Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 9 Apr 1903, p. 1

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er years: when: spri ne on and I went {nto gar in returning thanks Les i, os 'every a ic for dis esteemed pat | more Revers than thE procaine owed i 8 Josie McDonald, of Man, ita crude b it prom ] y through a maze o of a dust, darkly. £5 'dnd' Thelr well provisio prairie schoon- Anltw's face Hai tl er lumbered heavily 'on' the heels of "Thauk you. 1 will'try pe . | two tagged and panting horses. it! Two days later she was installed as | had been a terrific trip on mau and governess in the notsy Gallagher house- beast. The man lay, bright eyed, dry hold, with the privilege of going hone lipped and silent, on the shakedown fn 4¢ night. She wus to teach the girls | the wagon bed. | how to walk and talk und drexs, Mie. New perso Jaughed longer or Ys i am cured, but I -- pooh v 'the geniator Limself. poor} (] Sarsaparilla is the Lattle of C lami iat s Pain Balm{ © 4 the laughter Lad subsided best medicine 'you ¢an [in the house and when 1 feel ani uddenly leaned across the b4 : ooking rather sternly into take for urifyin and en- 'sywptems of a return I soon drive it 360 of the recorder sald Lo away with cue or two applications B Bouoht tre dr ; riching the bl [of this hniment- For sale by A. J. gly Is a remarkable wens Don't doubt it, put your et Davis. . honor, but criticlsm of it § whole trust in it, throw a ph ma run Sable, Carting to and from pi rly you y i Railway Depotia Specialty, ! Residence--Brick House, oppo- site the Methodist Parionage. SMIT i! Tings Bak Digi ent, : yw Daposits receivad ut tl ort ght Port Perry, Aug. 1901, ~ rates. Interest culonlatie dru dy ardited 7 % ? Hah each depositor se vi -an huoMy ; Si iti { I Di elf se hi | As the horses stopped a Gallagher considered the last accom? : : YA Et] AR Si from you if todays away everyt else. amid the willows Leside the strewuf' plishment most impartant. She soo 7 TCAD OFFICE. : 'TORONTO, ONT. 1 ngs 0 { 6 ivision Courts Plot to Kill the Czar While in are to be believed, for they yeyerys Gis Se A 0 the girl trtiéd to her fathet with an' pecame extruvagantly fond of Aniid Lu 98; 1807 - OOUNTY OF ONTARIO. | Realy. tence of much greater eerie he ot Avy bei, smile. But at sight of "ang would bave loaded her with pres- ASR UE Capital (Paid Le + + + $8,000,000 f 1903 18 attributed to you. sarsapucii. Jia Knows. ah bonis and him the kmile changed to tense lines ents, but the girl proudly declined ey- Keg. <= E500,000 7 Tn Rome, March 27.--The mysteri- , Bow Is that, Mr. Hew- § sd family medicine." Follow of horor. On the man's chin trickled erything except her sulary. ? ESTABLISHED 1867. - ous arrest 8f 4 Wealilly Jew of th» d the recorder, with con. "FE Renn oo Lowers Mass a vivid crimson stain. So the winfer crept Into the tender * . - ig rE Ap 5 Mand Jose | name of Gocitz at the Grand Hote, maid Mr. Howitt, with th An hour later Anita Murdock walked outstretched arms of spring, and Ash CE os ar Norelbicd Naples, last Monday is now gener i ie ar i h the Eight days or so after this bridal ex- &WAY from the hastily improvised ! a's bauk mccount gréw. Slice #a fth young Dr. Byrne. He Jeased the horses to a wood hauler? hibition private family meetings take C2MP W » place, > 2 which an ax glanced down at her pitylngly. 8he and she had sewed nights. She wos' llcate, so qulet and so pret- busy even to note the gradual are captivated at the grand show are as so de 00 y K b a fiat was. to lag more Fh aflanced to one another t¥: What was Ler father thinking of? (lange (u her futher. He seemed con- hiole life'of the prisdne: by their parents and relatives -- She was no more fit to take up a claim (apt and quiet each evening when she ; "Sketches of St. Petetsburg." and mapage a ranch on Uttle or nO came home, and she little guepsed A General 'Bahking ours D. C. Muodonell, Whitby--Jane | 2113 attributed to the discovéryof a ; Business Transacted iy rier HAY Ly May 7. 3 Juned, | plot against the life of (ke Czar | during his coming visit to Italy. SILCLING BUSINESS WITH FARMERS Bp Yer ST Grogmeent_ Jane. The Russian folice informed the i oes Capital) Hy le ty gn . ; I, ot Jan. 9, 1904, Italian Government, which after . : ad nus made rmers for ods ex- accompanied his best Aare there quoted as ut- 3 . | ini he Jones tal than-- ; Ry Barghaus Port Perry | ASCeTaINING the facts, caused ! Jras, | capital than | whose hand winistered to him during 3s tending from one to nine for feed: EY ed J Sortounre i . e Usual Way. A | TR Le | » te load at 4 aly per bart cnttle aud other farm porpases.... BE November SE rk J Ape Se oO da rie of Ro Fen Eladcraprt a or yilatieiiy. da ph A ou ste aque, | He Sa jullaghers word, Naparting for : 1. UXBRIDGE- Clerk xhridge- : Ahn | The kindergarten offers a special ad- | bi : 01 god Mortgage security. Farms! Salen Noteh insonated or est gna Matin Siu. % fia 5 kms papers iu his posscssign. This i meander it. nian; vantage--namely, the opportunity for: fore your father, but you must not | the east. Anita was at the depot to regarded as an an explanation ol Ja ¥ | practice of citizenship before real civie think of resuming your journey. He | see them off. The girls no longer huts Anply ar ANE 5 ey To resk: feo, Bath, Canninstonc- | the postponment of the Czars visit. | 4 | { duties present themselves. Theory is a Would never survive the rough roads, | fed when they walked, and they un- necessary preliminary to performance, 2nd the rare alr on top of the Divide gerstood the use of knives and forks. | even when the doer is not sufficiently would certally bring 8 another bem- | Mra. Gallagher surveyed thelr neat | him about the newi: § played balloon with the re i arch 19, Moy 3, Jaly 14, Sepori BAY SAVINGS BANK 3, iid es Jan, a It is jist that whel¥Goors Jas a 3 yg - , s a YRETO Bris, Beasrtoi - rested he protested vigorously auc i ¥ iD J. ADAMS DEPARTMENT; eg ALR Nahi a Bepteruber 23, No ; ; led noticeably and sald: bi he police not to seize hig re, . ¢ | enlightened in his work to be aware Ofrhage." . traveling frocks with pardonable pride. Deposits of One Dollar and upwards 1 Se Clerk, Thos. P., i; Sethe he i Fes) did seize them > rat Soin anything that he holds a theory. But practice Is "Then you mean that we can never | Then she slipped un euvelope into Anmi- 3 > Bank d B k received and juterest allowed at current -- March 17, M.y 26, Sepiember 4 aT not t t t them to Russia, 'as ad not t xm the test of theory. Right here in the '£0 Into La Junta valley? | ta"s hand. i or an 10 er, Fates. 5540 isusant them faric (3G ne} et angry. | kindergarten our six-year-olds are un- There was anguish In the question, | "Sure, you've done wonders by me HY Interest is added to the deposit Twice By ore, J. E. FAR¥ WELL, they would SempIomne Severs fang Sg Fue Took | consciously testing theorles of life and the doctor hesitated. | gyurls, an' it's that I've been tryin' to Fort Pemy Ont. iu euch year, at the end of Muy sud | |... : Clerk of the Pesce. | L11€s. It is a's) sail that Gaerz Bh Lefore, through problems which will arise, "I believe the disappointment would fell you in the letther." 1 November. (at Whighy, Noy. 25¢h, 1902. escaped from Siberia, whither hc Jie Temi facts conld be had LE oven tf a chills Nl ay KUT him she continued, "Hvet since | Wien. (he trata pulled out, Anftw The 2 Hor a TNS Io vor dey Re -- [had been ex:led. fron raf age. 1 soon as that child begins to come in We got that first raflroad circular he | opened the envelope. It contalned no "MONEY T0 LOAN. or an. partion ul tos depo Tr A {he seporser oe very best he contact with other children, The chil- bas been counting on going there, get- | word of writing; just a crisp banknote No Chae ihe derost, ving or| LOCALE i Our New Premices rnd . , y i And pliblished the story as he got it. {Wa vl - ee depositing money. A Mo'her's Recommendation "Then: the: man who had refused to | Ives. But the wise eye is upon them, agaif. We'v taken the La Junta Ban ' : t i ir. They would stait . ; . the suggestive word #walts their need, Der for six months, and we know just | walked home on alr. y THE Subscriber iy prepared to LEND Port Perry Branch R I nye ned Chamherlaji's Gousl give Jig Lapin arose surly and Tough x the helping hand adjiists conditionsand Where we want to live and how to file | for Fa Junta on the morrow. ANY AMOUNT on Farm Sceurity W. H. DUNSFORD, Memager & h emes Ty 2 on dari Pp A i wo Biincisiwere distorred. provides the miaterial for the children our claim. Oh, we must go on!" In the doorway stood Dr. Byrne * "AT 5 PER CENT Tk: : give fo hesitancy. m saying anf sald: - | to act mgalost. The master mind of the "Well, for the present you had better shading his eyes with bis hand aud dren solve these problems for them. ting well and strong and working | Jhat fairly "took her Seatty a | lary bad been paid in full. ita €¥ Also on Village Property. is the best remedy for coughs. cold: i HOA ( . i " 5 | kindergarten--for such it ought to'be-- stop here and let your father recuper- | looking up at the everlasting hills, Ly ] AF MORTGAGES BOUGHT. BY D502 suena, YES Soil ISH TO ANNOUNCE that and croup I have ever used in my a HF 0 hh lould the publ | permits wistakes, it is true, but at the ate. Perbaps when It Is cooler-- At | her happiness she would have rife LUBERT L. RBLELS, Mont oh why. Collegs of BF girs ood that they are now comfort- family I have not ords to express Sata a bt ER ro AE same time it prevents the fumbling ap- any rate, there is a tidy two room | by Kim; bat he barred'her passage. TN OE rent fe Dnt iota Bariister, | Jargeons, Out.; Licentiate of the Royal | ably ensconsed' in their new pre | my confidence in this rcme i Tins "did nb Boats or the arrogant (ool, who | reatice from the discouragement of shack rips buck of oy Spee. led i he Ee Rares Toon =" 0% fo Out # % | Collegeof Surgeons, Edinbur Ligentiage mises in (he J. A. Moore, North Star, Mich For berdtely fotised to belp him?--Bal- he unnecessary stumble, rent Is cheap, and I c¢ keep something In the doctor's fuce caug on lifm until he is In shape to travel | gpd held her attention. of the Royal College of Ih, | bar, 5 sale by A. J. Davis. din merigin. ae A po N Sw ry ify Purdy Block 0 hot emery EN ~ GHOGE FRESH MEATS . i urtet-pul} Bim together, you know." | go hard ii dents of heredity that children are apt And the doctor nodded éficourngingly Bhe swayed in the doorway, and Dr. to inberit not only the physical, mental to the girl, who stood watching him Byrne, taking ber in his arms, led hor | and moral traits of thelr parents, but with wide open, frightened eyes. 3 the squirrel, seems to build it- shelter with the express object and a 'quick' cure 1s' certaitn, sale by A. J. Davis i 5. PORT PERRY. p-., and Siig 2 gently Into the darkened room. His Loh Tl ranted Nentiatys. fastats I have tiken da fifvtner; #9 brother, Dr rites that t fail The besf insured man in the Khing of the rain ure Bevel | to be Influenced by their age as well. | Ko, all unwillingly, did the Murdocks | vofee was low and comforting. jv Crova and Bridge. Work, tuccesafully © | R- Archer, 3%. D., C. M., Member of Col- 2p ig Sono ait to: please. country is Wanamaker, with $1,500, rot and could easily build shel. | Ch Oren born of very young fathers take up thelr residence in'Fort Simp-| ""It came so suddenly, though I have practiced. el Physicians and Surgeons, Out. supply of : Meats of the very 000 on lis life. $hey had the sense to do so. "As | aud mothers never attain so Vcorous 8 gon, The hot blasts of July fnerged | geen its shadow for weeks, dear. There | Ania Secth on Gold, Silver, Alumi "Port Perr 9 1897 g i grades, and cut in dimensions a foros Ton discos Antiviglt ie! growth of mind or body us those of old: {ntd the sullen humidity of August, | was no time to sepd for you, and le or Rubler Plates Fy. AHmINU fl | Ra to please the most fastifiious. The largest gold mine in Central In, So . - KI a Soe er wen and women, while children of and one day In the frestiching breath | Jert this word! 'Tél 'Nita 1 hater mt ne ) a K tio h Ha i ; _ Filliflgs 36 Goll, Sliver or Cement NOTICH. All orders will receive prompt America the Rusairo, produced od Moo 1 Todlar I an old pe iis are born old. of September Henry Murdock tottered | crossed the Great Divide, but I will * Pililess extraction wen fequired: attention. $1,000,000 last year, onffanclcs, with dripping backs set | Uns of fhe mo en ay lo the postotfice fdr the La Sunt wait for her on the other side. be v By 4 medical history is that o arguerite v rether po HT Prices. to suit the times wa R. J. f. SANGSTER, Physician, Sitt S. T: CAWKER & SON ie the tree trunk as shelter from ~ 3 n 1763, Sy. "Ranter. They read it togetlier, he an 00d to her Darling, will you let me geon and Accoucheur, and Dr. W. A. : fi Storm, they hyve the alr of | Crimowaa. wlio died in 1763, aged 108 gnitn, rend of 'the mountain locked | pe good fo you? 'In your great Sorrow : Sangster, Dehtist, may on aud after to, day, March s, 7go2. Just What You Need. al ola il il a i | years. When unety-four, she was mar- = ¢qjjey ivhere the sun never shone too | don't try to stand alone." a Ww. A SANGSTER, be found in their new Surgical and Dental vor 5 gH 3 - : which bul ried to a wan aged 105. Three children fiercely nor yet the blasts blew cruel- | Without replying she crossed the : Offices over the Post Office, where they will Chamberlain's ftomach and Liver O7ANg CUiRNG, Wilich, Duis cae of this union, but they had gray 1y; where cPops rose like air castles In | room, raised the sheet and looked long F i ¥ DENTAL \L SURGEON. be found as heretofore, pared attend TICKETS TO ALL FARTS OF THE Tablets, i J platform in the "trees on which | pair no teeth, were stooped, yellow the night; where the sick were made | and steadily foto her father's tace, On, . | to their respective hore in all their | WORLD.--Mr. W. H. McCaw, Pert ; ; 8B nt night, never seems to think | aud wrinkled, dectepit in movement eli: wieret-and this was the, best of fle of {meffabl , Office Suirithe Post Office Offi When jou feel dull after eating. Bbf. (Lough the Dyak J 4 well; where---an ft rested a smile of {meffable peace, _ oa ee Hon ho Toe Jf rahe Ded odd Peri), is now in a position to issue When 2 o have do appetite f, though t yuks say that and could cat only bread and vegeta- gil gtaryed, weuk lungs were fod and | The money fell nolselessly to the floor. --~9 am, p.m or erry ec, 8, 7 tic ets to all rt f th 1d d 3 J = . : ig 1s very wet it covers itself wit! bles 3 " bo hy nv 150 open Saturday o evenings, 5 parts ol the world an When you Lave a bad taste if ¢ . SIAR a strengthened. The Murdocks knew all | It Lad been earned in valn, Then she - 8 7 kto supply all necessary information i th : ar 2 S Ne Rist anus]. a large A Very. Old Hat the prominent La Junta citizens by | turned and looked into the brown eyes &F Gold Fillings, Bri 3ed DR. &. J. MELLOW, to parties asto the ch t {| the mouth, ; : ondon Spectator y . Dae . v ugh rides Crown pa D aE aeiearest' gnc When your liver is torpid aa SLI Among the treasures In the safe cus. Dame, rejoicing with them In success, | pent pitylngly upon her. : ark a Specialty. Vitalised A Rr PHYRIOIAN StraEoN, dc best'routes, &c. Iu addition to his i ) pid. 3. % y hristi colloge, Oxford, SYmpathizing with them In adversity, "Harry," she murmured, "he does' ' » bd When your b weld are constipated) INo Kiscrs In Burma. tody of Corpus Christi college, Oxford, s 'pumerous Ticket Agercics for Rail- ® Ifa Burman Las cared 4 little | 18 an old, old hat which was found in They lived In Fort Simpson, but thelr | pot need it-or me, wnd---I--am do When you have a headache. Dr FP D. Carer | Office and Residence, Queen St. Port Pesry road and Steamship lines, he has i hearts were in La Junta, And now | fred." Her head drooped wearily up-: . have ; 1 Bgyptlun tomb and must date back . : Office hours--8 to 10 a.m ; 1to3 pm, ; When you feel bilious. | lie Immediately proceeds to | an Bgyptlun tomb and must date bac only the Dfvfde, with Its pitiless alt | on his shoulder, and his arms folded : been re appointed Ticket Agent for| eT t least 5,000 years. , D N dE 3 PF 1] : 3 all, for the Burmese have no | at lea ¥ a pi (DENTIST) snd Erculngn sy the Gtind* Trunk Railtvay. Parties They will improve your appetite id to be rich and never hoard, | Its simplicity of make Las been its tude, stood betwéen them and this | Jovingly around her. . ad izhs. of Raya Collegs of Dental Surgeons, Fei phous In oor and Bouse, } heen) iitending to travel will consult their | ©'S71S€ Inde v- goats! . stony ntly there hre no large land- | safeguard, for it Las no nap or perish- promined id b east; whieh they Kani? 8 also D.D.S. of Toronto University. with A co of ©. Lit Hohaon v.8, jown. interests by consulting Mr. | ach, anc Te Bi ¢ your diver andj nd; there being no aristocracy, | able trimmings, such as moths night Bad sold thelr little Iowa home, fice in the Allison link over Allison's | Port Perry, N a bowels = Price 25 cents per box le arc as near being on an | corrupt. It is closely akin to what fs That night aftér her father. bad ; 4M ) ET a ov. 16, 1894. 4 McCaw before embarking on a trip. [For sale by A, k Davis: : ons Sore ph WM. H HARRIS, B. ALLB. {5 "70 CONSUMPTIVES. | eh The undersigned. having been restared to BS ATRD LiiPag "BAR RISTER, gc, | health by a. simple means, after sufferivg | Two Important Sessions as possible. Poor people are | BOW known as a pansma straw bat and fallen Into a troubled sleep she footed A Warning to Mothers. f8 rare as rich people, and the | Is of such excellent quality that it can UP their account book. They had lived ars to be met with are the | be folded or crushed without any harm 80 simply, yet little remained. If they Ask any Joctar, and he will veil flo sit ou the steps of tho pago- | 10 its uppearatice. It is also quite as 80d the horses, they might reach the | yoy (hat "(he "soothing ' medigines juld a Burman find bimself in | Well adapted for practical use now as VAlley by rall, but mountain railroad sontain opiates and narectick dan-t } pia J 7 4 fot several years with a very severe long | - ] of a large sum of money he | it was in the days of the pharaohs. fures are high, and without horses rerous to the health of wr t.nts and. 3 Te Sagcenscr ie eng goon ant of iid affection; and thik dread disease Cong 34 ALIHE, tx FROACHING. Ey a Pi roda and possibly a 7 a rb bow could they farm? : D 1 sk = FORYER 1 ofites of the Jate ¥, M. Yaruol OREN lisment, uad Ouatio, | BENE pag I y yat, children. Every mothor should or the |" 'tion, ix anxious to make known t '€1- | que: tions of tnusual interest will camie up. Ass romti ir in Keeping Track of Ships. | She rose impulsively and burried to 3 Tounty of aro Salt Register at K $ P vy 2 po of the vute un the litfuor Iori, new te npeta..oe use. any money still re- PUL ; shun there so called wedicines as (2 os ry. t £. {ow sufferers the means of care. To Ha o WASH oy Dr. Byrne's otfice. Ie received her A he Justice Office. I 2 i by "5 legislation i- likely to be submitted by the G vero: ives a theatrical perform- Tn the course of a year more than a - i 2 oe ™ , re ron ge solicited. who desire it; he will send (free of charge) | (mag: radio Aseumbly, while the Vhole Pro viuce: wo hadi dozen ponderous Looks are filled at With undisguised pleasure. Of late he | she would deadly poiscn. Baby' hd I 1terestid ti "a . ® moNEY 70 TO xox. na of 4 br everipton oss used. which Shey a In he ivan ital fovirtt HR RR AE Lloyd's with nothing but the naies of had felt that Lis calls had been un- | Own Tablets is the only medictie : LER N 5 se BR Private Funai 'af § pin cent, 8 BY wgurs ares fn cus arm pion Le mast of Cimon the gnastion of tart iragtane From Fogn. slips, thelr captains and the dates on Welcome. Very delicately they bad | specially prepared for childien andy "| throat and. 5 He. hopes all | foubtlon jess, nich stisnila, and smony Cm of fogs a medical journal | which they touch and leave port. Jy- hinted that professionally he was not | sold under an absélute garantea'to sufferers Hii thy his remedy, as it is Toealy- So Paimuient ars bila fine "consolation from the fact | ery known vessel In the world of more needed, and he feared that they might | contain no opiate gr harmful drug. able. "Those desiring the preeripti " § fogs Luve one compensating | than 100 tons register has Its record fu View his obylous attempts to "drop | Every dose helps little ones and can- con EL 5 util -- ed hay i which lias often been over- | them, and the underwriters can easily 0" socially as professional calls char- not possbly do harm. 'blessing, least i; whe L 3 t 18," it suys, "reasonable to | turn to the name of any British or for itably pald. No other medicine has been so v. EDWARD A Ni New Yor i on ey: oat 8. fog effects a purtinl | elgn ship and tell approximately where | "Father sccms stronger today. Don't ~armly praised by mothers every Brooklyi ; New Yor the atmosphere. This is | she 13 at the moment.--London Tit-Bits. you think he can stand the journey vhere Mes. J. K. Sta » Wey. net' 'that when a fog BE. very goon? p RAY h 4 Hr CTR bases and other |-: Casey~Av al} the close fislited ould | "The 'nights are cold, There is oh liarclioea oo nstipajion, bi hi #4 arp dn i Pet iG ge bre Hay vantage of pateans, and parties ©; Scan wilh their salg : We on ports ps : "Farticalar atten | SEO t 3 Silaery that iver Ol see Dolan's the ways frost In the mghnntalns?* Wh en's 3 Bp ; a 4 Jet "worst. | : N { "But you sald when it was cooler," : wid she persisted. Xeinde wr wily trait Nonsense! ed silently to the d a tid These tab yi trait wan man, let | where even in the moonlight she could Yrs and cureall' 2 bl Y alos i ranttly: catch the glint of snow patches. She | -hildrun, nd may be safel iven © *| clasped her hands in Sond. * 0 a new born baly. Try them for Vacancy Yawas For Him, "Why--why did you he could | our children and we know you Wilks h an ancient Rus- | "Why don't you have a sponge (0. go later? You knew all.the time that her, medicine. «. Scld hi ng men and wo- | moisten your stamps 7" queried the Le could pot pe. trip, and yet"-- a 2 ee Ti a tile class in St. Pe. | man from Ce -- stroét who a | She turned upon bim fercely a y wail on recept of price by writs 'on Whitnionday, the | dropped jn' nse fhe lawyer's tele- read that In his eyes which made 4 ng direct te te Br. Willams Meds the. lattea to b4 | Phoe. | wrath burst into a flame. In her un- J girls, dressed ds | "Good dea" answered the disciple of * reasoning love for het father she read | CU€ Co, Brockviile, Oat: will allow, are | Blackstone: *Do.you want the Job? | jn thls other man's love for Seesel} i = 2 tow 's by the sides of ' | ouly selfishness. He dhouge piv Ink as an Earache are laid under con- t and | Ee ata | was 3? Well, T did not e summer gardény ~ = > | If she stayed she tg An amusing story is told" of 8 standing behind | i : i him. And mow she ha : wh sudde! oS -- of their dhohers | Sockson, Bus aia "On, If 1 liad never 1 to youl het SE et SE yl 8 ong Sat thors wife tol | tried to a3 A she drew a' recognize it = ' gid : - : er or on. the ovetlRng Journe; b somes > ; fii ES) fi R Y | Without in a light Eghoes of Argument! Td horrors; for | out 'for the Bottle alled. Dick--Do you ever get the Inst word 2 a : out 1 4 Hae : hr with yon to? : | dmeans--dent Je and, potty Kt Fu REWRL Te when ut ; ¥

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