Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 2 Oct 1902, p. 2

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Sudo Many oung Girls. ters SHOULD BE VERY CAREFUL ney THEIR DaucHTERs {Com- PLAIN oF HEADACHES, FICKLE AP- perth, Dizziness OR HEART ALPITATION. Many mothers neglect the health of their growing daughters. Not willingly, 'of course, but because they. think the occasional headaches from which they suffer, fickleness of appetite, and 'pale cheeks, ate the natural result of the merging of girlhood into womanhood. This is a serious mistake. There is no period in a girl's lite when she needs more attention, and unless the little fronbles are successfully treated, more serious ones--perhaps decline diconsumption--are sure to follow. What every young girl needs at this period is a tonic medicine that will give her a rich, red blood, strong nerves, and bring her safely through critical period in her life. For this purpose there is no other med- icine in the world can equal Dr. Syulians: Pink Pills. Thousands of girls throughout Canada owe ir present health and bappiness gr Sf d strong if they would give Dr. Williams Pink Pills a fair trial. Among the many young ladies who have proved the great worth of this medicine is Miss Jennie Beamer, of Boyle, Ont. Miss Beamer says:-- "Some years ago I became very ill, and my friends feared I was going into a decline. I was pale; suffered from terrible headaches; my ap- petite was poor,and I grew very thin. 1 became so weak that I could hardly walk. I remained in this condition for several months, during which time 1 tried several medicines, but. none helpéd me in the least. Then my mother got me some of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and. almost from the outset: they helped me: As I continued the use of the pills, the severe headaches left ; my appetite returned and I gained in weight. In fact, T was soon enjoying perfect health, and have since continued to do so. I attribute this entirely to the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and will be glad if some other weak and ail- ing .gixl will profit by my ex- perience." Pale and sallow cheeks, dizziness, headaches palpitation of the heart, and the feeling of weariness that afflicts so many young girls will soon disappear if Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are used. These pills also 'cure rheumatism, dyspepsia, kidney ailments, St. Vitus' dance, and other troubles that come from poor blood and weak nerves. Sold by all dealers in medicine or sent | post paid; at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, by addressing the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brock ville, Ont, TMORTHR HE ARLY _QDOEDULD. RT PERRY, OCT. 2, 1902. The comparative safety of travel ing by rail is again illustrated in the statistics of the Interstate Com- merce "Commission of the United States recently published, which show that during the year ending June 30th, 1go1, only one passenger | was killed for every: 2,153,469 car- ried, and one injured for eveey 121, 748 carried, The English railways do even better than this. Last year nef. a single passenger was killed, but this, of ceurse, was an excep ' Afonal record. The small propor- tion of passengers killed and in- jured is a tribute to the efficiency of modern railway management. It it'to be regretted that the ratio of deaths and injury to employees is so large, one out of every 400 em- ployees being killed and one out of every 26 injured, There has been a'great reduction in this respect in recent years. Many of the deaths afid-injuries; it will be seen from a study of the statistics, are due to the negligence of the employees themselves. ere. The Oyster. Now that the oyster season has arriged, a few remarks concerning this popular bivale might not be amiss. Epicures naturally like to know what they are eating, and if those who are addicted to the oyster habit will follow this brief scientific treatise closely, they will be made familiar with the habits and eccen- tricities of the oyster. The oyster belongs to the genus of ibranch molusks of the third r motiomya, and may be at distinguished by the bilaterial symmetry of the heterogenous con vexity. The labial ganglia are very minute, while the parietosplanchnic are well developed. We hate to i, thing like this about an oyster ind its back, but the truth may as well be told now, because some would find it out later anyhow ;. is no excuse for beating about s| h. tte of the Hard names appli- bu Ih s ed to the oyster, however, it is con- sidered one of the most toothsome shes that comes out of the sea. A ters in the prime of life taste with salt, pepper, h of vinegar, makes an repast ; an oyster needs bricants save the condi mentioned above. If placed hit will be found that a ined oyster will burrow its § vn a map's gullet and into vitals with the dexterity of a on a chute-the-chutes. - erisa 'creature af seden- It will sit in the mud highly commended and by societies for the of cruelty to fined Paraffine been discovered by a prominent re- sident of Ohio, living near Lancas- ter, who had two trees badly damag ed by the storm, one being maple and the other an appie. case a large limb was broken down from the trunk, but still attached to it, fastened with splints, and then melt- ed refined wax was poured into and over all the cracks. operation" was entirely successtul. The Paraffine prevented the escape of the sap; kept out moisture which would have rotted the trees, prevented the depredations of insects, and the limbs seem thus savea little. that the workmen of Great Britain have laid up £339,897,703, or more than sixteen hundred million dollars in different forms of saving--post- office and other savings banks. | is{so effective, pl Catarr by the clergy mals, ! be stewed, fried, an oyster ma baked, reamed Or pickled, accord- inglto the ceptice of the consumer. If eaten raw an oyster should be stabbed before taking. New Usé for Refined Paraffine Wax: A new and important use for Re- ax seems to have In each The limbs were propped up and The "surgical the rain and far to be petfectly re-attached to the trees. i I nounce _- on rr next, Oct. sth, Rev. C, J. Cameron, a former pastor of the" Baptist Church here, wili preach m that church, the an- niversary sermons. The many friends of Mr. Cameron will be glad to have another opportunity to hear him, and we trust that the church will be filled, morning and evening. Our Baptist friends have certainly chosen wisely in getting Mr. Camer- om to preach for them, and we can assure all who have the privilege to hear him, that they will be interest. ed, and what is more, instructed and benefitted. On Saturday evening Oct. 4th Mr. Cameron will deliver a lecture in the Church, illustrated with lime light views; chair to be taken at 8 o'clock. A collection in aid of Foreign Missions will be taken. EZ" AccipENT.--The very many fricnds of Wm. Smith, Esq., ex-M.P. will regret to learn that he met with a serious accident while on duty in Camp at Niagara on-the-Lake on Saturday last ; he stepped into a hole on the camp grounds, injuring one of his legs so seriously that he had to be taken to the field hospital. New Steer Bripce.--The new steel bridge that is being built over the Nonquon river by the Counties of Ontario and Victoria at a cost of about $500 is nearly completed Tho Hamilton Bridge Company have the contract and from present indications the work when complet- ed will be highly creditable to all concerned. EZ" So far success has attended the series of Entertainments that are pow in progress under the aus- pices of the Presbyterian Church at Sonya. "On Monday evening last tl so large (many Trom Port Perry Be ing in evidence) as to tax the capac- ity of the fine Church, over $200 be- ing taken for tickets the Church entertained their guests right royally and the intellectual feast was of a high order. E> 1t will be seen by the adver: tisement in another column that Mr. R. W. Grierson of Oshawa is offer- | ing for sale his fine dairy farm in the 3rd con of Reach.. There is al- so a large quantity of wood on the property. EZ" The Colonial Moying Picture Company is the one that sets the pace for all others. Make a note of their date here. £8. Timely, convincing, vivid, realistic, all that and much more can be said of the Colonial Moving Picture Company which appears here on Monday, Oct. 13. The best subjects that lavish out- lay can secure, experience suggest, or skill achieve -- everything that commands admiration has been concentrated in the Colonial Mov- ing Picture Exibition. They are unquestionably leaders in this class of entertainment. Canadian Jubilee Singers. The Famous Canadian Jubilee Singers have been engaged to give a grand Concert in the Town Hall, Port Perry, on Tuesday evening October 21st; in aid of the Port Perry Hockey Club, pany is composed of ten talented negro singers who have been giving concerts in Europe and America for twenty years. mixed Quartettes are the best in America: class Orchestra. traction. served seats so cts, children under This Com- Their Male, and They also carry a first Wait for (this at= Admission, 35/Cts., re- 12 years 15 cts. Plan of Hall opens at Allison's Drug Store on Tuesday Oct. 14th at g a.m. The British workman is able to Recent statistics show Catarrh is- a Germ Disease. Science, armed with the microscope has established it a fact, and this conclusion renders absolute practice of treating Asthma, Catarrh and Bronchitis b: ing, sprays, snuffs, &c.. Such treat- ments are an utter failure because they cannot penetrate the. air cells of the lungs, or permeate the air passages of the nose and bronchial tubes where the germs of Catarrh| have their stronghold. Catarrho- zone is the onl is inhaled by the mouth and after | spreading through all the sespira- tory organs is ex | nostrils. Catarrhozene ms, heals the inflamed tissues, |drops in water given inwardly, then ad and throat in two minutes, {rub the little one's stomach with a and cures in a few hours. Nothing|small quantity of Nerviline, and easant and simple | perf 'and viline often, but when you do need 2 : it you need it badly. Get a. a5c|C,P.R. ticket agent, for bottle'today, rates, i. , the stomach drugg- certain remedy. It ed through the kills the Two mon! SEE hozone. For instance | was wrong. He sl ten *'criterial." the word means that which pertains to standards of excellence. terional" matter ; the real criterion of moving pictures are those of the Colonial Company, who gave an exhibition in the Town Hall, Monday, Oct. 13. VALUABLE EsTATE.--See the advertisement of the Auction Sale of Real Estate situated in the Township of Scugog Five first class farms are to be offer ed. . Don't fail to read the advertise ment; ments § The ladies of be occupied by the Revs of Prince Albert, at the usnal hours sented to occupy the chair 8 o'clock the Rev. Geo. Dewey of Agnes will deliver one of his famous and highly interesting Lectures, entitled: " SPARKS FROM THE FURNACE."-- The reverend gentleman will also conduct program in a manner that cannot fail to prove interesting and enjoy- able. i tended to all. passengers to Pettet's Point and a 2 Polson's Taylor Coleridge ES. Samuel prevention | coined the word "criterional." He hould have] writ: But in either case "Cari- or '"criterial," if doesn't A Granp CHANCE TO PURCHASE AND DESIRABLE Rear CorrecTION.--In the prize list published last week Mrs. Geo, Rose is credited with obtaining 1st prize for crock or pail of butter and 1st prize for ten Ibs. of Butter. It was Mrs, Geo. Real of Greenbank who obtained these prizes. Auction Sacre, -- Mr, Oliver Raymes, lot 2, con 10, Scugog being about to give up farming has author- ized Mr, Jackson to sell by auction on the premises all his stock of horses, cattle, sheep, farm impl . ~The list _is 1 Short-Horn catt e salé 'takes place on Tuesday, Oct. 14, com- mencing at one o'clock. Make a vote of time and place and don't fail to artend the sale. Sak Uncle Tom's Cabin. "Uncle Tom's Cabin" nrver grows old. There runs through it a vein of pathos peculiarly touching and sweet. Like the kiss ofa child, it conqueres by the very innocence of its breath. In the character of Eva it is unique. Who does not cherish the memory of some sweet angelic child, who seemed to touch this earth only as a transient visitor, who passed away with the dew of childhoed's morning, too good, too pure for us ? Was there ever a child like Eva? Yes, but her name is writtten upon the gravestones. This good old play is is unique because it is the only one that portrays that character. The scenery is excellent. In the river scene one sees the floating] cakes of ice slowly moving down stream. The plantation scene de- spicts a typical Southern home with its cotton fields, its mansions and its log cabins, The last scene in this picturesque drama has per- hnps taxed the skilled painter and mechanic more than any other spectacle that the stage can boast. It is not flattery to say that "The Beautiful Gates Ajar" as now de- picted by this company, is one of the most entrancing spectacles ever witnessed in this eity. Ed, F. Davis Uncle Tom's Cabin Company 'will appear at Town Hall, Port Perry, Monday, Oct. 6th. Prices, 15, 25 and 35 cents. The Beeton World reports eighty bushels of oats to the acre on the Simcoe House of Refuge farm, | AvcTioN: SALE --It will be seen by the posters that Mr. M. O'Neill, (Brick yard) con 12, Reach, has in. structed Mr. Jackson to sell without reserve 22 head of Cattle and about 50 cords of Wood. - The sale will take place on Tuesday, Oct. 7.-- This will be a grand opportunity to secure desirable cattle and first- class fuel at auction -prices.--(See posters.) -- Prince Albert. Mrs, Wilson, of Brooklin, was visiting at Mr. McBrien's on Wed- nesday and Thursday last and paid a visit to the Mission Band that was organized by herself a few months prior to her leaving this Circuit. It is needless to say that she met with a very warm and hearty reception from her many friends in Prince Albert. Rev. M. E. Wilson, B.A., of Brooklin, agent for the Upper Can- ada Bible Society in this district, will hold the annual meeting in the Methodist Church, on Wednesday, Oct. 8. We bespeak for him a large gathering as the Rev. gentleman is one of the most popular speakers the Society employs. Rev. W. Kenner is announced to speak on Temperance next Sabbath morning. As this is a subject en- gaging the public mind at the pre- sent time there should be a large attendance. Scugog. A Harvest Home FestivaL will be held under the auspices of the Methodist Church, Scugog, on Sun- day and Monday, Oct. 5 and 6, 1902...On_ Sunday the pupit will Collection at the close of each ser- vice, On Monday a sumptuous Harvest Home Dinner will be served commencing at 5 o'clock. Wm. Ross. Esq, M. P., has kindly con- At Street Church, Toronto, the Musical part of the A cordial invitation is ex- \ Tickets 25 cents.-- The steamer " Cora" will convey ck--round trip S. 10 cents. Fralick, Rec, Steward. H.C. Gar- butt, Pastor. rr tin 'When the Baby Ories at Night there is a cause for it. is gas on the stomach ma; cramps or diarrhoea. sleep, anticipate such contingencies Perhaps it Don't loose always keeping handy a bottle Bling Just a few t rest isjassured to both mother by. You may not need Ner- Company, which will a Town Hall, Monday, the benefit of the Sons of E (proceeds to be devoted to the toy Poor Fund) has earned the esti of an appoeciative public a a critical press wherever they they will arouse the interest, a command the admiration and pato age of our people here. a sterling attraction, presented and honestly advertis and aim to exceed the expetat of the most. exacting. While p ducing subjects of the latest conc tion and most exclusive charac of remote scenes in foreign I the most events of an acter are offered. conscientiously avoids an tion that might offend the m scrupulous and exacting. experience, expert operators a improved mechanism has en: the management to delight t ands with wholesome enjoy hardly' g i portrayal of the terrible eruption © member of the Methodist church. ago." He leaves three da may be poor, and blood maker, well. Try Ferrozone, whi you can obtain at all druggists. & saying, * See a pin, pick it all day you'll have good lu; a pin in front of the post other day, ture it oi the street, his suspenders ga his collar split open, and teeth, whic and broke on the street. up the pin, however. be | Mr. Tarte told the Orillia he really thinks of the speech would have been eshing that his speech was fairly ing as it was --Orillia P North-West Territory itoba. Parties going to above parts call on A, Jack and the Boan Sto The Colonial Moving = t. 13th, § It is safe to pr They o honor recent and absorb international ch The prog w and with an ent and unrivaled it. Pelee, showing the frowning black cliffs, seamed and scared, brooding in death-like silence, then suddenly enveloped with a hissing, bubling, roaring torrent of burning lava with a realism that will linger in the memory of every spectator. No less thrilling and intensely in- teresting is the scene of Capt. Nis- son shooting the whirlpool rapids, A storm at sea is presented with startling realism. Of especial in- terest to the ladies and children is a complete presentation of the famous extravaganza "Jack and the Bean stock," showing over fifty people on the stage at one time, This delight ful fairy tale is splendidly illustrated here. There are more than filty other subjects of the latest and bést variety. There is in addition high class specialty acts, The prices for this engagement are 25 and 35 cents, children 15 cents. Seats may now be secured at A, J. Davis' Drug Store. - Death of James Morris. WeLL-kNown CiTizex oF BowMan- viLLe Dies Very SupDENLY. Bowmanville, Sept. 24.--One of the oldest business men and most highly respected citizens of Bow- manville, Mr, James Morris, pro- prietor of the Morris Carriage Works dropped dead at the residence of Mrs. Samuel Mason, where he made his home. About 8 p.m. as he sat reading a paper he felt a chok- ing sensation, and went outside the dining-room door, where he expired, He was 75 years of age, and had been in the carriage busihess in this town nearly filty years He was an Englishman, a man of excellent parts, a staunch Liberal, and a Mrs. Rich. Gilbert of Tweed, Mes. W. CT. Jenkins of Kingston, and Mrs. Thomas Symons of Terta Haute, Indiana. Baby's First Tooth. A Famioy Event Tuar Does Not Arways Bring Unmixep Jovy, Baby's first tooth does not come unannounced. Inflamed gums and imparied digestion produce a fever- ish and fretful condition about which the mother often feels concern. The Baby boy of Mrs. George McGreger of Hamilton, Ont, was troubled with diarrhoea while teething and was cross and restless. He did not sleep well and matters became ser ious. The mother writes as follows: "My sister had used Daby's Own Tablets for her baby and advised me to try them. giving the Tablets to the baby a few I got a box and after times he began to improve and was soon well. He is now a fine big healthy baby and whenever he gets fretful or does not feel well I give him a Tablet and he is soon all right again." Baby's Own Tablets replace with great advantage castor oil and other nauseous, griping drugs, They sweeten the stomach, quiet the nerves and promote healthful sleep. They are guaranteed to contain no opiate and to be absolutely harmless. If your druggist does not keep them you can obtain a full sized box by mail, post paid, by sending 25 cents to the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont., or Schenectady, N.Y. ri kerma Never Say Die. You may be weak, miserable, sieepiossy: on ¥ Never say die, until you Ferruzone, the and brain invigorator. up the whole system. You eat anything and digest it if yoh use Ferrozone, You sleep well. You make blood quickly, strength in creases daily, in a short time you're A man who believes in the old and while stoopin s hat fell off aud r cost him $25, The Toronto News says : And it must be EF Klondyke, Bri thus: -- {Charles Annis, Whitby, 5 ft. 6 in, ton, 5 ft. 8% in., gre Bl 5 ft. 6% in., 27 years of {ed on the register. IR | Syrup. accessory. ; about Tobin's guilt, and the only Tenderloin. a letter to the Globe, Mr, Thos. nt, of Oshawa, gives some nily history, in which there is tion a family of which there te a number of respected members is vicinity. He says:--In the Seaert 'Port Perry, DIED. oo on Mon: day, Sept. 29, 1902, Louis Sebert, aged 45 years, 2 months and 2 ays. § Pa nth of October, 1792, my forebear, Roger C t ac- ompanied by Chas. Annis, his other-in-law, entered Upper Can- da at Newark, then the capital, at agara, as U.E.L's from Massa- usetts. They settled in Darling: on, and were not molested until i11801, when they were required to me to York, now Toronto, and ibscribe to the oath of allegiance, hich they did as follow the entri:s ebruary 15 1801. -- hair black, 60 years of age. July 18th 1801.--Roger Conant, Darling hair, 61 years f age. Elzabeth Conant, Darling ton, brown hair, age 21 years. July 2nd.-- Abel Conant, Darlington, age. In each case the signatures are append The renowned Robert Baldwin signs certificates of cach one having taken the oath of legiance. One of the certificates still i ssion. From oger Conant myself and my son are the only male descendents in Canada... Why they were required to come from Darlington to York to take this oath is beyond my know: ledge. Elizabeth Conant, who also subscribes, became the respected wife of of Wm. Herin at Newark, who owned the first ferry across the Niagara River, from the York State side to Newark, JJpper Canada. { Uncle Tom's Cabin. | Apropos of the coming of Ed. F. Davis' Uucle Tom's Cabin Com- pany, Mrs. Stowe's greatest work, a short history of the original cabin may be of interest. The people {bout Nachitoches, La., have long insisted that Robert McAlpine was the original Simon Legree. His use and plantation were the only es fitting the description in the ook, on or near the Red river, and He the only man in the state who 4filled the bill." He was intemper- ate and merciless and died before tthe war, leaving a memory for bru- {ality that is even now mentioned ith horror. On his place lived a aithful old negro, sold from Ken. ucky, who suffered everything but ctual torture to death, and' Mr. S hopin, the present wealthy owner f the estate, has preserved the -abin with great care, in the confi- dent belief that in time it would be- lcome an object of natural curiosity. {The cabin is of cyprus logs covered with cyprus boards, and sound as when built; some forty years ago. t is presumed that Mrs. Stowe used the novelist's privelege of combin« ing the experience of several negroes in one, but simply as a relic of the old slave times, the cabin will pre- sent great interest at Town Hall Caution | This is not a gentle word--but when you think how liable you are vot to purchase for 75 cents the only remedy universally known and a remedy that has had the largest sale of any medicine in the world since 1868 for the cure and treat-- ment of Consumption and Throat and Lung troubles without losing its great popularity all these years, you will be thankful we calleu your attention to Boschee's German There are so many ordinary cough remedies made by druggists and others that are cheap and good for light colds perhaps, but for severe Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup -- and especiially for Consumption, where there 1s difficult expectoration and and coughing during the nighs and mornings, there is nathing like Ger- man Syrup. Sold by all druggists in the civilized world, G. G. Green, Woodbury, N.J. Hacked off His Head. New York, Sept. 28.--James B. Craft was brutally murdered early yesterday morning in the Empire Hotel, No. 38 West Twenty ninth street, a low Tenderloin resort, where he had been drinking with a woman, . His body was roughly pulled out of the cafe, down two flights of stairs to the cellar, where his head was hacked off and thrown into the furnace. His trunk was stripped, most of the clothes that he had worn were placed in the fire, and an effort was made to obliterate every trace of crime by cremation. Alexander McAnierney, barkeeper [at'the Empire; noti ~the police | and charged Thomas Tobin with the crime. Tobin declined to make any statement at the outset, but later turned upon McAnierney and denounced him as the murderer. Both men were held without bail by Coroner Jackson. Robert Kelly, who is said to be Tobin's brother was also held by the Coroner. He the porter at the Empire, and he was placed under arrest with all others found in the building by the i Suspicion is said to attach to him only because he had in his possession rs belonging to Craft and the nce led the Coronor .| to believe that even if he was not concerned in the killing he was an Little doubt was felt question was about the aid he had ed | received from others. The woman was arrested later. Since September 15 there have been four startling murders in the On that date Nicholas Fish, the wealthy banker was killed by Thomas Shark On the fol- -| lowing day was the brutal murder 'mutilation of ona Neilson Paulitzer took place. ay Craft was murdered Za decapitated, and vithin a few blocks of the scene of i cry C. Rose, a theatri blank is left in our midst which it would be difficult to fill. of business he occupied a very prominent position and discharged its varied duties with credit to him- self and to the utmost satisfaction of the public, for The Sebert House which is almost of continental fame. As its proprietor he was widely known and had guests ; touricts are opinion that The Sebert House bas no equal between Toronto Montreal. active, energetic and obliging. and took a prominent part in every movement for the best interests of the town, himself with every improvement and had thé'eo and suppo! heart and head, and if defeated man- fully accepted the verdict. husband, father, loving and sorrowing widow, weep- ing and fatherless mourning relatives can fully appre- ciate his good qualities and they have the sympathy of all in their affliction. Detroit, and Mr O. Sebert, Brook- lin, are brothers and Mrs. Edwards of Hastings, Mrs. Alguire, Canning- nity sustains a severe loss, a As a man He has made a name the confidence of his commercial travelers and unanimous in the and As a townsman he was cordially indentifying political party in a manner that did credit to his As a and a friend, a children and Messrs. John and Charles Sebert of ton, and Mrs. Frank Hawkens, Brooklin are sisters of deceased. Yesterday during the funeral ser vices and cortege the places of busi- ness in town were closed. CoaTes-- In Reach--lot 24, con. 3-- on Saturday, Sept. 27, 1902, Mary Jane, bzloved wife of John Thos. Coates, aged 49 years. Deceased respected by all with whom she was acquaint- was much In the death of Mr. Sebert the | nr TOWNSHIP OF SCUGOG ON SATURDAY, 0CT. 85, 1903 AT THE SEBERT HOUSE Twenty-two in the Sixth Concession of said ship of Scugog, hereinafter described, which said and fity then North seventy-four degrees eas distance three chains sixteen and one-half links West of the Eat limit of sid lot, then South Toes east links: then chains and sixteen | road then - 0- | Bve chalna. ie of sid ru Joniz ot sald, Lx y to say, 1fmit' of the road x Lot Fiza Poin Road) intersects the dividing }ine between North sixteen degrees West along said dividing Ji twelve chains and forty-four links, parallel to the North limit of said Lot to the water's edge of Lake Scugog, the edge to the Southern limit of said Lot, then Easterly along the South limit of said Lot to the South-East anglo thereof, then Northerly along the East limit of said Lot to the place of the said Road, Ninth Concession of said Township of Scugog. Concession of said Townshi of the North-half of Lot Ninth Concession of Sen acres of the South-half of Scugog and that part of J ot Number Twenty-three in east Angle of said Lot Num ed; and those best acquainted with her loved her most. Of late she has not enjoyed robust health, last illness was protracted and pain- ful--but with calm resignation and Christian fortitude'she pillowed her head on the bosom of Omnipotence and died in perfect peace. All sin- cerely sympathize with the bereav- ed and sorrowing family. Bon, daughter, husband all lament thee, Their tears tha heart's affection show, How anxious now once to behold thee, In that land which none shall know. Sorer--In Port Perry, on Thurs- ay, Sept. 25, 1902, Armon Soper, 2 fry 3 sie 2) 3 months an days, : Mr. Soper's illness had a fatal termination on Thursday last.-- Though he held up wonderfully until the day of his death, but on that day he had a second paralytic stroke which proved fatal. He had seen considerable of the world hav- ing traveled extensively, was suc- csssful in + business transactigns as well as farming, being industrious, frugal and persevering, he soon accumulated considerable property. He was a staunch advocate of tem- perance and an exemplary and much esteemed member of -the Home Circle in which Order he carried a full limit policy of life in- surance. He was an active and consistent member of the Methodist Church and died in full enjoyment of that which alone can be found in God=-that peace which can neither give or take away. He has gone to repose on the lap of his mother, In his home in the far-distant regions above ; brother, Who clothed him in white as a token of love, a For Over Sixty Years teething, If disturbed at night snd broken of you Cutting Teeth, send at once and get a bottle of " Mrs. and gives tone and energy to the whole system. by all druggists throughout the world, - Be sure snd for" MRS, WINSLOW'S BOOTHING BYRUE." PORT PERRY MARKETS. {Quotations by A. Ross & Son. o which there is considerable WO O Te ey Lot, nthe 3 ond 'Reach. Th Be hip of Resch. Th | centre of the Townline road Eastward to the Western Her | | part of Lot Number One in the Eighth Concession | containing one hundred.and twenty-five acres more or less, described as follows, --Commencing at the North-West Angle of xaid Lot, then South sixteen unshaken faith in the promise of the world Where he joins the sweet praise of his Saviour, and MRS. WINSLOW'S BOOTHING SYRUP has been used by millions of mothers for their children while rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend pon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures Disrrhees, Regulates the Stomach and Bowels, Cures Wind Colic, Softens the Gums, Reduces loflammation, "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children Teething is pleasant to the taste and Is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Price twenty-five cents & bottle. Sold Oct. 2, 1902. Fall Wheat ........ $o 63 @ $o 63 Spring Wheat...... 062@ 0 62 Goose Wheat. ..... 0 6o@ o 6o 035@ 0 35 0 45@ 0 45 Oats... ivuviiind 0.28 @ 028 Peas--Blackeye ... 0 70@ ©o 70 Peas--Small....... 065@ 0 65 Buckwheat. . . 048@ o 50 Beans ......:44 1 00@ 1 00 Alsike Clover. . 625@ 6 75 Red Clover........ 4 25@ 5 50 Grass Seed... . 125@ 150 Turkeys . . oo8@ o 10 Geese .. . oo5@ o ob Ducks .. . 0oo07@ oo8 Chickens .. 005@ 0 07 Butter . .. o18@ o0 18 Eggs........ aw OTS 0 16 "FARM FOR SALE.. od offers for mle 200 J Lap Bovine Bciidind ind d is a IN THE DOUNTY OF ONTARIO es NDER AND BY VIRTUE OF THE POWER OF Sale contained in certain Mortgages which will uced at the time of sale and upon which in of both principal 'made t terest, there will be offered for sale by Publie at the hour of Two o'clock in the afternoon, In THE VILLAGE oF PORT PERRY, In sald County, the following Valuable Properties: Smallest Possible Prices for this Entertainment . . er dren 15c. Sons of England For the Benefit of the : Town Poor Fund... Under the auspices of the 1. Those parts of Lots Numbers Twenty-one and 'own- rt of Lot Number Twenty-two, is described as lows, that in to say, commencing on the West t) Lot at the distance of y-three chains sixteen thre a een and one-half North seventy-four three and one-half links to the centre ly on the West. limit of said road o the Chu: and twenty li ace of beginning,--and which | umber Twenty-one is described as follows--that is say, commencing at a point where the Northern ning across said known as umbers Twenty-one and Twenty-two, then ne then Westerly n Easterly along said wate; beginning excepting thereout 2. The South-half of Lot Number Four in the 8, The North-half of Lot Number Two in the Ninth of Scugog the dry land umber One in the said gog. The North-balf fitty Lot Number Twenty-four in the Seventh Concession of the said Township of the Seventh Concession of the said Township, contain. ing Nine acres more or less, described as follows, -- Com. ing on the Eastern boundary of said Lot Number Twenty-three at the distance of seventeen chains and twenty-seven links from a Jost planted at the South- r wenty-three, then on a course of South seventy-six degrees forty-five minutes West seven hains then North nine degrees thirty minutes East six chains and fifky-fiv links, then North seventy-six degrees and forty-five minutes East fourteen ching and. thirty-seven links, then South thirteen degrees and fifteen minutes East six chains along the said Eastern boundary of said Lot to the place of beginning 4, That part of the East-half of the town line road butting on the West side of Lot Number One in the Eighth Concession of said Township, extending from the Northern limit of the traveled road passing through the said Lot Northward to the North-West angle of said Lot Number One excepting thereout the portion thereof embraced in the centre road. All that part of the South-half of the original allowance far road between the Eighth and Ninth Concessions of said Township extending from a point in the limit of the centre road and butting on ihe North end of Lot Number One in the Eighth Ooncession (con- taining together three acres and one hundred and twenty square rods more or less) and the Northerly degrees East along the Western limit of said Lot forty-four chains and sixty-two links more or less to a certain traveled road running across the said Lot, then North seventy four degrees ast along the North limit of said Lot twenty-nine chains and five link: more or less to the East limit of said Lot, then North sixteen degrees West along the Eastern limit of said Lot forty-four chains and sixty-two links more or less to the North-East angle of said Lot, then South seventy-four degrees West along the North limit of said Lot, twenty-nine chams and five links more or less to the place of beginning, except two acres more or less lying in the South-East Corner of the last above described parcel of land belonging to one Staley - 5. The North: West rv of Number Twenty fone In the said Neventh Concession, save and cxceps ing thereout ten acres, two roods and twenty-nine perches more or less which ning be known as follows, te ommencing at the North-West angle of said Lot, thon South sixteen degrees, Kast five chains an twenty-one links, then South sixty-six degrees thirty minutes East four chains and sixty-one links, then North twenty-four degrees East three chainsand twen- ty links then South sixty-six degrees thirty minutes East nine chains and seventeen links, then North twenty-four degrees East one chains and sixty-eight links then North sixteen degrees West nine chains and twenty-nine links then South seventy-four degrees West fourteen chains aud fifty links more or less to the place of beginning. These faring are all favorably located within a short distance of the thriving village of Port Perry and ali are within ncoess of schools, The land is for the y loam. There are good farm buildings 8 and all are well watered. TERMS :--A deposit of ton per cent. will be requir ed to be paid on day of sale, sufficient with said deposit to make one-quarter of the purchase money within thirty days of day of the sale and the balance can then be paid or a mortgage will be taken on the property sold in each case extending over a. peri of five years bearing interost at the rate of five per cent. per annum payable half yearly. For further particulars and conditions of sale appl. to JOHN A, McGILLIVRAY, the Temple Building, Toronto Notice to the Creditors of Chester Colton, late of the Township of scugog, in the County of Ontario, Yeoman, Deceased. OTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1897, chapter 120, sec, 38, that all persous havin any claim or demand againet. the estate a the said Chester Colton, who died on or about the 27th day of July, 1902, are fre- quired on or before the 3rd day of Novem ber, 1902, to send by post prepaid to John Gerow, Port Perdy, a statement of their names and addresses, full particulars of their claims ard demands, and stating the nature of the surety (if any) held by them And further notice is given that after the said "last mentioned day the Exeoutors of the said deceased whl proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, havin regard only to the claims of which nr notice shall then have been given, and the said Executors will not be liable for the assets or any part theref to any person of whose claim notice shall not have been re- eeived by them at the time of such distri: bution. : Dated September 30, 1902. © JOHN GEROW, GEORGE COLTON, __ Executors of the said Chester Colton, (General Blacksmithing The undersigned having opened business in the Shop lately oemunied by Mo, 2. Ball Just west of Drs. Archer & Archer's Office, 1s prepared to do all kinds of of General Blacksmithing at Reas- onable Charges. HORSE-SHOEING A Specialty 'and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Patronage Solicited. C. W. SWITZER Port Perry, Sept. 16, 1902. Wanted to Purchase At a Bargain a House and Lot in the Village of Prince Albert. In- Moving Picture est | oxclusive, the Grandest Spectacle of Modern Times--the Core onation of together with the Dazling Street Pagent of King, TheEruption of Mt. Pelee on livid colors and vividly portraying the bubbling hissing, roaring rivers of Java, the fascinating ) Fire Dept." and fiftylinenssely Interesting subjects to charm the eye and fascinate the mind interspersed High Class Vandeville Artists, COLONIAL COMPANY --AND-- An Oriental: Evening. The only authentic and Complete Production of King Edward VIL Queen and Court departing {rom Westminster Abbey Jack and the Beanstock. ' Stag Hunt," *' Boston Horseless Avoid the rush | Be comfortable | Secure yout seats TO-DAY at A, J. Davis' Drug Store. Tom fo Leh, or fn ul. On very favorable terms, 100 acres, more or less, being North- half of lot 2, in first concession Township of Cartwright near Shirley P.O. and only a short drive from Raglan and Port Perry, Good dwelling house, also g barn with stone basement stables. Young orchard just coming into bearing. For particulars apyly to James Vivian, Shirley, Ont, or to L. K. MURTON, Oshawa, Ont. = Chatham Pasting Mill for Sala For Sale, at a Big Bargain, a Chatham (new) Fanning Mill; or it will be exchanged for .any article or commodity that I can utilise, Apply at once to : JOHN IRVIN. Port Perry, Sept. 23, 1902. FINALITY COURT NOTICE is hereby given that a Court will be held pursu- ant to the "Voters' List Act," by His Honor the Judge of the County Court of the County of Ontario, at the , Town Hall in MANCHESTER, On Friday, October 10, 1902, at Ten o'clock a.m., to hear and de-~ termine the several complaints of errors and omissions in the Voters' List of the Municipality of Reach for 1902, All persons having business at the Court are required to attend at the said time and place. Dated the twenty-third day of September, 1902. WILLIAM SPENCE, Clerk of the said Municipality. =e The Winter Layers are the Fowls that Pay. There is Big Money in BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS WHITE WYANDOTTES BUFF ORPINGTONS + THE. GREAT WINTER LAYERS Strenghten your Flock of P with the addition of some pure i young Cockerls. A choice lot tL: e i Sale at ronson N"INGRAM, tending seller to state price, b of rooms in dwelling and size of lot. Communicate with : APPRENTICE WANTED, DIATELY an' Ap: F. E. DAVIS. 1 St U \ xbridge. Grand Trunk Railwa TIME TABLE » Pox. PERRY. : a ; g.51am. 11.35 a.m. 4,540 P.ES r2spm. Lo

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