Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 5 Feb 1903, p. 1

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oF CANADA i we Port Perry Agency. GENERAL Bankiug Business trans- A acted. Special attention paid to Collections. Drafts issued available & all ints in Canada, United States and G: Deposits re tt hest carrent rates. Interest calculated and credited to each depositor semi-annually. H. G. HUTCHESON, |HEAD OFFICE TORONTO, ONT. | MANAGER, -- | Capital {Paid up) $8,000,000 * . = 2,500,000 | ESTABLISHED 1867. 0 | 00 000 BUSINESS WITH FARMERS | In addition andling Gorsmerelal | bolts this Bank makes a special business | of Loans to Farmers, and the discount- | Port Perry, June 26, 1897. STERLING GHTS THAN RIGHT OUR MISTAKES." [Trrus:-- $1 Per ANSTTTN Avvaxer.] - i 1903. {WHOLE No. MMDLE © Brock. .. RAKES STOCK but once a year, and that generally about the 15th January ; this year he has concluded T0 GIVE HIS CUSTOMERS A MONTH OF BARGAIN GETTING... He wants to reduce the stock to the lowest possible point before before taking stock In the meantime taking stock in the first week in March. Children' s Over STiony Chaar. (British Capital) on good Mortgage security. Apply to DAVID J. ADAMS Banker and Broker, MONEY TO LOAN. d Subscriber is prepared to LEND ANY AMOUNT on Farm Security AT 5 PER OENT £2 Also on Village Property £4 MORTGAGES BOUGHT, TE) HUBERT L. EBBELS, Bariister, Office next to Ontario Bank J. A. MURRAY, DENTIST, [Rooms in the Leonard Block over Mr, J H. Brown's Office. ] | PORT PERRY, All branches of Dentistry, including Crown and Bridge Work successfully practiced Artifical Tecth on Gold, Silver, Aluminum | or Rubber Plates | Fillings of Gold, Silver or Cement | Painless extraction when required: £7 Prices to suit the times® W. A. SANGSTER, DENTAL SURGEON. Dffice over the Post Office Office Hours--9 to 12 a.m., 2 to 6 p,m Also open Saturday y evenings. #2 Gold Fillings, Work a Specialty Bridge and Crown Vitalised Air. | Dr F. D. McGrattan | (DENTIST) L.D.S. of Royal College of Dental Surgeons, also D.D.S. of Toronto U niversity Office in the Allison Block over Allison's Drug Store | 8.30 p.m. April 9, 1902. JOS. BAIRD ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the 4 County of Ontario. Sale Register at the Opskrver Office Patronage solicited. Manchester, Jan. 19, 1800, Office hours--8 a.m. to ort Perry, AUOTIONEER. £ hot undersigned tukes this opportuaity of returniug thanks for the very liberal patrcnage he has received as Auctioneer in the past. The increased experience and extensive practice which I have had will be tuned to advantage of patrons, and parties favoring me with their sales may rely on their interests being fully protected. No effort will be spared to make it profitable for parties placing their sales in my hands. My Sale Register will be found at the Leland House, Caesarea. > * WM. GORDO Licensed Auctioneer, \tiuator de. OR the wash] of Brock, Uxbridge, ara, Rama, Mariposa and Fe Partiesentrusting their Sales to me may rely on the utmsot attention being given to their intrests. 'WM. GORDON, Sunderland, PROF. 8S. J. COHN RACTICAL OPTICIAN and Eye and Ear Specialist, 176 Wilton Ave, Toronto will visit Port Perry once in six month. All orders entrusted to him warranted t ive satisfaction. REFERENCES --Mr. W. ¢Gill, Mr. D. J Adams and Mr. John PATE ARANTEED Our fee Jeined if we fail. Any one sendin sketch and description of any invention wi Port Perry, Ont. | |W H. DUN | | be found as heretofore, ing of Farmers' Sales Notes at reasoual le | rates of interest. | | Careful and prompt attention is also To lend at 4 45 and 6 per cent] given to the solleeting of Notes, etc SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Special Attention is Dirccied fo the Following Advantages offered by onr Savings Bank: | Deposits of One Dollar and upwards received and interest allowed at current rates Interest is added to the deposit Twick in each year, at the end of May and November The Depositor is subject to no delay whatever in the withdrawal of the whole or any portion of the deposit Charge is made on withdrawing or depositing money Port Perry Branch SFORD, Manager R. D. ARCHER, M.D.C.M. Victoria University ; M.B. Toronto University, Member or the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont Licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburg; Licentiate | of the yal Col of Physicians, Edin burg ; Member of the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons , Glasgow ; Late Resident Pupilof the Rolunda Hospital, Dublin, for Women. Office and Residence, second loor west of Davis' Queen Strect. Office honrs--9 to 11a. and 2 to 5 p.m., and evenings I have taken as partner, my brother, Dr R. Archer, M. D., C. M., Member of Col ege of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont Port Perry, June 9, 1897 DR. BE. 1 (SUCCESSCR TO DR M.D C.M. of Trinity College University, Toronto, with Honor Certificate, Fellow of Trinity Medical College, Toronto. FROOTER CLEMENS ) Mem. of Col. of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont., Licentiate of Univereity of State of New York Office and residence on Dr. Clemens' old site Opposite Town all PORT PERRY NOTICH. H. SANGSTER, I R.J Physician, Sor geon and Accoucheur, and Dr, W, A Sangster, Dentist, may on and after 10-day, | | be found iu their new Surgical and Dental Offices over the Post Office, where they will prepared to attend to their respective professions in all their branches. Port Perry, Dec, 8, 1897 DR. 8. J. MELLOW, PrysiciAN, SurGEoN, &0. Office and Residence, Queen St., Office hours--8 to 10 a.m ; 1to3 pm., ind Eveuings. Telephone in office and house, open night and day over the lines south, connected with the residence of G. L. Robson, V.8, Port berry, Nov. 15, 1894. WL. H. HARRIS, BALLS. BARRISTER, &c., Successor to and occupant of the offices of the Jate F. M. Yarnold Port Perry, - Oat. MONEY TO LOAN. Private Funds at 4 per cent. Fob. 7 1901 g. JNO. W. OROZIER ARRISTER, SoLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, B c. Office at residence, 6th Con. Reach (one mile west of Port Perry,)-- Moxey To Loan. N. F.. PATERSON, XK. C., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, &e., Nos. 310311, Temple Building, Cor. Bay and Richmond Streets, Toronto. Toronto, March 31, 1898. E. FAREWELL, K.C., LL.B., County . Crown Attorney, Barrister, County Sol- sitor, &o., Notary Public and Conveyancer Office--South wing Court House, Whitby, Ont, H. MocCAW, ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LiounoBh Port Perry Ont. Port Perry, Dec. 19, prompt ly 3 du our opinion {ree he ih of same. "How to Obtain a notice, sin ni are in THE PATENT RECORD, och widely journal, 8end for Bid FREE. Address, VICTOR J. EVANS & CO. (Patent Attorncys,) Evans B . , D. GC Wo buiiviiAM, Clerk of the Third ¢J , Division Court. Office in Pwot Office Block, Port Perry, 'WM. SPENCE, o wnship Clerk, Commissioner, &c. s prepared to Loan any quantity of Money on improved Farm Security at 6 and 7 per cent (Trust funds), All kinds of Conveyancing executed with neatness and dispatch. Office--One door west of Town Hall, Manchester. Manchester April 11, 1888, Furniture Emporium, Port Peiry IT IS NOT A MATTER OF PROFIT - MAKING Reducing Stock but of Included in the above Stock-Taking Sale are a number of lines of Make Room for Spring Goods Spring Goods which have come to hand and will go with the rest, and give his customers a chance to make them up before the Spring and Summer's work commences Amongst other 10000 yards Print--regular value 12c to go at 10¢ per yard--SAMPLE INCLOSED 450 yards Lawn at fully 15 per cent off regular price 1000 vards Embroidery--j5c per yard reduced tc 4 10C to 8¢ 12C to 10C so yards White Dimity--regular r5c a d per yard, to at 10c per yard 150 yards Str Flanellette at 5 per 200 yards 3( Flanellette--reguiar 1 ri 1300 yards ch Flanellette lar 1 r 8¢ DRESS GOODS. BROCI ha 1 1 assorted f Black rege and ( nere ar 1 Dre Go at pri 25C t $1 per yard and al it a Liberal Reduc tion. He hasa few Special Bargains a noted below, viz 100 yards All-Wool, Home Spun--regular 85¢C per yard to go at 65¢ per yard 45 yards 54-inch, All-Wool, Grey Home Spun regular 75 er yard go at 4oc per yard 40 yards Checked Tweed for kirts or Suits, 54 inches wide-- regular value $1 per yard, to go at § per yard 125 yards Heavy Tweed Dress Goods, 40 in I wide, different shades--regular 3 to 40¢ per yard and to go at 20c per yard 20 yards Pink and White Stripe, All-Wo French Flannel for Waists, to go at 35¢c per yard 25 yards Blue and White Stripe French Flanne', to go at 35 15 yards Red and White Stripe French Flannel to go at 35 20 yards Navy and Red with White ts, French Flannel, was soc, to go for 1 WHITE WEAR SALE. Special Values in White Cotton Special Values in Grey Cotton Lace Curtains at from 25¢c to $3 00 per pair Special Values in Bleached Tal Special Values in Unbleached Tabling, Special Values in Checked Muslius, Special Values in Plains Muslins, Special Values in Towelings, Special Values in White Har dkerchiefs, Special Values in Gents' White St Special Values in Ladies' White Lac [ie Special Values in Pillow-Cotto Special Values in Twilled I hed Sheeting, Special Values in Plain, Bleached Sheet Special Values in Unbleached Sheeting Remnpants--Table Linen--from 14 to 3% yards Cheap ODDMENTS 300 lbs. Print Patches for Quilts 100 bs. Dress Goods Patc he s for Quilt 100 Men's 4 ply Linen Stand-up, Turn Point Col- lars, sizes 14, 143, and 15--ptice 20c each, to go at 3 for 25c. 50 yards 68 inch Colored Quilt Lining-- regular price 20c per yard, to go at 15¢ pet yard. 28 Men's Colored Silk (Shaped) Coat Scarfs -- regular price 65c to go at 25¢ each, Colors -- White, Pink and Canary. 20 Dark Colored Silk (Shaped) Coat Scarfs-- regular price $1, for 75¢ each. 1350 yards Heavy, Checked Shaker Shirting to be sold at 12c per yard--regular price 16¢ 10 Colored, Damask Window Blinds, 3} yards long-- CHEAP. g Colored Damask Fable Covers-- CHEAP. Chenille Stand CoverS-- CHEAP. 15 Shades in Felt for Fancy Work. 11 Ladies' Black Serge and Colored Tweed Skirts --price $3 to $4.25 and to go at $1 each to clear--A Special BARGAIN. 20 Wrapperette and Print Wrappers, were $1 each tos go at 65¢ each. 80 Pairs Ladies, All: Wool Hose--size 8}, 9, 94-- 'worth soc for 39c each. MEN'S CARDIGAN JACKETS & UNDERSHIRTS & DRAWERS 50 Men's Heavy, All-Wool Under Shirts, regular soc, for 35c, 35 Men's Top Shirts, regular 50 to 6oc, for 35¢, 25 Wool Fleece Lined Under Shirts, regular $1, for 75¢ each, 48 Scotch Ali-Wool Under Shirts, for 59¢, 55 Scotch All-Wool Drawers, 75, for s9c each, 24 Scotch All-Wool U. Shirts, $1, for 75¢ each, 24 Scotch All Wool Drawers, at $1, for 75¢ each, 28 Yourhs' Scotch All-Wool Under Shirts, sizes 30 to 36--prices 85c to $1 each, to be sacri- ficed at 49c¢ each, 8 Youths' Cardigan Jackets, sizes 33 to 36--prices from $1 to $2.50--all to go at 50c each, Men's Cardigan Jackets, out sizes, Cheap / regular 75c, | | Lines he would mention the following, viz: Meu's Light Scotch All-Wool Under Shirts and Drawers, prices from 31 to &2 each, at from soc to 75¢ reduction Men's Night Gowns-- prices $1 to $1.50--to go at 75¢ each MANTLES AND MANTLINGS. 6 Ladies' Short Beaver Jackets--sizes 32 to 38 prices were from $5.50 to $¢ and all t go at $1 eacl 2 Ends Black Beaver Mantling, were $1 and $1.25, to clear at soc per yard 6} yards All: Wool Beaver Mantling, price is $2.50 to be sacrificed at 1.25 per yard 5 yards Brown, All Wo Mantling, price 83, to go at $1.50 per yar 5 yards Brown, Beaver Mantling, price $2 50, to go at $1.25 per yard 50 yards All-Wool, Navy Blue Flannel, price 20c, to clear at 15¢c per yard 65 yard Grey, Union Flannel, price 15c, to clear at roc per ard CLOTHING. 3 ROCK has to Ly f Clothing and is prepared t the price to make a clearance. ro Heavy Frieze Ulster I es 39, 40, 42. 44 and 46--regular price $ go at $4.45 each, 7 Heavy, Raglanette O ts, well lined and trimmed --regular & for $7 each Boy's Frieze Ulsters at t 10 Men's Tweed Suits, were from $ to 6.50 to go at $4 50 per S 20 Men's Tweed Suits, were [ron so to $12, to go at $8.50 per Suit 30 All-Wool Navy Serge Suit es 35 4 regular value & at $ Boys' 3 Piece, Canadian Tweed n sizes 28 10.35, at a slight advan ost Boys' 2 Piece Suits, ir 5 22 8, at from §2 to 83. and worth 20 per cent. more Boys' Short Pants, from siz t Cheap Men's Black, Bib Overalls Men's Blue Drill Overalls Men's Drill Smocks--all Men's Heavy Drugget linec --all sizes. Men's Heavy Tweed Pants, all sizes and prices Men's Odd Vests, all sizes BLANKETS. 6 Pairs White Wool Blankets, slightly size 68 x 8o--regular value sacrificed at $2.50 eacl 3 Pairs Al: Wool, Grey Blankets--price $3, to go at $2.25 per pair 5 Pairs. All-Wool White Blankets, ranging in price from $4.50 to $6, to go at reductions of $1, to 81.50 per pair 8 Pairs Heavy Shaker Blankets, 11/4, value $1 go, for §1.50 A full Assortment of White and Grey Shaker Blankets in all sizes and priccs Grey, Union Sheeting Flannel-- Cheap. URS | FURS money eap 1s s ap--all € izes and prices Waterproof Smocks soiled $4 50, to be regular If you wan ita Good Black Fur Coat that will look: and bright to the last, and wear better: than a Coon Coat, BROCK can suit you both in Coat and Price. Fur Coats at 25 per cent discount. Men's Persian Lamb Caps, 87.50 for $6. Meu's Persian Lamb Caps, £7 for 5.50. Men's Persian Lamb Caps, 5 for $4 6 Men's Beaver Opossum Caps, $3.50 for $2.50, 7 Girls' Grey Lamb Caps, $3.75 for $2.50. 2 Ladies' Electric Seal and Sable trimmed Caper- ines--reguler 818 for 14.90 2 Girls' Grey Persian Lamb Caperines, were $5.50 for 84.25 3 Assorted Ruffs, were $2 for 8. BOOTS AND SHOES. BROCK has a well assorted Stock of Ladies', Men's and Children's Boots and Shoes and it is kept assorted all the time. In some lines he is overstocked and is prepared to cut prices to effect a clearance. 23 'Pairs Men's Heavy, Black Jersey Cloth, Lace and Gaiter Boots, high cut--price $1.25 to $1.50 per pair, all to go at 75c per pair. 6 Pairs Men's Long Boots, size 11--price $2 to to $2.25, to go at $1.50 per pair. 6 Pairs Men's Long Boots, size 6--price $2 for $1.50 Men's Plow all sizes and prices. and Lace Boots--Cheap. and Lace Boots--Cheap. Girls' Buff and I Ladies' Dongols RUBBERS. RusBers ARE GOING To BE ADVANCED IN PRICE 35 per cent next season on account of the higher price for crude Rubber and in- creased cost of production, BROCK has too many Rubbers in some lines to carry over and cuts the prices accordingly, viz : 6 Pairs Lumbermen's Rubbers, size 11, regular prices. $1.25 to $1.50, to go at 75C a pair. 10 Pairs Lumbermen's Rubbers, Stub-Proof and Snag-Proof--prices from $2 35 to $2.50 and sizes 10 and 11, all to go at FH 8s. 15 Pairs Men's Artic and Snow Excluder Over Shoes, sizes 6 and 7, regulge price $1.50, to go at $1. ap. 48 Pairs Boys' Rubbers, price soc per pair, to go at 35c per pair. 35 Pairs Ladies' Rubbers, sizes 2}, 3» 31, regular soc per pair, to go at 25¢ per pair. 4o Pairs Men's Wide-Toe Rubbers, sizes 10 and Ix, regular 65 and 75C per pair, to go at 50¢ CROCKERY. a Clearance of Opp CROCKERY prices at about In order to make BROCK Half Cost 15 only White Porcelain Sugar Bowls--regular to go at 1oc each puts the 25¢ to soc each REE 25 Odd Glass Dishes--regular roc to 15c each to go at sc each 10 Fancy Lamps, with and without St ades price $1.25 to $1.50--all to go at g5c each 20 Side Dishes --price from r15c to each--to go at 8c tc each ¢ Doz. China, Flowered, ( ps and Saucers price $1 per dc to go at §1 per doz 1 China Tea Set, 44 pieces--price 88, to go at $¢ Dinner Sets, 97 pie s--price $7.50 to $10--AT SAcrIFICE 1 ES Chamber Sets, from 6 t piece price $2 to $4 I FT ROCERIES Although Japan Tea has advanced about per t ia arietie f Black Tea about per Ib. BROCK hav bought nearly a I'on and a half of flerer alities of Tea bef he ent advances, he is prepared t Ve 1 mers the benefit of his All Teas at old Prices | | el I k best Tea f the I n t € N 1 nw I k I l I Mixed ar per Jag Tea a t ay 3 pe Victor CH ( t Ur red Japan Tea, re gular 35¢, for 30c per lb, 3 Cases of Picton Can Tomatoes, while they last, 2 Cans for 25¢ Choice Red S I an California Driec C I per It California D he er BROCK STRUCK A MAN that had I more LACI URTAINS t e could afford t rr be X Pairs of them and w ell them at reg Wholesale Prices for the next days ALSO TWO BALES GRI OTTON to go at Regular Wholesale Pr W AINTEI- oo Ibs. No. 1 Butter every week Also 500 doz. Eggs every week Also Poultry of all kinds Dried Apples, and Goose, Hen and Turkey Feathers 4 YP Al Vig WM. BROCK, PORT PERRY. ONT FEB'Y 2, 1903, H Short Method Caller--Mr. Sharpe, I have come to ask your advice as to the quickest way to be relieved from my debts? Lawyer (thinking for a moment of something else) -- Pay them fhe Had Him. He--Carrle, 1 belleve you think I'm a fool. She--And yet you say I'm always in the wrong. Quite Prosafe. Mr. Farwest--I met my old school- mate, Lakeside, today for the first time in an age, and I thought from the way he acted when I mentioned you that you and he must have had some ro- mance or other before we met. Mrs. Farwest--No romance about it. We were married for a few years; that's all ""An attack ef la grippe left me with a bad cough. My friends said 1 had consumption, I then tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and it cured me promptly." A. K. Randles, Nokomis, Ill. You forgot to buy a bot- tle of Ayer's Cherry Pec- toral when your cold first came on, so you let it run along. Even now, with all your hard coughing, it will not disappoint you. There's a record of sixty years to fall back on. Er a Td saved Shire om and AYER EWARD! HANDSOME SEWARD hereby offered for any informs ation which will lead to the det: ction and coaviction of the party who | forged the signature of Samuel | Georg ze Mc Kee, to a Savings Bar receipt, or cheque, for $300, gt the the Canadian Bank of Commerce, Port Perry, on ist Octol hi V. H. DUNSFORD, Manager, | F. SMITH, |General Carter Takes pleasure in returning thanks to the public for the esteemed pat ronage bestowed on him since com nencit the business of Carting ind would state he is tully equipped to do I NG AS IT SHOULD BE ery shortest tice and at it cannot fa please the 1 ( { 1 Depot fe € I I t M Pa I H t 1 A . Sittings of the Division Conrts | COUNTY OF ONTARIO 1903. HAWA Maced: Whithy-- Ja . F b M ' t Nove De 304 H ork, M fas . 1 M ¥ RRY v F Perry March §, M L v ' Tos, go N wher } 4 4 bi May " 13, 1904 BEAVERTON--Clerk. Geo. F. Bruce | January 14, March 18. May 97. Sep | ember ls, Jun. 12, 1904 UPTERGROVE- Clerk, Thos. P. Hart, Uptergrove h 17, May 36, September 22, November 17 By EWT k of the } | Dateda Nov. 2% Located in Our New Premises S.T.CawkeraSon WV et ere ow" comic | Purdy Block CHOICE FRESH MEATS vf pply of Meats of the very and 1 limensions Worl Mr. W. H. McCaw, Pert rerry Ss w in a position to 1ssu8 kets to all parts « ie world and » supply all necessary information to parties as to cheapest and best routes, &« addition to his numerous Ticket road and Steams he has | been re appointed Ticket Agent for | the Grand Trunk Railway. Parties intending to travel will consult their iy own interests by consulting Mr. McCaw before embarking on a trip. ncies for Rail p lines, TO CONSUMPTIVES. | The undersigned having been restored to health by a simple means, after suffering for several years with a very severe lung | uffection, and that dread disease Consump | tion, is anxious to make known to his fel- low sufferers the means of cure. To those who desire it, ho will send (free of charge) a copy of the prescription used, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption. hma, Catarrh, Bronohitis and all throat and lung Maladies. He hopes all | sufferers will try his remedy, as it is invaln- | able. Those desiring the prescription, which will cost them nothing, and muy | prove a blessing, will please address, [ Rey. EDWARD A. WILSON, Brooklyn, New York, Go .p SHOE VALUES. { Women's shoes, adapted or short | skirts, new manish shape--hand | sewed and welted in box enamel-- patent leather and vici kid lace or button ; the new Louis XV. heels in | all leathers for dress wear--high arch--hand turn flexible soles. See my window. It affords a view of stylish footwear that is not to b& found any place else. Every shoe shown, every price named can be duplicated in your size inside, A.: F. CARNEGIE. N Coo! s Restad RANT. --Headquar ters for Oysters, Fresh Fish, or a delightful Luncheon. First door east of Tue OeservER office.

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