'N. F. PATERSON, K.C., Ue 1 sd Perry as follows : TORONTO, ONT. $3,000,000 2,000,000 MEAD OFFICE, - Oapital (Paid Up) - - - Rest.» - = ESTABLISHED 1867. BUSINESS WITH FARMERS In addivion to handling Commercial Paper, this Bank makes a special business of Loans to Farmers, and the discount ling of Farmers' Sales Notes at reasonable rutes of iuterest. Careful and prompt attention is also given to the collecting of Notes, ete. SAVINGS BANK DEPARIMENT, Special Attention is Directed to she Following Advaniages effcred by our Savings Bank: Deposits of Ore Dollar and upwards received and iutercst allowed at current ratos, Interest is added to the deposit Twice in each year, at the end of May and November. The Depositor is enlject to no delay whatever in the withdrawal of the who's or any portion of the deposit. No Charge is made on withdrawing or depositing money. ~ Port Perry Branch w. H. DUNSFORD, Matager R. D. ARCHER, M.D.C.M. Victoria Usiversity : MB. Toronto University, Membr or the Col of Physicians and Surgeons, Out.; Licentiate of the Royal College of Sucgeons, Bdinburg: Licentiate f the Royal College of Physicians, Edin burg ; Member of the Faculty of Physicians And Surgeons ; Glasgow ; Late Resident Rolunda Hospital, Dublin, Fuptlaf the or Women. Offi gor wost of Dav and Residence, second Furnitare Emporium, five hows --9 to 11a, Pe evening 3k I have takeu as partner, my brother, Dr' R. Archer, M. D., C. M., Member of Col ere of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont. Port Perry, June 9, 1897. DR. EB 1. PROCTER . (SUCCESSOR TO DR, CLEMENS) £1.D CM. of Trinity College University, Toronto, with Honor Certificate. Fellow of Trinity Medien] College, Toronto. Mem. of Col. of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont., Licentinte of University of State of New York. , Office and residence on Dr. Clemens' old site Opposite Town all. POLT PERRY. Es OTICHE. R. J. H. SANGS ER, Physician, Sur D geon and Accoucheur, and Dr. W. A. angster, Dentist, may on and after to-day, be found iu their new Surgical and Dental flives over the Post Office, where they will found as heretofore, prepared to attend bo their respective A in all their ranches. Port Perry, Dec, 8, 1897. DR. 8. J. MELLOW, SurcroN, &o. PuyYSICIAN, bffice and Residence, Queen St., Port Pecry Office hours--S8 to 10 a.m; .1to3 p.m, and Evenings. , Telephoue i in office and house, open night ind day over the lines south, couneccted ith tho residence of G. L. Robson, V.S. Port Perry, Nov. 15, 1894, WM. H. HARRIS, B.A. LL.B. BARRISTER, &c., Successor to and occupant of the offices of the Jate F. M. Yarnold. Port Perry, Ont. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Rublic, &c., 0s. 310.311, Temple Building, Cor. Bay nd Richmond Streets, Toronto. rates, each depositor semi-annually. 'To Tend at 4 4% and B pef cent rth calculated ited to H. G. HUTOHESON, won| GOneral Carter Takes pleasure in returning thanks to the public for the esteemed pat ronage bestowed on him since com- mencing the business of Carting | and would state that he is fully equipped to do CARTING AS IT SHOULD BE at the very shortest notice and at prices that cannot fail to please the public. Carting to and from the Railway Depot a Specialty. Residence-- Brick House, oppo- site the Methodist Parsonage. F. SMITH. Port Perry, June 26, 1807. £100,000 STERLING (British Capital) on good Mortgage security. Apply to DAVID J. ADAMS Banker and Broker, Port Perry, Ont. Port Perry, Aug. 1901. 'Sittings of the Division Courts OOUNTY OF ONTARIO. | 1902. WHITBY Clerk, D. 0. Macdonell, ry 8, Feimary 4, March 4 Apritd, Mags) J Hei if | Jay 4, Roptenber &. October Aprils, Mu Dect ember 4. Jan. 6, OSHAWA-~Clerk, D. 0 Macilonoll, Whithy--Janu- ry 0, February 5 5, April 3, May 7, June d, hid tober 5, Octal a Jan. 7, 1903. ber 7, November 5, Dec- BOUGHAM Sherk, M. Gledsim, Grbe 1 arp 10, Murch 0," May'9, ah September 9. Rov oy eniber 7, i 8 1 PORT PERRY CI M * MONEY TO LOAN, THE Subscriber "is prepared to LEN ANY AMOUNT on Farm Security AT 5 PER OENT. £2 Also on Village Property. 0 y J. W. Burnham, Port Perry --J ann 14, or MoRmaac) BOUGHT, TY 12, Neavoutre itis et July 5, September IBERT 4 UBERT L. EBBELS, 4. UXBRIDGE Clerk, Jos. FE. Gould, Ushridge 7) Bariister, Im ary 17, Mui 1. Muy 2, July 11, Beptewbe, , November 21, iv un. 18, Office next to Ontario Bank, Bo AN el 1 J. A. MURRAY, . CANNINGTON. Clark, tien, Sonih, Cunington anuary arch wy 29, July 10, Se; ber or dy, Bia. uly 10, Seperiber TNT 6. BEAVERTON Clerk. Geo, F. Bn ; DENTIST, Fnuary 15, March 5. bay 3, Septoier 3, Nov ember 19, Jun, 14, 1503. . [Roos in the Leonard Block over Mr, J, 7. UPTERGROI im 1. Brown's Offie.] PORT PERRY. Al branelic gt a of Dentistry, Tuoliding Crown and Bridge Work successfully practiced. Artifical Teeth on Gold, Silver, Aluminum or Rubber Plates, Fillings of Gold, Silver of Cément, Painless extraction when required: £7 Pri to suit the times® ~ W. A SANCSTER DENTAL SURGEON. Jffice over the Post Office. Office Honrs--9 to 12 a.m., 2 to 6 p,m Also open Saturday ev eninge, March 18, M Bt Unbor 20 aot Clerk of the Peace. Dated at Whitby, Nov. 23rd, 1901. Located in Our New Premises $.T.CawkeraSon ISH TO ANNOUNCE that that they are now comfort Jahly ensconscd in their new pre mises in the Purdy Block where the Public will always fin an ample supply of GHOICE, FRESH MEATS at Jrices that cannot fail to please. 2% 1 A full supply of Meats of the yery best grades, and cut in dimensions to please the most fastidious. All orders will receive prompt attention. S. T. CAWKER & SON. March 3, 1goa. #7 Gold Fillings, Bridge d v Work a Specialty, WARE i Vitalised Air, Dr F. D. McGrattan (DENTIST) L.D.S. of Royal College of Dentals also D.D.8. of Toronto University. Office in the Allison Block over Allison's Drug Store. Office hours--8 a.m. t08.30 p.m, vort Perry, April 9, 1902. JOS. BATRD ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the 4 County of Ontario. Sale Register at the Opsx¥kver Office. Patronage solicited. Manchester, Jan. 19, 1899. AUOTIONEER., HE nndersigned tuk tukes this opportuaity of returning thanks for the véry liberal patrcnage he has received as Auctioneer in the past. The indfeased experience and extensive practice which I have had will be turned to advantage of patrons, and parties favoring me with their sales may rely on their interests being fully protected. No effort will be spared to make it profitable for partica 5 their sales in my hands. TICKETS TO ALL FARTS OF THE WorLp.--Mr. W. H. McCaw, Pert Perry, is now in a position to issue tickets to all parts of the world and to supply all necessary information to partics as to the cheapest and best routes, &c. In addition to his numerous Ticket Agencies for Rail- road and Steamship lines, he has been re appointed Ticket Agent for the Grand Trunk Railway. Partics intending to travel will consult their own interests by constiting Mf. My Sale Dexia aill bo Ionnd ot ths McCaw before efbarking on a trip. Leland House, Ceesarea. sio i : THOS. SWAIN. TO CONSUMPTIVES. Aug, 76, 1996, The undersigned having been restored to health by a simple means, after suffering 'WM. GORDON, for several years with a very severe lung affection, and that dread disease Consump- tion, is "anxious to make known to his fel- low sufferers the means of cure. To those who desire it, ho will send (free of charge) a copy of the prescription hed: which they will find a sure cure for O Licensed AucHoneer, Valuator &c. OR the Townships of Brock, Uxbridge, Scott, Thorah, Mara, Rama, Mariposa and Eldon Leaf Pines on the Line Railway, which is one. of t most direct routes between Nel York, Washington, and Jacksol ville, Florida. We advise our readers who expecting to take a Southern tri to write to Mr. John T. Patri | Pinebluff, N. C., and he will sen them free of charge, printed matter that will be of much interest. EZ" Klondyke, British Columbid North-West Territory and Man- itoba. Parties going to any of the above parts call on A. J. Davis, C.P.R ticket agent, for in Ormatigh rates, &c, For Over Sixty Years MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP has been used by mflliohs of wothers for their children while toething. If distirbéd st night and broken of yom rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Testh, send at once and get s bottle of * Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon It, wothers, there is no mistake alout It. It cures Diarrheea, Regulates the Btomach and Bowels, Cures Wind Colle, Softens the Gums, Reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole systefn. "Mrs. Winslow's Boothing Syrup for Children Teething is | pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of tne of the | oldest and best feniale physicians and nurses in the | United Btates. Price twenty-five cents » hottle, | by all druggists throughout the world. Be mire and ask for MRS, WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP." | % - The Winter Layer: the Fowls that Pi WHITE WYANDOTTES BUFF ORPINGTONS THE _GREA Ave WINTER Strenghten your Flock of with the addition of some young Cockerls. A choice Sale at reasonable prices, N. INGRA Cochran Port We have not advanced the our tobaceok.- Amber smoking Bobs, Currency and Fair Play tobaceos are the same size a 10 the consumer as formerly. also extended the time for the tion of Snotshoe tags to Jon 1903. THE EMPIRE T0B4CCO - WANTED.--FOR 7X Soop. 'oronto, + who wh med or arel) oh jo South Africa for us. who have Bouth Africa for hibeiean years, giving wl » in suthorship, I ar en Ah engravis Caundian ¢ Contingents better ill ral work. Soars are wo ot this AGENTS W. AFRICA" Belting M.A, wre su ted than Fig Partiesentrusting their Sales to me may Asthma, Oatarrh Brusontiss and all 'Toronto, March 31, 1808. J. E. FAREWELL, K.C., LL.B., Count; Crown Attorney, Barrister, County Sof. sitor, &e., ge Public and Conyeyancér 3 on Jonth Court House, Whitby, 0 H. Moa, MARRIAGE LICENSES, "Port Perry Ont. Port Perry, Dec. 19, 1 'WM. SPENCE, . fownship Clerk, Commissioner, &o 8 prepared to Loan any quantity of "ors on improved Farm Security at 6 and 7 per cent (Trust funds). All kinds of Sonveyanaing executed with Sisainens fe Bia' patoh, e door west of Town Hall, Mianahoior April 11, 1888, mails are despatched from the Post Going North-- 9.30 a, m. South--11. fois ot on the utmsot attention being given to | throat and lung. He hopes all eir i sufferers will His BR . as it is invalu- WM. GORDON, able. hots doting ¢ o prescription, Sunderland. | which will dost them nin and may prove a bleming, will please address, Sov. EDWARD a, WILSO kiyn, New PROF. 8. J. COHN RACTICAL OPTICIAN and Ege and Ear Specialist, 176 Wilton Ave, Toronto will visit Port Per ork. . once in a month. -- Goop SHOE VaLugs, i Women's shoes, adapted for short skirts, new manish : F. CARNEGIE. CO. TOR Jz SIANS 4 . 2 Evans Sullding, oe bv Gotog a.m. orth-- 5.16 p. mii shape--hand | mé sewed and welted in box enamel-- atent leather and vici kid lace or utton ; the new Louis XV. heels in all leathers for dress wear--high FR iff! | arch--hand tarn flexible soles. See Fie pate my window. It affords a view of Fd stylish footwear that is not to be nie thot cha en out found any place else. Every shoe shown, every price named can be at for po duplicated in yout size inside, A. at Cox! s RESTAURANT, -- Headquar: ters for Oysters, Fresh Fish, or a w. BORNEAN, eo the Third , Division Court, detigii Luncheon. Firs t door oi, ory Perrys Si Taos, Odio of Tak Oseenvga offite,. or Croutons ana ng Company, Guelph, ls Gia Caution | This is not a gentle word when yoa think how liable yo not to purchase fer 7s cents | only remedy universally known a remedy that bas had the lag§ sale of an diciné in the sige *868 or the cure and tte nt 6f Consumption and and Li ) troubles without its great po| ularity alt th you will bé attention #6' Syrup. Te aero many i tin remedies made byd and others that are cheap and for light colds perhaps, but for Coughs, Drone Croup r FET there is difficult sivestoneriod a8 and Coughing durin de nigh Al mornings, there is nbthing li man Syrup. Sofd by all dr inthe civilized world. G.G > Gulu, Woods "| skirt gracefully swept up the sawdust pall ble the da Holmes a shook thelr irts roun' his flour barrels an' sacks he'd just natu'ly turn over district farming eollege in the city for three months. But in due time the women on "trad. ing trips" gravitated toward Jennid She had an eye for colors and knew Just how much it would take for baby's -- write and remind him of it, general mer ber 0 0 decided that "ef ol Sam being poss of a department Vomed up knowed there was a gal swishin' before her, and yet-- not. Jennie and the degnonstrator drifted ..apart. The latter during her brief so. in town was busy laying in : Journs 'fresh supplies of clothes. [ine raiment upon Jennie, and when the volu- monstrator took her departure Then came her promotion 4 the Dews spren: through store 4nd. with it & friendship worth that Frank Wilson bad given baving--a fri 8 position as clerk In ed rescue from the desolation of a hall , the gossips of that self impor- bedroom and the horrers- of cheap ¢ sont wore throwa (nto Si house fare. ¥or the trio of Anhi which took furnished rooms and cooked gs which 'were at least whole quality if not elabo. tomer . . . » . . They bad bea to a fashionable thea- bis grave" And the whole town and ter. They bad worn their "very best," aD- these three busy women, and had treat. heunced that It was gli, due to Frank ed themselves to seats in the front row 'Wilson's having attended a business of the balcony. Between the acts from this point of vantage Jennie bad leaned over to watch the gay assemblage, When she reached her room, she turned the zas on full head, and, {{ltinyk first short dress or Martha Jane's pina- | fores. The bluff farmers liked her, too, because she seemed to read atfght the mysterious instructions iIntrusted to them by busy wives at home. There was no complaint about the callcoes | Your Hair and gingbams matched at Wilson's | store, and Jennie always threw in a | stick of candy for the littlest one, to | say nothing of smiles and friendly | glances. And, the strangest of all, she did not "Two years ago my hair was falling out badly. I purchased a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor, and soon my hair stopped coming out." Miss Minnie Hoover, Paris, Ill. #plll sugar nor drop the cracker box | nor leave the molasses faucet running, | as her employer's competitor had fore | told. In fact, she fitted into the niche bo admiribly that on two occasions | Frank saw fit to talse her salary. At this last plece of good fortune she bought an organ on the installment plan, and the wee front room at ber aunt's home was thereby transformed | into a veritable paradise. | Enter then the proverbial serpent Ig | the form of a demonstrator whose mis- ! sion was to teach stolld wives of farm- ers the gentle art of warming up canned baked beans. She wore a striped silk walst, very long and very | pointed In the front, very Ligh as to collar and very tight as to sleeve--she had a pretty arm--and her silk lined Perhaps your mother had thin hair, but that is no reason why you must go through life with half- starved hair. If you want long, thick hair, feed it with Ayer's Hair Vigor, and make it rich, dark, and heavy. $1.00 a bottle. All druggists. 1f your druggist cannot supply you, send "us one dollar and we © will express you a bottle. {ve the name of your Tehrost 8 ex oan co. Address, J.C. R CO., Lowell, Mass. 'on Frank Wilson's floor, The demonstrator first patronized apd then really liked Jennle. She told the | wiusome little clerk that ber energy the city, where her ability would com- mand a good salary and where she might fy time rise to be hend of « de- partment. Jennie was fot qufte sure what the latter elevation implied, but she was properly dazzled by the fair words of her new found acquaintance, and when the latter suggested that she had a friend who had the necessary * tufluence to secure a position for "any one," particularly any one she might recommend, Jennie wags, duly grateful So when a month later ghe received a fow lines written in a sprawling at- tempt at English angular penmanship announcing that an opening awaited her in the great city Jennie was wildly excited, So great was her excitement that she did not notice the expression on Frank's face when she offered her resignation and told him tie, good news. Yet he went with ber 6 the traln, saw Her comfortably fixed fox the day's journey and fried not to look wistfully Into the sweet face, fairly shining now with happy anticipations. Then he went back to the store, the new clerk and a tealization that it was not the girl's sales, but her gentle per- sonality, which bad roused his interest ~and something more. The demonstrator, clad In a new tal lor made suit and a silk walst even more gorgeous than the one which had dazzled Jennie and Grafton in general, met her at the depot and piloted her to the boarding house where she had, with all good intentions, selected a tiny hall room 'with running water, dear, and you don't often get that in a hall room." "I'll be around in the morning, my dear, and take you to the store. My friend will be expecting you, of course, but my being with you will make it pleasanter. Then I shall not see you for a week or ten days. I'm going out on the M. and C. R. for a trip. But you'll be 86° Busy you won't be lone some." slonesome? Oh, no. Jennle was not She was simply sick from tip of her new tan shoes to the | erown of her new sailor bat with a strange, vague illness which 1s not de- fined In medical publications. She was d when the well meaning but chat- tering demoustrator took herself off, The next day found ber installed in a ¢ | bargain square of the big department i} store. The rush of people made her head swim, the rude, captious bargain ekers terrified her, the thick air stl- fled ber and the cold, wary glance of floorwalker, always suspicious of clerks, miwle her long for the endly if unspoken approval of her mer employer. That night as she ralked home she was only too glad to oid crowded cars, for the thought of crowd was hateful to ber now. She dered if every day would be like 8, 80 long, so dreary. Days that dragged Into weeks and meant only nerve racking hours In the bargain square and grim, silent gvenings {n the hall bedroom taught innie Holmes many lessons. No one to "appreciate" her as the trator had predicted. The same seldom appeared twice In front of counter, and she was actually for thé sight of one familia® the of a familiar volce. mes she cdught herself wonder- gE what was going; on, in Frank's he had saved' thi plece etta cloth for Mrs. Mor wha came to tojyn only once a; the se 1 same. 'The green aéeds stems and strewn or endive are a piquant u to salads of which no epicure qualities need dwelling apon, d to be one of the surest for & -Qisordered digestion. eaten green. When the pods are set and the top still in is the best time, but it can be any time, The pleasant, warm- ring, purifying effect Is felt at and the only directions are to 1 sceds often and as much as Is ble. Fer croupy children it may milk, but for elderly $ L with a grain of aly "Gates back to ' the year 63 B. C., when the great Poni. pey entered the palace of Mithridates and discovered among his private pa- pers the description of an antidote against polsons of all sorts, which was composed of pounded herbs. These, ac- cording to the recipe, were to be taken with a grain of salt. Whether this was meant seriously or as a warning sar- casm 1s not known, but thenceforth it became the custom to ay that douht- ful preparations shéuld be taken with a grain of salt. | From this the meaning got trans ferred to sayings of doubtful truth. | | "Attic salt" was a Greek synonym for Wit or penetration, and the Latin word "sal" had somewhat of the same mean- fng. It 1s thus easy to sce how the saying, "Cum grano salls," '¢oyld hive come to mean the necessity of accept tng doubtful or suspicious statements 'with a gralh of salt." fer Compiatat, | Jane was a patient In otie of thie large public hospitals, She boasted a cough which was more than suspected {to be a "fake" cough rather than bronchial or pulmonary. | The kindly young physician In | charge of the ward allowed her some barmless remedies. One day he said ! to her: | "Ah, Jane, I fear you are a bad case of hypochrondrial" | "Is that it, docther?" sald Jane, fauch impressed, | _The next morning there she was agaln, asking for hef little dose. "I'm véry bad with it the day, doc ther." | "With what?" asked the doctor. "Wid what ye were namin' for me hef nilrror, she studled her face. It was not an unpleasant task. Indeed the floorwalker in her department had remarked to one of his friends that the little country girl was "devilish pretty, by Jove." She shuddered as she re- called his words and his foppish ap- pearance; even to the plated fob which swung from his silk embroidered vest. Then, strangely enough, her thoughts went back to Frank Wilson, with his strong, resolute face, his square, deter- mined shoulders, his keen blue eyes, which could be wonderfully friendly thelr clear depths. She brushed her hair vigorously as she berated herself thus: "Jennie Holmes, you're a goose. You thought that when you camé fo town you'd actually be a part of the life of | gay world you saw at the theater to night. And a pretty figure you cut, ting pale and ugly, too, and 1 have a Grafton." opened now, and--the store. Oh, dear, mess by this time! self to sleep. store for the first time. her writig, made, The reply came by wire: she made her preparations for depar- Then ensued a long silence. gain hunters and "cash." And the next day came the letter: I aid not take my old position, but Frank and well, perhaps even better. Can' will be married Christmas day. of the cake. Give my love to the girls liked. You know which ones I mein. am too busy to write more How, come #f you dam JENNIE. Said one: express company goes to Grafton." tograph on the mantel. came to us." tain five dollar bill. The Shepherd's Purse, Sbe was almost tempted to without a gleam of impertinence in | this great, bustling city--a part of the | working In a store with hundreds of other girls at $10 a week. You're get- | good mind to send yeu back home to Then she thought of Thanksgiving day, only two weeks off, and her aunt's little front room with the organ, never the ribbon boxes must be in a shocking And she cried ber- The next morning she was late at the The girls left It was a meek little let- ter telling Frank that sbe did not like her. work and asking very prettily for her old positién if the opening could be Position open. Will expect you Monday. The trio In the furnished rooms re- solved itself into a duet. The other girls were sorry to lose their bright faced companion and secretly envied her the beatific expression with which ture. They received one postal card an- pouncing her safe arrival at Grafton. "] guess she found the store in as bad shape as she anticipated. I can ust picture her straightening up ribbon boxes and sorting trimmings," laughed one of the girls. And then she sighed and went back to such realities as bar- think I will like the new one just as you come up? It will be a very quiet af- fair, but I'd love to have you. If you' can't come, of course I'll send you poms have to be fn mind as well as in body. but The two girls looked at each other and pushed back their untasted lunch. "We might have known it. She never was meant for business life Come on. We've just fifteen minutes left, but we can get a set of that hem- | stitched table linen. I wonder which The other girl stopped to kiss a pho- "Little gir], we miss you, but not half so much as he probably did when you And there were tears in her eyes when she looked i@ her purse for a cer A valuable little plant that goes to vats by roadsides and vacant lots is the shepherd's purse, whose tiny seed vods gre known by everybody at siglit, yestiddy," she replied. "It gave me no peace at all last night." An Item In Demand. He was cutting an item from a news- paper. "It tells how a house was robbed, and | T want to show it to my wife," he ex- plained. "What good will that do?" a friend Inquired. "A whole lot," was the reply. "You sec, this House was robbed while the ! man was at church with his wife." "Say!" exclaimed the friend excited- ly, "you haven't got a duplicate copy of that paper, have you?™ Helpful Husband, Cicero Moke--1 came to tole yo, ma'am, dat Lucy Brown, whe. done | teabe yo' yistiddy, ain' gwine lib out no | mo', "kase she married me today. Mrs. Hauskeep--Indeed! Well? Cicero Moke--Well, I t'ought mebbe yo' might let ber do yo' washin'. I'm ia drummin' up trade for her dis morn- | to, Oné Live Man Wanted "13 your company for 'Hamlet' com- plete?" | "Yes," answered Mr. Stormington | Barnes. "All I want Is a good, live young man for the ghost." Taking the world as a whole, 25 per cent die before they reach the age of seventeen. Experience worries more men than it teaches. --Chicago News, LIKE TO BE YOUNG AGAIN? Yest Well, Here Ix One Man Who Would Rather Be Excused. "We all say that we'd like to be young again, but I doubt if we really mean it," says Harvey Sutherland in = | Alnslee's, "We'd like to have as good health as we had when we cast our first vote, and we'd like it if we didn't have to visit the dentist so often and 80 expensively. But if it came to the polnt that the genii botinced out be- fore us and sulkily growled: 'What 1s your wish? I will obey, I and the oth- er slaves of the lamp,' I fancy we should study quite awhile, with many. a 'Why--ah, let me see now," before we plucked up the courage to blurt out, 'Make me twenty-one again.' PB "Because, you know, you haven't t Any too much sense now, with all your experience of the world, and if you were twenty-one again it would I The mind Is what the body is. [I scems a terrible price to pay for a new set of teeth and an undiscriminat- ing appetite. What? To walk agai thnt weary, tortuous road; to discover again how many kinds of a fool and a failure one can be, and not half try either; to have to take over again all those terms of old Professor Experi- ence? Huh-uh! Not for me. You may if you like. Even if I could start | anew with what I have learned of life, which would come far short of what I should really need, It seems to me that it would be a bore to have to , sit through the performance again. 1 suppose if ever there was a success- ful man, a lucky man, it was Martin Luther, and yet when the i of Brandenburg wished him forty | more birthdass he told her he would sooner give up every hope of heaven he had than spend forty years more on earth. To Le sure, he would have bad to spend them in Germany, but that's | 8 detaii" a yn ---------- dh "Alone." are lowed a little grace and, unlike bills exchange, are much pleasanter to meet, ~*""Her Own Rival" 1 suppose honesty's like the gout, It runs in certain families for several gen crations, and then It skips & pd ; tion.--" 'The Rogue's Comedy." a 3 Oh, Isn't there one perfedt world of of all the millions, just one, everything goes right and fiddles neves get out of tune?--"The Masqueraders." 4 An Esaay on Rain, "In a general way 1 approth. gains," sald the grumpy person Ww! he reached home ffter a pi "They are a fine thing when they decently and in good order'--as, placed his umbrella where it 'woul drip on' the parlor carpet--*but 1 wanf, to go on record right now"--removing hls soggy new but and saturated coy "ns declaring I am' opposed' to th rains that begin on the day before yess terday and keep coming"--gazing at hig eight dollir trousers, which resembled dishrags, "It wouldn't be so or urd resumed as he took his sl off let the water run out, K stralght down, but when it rains 3 zag and up and crosswise and cats ners it's time to protest. A dod. day like this has no right to be ob tha calendar"--and so on until he got td bed * ER 2 The Montefiore Family. The late Sir Moses Montefiore, thé "grand old man" of the Jews, the mode orn Moses bringing thousands and tens of thousands out of bondage ai nd pars ty into the land of pepce and and really he had bis reward, rounding out his century In fine shape, bis spi itual eye not dimmed nor his B ¢ strength abated--was once with being a descendant of the. ers of Christ. He sald nothing, at time, but called on his accusers n day with a chart of his Ag yt Ing that the home of hfs forhoars, "old homestépd," had Been {i Spain f over 2,000 years, about 200 years bef Christ was born. : oN Wasn't Looking For That Ras, Superintendent of the Railroad Coute pany--So you want a job as flremany eh? Applicant--Yes, sir. 4 % Superintendent--I'll have to ry a few questions, How far is ff hg north pole? = Applicant--Gee whiz! If you're go= Ing to put me on that line, 1 don' want the job. | No Cash. i "Ilarry, I suppose you keep a casi account?" i om iP "No, Uncle George, 1 rAvenS gof 3 far as that, but I keep an expense acd count."- To presérve health Is a moral and rds liglous duty, for health Is the busls of all soctal virtues. We can fio Ionger be useful when not well.--~Johnson. ---------- 1 Capnelty. i Nothing will give permanent success In any enterprise of life except native cepacity cultivated by honest and pers gevering effort. Gentus Is often but thi capacity for receiving and huproving by discipline.--George Eliot. Embarrassing For the Professor. Professor (to his class)-- Gentlemen, § have to apologize for a short delay In beginning this lecture. I have unfol fungtely left my manuscript at Bomé but my boy, whom I have scut for in will be here shortly. Professor's Son (audibly)--! you .. Brown's Sympathpler ¢ ol Jones--Charley tell from a street ¢ last evening. Brown--Oh, I'm awfully sorry! Jones--But he wasn't hurt at all 2 Brown--l] wasn't thinking aboull Charley. I was thinking of ue p Ings of those who would be that fall for mouths to come. A Pugzsler, 1 "Paw," sald little Tommy Figg being seolded, "1 beard Mr. Wat that great men's sons k | goon I ain't a great wns » Up to a late four Ar. i had not town's sufficiently Fiza answer,