Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 19 Mar 1903, p. 1

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g Ap Rs : : : Cat al ugh po i? : = ae al Pe GQ. rls ©. CEs 1 own blood." ° . |tempered. | be (nage uely| 6 RTI : : ' ET 3 RR a "Let: him have incumbered," | gip, either, | 5. your or bay Le 7 he | in ants t oy ean Be. crimbioe ta a : > Kush, among the od reat: : to speak, | powder or "given in water. They. (rhiom the' Eibinans aig ted, refreshed. § | but Fenella. stopped her by an Im: | eq gweet and children like them. Ry ay hit colon De Vaux began ing' "thé! Neepawa. Messrs: G° alway Depot a Jom, Gibbs and ¥6. Soe wire Hi» + perative gesture. No mother has sed P. fettency Residence Bric oute; oppo- appointed to 'perform that mission. : Ny anxious to be "It means you arg fe be rich and 0 he bl 3 bl 3 ai abyss, CotiFge of Hime, Auninfiate SS id 4 M be fot Own Tablets without finding that to thelr reproduction, 1 '| site th ethodist Parsonage. The secretary, was instructed td re. comesirong, happy In your own ay." she said they do d for cliildren of all wrest % = JF. SMITH. quest each iy the municipal: jes ur eous. That" clearly. "I bave not bee #9 bing. as | 'CY 29 Ww. bh LY : Port Perry, Aug. iy : eg ea the Tv > rag Ss you thought. Mr. Jermain dved Bots 3RES: Mrs atters, Sheenboro, :, Not an Optleal Miuston. « , : Foll thi Ee A bs, | r's Sarsaparilla really ¢are for me. He loves Susan | Ques says;--*"I have used many| He was positive that he 'bumped his: ] . TET TTT ee ollowing tis, Mavager Weir, though he bas never let himself | medicines for little ones but have | head when he fell. ~ § Sittingsof the Divisi 1 C it of the Canadian Bank of Commerce or you. acknowledge it." (never found anything Foal to| "You see, it all happehed fust.as I~ 5 100 GOUTLS | here, complying with the request of | § © boftle. All druggists. Jermain laughed heartily. "In thaf:{ Baby's Own, Tablets, simply | stepped off the porch," he said as Le OOUNTY OF ONTARIO. the president. briefly addressed the | Beds em er] | caso you must needs console me," would not. be without hn in the Fabled the back of his thought repost- 190 meeting, - By way of intradpction; ; 511 about thie grand said. "Haven't you heard the news? | house, and: i .strongdy. recommead wr ii i er Cae bem LU mn cer. Tu § | Lon 2002 sa%s mets onto a | 10,8 other mothers. wi ht ted te cy ate ati h exi be 3 , 4 onship which existe een Baby's Own Tablets eure all the kull.' The stars Joomed up Hike & ~ him this last six weeks. I was so sure : : : p | my sl ee 10 hag ti witehed our fairy here minor ailments of little ones, and |, ciwmtion. 1 hover saw "wr a . oe IN IN CANADA. Ho touched Fenella's arm reverently | YOU have a positive guarantee that | piafniy in my wife." 25 he spoke, &he.shrank from hin they contain no opiate or harmful) "But, papa"--his 'Yoting son attempt- . I Poem atthe Cas- | q yode ng if to speak. Miss De drug. Sold by al druggists ord to interrupt, but the stern parent Tobe, Barat anell, Whitby Jana. | the banks and the farmers. * Fhe RE fovember 4 "Bost | bankers of this country are Jouy financial doctors," he said. " "If SBHAWA A : er Vent are financially distressed we will be the t Isles 'the Cele orn anil wine | She stopped, faltering the least bit. atic's smiics, v ES nlEE etme cloth Jermain frowned blackly, but suddenly fish; but if the water is stagnant it | broken. rapidly becomes injurfous. In his Ae r-------- " axperiments he found that this was | Dishonesty Is a forsaking of perma. SSTERLIN : hte Ny fli By Ek jy and Islisve "those" disirasses, mE Ine tures Diswen, | Vaux put a hand over her lpg, saying} mailed post paid a 25 cenfs a box would not permit it. bi of Loans to count- BORO Gleason, Greenwood samc. | WILHOUL bleeding you. As your fin-| At the t banquet tendered by | "Let me tell him, Fenella. He ought; by writing direct to the Dr. Wil-| "Don't contradict what I say, Prank; | (eeitisk Outta) ip oF Farmers Sales Notes : ber pyc I. May §, Juiy1, September 8 Rov, | ancial doctors we become acquaint- | the logal @nufacturers of Brantford to know the truth. Our girl was be-jlianis' Medicine Co, Brockville, because you know I am older than you ' g 3 PORT ORT FERRY Clerk Jw. = with Sow ailments ; hi take oe m ey he C ehadian | witched, John. That is the true word | Ont. a are)' sald the pater. i wr s 3 rosperity ; " § : a ae Toye Pe ' Tod 404, 41 509 ar oe Se, rt we SEE SRO Stiles nour pros ve) Sent IRR ri Ta ee oo wr het & i w padi h - J id . - on good Hortgsge seurly. -- tn a, Jor E Gould, Uxbridge consequently feel more than a pass- a -- BP Soe oe of 2 Joliowe of a secret marriage. She had found SAWDUST.AND FISH. 1 "Cut, papa,'T know youl didn't Lump; SAVINGS B: ANE 5. Notember 3, Jas. 14, 04. ing interest in all your doings.'--|'mniden, \ Mls E. Pauline Johnson, | him out. She is going away because I | keuet of the One Upon the Life of tne JOUT Dead. And you didn't sce stars F Lk AVIN 5. CANNINGTON Clock, Smith, Cannington | ETOCEEding Mr. Gibbs said :--- entitled: | J | have been cruel. Tell her she must | Other. either. It was .the ashes from yur 4 b mAmai mn Ni DEPARTME = rE 4 July I, September | # People have awakened to. the \ 8pNde In Canada." stay." A recent Saturday night's lecture PPS: I guess I saw you. i : ADAM spectal See AES SP Clark iF. Bracs, Beagarsgn.. | 1ACt_ that there is a great fafure in | What ls tu8fteed end the cullag that we "I have no right to tell her any. | at tho Canadian Institute in Toron- And Frank was ceprimanded for hav. | a . a, Ns May 1, Bepinber Wor. store for this country. The giant | re te eee dhe ie or sower, it fs never | (UIE Jermaln said, paling through = to was by Prof. Knight of Queen's, 98 bis say.--Tndianapolis News. i 4 A dur' Savings: Bank strides that have been made in the the 'of gold, 4 all his healthy tan. Then to Fenella | who in a most interesting manner | OSE DRT I 5 HAL 0 : ' . } Borat of ne" Dollar Dollar and opwards (1 Lies 4 hd Thos. P. Hart, U, Let the ¢ d south, and west contend, he sald: "But you nced not go, dear, 8ave the result of some further ex- | Yielded to the Imevitable. or and Toker, Tasted aud fnteieat Swed BP OurTan: 1% May 8, Geptmnber 1, Roromar 7," | PSL few years have placed us prom- But a for 2 maverick ae eed | to--escape me. I shall never force my. | Periments he had made on the effect Bfison--So vou have a titled som-frs CRIES Ea A Thee Mn tai vided thd ie By order, Spine wais. ently tithe ge of the public, and that w@tkall our own. gelf on you. 1 Jove you too well"-- | 3 sawdust, on fish life, in Jecture law. J suppose you consider him a Port Perry, Ont. |™ in each year, at tha Tend of ey and Datedjat sos York of the Pesce. OL al, position, we Good wiries #¥e at Kalser Wilhelm's, good "It 1s not that," Fenella Interrupted. AA te rat the Melly hry high: lionar, } Rove igh; No. Sus. 100, need fear nocriticism, A few more cnkes ar@ at Uncle Sans | "I will stay, and gladly, on one condk | 3 your ago. Ihe professor has made) Tribbler--Wll, ges, he tid comet 5 Be » Depositor is rubfect tn _ tand this will be the greatest grain | Ana du den a larders are the | tion." an exhaustive study of the subject, °F high, but Carrie deemed sort of set MONEY 10 LOAN, wie Bethataratof the wha 1 : garden the world has cver seen | put poof nad. ad, and a blanket, a pipe, + "Name ft" Jermain sald, lookitig:' and the conclusion at which he has Upon buying him.--Boston Transcript, A . or any Jletion of the deposit, « Located 11 Our New Premises Within five years the acreage under Ar AEc : away. Fenella drew back a step. arrived may be summed up as fol ii No la made on with rawing or cultivation has doubled, and last|4™ wag hl we have In Cunadai | "That I may be my aunt's compan- | lows: That in a rapidly-running | eo © de ing money.' 2 ah year nearly 75 per cent. of this was RY | fon, not her heiress" she sald. "If, Stream of water the presence of saw- Horses are like eggs. It Is impossible We don't the marts of Europe, nof | yoy will let her adopt you -- dust has no injurious effect upon the to tell what's {on them until they are E Subscriber fo progared 1oLEND| Port Perry Branch. T fall plowed. The more plowi | ANY AMOUNT on Farm Security S (a k all plowed. The re plowing the tr 2 w. N RD; or W er on there is done in the fall, the lags | We don't n AT b PER OENT. fH. DU S¥or Manag 14a & there is to do in the spring and the | ror wists & Also on Village Property. : : "| his face cleared as if by magic. "I be- : &F MORTGAGES BOUGHT, Wa = R. D. ARCHER, M.D.C.M. Victoria ISH T sooter the land is ready for seeding /'y,,, "nd, EE fors.tagied | Tove that is the best wa out he said, due to certain substances which Were | pent for temporary advantage.--Bovee. HUBERT TERE University ; M.B. Ti U : O ANNOUNCE that | This means a great deal, as, in the bread Ifke the bread that Is baked at y | dissolved out of the wood, :and;. fur=f THE BEAVER. v a Bassists Ba ey liane of Phy Unive, that they are now comfort {ordinary course of events, it insures home? i + Tine slight significant gesture to M188 | ther, that the sawdust'from ' white | Office next bo Ontario Bank. Sorgeons, Out.; Liosntiate of the Royal | 2D1Y Snfconsed in their new pre |an early harvest and mitigates the |'and we arc fis.vouns snd strong, and who a order of things made little bine i) ec Ee i od Indians hiro id om eo . ' eS n tI Di jv Qollege of Surgeons, Kilinburg; Lisentiate | Mises in the danger from frost. For these reason Wich oor hy 1 ana oar iron heed | Outward difference. Inwardly Fenells | character of the saws used to a cer- hy tut Diguppeanng apd ris like the onken tree. | chafed over slight and subtle changes, | tain extent influenced the amount of | The various attempts to save the ht be dissolved Canadian beaver have been only-par- | tially successful. To a t el oF 'A; MURRAY, oans Sorat sollsge Flori' hy can Purdy Block the prospects for anciber good £10p, ' arc exceedingly bright ah « med, | Materlally she had no cause for com. | the material that fom es {and i Glas; 5 : : |:Papilof "the Dabiing where the - Public will The hardships that the maj h 45 Canada | plaint. Her sulary Wns a lttle more oly . Bloc ovee Mr. J tar. Wotner Holwnds, i, Dui | i 1 Ivays bn, oof the a i this country hay Fo sonedemerd. | than her quarterly allowance had boen; 4 oy WE an died i Fo A na. oe an ample supply 1 3 ; pa running st ; Ye oor west of Davis' my wus, experienced in 'the past h tia the ceeed and the calllg that | Her dutles were Jess than ghe lad Yl | gory with varying rates of flow and | has Suffred.more than most a Pe PORT PERRY. : Queen, Sirest. Qls yrs to T CHOIC FRESH MEATS taught them the value of money, and oé ihe orth upholds varying amounts of sawdust, and In Its jeit is of sufficient valug to : {I NZVay mi rd CO consequently the two good errats EO a ae oF oir the experiment where the smallest | it a great prize. It is highly Ta anches di Fah Including Tota as partner; oy other, Dr | at M [rices that cannot fail to please. 3 J t Nad, A the nr Let the eat, and Li and weat contend, | tinfarfly taken on herself in the old | percentage of sawdust was present! by the Indians as an article of food. ; Grown' ee cel successfully | R. Aréber, M. D., C. M.; Member of Col- Il supply of Meats of the very iney Dave Jos ) ih he pros But A ER one days. She had greater absolute free- | compared with the flow of the renin Jie Aanity sie such that 30k x ege of Phynicians and Surgeons, Oat, an grades, and cut in dimensions pectecf another bave not led them Bit we call our own. { dom, but she missed something. he found small fish would live About] tor Be apo ili to Sxeax Part Perry, June 9, 1897 § to please the most fastidious. to extravagance. i ; Miss De Vaux no longer talked to | two hours. That was in a strength f= g , ' Instead, the millions of dollars Sod ote fo fo dot od food fog | Der of the future. Now and again she | of .16 per cent. of sawdust In com- Gay. 3 Fitinge rin iver or Coment - ~~] All orders will reccive prompt | which they have received for grain, er + | said. of such or such a plan, "John | Paring this with the amount of Saw- | t The 2 badiah law for the plates! 5 © 1 Painless i 5 - le beay Ra orion when required: DR. E. 1 PROOTER attention, aw have gone to pay off old debts, until LOVE'S L | will keep it up." And once she went GiSteln 8 sireass ane, into, aceout] tim to Foch or Indien "TTe an. riogg to suit the times To. bh FLEE) S. T. CAWKER & SON. | to-day, they, soto speak, stand on | so far as to'add that in the event of | G0TG UTES SLL HA iream and the | ter remiain for xo long n time in the M. DC. M, of Trinit Catt Luirinltys March 3, 1902. E their feet, and I have no doubt that STRATAGEM 4 | Fenella's marringe after five years' | nt of sawdust passing in per | Woods and arc then so far from civ- " WA 8 NGSTER, Toto wit if ina few years instead of the West- § | satisfactory service she would give her | giom the professor arrived at the | ilization that no official can keep ofon : 3 a wedding outfit and a modest if com- | ¢ i n suc river the | watch over their movements, So the Phin hind nd " ern farmers borrowing money from 4 » oRchision thal 4 Ay | 1 3 t da Fr : 3 4 of Physicians ont, ICKETS TO ALL FARTS OF THE y By Martha 4% | fortable dowry. Further, ghe made | amount of sawdust would not reach | officials watch the dealers and at- 2 AL SUERGHD late of Unlvereity af State of Now York. WorLp.--Mr. W. H, McCaw, Port | the bauks, they will become large 4 3g MecCulloch Williams | not the least objection to potential | more than .004 per cent., and he did tempt to prosecute them for buying ons, rie Post OB OB Oppoutte Tow IIL " ne od, she, 'Perry, i iS now in a position to issue depostitors. 4 lovers. If they asked her leave to | not consider that it was much of a} the skins. onrs--0 to 12-a.m., Tto0 poy. [Opposite Torn "4 tickets to all parts of the world and | 1 here is one point, however, that fi © ml, 12, by the 8. S. McGhro Comsat £ | court hor nicce, she sald invariably | factor in the destruction of fish life | Beavers are good to cat, and il a wh evenings. © PORT PERRY, ; foreibl : ders El Enola wat Tres to cliooss. oF Werder. | 10. BUCh al iver: hungry man kills one he goes free. to supply all 'necessary information | I would like to forcibly . impress on Wenelin Was ffee 1 close fons Prof. Knight said his further ex-| The Indians of the far north go to ie 9 Grown : : tq * {to parties asto the cheapest "and YOU to-day; that isa: the tide Fehelig watched Ler aunt with wide, Thus a year passed. Fenella was periments showed that the destruc-| the Woods every winter with small yea) # NOTIOCH: 2 o h da finding out things--things bitter to be Vices Afr. best of immigration pours into t ig She Ww tagnant water by rations, and if they eat the beaver 0 routes, &c. In addifion to his i unfal eyes. She was much too | oF lo e+ thrown away happl- Yen, of fish in stagu t ater El ae wi Te ot ntry, land will na : EY ee te t ¥ DELS fi. SANGSTER, Physician, Sur numerous Ticket Agencies for Rail: gogulty, A a i, th; ry 80 be (he least Dit afrald. De | jog pecause, forsooth, she fancied it fof dust wes not dus eo EME eb MoGrattan nd Accoucheur, and Dr. W., A youd and Steamship lines, he has in a : eT A he; \ YOU Liiterdtely, tn cold biood, Miss De Vaux | wag to be thrust npon her: Jermain | of snoetances. fram the wood. and | tion in the north to stand for thelr 3 OENTIST) 3 3 Sangster, Dandiat, may on and fir today, | een re Sppoimad Ticket Agent for wish to reap the benefit of this in BAG fophger « ictier *adrossed 1-Fe: | wanna Ril on For. is chivelronsly | co, Toustancey' front the wood, and ff awviction. Officek over Ht Port Of Fe "they will the Grand Trunk Railway. = Parties | creased value, you must turn your. nella and stood reading it us though it | courteous, but nothing more. Of course | light the water would purify itself. Wiles of the Dealers. 8. of Royal College. of Dental Surgeons, be fonud as heretofore, pi ropared 0 attend infeading to travel will consult their | Attention to other branches of farm. | wore MF own. The reading made her | he no longer cared for her; of course, Sr The dealers who buy beaver skins A . also D.D.8. of Toronto Yalver ity. to their Fepotive. totem re ne in all their [own interests by consulting Mr. | ing besides growing gram, Dibin eyes When she came to the 8ig- | too, he would marry as soon as he Wonderful Asimals. employ various schemes for getting ! Pn ln the, Allison' oaks Alison's branches. McCaw before embarkin on a trip. | the majocity of farmers are full ge stamped hard and made to | found a lucky woman exactly to his Nothing from cattle is allowed to | them to market. One fur buyer, for [Ed beng s Port Dec. 8, 1007." ¢ P| live to this. No matter how tiéh fing the omrcuding sheet futo the fire. | mind. Until that bappemed Fenclla | go to waste; from the horns to the | instance, hus a store where he keops : } or the soil may be, if it is rep : ¢ was t00 quick for ber. She | meant to stay. Afterward-- She | long hair on the Up of the tail all his furs When an Indian comes in ' ot < : i - |W h of be the dealer. ~ TO CONSUMPTIVES. cropped without being Wii ¢ letter, crumpled it Between | stopped there,"blind and trembling. | is utilized. The latter fs turned in wit} hy neh of saver the eater; to curled hair for upholstering. The hoofs go chiefly into the kettle to be whose owner is supposed to be ia ro way interested in furs. inds, then confronted Miss De | Still it was like a knife thrust when a face as set as her own. | Afiss De Vaux sald: *Fenella, John DR. 8. J: AoW, dersigned having been restored to | it will gradually yield less ahd less, foelied, PHYSICIAN Sunazon do. h by a simple means, after sufferin * : t Prac y 3 Nevers! Aoi 4 vt ane or It does not therefore require njuch or anted not to hate you, Aunt | ja to marry shortly, so on many ac. | boiled for glue, and the residue ia | WY EEGASEC TH FER : 0d that dread disense Gonsump: ofa mathematician to figure' out |- 0. "There 'are just the Dr a er | made into hoof-meat, a valuable fer- -- pa Airy i : ety make kndwn to his fel what the result would be; Jand tha}. Ro 'But--but you make me a Es Sv a. set, a5 An tilizer, Even the taniage ware is i ool JE ar ge 5 - 3 , i 0 extrac s ¢ coarse | Of . 8 = ra pamief formarly produced 35 0 40 bushels, = a not thipk my father's sls | Le is to live with me after he MATTIes, | pons sos ofthe Cosbonived nnd sold | The persons who take the furs Have srr the prescription eed, which. hey would, ina few years, only yield [be so dishonorable." it 1s almost certain he would not Ike | ror sugar-refiners' use or turned into | ® third person In their confidence. id 8 sure cure for from 15 to 20. To preserve it's lifes Vaux gasped. If one of the | to have you keep the place." fortilizers, 'and the blood fs mostly The nl porson da. not top dove ming on the terrace outside | "[ understand. I wil go," Feuella | dried and turned into another aid of ore ue a for Bagi a Sonsmptl ah giving quality, the laws of pature|® , Oatarrh, and lung. Maladies. He hopes sll} demand that the strength tak ws bad spoken reproof of | said through stiff lips, then, waiting | agriculture. Before the horns are | PCRYOC BUS BOC EL CRIERATE ould have been scarcely more | for no answer, stumbled blindly away. | sold, the pith is extracted from | 0" 0. 0 suspects the'de will try hig Yomedy, as itis invalu: os desiring, the prescription, | {fOM the ground must be put bagk, |' : : thew. 'and THe fogs crade of sole: cost : 1 ws of nature, cannot Fenella in all the five years | Ip tle briefest time she was walking " nest gi ge ception. The skirs ave sent. to ' will them nothing, and dy and the laws 3 ot bel came to Vauxtour had shown | down the avenue, looking. neither to | tine is obtained from the pith. The | 4 jean markets, are soon only by ve a blessing, will dress, , ve & ng, Bletisal A violated with impunity. The farms; pattern of silent, shy obedi- | right nor left, her eyes still unseelng. | 3inews aro separated to be used fox peiiailonmsiimaltina sg Yad glue stock, apd the bladders are sold | |, (op great concern with the en- Bev. EDWARD A: WILSON, fers in this part of Manitoba, hows must be instantly discl- | Half to the gate she ran plump : Feskiyn: New York, ¢ver, have not been guilty of deceiv: . y ito Jermaine Foun They closed for holding snufiaid' the greater part forcement of Canadian laws, and the i i hommes will he belief that your room at oncel" she said | about her in most possessive fashion | o G0 WIL, BER AAE JOT FEINES gaiger ae dele 18 Pas aks en richness h I there until John Jermain | gs he said, with his lips on her hair, | 3 155 of partigilar value, being | oo nat the vast regich to. the : y unity in this direction, and many | ¢g nll tell Win the whole truth. | answering her incoherent Murmurs: | used for a fang sahsago casing. and u, I am rise 'to et _have Af he still wishes to Bate "Of course, Aunt am, needs another | also lining pipes through id By This ln into. that, v ; | companion. You are going to be my | which Your In pa in breweries, A | would become a great : esoryoir 3 i Ha g precious wird" new use has recently been discovered which the animals : ¥ for. the contents the paunch, | southward, for the' company" STE which Jail lately H "to be thrown hans ra the | 2WaY to the. t has Bem dis | abedionce 18 (he Ta " Accordifig em creed covered that a good quality of card' _ The Delicary. of Delicacien. hammedan lad . Jolbgn why o every Mohamm 7 | board can be made of ft, and it is | pp on CoG (he boas Eon wi id ont % uid nef i os naw being saved for fhat purpose. |, Tine (84An CURIE hE ore errr ten , r. Allen Lee, does | po + Sin dition AR " ; special fondness for 'the: flesh of * Shik him the ond: ly t ells us, as 4 oom t og 4 animal when it is cooked after he a " 50 jealous. of the preference shown by This is how a wo in Toronto | ancient method of singeing off Abraham for Hagar that she took # | pays a street car fare: fur and roasting. it whole: 1s pallor turned sud- | CUCU EL Ts abe would give ber- | I saw a woman treet car | gi in. « Even after the pelt head was high as | 0 5 regt until sna had mutilated the | open'a Satchel and take gut'a purse; | \,luable he would resort: would hardly have | gi gy0a Gf hot hated rival' gnd bond- | close the satchel and. the purse. | pthod on special occasions: 'which said that." id yraham, who had Knowledge take out a ten cent e and close When the company would 110 tessing to, the hath a ate a. ae the Furs, spe the el ho PUt | buy the skins' the Andian, too. went up stair {mbittered spouse » IRB a from civilization to deal with ie \ to pacity ux 2 veve oat, lock both ends gave the | thor fur buer, resorted to took five | . sous, and there was feast ; he down, & SUL | joeq and decided to forego her Plan | cents in exchang: dts bi cl j change. n opencd 2 ; I of revenge. Bit how Whe she to ful: the satchol and took out "out the E She_puise: tng po. 8 pai 'bag, pitifully a the terme ot i. on-. closed. the, sa This sort of re | fume, But in long, however, b y lilculty. Xp adit far buycrs from the and pot 1 fa! Phe The outside dealers he thelr men into the" found what was u § by ne toibuy bea! Boos ana ie

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