Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 12 Feb 1903, p. 6

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" A New Profession. 'With Tony Weller, young De Trop hailed him. who marries a girl just out De Trop -- Hello, Insw bas need of wuch shrewdness, gearcely seen you for uy will produce a violent revo- you were married? in her mind. As she learns to Inswin--Ohb, busy-- 1 him except when be had bis best mostly? on--she will deem him a brute and Inswim--Dve got a new profession. be disappointed and disgusted, for ++ De What fs it? will compare him with that linpos- | 1p swim--Humor st. bas in ber wind und of which he, | think you were much in that line course, falls sh ence will come wisdom. In time success. eal. If she were to have him in the | work do You do mostly? and that her husband is about as good | over and whispered softly In yc 8 wen go and even --if she loves hin-- | De Trop's ear: a little better than the next man. "I'm spending A widow has ull this kuowledge of | ing to humor men and of the world, which a spinster | tooth culture lacks. A man talks to a widow freely Then be plu as to oue who has found him out. She | ward the so "48 expert In the arts of pleasing him, | don Answers and if a bright young widow sets her Sa------------------ eap for a man he cin escape her only The Expense of Canary Birds. by flight. A widow has no illusions he keeping of canaries seems to 1 and po ideals. She is well trained and used to going double, while the spinster is an unbroken filly and is bound to Lick up a good deal when she first feels a tug at the suullle. most of my aby that's en 1 dly « expensive luxury. To sta y spend more, but $5 1 requires con od the sists of various delicaci of rye, bread, ri Fashionable Life In Italy. | bles. ene ar i The fashionable season in Italy, says | .¢ ailments, and this, Luigi Villari io "Italian Life In Town sitates further and Country," is from Ch Raster, the time generally known as the carnival At Naple ind some other places there fer culinrities of life classes, Mr. Villa "lalians, even lishments, do ne for diuner un black coat [s enor Poses. A few men who ticularly fashionable A coat with a black t y ch 1 t is sufficient for all save very lar din Y ner parties and ball 0 othe ' hand, there ' dons his dres rigueur at court fu ¢ | mornings, and at . | a wear hats at the fala nigl elry by d Tali Jew where there famil es ca tall hat ts only funerals fashion wear It during the seas Eeoisie even tl y rors worn at all." FOR ind vegeta expense, for the tre mas to ints is ment of these c but cheap. O on. Comme s clothes | It ¢ n aristocracy have , ANC CRUSHI The Authority on Natural History That Sydney Smith Quoted Sydney Smith jokes 1 elicate flavor of age, bt ories of | told so « tales. Sydney wa gue tt mer of an arch 1, An guest, whose 1 v tory, was a bore if « gubject. Smith | him in check. The opening. "Mr. Archdeacon," sr You seen tlic pamphlet written by my friend, Ir n, on the 1 markable 1 a com ralist got h he, "have house fly The archdeacon courteously said 1 had not. The bore pur d his advan tage: "I can assure you it is a most inter esting pampl 8 lars hitherto unobsery sual size of that eye "TI deny the fact!" said a v the other end of the table All smiled save the bore. "You deny the f "May I ask on wh demn the inve learned friend? "I deny the fact" rej h, | | "and 1 base my denial on « nee L wedded to immortal verse to every sc The emphasis the naturalist by its sir," he said, "will you have the kind ness to quote ye "I will, sir. well known, I ms v 5 money in r profitable father pay The guests roarec rest of the dinner no heard on the subject tory. THE COOKBOOK. Peeled, chopped tomato sprinkled over lettuce, the whole covered with French dressing, salad. To steam potatoes peel them and | when very clean put them in a colan der over boiling water. Cover tightly | with a lid and leave them until done. { makes a Russian Tarragov leaves are most useful In 02 salad and should be scalded, 1eezed Ce in a towel and choppy d fine. s herb gives a zest to the salad that Is always | appreciated. | When making beet tea, never add | : ; he 2 i Spa ready filled an early grave. " Ah Ca That's where your dollar can find a preyeuts it giving out all its | 0, bring you pleasure 'and profit properties. without any ¢ 5 to the steak one Inch thick requires to be | investment, at work. "seven minutes; one inch and a i but in no half, twelve minutes; two incles put to wenty minutes, near the fire at first | al for od then four inches away, © A substitute for caper sauce is made ¥ boiling somessprigs of parsley slow- to let it become a bad color. Do not | op it fine. Set it In melted butter, | contribut on with salt and a dessertspoonful | of life 3, girls who il ke their is grow ing Dominion, but wh » it not for this noble institution, might have al- at work from t the Hos- investment 3 joy, for your as entered into the task body building and Se vinegar, boil up and serve. health g Look at a few examples of work done in the Orthopedic Department or ar _ The feet shown are those of children who live outside of To ronto. You see In every town | te comtition "boro tering the "11; 1 spital---and » condition and village ki 1fte hospital treatme The par- .. | ents of these children could not afford may be had, | to pay for treatment. Do you know the of any €hlld so situated? Then have him to the Hos; ital The pends & nerosity of ge the peopie of ario. It requires 135,000 a year for its maintenance, apd it stands to-day as a monument to fie big heats of Cncario people. Lo cated thouvh it is in Toronto, it is not a eity In<titution; it 12 provincial, Tie child in the farthermort regions of Ontario has the same rights and = privileges as onc that may live next CRE Re OF THE WIDOW. Young Mr. Inswim was hurrying ; - hh a | blindly along the street toward a chem- 8 Man Who Does Not Agree fst's with a bottle fu lis hand when ml I've € Where d fortitudt, for the first gear of have you been keeping yourself since usy ull the time, husband--she who has never De Trop--I say, what ure you doing fdeal of manhood which every | Del Brop--You don't say. I didn't But with ex- Inswim--I'm not a very glittering will understand that her girlhood's De Trop--What--er--what sort of flesh, would Le an unbearable prigs | And them young Mr. Inswim leaned good bird will cost $50. y a fairly good Norwich bred the form liable to all sorts of course, neces- te ything e, no fancier of anaries would be content w one At Home mnd Abroad. A few days ago an elderly gentleman and his wife were walking along the street when a lady in crossing the road fell down. The old gentleman rushed to her assistance and helped her in ev- ible way. When he returned to his wife, she looked like a thunder- ery po cloud. "It's all right; it's all right," be whis- pered. "Yes, 1 know it's all right!" she re- ied hotly, "IHere's an unknown wom- an falls down, and you plow across the and the other day, irs, you wanted to for a circus." street to help her, when I fell down know if I was pra The Christian Name, The term "Christian name" | name" is used in other countr ainst the use of the saints' names in the calendar. It Is evident that all Biblical re not Christian, but the rea as to consider everythl as Christian d everythl the Bible as pagan or cer tian. epigram on Browni I gone the rounds, is worth recalling. Sald Lord Houghton, then only Dicky Milnes, *"There. are but two lines In 'Sordello' 1 can understand-- the first and last--"Who will may bear Sordello's story told' and 'Who would y told, and hath heard Sordello's Exchange of Courtesles One of the keenest of journal M Gottl yom 1 I t the f t r I er pe thou ting fe id the I'he Originator I 1 de the first aft di 1 opher A ¢ I t I h with the hat apple t wo I e,' dic Forced to It ia I p \ t if 1 could it people to give me money by j lookin' gad T'orontc ne hundred and t treatment Th rovernment is ¢ L 180 CE I'hen ti y of Toronto gives $7,500, or n cents per pati per day member, not for oront. patients for every child no matter from point he n come And in ad m to this Toron itizens donate emember all these gifts from devoted to the main- ance of patients from all over On- 0 as well as the city itself, and ta | the children that seek relief from | Place, s outside are very numerous, and | it ought to be as great a privilege and pleasure for the generous citizens of the province to contribute to the main- tenance of this Hospital as it is for the people of Toronto. Ten years ago the Hospital was en- mortgage. Year by © has been reduced, a..T cumbered with year the mortg and it is now pa The Hospi Lu BEFORE. AFTER. {s made for that purpose. Hospital work cannot be conducted without money. To keep the machinery mov- ing the dollars and cents of the people of Ontario are needed Nurses, do- mestics and officials have to live. Their wages must be pald. True, it is, that some have to pay-- yes, all who can afford it are expected to pay--but those who cannot pay and can produce the certificate of a clergy- man or known ratepayer of the pro- vince to the effect that they are too poor to pay, can have maintenance and treatment free of charge. This year an effort is being made to clear away a bank overdraft created by cost of maintenance. Every dollar sent us helps to lighten the load that is being cared. Let everyone who can spare a dollar forward it as quick as the good thouzht strikes them, to Douglas Pavidson. Secretary of the Hospital for Sick Children, or to J. Ross Robert- son, Chairman of the Trust, College | street, Toronto. ci ibid 15 AN ASS. "BH spacialists, We have been located in Detrol rolt 25 years and can gi READER Seman? Sl wope? Are Whe C5iden M Monitor" [Gi is used land and America only. "Bap- s. Ihe term seems to have been used first after the reformation, when Bib cal names were used as a reaction H Disa: Ee & c KERGAN, No. 148 SHELBY STRESE DETROIT) RICH, I Sor ably the most obscure of s poems, though It has often 1 The Ontario T AEITTOO0 EARLY )00 for the maintenance of all | to plan for something good in advertising for fall and winter business. RE GOING TO HAVE=- a large space in Tue I must proceed in per- forming its great mission. Money is needed to maintain it, and this appeal and it is always better to be early than fate. rtain our opinion free w without o arge, in "Scientific American, A handsomely fllustrated weekly. Jiro cir- culation of any acientific Journal. four months, $L. 8dld by all nee MONK Cogs Now York Ste Wastimgion, D. conduct fully ec and Washington ly dispatch work and qui furnished, the D es, pecial turers od Engine Offices : { Atlantic Bldg, Washi MERE Di to my former place of be 'Water Street 18 PUBLISHED AT PORT PERRY, ONT. EVERY THURSDAY MORNING | BY . PARSONS JOB DEPAF Hand I THE undersigued c bargain his fine property Street, Port Perry, consisting « tious Dwelling House, containing six rooms, | 3 hall and three closets ; there is cellar under the main part and foundation under the kitchen, all in a good state of | repair. There are three lots which been converted into a splendid Garden, in which are a large number of choice, thriy ing fruit trees -- Apple, Cheiryand Plum Grape Vines, Berry bushes and other smu fruit in abundance. There are also on the premises a good bricked Well and Cistern and convenient Stable: Lots 108, 109, 110 on Ella Street--all ready for erop. For particulars apply to GEO. GARDNER, Port Perry, Jan 22, 1866. for acceptable leas, State ii patented. THE PATENT RECORD, | =a Bi ption price of the Parent RECORD §1.00 per ann es free. um. Samples sa strong Statement but a straight fact, when we say that the greatest help to the live grocar and general storckeeper in Canada is "The Canadian Grocer." You cannot read it without getting some valuable information. cent for a post card and send for & sample copy and be convinced. The MacLean Pub. Co., Limited] TORORT. MONTREAL, 3 NZONLONGAN AN NANA ANN 280900). YEARLY to Christian mang 5" or woman to look after ou ccowing business in this and adjoining % ZCounties; to act as Manager and Corres ¢ ponent ; work cen be dove at your home, Enclose self-addressed stamped Z cuvelope fon particulurs to H. A. Sler- man, General Manager, Corcoran Build. "ing, opposite United States Treasury Washington, D. C. AN RR FAINT NINN 80 YEARS® EXPERIENCE . A Touch of Mr. Skinflint (on receiving a deputa- ployees)--Well, what's Clerk (spokesman)--We want to be paid every week Instead of every TRADE MARKS Designs COPYRIGHTS &C. ABzone sending a sketch and description may You get all that's due to you, "And promptly to a day?" "Then why do you want to be paid weekly instead of monthly?" "Please, sir, It's 80 we won't be get- tin' the lumbago carryin' ."--London Answers. home our To Market on Stilts. An interesting and picturesque cus- | years, I would respectfully intimate that tom in southwestern France is that of jam, as usual, now ready for busincss, and going to market on stilts. Groups of bave a young men and women mounted on y high stilts may be seen daily crossing Large & Assorted Stock the marshy plains known as "the Lan- " are cut up into {OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS ditches, pools and hummocks, | which I am determined to sell very CHEAP, and stilts are in consequence almost Co those who desire to trav =A Discount of 1 ih sent, = Write ite for our interesting bocks '* Invent= or's Help' ant " How you are swindled." Send us a rough sketch or model of your in- vention orimprovement and we willtell you, free our opinion ns to whether it isp obably patentable. Refected applications have often been successfully prosecuted by us, d offices in Montreal His Insomnia Completely Cured. "They tell me you have cured your- self of chronic Insomnia." "Yes, I'm completely cured." "It must be a great relief!" I should say it was! I lie awake half the night thinking how I used to suffer from it." ualifies 1s to prom pi, as bro. d as the invention, FigReat rete rences| Patents procured through Marion & Ma- rion recelve special notice without charge in over 100 newspapers distributed throughout go Tatent (business of Manufac- Patent Expert: and Solicitors. New York Life Bid" zr Hontre i To Get a Divorce | merely to keep the peace? TISHES at this the commencement « Season to re turn thanks to his numerous patrons for In requesting their esteemed 1uch pleasure ix An cing that I have removed MY LI VIR desires to ort or pains will be spared sales entrusted to | His very ex engive practice [ with pre mp 88 and dispatch his services Huller 2 either at izes, Port Sales, anc | nents, | tents, or write to his address | [alzomining, &civ g the time he has carried ot PAINTING gs J. A. McGILLIVRAY, : to i bed Nov. 30, 1899. promptly exe My charges are moderate » prepared to supply Paints, &e,, blic patronage sol UNDERTAKER, and Funeral Director, H, PARSONS jason PROPE RTY IN PORT PERRY FOR SATH A HE S to inform the public rry and surroniding country, tha prosecuting | un or rs for ; Pls Artificia CORCORAN BUILDING , that will remain permanen Coneret their con struction to decay or give out. If yon are in need of any of the above, come to me an: All material required in my Jine will be kept constantly on hand, and for sale after tho fivet of next April, GARDNER, TRUSTWORTHY ANC tive gentlemen or ladies to tarve for reaponsbie, established house in Ontario Enclose self-nddressed Dominion Com oo, LIVERY REHOVAL Puy, Det 'Y Chicago. YEARLY to Christian man or wean to lookafter our grow- ing business in this and adjoining Counties ; Voract as Manager ana. Corraponasnt 3 work Bi INDING my oy Livery accomny can be done at your home. Enclose self- pg! tuped envelope for particulars [1 MAN. General Manng:r, : : Tn being far too small to meet the re: Treasury, Washington, D. = =r amr Our Saviour In Art Nearly 100 superb : by the great | Bank of Commerce property-- where' Presses runding day and night ta ] 1 31 orders 32 candice o Taper for lat edition. complete variety of reliable rigs att Faite, in ukctt: v I +, S orth of bo "inte an hie Rickert of| moderate Charges, Constant at" New York has sold over £2,000 werth of books.-- i y Fin experience. Mr. Holwell tock 14 orders the tendance night and day, so parties) dave Lemwell took 1 em tne may rely on having their require first weel ol ristian man or woman can niake 000 in this county quick. Territory is golog reply, ments met at all times. Wanted, --State Nansger to have charge of corres- Seance and all the agents. AR aN 5 Fug IE returning thanks to the public fort ne patronage extended to me for over 50 As an inducement to CAsH purchasers will be allowed on all Sules x now ntl Jun. 1st next. All work being g& MADE BY HAND-gj3 and nc factory work kept in stock, the super ority of my goods will at once become Why, apps ent. utending purchasers will find that Ly giving ve a call before looking elsewhere the ycan be suited in quality and price, my long experience iu the trade being an indis. putauvle guarantee that perfect satisfaction will be given by any article purchased. "She claims, 1 believe, to be descend- Everthing in my line of business kep: constantly ou hand and vepuirs neatly and Before her grandfather struck | Promptly attended to it rich he was known as the poker king JOHN ROLPH. Port Perry, Dee. 1, 1892. common rock Agricultural Machines animal or ---- AND = IMPLEMENTS * are left | | " | -- AT ---- , what do the | foie SUNDERLAND FPYHE undersigned keeps on hand and for y i sales the following Agricultural Mach GEO. JACKSON, ines and Lirplements ananufactmicd by the Licensed Anctioneer, Valuator, &ec. an PR yay R THE COUSTY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSHII i Hh) LT M { 0 (0. OF PETERBORO: Binders, Reapers, Crown Mower, Daisy Seeder, Tig Hay Rake, Two Furrow Plow, Three Furrow , Combina- tion Plows, Champion Plows, S. T, Cultivator,. S. T Harrow, Land Roller, Steel Frame Spring Tooth Cultivator, Binder Thue ks, &e. recom All Salo | also the following, the munufacture of ri be Sate lit | JOHN ABEL, Toronto. supplied free. | High class Threshing outfits, Tractiomr Engines and Machines, Victor Clover Port ible Triumph Engine I am pre farmer rec pared to supply everything the ires in way of Machines, Imple- pairs, & ta A solicited. One door West of | McDonald's Hotel KSON, | R. K. BRYANT, Port Perry . 0 | gunderland, April 8, 18¢ PAINTING Sealed Tenders oy TENDERS will be received by the undersigned for the purchase of ali or any of the > undersigned would take this oppor | Parcels-- Farm Properties:- belong pumerous pat | ng {o Mr. John ams, advertised | nereatilie |g be sold by auction on the 2 JIC November, and withdrawn at the Tem; le Buildi Toronto, ng end Paper Hanging | MONEY TO LOAN. Parties ontrusting their work to having it neatly and me may © funds from private parties for investment oot e o 4) PER CENT, and those who wih to mortgages, buy more land or build, mmy y frou us vlunout any delay, (and very ers wait to Luy im 1 exchange Lusi- mer c end us price und description of same ir d, and a general fiuancial TREMEER iS rus Tanstoted. | XD & CO. 28 Victoria Street, TORONTO! {he Portraits of our Presidents With Biographical Sketches General Charles H. Grosvenor, MEMBER oF CONGRESS FUR NEARLY 20 YEARS Contains twenty four large Photo-grayure Etchings rom the paintings indorsed by the fawiles and near celatives of the Presidents. Printed on heavy plate ery large bos we title page de shical sketches printed in' colors The greatest work GEO. GARDNER [am omaien : ' 1 I the 20th € entury. 80 beautifulthat when P)esident' Linley aw it he subscribed immediately. One link 600 copies in a small territory in: Pen: A million copies will be so.d gnick. Fore ade this Innugural year, igh 'class of Pour A oman of good $¢ standing can make & largest cities of | little fortune in_this territory. Territory is goin prepare y. Presses running day and night to SIF rders following | \yipt00. State Manager to look-after correspond- Masonry | ence and agents, Address to-day TEE CONTINENTAL PRESS; Washington, D, C. Position dation onPerry St. curtailed, it quirements of my rapidly increasing business I have leased for a term of 'years and uke possession of the commodious Livery Uffices an The Light of the World Stables On Queen Street -- entrance adjoining the Canadian Sobemuti-| | will constantly keep for hire a y F Patornage respectfully solicitedy Conveyance to all trains. H-AMIERICAN CO, Wh. JAMIESORY SACIRAY i | | Port Perry Sept, 26, 19co. 1 i

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