Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 11 Sep 1902, p. 4

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Society to be held on the Exhi BLACKSTOCK CLASS A.--HORSES, ing to the page. "You must be making CLASS O.--SHEEP. nu mistake." "Oh, no, we ain't!" responded Toole (Director in charge, Wesley Mountjoy.) Grass G--IMPLEMENTS. (Director in charge, N. Marlow.) 'the growth of that member and bends At backward. Lo Thoughtful. mp tuipel Cy AE aid H-- DOMESTIC MANUF A Director in charge, Robert Philp.) 101(d) Pair W 2 101(e) Pair W is ~ 101(f) Pair if 3 Bais Co haa dl ag 2 8388 38332 82, Double Wagon sli .... $2 00 he's a very thoughtful and 83, Double Oarriage SR, "air. 2.00 fellow anyway." 84, Single Carringe «ie vi 00 't see it. 1 was at his home : ! eer sermrel to « 85, Single Cutter FEL wie B00 : WA 86, Funning Mill "wan 2 00 dinner. 87, Sewing Machine hee 1 00 OreN To THE Townsnip oF CARTWRIGHT OKLY. 3 book says 89, Bet Harness, double, heavy team .. $2 00 anything, 90, Set Harness, single, Ri hame . 4 ii so. ov and breast collar and tags with it. 2 00 1 Bi cnt aren 91, Set Bedroom Furniture ves 100 4 92, Pair Gent's Boots, home-made sewed 1 00 Gi 93, Pair Ladies'Boots, hcme-madesewed 1 00 of haat trom 91, Set Horse Shoes, home made ..... 1 00 1d Takos. wis: made. in 95, Rag Carpet, not less than ten yds.. 50 consisted of sev: : 96, Rag Mat © 1iei0.... hs 50 97, Pair Woolen Mitiens iva 50. 98, Pair Woolen Socks SHOT a 99, FiveSkeinshomespun Stozking Yarn 50 100, Ten Yards Woolen Carpet a 50 101, Yarn Mat Frans a " 50 101(n) Pair Woolen Blankets .. ve 50 101(b) Ten yards wool... 50 101(c) Ten yards I ¥ wi Of the Fall Exhibition of the Cartwright Agricultural it * n Grounds, On September 30 and October 1 DRAUGHT. (Director in charge, John Wright.) 1st 20d 8rd 1, Team to double wagon .......u. ..$3 $2 00 $1 2, Brood Mare, fonl by her side ...... 2 150 1 Of 8, Two year old Colt, gelding or filly... 2 1 50 1 4, One year old Colt, gelding or filly.. 2 150 1 yg Fon! by the side of its mother ,... 2 160 1 , Two year old Entre Colt 3.190. 1 7, Oue year old Entire Colt.......... 25180 1 4 G P BNERAL PURPOSE. 5 Trim 14 Jouhis wagon or democrat. . §3 $2 00 $1 'Made by THFEELLL OIL CONPAXT. , Brood Mare, foal by herside...... 2 1560 1 ER 10, Two year old Gelding or Filly «31-50 1 UPON A FRIEND. 11, One year old Gelding or Filly...... 2 150 1 , Tn Which Two English Ac- 12, Foal by side of its Bother veiaan 3 150 1 Once Paid a Visit. ARRIAGE. (Director in charge, J. H. Davitt.) an gmusing story of Matas, 13, Team to Atal or urringe, 154 ind conjointly In 2 hands aud over 43 ....83 8200 $1 "Pearer Than Life," in which 14, Team to democrat or éarriage, under 'very ragged, wocbegone cos- 15} hands hr . ran 200 1 they visited the well known 15, Brood Mare, foal Ly herside :.... 150 1 Iradelle and Marshall to be 16, Two year old Gelding or Filly..... 150° 1 in their rags. While 17, One year old Gelding or Filly. .... 1.50 1 "hetween the plates" Toole, 18, Foal by side of its mother .... .. 150 1 fond of a lark, suggested to 19, Single Driving Horso (not entire) 154 to sally out and hands and over 3 9400 1 acquaint: 20, Single Driving Horse (not entire) 5% 6 3 Go Fo and ison under Xi "band 8 o 4300 mR, 1 20}, Single Driving Horse under four into the years old fi oe ie 0 3.007 pair slipped and made for OLASS B.--CATTLE. : of their friend. Of course Duruans--(Thoro-bred and Registered.) neat housemaid and the neater (Director in charge, Geo. L. McLaughlin.) were horrified and declined 21, Bull two years old and upwards....$2 $1 50 $1 without being asked to purchase 22, Bull, one year old and upwards .... 2 1560 1 matches or the like. : 23, Cow, giving milk orincalf........ 2 150 1 "I axes your pardon," said Toole in 24, Heifer, two years old .2 15 1 an assumed tone.. "You're making a 25, Heifer, one year old .2 150 ! slight mistake. © We want to see your 26, Oalf, Heifer, under one year .2 1560 1 master." And he mentioned the gen- 27, Calf, Bull, under one year ove 2156001 tleman's Christian name and that of isti 3 TI 28, Herd, consisting of one male and "We have important business with three females 0 200 1 him," chimed in Brough. . . GRADE. The girl's face wore a dazed aspect, 29, Cow, giving milk or in calf.. .2 150 1 and she sald: "Master never sees the 30, Heifer, two years old .2 150 1 likes of you at his house. He's most 381, Heifer, one year eld ..2 150 1 pertickler, ain't be, Charles?" appeal 33, Oulf, Heifer, under one year .929 150 1 with supreme gravity. "But I'm sor- CoTswoLD. ry Willlam"--the Christian name of 33, Aged Ram ...... ...... $2 $1 50 $0 50 the gentleman--*"is out. I haven't got 34, Shearling Ram. ... '...... 2 150 50 SE card about me," pretending to fum- 35, Ram Lamb ...... ...... 9 1 50 50 ble among his rags, "but tell your mas- 36, Pair Aged Ewes that have raised ter that his two cousins from the work- lambs this season 9 . ore ~~ lambs this season ~~ ...... 1 50 50 house called as they were passing 37 Pair Shearling Ewes ps tkrough London."--London Tit-Bits. 38 Pair Ewe Ne es ...... H H pe ps : -- , vr reves 2 CLOCKS OF THE PAST. 39, Aged Ram Hee. seeses $2 $1 50 80 50 Ahey Were Very Different From 40, Shearling Ram .... ...... 2 150 50 Modern Time Telling Machines. 41, Ram Lamb sevie. eenens 2 150 50 The word clock, derived from the 43, Pair Aged Ewes that have raised French gloche, German glocke, signi: lambs this season 1 50 50 fies a bell, and up to the fourteenth 43, Pair Shearling Ewes 1 50 50 century it was only used to designate 44, Pair Ewe Lambs 1 50 £0 a bell which was struck at certain pe- Fixe WooL. riods of time indicated by the hour 45, Aged Ram . $0 5) Sundials, or '"gnomons," were 46, Shearling Ram ...... 5) the first instruments used 'in measur * 47 Ram Lamb 50 ing time, and there is but little doubt 18 Pair Aged Ewes that have rated that the long granite pillgrs which we "HY £ , } call obelisks were used by the Egyp- lambs this season eo 2 150 50 fans, if not as actual sundial hands, 49, Pair Shearling Ewes .. 2 150 50 ut least for some astronomical obser- 50, Pair Ewe Lambs... ...... 2 1560 50 Nations of the movement of the sun. CLASS D.--SWINE. s Clepsydras, or water clocks, and sand Opex To ThE TowNsHIP oF UARTWRIGHT ONLY. ~ glocks come next in order. The flow (Director in charge, George L. McLaughlin) of sand through a small orifice is an BERKSHIRE. accurate method of measuring time, 51, Boar eee PEREES $2 $1 00 $0 50 for the exit of the sand is always reg- 52, Sow that hasraised pigs thisseason2 1 00 50 ular, but water is influenced by the 53, Boar, under seven months old ,. 2 1 00 50 laws of hydrostatics--when the vase is 54, Sow, under seven monthsold... 2 1 00 50 full the water runs out faster than LARGE BREED. svhen it is nearly empty. Candle clocks 55, Boar...... - ......82 81 00 £0 50 or tapers on which were colored bands 56, Sow thathasraisedpigs thisseason 2 1 00 50 indicating how much was consumed in 57, Boar, under seven months old 2 1 00 50 a certain time were also used, and 58. Sow, under seven months old or 2 their invention Is attributed to Alfred » ' months old... 100 50 the Great; but this method is even TamworrHs. more susceptible to error than the pre- iy Dour, To ny .. #2 8 0 $0 ji xlous ones. ow that hasraised pigs this season 61, Boar. under seven monthsold .. 2 1 00 50 x Legs Can't Stand It, 62, Sow, underseven months old .. 2 1 00 50 | mne leg has its own woes, to which OLASS E.--POULTRY. 4t falls heir from the legacies of exer- | (Diractor in charge Wusley Mouatjoy.) wise. Grooms and cavalry officers are 63, Puir Plymouth Rocks............ $0 50 §0 25 inclined to have bowlegs and to "toe 64, Pair Brahmas, light: FE. 50 25 in," parrot fashion, as is admired in 65, Pair Brahmas. dark. . RE. 50 25 Japan and in Indian land. Priests, 66, Pair Minorcas, black Cees 50 25 tes and all who wear skirts 67, Pair Wyandottes, silver .. .. 50 25 drag their legs i waiting asiogd of 68, Pair Spanish, black .. . 50 25 raising them, as do soldiers and cor- 69, Pair Leghorns .. .. .. 50 25 EO pall hard ot Loloting 70, Pair Hamburgs IE have an internal deviation of their 71, Pair Turkeys IN .. . 50 25 bones from rectitude known as "on- 72, Pair Goese .. . . 50 26 fon." Serubwomen who pass much of 73, Pair Ducks .. .. .. 50 25 thelr lives on their knees have a swell- CLASS 7- - DA 1 EY PRODUCE. ing of the knee joints. "Dentists' leg" " BOF Jo ChaTio, Jats ates.) 18 a result of overstraln, fatigue and Lig Trey ok el in puilor crock..$3 $2 00 §1 prolonged muscular contraction. An 5, Ten lbs Butter in prints wi: 50 ~ other instance of muscular trademarks 76, Loaf of Bread, home-made ny 50 18 found among file cutters. They over- 77, Dozen Buns, home-made. . he | 50 ~ exert the right hand in thelr work with 78, Collection of Canned Fruits I 50 the hammer. The hand and wrist nal 79, Collection of Jellies ee | 50 ly weaken and shrivel. The pressure 80, Honey in Comb c. «Aa 50 of the chisel against their thumb stunts 81, Honey Strained .. 1 50 | may the Perry, make Taylor.) : x. £0 50 0 25 50 130, Half 131, Half ; fdress ATR 132, Halt CHARGES MODERATE. = Ao 135, Hat Nov. 1, 1901. pi betry 0. Large & 135, Half 136, Half ¢ 187, Ootlection may h METHODIST CHURCH. REV. G. H. COPELAND, Pastor. Sabbath Services, 10,30 and 6,30. Week Evenin Service, Thursduy 7.30. Strangers welcome and conducted to segs. will ba allowed on all : Jan, Ist next, ST. JOHN'S CEURCH: lov MADE J d nc factory work super arity of my goods ent. i % (PRESDYTERIAN.) REV. W. COOPER, B.A., Pastor. , Sabbath Services, 10.30 nd 7.00. Week Evonin 5 Service, Thursday 7.30. Nig wa DR 2) UHURCH OF THE ASCENSION. a brad l REV. ME. LOCK, M. A., Incumbent. JOHN ROLPH. hd Sunday--Matins, 10.30 a.m. Fvensong, 7 p.m. Sunday | Port Perry, Dec. 1, 1892. Agricultural Machmes 'Wednesday -- Evensong, 7.30 p.m. ------ AND -- 145, Sofa 146, Toilet 147, Toilet Set, 148, Whisk Holder 149, Silk Embroidery 150, Set Table Mats - 151, Table Doyles 4 152, Pillow Shams ~ 1563, Tea Cosy 1564, Table Cloth, 155, Fancy Lamp Shade. 166, Fancy Tidy 157, Outline Work on 158, Outline Work on 159, Orazy Patch Wark 160, Guipure Work.. 161, Drawn Thread Work 162, Darning or Netting 163, Tatting y 164, Five O'clock, Tea 165, Embroidered Oentre ing Table 166, Berlin Wool Work 167, Enbroidery on W repairs R. 0. CHURCH, REV --. RICHARDSON. Third Sunday at 10 30 8. m, Soi by All Newsdealers Vi PLEM C NTS ; : ee AT ee Piano iC SUNDERLAND ri1HE undersigned keeps on hand and for I sales the following Agricultural Mach PORT P; PRY 0 I and In'plements manufactured by the tL . | DESI IAgRZIne EARTILY thanking tho public for the Furnishes Monthly to all lovers of PATER BAMILTON Wh il. iber: tronage received during th liberal patronage i Song and Music a vast vol of New, OF PETERRORO: Central Livery been made or manufactured Crass M-- (Director in 184, Painting PEL 85, 186, 187, Orayon Dra 188, Monochromatic i many years I have ke 3 Paint Las em with 4 oi £14 Port Perry, 4s much pleasure in Choice Copyright Compositions by Binders, Reapers, Crown Mower, Daisy 170. nich Pain ay» » announcing that I have removed the most popular authors. Soeders Tiger Huy Rake, Ivo Farrow 70, ne ni g with Wool. ,...... Pied > ow, Three Furrow sang, Combina. 171, Orochet Work with MY II y ERY ! bE Pages of Plano Jusic tion Prous, Champion Plows, Eo i iy roche Work with to my former place of business Half Vocal, Half Instrumental Roller, Stoel Frame Spring Tooth 174, Oolleetion of Crochet Ins. . i! $0 50 $0 25 WwW a t er S sf ree : el tomplete Pieces for Plano ; Cultivator, Binder Trucks, de, 175, Patch Quilt any M Pattern 50 25 also the following, the munufacture of 176, Log Onbin Quilt b which Tam about to. largely extend in. Odce a Moni fof 25 Cents. 177, Knit Quilt trense facilities so that the public may be Yearly Subscription, $200. | JOHN ABEL, Toronto. Eon % better. accommodated with safe and desir- If bought in any music store at A $n 178, Pieced Quilt ble one-half off, would cost $5.26, High class Threshing = ontfits, Tractiow 179. Berlin Wool Work wy 2 saving of $5.00 monthly. Engines and Machines, Victor Clover 180. Climir Scarf ' RIGS AT MODERATE CHARGES In one year you get nearly 800 Pages of Huller, Portable Triumph Engine. bods air en R. VANSICKLER Music, comprising 252 Complete Pieces | Tam prepared to gupnly cverything the 181, Baby's Dress . * for the Piano. farmer requires in way of Machines, Imple: 182, Handkerchief Sa Port Perry, June 21, 1900. If you will send us the Name and Address of | 11S, Repairs, &e. et 183, Collection of House -_ | FIVE Pimms ad Organ Players, we will send i A oil Solicited, One door West of "ih ibit i ' you a copy e Magazine e. McDonald's Hotel. & EZ Every Exhibit in North Ontario Observer J. W. PEPPER, Publisher, R. K. BRYANT. ul Eighth a Locust Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. Sunderland, April 8, 1803. 4 Weekly DPolilical, Agricultural and Family Newspaper . ° * Fo EALED TENDERS will be received by'the undersigned for the purchase of all or any of the = Parcels-- Farm Properties. - belong: ing to Mr. John Adams, advertise to be sold by auction on the 231 * FORTY TARE AVERY 'THURSDAY MORNING ' ny H. PARSONS TERMS. - §1 per annum, if will be charged. No 50 25 Kalsomining, &c alsomining, &c rIYHE undersized would take this oppor tunity of thanking bis pumerous pat rons for their lier and still increasing patronage during the time be has carried on TIALS. $1200 in prizes (equal « The Pearl of Burnhe«d" this Fair--the exhibitors The Shirley shares) to the Foals placed upon 1 if not K1.50 ken for les r discontinned MN th i jonths ; i being members of the ncirs are paid up. HE nsiness of November, and withdrawn at the ! > sale. #5 LETTERS containine money, when addressed to this Oitice, prepaid and re, tered wil Le at onr risk PAINTING Mr. William (owner of "Puritnu") J. A. MCGILLIVRAY, 1° rt Ee sae simay Sion. Foto mVERETISENBNTS pe, 1 Non | oan, and, woud wate sat hoe) REE UIE Toomer 8 be owned by residents wright, and pot less than ADVER#ISEMENTS received for publication. wit) etter preparef iri Se 9. exeouta' 4 J 2 five the get of one to be exhibited at this QL pene ry Ton arid Painti innit und D N ort erry: if Exhibition, oem will bo Taken ow until had for. ainting, Kalsomining and Paper Hanging | Nov. 30, 1899: A LIBERAL discount aliowed tor Jeliiztend othér Parties entrusting their work to me may who advertise by the year or half se MONEY TO LOAN. We have funds from private parties'for investment on' mortgage a 4f PEK CENT. and those who wih to renew old mortgages, buy more land or build, may rely on haviug it neatly and promptly exe cuted, My charges are moderate. 1 am also prepared to supply Paints, &¢,, when contracting. THESE terms will in all cases be strictly adhered to SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS 5 N.-THE-RING. _ | obtain money from us witliont any delay, (and L SP. : o JOB DEPARTMENT. A continuance of public patronage soli avietiy) ore ome Comacs wits, Watt to. uy, To No. 1.--Open to all in harness ; four times mphlet Hand Biils, Posters, cited, froved (Te also thie who would ee o youl: round said to be a mile ; best 3 in Programa, Dodger, Bill Heads, heck WM. TREMEER. | perties for sale, commercial, mechanical, or business of 5; not four to enter and three to : : : : Port Perry, Mar. 23, 1593, ee Be a Anan 3 $ i Lotter leads, Wedding Invitations, and Li ¢ , anda gel h ding J a brok business start, nd $10 ; 3rd $5. o go dee i LUND & CO., by residents. of the Blank Forms, Receip Books, Business Card 28 Victoria Street, TORONTO, Books, Circulars, Assembly Cards, No. 2.--Open to T right only, that have not first day of September, 1902, JOHN NOTT, UNDERTAKER, The Portraits of our Presidents Visiting Cards, &o,, previous of every style and color won a trotting race, heing the Cxeoutod pr. matly and Wi i ce TA wily ai : ith Biographical Sketches Lg bona y of the exhibitor. Style, othe} establishment ia a aay g Pe ¥ speed to be considered, Three the County... 6» Ir rs G al Oharles H. Gr tinies track ; best 2 in 3 ; not less ...Parties from a distance getting hand bills, & Ch RII eng os: B. Grosveners bi IS arr. 1a 810: pried can hive them printed Lo take howe with them MEnBER 0F CONGRESS FOR NEARLY 20 YEARS . ; ' ARRON Rie Contains twenty tour large Phot Etch : 90d £6 H. PARSONS. tri th pining dort by he nics and nest eT G EO GA R D N E R relatives of the Presidents. Printed on heavy pla . and lest looking Turnout, , Carriage, occupant or occu- No. 3.--Open to em LA very large book ; title e de by Tiffany Biographical sketches ae in DESIRABLE PROPERTY SHR] i 4 i in two colors The greatest w pants ter, Hurness and General - h ISHES to infokm the public of Porc open type fy Shon ILO Eb k Outfit. tarred) 1st $5; 2nd §3. IN PORT PERRY WV "erry aud surrounding country, sha ofthe Sah.Certun So bouutiith its des one after four years experience in prosecntin, | agent selling 600 copies in a small territory iy: Pen- his business in somé of tlie largest cities of mayivanioy A million copies wilf be sold yriek: Tok: < 9 i % rapa unes w rear, the United States, he is better prepared Dy his ie Sah lms than eyer to execute any of the following | jittic fortune in this territory. Territory is goin twanches of his trade :--Stone Masonry, | rapidly. Presses running day. and night to Fi Bricklaying in all its branches ; Plain and ois. . LES...0% in any of the contests, , 5 per cent. additional to winners in No 1. 1to arred in Class A FOR SALH]I rVHE undersigned: offers for sale at a bargain his fine property on Lorne Street, Port Perry, cousisting of a commo- 1. Only Entrance 5 per be retained out of -- State Manager to look after correspond- : dious Dwelling House, containing six {Ornamental Plastering. Also Artificial} eco and agen < as Single : ball and AWRIE sor a br nd stan Stone Walks, that will remain permanént | Address to-day THE CONTINENTAL PRESS, 3. n cellar under 'the main part and foundation | And will endure aly Weather, Canerete i LE D.C judging. wny horse or ander the kitchen, ull in a good state of Fain a ea Hoe Gi js i 3 eure three lots which" have | 36vuction to dec ve out. seting repairs; There are three Jots hich hase in need of' of the ahove, come to me and been converted into a splendid Garden, in _ | obtain All materisl required in to and after in { There are the premises a good bricked Well and Cistern and conyenieut Stable, 7 Lots 108, 109, 110 on Ella Street--all ready for erop. 2 : For particulars apply to GEO. GARDNER, : ero Port Perry, Jan. 3; 1804. In and the V ANTED -- TRUSTWORTHY AND active gentlemen or ladics to tarvel farming enerous for reaponsble, established house in Ontario t hotel % | Monthly $65.00. und expenses. Tosition e hote RAY i have more I mR 1 for enter- A P 44 prot, Y Clileigo, * LE, taining the the past; + ug ¥ otel House, in HOTA 3 will in 'the

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