ng had the comodious Store in the Currie Block fitted {ip 'espec- dally, Tam satisfied T have now one of the best appointed Drug Stores in the Province, and have taken possession of ny new and extensive premises, where I have opened up, in|_ addition to ty extensive stock of Drugs, Chemicals, and Fancy Goods, a fill line of SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES. ~ While retutning thahks to my numerous patrons I would extend Commencing with Saturday F | February, ps Rimi Sal pie oe Ba y ly Casa Buyers. 3 Ra Pie 2% £7 Watch this space every v Wislies to inform the public getie Ry SRE. has added another Branch se his 1 extensive business, 3 st services of a FIRST-CLASS TORONTO BAKER and will be prepared 10 cater to the wants y that alr I have sectired 2 for the I: rge amount of | Morris Chairs, Oak. ........ ivs.....regular price $5 0) for $ 3 75 bestowed on them Morris Chairs, Oak or Mahogany ........ © 7 sofor 5 50 Fy RL Extension Tables, 5 legs. ...ccoaeannnnn 7 oo for Past Year Extension Tables, 3, Jers, round new style - g so for ig W an invitation to all to call and see me in my new premises. Choice, Fresh, and Che A. J. DAVIS, Dining Chairs, n Oak finish ....... o 65 for § " & 4 42 EEN o yo for ; ! o 8s for o go lor 1 oo for, lv for the Cliristmas and Perry, Sept 2} 1900. y Trade, which exceeded| wu : - - 'expectations, and we trust alif ow Ww w e satisfied with their bargains. | Canned Tomatoes Canned Corn Dried Peaches, Prunes, " EEE - wk Canned Peas | We would now say to ove and all| ive You just as in each VasieNia any .quivaleat in Farm Pro- uce. x Wishing you all a Happy New Yea "1 7.0 FORMAN &.SON. MaRRiAGE License OFFICE, i Port Perry. Ta ary 7, 1902. Nursery Stock #----=FOR ~---- * SPRING 1902. I am handling a full line of American Nursery Stock. I can supply you with almost anything that grows. Our Apple Trees are XX Budded Stock 2 years old, 4 year old roots, 510 7 feet high, § to one inch in diameter, tlean, nice, straight trees with the best of Roots. If you do nat know the difference between DuppeD Brock and QGrarrep Stock order those for once and be convinced. They are the best trees grown Money cannot buy any better 1 ave a numbet of New Varieties that have been tested that are réally valuable-- quality counts. Plant the best. See me for prices. 1 . have here a large stack of 'Straw- ry Plants, Some 15 or 20 varie "fies, leading Kinds. Red and Black Raspberries. Norway Spruce, 12 to 15 inches, imported from Eng: land last Spring. C. C. KELLETT, Port Perry, Ont. Box 127, Sittings of the Division Courts COUNTY OF ONTARIO. 1902. 1. WHITBY--Clerk, Th. C. M: Whitty --Jano- ary 8, Frhroary 4, March 4, hol Mays June 3, FHT 4 Seprosber October 6, November 4, Deo- WA Clerk, D. O. M fm A Ey 3 Seema al br rambo in Dee. A Holy GHAM--Clerk. M: Gloison, Greenwdod--Janc- So re 6, Alay 9, Jy 8, September 8, Nov. 4 PORT PERRY-Clerk, J W. Burnham, Port Perry ri He March 7, May 13, July 9, September « UEBRDGE Pe 5, Sv, RS 3, November 31. 5. OANNIN Clerk, Géo, Smith, Cannington -- EN a a May 3, July 10, September 25, November 20. pp Gd BT 'ember : OYE Clerk, Thos. P. Hart, U; x Ur nh Ia, May 57, prambor 15 NoveMbor IB. \ Clerk of the Peace. Dated at Whitby, Nov. 8rd, 1001 TO CONSUMPTIVES. The undersigned having been restored to health by a simple menus, after suffering for several years with a very severe lung ion, aud that dread disease Consump- tion, is anxious to make known to his fel- Jow sufferers the means of cure. To those desire it, he will send (free of churge) y of the prescription used. which they. Fhe Fabric Out of Which This Feath- ery Whiteness Is Ball, Commonly hoarfrost is described as pelng frozen moisture, but this is not an adequate description of an agent that has the power of adorning in a sew hours such prosaic objects us gate vings of fairyland. Moisture is ind ery whiteness is built up; but, although it deems sometimes as if it is disturbed in a very capricious manner, there are nevertheless certain definite circum- stances which cause the hoarfrost ta settle down on some surfaces rather than others. On any cold and frosty morning it will usually be found that those surfaces that are the best radi- ators of heat are also those that are the most successful in collecting hoar- frost. It is not always realized, how- ever, that all objects are continually radiating heat, so that, no matter how much they may recelve from the sun, they are constantly trying to get rid of it. A fern leaf or a stone may perhaps teceive generous supplies of heat dur- ing the day, but as soon as night comes it hurries to spend or radiate it, and the object that is quickest at this work will soon become covered in hoarfrost. Every one has observed how the mols- ture from the air will settle on the out- side of a glass of cold water brought suddenly into a warm room. A sim- {lar process takes place in the open air, so that as the currents of moist air travel across surfaces that are very cold they pay tribute in drops of va- por, which in warm weather take the form of dew and in cold of hoarfrost. Moisture therefore plays a very impor- fant part in the development of these hoarfrost pictures. But there must not flelicate designs occur during thé prev alence Of mist and haze, and in towns especially it is no uncommon thing for a choking brumous fos to be in some degree compensated for by a Subse. quent display of coplous hoarfrost.--- Knowledge. HOUSEHOLD HINTS: Kid gloves will not mold if you pack them-away carefully in a dry place. The appearance of a grate may be linproved by rubbing it over with a plece of old velvet after it has been polished in the usual way. 'Metal teapots should have a lump of sugar put inside them before they are put away, otherwise they are apt to re main damp and acquire a musty flaver. Loops for hanging up garments are continually breaking. A serviceable loop is made by cutting a strip of kid from an old glove, rolling in it a plece of coarse string and sewing the edges of the kid neatly together. Gilt frames may be revived by beat« ing up the whites of eggs with an ounce of soda and then, after blowing the dust from the frames with the bel. ows, rubbing them over with a soft brush dipped in the mixture. fowing as the best means of cleaning: Wash the glass thoroughly with warm soapsuds and cover with sawdust. As goon as the satwdust is dry brush the article very carefully with a soft brush, reaching all the crevices. It will come out as clear and sparkling as a bubble fresh from the pipe. eset Abbreviations In Letters: Emerson said that "in a letter any expressions may be abbreviated rather than those of respect and kindness Never write 'Yours aff'ly.'" But, be Sy posts and dustbins with all the trap- | «he fabric out of which all thig feath- | .be too much of it. Some of the most, Experts in cut glass advocate the fol- | | with all respect, this of ima day. ag rn a : ! rons Ourtosity. Laura--Yes, you seb she told him her father bad lost all his wealth just to test his love for her. Ada--And then? Laura--Well, she Will know better next time. On the Right Road. The Parson--What do you suppose will become of you when you grow up if you never go to Sunday school? The Kid--Don't yer worry 'bout the, boss. In golng ter be a politiclil.~ Life, "One Foot in the Grave"-Ii the thousands of people who rush to so worthy a remedy as South American Ner- vine as a lust resort would get it as a first resort, how much misery and suffering would be spared. If you have any nerve | disorder you needn't suffer a minute longér. A thousand testimonies to prove it.--36 Sold by A. J. Davis. Lion and Eagle. An English paper notes it as a curl ' ous fact that although the eagle is the national bird of the United States an therefore deserving of peculiar honor, yet, in point of fact, the bird is nearly always ruthlessly killed when the op portunity offers. . This statement seems to be impress- ive until it is remembered that when- ever they have a chance Englishmen ruthlessly kill the lon, which sym- bolizes the greatness and power of the British empire. Thé Period of Danger. During the recent trial of a suit to collect a medical fee a witness was put on the &tand to prove the correctness of the physician's bill, The man was asked by counsel for the defense whether the doctor did not muke several visits aftef the patient was out of danger. "Ne," was the reply. "I considered the patient in danger so long as thé doctor continued his visits." Whiting. : All whitings are made from chalk: The more common preparations some- times contain considerable gritty mat-~ ter, which scratches highly polished surfaces. These coarse particles may be removed in this manner: Mix thé whiting with water to a paste and then add water until it 18 very thin. Strain through cheesecloth and let the strain. od mixture settle. Pour off the water and dry the whiting. Double His Salary. Towne--1 see there's a new teller at the bank. 1 suppose Smugley was fired. Browne--Not exactly. They're offer- ing double his old salafy to get him back. Towne--Ah! Resigned, eh? Browne -- Not exactly that, either! They're offering $5,000 reward for him. Strong words by a New York Specialist. -- After years of testing and comparison I have no hesitation in saying that Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart is the quickest, safest, and surest known to medi cal science. 1 use it in my own practice It relieves the most acute forms of heart silent inside of thirty minutes and never fails." --35 Running Sores, the ontcome of neglect, or bad blood, have a never-failing balm in Dr. Agnew's Ointment. 'Will heal the tost stubborn cases. Soothesirritation "almost instantly after first application. it relieves all itching and burning skin diseases 1gures piles in 3 10 5 nights. 33 3 an. wi Add COMPANY, GUELPH, MISS HARRISON | Dress and Mantle Maker ISHES to inform the ladies that her Rooms at present are up-stairs in the Blong Block where she is prepared to execute all orders in Dress and Mantle Making in a manner unsurpassed for Correctness of Stylé and Charming Effect. piece of Figs, Dates, &e., E57 Crockery ar Cost od 4 Y=" Wanted--Blitter an Bogs for which the highest Cash price will be paid. t PF. SMITH General Carijer Takes pleasure in returning hanks to the public for the 'esteem pat ronage bestowed on him sinc com: mencing the business of Carting and would state that he i fully equipped to do CARTING 4S IT SHOULD BE at the very shortest notice ind at prices that cannot fail to plete the public. Carting to and fron the Railway Depot a Specialty: Residence--Brick House, oppo: site the Methodist Parsonage. F. SMITH: Port Perry, Aug. 1901. All Kinds of Gram, | W. TUMMOADS.| CHOICE FARM FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS. rP HE undersignd offers for sale that fine faru containing 100 acrzs more or less heing the West half of lot 3, concession 7, Pawuship of Sengog. On the premises are a good trume dwelling house containing weven rooms, frame baru with stone founda: tion--goo stabling, This fine property 'is situated only 23 niles from Port Periy-- good roads. For particulars apply to the proprietor. WW. L. MARSHALL Porr PERRY. July 24, 1901, House and Lot | for Sale or to Rent. MIE The undersigned offers for Sale or to Rent that fine property sithats ed and Rosa Street, Port Perry, lately occupied by Mr. Henry Me- Ketizie. This 1s a desirable property and should find a ready purchaser. For particulars as to price, ternis of payment, &c, apply to, - J. H. BROWN: Port Perry, Oct. 22, 1901. PORT PERRY Violin, V oice Production and Singing. Thorough Training Guaranteed. E7-CLASSES NOW OPEN.%3 For terms and particulars apply to ! Care of W. H. McCaw, : Jeweler, Port Perry. | School of Music} PROF. V. A. WANDLER. ling and LLIAURNND ~--=IN KIL ITS DEPARTHENTS ng increased the dimensions of my premises, I have purchased and opened out an Extensive Stock of en and Boys which for quality and low prices cannot be equaled in istrict. Ave the largest dnd rhost veried Stock of BOOTS ano SHOES ever 4d in this locality for your ihspection, and the prices are such as can il to ploase. and see us in our enlarged quarters. My aim shall be to please 'customers in every particulr. A. F. CARNEGIE. EM OVALesseose We Moved onr business to the South side of Queen Street and now occopy the extensive premised just vacated by Mr. B. F. Ackkrman, where we will be better prepared than ever to supply our customers and the public with everything in the wd WHICH EAPNESS, STYLE Ro es, Blankets, Bells, Trunks | [ annot be surpassed in the County. | Le. n abundance, Odmparison of Prices Courted 1 BEATTY & BONGARD. Port Perry FOR. CL ESTABLISHED 1847. Furniture Sale hdersigned having on hand a fice Stock jof Furniture including some Prize Parlor Sets, Dining and Bed roofn Sets, all of which will be sold Cheap for Cash of approved Ctedit during the Holiday season! B2¥ Give me a call, y Undertaking Department eyery branch is complete--such as s, Coffins; Robes, &c. et ) 3 Having purchased my Funeral Goods g the advance in price I am prepared to give my customers the I furnish one of the best Hearses in the County. Prices low as li |My motto is--fair dealing to all. Bod taken in exchange. 11 $=" [ AM AGENT For MONUMENTS. JOHN INoOT'T Warerooms--one door west of the St. Charles Hotel. > Oct. 23, 1901 f hen tf Cok, foe and 187 Beg to say that althovgh being Eh A rh Be Snir an driven out of their former place of business by fire, they are determin- led that the public shall not'suffer for an ample supply of CHOICE, FRESH MEATS and in order to meet the require- ments, have erected a suitable shop Just EAST or MK. F. CARNEGIE'S where will be kept cannot fail to please, of Meats of the very best 'and cut in dimensions to ple st fastid H ntial to Success. my hands for sale. . ience is Invariably ARMS FOR SA call special attention of parties requiring Farms to : properties now listed and for Sale: ; in Scugog. in Reach ING had considerable experience in negotiating les of some of the largest transactions in Real Estate strict, and in every instance giving perfect satis. all concerned, I have concluded to {devote my 'attention to disposing of all Real Estate that may be desirous of dis sing of lapded properties their own interests sfaction guaranteed. ere. y placing tiem with me for nmission of Real Estate security borrowers, at unusually lo erate prices. wagon! Port Perry, Dec. 15, 1901. the people in all the different lines of the tr Piirties wishing to try our Home- &'e., &e., will please call at the stoy L. H. Hicks who will have chirge of thé LADIE ~D@owhile ouraGu@v G be known that there wi our own product. creations. with orders. ROLLER oterhauled the enti approved and most sutisfaction to my customers TRADE | The undersigned takes thi thanks for the lar him stnce commencii llinery eations Aré of Elegant Désign, of the Latest Style; \ and made of the Richest Stuffs, we desire it to II be no fancy prices-- \ WE SELL AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE FIGURE We have on show a splendid lot of Hats for the Fall and Winter Season and nearly all are The autumnal tints are shown strikingly in a number of the newest EF Our Dressmaking Department is crammed IT. & J. STOUFFER. Carnegie's MILLS IN FULL BLAST! SARE RD WANT NNN s opportunity of returning his sincere ge measure of patronage bestowed on ng business in Port Perry, and would beg td étate that having, at a large expenditure, thoroughly 3 re Mill and introduced the best, mod modern machinery including the ROLLER PROCESS & tor the mamiifticture of Flour, and is prepared to do Gristing and Choppingi#- Expedifiously and in a manner that cannot fail to give Suppliéd with Flour of the FINEST BRANDS Buran ifn Port Perry, THE PLANING FACTORY in full operation and can supply all kinds of Dressed Lumber, also Lumber, Joists, Scantling, Boards, Pick" ets, Shingles, Posts Doors, ouldings, £7 BILL LUMBER A SPECIALTY. ; Ta All kinds of TURNING and SOROLL SAWING doné 6h short notice, JAMES CARNEGIE Gold Filled Cases in great variety, We are prepared tc give SPECIAL BARGAINS in SILVER WAT - some as 3 Dollar, nicely Enameled and Set I Sod ae Prices to suit you all right. WEDDING AND ENGAGE! ET RT Sage SATS