Cornered Frits. . to ab mans named respectively If to make d Fritz were Invited to a fancy as g " "| kingfishers ible for Fritz to resist ground for of stealing one of the - 50 he managed to con- TER we Just now a number of of are plannig where they | hi ter and no dou her f therh will do as th 0 the gest, 'buy. round-tri sion tickets, good for TO INTIMATE to the gengral public that acy business aor thel head intrusted to their care will |i their best attention in every respect 'c the greatest possible success, -- ists garetdl Tnade out ua ] ms furnisned Free o | with very Moderate iis for a fair trial and cramped id I senses stunned do one aching ag- ony of dread, when, after three hours of fast riding, she suddenly saw before her silhouetted against the sky the fig- ure of a man--Bob, she divined--stand- ing not far from a saddled horse and bending over another man, who lay huddled and unsfghtly on the ground. And the pains of hell laid hold upon her heart. The ponies' feet made almost no sound on the springy turf, and she was the hi Leaf Bi Line Railway, which i¢ o most direct routes between York, We giiugion, and Jackson: ville, Florid; v We advise our readers who are expecting to take a Somthern tri to write to Mr. John T. Patrick Pinebluff, N. C., and he will sen them free of charge, printed matte that wiil be of much interest. gr Klondyke, British Columbia, Interest caloulated an positor semi-annually, HG. HUTOHESON, ANAGER, Port Perry, June 26, 1897, £100,000 STERLING Gi building. Do not take hold of a If wire. Both you and the wire enannot remain alive, i ---- Training Is Necessary. The time has come vlier; td bE mas ter {n any line; it fequires long years of careful training and preparation. It is true that the opportunities ope to young men are greater today thay they ever were before; but, ou the other band, there never was a period . the capital, being 12,000 feet above tb | sea level--much use fs made of that | graceful and Invaluable pack animal, the llama, which will travel farther and with even less food than the burro, but will not carry more than 1G0 pounds. The llama in some respects re- sembles the camel, kneeling in camel | fashion to receive its load, and it will not rise if more than 150 pounds are | placed on Its back; moreover, the weight must be evenly distributed over its back and sides. . face flushing a still darker red back to myself, to sense my- It was all around me, Nearly all other fellows drink, and I'd get at again before I was really myself." . "] know, dear. Both of my brothers in old Missouri are the same. That's what made daddy so bitter about you and me." "But six months up on the plains, + away. fram it all-and with you, Stella | it'll seftle the whisky question for- ever. 1 ¢in't afraid to ask you, darling, | know I'd rather die thaw bring opis . S V ITH ' General Carter ---- HEAD OFFICE. - TORONTO, ONT. Capital (Paid Up) - - - $8,000,000 Reg + : - < 2,000,000 Takes pleasure in rettirning thanks to the public for the esteemed pat ronage bestowed on him since com- mencing the business of Carting and would state that he is fully equipped to do CARTING AS IT SHOULD BE | ESTABLISHED 1867. BUSINESS WITH FARMERS © In addition to handling Commercial Paper,-this Bank makes a special business PESTA : the discount- x : 1 y ; . " Lg ahs BA the diseount, (British Os it 1 at the very shortest notice and at | North-West Territory and Mans} yionblefto you. 1 tell you, I know mj- | printers. rates Famers Bale p apital) prices that cannot fail to please the |itoba, Parties going to any of thei gelf, anfi you'll sce; I'll make it stick." Grapes. In the world's history when thie quali t ublic. Carting to and from the |abové paris call on A. J." Davisy}. "Whgt offer is it you have? Where "Grapes dissolve and dislodge gravel Rua Porisite for suceess 1 Bing ne of worthy endeavor were of on To lend at 4 4 and b per cent on good Mortgage security. Apply to and ecalcull," says the doctor. They bring the stomach and bowels to a healthy condition. Even the consump- tive finds new life in them and should take grape juice by the tumblerful dally, as it makes new, rich blood. It Careful and prompt attention is also given to the collecting of Notes, ete. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Your Hair "Two ycars ago my hair wae falling out badly. I purchased a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor, and soon my hair stopped coming out." Pp Railway Depot a Specialty. Residence--Brick House, oppo- site the Methodist Parsonage. F. SMITH. C.P.R. ficket agent, for information rates, &c. isp eerie are you--are we--going and what are you gqing to do?" "Holbrook's going to send a herd of 6,000 cattle on to the Staked plain to & he's picked out up there. It's faw country--Indians and buffalo bare- | higher character, says Success, Th artisan, the fafmer, the business man, the clergyman, the phys the law- yer, the scientist, each in his various rank must prepare to reach up to eve enlarging ideals if be. would attain bis | | For Over Sixty Years MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP has used by millions of mothers for their children while Port Perry, Aug. 1gor1. Special Attention Is Directed to the Following Advantages © offered by our Savings Bank : Deposits of One Dollar and upwards DAVID J. ADAMS Sittings of the Division Courts! toething. If disturbed at night and broken of you] rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Tocth, send at onco and get a bottle of * Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. Ib, 1y off it=and it's big wages to go up | avith the herd and keep sign camp; | Miss Minnie Hoover, Paris, IIL takes some sand to do it, you know." 4 It was in the latter part of the seven- Perhaps your mother huilds up the tissues and feeds starved | nerves, It Is also cleansing. eee. Lightning Rapldity. full height. } reached Negro"s Kicking Hair, Banker and Broker, OOUNTY OF ONTARIO. 1902. erk, D.C. Macdonoll, Whithy --Janu- ry 4, March 4, April 2, May 6, June mie & October 5 November 4, Dec A boy big enough to have the subject of races of men--not horses --in his geography class was asked to describe the negro. His answer, "Thé negro bas kicking hair and prodifeing lips," showed that fie had at least heard the teacher when' she spoke of received and interest allowed at current rates. n Interest is added to the deposit TWICE in each yest, at the end of May and November, The :Depositor is subject fo no delay whateverin the withdrawal of the whole will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend | upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It ire Diarrhea, Regulates the Stomach and Dowels, Cubes Wind Colic, Softens the Gums, Reduces Inflanmations and gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children Teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the It Is absolutely impossible for us to conceive of the rapidity and brilliancy of lightning. It bas been estimated that a flash occupies legs than one-mil- fionth part of a stcond. As one-tenth of d second {8 needed for the full effect ties {n western Texas, while the range was yet general and unfenced. The string of sign camps, with its riders | | ¢ireling the range a man had chosen | or Lis cattle, was the living fence | which held the animals from straying had thin hair, but that is no reason why you must go through life with half- starved hair. If you want y 1. WHITBY--Cle ary 8, Fe Juy1, 8 ember 4. 3, on Mo or any portion of the deposit. OSHAWA--Clerk, D. 0. Mucdonell, Whithy---Jatiu- | 7,40 States. Prico twenty-five conts a bottle. Sold | OF from "drifting" before storms, These Bh ai ary 9, Fobruary 5, March 6, April 3; May 7, June 4, od States. Price twenty-five cents a bottle. fore storins, Thes i i i vi rw " It No Charge is made ou withdrawing or yb. Bontaraber b "October Tr Novetbot 5. Dee: | by all druggists throughout the world. Be sure and ask] camps the cattleman placed as nearly long, thick hair, feed it ff | of any light upon the eye, we get only | 4g wginicy" hair and "projecting" Lips : 7.1908. D! De a very faint iden of the brilllancy of | uoracterizing his dark skinned lrotl: depositing money. ember 5, Jan. 7, AL Andree - for MRS, WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP, as the question of water supply admit- the flash. . er. FYHE Subscriber is pri d "to LEN i 3 . : propared 'to LEND with Ayer's Hair Viger, Hts aswer realy was not 46 Qu duty it was to ride out daily in oppo- R. DP. ARCHER, M.D.C.M. Victoria ON Za Tey HUBERT L. EBBELS, 4. UXBRIDGE- Clerk, Jos. a performance." B Gould, Uxbridge-- | xi Port Perry Branch ANY AMOUNT on Farm Security 2 anh & Mar bs dui a: Ne ted at equal distances around his range ke it rich, dark W. H. DUNSFORD, Manager AT 5 PER OENT. ember 7, Jon. 8, 1903. or foros such parts as had not the and make it rich, dark, Cause For the Condition. ny as the remark made by a womay 4 &r Also on Village Propert 3. PORT PERRY--Clerk, J W, Burnham, Port Perry natural barrier of a river or canyon. d h "You don't shine so brilliantly as of who In speaking of her sister said feel 2 y. --Jannary, 14, March, May 13, July §; September an cavy. ingly, "Oh, she's all misconstrued, so £27 MORTGAGES BOUGHT, B% 18, Noverber 11, Jan. b, 1008, i Sept In every camp were two men whose 100 0 bottle. All dr | yore," remarked the ol ng! Tr t k sf he hospital fi : $100 a boule. iis. | ""No sald the wick; "1 bave been | FEC 0 C00 or to the hospital fur | D Mo rary ea ld Office next to Ontario Bank Banister, any I pl a, July 11, Septembes ; site directions until they met the riders 11 your druggist cannot Supply Jour turned down by Miss Maude because Surgeons, Out.; Licentiate of the Royal Pe e370 Chranio Hank, ; ' RI from the next adjoining camp, looking oun bottio, ond give the namo that young simpleton 13 coming." : College of Surgeons, Edinburg; Licentiate BA er ag uiitly Canningion always for straying cattle and turning | § of your nearest oxprees oftico, Address, : Her Saving Way. & ig f the Royal College of Physicians, Edin- J.-A MURRAY, Bl Jur 10, Homenber them back into the range. J.C. AYER CO., Lowell, Mass. ---------- Mrs. Scale Downle--I wil'bave to get 3 another girl, though only temporarily,' "And the upper camp," Arch contin- iu Wall Street. She--Are you a bull or a bear on burg ; Member of the Faculty of Physicians BGO Late Resident perhaps a month or so. Mr. Scale Downie--Three dollars more 6, BEAVERTON - Olcrk, Geo. F. Druce, Benverton-- Junuary 15, March 10, May 28, September 24, Nov- DENTIST, ued eagerly, "don't neéd but one rider, | -- ghoved back his big hat and ran to her, and Surgeons , Glu Laf 3 Rolun Be a [Rooms in the Jenard Block over Mr, J, i at Bi, because it's right against the Canadian | | "change? ara ore i" . J gond | fost CH. Brown's as a SRE er, hos; P. - Ri ve | piver. Holbreok will be glad to give it | ¢T¥'n&: a week and boar at do you wan 0 Wesh of 3 Hie Ruruitare to igh i PORT PERRY. To hoy hv Suplemiior 3X ha A tomedf Pi only come, We can live "] knew you'd come, homey! My Heft. 1 Voll Se Dann an extra girl for? and 2.605 pyw., and ovenin fa ! By off | 5x. PAREWELL, 'thero the six months--it's big wages-- | Lord, how I bated to stay and give you angi Mrs. Scale Downie--1 have found out x S00 Py, | 3 8! : |All branches of Dentistry, including z Clerk of the Peace. and save every cent of the money. | Such a scare! But Holbrook's dead That Awful Boy Jones. how to make just the loveliest little 1 have taken as partner, my brother; Dr Crown and Bridge Work successfully Dated at Whitby, Nov. 23rd, 1901. Then, with the little bunch I've got al- drunk and got a broken leg, 1 guess, Fifty or more years ago "that awful | hanging cabinet you ever saw at a cost and the tenm must have run clean boy Jones" was the torment of Queen | of only $2, but it will take me soveral ready running with Holbrook's cattle, we could begin for ourselves. Stella-- oh, Stella," be broke off suddenly, "I'm the happlest man in Texas. It's like being taken out of hell and led plumb straight into heaven!" They were married the next day. Stella's was the temperament which when once the heart has Deen given ends talents, abilities, the labor of the bands, all, gladly after it In devoted service. Then came a happy, exciting time buying Stella's outfit--that Is to gay, the things which old Hank Pear gall, head cook of the expedition, pro- nounced suitable to "a lady cowboy a-keepin' sign camp." Finally the great caravan started fazily and ponderously up the trail. It was a marvelous pastoral panorama, and Stella's quick artist soul reveled in its quaint plcturesqueness. She per ceived It all--the country, the cattle, the means, the daily round--to be like a survival, a bit out of the life of some old Indian owner of herds. There was the vast herd strung out and' moving very slowly that the cattle might graze as they traveled, the cow- boys riding along the glides, the six great mess wagons, hitched two or three together, with teams of eight and ten and even twelve horses, bringing up the rear. At night the cattle were rounded into a great mass and bedded down, the men taking turns by twos riding night berd, singing loudly to keep the animals quiet. Each mess fvagon had its two men, its stock of provisions and a tent or some mate rials to build a dugout camp. Stella came to have a sisterly affec- tion and' admiration for these big, rough fellows In whose company she fared slowly northward on that strange journey. She saw them day by day 'and night after night eheerlly enduring y as great R. Archer, M. D., C. M., Member of Col- ege of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont. Port Perry, June 9, 1807, practiced. Artifical Teeth on Gold, Silver, Aluminum or Rubber Plates. Fillings of Gold, Silver or Cement, Painless extraction when required: 4&7 Prices to suit the times ®s away with the buckboard. The wolves | Victoria's life, and hig short career In | weeks to do it. would have eaten him up If I'd left public contains a mystery which would him to go to you or to Bob. It's the try the mettle of Sherlock Holmes. boss himself, Stella, and he's been He was a barber's apprentice who In mighty good to me. I couldn't'-- some unexplained way discovered a But Stella was not Iistening to him. ' passage into Buckingham palace, with Her wide eyes, so pitiful with pain and | which he alone was acquainted. When fear, had filled w¥th merciful tears, and | he was first found trespassing, he was she only said: "Oh, Arch, forgive me, ! gently admonished and sent home. forgive me! Ob, I thank God--I'm so | Soon after he was encountered again thankful, so happy!" And she rested in the palace. le would not tell how against ber husband's heart. fie obtained cccess. Again he was sent "I knew you'd be afraid of tbat, home, and again he reappeared. honey," returned Arch, with quick in- Once he calmly admitted that be had tuition. "I knew you'd think about the been lodging In the palace for a fort- buckboard coming up from headquar- | night. He had mid snug during the ters--maybe bringing a jug--and me day, steeping In the royal apartments, letting go again. It just took the heart = and at night had wandered from room out of you, didn't it? And I couldn't | fo room, helping himself to the food do a thing but walt bere, knowing, too, | left over from royal repasts. He had how you were suffering." geen the queen repeatedly and deed Stella sat where Arch tenderly placed had never been far from her. her and watched him, clear eyed, smil- The matter was considered so serious ing, capable, preparing Holbrook for that the boy wus summoned before a the trip back to camp on Creeping | special meeting of the privy council Moses. When this was done, he put his | Fe refused to give any account of hig arms around her, smiling down in her | secret. Soon after he disappeared, and face. "Say, honey," he aunounced it ls supposed that he was removed un- quietty, "the job's done, and done to] der state protection. stay. I knew It before. But | never knew It exactly, as I have these three HIS ONLY REGRET. or four hours out here alone, working -- over the poor old boss there, It's come The Great Sorrow That Consumed ; Bichat When He Was Dying. to me, just a plain fact, that there's no . cn more drinking business for me. The One century ago died Xavier Bic hat, stuffs lost its bold on me. | don't--nor the famous Pp psiclan aud anatowmist, you don't--need to be scared of it any | author of "L"Anatomie Generale" He more. I'm going to boss the job myself probably dissected more human corpses and live my own life--see?' And he | than any other man in the world's laughed and kissed ber. She laughed ' history. Le established a record when back at him in pure joy and lightness he opened (25 bodies during one win- of heart. That grim "if" was forever ter. Ie was not a vivisectionist and was wont to say, "I would rather dis- sect two dead people than kill one silenced. Arch's fenced ranges run into three counties now, and on the headquarters | chicken." Of his nerve a tale is told. When he lay.on his deathbed, be called his col- ranch there is a great home, the abode of cheer and Texas hospitality, am done, but what comforts me fs the i fact'that my case is a remarkable one. bank at wuld 4 bank 1 have had unusual symptoms for some 1 Ws ett 3 I bin bhside days which I have analyzed. They 1 ugpys Yast 2 nite. hand you go have greatly surprised me." The doc- Fg oo ong) Ie an. | Mufiin about it. But 1 am nott a theat Located in Our New Premises S.T.CawkeraSon ISH TO ANNOUNCE that that they are now comfort. ably snsconsed in their new pre mises in the Purdy Block where the Public will always fin an ample supply of CHOICE, FRESH MEATS at prices that cannot fail to please. A full supply of Meats of the very best grades, and cut in dimensions to please the most fastidious. All otders will receive prompt attention. S. T. CAWKER & SON. March s, rgo2. MISS HARRISON Dress and Mantle Maker ISHES to inform the ladies that she has moved to her fine Rooms in the Allison Block where she is prepared to execute all orders ii Dress and Mantle Making in a manner unsurpassed for Correctness of Style and Charming Effect. We shape and told every piece of A Discouraging Position. "Do .you think a literary woman ought to marry?' - "Not if she is a novelist. Her ideas of manly perfection as depicted in beg books would be enough to make any conscientious husband give up in de- spair and leave home to look for work as a truck driver." DR. E. L. PROCTER (SUCCESSOR TO DR, CLEMENS) M.D C.M. of Trinity €ollege University, Toronto, with Honor Certificate. Fellow of Trinity Medical College, Toronto. Mem. of Col. of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont., Licentiate of University of State of New York. Office and residence on Dr. Clemens' old site. Opposite Town all. 4 PORT PERRY. NOTICH. "\R. J. H. SANGSTER, Physician, Sur W. A W. A SANCSTER, Office over the Post Office. Office Hours--9 to 12.a.m., 2 to 6 p,m. Also open Saturday evenings, The Winter Layers : the Fowls that Pa There is Big Money BARRED PLYMOUTH Ri WHITE WYANDOTTES BUFF ORPINGTONS THE GREAT WINTER LAYE Strenghten your Flock of P with the addition of some pure young Cockerls. A choice Sale at reasonable prices. N. INGRA Cochrane Port Time, b Time is the most paradoxical of ail things; the past Is gone, the future not cone, and the present becomes t! » past while we attempt to define it. #7 Gold Fillings, Brid, Work a Specialty. tidge an Crows Vitalised Adr. Dr ¥. D. McGrattan (DENTIS T) L.D.S. of Royal College of Dental Surgeons, also D.D.8. of Toronto University. Office in the Allison Block over Allison's Drug Store. Office hours--8 a.m. 108.30 p.m, vort Perry, April 9, 1902. JOS. BAIRD ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County of Outario. Sale Register at the Ops¥rvER Office. Patronage solicited. Manchester, Jan, 19, 1899. AUCTIONEER, The undersigned fakes this opportuaity of returning thanks for the very liberal patrcnage he has received as Auctioneer in the past. The increased experience and extensive practice which I hase had will be turned to advantage of patrons, and parties favoring me with their sales may rely on their interests being fully protected. No Sitors will red to make it profitable Piieing thei gales io py Suds geon aud Accouchear, and Dr, W. Sangster, Dentist, may on and after vo-day, be found iu their new Surgical and Dental Offices over the Post Office, where they will be fovind as heretofore, prepared to attend to their respective professions in all their branches. Port Perry, Dec, 8, 1897. When a man has difficulty in finding a chance to propose, he can make np s mind that the girl doesn't want uim.--Chicago Record-Lierald. Geraldine's Preference. Mother--If you are o good girl; Gerd! aldine, I will consent that you shall: have another plece of 'cake, Geraldine--1 would prefer, maw, that you should make that Indulgence des pendent on the cake's belug good." + DE. 8. J. MELLOW, PuvstorAN, SURGEON, &0O. Office and Residence, Queen St., Port Perry Office hours--S8 to 10 a,m.; 1to3 p.m, and Evenings, : Telephone in office and house, open night amd diy over the lines south, connected with the restdence of G. Ln. Robson; V.S. Port Ferry, Nov. 15, 1894 WM. H. HARRIS, B.A. LLB. BARRISTER, &c., Successor to and gesnpant of the offices of 'the Jate F. Yarnold. We have not advanced the oir tobaccos. Amber smoking. to Bobs, Currency and Fair Play ¢ tobaccos are the same size a to the consumer as formerly. also extended the time for the ition of Snowshoe tags to Janu 1903. THE EMPIRE TOBACCO £L People who sell newspapers In the streets of Moscow are cowpelled to up= pear in uniform. Those who have disagreeable news to tell you always find you in.--Atchk¥ son Globe. A BANK STORY. An Incident That Startled the Lady of Threadneedle STrdér. _Sofme years ago fhe directors o Bank of England were WorLp.--Mr, W. H x a Wd to supply all necessary i to parties as to the cheapest best routes, &c. In addition to numerous Ticket Agercies for R t 2 | the other day when we were talking of | young Roberts. "Send him to Jeep sign camp out on the Staked plain along with an angel like Stella. Maybe his mother would do. riding of night herd, the crossing f rivers with treacherous current and quicksand bed, fighting to prevent or to quell a stampede--these things were ttended with no glory. They were Tr carefully | we: lic Our charges "| are consistent with the value given. Port Perry, March 27, 1902. font 1001 N. Fr PATERSON, K.C. WM, GORDON, Licensed Auctioneer, Yaluator &e. . rT, Rs ] i ee » DE | ay ; i Banister, Sonieiter, Netaly OR the Townships of Brock, Uxbridge, TO CONSUMPTIVES. road and Steamship lines, he BASE, 00 with light hearfs and jesting "Give him six months of health up toi Sought to i rg Hust 86 Lif yer will mett mee in the great 310.311, Templ Buildi Scott, Thorah, Stare, Rama, Mariposa | The undersigned having be been re appointed Ticket AgentdOFl words ily and us a matter of course, in that clean air and being alone with , STEW ut be was under no Hluslon | jon poom, with all the monelys, at ! Beir Cor. Bay | {nd Eldon : : Health by a te hs. sel festored $0 the Grand Trunk Railway. Pat And in the evening these champions | the plain, the sun and wind and God. with regard to himself. : 1 shall die | S00 er Tle explain br] to you, let 4 Partiesentrusting their Sales to me may | for several years with a very severe Tr intending to travel will consult theif came like great children to sit about Fhat'll care him, if he's worth saving. io es a only thor 2 cum down, and say nufiin h 31, 1808. to nobody.' The strongroom Was wp | guarded the next night in spite of | disposition to regurd the letter as | hoax by police and--n6thing bhapp The next phase of the mystery more astonishing than ever, A hea chest of papers and securities from the strongroom arrived at bunk, with a letter complaining tLe directors had set the police the writer, and that be bad "| her, listening while she sang old songs the accompaniment of her guitar or old stories from such classics as she new, y had been three months In their | adobe house on the open plain, hose ingenuous yet inscrutable face a never wearied of studying. The | ean, high alr bad been God's own | elne to her, and, with ber heart | full of happiness, she had thrived an own interests by consulting affection, and that dread disease Consump- McCaw before embarking on a tion, is anxious to make known to bis fel- low sufferers the means of cure, To those who desire it, he will send (free of charge) a cop! ok the prescription used, which they will find a sure cure Consumption, | Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis and all| Lo, AVET throat and lung Maladies. He hopes all ve Skanes sufferers will try his remedy, ag it is invala- x month.-- | ap1e. Those desiring the prescription, "| which will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing, will please address, great sorrow." "What Is that?" he was asked. am distressed that after death I can- not dissect my own body. I could, I| am certain, have made some beautiful scientific discoveries." Thew he sank | back, murmuring: "I must not think | about it. It won't bear thinking of." ily on the utmsot attention being given to American Manners, The ordinary Londoner who has not had the good fortune to cross the At- ! lantic is wont to picture bis American cousin wearing a goatee and a victim to the constant chewing of tobacco and liberal expectoration. On arriving In New York he is amazed to discover that the goatee is conspicuous by fits ab- sence, tobacco chewing unnoticeable WANTED. FOR ohn Clark Ri . A. Cool "STORY OF idpath, LL.D. 'and Eye and LORI) and engravings are su) Gunndinn Contimgents better ilmtrated than 18 rival work, Sojsure are wo of this that will n for comparison our Lo, anybne Birds' Nests and Poetry. Birds' nests have dttracted the atten- Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, i. hee: 4 a he | and expectoration practically unknown. : J CR "Brooklyn, New York. oti Fo biabig Oman, Groclph, Oatsrio: on ed, this dark beauty, In 3 S | In this respect he finds the New Yorker | tion of Inquisitive genius from the days | Lot appeared as. he promised, but te 2 : sing wind and burning sun Whcl | the | of Aristotle down to the present time. | prove that he was neither a th ™ -- far more cleanly in his habits than the a fool he sent & chest of papers hi estroy blond delicacy. And the grim, This Is not wonderful, because the . Goop SHOE Londoner, more especially on public ena "4" which at first lay so VALUES. 3 Myrtle. i for grew Si erand cars and in public places. The uurc- age gre fuvatishiy suriots and often : i Sole er. Every day when Arch came Strained indulgence of spitting on and utiful, besides offering a cradle, as | ere MO Ope t6 het or when, as often hap-| Off the tops ofibuses and in Tulle) Xt wert, dor Ry boat of Jomaiis Speetla: | el 1d 1)--A gran: oot ] trains and the random chewing an ca ries. Imagina- | will 1 a 5 she. saddled up and rode out to tion has taken hold of birds and thelr smoking of, tobacco in and around Lov~ don are simply odious and make trav- eling intolerable and ofttimes disgust: ing even to a smoker. Here the strange prohibition against spitting in public places and the sensible regulation es to smoking are so thoroughly observed that traveling becomes a pleasure. ft Londen would only copy the most ad- mirable example existing in New York in this respect, the English metropolis » him he shouted joyfully at sight "Great Scott, but you're a beau | | You're a howling beauty, no will take place at Myrtle, on I'ri Nov. 21, '1902. 50 Turkey: G es2--50 Ducks, Target sho rifle and shot gun. Ran Gun (Number 4 shot) 6 ; 300) i iin at one o'cloc un Club Rules to go nests with singular affection, drawing forth meantime some beautiful leg- ends to enrich romance withal and to add to the sum of what is most per- sistent in the song of mankind. The ancients told that the halcyon, a o terror was upon her had waited, at first eagerly, impa- tly, then anxiously and at last in a certainty of disaster, ey then 6, 6, 7, and Arch had which the water was always and sweet. Haleyon, or aleyop.