The Government de- clared its intention of returning to county lines. Liberals, however, have abandoned their pledge to refer the question to a commission of judges. A resolution was passed favoring the prohibition of the importation sale and manu The opposi Raymond Pre transportation facture of cigarrettes. tion asked if Hon, fontaine's statements in regard to the appointment of a commission, the re- vision of the tanff and promised aid 10 the Grand Trunk Pacific were to be taken as official. The govern- Parliament fo while obscure informed on . 'ment declined to answer. The ac- * tion of the cabinet im permitting remain in the dark, political clubs were important questions, was strongly condemned. 2 time. , under which heavy penal- be provided for infractions oe Tom laws, was read a Mr. R* L. Borden, the |. It is the BEST | amey ge as smevded souers at the bar, arenow 8 judical commission. De- fact that Mr. Gamey he never made such charges | 8 be "investigated, and that Messrs. Ross, Gibson and Dr. |! ; Latéhford are also guilty of mal- hvekie formate of office. Hon. J. R. Stratton fs to be the only culprit r He will be prosecuted and @efended by Limself. He will E | restrict the evidence that may be offered against him. In fact he will have. all the privileges of the court. Looking' at the arrangements made for ihe enquiry, one would almost suppose that } Mr. Gamey was in the dockand that the man who offered to bribe him was the aggrieved patty. $lie tribunal which will hear idence is to be governed by hs imposed upon it by the hich willdefend Hon, Mr. is-circumscribed in ry that 3 very: large Lye v's can er ty light. The people of Ontario will never, get the whole story of the &rowning ttime of the best organiged gang of political high-binders that ever existed in this country. The treatment ac- corded the Gamey charges will go down in history, as the most sordid example of political depravity ever known on earth, A Nice Oondition of Affairs. The attention of the country has been frequently called to the habit 1 Sir William Mulock has of mistep- resenting the accounts of his depart: ment. A few months ago he claim ed a surplus which his annual report showed to bave no foundation in fact. Instead of a surplus, a deficit of $82,376 was found to exist. Later the public accounts issued by W. S. Fielding showed the shortage to be $105,221. But the whole truth is gleaned from the Auditor Gener- al's report, which establishes a real loss on post-office business for the yearigo3 of $380,242. That such con flicting reports should come from three official sources is nothing short of amaging. The figures sup- plied by the the two ministers and watchdog of the treasury are as follows : Postmaster General's Report. Expenditure .......... $ 4,000,791 Revenue'... deze... ius 3,918,415 Deficit: ....... $ 82,376 Public Accounts. Expenditure, ,.; ... $ 4,023,636 Revenue ...q..; p54 3918,415 Defigit a er wld $ 105,221 Auditor General. Expeaditas HA ..8 4,298,657 Revenve:........ .... 3,918,415 » Actull Deficit... $ 308,242 The evidence of the deceit prac- tised by Sir William is so strong, that future reliance in his reports is rendered impossible. The Great Festivaland Magni- ficent ical Event Which Takes Placein Toronto in Easter Week. The Toronto Musical Festival to be held on April 16th, 17th, and 18th at Massey - ugic Hall, Toronto, which is ta; be conducted by Sir Alexander €ampbell Mackenzie, is the most notable event of Canadian Musical history, this one being one ofa cycle. Cl Festivals arranged thro! the length of the Dom- he og Mr. Chas. A. E. Harriss, There willbe four performances in T i zie night, and will al so assume the form of a State con- cert, at which their Excellencies the Governor General and the Countess. gill be present." Never "been given with such ices as this one in Tor- there will be two chor- Chorus riths associate conductor Dr. nd the other the Nati- Chorus ory b SeasoNaBLE Goops.--See Jones. & Co's advertisement this week -- seasonable goods for ladies and gents. They have also special lines for ladies--~beautiful and desirable goods--fek which they are sole agents. 1don't fail to inspect their Easter goods--~they are beauties and without dohbt far superior td any thing in the line ever showd ib town, and prices are right. Den't be deceived by the pratings of an goods that ave genuine in every respect may be obtained of the re- liable and up-to tate Store of Jones & Co. EF Mr. Belwyn E. Sangster has been #Whrded a position in the Junior second class of. the Geologi- cal branch of the Department of the Interior, Ottawa. He commenced his duties yesterday. The highly creditable manner in which he late: ly passed the Civil Service Examina- tions would certainly justify the |, prediction that he will disc the dulies opt req isl fo ty, perseverance ahd untiring eher- gy. The young man is to be con gratulated on his preferment. EZ Mr. Orr Graham, V. S,, after a few years of well-earned and much needed rest, has again resumed the practice of his profession. Office and residence at the usual place. Brock's SPRING CIRCULAR.-- Mr. Brock bas just issued his Spring Circular for 1903, and it is teeming with bargains. The edition is a very large one. The distribution commenced yesterday (Wednesday). Don't fail to read it. CHurcH oF THE AscEnsioN.--On Easter Sunday morning Miss L Stouffer and Miss Sangster will sirg a duett, and Miss Sangster will sing a solo inthe evening. The annual Easter Vestry Meeting will be held oh Monday evening April 13th. Evensong will be held on Thursday instead of Wednesday. Last Sunday the annual sermon to the local Auxiliary of the W.M.S. of the Methodist Church was preached by the pastor. The sub- ject of the sermon was, " The Con- secration of Womanhood." 1a the evening, Rev. A. W. Ross of Port- age la Prairie, Man., preached a good sermon. taking for his subject, "The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus." The services at the Methodist Church on Sunday next will be unusually interesting and attracti At the morning service the Su School Will "render the beal Cantata, "The Garden Chorus. the afternoon, "Decision Day" will be observed in the Sunday School. A Song Service, under the direction of the Choir, will be given in the evening; also a short address by the Pastor. Special collections will be taken for special connexional in- terests. EZ BicvcLEs ror ALL !--Mr Switzer has a number of new Cleve- lind Perfect, also second-hand Wheels, which he is selling at prices that cannot fail to please purchases Call and see them at his shop on Queen street. #& The Spring Great Combina- tion Sale will take place in Port Perry, on or about the 23rd April. Parties desirous of disposing of animals or articles will find it to their advantage to leave, at their earliest convenience, their lists at Mr, Jackson's office. Mr. Geo. D. Grant, M. P., took his seat in Parliament last week, and got an enthusiastic reception from the Liberals. - His first public act was to head a deputation to ask for a Government wharf at Brace. alleged Departmental Store, when}! bridge, and his first vote cast against | Toronto - Festival: : onsE "They are showing a grand array of { jar port the Ge Stratton sign and to The contr: 1902. Mr. in it that he wil ment his vo want of con pears that M p terms by } {have a him. That a mem lature should be asked ¢ sign away his liberty is day. i -- i During the recent by press supported Mr. "Onlooker" now tum the Liberal contention reasons for the victory ing fashion : Tosay th who ate anxious to: mal The tariff question was loudly proclaimed fro platforms but that the the Government ther terly untrue and tinfeal in reality many reason ing the people of this' thetic with Mr. Fostel when divested of tle ¢ assertions placed to his Liberal speakers, than namby pamby policy which has s6 long great timber and oth safely be put down factors of Mr. Foster witnehe extraordinary opponent Mr. Grant. are political in whate y ing both Provinci Governments, and The Brechin Orillia Packet Beach is one of the spots along the: Simcoe, and 8 its quota of ples vicinity, but up no effort has béen these desiring | closer to the lake ¥ about a mile and The Beach itselfis O'Donnell and ald, the latter - perty tbe celebrat water, which is great medicinal pro has been built 2 Jittle repairing: class order. a joint stock summer. hotel proporsy hie 4 ia ire. od ified the novelty.--Mail and Epi North Ontario the Begv Gi to North Ontario is an, @ or the Government's fi a humbug and only pessi le dorsed by the mass of péd with our neighbors, to Ah mo lation Govern- tions of a It ap-] Legis. ntarily dinly 2 Tues- ction in farmers especially are/iof cultivat- Dominion done to This clec- 7 nt of the # Brechin Picturesque {of Lake mer brings Bers to this esent date o provide fh Tanase. s corporation. [tary of the Bodtd of Edueation that _| the Reeve, in order more nearly to _|six inch tile drain on Mary street . | It needs the power of Burns, or Goldsmith's fire, _ | To carve our patton's shield on poesy's lyre; ------ to be 'paid to Mr. Vickery, being amount in full of claim for electric light supplied the! On motion of Mr. na ; ps I Rainesand the mover was appointed to take into consideration the dis- posal of certain unopened streets and report at next meeting of coun- cil: On notion of Mr. Bruce, the Clerk was instructed to inform the Secre- it is desirable that ail setidol moneys | should be passed in Countil and an order thercfor signed by -the comply with 'the several School Acts. . On motion of Mr. Bruce, Mr. Mc- Knight was mstructed to put in a from Perry street to Water strect; also a four inch tile drain on John street from Mary strect to Queen street: i On motion the Council adjourned. - Under the head of "A Whitby (Ontario) Liberal candidate for York," the Whitby, England, Ga- zelte says:--A cordial jovitatioii to contest York in the Liberal if: terest at the next election has been ofered to Mr. Hamar Greenwood, of the Eighty Club, London, by the York Liberal Four Hundred. Prior to the passing of the resolution, Mr. Greenwood addressed the meeting and afterwards, whilst fiot giving any definite "promise, stated that after the cordial invitation he had received he would by lad in the fi te i the city that he should contest the seat, he hoped he' might be able to might be able to give them an an- swer in the affirmative. Mr. Hamar Greenwood, who is just past thirty, and a bachclor, was born at Whitby east of Toronto, and on the shores of Lake Ontario, Canada. His father was decended from a York shire family, and at the time of his death was the eldest barrister in the county of Ontario. ate creel rete. OUR DOCTOR ed to OsTARIO O) But modest mannets bids my pen de To name Our Doctor, --yours, dear friend, and mine. Sad was the school where fivst we learnt his worth, When sable cloude cbectired our dismal hearth; Yes, many » day, and tortured i i th Seg po. prio A is volatile engup ato reach the root of the trouble re- mote parts of the lungs and bron. chial. tubes, and impregnate ev particle of the air breathed wit its Colds can't last ten minutes, of coughs more than thitly oS when Catarrhozone is inhéléd:' clears. nose, throat and" air' pes sages at headache, and eradicates catatth from any part of the system. Two months' treatment, $1 00; trial'size 25c¢. Ca, A Good Word for Ohamber- Hg severe cold and was sd hoarse. thatl could not speak above a whisper," gre Allen Davis, of Freestone, N, 0 no relief until I used Chath lain's Cough Remedy, one bottle of which cured me. . speak a good word for that médi cine.' specimens of Maori tattooing from the interior of New Zealand. The most as* tonishing designs were found on the are so covered with t that they look-as if fitting chiutz dress. Tt to obtain the decp. furrows 1a 'or eighteen and contipués until they waive reach middle age. Most of the masters of the art are professionals, who go from village to village atid are highly, paid for their services. The pattern on the face with a small stick dipped in powdered charcoal,' after which the skin is gashed, aud the coloring or pig- | with a stick dipped into the liquid. ally the resin of a certain tree, which is Durkan. pawdered and converted into a fluk ; which first circle of the year fig ad time. The sun exhibits no changes of | appearance, and his light obliterates | all the landmarks of the sky. A lu- minary which is the same yesterday, "today Ladies, You Wont AN. EASTER HAT ! Fas] Kid lay du B End Se e Tt; healing, 'germ killing 'vapor. 'minute: 1t We guarantee thent YOY WANT a New Sait just received a Special Lot of New Saitings for Easter Call and see them, and ifieet our MISS HANDCOCK who is Seady to make you a US Te Garment. once, stops. droppi ERIE Lace Collars... | "A Lor 'of Preity, New Collars for La hi iy. and vs te or Ladies' Wear, just to hand fof : Druggists, or N. C. Polson &|° Kingston, Out. Dr. HamiLton's PiLLg ARE nin i lain's Cough Remedy. 4 "In Decetiibet, 1900, 1 had 'a Now Waistings... : LINEN DE SUA is a New Fab¥ic for Ladies' 'Waists. I's pretiier than Silk. We have it réady. Be sure and see it eALANDO CLOTH is still selling fast for Ladies' Waists, © have it. We are the Sole A genes for this ground. «I tried several retdedies bat We are. Sole Agen [tH 1 will Fr * For sale by A. J. Davis, * re > Toadies Ready-to-Wears... : "7 UUR $3.25 Special Skirts in Grey, Heather and Black; have fad «» a remarkable sale, They are up-to daie #d fn beautifully, MAORI TATTOOING. Tortures Which the Women Under &o During the Process. English explorers and scientists have | brought back a series of remarkable A [oll range of Bettet Ones--every size--now ready. Be sure to visit ths depsrimant Silk Blovsoy. TTY 2 5A LOT of Dainty Silk Biouses to hand for Easter Trad Al Shades. Prices $3 50 to $5.50. Call and see i To : > faces of the women. The faces and bodies of the women blué: marks bad on & tight: 3 The instrument employed in tattoolng t nge of fifteen SS Why Dumas Laughed. Sir Richard Walla. once heard te elder. Dugias laug] ! nig , and was told. by a a that as was working and that he often laughed like that at his work. It | tirned out that the great novelist was "In company with one of his own char- acters, at whose sallies he was simply roaring." But this was years ago, when imagination went hand in hand with animal spirits. It would be difficult to' imagine one of the modern intense, istic, analytical school 80 easily ai pe a REPORT c current that have disposed of my busin: to Mt, Alexs MacMillan, V.S. it i almost needless fo fate, is untrue ; the fact is, that it was im- to all the numer. which I have of Jate been pationi 1 concluded to obtain assistance, and in order to meet the requirements of my num- erous yatrons 1 bave entered into ho Mr. MacMillan, about to be engraved is first outlined | ment is introduced into the cut flesh The coloring material used is gener- enim Bi The First Measnte of Rise; It was the moon Jug not the sufi It d the e of and tomorrow might give rise to

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