me SPRING IS THE TIME FOR HOUSE GLEANING. I am prepared to do all kinds of Papering, Painting, &c. Paper and Paint required. furnished if WwW. F. NOTT, (Successor to J. A. Rodman.) 2 t doors north of Mr. Widder' s store. Christmas Past New Year's Day Come and Gone... Would now ask their many friends and customers to accept ther sincere thanks for the large amount of patronage accorded to them not only during the Holiday Season but throughout the past year.-- And at the same time would say | they will still use their utmost] endeavors to supply them with the| Best of Goods at Lowest | Living Prices. Just purchased another lot of that Splendid Ram Lal Téa which has given such satisfaction. Some of our best customers say that 1t is the best they ever had, and only 30¢ per lb. Fruits of all kinds Tue Very PEST. 3 lbs., 4 Crown Selgeted Raisins » for 25¢ 3 Ibs. Fine Patras Carrants for 25c. Cooking Figs, Seedless Raisins and Seeded California Raisins, Apri cots, Dates, Plums and Peaches TILLSONS' ROLL'D OATS (the best)--and all other kinds of Cereals Our Boot, Shoe and Rubber Stock is still large and complete. EZ Also our China and Glassware, T.C. FORMAN & SON. OFFICE. | 1903 f LICENSE Jan MARRIAGE Port Perry, 7» She'll Smile on | Your duit ask ler hand if the suit] you wear is our making. Women | don't admire men who are careless in their attire--careless 1n cloth, fit or style. We'll do all we can for | you--and that's a great deal--to get you into her good graces, if you will let us have your order We will probably make your wed- ding coat later. | WwW. H. DOUBT | when you Jan. 13 131K 1903. 0 Notice. OTICE IS HERI HEREBY GIVEN that the Municipal Council of the Township of Reach at its meet- ing to be heid on MonpAY THE gth DAY oP MarcH, 1903, Propose to Pass a By-Law to stop up and close as a Public Highway that portion of the allow- ance for Road between the Seventh and Eighth Concessions of the Township of Reach. From a Point on the West limit of Lot Number Twenty in the said Seventh and Eighth Concessions of the said Township of Reach; then Easterly to a point where said allowance for Road intersects the Waters of Scugog Lake, and vest the same 1n Mungo Weir, the owner of the land lying adjacent thereto, at a price to se fixed by the said Council of the said Township of Reach. Dated at Manchester in the Township of Reach, this 15th day of January, 1903. WILLIAM SPENCE, Township Clerk. Sat AE a COOK'S RESTAURANT ! I 'would beg many friends and the public eral that I have opened a ant in the Hiscox Block, of the Bank of Commerce delighted, at to all callers the proper Food for the to intimate to my in gen Restaur just east where | will be all times, to dispense and most nutritious inner man ()YSTERS the deep sea Baltimore (daily) and served as they should be, direct from stock or sold variety always In by the pint, quart or in larger quant ties ; cial quotations for ( hurcl tertair spe Society E parties and nents and private Sandwiches, made from a recipe | supplied by the Earl of Sandwich Pork Pies, &« Fresh Fish in the proper season truly, JOSEPH COCK Nov. 12, 1902, Yours Port Perry, Grand Trunk Railway. TIME TABLE. Port PERRY. GOING SOUTH GOING NORTH. 7.25 a.m g.51 a.m. 11.35 p.m 5.40 p.m. 7.33 p.m. 7-33 p.m. HAIR COODS Prof. Dorenwend OF TORONTO LAE I am to show LONDO. length and shade, ete. expression to the face. Gentlemen, are you bald ? of my ART COVERINGS IN WIGS and 57,000 Heads apperance, and a expression to the fuce. Please Remember Day and Date. PORT PERRY, TIS COMING. He WiLL BE AT SebertHouse, PortPerry This Winter Visit of 1908 pared a larger variety und PARIS SIVLES than over offered to the public before, I shall have LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S WIGS, TOUPEES, BANGS, WAVY axp PLAIN FRGNTS, SWITCHES of all long hair in every LADIES, my GOODS are recognized as the STANDARD of PER- FECTION and their use protects the head snd produces a yonnger I invite you to my Show Rooms to demonstrate the complete success 55 They are light in weight, strong und moxt natural in rotection to the hexd agains: CATARRH, NEURALGIA, ete., and give a younger and haudsomer SEBERT On Friday, Feb'y 20th. EH. PURDY On Friday, Feb. 20. of NEW YORK, : TOUPKES, worn on over DRUGHTS, COLDS, Is now prepared to buy any quantity of Alsike, Red Clover and Timothy Seed At the Highest Market Price ------------------------------------------ GROCERIES SH ND FiE R-LIALLE Provisions, Flour and Feed--Crockery, All kinds alw: ays Aslo, Bread and Confecti jonery of all kinds, Wedding Cakes, ornamented and trimmed in| up-to-date style. READY-MADE CLOTHING >= AND GENTS Constantly arriving and at price purchasing Port Perry, Oct. 21, 1902 ---------------------------------------- away UNDERWEAR mc a call befor owl Give E. H. PURDY. Removal ¥ | The undersigned would take this opportunity of thankingihis nu m-rous customers for the liber patronage received since | ypcning business in Port Perry, and would inform the public that he has moved his business ir Store the Post Office , where he will be cannot fa fecilitie | he can give | | premises wa GAME AND FISH IN SEASON PORT PERRY MARKETS. (Quotations by A. Ross & Sin Feb. 5, 1go3. Fall Wheat . . $0 65 @ $o 65 Spring Wheat o63@ o 65| Goose Wheat o6o@ o 6o Barley . 0 40@ 0 42] | Rye . 0 45@ o 46 Oats . 030@ 0 30] Peas--Black eye 0o70@ o 75] Peas--Small o68@ o 68 Buckwheat 046@ 0 46 Beans 'e 1 25@ 1 50 Alsike Clover. 6 00@ 7 oo | Red Clover 5 50@ 6 50 Grass Seed. . 1 50@ 1 75 Turkeys oI5@ 0 15 Geese or1mlo@ o 10 Ducks o10@ oO 10 | Chickens... oo8@ o 10 [Etter oo. oivianns o1l8@ o 18 Eggs. . 020/@ 0 20 | Apples Wanted. The well Snows, s reliable house of Edward Jacobs & Sons of London, Eng, and Hamburg, Germany, want Consignments of Canadian Apples. Highest prices to be ob: tained assured. Rea, ad- "mn ew Tero -Nurseryman, Toronto, Tt will pay ou to ship to the firm of Edward Forres & Sons. MISS HARRISON Dress and Mantle Maker \ ISHES to inform the ladies that she has moved to her fire Rooms in the Allison Block where she is prepared to execute all orders in Dress and Mantle Making in a manner unsurpassed for Correctness of Style and Charming Effect. Our charges are consistent with the value given. Port Perry, March 27, 1902. Good Bargains in Cutters.-- A. W. Allin has just 'received from the celebrated firm of Tudhope & Co., of Orillia, Twenty Cutters which are beauties both for design and finish and I will sell them at prices that cannot be competed arm for Sule. S OUTH-HALF lot lot 9 and South- west quarter of lot "ro, con 3, Township of Brock, consisting of about 80 acres £4 nd l'with hatse and bar 20 acres Hatdwood, and 50 acres Pine, Cedar, Hemlock and Tanjarac. Apply to owner. H. B. CBEMES, Dec. 8, Port Perry 1902. We have not advanced the price of our tobarcos. Amber smoky tobacco, Bobs, Currency and Fair Play chewing tobaccos are the same size and price to the consumer as formerly We have also extended the time for the redemp- tion of Snowshoe tags to January Ist, 1903, THE EMPIRE TOBACCO CO, Limited WANTED--FAITHFUL PERSON 10 TRAVEL for well established louse ina few counties, calling on retail merchants and agents. Loca! temvitory Suidary $1024 a year and expenses, payable §19 7 7 week in cash an expenses a, anced, Posi- tion permanent Business successful and rushing. Staudard House, {334 Dearborne 8t., Chicago. Tue Easy Foop-- Cast your eye on our pie. Easy to eat, easy to digest, easy to buy. Cook's pie. If you are not satisfied with the pies you are eating try Cook's. They just fit the appetite "J with in Port Perry. Call and secure one for yourself before they : are all gone. A. W. Arum. and are deep and thick. His Pork { Pies. Cook's name is Cook's fame. ! Air First doorEast of setter satisfac om the Market building to the orders for Meats in a manner thut omers, Having new and increased n of business he feels confident that | ion than heretofore, I. J. WHEELER. lothing and this district. not fail to ploase. my customers in every particulr. Port Perry, Boot & Shoe Business "IN ALL ITS DEPARTMENTS SES Having increased the dimensions of my premises, I have purchased and opened out an Extensive Stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING i. or Men and Boys which for quality and low prices cannot be ws Come and see us in our enlarged quarters. A. F. CARNEGI AND I have the largest and most veried Stock of BOOTS axp SHOES e opened in this locality for your inspection, and the prices are such as can- My aim shall be to ple: and fo order | to serify this state he solicits ull to give him a call in his new Februar OMMENCIN stock at Big Jines at actual whc cept the prices, brand new, and la PARLOR BUIT--Mabogan ered Veivet Velours PARLOR SUIT--Mahc fine Tapistry, si Jar $20, sale price ofan Pinsh, regular $24, f BTUFF-OVER Parlor Suit regular §30--Sale pr silk rugs, heavy I bands of PARLOR SUIT Mahogan in fine silk EI , for These are a few Every suit and art list will appear eve to make ready sales shall sell at WHoLESALE PRICES. cheap about these Parlor Suits ex- regular $25 sale price BUIT--same as above, covered with covered with fino Vel PARLOR SBUIT---covered with beautiful silk Plush, do pring seats, spring o pire banded, spring edges, regular No need to go to Toronto when yon can buy cheaper at home. w. J. NOTT, Manager, ay SCICICICICRIPIAS J Furniture Salex- G MONDAY, FEB'Y 2x0, we shall sell our large Reductions, from 10 to 25 per: cent discount, many We have too many Parlor Suits. and There 1s nothing blesale prices, The goods are test styles, $19 00 y frames oc silk banded, y frames, in banded, regu: 319 $16 90 75 or heavy fringe vet Velours, ice $21 00 ringe, double ible stuffed dyes, rexular' § 4.0 y frames, cov gin Tapistry, samples from our stock of nearly a seore of Suits.-- icle is stock is a bargain at the prices we shall sell. A new ry week during this February Furniture Sale. JESSOP FURNITURE C0. _ a) 8 > "© Sk G < | < x Por Perr oe, 2 {2 $2) \ G2 ' {2 : ler MIS . mes N12 eZ ZN 24 Hi IN FULL BLAST 5 ZN JIN 2 SJ [ lake oreal pleasure in announcing that my £5 Sf New Mills are n mpleted and in full oper Sf {> ation and that I am better than ever prepared jz ZN lo nie en f omy [riem ana the 21s & > general pu n ¢ periaimir J 21s 2 alread ind rapidly increasing Oust pe <> ne Corr principles, prompil Ss a> and courleou wmen 7 relied on {pe 5 , 8 132 JAMES CARNEGIE hE 143 Port Perr C12 | ' I AN NIL "Ns DANI | SINT IIL SK NL ZRZRZRAR IRR SRCKSRIRIKS HK ZEN | | | Balan Hat Hat Hats w £7 1 Jaruary Hats wortl JANUARY SALE Xmas Ghina Regardless gf Cost. worth $5 oo f $4.00 Bow worth $ 2.75 ars worth § C 1.60 eire worth 9 6.00 rs regular $2 1 00 P $2.75 for 226 ce of Trimmed Millinery at your own prices. n $4.50to for $3.00 from $2.50 to $4 oo for 00 from $1.50 to $2.00 for 1.00 r $ 0.756 ) iri TY 1 | 1 L. & J. STOUFFER. Dies feld's Hk DIAMOND HAL Ve are Dollar, in Pearl, Opal anc GREAT Knives, Forks, Sy Port Perry, Nov. 30, prepared tc give SPECIAL BARGAINS in CLD AND SILVER WATCHES. Gold Filled Cases in great variety, some as smell as a Quarter of nicely Enameled and Set with Pearls, &c. {Prices to suit you all right. WEDDING AND ENCAGEMENT RINGS all fine and New CLouks ir CuEear, 1 Diamonds, VARIETY VERY Designs. Cake Baskets Tez noons, Fruit Dishes, Butter Diss, Sets, &c., and some more to follow EF Also Fancy Goods. €&F Repairing as usual, EVERYTHING Goes CHEAP. €F DIESFELD'S| 18908, and will pay Port PERRY, tf The Port Perry Woolen Mills are now running full blast for and the HIGHEST PRICE quantity of Wool delivered at these Mills. JAMES MAXWELL. May 12, 1902. Re Yo 0 MOVAL : or Having had the coramodions | Store in the Currie Block fitted up pes ially, I am satisfied I have now one of the best appointed Drug' Stores in the Province, and have taken possession of ny new | ? Ys % and extensive premises, where I have opened up, in' addition to my extensive stock of Drugs, Chemicals, and Fancy Goods, a full line of SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES. w hile returning thanks to my numerous patrons, I would extend an invitation to all to call and see me in my new premises. Port Perry, A q DAVIS, Sept 2, goo a 0ING SOU FOR o WINTER Th . If you are contemplating going South d ghe winter of 1goz and 1903 you can get valuable informaticn free of charge by writing John T. Patrick, Pinebluff, N. ( He an save you money in hetel rates; can direct you which is the best railroad route travel an direct you where to rent neatly furnished tages or single tdoms WRITE HIM | EMOV, \Lecoess We have Moved ou w 2 arnes with everyt ng in t 5S Cannot be surpassed & {ance FA ; rt Perry the Co oecupy the Line CHEAPNESS. STYLE Durability and STRENGTH, umty, Robes, Blankets, Bells, Trunks Oomparison of Prices Courted BEATTY & BONGARD Four sale. Po I would ca LOANS EZ" | represent the most desirable Fir Companies JW. Meharry REAL ESTATE BROKER. Experience is Invariably Essential to Su CESS AVIN( a erab xper neg g s of e larg Ansa Real Estate str e 2 perfe satis a ed A 1 te my e attent p Real Esta at may be 1 in my har or sale FARMS FOR SATE attention parties pecia proper fine ow listed and for Sale Three Farms in Scugog. One Farm in Reach. && Parties desirous of disposing of landed properties will consult their own interests by placing them with me for Satisfaction guaranteed: on Real} Ire without Commission In sums to suit t Quick actior wers, at rates. Prompt attention given Sept. 3, to applications rt Perry 1gO1 equiring Farms to state security unusually low e and Life Insurance i | Hl I lh il a A GREAT SACRIFICE trade. | Give me a call. BZ Wood Wanted, 3 IN THE sisting of Cash or Approved Credit, Parlor, Dining Room, Bed Room Sets, &e JonN MOTT. Sale of Furniture! DURING THE HOLIDAY SEASON The undersigned will sell a large quantity of first-class Furnitufe, con EZ A Fine lot of Picture Frames and Gilt Mouldings satable to the