Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 26 Feb 1903, p. 1

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a Spe Worn] nr E on ne BF $1 a terri ! Tardly I A S sie ie Chern i then 'a cough, then br Jone re :chitis 'or 'pneumonia; : De > at last consumption. § Sve hey OF. Lo | a Coughs : always tend § V I the man, "I'm left hand- downward. © Stop this ould 1 have been now if downward tendency by De aon taking Ayer's Cherry Pec- : EE 0 toral. Roe epot a Special elt ) re a Specialty.' "'Residence--B Li i) oper p site; the Methodist Parsanage. SMITTY 1.1 Bort Perry vg. - I'l up est shivent | 1967; i i : Deposits Teoeivad' hie h ih rates. Interest caloulated and credited to | "each Sepotitor semi nnuallyy ta do CHG. HUTOHESON, i Port Perry, IMI2BDD AE Sittings of of the Division Cours. "COUNTY OF ONTARIO. C1903. 1 np Clerk, D. C. Macdonell, Khor "Fru hriary 4, «March 4, April 2, a, Funk, 0 be . on b Br par 5 ober EL rd, Dee ef Pleased the Cook, low fils story Is told on a mis- | China tulind mission, a pg Louse for himself In rt of China: One morn- ing Lis dinner he wished ok. to buy a chicken. In ping "ye" for chicken he - Horonto, ont. bey pe ,000. {a SERS BUSINESS INESS: WITH FARMERS HEAD oveICE. - Oapital Paid, ) got Rest ® SP enon, ordiner, ab) ramen Pg a Sola ote most "economical a C. I pon and, 1:27 s 000 | | ---- STE wr "1 100 Tears 014d. a OSHAWA Es . C. Macdonell, Whithy-- Janu- Saturday, Dee. 27, 19C3, behig the 1 - In "addin 40 SheS Commer sinl 3 itis 5, Marci, BAMA 160th i ot Nis ox ia id k {hought that was an | SEC J Fa er, this asa specivl bnsiness r 8, Kins (f Forestille, her. relatives and oper command and went Gn vEERLING RE pt on crm | Fo a on. oR ML ot 3 iY Nita = . 9, plmber §, Gy orate that event with a surprise par- (British Capital) rates of interes 4 : EG a thr CI BN, thre Aare ps Ta d btn fabt 00 dinper gt = fal, and. 'robpt. attention i | oR gy: Burnham Port Pe) present. . Of thise there were 11 over" all, ¢obk bad not returned. To loud at 4 4 and O par<oent a the ty SE a May 13 July, septemier | (50°75 oor 70, and Mrs. Grif over Aboutidai¥ithe man came back, say- 4 ou good Mortgage steurly. Ys ¢ UXBRIDGE - Clork, I ¥. Gould, Txbridye-- B80 years of age, all of whom live Ing: as not o good day for buy- Jannary 16, Manono, Mn; = ~July 15, Beptembe, | Within a few - niles of one dnother. in jnd I have been all day 5 , Nov ember 20, Jav: H, They ascem' led © to 'honor the sole 2 A ) Apply to Ck SRING oy : Pa ps looking! done, but at last T found 3 2 * Cle) eo, Buith, C i ~ | survi ing pioneer of the Township of t ) y a yg Wainy loi So is Jad teptiber Charlot fle; who was burn Dec. | pretty : ey Ly i pla apd " 4 8) 2) ont Directed to | 27, 1802, 'at the vilsge of ("atslill » ne ¥ DAVID Jd. ADAMS PERE Follow iy Panthpes s A Nagi Geo. B. Brace, Beaverton - a coe tot hh i HA have promised $10 for Ler." Aldi of, Ms sera 1) juried Bawte: Lo Ay MATT, September 23, Row | wn"to the inhabitants of «that ig To 3 a8 ep os he fe nd upwards | prep onavE-O) Yin time as North River, in the Staté of Q & Thirst at Sen, Up ' § ol Ma E Banker and Broker, re terest alloyed at current : i Me 38, Boviomabon erent Derr New York, Jape Frayer cume to any $ ago Dr. Hing suggested | is, 3. aw ©% | Canada with her parents, Mr. and [to rh h Kennedy that {Litst might Vib ne sre y ordeds I : Ay ded LB LLL, rs. Wilip Frayer, one hrother an neh y dipping the clothin interes in 5 to the deposit Twice %. ¥. FAREWELL Mrs. Philip F hrott a! be quer By dip; the clothing : Olerk of the Peace, Dited'at Whitby, Nov, 25th, 1902. Sr Port rt Parg,. Onl © MONEY TO LOAR. one ti ter, and arrived at the Long "in salt water and putting it on without Point scttlement in November, 1807. | wringing" ffiout. The captain, on be She murried Walter Watkins in 1826, | 4 ng cast twa, succeeded in persuadin and has li et ip the n Hrhhorh ve | g cast ' pe ying A aden agh yon at the end of May and j oD: gltorels. pubjeat Ba Depoaitor int ithdraw no delay of the whole or any, porti hassling cposit. ' | some of the en to follow his example, ire Sh der iti Located in Qur Our Ney Premises gy. of her father's i | came-delirions and died., Captain Ken HE Subscriber is v ; - propared to LEND rt J Renson for Hin Nick i p ANY AMOUNT on Farm Securit : Port Perry Branch c AP Ete nedy goes om to suy, "After these o y BUN F 1 hope they don'figive my big on p- y AT pb PER OENT. He 8 ORD; ci boy any naughty ricknaines erat we uniformly found that the LA) Village Pi 140 hook? MY thoy n id dr I ff and tk hed 80 on 1 age roperty. 4 er mr sChoc es, moe ( en me vigole! 1 went o and the parched | ET MORTOAG ) SR, M.D.C.M. V i a1 + ry Corns." "ilow. dreadful! "And why | tongughwas cured in a few minutes | x HUBERT 1. BjsbLs; 8 Soden, aris ISH TO ANNOUNCE thai | do they call you that?" >"Cause| when had bathed and washed our . : Banister, Sg op thes College of Physicians and that they are now comfort | I'm always et the foot 'of * 'the | clothe¥, while we found ourselves as | Office next to Ontario Bank eons, Out.; Licentiate of the Royal ably ensconsed in their new pre | Sa or ydney Town.and Country | pych refreshed as if we had received | 4 Journal. some 'actual nourishment." ollege of Sur, eand, Edinburg; Licentinte 3: the Royal En fege of Physicians, Edin: burg 4 Member of the _Facalty of Physicians Ww; te Jenide 1 THACKERAY WAS BORED. w = Incident of the Ai ad VISIt 10 Howton. During "Thackeray's second visit 'Boston Mr. James T. Fields, hig host; 'was asked fo invite Thackeray to ats "Ph fomen, ce and Ros ice: second door west of Davis' Furnitare Emporium, Queen, Strest, Office hours--9 to 1Ta. ind 2 to 5 p.m,, and. evenings. not now a classic name, t ar it fguorantly. More the dar for'them, Its by right a classic an So supply CHOICE, FRESH MEATS we "EORT PERRY. Shen of Pertiatr- Ineloding 1 haVe taken .aé acter, my brother, Dr tend an evening meeting of a scientifie | name, bone as it was by the first of | Cina: abd Bridge Work A, 2 RQ. Archor, M.D. 9 i of Col: at prices that eAnnot fait to please club, which was fo be held at the house [Christian martyrs -- St. Steven, some- practiced. - Yd A full sipply of Meats of the very | 5¢ a distinguished member, times spolled Stephen. Steven ls the ege of Pliyefetads and [ Sdrgeons, Ont. best grades, and clit in dimension Port Perry, June d 9, 1807. to please the most fastidious. I was, writes Mr. Fields, very relug: Spell it in tant to nsk him to be present, for Dutch way of spelling ft. Artifical Feeth onGald, Silver, Alamintih 'Bpanighz ks! Lan.. Drop the initial si- 5 or Rubber Plates. | | | | 5 Fillings of Gold, Silver or Cement mp er nie deg All orders will receive' prompi | knew be was easily Loved, and I wis "fet "e and then you have Steban. | alles oxtidstion wheal Vaqdived: n 'DR. E. 1 PROOTER attention. fearful that a prosy essay of geplogieal, Any tlie ignorant the step to Steb- 4a Prices to suit the times wy ST. CAWKER & SON, | paper might be presented And felt cor- | Lins fs very short. And the honorable | ; KF = TO DR, CLEMENS) i OL 4 * | tain that should such be the "cise h® | name of St. Steven takes on degrada- Ww. : A v 'SANGSTER, 5 ALD CML of | Trinity College University, | March 5, 1go2, would be exasperated with ma, the in- | tion even as ile fine old Norman-French a O) ) JI LN, Be Hosorfer Bente d -- ee lnocent cause of Lis aftletions s3¢: Ioliname D' becomes the homely . e . DENTAL: SURGEON. * "Me, of Col. SF iiyaiians and Surgeon, Oot.) TICKETS, 70 ALL FARTS OF THE Ay worst Jorg W ere Tedhed. Ay hv , Dobbins. | Liceotiate of University of State ek, not look 1 lackeray. elt i oo » "WoRLD. -- Mr. WV. H. McCaw, Part Taidis Father's Fooixteps. My 'distress 'finy be {)ice over the Post Office. "| 'office and epi ses on Dr. Clemens' old site. 'eye was upon me, all Perry, is now ir a position to issue Binks--Did Smith's father léave him Office Hours --9 to 12 a, 2 op) Town : 3 + el Ala spon Rata ry stoi. tof pom he y £ont FERRY. tickets to all, parig of the world and and nt Bidabast que anything? = Cold Fillings Bridge andl Crown . : to supply all neceseary information | nojsélessly Into' a "small anteroon a * Jinks--Ouly his debts York 3 Speoidlty, Vitalised Air. t . NOTICE. 1 to parties as to the cheapest and |foifiing. The apartment was" aly Binks-- How Is Smith ting along? 3 Fos y i Pe 12) addition fo bh lighted, but be knew that I knew hé SE he has greatly inetensed J JANGST STER, Physic numerous Ticket Agencies for Rail [was there, oR eritance x Dr 8 Bb. McGrattan gepand Acgoucheur, and goad and Steamship lines, le ba: | Then began a series of pan mimfe | -- rs : (D] EN 7.187), E be Lo Sn wd ster lio n rea Ticket Agent fo | feats impossible to describe. = He threw Ability. nl id ilway. Partie: |8n imaginary person--myself, of course % Tomson--Johison bis no ability of Offices over the Post Office, wherg they wil be | Jong ag Retire an to their 'branches. Labrie Juckson--Nonsense. Why, he can '#8k yon for a loan In such a way that ill consult their [upon the floor and proceeded to stab i Ee) him several tines with a pa folder, which he caught up for the TT ~ After disposing of his viet [way he was not satisfied, for th i gid lecture still went on in the fn so he fired an imaginary revolver eral times at an imaginary head. + = The whole thing was inimitably done. {- I hoped nobody saw it but myself, Years afterwaril a ponderous, fit § fed young man put the question square- ly to me: 4 "What was the 'matter "with Thackgray that night the cb. meta} Mr. --'8 Louse?" intending tb wn inter Siccaw befor .D. 3. oo Calegeol of Deatal Surgeons, flor to at P Cfice in the Allison Bok over Alanis >. %. Drug Sto: in ro--8 a.m, toto p/m. i emt Foy, » April § 9 portunity to nccommodate him, CRABS. CATCHING C & River Fishers Land, Them enfous Method. " Pose who crab for market on the river, Maryland, have an in- [genious method of catching. crabs in | quantity. | A rope about the thickuess of a clothesline several" hundred feet *Hdorig 1s kept coiled in & keg. At juters ng the entive: Jebgth' for bah yeu uffeotion, om, A a w sufferers 4 ho desire it, ho'will 8 p preseription ide will find a "sure Sle fol 0 if able. h 1 eae "th Am Rhie a eee, then im add i » "Rev, EDWARD A. WILSON, i Bragklyn, Newsy -------- To the Editor of the Deering - Drax Sir; ~By instruction - fro: shite Hon. Minister another distrib d dion will be made (his season. samples" of the 'most pro re sorts of grati to Canadian farm for the improvement 3s Bin ook pS oh Salted cels. The torsion gpd helds them tightly' fn " "Efich end of the rope has a keg lied, Sogeticx with a heavy ont. - et, With' a haridie 'ix ) ralscs the buoy and |: d over haud, pulls his line. When a crab, efresliment; comes in his net, dishes jt under ngs it into the boat. The y loosen his bold and dive , but such is the fishers 'that his net is switter rel mate of on ED and HAN will weigh 3 Every, farmer mw 28h retofore érhauling of tfe rope. [ Caught all be wants, he sand sel)s then to vho ships them to mar In Amerie. 734 In Yonr Mind. | |, Cajro contemporary, | hh eh let their: friends * tne patming season. Tan not only get your - i friend, t yne reature of the joke is that yo letters posted from some distant spot, "But you can get answers received for you and reposted to your temporary hid- ing place. There are great possibilities "for American' travelers fn thf. Why nef sto in America 40d Hao" a his. e wa Tisha oh ia, a ifs 'of thio Avhale business, @ Stout cane. "Ye rascal!" he yelled, springing to- ward the agent. "Ye wanter cheat me?" I'ortunately the enraged man wag disarmed and held fast by the agent's who 'was a powerfully Dbullt man. The Irishman, struggling to get | free, shouted: x word, saying, "Buy me a | "Let me git at the spalpeen! Think ov it, chargin' me folve dollars fer an acshident ticket fer me ole woman, an' she jest broke her leg a-fallin' down shtairs! Wot's the good of the ticket anyhow Male Blushers. One of the most ill founded of all ropular delusions is that blushing is | the special characteffstic of the femald | As a matter of fact, except in the | sex. case of very young girls, men blush far more readily than women. The well bred woman never blushes at all, while it 1s a matter of everyday experience that in the excitement of business or political discussions men's cheeks red- den with very little provoeation. What ever may have been the case a hun- dred years ago, the modern woman | shows her emotion not by blushing, but pale. by turning Mathemnticn of Love. "Margaret," he began, "T have $3,750 in the bank. I own balf interest fn a patent churn company that clears §1,- 700 a year. My salary Is $20 a week, with prospects of a raise to $22. I have an aunt who will leave me twenty-sev- en shares of a railway stock now quot. ed at 53. Tell me, Margaret, will you be mine?" "valt," she replied, "till I get a pen cil." Ior she never had been good at men- | tal arithunetic. The Baths of Caracalla. The Romans appear to bave been | well off In the matter 6f bathing places in the first and second ceuturics. In the baths of Caracalla 1,600 bathers conld be necommodated at one time, The inclosed area was 360 square yards, but it included a course for foot racing. The bathing establishment was 240 yards in length by 124 wide. The remains of the walls are 8 and 10 feet | | | thick and in sowe places as much as 60 Hf vou 'thank your lucky stars for the op- |. | feet nigh. Love Above Par. Towne -- Poor fellow! He certainly does love her for all he's worth. Browne -- He loved her even more than that today Towne--How do you mi ? Browne -- He sent her ten dollar bunch of roscs and borrowed the price from me. Men are like sandwiches -- there's nothing in some of them id the more there is in others the worse they are. Mor a woman to love some men is like casting a flower into a sepulcher.--~Haw- thorne. PREVENTIVE MEDICINE. Is Detter Them. Keepiug Out the Germs Than Doctoring For In looking over the history of the search for a means of cure one is struck by the great value of the ounce _of prevention. is in every way preferable .to dealing | with the matter after they have once entered thé body. This fact scientific medicine is impressing more and more deeply on the minds of public authorl- ties and the people, and thelr response in fife form of provisions for improved public and private sanitation is one of thé EtHEIng features of the social prog- ress of thie present time. All the more enlightened nations, states and cities of the world possess organized depart ments of health, which, degrees of thoroughness, deal with the problems presented by the infectious diseases. in the light or the Tatest dis coverles. medleine Was unknown. Today it rep- 8 a great Lady of walt attested 0 8 eleni our iret I 1 it bas p! Topd my eur drinking wyter, ft Las i 'tered our homes and kept away disease, it has prolonged: our lives and it has made the world -a sweeter place in whieh: to lve, Australian Tea. . 4 the, interior of Australia all the _men drink ten, They drink it all day long and in quantities and at a streogth that would deem to be poischous. On Sunday morning the tea maker starts "with 'a clean pot and a clean record, "The pot fs hung over the firé with 'a sul Tof ater in It for the day"sy Ww, and when, this. bas boiled he ws, futo it 'enough of the, fragrant + herb 'to prdduce a a déep, coffee colovcd. tquid, TES On. Afonday, withont removing" yes 'hes terday's tea leaves, he repeats the proc- | li Tuesduty dn capo and on Wed: |* 086; on 'nesday dat eapo, und do on though tlie Seeks aia tite close of it the great acrid mash of tea which 'the liquor is ¢'of a ti cup: Sl dh prot un : Keeping the germs out | with varying | Kitty years ago the term ans » To Judge a River's Breadth. It is necessary to make use only of the eyes and the brim of a ke to meas- ure the width of any ordinary stream or even of & 'good sized fiver, and here | is the Way to do it: Select a part of the river bank where the grounds fun back level and, stand- {ng at the water's edge, fix your eyes | on the. aphosite dink. Now, oye your | bat dow vo £ he | ed 0 on your side of the river be' 'a onl i may "lay off" a corresponding distange ! | "on it. To do this you have only to hold | your head perfectly steady, after get- | ting the angle with your hat brim, sup- ! porting your chin with your band, ir necessary, and turn slowly ground until your back is toward the river. Now, take earcful note of where your hat brim cnts the level surface of the | ground as you look over the latter, and | from where you stand to that point will be the width of the river, a dis- tance that may readily be measured by stepping. If you are careful in all these details, you can come within a | few feet of the river's width. Her Latest Break, "My six-year-old girl is an awiol chatterbox," said a broker, "and the worst of it is that when we have gnests at the house she is continually making breaks of the worst gort---breaks that | tend to rattle the dry bones of the fam- fly skeleton In the closet. Recently when we had company at dinner she allowed her to e to run av with Ler, 'as usual, that she very much embarrassed both father and mother, although {he guests, I am free to say, seemed de lighted. I had a very seri | her and impressed upon her, or tried to, that she must not tell any family se. her cret. The next time we bad company she was permitted to come to the table | ouly by promising that she wouldn't ut ter a word. She behaved beautifully and had nothing to say until the 8 sert was about te be taken away. Then | her lips began to quiver, and finally she burst into tears. "Why, what's the mat | ter, darl her mother asked, 'II want some more Ice cream, if that isn't | a family secret! she walled between sobs." | Nutritious Value b&f Ofaters. I'he pulir belief that the oyster is a most nutritious article of ¢ does not rest upon any scientific bs The oys ter as a food could not satisfy the de- | mands of the human body. While the oyster, when not stewed, is very pala- | table, wholesome and easily assimlilat- | of the little anv, ed by weak, impaired stomachs, it can- For some time the huntir walt dg | not be contended for a moment that it { Day to, sce Sek 3d fhe a contains such elements and nutrition as ML the trail over may be found in beans, rice or potatoes. approached the glen | There is very little, if any, fatmaking he propotcd 10 retuing or muscle building mater 1 the oys dge h ww through ter. Its composition Is largely nitrog tt 1 cs ces the f 1 of aufother | enous, and, being rieh in phosphates, | hunt and he hesituted as ho she u- | it is generally regarded as scuflent | lated over the wppearnnce of the.oth- | food for the brain, but a wan redveed | 4° Phen he tied low ard soft- to an exclusive diet of oysters would | Did : of. altos 1 goon find himself" defiefent fi adipose |, a Ro tissue and in those alec that go to | 14 jo pointed jrection of make up physics val force and ity in | vo deot the hums RI : "1 din covered the oe and was about tp « cawini's Memory. | shoot when I saw the little one. | The composer of "Il Barbiere di | Then I watihed it play for en hour | Siviglia" was blessed wi not very | Or Imore | retentive memory, especial names | The first hunter found the end of | of persons introduced to li ng: trail through the forestamd | fulness which was freque 0 Tetruco bis stelis, and thy walked away among the trees. of much merriment whenever was among company. One da) Bishop, the Tein composer. knew the face well epough 1 8 greeted him. "Al, my dear Mr. - but he could progress no further. To | convince him that be had not forgotten | | bim Rossini commenced whist] Bish- | op's glee, "When the Wiud Blows," a | | compliment which "the English Mo- | | i | zart™® recognized and would as readily | have beard as his less musical sur | mame. akes short roads | ABLE | ~ ocd for everything N that runs on wheels, ™ i rad ' 7 : Sola Eversvhordk | xadshy IMPERIAL OTI..CO. i Queer English Custom. Persons aspiring to become bailiff at} Alnwick, Bngland, have to go through a curious dnd somewhat unpleasunt or- deal. Before the election' the Various candidntes ride up In a body te a horse | pond and, there dismounting from thelr eeds, plunge into the water afd struge gle nd best they may to the other side. The music of a brass bund cheers then: during thelr struggles in the dirty wa- 'ter. This ancient custom dates. from _the reign of ing Joh, Who once paid a visit'to thd town In 1210 anid found ¢ "welcome prepared: for him... 'along the way he knew that his I bg » HUMANE HU HUNTERS. Story That Shows "Xhat a Gunner Not Always Want to KL Tho hunter had long been follow jn tho trail of a deer! From certain signs "which his practised eye a = tramp Prous the snow iu the et' was = He tected nd - the hunt i puiscit fully beiloving that in tim ho*poftlt the the aniinad out an shoyu her: The chase wis a j along the margin of a over whi h the snowlad werg Lent until they s= then thro the side of a un As the man fol: iowod slow trot and then ling with the lyugh dud Its hopes rosé higher mi he nated: tat the leds wert growing sho ter and finally that the doc ther tired out or Cone had distunced tho had scented when she had l¢ the tendes Lark of hot, -one, first litt tans, n branched at a walking od Ig , for of the deer and was {ident danger to] shorter, alld that she d to nib a Du iis no long- the ani- over fhe toes of the deer ad as they are wl Up e tal in ing and mou iain the hunter continued with in reasing confident ' oud was strange to him, he } wl pever hunted in that region Ix pid he wtched with particu= Jar Ca ction in whih he Wi [LAR from t stn and ha [th \v of the ground amd oll th e it required cover ting to t 1 I » of the mountains When the hunter came up the deer n full vi ud he raised gun to Suddenly be heard a plaintive ery; th wa swer, and a move L t the deer's side arrested his sttention. He €aW' it young deer, ap- pa'ently a fawn of the spring before, bour to th peni rhe doe tur to caress it and kK ta t grotnl, for . she © ibe young' L apy 1 notice the ( and played anh t Ler with every e. idence ht I'he hunter'did not Lhe gun was quictly lowered and set upon tho ground, and the men wet hed With increasing inte fest the ploy (11 watica Thinte'd ard pd tory e ays. hhaman, 5 at MORE ABOUT ELI HYMAN. One Chance That Greed Missed te Save Some of Lts Money. The writer met hima on the street some thne after the failure of Lhe Farivers' Loan and Savings Com- pany, and, on enquiring how things wore 'going with hit financially, ho exclaimed passionat ; Oh! Lihev : Lin robbed, robbed: fi:st ft Was. thet" Pinaucial Loan Wot went busted aud ° done me up, and now the Farmers' Loan pro, les haf gol on to me and dey'ro waking me pay up on the uns called stock." "But," I said, ~L thought you were going to make, some sort of a compromise with the li juidators?" "Nay" he replied, "dey would not make no gompromise mit me, dey put in dem dam bailiffs and seized onto everting I haf, and ¥ am néar dc da; It appears that he could have Giada > at gue thme a good compromise witht @* the Farme.'s' Loan people, but, whil he wis trying to squirm out of hi debt altog.t er, the liquidators the company got to know about his wealth and circumstances, ahd right: ly made him' pay up ilk, and other losses: "walking sandwich'? mode of em- rfoyment and rags and 'bottles buse'. iness again. The miserable old man lived in a shad, denied himself als. most the bare vecessities X 4 and died in the hospital, thf the charity of the city, worth al £100,000, hut declaring his roy to the last breath. he ruling ston strong in death.--A. Bly Monetary Times, tr ret. Dig Rush of Sorters! wi Returns received ny he ands Deparment show "that © rurs were located in the The rogion last year, usp: tor 234 {1°0 acres, -aor nearly tein to 'lis is estimated to reson arrival of about fo aden does not in: lude the 'whoui several bundeed taken lant! up Theres, 'tween 500 and [700 ve ready, located, the, Be Har socfivps,

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