Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 30 Oct 1902, p. 3

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ony Le ig : : 5 ; | fs now pogared to bly inf dot of 1 We are avers Tokicg out for i . i gL Tad tht of Sion Store it the G is Block fitted i A . ; x aving ha e commo ious Store in the Currie Bloc ed up espec« A 1 ike R d Bargains for our Customers Pa ¥ ially, I am satisfied I have now one of the best appointed Drug S 1 e, e love y land we have just secured some BIG . fA 4 BARGAINS in BLACK TEAS, Storesin the Pilivince; and have taken possession of my new and Ti th Ha od &e., &c. a £3 \ { ; : and extensive premises, where I have opened up, in 1mo y ee A lot Ram Lar 4oc Tea, which we id og : : u 3 sell at 30c while it last. Ra 1 : addition to my extensive stock of Drugs, Chenicals, and Fancy i Inown to be oneof the finest| ~ : : : Goods, a full line of SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES! ndia Teas grown. : : {Also Two new blends of India If you are contemplating going 'South during the winter of While returning thanks to my numerous patrons Livotild extend Black Teas and 1903 you can get valuable information free of charge by an invitation to all to call and see me in my new premises. FR SH AND f ~~ IF x " : fee 490 and "Kings John T. Patrick, Pinebluff, N. C. He can save you money in A.J DAVIS. RE ABLE swelh . And dail cted from Japan |rates; can direct you which is the best railroad route travel ; ) Avothe lot of fine Japan Green : ] ort Perry, Sept 3, goo. Tanase direct you where to rent neatly furnished cottages or single = 5 Provisions, Flour and Fegd--Grockery; Always in stock Kolona, Kincora, WRITE HIM. : ! Salada and Ceylon Green Teas. ; : \ |othing and All kinds always on hand. We -- pi Also, Bread and Confectionery of all kinds; arge Spanis nions which we will sell at 10 Ibs. for 25¢, or $1.00 \ ! . a ; : | Wedding Cakes, ornamented and trimm, a Crate while they last. 0 ; ol d i. up-To-date syle. EF These are the BEST ONIONS AVW A HR YEE a ge. : lv 7 3 At the Highest Market Price: or vig a AES mma EVR, Re "IN ALL ITS DEPRATNENTS READY bi Lm |S Dainty Collar ? DY-MADE CLOTHING=+ &c., &c. 1 1 Mapl : Ape HHS ) ro he pr Ng fo mall Having eae the dimensions of my premises, I have purchased and AN D GENTS UNDERWEAR Cans for Table use. d E Stock of ; Leave your culinary troubles, A ; opened out an Extensive Stock o Fie worries yous expense behind Barbadoes Molasses, Maple Sugar We can give you something Smart Constantly arriving and at prices away down. Give me a call before you; enjoy the ecomomy, the and Conlectionary. at comparatively Small Cost, AND purchasing, convenience, the absolute §|Cranberries, Rolled Oats, Rolled { READY- MADE CLOTHING ? Le i reliability of The ' Happy Wheat, Grape Nuts, Force and 2 things E. H. PURDY. Thought." The best friend the other Cereals. S ric Port Perry, Oct. 21, 1902. careful housewife can have, Then our Boot, Shoe and Rubber : for Men and Boys which for quality and low prices cannot be equaled in Stock is the largest and finest as- Fe th S this district, Just a touch fo the patented sortment we have ever offered,-- a er gampers and it is ready for any and to which we call particular v I haye the largest and most veried Stock of BOOTS ano SHOES ever For attention. Are particularly Goop Value this season, opened in this locality for your inspection, and the prices are such as can WanTep--Any quantity of Potatoes, not fail to ploase. tion to you if you are using the White Beans, Apples, Dried : common kind. Apples, Butter, Po ie &c. (iy our d 1M er d S ' Come and see us in our enlarged quarters. My aim shall be to please Ie this not worth investiga- : my customers in every particulr., tion? Send for booklet to T. C. FORMAN & SON. ! a MARRIAGE LICENSE OFFICE, and TRIMMINGS, Wa have a very Attractive Stock. THE WM. BUCH STOVE Port Perry. . . CO., Limited, #¥ Brantford in rs A New and Varied Assortment of 1 * Pott Perry. Its efficiency will be a revela- or call and see the agents. i. YB Xmas W Goods gS linda CD al vs mrvor || (BSAA aves sven a REMOVAL oceose | JESSOP FURNITURE (0. PORT PERRY, a Bh I. & J. STOUFFER. We have Moved our business to the South side of Queep Street and now oscupy the Xs § F extensive premises just vacated by Mr. B., F. Ackerman, . ai - i = hy 2 Port erty, Octaber 22; 1502. ; a doddunnt vibe: Dak are the Leading Furniture Dealers Apples Wanted. X/¥/ x = m-- ta and Undertakers in Port Perry. | y. By Jelizble Boast 9 a7 is iE = SKS SCIICKICICIISIOISK % Harness Line Eng, and Hamburg, Germany ------WHICH FOR---- OUR UNDERTAKING equipnfont ig sty! ish dnd of thd want Consignments of Canadian latest desi nzs. Apples. Highest prices to be ob- 1 tained assured. Reasonable ad- vance against B/L. allowed. Com. i hE. Pe a BLseksons, 3 aE t ree 'oronto. ill pay | it ship to the firm k dward In Stuitings and Hd % Sons. Notice to Creditors. Overcoatings and Trowserings are now awaiting your selec. tion to be made into the most Stylishly Cut and {Artistic-- ally Fitted Garments, Every- URSUANT to Revised Statutes thing we make is faultlessly of Ontario, 1897, cap. 120, tailored and trimmed 1n notice is hereby given that all cred correct style. itors and others having claing| g= against the estate of the above FALL SUIT Siok $25 named Louis Sebert, who died on the 29th day of September, 1902, are required on or before the twentieth day of December, au , 1902, to send by post prepaid, or deliver to Annie Lebert of the ®id Village, Ww. H. DOUBT Widow and Administratrix of the | Oct. 23, 1902. The Port Perry Woolen Mills are now running full bldst Port Perry, July 2, 1902. K-- and will pay the HIGHEST PRICE for any ; quantity of Wool delivered at these Mills. said Qecemeal, their Christin and l k ithi : Furniture Sale JAMES MAXWELL. Ba aor roases Ad descrip. 0 Port Perry, May 12, 1902. Sp Leer Blacksmithing om memisisaiisisicicicieicicRl an rin account, and the nature of the The undersigned having opened {The uhdersigned havind © on hand a fire Stock {of Furniture including Focusly, if any. held by Shetn, hat business in the some Prize Parlor Sets, Dining and Bed room Sets, all of nd notice is further given i tie : jan y « which will be sold Cheap for Cash or approved ) Rn ; after such last mentioned date the " Credit during the Holiday season. B&F Give me a call, . . said Administratrix will proceed to Shop Illy tehiped by Me. B. Ral Diesiolas FH i idan g y : y : \ : ; distribute: the assets of the said aa * | In my Undertaking Department every branch is cotiplete--such as x : ; TTY estate among the persons entitled | Just west of Drs. Archer & Archers Caslets, Coffins, Robes, &c. Having purchased my Funeral Goods Te Oe ae Lor rt Shire Ned thereto having regard only to the| Office, is prepared to do all kinds of =7 TA fore the advance in price I am prepared to give my customers the opening business in Port Perry, and would inform the publia sol hls ae hal at the of General Blacksmithing at Reas- 1D CLA TL HL enefit. | furnish one of the best Hearses in the County. Prices low as that he haa moved his business from he Market Luilding to the time of the distribution, have been |onable Charges. aL py. My motto is--fair dealing to all. Store given ; gad he Seid Adwisistrattie HORS E - S HO El NG Wood taken in exchange, K=" 1 aM AGENT FOR MONUMENTS. First doorEast of or any part thereof to any persor | A Specialty and Satisfaction We ate prepared to give SPECIAL BARGAINS in JOHINN TOTTI, r 3 or persons of whose claim she shall Guaranteed. Warerooms--one door west of the St. Charles Hotel. the Post Office not have had notice Dated at Port Perry, Oct. %, 1005. Patronage ot Swissng GO LD AN 1] Si LVER WATC H ES - whete He will be pleased to All all orders for Meats in a manner the Sauiot bil $0 please sustoiuets, Hasing new aid HUBERT L. EBBELS, == ilities for the tr tion of busi © feels Sor for Administratrix. Port Porty, Sept: 16, 1902. y Gold Filled Cases in great variety, some as smell as a Q i = 5 ' Ea SE : 3 he can give better satisfaction than heretofore, avd: " =r le = ; Yollar, nicely Enameled and Set with Pearls; &c. ; r i 4 10 arity Yuin state he solicits all to give him a call in his new ARM FOR SALE. CA ; va GAME AXD FISH IN SEASON. oo =a Li Prices to suit you all right. | undersigned offers for sale 200 CNY CRES of land, more or less, on A I. J. WHEELER. ee OD | ; WEDDING AND ENGAGEMENT RINGS a -- alti of ths Foros Hoa oe EAN J A in Pearl, Opal and Diamonds, all fine and New Designs. Crocks in 'will be a grand opportunity to securo a | Yi oa T GREAT VariETY VERY CHEAP, on pa y farm. ' or onithontara ay y to the ro rlotor, : FE AR Knives, Forks, Spoons, Fruit Dishes, Butter Diss, Cake Baskets Tea Experience is Invariably Feo Re Ro dman . oo. RW GRIE ERSON. 4 Ry 2% 5 Sets, &c., and some more to follow. Sept. 29,1 : ;. 7 Datiaw, xX £7" Also Fancy Goods. EVERYTHING GOES CuEap, <3 } ssential to Success. \ ners hg Toles © (ho Grodin of Chstr| IHONIECIRY (0 SZ" Repaisiog a3 weial : HOUSE, SIGN AND DECORATIVE-- Colton, late of the Township of % ar DIESFELD S ] AVING had considerable experience in negotiating = ; 1 : 7h Scugog, in the County of Ontario, : : Hy Port Porry, Nov. 36, 1898, : | : Sales of some of the largest transactions in Real Estate PX I N JN ) D4 B® Yeoman, Deceased. YB el |= i ; ES to all 'concerned, I have concluded to devote my 3 OTICE in Yereby given passant to the" i > ; 2 whole attention to disposing of all Real Estate that may be Graining, Glazing Paer Hanging, N Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1897, pr 4 ; ny : 4 : . if placed in my hands for sale. Kalsomining and Sign Writing ~ chapter 129, sec, 38, that all persons having . 9 ry | er any claim or demand against the estate By = , ¢ i Executed in firstclass style and at Modetdte Prices. Parties Build nsf c os y x ei er ¥ he i Chester Colton, who died on or ee Mi Fs RE oo om EIA RAIE RBA a a dh SAREE ig NA 4 ae then The Winter Ls gem Sonssat, i 'our fine properties now listed and for Sale: I HAVE THE LARGEST VARIETY OF : ant whit 0) peor Who Fowls that Pay. | ff Ls has Fails ll Three Farms in Scugog. Canadian and Ameaican Wall Pape: wrety (if any) held by them | There is Big Money in ! one in, arly | e Farm in Reach. urther Hie) is geen that after the $ RRED PLYMOUT | ROCKS or Parties desirous of disposing of landed properties de: fhe romiaty| E : consult their own interests by placing them with me for i deteascd wil proceed to dia | WHITE WYANDOTTES assets of the said deceased | GFF ORPINGTONS 'Satisfaction guaranteed. THE GREAT WINTER LAYE f Strenghten your Flock of Poultry "| with the addition of some pure bred | "| young Cockerls. A choi for | | Sale at reasonable Pr ~ 7 HRS CHEAPNESS, STYLE n ; 4 Two brand new Hearses and Best. Hearse Team ever owned Durability and po A rE in Port Perry... Our Prices are the lowest in town. JESSOP FURNITURE CO. Pas N/ HK IMPORTANT ~~ & TU T0 THE PUBLIC. S ° Ed) j W. J. NOTT, Manager, ) y ) Ya oo _ " I wish to announce to the public that I anes, ' h i on RED have made Special arrangements to supply " RR my customers and the "public in general , : ; Lit with Flour, Bran, Shorts, &'c. in any quan- | BEATTY & BONGARD. tities, until such time as my New Mills are . | Port Perry } bi Lay : in operation, which I am pleased to state ---- IS Soild. Wl , will be at the earliest possible moment. Ht HST ABLISEED 1847. JAMES CARNEGIE ROR IN THE MATTER oF THE ESTATE oF Louis SEBERT, LATE OF THE Vicrace of Port PERRY IN THE County oF ONTARIO, HOTEL KEEPER, DECEASED. f SNIINNS NZINZIN ACKIE HOK You have the widest choice of exclusive patterns if you come Now. ISIN ZINN ever shown in Port Perry, comprising all the leading New York styles and colorings, such as the New Tapestrys, Colonials Moorish," Silk Damask, Pressed Damark, Broeades, Fabric Effects,' Varnished Tiles, Stained Grounds, Plain Flock," Lincrusta Waltons, 4d tigrains," without Commission on Real Estate security A vartety of ovér 1500 Patlerns in sums to suit borrowers, at unusually Jow rates. Quick action. from the Cheapiu a Papers up we epresent the most desirable Fire and Life Instrance lh of which are 1go1 Palterns and no back numbers, Part FEE 20 a ies. Prompt attention given to applications. all Paper this season could not spend a few leisure Pert, Sept. 3, 1602. etter advantage than to look through my Sample Books at ' } omes, and match fhe papas wit particular room and its sur

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