Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 2 Apr 1903, p. 1

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RSDAY # PRIL 3, 1904, pS tongue, 'the English words 'took | 10 ug, 'and she listened wond 2 Dering told her of the wild Jul 6, Ew a | Aberdeen felt iT to comphix Letter to Mowers ment our hostess on the results of Ny ar : 3 TE uo . ber training. 'Oh,' said the . ode Hy > € permitted to make public | I am so glad you think Jane. dic of palm, the ¢ p ing letter, which is a fair| well--I should like you to tell her | the eastern land where the aq hundreds written by moth | so presently.' And when that 'pro- golden days droned into the | ighout | ada praising sently' came what should we discgv- er but - 'Jane' arrayed in evening [was ¥ poorly and coud 2 n, Re ES and proving tosbe the daugh-L 8 harily pet. Sol 1c lf | was: trople nights, nei A ar, Onfl, M rch 18, 1903. ; the a who, in conse | § tired out all { mg. 7850 Jed ¢ : hi baby, t ted. A Bepuri e | § Ayei's Sarsa fe a y Br aly 13 "two bo "to i me 3 E 1 ia Go a ie ---- wreesney | Of WHICH was locked in 'merrouw anell. | Tired when. you go to § pos $ RE3y - Abdrdeon's Paper Concluded As the summer days grew fo # nt*for Wx: oo h a description of the aims and bed, tired when you get | end Dering awoke with Saki to wie. organization of the National Council Wi tired a iH thz time. § | position into which he had drifted. Al- Why | a in: to directions aid of Women in Canada, which ks t at I ave found then | fogerate on Tor all TE Eo ? Your blood is im- § | ready curious glances followed the girl, pedicing for a teething | concern themselves with women and are. that's the reason. and the maldens of Vaarken Dushed i ever thied. One Tab-| children, whether secular or relig- | ) h | their chatter when she came &mong er day ceps my, baby ious, literary, ertistic, athletic or | ou are living on the them. Others knew of the little nook Mesure §f my rest at|focial. This association has brought | § horder line of 'merve ex- § | In the green shadaw of the alders, 8 I | together the women workers of the T A 5 | ang whispers of the. doings of Jufrow, ho the Words of my | different. provinces in.a way wholly | haustion, ; ake yers | Hntje and the stranger were growing d say they ate just splen | new and' wh ofly satisfactory. Among Sarsaparil la and be : | | get rd or the be) pit afew pressed any intention 4 groying peas this season aud only onef bad objections to ceasing 'the grbwiug for one year if lie felt 'stree all /would do thesame. Wien asked whether legislation was desirable tg assist, Dey rates. Interest ak . - ee "each depositorsemi Sittin nN t a jest, tings of the Division Courts spout onc tall eid es Mince Eni apt of oN U quickly 'cureds BAAS {1 Dre doy bo walt ony in ee sit 3 A iona ouncil o Vomen in Canada 4 . i drwy . + QOUNTY OF ONTARIO. |handsfor this thin, the iprevious| «a Mas. c areas Wo porn. LEER MC satition of anal | hont. and she did not come. Then bo 1908. n question. It was infeuded lo ask| Ba 'Owa Tablets will cure all [itraining into the schools of Ontario; GT du! chow ah Tom thir krand | shipped his: oars and strode with de- the meetiug at Port Perry" 'and the mit@e ailments of children, and | the appointment of women factory | |B sid tually medicine. Fellowhisadviceand J | termined air up the street, across the a with absolie 'af ty tof inspectois for Quebec and Ontario, | = Cp., Lowell, Mass. nmiarket place to the red brick house. Mevrouw's high pitched voice came ~~ | Nim as he mounted the stoop: .; & métanuisuun oor 2 L WHITBY: Clerk rig DO Macdonall Whitoy sna Brooklin 10 pass a motion calling on' thay be botn baby. 1M hece Tab,| the extensions of the provisions of | , Maren 4 A sR June, all persons to stop growing péag|even a tn baby. #lhese 1ab-| the Pactory Act to the shops in On- sme! February | » Sree Uctoler a ailir i BUSINESS WITH FARMERS or 4 Fi for- 1903. But some few dealers lets are El ino ige for child-| tario; the appointment of women or | "w hat manner of maiden i a i lv 4 absol guarant the f school trustees in New | 4 ; ABAD | cums oop. p.6 toot yott su hin Bat posi ters might | en ORRBEE an aolule carte | hy Bons of hon) (tees in Bon Ainbruny ila gig Salar 5 2 In addition to bandlin mmercial IS Bepiaml, | Cotter T, November poet | HOU Le 1hany mature Lugs arranged druz. SOA b a raists or sent Ly | Changes in the treatment of women the mire of the Inglish camp in the CASPER TING : Paper, this Bank mukes a systiy frusiness Jan 1} with farmers to grow in Cartwright [CUS = oy Buggists ov sen by isoners ip all colonies. Tt first heathen land my son brought thee wh o.. |of Loans to Farmers and the discount. B= HK SER 'Towtthip, Scugog and in Southern | Mail postpaid at 25 cents a box by | figinated the fdea of the Victorian home. Like mother, ike child. I waac (British Capital) ingot Piers Bal a Notes reasons! le} aber Jam omy oO Sopmber Xen | of lace Wiitby It isto be|Wiitngidifect to the Dr. Williams! | Order of Nurses--now flourishing un- no more of thee. Begone!" "Then the o rates of interest. _ 8 fous pray Sw Pury | FEgTeLIES d that peas arc to be. sown | Med cing 6., Brockville; Ont. der Lass Minto it was concerging old voice broke into pitcous weeping. Bo bat ab, 45 420 8 pr oan | Cor and own evonn 14a IRSRE RRR BEI CL nda = Sry a, Dosing heard 4 ow. abn tig n fod or Wi it gress te the eolivating o of Ni , ete. 8 UXBRIDGE {ork Ee Gare every care will be taken to harvest A Tivy Wi crose-examining an | ing enquiries and causing enquiries : By CURRAN RICHARD CREENLEY... ghine ever nearer as the great door $8 seca y. Jammy 18 March 0: ln Juiy 15, Soptonibe. | early tresh at once and treat with | hsv he point under in | tO be made into many subjects Yit- swung afar and Jintje crept throug SAVINGS BANK : : bisuiphide of carbon. It is suggest-| worth, pe | ally. affecting women's work and wel- Conyrght, 192, by the S. 3. Mehr Company @ | into thie dark, SO ai 18 re pek eo. Sruithy Cannington ~ | 4 (hat any person who would. like | Quiry bei a relative positions of | fare Bosca ,080@0000000008 | Dering cauglit the slender figure fut DEPARIMENT, 20, Novenber 15 Jan. 13, ToL" P he SR indows, etc , in 'a house | at ttm ere | his arms, where she struggled like a. x 3 to sow peas 1s at liberty to do so |the doots, Findows, etc, in a he he r e 'green banks of the. canal e Apectul Attentfon Is Directed to. §. BEAVERTON-Cl.sk. Gea. F. Broce, Beaverton |S f. 9) ; § : Lm 3 Lsusinds ef Dead Tish, ast the green banks of the canal frightened wild thing. But he held the Following Advantages Janus, hg SG, Bestab 33, Nv. | DOME 300 farnicis practica lyagreed | in which @certein transaction DAG | The spripg freshet in the Grand went the broad scows laden. with mar- | per close and rang peal after peak om River hus revealed a lamentable con- | ket stuff, propelled by the strong arms | the old brass knocker, while overbeud ition, of "agalls, Fhick is causing}. peasant women. Against the blue | the old voice cried; "Kafrinke, Ka- | keen regret among the anglers of sol fm ¥ § of the sky the weather gray of the | trinke, haste, quickl The child bath faid, 'will you be ood | that section of Ontario. The rag- ' Fh k i "The i ; ) g | tng waters have for days borne along | Windmills ed the sunlight Into taken my foelish word and is gone offerod by eur Savings Mawkt emer To on. to stop growing for this year. Fhere| ried. Deposits of One Dollar asd upwards | 7. UPTERGROYE Clerk, Thos. P. Hart, Upterprore | 15 110 dcsire to put any person" at a Eo a received aud interest allowed at current | March, My 3, Sopcember 2, Rereubor I. disadvantage, This Ulustratés ther 7 And new, my good woman, 3 Juben SOBRE ARYL necessity of farmers binding fhems (fie lawye Interest is added to the depot Twic i } i aly TE 8 aaah year, of the end of May and Pitot Whitty Nox? i Loo Ie of the Peace. selves in a co-cperative way, sb that enough 1g tell the court OW ths] housands of dead. fs, including:| shifting shadows {ato the 1 Then, as. the fright «November: - oi united action may be possible along {stairs run # your house ?" | great quantities of black bass, | Jufrow Jintje had dropped her kf: | Sued face appeared at an upper win- | ,| many of which have been cast on the | ting (na tangled mass, flinging herself dow, Dering uncovered Tis head and. es The is subject to no dela ---- -- lany desired line. Much regret is| a ty Holey 1 To Ie Niner ts of the whole Lo ated i on New Premi felt that some of those who Should ¢ How: Bajtho Stairs run the | shores to rot and form food for | hyek ngainst the slant of the bank to | With tft girl still held fightly against: or any portion of the deposit. Gale I Vr NeW Premises have been most interested in ridding | Witness x lied. "Shure, whin I| musicrats, crows and cranes The. | link at the sun; Lazy Jufrow Jintje-- | Wis breast, spoke fn such wise that tie, No Charge is made ou withdrawiog or a LYS this section of the bug should be tl.e|am upstai#§ they run down, and gta of Sy DIY fish i thougl £101 {the maidens of Vaarken called her-- | Seat door was flung wide. Mevrouw's { 1 i : i < e largely due to the Feet ans "Wy truly an alien, for under the close white anger had melted into smile 8, for vad cap that she hated with all her soul the | BOC the stranger n kinsman of Jufrow . depositing money, Fix ll HE Subs hog. ia propured to LAND o b P ¥ B ag 5 - nN rst to solicit contracts for growing [whi I'm gustairs they run up' | of lime in the refuse ANY AMOUNT on Farm Seourity or er y ranch; of peas. 3 --- " lin Sugar Refinery has been pourir i 3 ; » Jintje, by right of the unknown maths Truit insti will be held at a . info the river all winter. At Blair , little black curls crept out to frame | iin Site langhed ind wept Tn whats AT 5 PER CENT. WwW. H. DUNSFORD, Manager Fruit institutes A Mo'He#'8 Recommendation | r tet . a a Also on Village Property, ml Oshawa on Tuesday March ist, |= =" 58 oo in alo tes of ond | He Ce Oe a ie ot an | as she told the story: that Jintjo had . i 3 a - . ~ - + o 1 aH I pre stirew @ n ie flats Vi 1 e Lissed ive of an- > o £2 montarcks LOVGIT. ©) R. 0. ARCHER, M.D.C.M. Victoria ISH TO ANNOUNCE that | Myrtle, April 1st, Pickering, Apnl, I haven Chamberlain's Cough | are. aw TORT Gr AIT. ia river Tost: othr THe Lungered to hear through all the years TLUBERT L. EBLELS University ; M.B. Toronto University, that they are now conifort- 2ud,- Frank J." Baier, George: [Remedy fofianumber of yearsand Ly [5 ((rried them further down | In the squat red brick house whose | Of her life, Cited Wi vi Banister, | Membr gr the College of Physicians and ably ensconsed in their new pre [1OWD and the Secretary will bs pre: [have no hefifancy in saying that 1t kgtreamt. -On. 4 recont 'afternoon. hun chiming brads ruled stoop ted out to | There was a flush of shame on tie, Tip yan Ses 3 Liagutishe of the Kove mises in the sent. Afterncon meetings will be isthe best @medy for coughs, colds dreds of splendid black bafs were |"4yo market square dwelt Meyrouw | 0/4 face as she told that her love for allege o ous, Bdinbueni decent! te ha held in hall and orchard. Our fruit{and croup, ¥ have ever used in my | lying at high-water mark... In view | con vee old 1 wrinkled, Kut | the child bad prompted her to bide all; of ths Royal College of Physicians, Edin. P d Bl k ; i 1 1 gs | of the fact that portions of the riv- | Sra A i) trace of her mother' 8 % i he Faculty of Physicians ur y oc interests are large. The growers havegpot ords to tes or Rave Bein recently. resinc with | Strplght as an oak, There mg: ace a re - 5 nrgeora ot; Late Resident of NH Shoud a larg Le S58 dee Nec ew sth whotensle BIGGER 1h Ha Df SYomanBoad. ~ Witeko mother ik og Ba heraolf nud Been ee A ) alo uiiingt i Ey ¥ RE t ' = vars "hood and ow, for Nichol m n, such ns sho hersel a A i en 3 ¥h ' rable. In Michigan, it is said ood and sorrow, for Nicholas van HR § V co a ey ; Davis Pp i Pate fle ris 1 Verek: th taltart, lnngl . ¢ | Nicholas had told her very little of the " 2 'of Davis' arias om enter Is There are a lay 8 J Ie ne ot > \ Mis Sugan refinarics -- 1d i . ny ee oe San 2 brief facts, and mevrouw had deemed : " Stéeol, OMuohonrs-9to 11s. . number who have not renewed yet: BAH ESR led off the fish to such an alarm- | the old house, had fled from the quiet . Ly : as . "or PERRY Qucen - Sthee co hours--9 ¢ : fra. cortont (Bat the relist ail goa tit ote af - the fatherland | IE Pest never to let ihe child kuow 5 ind 2¢0 5 pm, and evenings. . , It is hoped fo receive their renewals rivaley which western Fh ed co ot orth ies Aah oN LO mr oC | and now came a Dering, and the heart ; All Ynanelos of nn iveluding Ihave taken as partuer,'my brother, Dr [at prices that cannot fail to please. | at ence.-- Eraser Lick, Sec Yis probably responsible | ima was given a chance to settle be. | five Bi dl orcs The Iai 58 Of | Jf the ebild had known Its kin 4 3 y a a chan settle be- 'e 3 rears hadspassed whe 4 i LS K succesfully | @ Archer, ML. D., C: M., Manber of Col | A full supply of Meats of the very ls R about Seattle, which | fore washing down the streams night, as the sea raged against the | There were busy days in the old red Artifical Tucth in Gold, Steer, . Alumisam | 2 of Physicious and Surgeons, Ont. best graders and Sut in dimensions | How to Ward of on Attack of en said of some other | Ea dikes, the "wanderer returned -- not | Prick of the market square. The sew or Endler Plates' © Port Perry, June 9. 1897. 0 please the most fastidious. Rheumatism. p other time. It con--} fC MR re Gotlarich. Signar.| Alone. for he carried the child that was;| IRE: -women wrought Jin the uppep " 3 > i scel | ccording to The Goflerich Signa . . rooms piles of white Huefs household = iHings of ald, Silver or Cement iar ol orders will receive prompt "For years when spring time "| the rates charged for electric light destined to be at once the pride and | gear Ea aint; robing, all for Jufrow _-- ga EXTECH Thien required: BE. IL PROCTER Eliention fcamc on and 1 went into gardening. fares |, that! plate are lower than In 'any piagus of Mevienty van Verck's lone y te rken forgave the maid her ; 00 IE rites to sat the Yinieeny DR. i S. T. CAWKER & & SON. t 5 : To oe 3 BR lie remarkel, ater | other municipality in Ontario I'he. 3 life. A few months later Nicholas | ¥ ™N® . : - ; I was sure to have an attack otf Towle Pei ok | uselessness when it heard the wed- 4 ( T0, DH, CLEMENS) March > of his new quarters, | Town Council, has just passed a by- | van Verck, strangely old and broken, t . . : frow ALD CM, of Trinity Coll University, e 5 1902. fgheumaticm and cvery attack was, s so much better than | law fixisg a Tew and lower rate. The yielded up his turbulent soul, as much ding bells and knew that Jufrow Toranto, with Honor Frtifiate. ~-- T'mare severe than the Pa ane,' #revious rate of twelve cents per | a mystery to Vaarken as » he re- J was gommg from yo mg 3 » s sand Watts has been reduced to ! turned Ba x y! 1em forever to the "oiler nnd." omvRaL. SURGEON. | Fellow of Trinity Medical Cold 'TICKETS TO ALL, FARTS oF THE |Says Josie McDonald, of May, Log: 't heaven, explain: | thousand W, ! > | turned. The old woman and the child | dl A gn © 'WorLD.--Mr. WH. McCaw, Pert | an-county, West Va, I tried évery- yen sents ith a discount of 10 per | jjved on together, and the red Lrick Aeaiiied to Tesvel oe over the Poss out Office, fice and residence on Dr. Clemens' old site. | Perry, is now in a position to issue thing with no relief 'whatever, until (Yio Watts: 15 Do ion. mansion kept its secrets well Io Lis "Coutessions of CRHoAtu Tat? ~ Offer [nitrs--9 16 12 am., 2 to 6 p.m. opposite Town: I i worlds I procured a bottle of Chamberlain' Hos TYRE " tot ara ame oY : > The years rolled on, the gypsy years BE Kino open Katara eva Pp. 3 oe tickets to ali parts of the world and | 1 I] Brian's has named her auto fers of over 75 hilo Watts, and 20 ho) 3 Harry Furniss tells the following story adh ge : Font kmay. to supply all vecessary information Pain Balm, and the first applicatioh band, the Count ! per cent. to uses of over 100 kilo, that stole the little, Mughing child | "oy or pone in law, a man who had rape craig ra Vv ase, 1 fore th } 3 Watts. Goderich owns its ow tec. . With her witching, dark face and left i "Bridge and Crown - to parties as to the oh est and |gave mc ease, and before the first 1y A h i hE £3 her stendP a denrar : aid ¢ | spent Lis life in London: Vitalised Air. NOTICE. : bestroutes, &. In ad lition to his| bottle was used I felt bke a new very fast, and usu | tic light plant. « er en Gemufe Young maiden © He was also an inveterate and clever = : a Tick A for Rail. | persen. NowI feel that 1 am cured, ' The, rate charged in Toronto is 20, dreams. Juffos Jintjo sixteen, | gy ry teller and of course ocepnionally Like } RJ H.SANGSTER, Physician, Sur Eo Joke: Asenaics for Rai but I always keep a bottle of Chaat cents per 1,000 Watts, with a dis. had her rebellious little head full of | OFF =F & 0 0 SH TERE eH, 'Do McGrattan geon avd Acconcheur, and Dr. W, A. [102d an Stcamship lies, he has oy D? recall the day we | 0unt of 40 por cent. to stores and old tales that Katrine, the serving | Made Sp, as for Mstyncs on 8 Bl SEY DEN TIS - Sangster, Dentist, may on and after to a been re appointed Ticket Agent for berlai's Pain Balm in the house | urecas ie ¥ WE 160 per cent. to residents. woman, had whispered at dusk through | 5 journey to big 1ton once, when he (DENTIST) be found fu their new Surgion! and Dental fhe Grand Trunk Railway. Parties aud when 1 feel any symptoms of a | 2 ibs dod BREAKING IT GENTLY. the curtains of her white bed when | FoUFd Dimselfajone Wit A J HH Rayal College of Destat Burgeons, be Pe dts te Dont De Siig i Ba ntending to travel will consult their | return I soon drive it away with one Hist to GIACIONS x OUR 141 aE mevrouw had thought the child fast | / _-- ; ol tive esta] it Le wes alko D PLN, of Toronto University, Foo thes: a avive prolom rl Ee own interests by. consulting Mr. |OF {WO applications of this liniment. f i Ld ittack take Clam. |e Suowed the Widow Why It Was asicep. There was ever a faint, elusive 2 nS ee I ~ Ye CARY Mle We . 2s a 2 ious attac ke C 1- ot 'traye Lfhon ii' the Aftison flock over Allison's beaaches. re Lif "McCaw before embarking on a trip, For sale by A.J Davis. : } Liver Tabl Too Taio to Mowe. memory of some other time when, in | Opn OF TAVEHRE: © 5 Le think STL DragSteres P tP v De 8 1897. hE Red pmach and Liver Tab After the ship whick had come from place of the grassy banks of the slow TRvell SHU ath Ltt ort Perry C, 8, ost ek cure 1s certain. Jaw 7 ; N sha : : 80," he replied airily, and, imagining 7 The Stiktocratic fady. > Was Sitiig : pK New Zealand was tled up at the wharf canals, the weary order and cleanli- Bn A : : ng i. TO CONSUMPTIVES. AJ. Davis Larry O'Brien was told off by his ship- ' ness of Vaarke 4 ts of wild ie was impressing some one who wis ken, came | pensivély over some embroidery be- 8 : " 2 £ wid | Gg mething tn the city," he continued, DR. 8. J. MELLOW, /The umlersigned buviug been, restarud tol i § i - . mates to call upon Mrs. McCarthy and music, white tents flapping In the | Ta pd el heal th bys simple, means, 'after sufioring | oaning to hersell that she: had ne | IMEN IN CANADA. break the news of the death of her hus breezes, the glow of s ind gold Yes, sir, I'm a pretty experienced tray- PHYSICIAS, Surcrox, 4c. & ; & | Jittle ones to bless her home. Hear : ee rad ont shinboup fo & scarlet and gold, | oar Boon mostly round the world and for, se yeirs with a vory severe lung h ; the Tri Graphics Teport of the Re. | band: which had occurred on shipboard with warm, red lips upon Let own. Cal that kind of thing You Know ani Office and Residence, Queen St., Port Pecry | © d that dread discase Consump- ing the voice of the Irish washer. he Subfyot'® the preceding summer. The Breoklyn Dimmer and dimmer, but as the child: | 2 oy WA } is anxious to make known to his fel- | w. y rv 3 fnper on hab y . y % 2 had my share of adventures, I can-tel} n, oman downstairs she arose and Eagle tells how he did it 5 lito 3 pm. Sion, ia ai the means of cure. To those Lady Aberdecn. agle tel d it: ish things slipped by out of the mie. oul' ' : s went to interview her and inciden : ; "Good 'morning, Mrs, McCarthy!" gerness 6f everyday was born u renales| 5 who desire it, he will send (free of charge) ¢ AAety ob: Am g § yday wa 30 ¢ SE4 contd tally to pay for the wa. lin At Jociety of Arts last night, | goiq he "1g Denny in?" ce of 1h : oY & : After a bit he gained more confidence "Telephone iy 0 oe and Bouse, j omni] i of the prescription used. which they y pay 10g, don Graphic of Feb. 1%, " v Space o 2 past a8 the girl strnggled | and launched into details, giving the and day over the lines sout oy a sore cure for Oonsumption, Good morning, Mrs." Murphy." s 23 rdcen read p paper on fe Denny 7" said the surprised woman. daily to remember. Foolish Jufrow | stranger the benefit of Lis experlenge. with Bp Robson, V.S, Catarrh, Bronchitis aud all all| "Geod mornin', ma'am." "Wo Canada," a Subject on | MY Denny? No, he's not in. ls the Jintjel As if the fatted kine were not | uywne sir you read in bogies that hunt «sey, Nov, Sok. iroat and lug dies. He { "How are 21 the family, Mrs. Whi Lanuch from her own in- Ship here? : better than the tents of Kedar! be "big game. such a8 fgers. watchs | sufferers will Mya Femedy, avi ova Murphy ? * the Dominion as' from her | "Sure it i&. And Denny's not got Oh, weary, weary days--mevrouw, dh big pe : a - Spr t i nks for . . Those desiring. the prescription, : if t G - | home yet? That's quare--unless some- oh rv i thelr eyes, Not a bit of it. Jat you re ghich will cost them nothing, and may| 'The whole thirteen av thim's in | mh BN roee] [ning Fes AB Hi upsight ha nigh, eared, Jaken Lave got to do Is to watch the tail. a blessing, will please address, "| foine health, praise the Lord." a 3 RE a or SHAT, nitting, always knitting, | yap the thing! It mesmerizes the etice aud | Pp wi ar authority. Mr. Icon: What would happen him?" Mrs. Mc- only looking over her spectacles long dd ill v. EDWARD Ai my New York Z "Ah toe! I wish my ha shandiand al ey presided at the lec- Carthy asked anxiously enodEh to vaprove ihe pe Tor animel, so to speak, and you have him a Brooklyn, New York. || had a httle one o call'6ur own!" f r tracing the influence of | «phere: { at your mercy.' : ere's plenty of things can happen idleness, and the silence of a house "And { wight 'd stopped at the | WO the earliest bistory of |g pan» gaid Larry delicately. "He Tie 4 On arriving at the hotel Le fount' $ bpesd a r y ¥y Y- ¥here laughter ds forbidden--where | yy, pig traveling companion bad just. d after -an allusion to ; s ds t d of might have got hurted or he might one goes softly in pemince for an un- | L ee omarion have took sick with the fever. But known sin! She hated the close cap, Sita us Daren Be ae «ths 1 colonies in [there's one comfort, as Father McGin- the sober garb of the burgher maiden. t Ni, Shr le De ns one > an revolution, nis sald once, and that is that'time Better the flash of pemsant color and greatest .Tuve.erd ge, oR QE 2 | the 5 of thelr Bien orna- brother-in-law bagtencd to ap A OR Bl 8. Sir Richard for n paid oy {i mane that if a thing Japrened i The Rams barred os dled across nad holden of cose, to wiombe wens Detiny you wo 2s bad the flat, green micadows ad the women Jurton lafighed. "My dear sir, not a tenth," "to these Wo- ghout ft a few months after it hap- aby cluttered away from washing : " DOVE Joist years: pened as you would right at the time, place. Still Jintje sat listlesn, her bis, | (oy een t Mita ney Bh trro uring. ne. [Yond you?' dark eyes looking ont. from Ender thelr | ony C00 1H Tat Bo ol oo s have done so "I suppose not," said Mrs. McCarthy. long lashes straight into nce. RYE raved Io oR agri "the great Canada |J mind whin I Jost me first husband I | The tinkle of a guitar wippled over 3a) and such thought Id'never get over it. But, a8 tne water, and a man's rich tenor sing- rs had been build- You, say, in a few months it was aisier ing some lilt of stranger muslee-bearer, tain an empire | fg bear." | "Non ti scordor ti mi," To'Jintje's ear. hei a the re- | "Then, Mrs. McCarthy, youll be glad the words were nothing, but the pas- Soft od i ir hands and to know that i's mow four months-- | gion of the music and aracter, thei' | nearly five--since Denny died. Sure, It ghe had heard that Si = a any ut" - can't grieve you now aa much as it | #Pfie guitar ceased, but the splash of : tod. a would if you'd known it at the He," | oars enmne in its stead. The song was 59 pation." The | now a Venetian barcarole as the light on herself, de- (Spain's Migratory Sheep. ' | skiff shot into view between the droop- v, after very (There are about 10,000,000 migratory ing alders that fringed the bank. gt friendship with |sheep in Spain, Does year travel | The craft was strange to Jintje's d up iri ohe | as much as 200 miles trom the plains to ' o. es, but she half rose to grget the man Se ntains.' They are known as that propelled it after the English fash- jumantes, and their march, rest- ' fon. As she stood out tall and slight. ing places and behavior are governed 'from the green wall behind Yer Dering | by special regulations, dating fom the paused involuntarily. Then, Séeing that i 1t was one of the burghel ns, he 'would have, gone on, but meth: the appealing childish an i ti E Waite SAR i n 'of tenns

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