_ (PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY) 4G YEAR, NO. i} )MMERCE HEAD OFFICE. - TORONTO, ONT. Capital (Paid Up) - - $8,000,800 Rest - - - - + 2000000 ESTABLISHED 1867. BUSINESS WITH FARMERS In addition to handling Commercial Piper. this Bank makes a special business to Farmers, and the discount- tog of Farmers' Sales Notes at reasonable rates of interest. - Careful and prompt attention is also given to the eollecting 9 of Notes, ete. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Special Attention Is Dirceted fo ihe Following Advantages _ oficred by our Savings Bank: Peposits of One Dollar and upwards received and interest allowed at current rates, Interest is added to the deposit TWiGE in each year, at the end of May and November. The Depositor is subject to no delay whatever in the withdrawal of the whole or any portion of the deposit. No Charge is made on withdrawing or depositing niovey. Port Perry Branch Ww. BI DUNSFORD, Manager R. D. ARCHER, M.D.C.M. Victoria University ; M.B. Toronto University, wher or the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont.; Licentiate of the Royal ; RE ons, Biinbarg; Licentiate fhe Colloge of Physicians, Edin- burg ; Member of the Faoglyy of Physicians and Surgeons . Glasgow ;¥ Late Resident Papilof the Rol pspital, Dublin, for Women. Office and Residence, second door west of Davis' F mporium, Queen Street. Office hours--9 to 11 a. snd 2 0 5 p.m, and evenings. vo " I have taken as partner, my brother, Dr I. Archer, M. D., C. M., Member of Col- ege of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont. Port Perry, June 9, 1897. DR. E. L. PROCTER (x LEMENS ) ESSOR TO DE, M.D CAM. of Trinity College University, Toronto, with Honor Certificate. Fellow of Trinity Medics! College, Toronto. Mem. of Col. of Physicians and Si ons, Ont. Licentiate of University of State of New York. Office and residerice on Dr. Clemens' old site. Opposite Town Hall. PORT PERRY. R. J. H. SANGSTER, Physician, Sur geon and Accoucheur, and Di. W, A Sangster, Dentist, may on and after 10-day, be found iu their new Sargical and Dental Offices over the Post Office, where they will be. found as heretofore, prepared to attend to their respective professions in all their branches. Port Perry. Dec, 8, 1697. DR. 8. J. MELLOW, Puysicias, SurcroN, &c. Office and Residence, Queen St., Port Pesry Office honrs~--8'to 10 a.m.; 1'to3 p.m, and Evenings. Telephone in office and house, open night amd day over the lines south, counected with the residence of G. L. Robsos, V.8. Port Ferry, Nov. 15, 1894. WM. H. HARRIS, BA, LLB. MONEY TO LOAN. "Private Funds at 4 per cent. Feb. 7, 1901 MN. F. PATERSON, K. CC, 9 Nos. 310311, Temple Building, Cor. Bay and Richmond Streets, Toronto. Toronto, March 31, E. FAREWELL, K.C., LL.B., + Crown Attorney, 'Barrister, Coun sitor, &c., Notaty Public and Co ancer Offios--Sduth wing Court House, Te H. MOAW, MARRIAGE LICENSES, "port Perry Ont. Pal Pereyr Dec. 19, 1883, WM. SPENCE, Fownshiy Clerk, Commissioner, &c. to Loan any quantity of Money oved Farm Security at 6 and 7 per funds). \ iat Conrecing execiited with Office--One door wost of Town Hall, ir J? 11, 1888, iy Sol " Western Savings Bank Department. Deposits received at the highest current rates. Interest calculated and credited to each depositor semi-annually. H. G. HUTCHESON, MANAGER. Port Perry, June 26, 1897. £100,000 STERLING (British Capital) To.lend at 4, 4% and B per cent on good Mortgage security. Apply to DAVID J. ADAMS Banker and Broker, Port Perry, Ont. MOHEY TO LOAN. THE Subwseriber is we od pared to-LEND ANY AMOUNT on Farm Security AT b PER CENT. #7 Also on Village Property, 2 MORTGAGES BOUGHT, TY HUBERT L. EBBELS, Bariister, Office next ¥o Ontario Bak. DE NTIST, [Roonrs in the Leonard Block over Mr. J. H. Brown's Office.] I PERRY. All branches of Dentistr y, includi Crown and Bridge Work ertutly practiced. Artifical Tecth on Gold, Silver, he or Rubber Plates. Fillings of Gold, Silver or Cement. Painless extraction when required: POR Aluminum x a Pi rices ad suit the times® WA SANGSTER, DENTAL SURGEON. fice over the Post Office, Office Hours--9 to 12 a.m Also open Saturday evenir 2 to 6 p,m x. - £2 Gold or Fillings, peciaity. Dr F. D. McGrattan (DENTIST) L.D.S. of Royal College of Dental Surgeons, also D.D.S. of Toronto University, Office in the Allison Block over Allison's Drag Store. Office hours--8 a.m. to 8.30 p.m, Port Perry, April 9, 1902, ridge and Crown w Vitalised Air. JOS. BAIRD ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the 4 County of Ontario. ue Register at the Opskrver Office Patrohage solicited. _ Manchester, Jan. 19, AUCTIONEER. INHE nudersigned tukes this opportuaity of returning thavks for the very liberal patrcnage be hae received as Auctioneer in the past. The increased experience and extensive practice which I have had will be turned Advts tage of p aston, ud patie 1 y i effort will be d to -- it profitable for parties placing "Sein sales in my hands. My Sale Register will be found at the Leland House, Casarea. THOS. SWAIN. Cmsarea, Aug. 26, 1896. 'WM. GORDON, Licensed Auctioneer, Yaluator &e. Rm the ows of Brock, Uxbridge, ara, Rama, Mariposa and aoa Purtiesontrusting their Sales to me Jay rely on the utmsot attention being given to their intrests. WM. GORDON, Sunderland. ~ PROF. 8. J. COHN CTICAL OPTICIAN and Eye and Ear Specialist, 176Wilton Ave, Toronto will visit Port Perry orice in six month.-- All orders entrusted to hin: warranted ¢ ve satisfaction. RevEreNcEs--Mr. Gill, Mr. D. J Adams and Mr. John PATENTS GUARANTEED Our fee returned if we fail. a EY one enti h EE Plot VICTOR J. EVANS aco. (Patent Attornéys,) Evans Building, = WASHINGTON, D. C. W. BURNHAM, Clerk vision Court, Shore of gh Tiina Office Simin Pa Ki PORT PERRY, Abbott & McKitrick og isa oan Via of Port y Township EG TO INTIMATE to the LD phe that ary business the intrusted Office, Port ok ane aid make arrangements there, or a y Ersomaliy or by letter to either JOH TT, Port Berry, or JAS. MKITRICK. ¢ Greenbank, F. SMITH, General Carter Takes pleasure in returning thanks to the public for the esteemed pat ronage bestowed on him since com- mencing the business of Carting| and would state that he is fully equipped to do CARTING AS IT SHOULD BE at the vety shortest notice and at PROV: Just now a number. of are plannig where they, the frinter and no doubt thes be pat Li by : petessaty expenses. Pines is the Northern Tourist Leaf Pines on most direct ville, Florida. to write to Mr. John T. prices that cannot fail to please the public. Carting fo and from the Railway Depot a Specialty. Residence--Brick House; oppo-| site the Methodist Parso. F. Port Perry, Aug. 1901. Sittings of the Division Court Shir | MRS. nee itoba. above paris call on A. rates, &c. eb | towthing they desire to visit at ie n favorable ratesand thus save Southe ead Quarters fd It 1s located i the high sand hills among the Loug the Seaboard Air Line Railway, which is one of the routes between New York, Washington, and Jackson: Pinebluff, N. C., and he will them free of charge, printed 'matter that will be of much interest. £7 Klondyke, British Columbia, North-West Territory and Man- Parties going to any of the Davis, .P.R. ticket agent, for information We advise our readers who are expecting to take a Southern trip Patrick, For Over Sixty Years WINSLOW'S SOOTHING BYRUP has been by millions of mothers for their children while If disturbed at night sod broken of you | rest by a sick child suffering and crying with painof S| Cuttin Teeth, send sl once and get a bottle of " Mrs. send the afr, and, with a roar, the pack of | buman hounds was on my trail. Down | the road I went at my best speed a | good hundred yards in advance of the van of my pursuers. Presently I be- came aware of a brightness in front of me, and, coming areund a turn, I saw half a dozen negroes seated around a SAGRNAN0 THE MASTER 2% OF MAGIC... BY ELIAS LISLE thing to do. With a demonfac roar I charged Sem. 1t was as 1 had hoped, "The sight of & scarlet and black devil nd of ws bore conpaty asl wthrted past the Te It Fi would have made a corking fine poster | 3 the piv trom a Ser of enpty bottles. | "Fire king and master of magic, known to a large public as Pyro," sald I politely, ornamenting my signature with lambent flames fn ink. It's a reat advertising dodge if you can man- age to have the register left open on the counter, #You've struck Campbellstown at a time," sald mine host. "Se my ascendant star informed me," I replied. It does no harm to row in a little astrology now and on, "The miners are in from all around. ld Kanawha's in flood and that means ock off work at the mines." "Seven days shall the flood endure; en shall the watérs subside and ose in the depths of the earth shall Ik dry shod," I pronounced In my t manner. Weather lore"s a Tne ff If you put it far enough ahead so tat you'll be out of the way in case ings don't turn out according to pro- mme, But I missed it clean that rae. "Dry shod, your eye!" gaid the hotel an scornfully, "It ain't the water hat does the damage. It's the gas. hen Kanawha gets up very high-- Then a shot sounded out behind ine, and I put my thoughts Into my heels. 1 | was gaining en the pursuit when my feet splashed into water and I was up to my knees before [ could check. 1 wasn't in the river, for 1 could hear the flood roaring well to the right of me; besides, this water was stagnant. The true nature of the pool flashed into my head; it was a backwater from the river that bad flooded the road and was probably but a short distance across. But if the miners knew ef any path around they could head me off, as my progress through the water would be slow. even if I did not have to swim for ; Colds cold and could n tried Ayer's p i oh Liven, Sidell, IIL f con, | arch 6' May's, uty 5, Semen Nov. abel Jan. 3 PORT 7} PERRY Clerk, J. W. Burnham, Port Perry sonary 14, March 7, May 13, July 9, Septewb 12, November 11, Ja, 9, 1903, By dulyd, Se oy 4 UXBRIDGE 3 3erk Jaumary Jos. EB A 1, May 30, Wy 2, Jus. 16, 19.3. 5. CANNINGTON Clerk, Ceo. ith, Cannington -- Jara March 20, bay i "July 10, plemd x A, Sian. 15, KE, 739, 5 - Gould, Uxbridge July 11, Septembe, Za Nevers 6. BEAVERTON a1 anus ember 7. UPTERGROVE * 9, dan. By J. BE. FAREWELL, Clerk of the Peace. Dated st Whithy, Nov. Ded, 1901. © Located in in Our New Premises S.T.CawkeraSon ISH TO ANNOUNCE that that they are now comfort ably susconsed in their new pre mises in the Purdy Block where the Public will always fin an ample supply of CHOICE, FRESH MEATS at prices that cannot fail to please. A full supply of Meats of the very best grades, and cut in dimensions to please the most fastidious. All orders will receive prompt attention. S. T. CAWKER & SON. March 5, 1902. MISS HARRISON Dress and Mantle Maker \ ISHES to inform the ladies that she has moved to her fine Rooms in the Allison Block where she is prepared to execute all orders in Dress and Mantle Making in a manner unsurpassed for | Correctness of Style and Charming Effect. We shape and mold every piece of material until the finished garment resembles a work of art. Remember our claims, and see how carefully we vindicate them. Our charges are consistent with the value given. Port Perry, March 27, 1902. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The undersigned having been restored to health by a simple means, after suffering for several years with a very severe lung affection, and that dread disease Co D- tion, is anxious to make known to his fel- low sufferers the means of eure. To those who desire it, he will send (free of charge) a eopy of the prescription used. which they will find a sure core for Consumption. Catarrh, Bronokitis ra ali throat and Jurg Maladies. He hopes all sufferers will try his Temedy, av itis invala- able. Those desiring tl preasiiption, which will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing, will Pledas address, Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Brooklyn, New York. Goup SHOE VaLues. Women's shoes, adapted for short skirts, new manish shape--hand sewed and welted in box enamel-- patent leather and vici kid lace or button ; the new Louis XV. heels in all leathers for dress wear--high arch--hand turn flexible soles. See my window. It affords a view of stylish footwear that is pot to be found any place else. Every shoe shown, every price named can be duplicated in your size inside, A. F, CARNEGIE. : WHITE BUFF OR ING TO THE GR with the young Cockerls. Sale at reasonable prices. our tobacecos. to the consumer as formerly. 1903. and declared: "Be it known church and fo the doge, THE EMPIRE TOBACCO co, quently in a French restaurant, wh reputation is based on the unvarying excellence of the dishes served, se for the chef the other night to comp! ment him on a poulet en casserole. like you," said the cook, "because you never bring any women in this place, They ruln a cook and a restaurant. gentleman who comes in alone for his. dinner regards the dishes and pays his. whole attention to the food he is eats ing. But when he is with a woman Bah! He laughs, he talks, he regards The Priater's Devil. mystery, and a superstition spread th Aldus was invoking the black art that the negro boy was the embo ment of Satan. To correct this opin Aldus publicly exhibited the black b that I, Aldus Manutius, printer to tii The Winter Layers are the Fowls that Pay. There is Big Money in BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS : WYANDOTTES WINTER livers Strenghten your Flock of Poultry addition of some pure bred A choice lot for We havenot advanced the price of Amber smoking tobaeeo, Bobs, Currency and Fair Play chewing tobaceos are the same size and price We hay algo extended the time for the red tion 4 Snowshoe tags to January 3 8 to Ven have thi uf wows Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. It | 4nd she's high vy than f jenrS-- i ~ | COUNTY OF ONTARIO. | wi mire thas te rior immediately. Doyen] ha natural gas outlets get sbut of How will your cough § ¢ | pos of here is no mi e o . : b a - 1902. | vam is mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures | Nobuddy knows just where they are, be tonight ? Worse, prob ---- ee | Win Col Softons the Gum, Reduces Inflammation fPYt, they're in the river or on the | abl y. For it's first a cold, 1 WHITBY Olek, D.C. Macde su. | 04 gives Lone and evergy to the whole system. "Mrs, banks somewhere, and when the water | # ary 8, Yebn fn, gt SL Me pin Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children Teothing in | 8Dyts 'em off the gas puffs out all | they a cough, then bron- Jur, September 4. vember 4, Dec: | pleasant to the tasto and is the prescription of one of the | ardynd the country, specially in the chitis or pneumonia, anc | oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the p i OIAWA- Clerk. I C Machonell, Whi 3 nited States. Price twouly-five cents & bottle on aL Stes 4 ow uf 1he Hoye at last consumption. 5 i. by all draggisis throughout the as Ree over or there's been a blow- a July Br Depts fas 0: ciober Novesubrerb, Dec | foe Mus. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. out ok two, they knock off and walt for Coughs Siwy 5 fend 2 BROUGIHAM.- Clerk, M. Glooson tees | the riYer to go down. Town'll be full downward. top this ary 1 a of 'em this afternoon, and Campbells downward tendency by town fall of miners is about as peart a taking Ayer's Cherry Pec- spot ag you'll find in West Virginia," "Peart" It certainly was. There were toral. two shooting affrays and a general Threo sxe fight that afternoon. By my, Invitation a dozen of the visiting miners eame In and had drinks on we, and I gave them | a taste Of Wy quality Dy Llowing fame instead of froth from my beer and light. ing my elgar with the end of my finger. Morose fellows they were, the effect, I believe, of working In darkness, but they served my purposes by spreading abroad the fame of my gifts, so that I was assured of a crowd that night. One of my guests, a powerful fellow with an evil eye, seemed to take a dis- taste for me and cursed me as he left for no other reason than that he didn't take to my ways, and announced his intention of being at the performance and seeing that things went right. "Kinder ugly, eh?' commented my host. "That's Sledge Turner, aud he's one of the worst men in these parts 0, enough for an ordinary ht ronch | mos oc. noss, hard col for chronic case peg J.C. on owell, Mass, it and lose my be; § Nevertheless, straight ahead was my only chance. was a flicker of light on the bank, and by the glow of a brand which they had snatched from the negroes' fire I saw a group of my pursuers peering out toward me. "He's taken to the water," said oné.. "Then we've got him," cried another, "Bill, you and Bibbéy get around and head him off." 1 kept on tlil the water was at my shoulders. Then something choked me like a rope around my neck. I had when he's drunk. He always goes | heard about the choking feeling of de heeled too." spalr, and 1 thought this was it. I 1 had an overflowing house that | staggered aud almost fell back as a night, and In the third row I bebeld | strange, thick smell clogged my nose. Mr. Turner's forbidding face.. Every- thing went well, and 1 soon had my audience in a condition of mingled de light and awe. When 1 went down Into the body of the house to collect silver dollars, white mice and other miscella- ples from my admiring spectators, 1 was In such high spirits over the suc cess of the evening that I did a foolish thing. I pulled a dollar from between the scowling eyes of Sledge Turner. On the surface of the water there was a bubbling and chuckling. I could feel it at my feet too. It was queer, but queer things don't make much differ ence to a man who is going to be banged in five minutes. That was my first thought. Then I had a better one. I remembered the high water and the gas, and 1 knew what that bubbling was and was ready to take the chance and do a special turn for my life. N. INGRAM, At the same time I saw the hilt of a Of course I had to have some talk. Cochrane St., murderous knife projecting frow bis | Yon dog't get the full effect of these Port Perry belt and heard his announcement that | things without a good spiel. The only he'd bave that dollar back or cut my beart out. After the performance, as my assist- ant was out in the box office and | was getting my apparatus packed, the door burst open and Turner had me by the throat with both hands. Between his teeth he held the big knife I had seen, There were hate and murder in his eye. The profession of magic makes a man quick to think in emergencies. It also provides him with resources not pos- sessed by the average man. In an in- stant 1 had sent a spurt of flame to Turner's face from the wire In my sleeve connected with the battery be- tween my "Fhe. asn't strong enough to knock him wn, but he loosed his grip on me, and next instant 1 gave him a Japanese elbow trick. Down be went and lay there struggling on the floor, for 1 had 'eaught bim fair in the throat, and the 'blow is an ugly one, It struck me chill jogly that 1 had rather overdone the thing. Throwing a long ulster over my Inferno costume of scarlet and bluck, 1 explained hastily to my assistant and made my way back to the hotel. Ten minutes later my host entered my room thing 1 could think of was a patter from a book called the "Last Days of Pompell," so 1 gave 'em that "Earth born villains," I shouted, "be hold bow the avenging Orcus spouts forth flames from the face of the was ters to protect Its own!" There were answering shouts from all around the pond: "There he is!" "Where's the rope?" "Silence," 1 yelled, "and behold!" Then | flashed my electric spark Into the middle of the gas and dove. When I came up ten yards away after stay- Ing down as long as 1 could, there was a big circle of red, yellow and blue flame ter. On the shore the brands flickered, but they cast light only on trees and bushes, There wasn't a living being in sight, but all around there were a mighty crashing of brush and howls that would shame a catamount. The miners' lodge had chased the devil just as far as they wanted to. My act was a sure enough hit. 1 crawled out on the opposite side and went on to Carton In a boat that I found. Two days later my assistant came along. Bledge Turner wasn't dead without the formality of knocking. In | after all. That's the reason they hadn't his hand he beld a revolver. lynched Bob. Ile sald If I'd go back f "Take this and git for your life," he | there I could play to 8. R. O. for a sald, thrusting the weapon Into my | month, but I couldn't see it. I'd had enough. But It was a great ad. for me. Seme day I'm going to make an act out of that night's work. nd. "You've done Sledge Turner, and the lodge is after you." "It was In self defense" I "Whatever the lodge may be, can't" -- ~ "It's the miners' lodge," he interrupt "Blood oath and life for life. ¢ was a member. If they get thelr on you, they'll string you up like » sald. it Brain Weights. M. Marchand investigated the brains of 1,173 persons Immediately after death. The weight of the brains is In- fluenced by the disease. Diphtheria, for example, increases the weight. The brains of newborn boys weigh on the average 871 grams, of newborn girls 801. At the end of the first year the figures are: Boys, 067; girls, 803. By the end of the third year the weight of the brain has tripled, and from this epoch It Increases very slowly, espe clally with girls. 1t attains its greatest welght at about nineteen and one-half was a hoarse roar outside that nearer and bearer. "Hustle!" cried my kindly host. "No for the door. Take the window. right down the river rond. Ten | down you'll strike Carton. You'll safe there." reach the ground was An easy pr. My chances were good. My wade an excellent light running e. I was an athlete and in good | a magician has to be. The of the river told me the road, 1 sped away into the darkness | tun upon a man and knocked him mischief was done 'Thos women. of an adult female 1,275 grams. The reduction of weight due to senile atro- phy commences with men about the eightieth year, with women about the seyentieth, 'We way recall for compar. fire at the roadside. There was but one ' % ordered to | cause Before I had got waist deep there | | of collecting the garbage for this year." over the wa- | brain on record is that of the novelist Turgeneff, 2,120 grams. One of the lightest 1s that of Gambetta, 1,100 grams. The welght of the brain Is thus one factor and only one in the compart- | son of diferent men and of different | sexes. The River Was Overflowing. pa and mama, and they vist ng. beautiful places, But . : ns iy Sourdey lin a splendid time." e went to Kingara falls she sald. shower just before we got there!" A PERSIAN PARABLE. The Side of the World the Pessimist | tell my mamma me wants some letters too.' And, boys, every day for a weelg { had to pass that baby with the pain thought the world was growing worse, | in the gray blue eyes, and I wondered the angels did not find some way somd- Had Not Seen, There was a certain man who | He was always harking back to "the good old times" and was sure that the | human race was degenerating. Men, he said, were all tryiug to cheat one another, and the strong were crushing the weak, One day when he was air ing hig pessimistic views the calif sald to him; "I charge you hereafter to look care. fully about you, and whenever you see | any man do a worthy deed go to him | and give him praise or write to him | about it. | whom you regard as worthy to have Whenever you meet a foan lived in the 'good old days,' tell him of your esteem and of the pleasure you have had in finding one so exalted, and I desire that you write out an ac- count of these good deeds for me that I may share your joy in knowing of ih So fhe man was dismissed. But be- | fore many days he returned and pros- When he trated himself before the calif. explain his presence, led: "Have pity on thy servant, and re | lease him from the necessity of coms plimenting men upon their worthy deeds, oh, my master. And, oh, son of Mohammed, I pray thee absolve thy servant from the duty of reporting to | thee all the good that is going on in the world." "And why, to me with this prayer?" asked, "Sloce [ have beeu looking for what | is good," the man replied, "I have had no time to do aught but compliment men for their splendid works. So.much | that Is glorious Is all around me that | I may not hope to be able to tell thee half of it. My tasks lie neglected De oh, slave, dost thou come the calif I have no time" -- "Go back to thy work," said the calif, "I perceive that thou hast | learned." Willing to Compromise, A story of the Colombian idea of tax- ation is told by a traveler who recently ylsited tbat South American country. "Some American friends of mine, said the, traveler, "were visited by the | city officials of Colon. "+Senor,' sald the leader of thé dele: | gation, 'we have come to collget $12 in gold from you, your share of the cost "But, my dear sir,' sald the Ameri- ean in surprise, 'you linve not collected the garbage once during the whole year. | "That's true,' sald the collector, seratching his head. 'Well, let's make it $6, then," Matthew Arnold's Rudeness. "Do you take sugar and cream?' a hostess asked Matthew Arnold from behind the breakfast urn. "Neither," be replled. "I gnly take cream when the coffee is nasty." The feelings of the hostess may be Imagined after this statement to bave her guest taste the beverage and di- rect the waitress to bring him sugar and cream. { Quite Consistent, | Miss Maluchantz--1 suppose you've heard of my engagement to Mr. Jenks? Miss Ascott--Yes, and 1 confess I was surprised. You told me once that you wouldn't marry bim for a million dollars. lions. Merely a Question of Judgment, has married unhappily and got a di- vorge to marry aguin?" "Curiosity." "Curiosity!" "Certainly. She's curious to learn If her Judgement of men has improved." The Worried Housewife. Husband-- What have you been look: ing so blue about all day, my dear? enprove of our new washerwoman.--~ | Boston Post. MEN WHO DELIVE fieart Tragedl That Line the Route of Letter Carriers, R MAIL, years for meu, at about seventeen for The average weight of the | | brain of an adult wale is 1.400 grams, | | "Tell you a story? Why, yes, I might tell u good many stories if that was in my lpe'* The letter carrier blew a pearly wreath of smoke upward and tloeked the dead ash from his cigar, says the Denver News. "Let me see There's an old lady on my route down in Alabama who sits Knitting the lve long day by the front room window. Every morning and afternoon when I whistle at the door of her next door neighbor she lays down her kuitting and peers with a tired, eager face out of that window until I go by. She's got a boy somewhere out west. He doesn't write to her twice a year, yet twice each day the whole year through she sils there, with that anxious look, wilting, waiting, waiting. 1 feel a twitch at wy own beurt every time I pass by and sce the look of expectancy fade into disappointment. Somctimes I'd give $50 to be able to stop and give | her five lines from that good for noth- out her heagt" ok "for | the wee pink band that scene, "The Apparition of Pyro" | there was much water. Of course it | bow far away her mamma | i1s0't always so, but there was a bard | day she came without a let | there was pain In the great, sweet Postman, baby wants 3-leteg, Please, Mr. P : | placed should be | He | dle Miss Malnchantz--! know, dear, but | 1 discovered later that be bad two milk | "What 181t that leads a woman who {fo | | Wife--I'm afraid our hired girl won't | ing boy of hers for whom she's eating | of an animal's ex about four or maybe She has blye gray eyes Ili let that look a fellow 8% heart. Some little | after they are older. Eb ma died six months. - Last summer Minnle took a trip; with | month afterward she. nee 'Mr. from mama. how 'to make her | stand." FRUITS AND FLOWERS. Water in which mignonette has been changed often, sincd 1 it quickly becomes The best use fo is to break them near the roots of fr vines, By sowing nitrate of soda in small quantities in showery we trees a most beauti obtained. It Is not a good orchard with of the former occu] Geraniums bloom when grown In cc pots and soll which not rank with Stir, spade, ke thoroughly before planting or sowing. The importance of t overestimated If you desire fine bios: SOS, Geranioms that I summer bloomers will not flower again until the late spring months, for winter blooming especially for this purpose. Care of Pupples after strong and healthy if fed only on corn bread, buttermilk twice a five or six them sweet milk. where they Do not crowd kennels so that they of their sleeping ¢ the same vessels, some dogs get more than their share of manners also. © Fa chains where tle medicine and | and you will then have strong; healthy An hour's run every. day In the' r In the fields and woods, weéathes dogs. ye permitting, is esscn THE BUYE R OF BEEF, He Is a Man of C the The buyer occ sequence In the stoc! n expert, usually 2 s obits tion and techr packing hou An experiet year, g his ability to tell spectionn what quality of beef will be' produced by stee fore laid eyes on d house and hence | business. The buyer's work e | one, 8 laid along the top ing keenly at the cattle in the different pens. Some he ps pause, others he closely, and occ Bis interest In 8 a question or two of the man in charge. Long experience cide whether an a be classed as "faney, mon" and to guess ing at him. The b ¢hises "on the hoof. ket price ruling for the day for the' grade in which it is decided each group of cattle belong | transaction Is mipleted. and the buys" | ers Interest In the affair is ended. Leslie's Monthly. An Anecdote of Bach. . o- Weimar once invit- The Duke of ed John Sebastian jerman music, 10 the palace. Before to the feast Bach on improvisation. ol himself at the harpsichord amd, giralghtway forgot all about dinner. and everything else. He played so duke touched his shoul "We are very mui: master, but we must not I that at last the der and said, obliged, the soup get cold." Bach sprang to his feet and the duke to the dining room uttering a word. But he was seated when he sprang up, rushed to the instrument struck a few chords and the dining room, evidently feeling "I beg pardon, your hi better. be said, "but you series of cheng and arpeggios dominant sevénth, and I eot at ease until they the tonic. It is as young is too much exhausted by the growth weaning fresh buttermil with soup In months old. 10 get plenty of exercises them. they | tances that no one can reach the others then feed In individual pans, Stockyards. spends primarily the excellence of the product issued by his along the flat board' stops to Inspect more girls' baby heart anders + i foul. make of old bones up and bury them ult trees and grapes ather unde ful verdure will ba plan to fill an old trees. The soil nts. most satisfactorily) ymparatively small is termed rich, bug sive manure. and pulverize soll his work cannot be have been used toe Plants r should be growm i } will keep and will grow fast Puppies, d of 2 week, till they are Do not feed" Keep the puppies Arrange their y can go in and out quarters. If fed In food and lose their sten a nomber of eat at such dis Give lits plenty of exercisey tial to good health. wh i onsequence Aboat kyurds community, a man of mids ned his educa" y partly in the y on the ranch, likely to re to $5,000 a th all of that, for om by t a moment's in- r that be never be." the increase of its is not arduous, and is tusk is a simple of the fence, glanc- 1sses by without a, lonally he displays' group by asking '& ? enables him at nimal os good" or "com. within a few pounds et weight by glane- uyer makes his pur- of," paying the mar- In a few words the Bach, the Nestor of attend a dinner at the guests sat down was asked to give The composer seat . 0 like one interrupted were if yon