nr LF A New Profession. OF THE WIDOW. Young Mr. Inswim was hurrying Ee) Sr | blindly along the street toward a chem- @ Man Who Does Not Agree {st's with a bottle in his hand when ! young De Trop hailed him. who marries a pirl just out De Trop -- Hello, Inswim! Ive bas need of wuch shrewdness, gearcely seen you for a year. Where nd fortitude, for the first year of - have you been keeping yourself since will produce a violent revo- you were married? In her mind. As she learns to Inswim--Oh, husy--busy all the time. w her husband--she who bas never De Trop--I , what are you doing him except when be had bis best mostly? on--she will deem him a brute and 1nswim--I've got a new profession. be disappointed and diszusted, for | De Trop--What is it? will compare him with that impos. | Inswim--Bumorist. fdeal of manhood which every | Del Frop--You don't say. 1 didn't ir] has in her wind and of which he, think you were much in that line. course, falls shor But with ex- Inswim--I'm not a very glittering mee will come wisdom. In time | success. will understand that her girlhood's De Trop--What--er--what sort of "Adeal. If she were to have him in the | work do you do mostly? flesh, would Le an unbearable prig, | And then young Mr. Inswim leaned © und that her husband is about as good | over and whispered softly in young #8 wen go and even--if she loves him-- | De Trop's ear: : ; ) "a little better than the next man. | "I'm spending most of my time try A widow has all this kuowiedge of | ing to humor a baby that's eng i men and of the world, which a spinster | tooth culture." " lacks. A an is to a widow freely Then be plunged madly on again to ed in a8 to one who has found him out. She | ward the soothing sirup sh Lor 18 expert in the arts of pleasing him, | don Answers, x "and if a bright young widow sets her | KEE A eA Se eap for a man he cin escape her only | The Expense of Canary Birds. by flisht. A widow has no illusions | The keeping of canaries seems 'to be nnd no ideals, She is well trained and | a fairly expensive luxury To start used to going double, while the spinster | with, a really good bird will cost $50 ix an unbroken filly and is bound to | You can eas spend more, but $50 Lick up a good deal when she first feels | will buy a fairly good Norwich bred a tug at the suafle bird. The food the bird requi gists of various delicacies in the form | of rye, bread, rice, meal and vegeta on, Fashionable Life In Italy, | bles. Canaries are liable to all sorts A The fashionable season in Italy, says of ailments, and this, of course, neces- Luigi Villari io "Italian Life In Town | gates further expense, for the treat- and Country," is from Christmas to | pant of these con vthing Easter, the time generally known as | pu or Of the carnival At Naples, Messina and d be content with one some other places there he must Lave at least lozen mer season. Commenting on the pe- | giq the cost of some of t will cer caliarities of life p ) 'classes, Mr. 3 "Italians lishments, do not we for diuner unless tl black coat is eno Poses. A few me ticularly fashion coat. with a black tle, which ga it is sufficient for v rier parties and hand, there are occasions ar dons his dress clothes by d It is de rigueur at court fu h € worniugs, and at we g d i ) ! he wear bats at the i ' gala nights vlry by day han | 1 lad Malian aristocracy have un \ Jewels, and even in q s . where there is no great we tl famil es can | tall hat is only 1 ssary at mar € fouerals and at court. Y me fushicn wear it also when paying calls suring the season Among tl bou res con ints is cheap. Of course, no [ 50 a Sum: | |i; Villari sa even in th geoisie evening clothes are hardly ever EO worn at all." r 1 A BORE. CRUSHIT That Sydney Smith Quoted I Browning" gone the rounds, is worth recalling. Said Lord Houghton, then only Dicky Milnes, "There are but two lines In 'Sordello' I can understand--- the first and last--*Who will may hear Sordello's story told' and 'Who would hath he wits, M tz Got better of he € At Home mand Abroad. A few days ago an elderly gentleman and Lis wife were walking along the street when a lady in crossing the road | fell dawn. The old gentleman rushed to her assistance and helped her in ev- ery possible wa When be returned to his wife, she cloud. "It's all right; it's all right," he whis- pered. "Yes, 1 know it's all right!" she re- plied hotly. "Here's an unknown wom- an falls down, and you plow across the street to help her, and the other day, when 1 fell downstairs, you wanted to know if I was practicing for a circus," The Christian Name. The term "Christian name" is used in England and America only. *Bap- smal name" is used in other countries. term seems to have been used st after the reformation, when Bib- lical names were used as a reaction gainst the use of the saints' names in the calendar. It Is evident that all Biblical names are not Christian, but the reaction went so far as to consider erything in the Bible as Christian d everything not in the Bible as 1gan or certainly non-C A Rongh Criticism, + Lord Hoaghton's epigram on dello," probably the most obscure of poems, though it has often rd Sordello's story told," and oth are Exchange of Courtesles, One of the keenest wnalists and 1 ir, had the zainst whom ran 1 « ent at the corner M 1 "Beast!" cried jour: The Originator "I wonder 10 11 e t It people to give me money by jest Opportunity tor Every Citizen to Join in the Noble Work of Ering- The Authority on Natural History ing Health and Happiness to Young Lives. Sydney Smith j te ra , flavor of age, but an 1 M z 34 ories of Half a Cent een / 4 told so often as som tales. Sydney was a gue t mer of an arch and guest, whose hobby Ww natu 1 tory, was a bore if once started on his subject. Smith promised try to keep kim in check. The nat opening. "Mr. Archdeacon," said he, "have | You seen tlic pamphlet written by my friend, Professor Dickenson, on the re markable size of the eye in ¢ house fiy?" The archdeacon c bad not. The bore pursued Lis advan tage: "I can assure you it a most inter esting pamphlet, setting f partict lars hitherto unobserved as to the unu sual size of th "I deny the the other end save the bore. "You deny the fact, sir?" said he "May 1 ask on what authority you demn the investi learned friend? "l deny the fact," rej d Smith "and 1 base my denial cn evidence wedded to immortal verse well known | common rteously said h said a voice from table. AHN smiled n gations of my most to every scholar at least at this table The emphasis laid on scl nettled > the naturalist by its implication. "Well, | 8 O Ir { month sir," be said, "will you have the kind sod t He ness to quote your authority 7" N se hi y i Ju ot "1 will, sir. The evidence is those ) . n ape A N well known, I may say immortal, lines tier eupays io edu: oh s dle?" vo vith the powers ind fl | 7 } x ny Ht eve I dy and b i at work The guests roared, and during the € I I i rest of the dinner nothing further was | g merck ma heard ou the subject of natural his old v profit, and you \ tory. m not reach tt C - In all the t i THE COOKBOOK, Te ney 18h Set = TITRE | To-day the Ho 1 for Sick Ct Peeled, chopped tomato sprinkled | ron Toronto, is performing a Heave over lettuce, the whole covered with | born mission on earth. It is renew French dressing, makes a £ | healt ar salad. | ing distorted limbs of hundreds of To steam potatoes peel them and | when very clean put them in a colan der over boiling water. Cover tightly with a lid and leave them until done. Tarragon leaves are useful in | salad and sbould be s squeezed | in a towel and chopped fine. This herb gives a zest to the salad that is always | young Can appreciated. | will yet n in this grow When making beef tea, never add | nz Dominion, but who, were it not for Bi this noble institution, might have al- ne shin rae ready Aled: an early grave. That's where your dollar can find a D nd prevents it giving out all its | way {o bring you pleasure and profit "mourishing properties. without any doubts or fears as to the A steak one Inch thick requires to be | investment, Mo always at work. broiled seven minutes; one inch and a i legs r, but in no balf, twelve minutes; two inches, it put to twenty minutes, near the fire at first ospital for 'apd then four inches away. A substitute for caper sauce is made Ei by bolling somessprigs of parsley slow- *1y to let it become a bad color. Do not 'chop it fine. Set it in melted butter, with salt and a dessertspoonful f vinegar, boll up and serve. ey is You see your money is at work from Very vy it is placed at the Hos- osal Your investment s you back joy, for your s entered into the task ving, body building and cily 3 mples of the work done in the rthopedic Department. The feet Oe are those of children @ who live outside of To You see In every town the comdlifon "béfore" eriering the f | Hospital--and you see the condition and vill age 1 ' hospital treatment. The par- . ents of these children could not afford may be had, pr to pay fer treatment. Do you know the of any child so situated? Then have him sent to the Hospital. & £) & BEFORE, APTER. 'The Hospital for Sick Chiidren de- pends solely upon the generosity of the people "of Ontario. IL requires 35.000 a year for its maintenance, and it standg to-day a® 2 monument to the biz hearts of O o people. Lo houzh it is 1 Toronto, 1a not a city Ing ition; it is provincial. Tie child in the farthermost regions of Ontario has the same rights and tario forming Its needed to maintain it, and this appeal mh nr 0) Ontario Toronto ent per "day to T'he Ontario ronment contribut $7,000 a year yer patient BEFORE FTER 1dred d twenty children und reatment This amount from ti rovernment is all expended on main nce. Then the corporation of the of Toronto gives $7,500, or seven tee cents per patient per day, and »mber, not for Toronto patients, for every child no matter from point he may come And in ad- to this Toronto citizens donate nts in remember all these gifts from Toronto are devoted to the main {tenance of patients from all over On- | well as the city itself, and | | the children that seek relief from | | places outside are very numerous, and it ought to be as great a privilege and pleasure for the generous citizens of the province to contribute to the main- tenance of this Hospital as it is for the people of Toronto. 70 the Hospital was en- Ten yea cumbered with a mortgage. Year by year the mortgage has been reduced, and it is now r pald must proceed in per- eat mission. Money is The Hospit _, (x erivileges as onc that may live next BEFORE. AFTER. {s made for that purpose. Hospital work cannot be conducted without money. To keep the machinery mov- ing the dollars and cents of the people of Ontario are needed Nurses, do- mestics and officials have to live Their wages must be paid. True, it is, that some have to pay-- yes, all who can afford it are expected to pay--but those who cannot pay and can produce the certificate of a clergy- man or known ratepayer of the pro- vince to the effect that they are too poor to pay, can have maintenance and treatment free of charge. This year an effort is being made to clear away a bank overdraft created by cost of maintenance. Every dollar sent us helps to lighten the load that is being carcied. Let everyone who ean spare a dollar forward it as quick as the good thouzht strikes them, to Douglas Pavidson. Secretary of the Hospital for Sick Children, or to J. Ross Robert- son, Chairman of the Trust, College street, Toronto, a i ie 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE looked like a thunder- | | TRADE MARKS oe sending a ake oh and descr ble. Soarmunion 8 spacialists. We Liave been iREADER Ahan? Tu the r honesty and responsibili and if pecial notice, without charge, in the 2 a Hierican. andsomely {llustrated week] Ki hope? Are you contempla- any weakness? Our WN No "wnat 2 doue for others it will do Ir yo! Ey au write jie an honest o --"The Golden Mi + q 4 onitor' REE. No matter who has t Medicine sent & oD. SHUR oT DR Quacation Kis by DRS. - SENNEDY & KERGAN, | No. 148 SHELBY SE REST. PEIOIt BUCH, the matter now month. DESIGNS "Ugh! You get all that's due to you, COPYRIGHTS &cC. don't you?' ption may "Yes, sir." "And promptly to a day?" rE, | Jme wages.,"--London Answers. HR the ios Write for our interesting books " Invent= w you are swindled." Send us a rough sketch ¢r model of your in- vention orimprovement and we willtell you? | erse them. free our opinion ns to whether it is p' obably, Refected applications have often successfully prosecuted b conduct ny equipped offices in Montreal, i this qualifies ns to prom pt ttickly secure Paten as bro.d a8 the invention. HigHest references Patents procured through Marlon & Ma: rion receive special notice without charge in "Relief! I should say it was! guer io newspapers distributed throughout patent business of Manufac- MARION ¢ & MARION tont Expert: and Solicitors. 3 Our Aristocracy. New York 7 Ae] B'l1d'g, Montreal Washington D.C EL Aes 5 RBANK COMPANY, much pleasure ix have removed EN f business Water JUD ONT, EVERY THURSDAY MORNING rchants and that steals from many DEPARTMENT. | | Kehotbih th ; | 0 EARLY consisting of a commo- | Ornamental Plastering dious Dwelling House, containing six rooms, | Stone Walks, that will remain permanen there is a good stone [and will endure any weather. C Cisterns without any wood in their good state of | struction to decay or give out, which have | in need of any of the above, of All material required in my to plan for something good in advertising for fall and winter business. for the maintenance of all | cellar under the main part and foundation been converted into a splendid Garden, in | obtain pri which are a large number of Shotts thriv- | Jine will be kept constantly on hand, { Plum -- | jor sale after the first of next April, ang Gripe Vines, Berry bashes and other mer GEO. GARDNER, ing fruit trees -- Apple, a good ohal Well and Cistern and o convenient States Ella Street--all p. For particioars apply to RE GOING TO HAVE a large space in Tue | eeon-- Baltimore, Md. i ption price of the PATENT RECORD per anni and it is always better to be early than late. the greatest help to the live grocer and general storekeeper in Canada is "The Canadian Grocer." You cannot read it without getting ms sts The Light of the World cent for a post card f sample copy and be co} d send for a $8$888 THERE'S MONEY | If you do not believe it w We pay good wages ti 1 NEANUN NN NINN ANT YEARLY to Christian man: vowing usin ss in this and adjoining ies; to act as Manager and Corres. £ | first woek. Christi We, self of chronic insomnia." ed from a king." of White Hoss Flats." vegetable life happy pair merely to keep the peace? another Auction Sale extend in- | i hay © | made out and blank notes ind desir- | on application Parties wishing to engage CHARGES | may consult hie SALE REGISTER either at I he Obscrver "or Standard SICKLER Perry, for dates claimed for nuke arrangements, or write to his address CHARGES MODER ATE. GEO vha Y/ y f erver Nov. 1, 1901 Post unr PAINTING Setled Tenders | | tural and | [ uhdersigned would take this oppor tr nity of thar ons for their lihe Y the business of u Port Perry, and would st orders for © paid for having it neatly and ty adhered to 1 when contracting A continuance of public patronage sol Bin | ws pads, "heck | Port Perry, Mar, 23, 1803. tations, | isiness Card Cards, we with then rid GEO. GARDNER DESIRABLE PROPERTY| yy cn Perry and surrouiding country, PERRY A Toth Jt re Ia his business in some of the largest cities 0 SACLE Lthe United States, he is better than ever to execute any of the sale at a [branches of his trade :--Sténe on Lorne | | alsa on the Port Perry, Jan. 3, 1504, Monthly on' p ny, Dept. Y Chicago, A Touch of Saveasm. Mr. Skinflint (on receiving a deputa- tion from his sipployees) Wel, i Clerk (spokesman)--We went to be paid every week instead of every "Then why do you want to be paid weekly Instead of monthly?" "Please, sir, it's so we won't be get- tin' the lumbago carryin' home our To Market on Stilts. An interesting and picturesque cus- tom in southwestern France is that of going to mhrket on stilts. Groups ef young: and women mounted on may be seen dally crossing oss known as "the Lan- des." "The Landes" are cut up into small ditches, pools and hummocks, and stilts are in consequence almost necessary to those who desire to trav: His Insomnia Completely Cured. "They tell me you have cured your- "Yes, I'm completely cured." "It must be a great relief!" I lie awake half the night thinking how I used to suffer from it." BE -------- "She claims, 1 believe, to be descend- "Yes. Before her grandfather struck it rich he was known as the [ § is the only common which shows no traces of animal or t To Get a Divoree. When "love, cherish and obey" "sickness, poverty and death "promise" themselyes-- - GEO. JACKSON, NHL A Licensed Anctioneer, Valuator, &c - FOR THE COUSTY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSHII | z the public for the OF CARTWRIGLT, i during the TISHES at this the commencement o ivery Establish turn thanks to his numerous patrons for | past favors. In requesting their esteemed TRV and continued patronage he 1 \ state that no effort or pains will be spa red | yo his part to make all sales entrusted te him successes. His very extensive practice [J SPN t! n the past should be a sufficient wD DUT ee nendation as to his ability siven into his charge will be attended to | with promptuess and dispatch his numerous [Ralzomining, &c ir wd still patronage during the time he has carried ot PAINTING upy better prepared than ever to execute | Painting, Kalsomining and Paper Hanging | Pi arties ontrusting their work to me may uted, My charges ave moderate 1 am also prepared to supply Paints, & JOHN NOTT, UNDERTAKER, | and Funeral Director, g PORT PERRY Sg) Be to inform the public dricklaying in all its branches; Plain an Als G We NTED -- TRUSTWORTHY AND active po wen or ludics to tarve GARDNER, { for reapensbi Foxglished house in Ontario 0" and expenses. Positi ee teady. Reference, Encloseself-nddressed for acceptable ideas, | tam ped envelope. The Dominion pState ii patented. THE PATENT RECORD, to net as Manager and Correspondent ; work addressed, staniped envelope for particulars but a straight fact, when we say that to A. H. SHERMAN, General Manager, Treasury, Washington, D. C. $900 , YEarLy to Christian or woihian to lookafter our grow- {ng business in thisand adjoining Counties Usa strong Statement oan be dono. ¥ your hows Corcoran Building, opposite United States 5 inced. -- OR---- worth of books, First experience. first two days. MM . A. Sher- 2 Jasdence and all the agents. P ! Our Savigur In The MacLean Pub. Co., Limited] ost nearly £100,000 to publi Nearly 100 superh nfravingaof Christ and his mother by MONTREAL. |ainters Child's stories for eas h picture 85 henuti- | ful it sells itself. Presses runding dey and night to fill orders. 12 carloads of paper for last edi Mrs Wate, in Massachusetts has sold over £5,000 nar oun sd geor. £2,000. Werth of broke after 0urg | Pint experience, Mr. Holwell tock 14 orders the Lemwell tock 31 n man or woman can niake £1,000 pon wick own dows a Yourg | {LSU I Tr ie rid Enclose hi iddressed stamped Zeuvelope for particulars to Bu, General Manager, Corcoran Butld- Fad Cpposite uid States Treasury Wanted. --State Manager to have charge of corres- 'THE BRITISH-AMERICAN CO, k it a guile TTL aN -- N returning thanks to the public fort a patronage extended to me for over 3 years, I would respectfully intimate that am, as usual, now ready for busincss, an have a Large & Assorted Stock OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS which I am determined to sell very CHEAP, As an inducement to CAsH purchasers b Disoonnd of 10 per conde will be allowed on all Sales from now unt? Jan, 1st next. All work being gd MADE BY HAND%3 and nc factory work kept in stock, the super ority of my goods will at ence become appa' ent. Inteuding purchasers will find that by giving ne a call before looking elsewhere the ycan he suited in quality and price, my long exprrience iu the trade being an indis- putavle guarantee that perfect satisfaction will be given by any article urchased. Everthing in my line of business kep constantly on hand and repairs neatly and promptly attonded to JOHN ROLPH. Port Perry, Dec. 1, 1892. Agricultural Hachmes -- AND---- . IMPLEMENTS AT ---- SUNDERLAND | FPYHE undersigned keeps on hand and for sales the following Agricultural Mach | ines and Irplements manufactumied by the BALI TE, OF PETERRORO: Jinders, Reapers, Crown Mower, Daisy Secder, Tiger Hay Rake, Two Furrow Plow, Three Furrow Gang, Combina- tion Plows, Champion Plows, S. T. Cultivator, 8. T. Harrow, Land Roller, Steel Frame Sprivg Tooth Cultivator, Binder Trucks, & &e. aso the following, tho munufacture of JOHN ABEL, Toronto. High class Threshing outfits, Traction Engines and Machines, Victor Clover Huller, Portable Tiiumph Engine. I am prepared to supply everything the farmer requires in way of Machines, Imple- ments, Repairs, & J 2 "A call solicited, One door West of McDonald's Hotel BRYANT, Sunderland, April 8, EATLED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned for the purchase of ali or any of the cels-- Farm Properties-- belong ng to Mr. Jehn Adams, advertised o be sold by auction on the 23rd November, and withdrawn at the J. A. McGILLIVRAY, Tem; le Building, Toronto, Nov. 30, 1899. MONEY TO LOAN. We have funda from priva'e parties for investment orf » 4} PEK CENT. and those who wish to gages, buy more land or build, may aw uk without any delry, (and very ve customers who wait to Luy im who wonld exchange Lusi ud description of same ted, and a general Auaneial rokerage business transacted UND & CO., 28 Victoria Street, TORONTO! [he Portraits of our Presi dents With Biographical Sketches BY General Charles H. Grosvenor, MEMBER oF CONGRESS FUR NEARLY 20 YEARS Contains twenty four large Photo-gravure Etchings rom the paintings indorsed by the fawilies and near relatives of the Presidents. Printed on heavy plate paper embossed, A very large book ; title page de signed by Tiffany- Biographical sketches printed in arge. open type in two colors The greatest work f the 20th Century. So beautifulthat when Piesident Mckinley saw it he subscribed imniediately. One sxcent selling 800 copies in a small territory in Pens sylvania, A million copies will be s0.d quick. Fore unes will be nade this Inaugural year, 1ligh 'class an or woman of good secial standing can make ttle fortune in this territory. Territory is going rapidly. Presses running day and night to AY Wanted --State Manager to look after correspond- ence and agents, Address to day TEE CONTINENTAL F Corcorax BriLpixe Washington, D, €, 8, LIVERY REMO VAL INDING my vy Ley accomm' dation onPerry St. curtailed, it being far too small to meet the re: 'quirements of my rapidly mecreasing business I have leased for a term of 'years and taken possession of the commodious Live ry Offices and Stables On Queen Street -- entrance adjoining the Canadian Bank of Commerce property-- where! I will conttantly keep for hire a complete variety of reliable rigs at moderate Charges. Constant at" tendance night and day, so parties' may rely on having their require' ments met at all times. Patornage respectfully solicited Conveyance to all trains. Ww. JAMIESORY Port Perry Sept. 26, 19co.'