Aa Subaltern' s Outfit. The cost of a x subaltern's outfit appears exorbitant. figure is £ 50, the highest close pon The last named sum is re ; d| quired to cloth a youth who enters hel Ottawa fine 4 Statistics got at ithe Experimental Farm show that month 'was not by any feeling in support of promoting likely young fellows from the ranks, $ g Take the cost ne the com missioned rabks of the Royal Artil lery. There are cheaper regiments, are many dearer ones The cost of the subaltern's outfit is * and, therefore, the sub- joined detailed account which the young officer or his parents would have to pay may be taken as repre n 3 'The month of June Bas started with a fall of three-quarters young prematurely old | in this way. Sad be- 4 cause it's all unneces- [ 4 4 sary; for gray hair 'may always be re- ¢[ wasin a Bank dowhi other day when a newsbo {and sold the banker a pape he had gone out the banke | me :--'For two years now hat' "has been coming in here at th HG HUTCHESON, Port Perry, June 2, 1807. 2100000 (British Capital) To lend at 4, 4% and § par cost on good Mortgage security. DAVID J. ADAMS Banker and Broker, Pert Perry, Ont. MONEY TO LOAN. HE Subscriber js prepared to LEND ANY AMOUNT on Farm Seeurity AT 5 PER! CENT. 43 Also on Village Property. £2 MORTGAGES BOUGHT. ® HUBERT L. EBBELS, London, June 5.--The dction of the Canadian Governmeut dering the services of another cav- alry regiment in South Africa is 'greatly appreciated by the home Notwithstanding the rather serious reverses of the past week there is nothing in Capital Pid op) Rest ESTABLISHED 1867. BUSINESS WITH FARMERS In addition to handling Commercial Paper, this Bank wakes a specisl business of Loans to Farmers, and the discount- ing of Farmers' Sales does not come before 2 noria "but at 2 precisely. I | paper every week day in tliat way {when 1 have been here, wi {abreuk. He sells it just for one He neitler 'asks more nor seems to expect more. NEWSHOY WHO HAS A FUWRE. «¢It is a cold commercialtransac. Now, a boy that wil} attend [to business in that way has jot stuff He docs not know} it yet, i but Ys am going to put hinjin = my { bank, and you will sce that -| trousers, gold striped, tion in South Africa to cause alarm |mess jacket, £8 18s; 1 mess vest, and it is stated in colonial circles £2 158; that the answer of Mr. Chamberlain let stripes, £4 10s; 1 blue "jumper," to Canada's offer the present the British Government does not consider it necessary accept the services 2 pairs trousers, with scar Careful and prompt attention is also 'given to the sollecting of | of Notes, ete. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Special Attention Is Directed to the Following Advantages offered by our Savings Bank: Deposits of One Dollar and upwards received and iutercst allowed at current Ga; 1 pair serge trousers, £1 108.; For over « half a cen- 4 tury this has been the standard hair prepara- It Is an elegant to ren helmet, £2 10s.; of 'any more |cap, £1 7s 6d.; belt and pouch for levees, £3; 1 full belt, with slings, £3 ; 1 gold sword knot, 1 gold laced shoulder q ing of t e hair; makes the "hair grow ; cleanses the scalp Mr. J. W. Bailey, manager of J J. Hatley's North Bay butcher shop | undress shoulder belt, with pouch, met with a fatal accident. leading to pasture, a young broncho, purchased from a taking a carload He wes sword with belt, 3 158 6d.; of leggings, 1 pair white gloves s, and '| 2 pairs of brown g He was £r7s6d; 1 white sword belt, slings, £2 §s.; undress saber-tasche with slings, £1 165 1 undress sword Interest is added to the deposit Twice! in each Fear, at the end of May and $1.00 a bottle. A drosgets "Another thing, boys an The Depositor is enhject to no delay "1 have been using Ayer's Hair whatever in the withdrawal of the whole or any portion of the depasit, No Charge is made on withdrawing or ! business who starts with amagtial school education at get a start that the boy A i goes through college will never catch up eat hate 6.0% in existence. leading the beast by a long which he had fastened bya loop|; "ypiform case, £1 185; 3 pairs of If you do not obtain all the benefits . i ou xpocted from' the Vigor, write lighting his | boots, i total £76 11s 6d. -- the | London Express. Port Perry Branch G. M. GIBBS, Manager. Something frightened i hat does not apply to pro of course, only to business. forty men I know who ar leaders in the business. wor two are college graduates." R. D. ARCHER, M.D.C.M. Victoria theyatch, and it ran A ity : M 1. Toronto University, jerk pulled Mr. Bailey over lieavily he College of Physicians and .Out,; Licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons, Kiligburg: Licentiate of the loval College of Physiciios, Edin. Burg; Member of tive Faculty of Physictans Office next to Ontario Bank, Port Posty, May 10, 1885 J. A. URE. AY, How He Rose to the Top. I'he Sunday School and tion of St. John's/Church, Blackstock, will have an excursion per steamer Graudslla, on Friday, June 21, to The steamer will and "rest ip THE Wagon 4 wer Bvery arrangement will be made for the comfort of' E ionists. All are invited. Tickets ; Children 25c, for round Committee of Arrange- causing concussion of the brain, om which he never recovered con- He was $. dragged three New Yorks, Tune 3.-- Charles. dS Soc cokpbritio.i in an ad opi dress to the graduating class of thé g St. Georges Evenihe® Frade School {Rooms over iad TS, Ping Stord] "UPORT PERRY! "i Davis' Furie Ta Office hoanrs--9 to 11 a. aud 2t0 5 pm., and evenings. 1 have taken ax partner, my brother, Dr the animal pulled a in the middle | of a herd of cattle. Sunday, when he passed away. the so'diers "who fought Crown and 'Bridee Wark successfully Alpen and the veterango Building, declared college education usually cap to one who would He held the boy who got lege of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont. Port Perry, Jane 9, 1897. Fillings of Goll, Silver or Cement townships are opened for lesk extraction when required: ers to choose from Wilkinson,of Sonya, near Port Perry who was paying a short visit to her brother, Mr. D. M. thrown from a carriage by a balking horse on Tuesday, and hada narrow escape from being trampled to.death she was badly bruised, and had two ribs broken. 8% 1 vices to suit the timesws are as follows :-- Ww i SHHSTER DENTAL SURGEON. fice over the Post (fice, Office Hours--9 to 12 a.m. Also open Saturday e venings. an early start the one more certain . 'ScHooL ANNIVERYARY.-- I'he Anniversary of the Methodist Sunday School at Caesarea will be | rubbing, and his bridle came off. held on Sunday and Monday June Fully 200 persons bad watched this, On Sunday Rev. F. H. Howard will preach at 10.30 a.m., and Rev. E. E. Howard at 6.30 p.m. llecti Service for DR. E. L. FROCTER Bricke, Cal lwell, Casi} Hudzon, Hugel, | Kirk. ir Loudon, \ Kim, Ratter, Springen Wid: phesdeen Baldwin, Balf Chairman Frank E Toronto. with Honor Certificate, introduced Mz. Schwab Fellow of Trinity Medical College, Toronto. Mew. of Col. of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont., te of University of State of New Yerk. ed victories in the struggle of life and therefore was well qualified to give boys advice founded on practica |! son was also thrown out ride and'. Crown commencing at 3 p.i., a programme | gpg talked to them and when they to christen British battleships in of Music, Recitation, Dialogues and | ware through drove off whistling. ture with colonial wine. = Heretofo the | wralk about the laboring man drop- | foreign brands have been used. H. T. Lewis, B. A ind resident Mintsters will deliver | noon whistle" said one man--"that | Tea served | beats anything 1 ever saw. No one! Church | hereafter need try to convince me of | - (Head) Choir | the intelligence of the horse. That lce will supply Choice Music both Sab- bath and Monday. and Entertainment, 25 cts. ; not members of the School, 15 cts. A cordial invitation James VINCENT, Sec'y. Hallam, rien Joiaaem Kirk. +I will speak to you," wood, Korah, Lefroy, Ma; Merritt, Schwab, "just as if you to my office asking for advice, GSTER, Physician, Sor geon and Ao onchenr, and Dr. W. A 'Sangster, Dentist, may on and after 1o-day, be found in their new Surgical and Dental Offices over the Post Office, where they will be found as heretofore, prepared to attend to their respective professions in all their Dr FD. McGrattan Ontario 18 no Loser: It is easy for Hon. J. R. Stratton to talk about the money that has come out of the provincial treasury ,|to hospitals and other charities in the city of Toronto. Why does not Mr. Stratton men- tion the money that has gone into the Ontario treasury from the inheri- tance tax on Toronto estates? The Ontario Government takes mare, from Toronto estates every year many times over than it gives mer tionary . \ppropriate Addresses. Salter, Shedden, Tarbutly ! LDS. of Royal College of Dental Surgeon, Dont, core with 8. of Toronto University. Cffice over MeGaw' s Jewelry Store, Office hours--8 a.m. t08.80 p.m. Port Perry, June 29, 1898. JOS. BAIRD ICENSED ACCTIORRAR for somebody's backing. Port Per: 8, 1807. ry Dec. Admission, Tea Darion, Gillies, Gorha DR. 5 J. MELLOW, Marks, Nests QO" Co PuysiciAs, SurceoN, &c. 5 Office and Residence, Queen 8t., Port Perry Office hours--8 to 10 a.m; 1'to3 p.m., somebody of influence it always will leave room for others 'to say that whatever 'position you may get you got by influence and not he cause of your individual merit. true success is built upon influence. You must win your positions for is extended to | bold fellow--not unlike his cousin, the | og After recelying his meney, wl earth, Brwrk. i Carpenter, Crozier, | Cur Dilke, Dobie, Lash, Moi --_-- €Z5~ When you put yout foot into | amusing proof of this. bouse and bought three crates of a Carnegie shoe, your shoe troubles| A youth whom I employed to carry | yageq, When they were di re ended. --A. F. CARNEGIE. the Onskrvir Office Manchester, Jun. 19, 1899, AUCTIONEER. HE vndersigied tiki tukes this opportunit of returniug thanks for the very liberal patrcnnge bie has received as Auctioneer in th The increased experience and 'extensive practice which 1 have bad. will be | iar me to ne ap Telephone in office and house, open night and day over the lines south, connected with tle residence of G. L. Robson, V.8. Port Perry, Nov. 15, 1894. They with any equanimity, for he had suf-| ,..5 was there and receiv wit hold their shape. They fairly bristle pudence when sent to the bush to | . Our Collars possess all | gather firewood. A. F.| On one occasion he lost bis dinner, a | bages? inquired the negro JUST WHY or. Pitcher' s Backache Jehen he was out gathering wood. As Shenstone, Woadyatt ton,-Van Horne, Zealan Stration conveniently ignores the fact that the city of Toronto pays _| $6,000 rent per annum for a park | which is mainly the site of the Par liament Buildings. MUST DO MORE. THAN HIS DUTY. «Then here is another thing that is essential--you must do what you are employéd todo 'a little better than anybody elte Hoes it Pembroke, June 5/--= real Conference yesterd: Rev. Dr Shaw presc | De WASP STINGS. rr People Who Have Died From the Ef- fects of Them. In an article on the stings of wasps © & a British medical journal cites the two The my following cases which have come un- struck wa 'der Its notice: A strong, healthy girl of at a hote 27 was stung on the neck by a wasp sat ont and fainted. On regaining conscious- ness she complained of a general feel- ing of numbness and partial blindness and vomited. She suffered severe ab- dominal 1 pain, 'She recovered in the Be a few Two months Ss ni 'and it's wea J Another case was that of a girl of 22 ot Way of satin H years, who was stung by a wasp be- ; bind the angle of the Jaw. The sting faye Ge, FUT 8 OF was at once extracted and ammonia... ture who happens to be k applied. In a few minutes she cOM- 5 gmiling on me like the fair plained of faintness and would have of freedom. She's a judge, so fallen if she had not been supported. passed right away as an Her face assumed an expression of Is it meat soup?' great anxiety, and a few minutes later Really, he was nearly as she was tossing on the bed ,complain- that, though of course I ing of a horrible feeling of choking call his exact words. I and of agonizing pain in the chest and Name was not Hoosie. Did abdomen. Brandy gave no relief. There like a 'Hoosier And then I was nausea, but no' vomiting. She YP AN he was reading | his ~ book between the spoonfuls, rapidly became insensible and died 15 Ty prefer the English style. They minutes after receiving the sting. The (ough you as if: you were a most probable explanation of such of hole walking about, and it is: cases seems to lie in what is known 88 much more restful. You haven't f{diosyncrasy--that is, abnormal sensi- keep on saying how beautiful tiveness In particular individuals to' scenery is. Even when they do certain toxic agents. It is well known to begin to realize that there that drugs vary much in action on dif- filmy something rubbing elbows wi ferent people. 'What is a safe dose for them at table every day they ji one is dangerously large for another. io the salt melt the ito.--Lon The inability of some people to eat + 8 strawberries or shellfish is another In- | - # stance of the same phenomenon. The 1 THE EARL. OF CADOGAN. active agent of bee stings Is generally Appointed to Retain Mis Fost as believed to be formic acid. It therefore | Lieutenant of Ireland. seems very desirable that we should | Farl Cadogan, Lord Lieutenant bave more accurate Information re: | yreland, whom the new Salish garding the action of this drug on dlf- Afinistry has decided to retain inh | ferent species of the lower animals present position, was appointed | and through them on man himself. | the place when the Conserval | went into power in 1895. The is 61 years old, and has been pro | | ment in British politics since he KNEW THE NOON HOUR. | ceeded to the title on the death A Pair of Horses That Stopped When his father in 1873. He has been P the Whistles Blew. lamentary Yade Seerctary of St A pair of intelligent horses attracted and for the +0l on » BN 3 the attention of a large crowd on Nas- Tus miaile Cbldf Secretary fos sau street at noon one day last week. curcd the Government' in 1886 They were attached to a heavily load- | was appointed Lord Privy 8 ed Ice wagon coming down the steep! without a seat in the Cabinet. grade between Cedar street and Mald- | the year of his accession to the e en lane and were holding back the' dom he married Beatrix, the dau wagon witli a noticeable effort. When er of the second ear! of Craven. they were half way down, the whistles wife of the Lord Licutenant her blew for 12 o'clock. Suddenly the tertainments in Dublin he horses drew in toward the curb and notable, and her social & begin to plant their bind feet well for. | most brilliant any The driver made no effort to chock them, and their bard work at once at- eer ses and then at the driver, who | _ About 25.000 robin redbressts had b 3 arin on Me fae. 8 par | SXPorted from England annually. ad a broad grin on his face. Hy | Liverpool, with 99 people to work the wagon was stopped. The | ,.ra jg the most crowded city driver sat still and watched his ank | England. mals. One of them Immediately be-| There are ten battalions in the gan rubbing Lis head against the neck | tish army that wear the old S of the other and with nods and pushes & kilta. succeeded in rubbing his bridle oft. | The national debt of the Un Then the other horse took his turn at | Kingdom is five per cent. of wealth. y \ Australia's first measured Wo § clip was 20,000 tons, in 1821 and when it was completed the driver has now risen to 2,700,000, x got down from hls seat and swung a The Columbian ice fields in bag of oats over the nose of each anl | ooo qi0 Rocky mountains cover mal. They stood there and ate thelf | greq of at least 110 square miles. | midday meal. The driver was patient | The first lord of the admiralty and proud of his team. He petted them said to have approved the pr The Rritish Empire. Within six years the New Zealand Government has bought back of | original settlers 824,167 acres ¢ land used for sheep runs, and 1,680 familes have fond homes on them. ping his shovel at the sound of the | wagon team settles It' ' bt Low A Feast. : sd 'An old darky who lives In the thicl Rozaich Raven, ets across the river came to AMemphi The raven of southern Europe 18 & | 10 gay to get his peusion check eo crow. Some notices of the bird, given | ;ounted to $11. the old ex-slave by an English traveler in Corsica, offer | (o.0q down Front street to a prod my camera could never look on ravens | pa wharf late that afternoon, the fered much from their thievish Im-| 4 one watering in antlelps of t good time ahead. "Whut yer gwine ter do wid dem loaf of bread wrapped In a napkin, al- | «10 delivered them. though he was working close to the "Fat 'em," was the quick spot where he had laid it and bad turn- | "T'ze bin free 40 years, and od his back for only a minute. | 1 py But the most unpardonable insult he ' had ever received bappened on a day | i be was stooping down to bind a bun- iri i Becanse itis wotlk experiment; not » "cures all," but a modern, up-to-date formula, thorough | with straw and serving for a nest. ly tried and tested on many hundreds of cases in private practice, hospital and outdoor A Chiropodist's Advice. : Ee no matter what the| Legislature had done or left undone. The province has been enriched by unearned increament on its property to | in a city where it would otherwise have had no property. The isola {ion of the provincial capital in a rs R. C. Smith, K R. Oughtred, B. C. L., rec ed that all parties should right and liberty ures They the solemnization of fi Uxbridge, Here Mr. Fe told: a story E het a which everybody deeded refer' : on being given to red mito ie Al A medicine that has kept pace with the times | fort |g much enhanced If all callous po gsypnosing the and the advancement of medical science. A 'places on the feet are made perfectly | medicine confined to a particular ran, bead and flew away with It to a lofty hen crag, from which she uttered Tory heaven in of triumph. nothing but a conti: The cap was subsequently seen lined | fpdjcating that the soes beyond the reacl such a multitude of | A ebiropodist advises that foot com. | Tart 4 SELES Ll exposed upon the ri ge. One | smooth, . This can be done easily and | records and looking out that does not promise more thax it can A backache, kidney, bladder tablet, nd lst the same yoieria todoy nt tomer using a fine pumice stone every morn: inione of millions of | This great kidney medicine is 8. hoon Ing after the bath. The pumice stone ' gio having its quota of & u "mall town would have struck 1 reds of thousands of dollars the list of provincial assets. -- ag 1 the people who successfully used Dr. hers 5 iduey Tablet that applied bave hardened or shown a tendency to Kidney Medici it the term : The Great EE result of disordered hey yl fx jun for a trifle so > itll] © Backache. the feet kept In excellent condition by | gq the heavens should, of course, be wet, and if rubbed daily over the points on the feet: sia | removed, too, a light rubbing daily | "Beg of the pisce where 1 14s heel Wl Hawkes, often prevent its return.