Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 11 Apr 1901, p. 1

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JOMMERCE| HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO, ONT. ih Frail Qapltal (Paid Up) - - - $8,000,000 Rest - ~~. = 2,000,000 ESTABLISHED 1867. "BUSINESS WITH FARMERS "In addition to handling Commercial Paper, this Bank makes a s ecial business * of Loans to Farmers, and the discount- ing of Farmers' Sales Notes at reasonable rates of iuterest. : Carefal and prompt attention is also 3 given to the collecting of Notes, ete. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, __ Bpecial Attention 1s Directed to "the Following Advantages 'offered by our Savings Bank Deposits of One Dollar and upwards eceived and interest allowed at current ( ratos. Interest is added to the deposit Twick 'each year, at the end of May and ovember. The Daepositor is subject ta no delay whatever in the withdrawal of the whole or any portion of the deposit. No Charge is made on withdrawing or depositing movey. Port Perry Branch '. G. M. GIBBS, Manager. "Deposits repeivad t th rates. Interest calculated each depositor semi-annually, H G. HUTCHES Port Perry, June 26, 1897. £100,000 STERLING (British Capital) To lend at 4, 4% and § por cent on good Mortgage security. Apply to DAVID J. ADAMS Banker and Broker, Port Perry, Ont, credited to ON, - ANAGER. April 22, 1897. MONEY TO LOAN. rPVHE Subscriber is prepared to LEND I ANY AMOUNT on Farm Security AT 6 PER OENT, #arAlso on Village Property, £5 MORTGAGES BOUGHT. WY R. D. ARCHER, M.D:C.M. Victoria University ; MB. Torouto University. r or the College of Physicians and : i Liceutiate of the Royal Pup he Rolu Hospital, Dublin, "for Women. Office and Residence, second door weat of Davis' Furniture Emporiam, Queen, Street, Office hours--9 to 11a, , and 20 5 p.m, and evehings. I have taken as partner, my brother, Dr 'R. Archer, M. D., C. M., Member of Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons, Out, Port Perry, June 9, 1897: DR. (E. L. PROCTER 3 (SUCCESSOR TO DR. CLEMENS ) M.D CM. of Trinity College University, Toronto, with Honor Certificate, Fellow of Trinity Medical College, Toronto. Mew. of Col. of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont., Licentiate of University of State of New York. Ofc and residence on Dr. Clemens' old site. Opposite Town Hall, PORT PERRY, NWOTICH. TR. J. H. SANGSTER, Physician, Sur vi geon and Accouchears and Dr. W. A, Sangster, Dentist, may on and after 10-day, found iu their new Surgical and Dental f over the Post Office, where they will be found as heretofore, prepared to attend to their respective professions in all their branches. Port Perry * Dec, 8, 1897. DR. 8. J. MELLOW, Puys1onax, Surarox, &o. Office and Residence, Queen St., Port Perry Office hours--8 to 10 a.m.; 1to3 p.m, and Evenings. Telephone in office and house, open night and Ie pebe ahs lines south, d with the residence of (. L. Robson, V.8. Port Perry, Noy. 15, 1894. DR. JONES HYSICIAN, Sureroy, &c., CORONER forthe County of Ontario. er Mr. Carncgie's Sto Burgery re, Queen: HUBERT L. EBBELS, Bariister. Office next $v Ontario Bank. Part Perry, May 10, 1885. me a We [Rooms aver Allis « Store] ¥ CU PORT PERRY. All branches of Dentistry, ineleding Crown and Bridge Wark successfully practiced. Artifical Teeth on Gold, Silver, Aluminum or Rublier Plates. Fillings of Gold, Silver or Cement, Painless extraction when required: &F Prices to suit the times® ort Perry, Feb, 1897. . A. SANGSTER, DENTAL SURGEON. Mice over the Post Office. em---------------------- 'without your blood { being impure and your nerves all exhausted. ! There's just one remedy 9 3 for you---- There's nothing new gbout it. Your grand- parents took it. "Twas an old Sarsaparilla before other sarsaparillas were known. It made the word "Sarsaparilla" famous over the whole world. There's no other sarsa- parilla like it. In age and power to cure it's " The feader of them all." $1.00 a botile. All druggists. Ayer's Pills cure constipation. « After suffering terribly I was indneed to try your Sarsaparilla, I took three bottles and now feel like o new man. I would advise all my fellow creatures to try this medicins for it has stood the test of timo an ita curative power cannot be ex- cel ig ho 4 nD, Jan, 30, 1809, y Va Write iho Dootor. If you have any complaint whatever and desire the best medical advice you can possibly receive, writs the doctor frouly, You will roceive a prompt re. without cost. Address, Dn. J.C, AYER, Lowell, Mass, TS EPS agers, EN A A A PGP © VY VV YL. Artie sein Bors ros! Ply, er ------------------ A MOUNTAIN LAKE. placid soul You softly soothed their sorrows and their fe Like sentinels the stolid mountains stand About you, dres't in garb of gorgeous green; At early dawh their mirrored shapes are seen In shimmering outline, painted by the sun, Upon your face, athwart the gleaming sand, Nor fade from view until the day is done. A fitting figure of eternal rest You typify the changeless fate of man When, having coursed mortality's Lrief span Adown the hills of Time, his life shall end, And all his doings, be they banned or blest, Forevermore, with other deeds, shall blend. --John A Foote in Rosary Magazine. BUSINESS OF THE SOAKER. An Expert In Pawnbroking 'Who Has His Regular Customers, Office Hours --9 to 12 a.m,, 2 to 6 p,m. Also open Saturday evenings. £2 Gold Fillings, Work a Specialty. £3 i Bridge and Crown Vitulised Afr. | Dr F D. McCGrattan (DENTIST) L.D.S. of Royal College of Dental Surgeons, also D.D.8. of Toronto University. (fice over McCaw's Jewelry Store. Office hours--8 a.m. to 8.30 p.m. Port Perry, June 29, 1898. JOS. BATRD ICEN ED AUCTIONEER for the County of Ontario. Sale Register at the Opskivir Office Patronage solicited. Manchester, Jan. 19, 1809. AUCTIONEER, Tus undersigned takes this opportunity of returning thanks for the very liberal patrcnuge hie hay received as Auctioneer in the past, The increused experience and extensive practice which I ave bad will he turned to advantage of patrons, and parties. favoring me with their sales may rely on eir iu being: fully protected. No mld i prof Brock, Uxbridge, Rama, Mariposa Sales te me ma; ation being given o 'GORDON, Sunderland. COHN N and Eye and ton Ave, Toronto, in six month. -- ces--Mr. and Mr. John | In the neighborhood where pawn- shops abound the soaker flourishes, The soaker acts as middleman between the pawnbroker and his customers. He explains his mission and accounts for his usefulness thus: "The people down here employ me," | "IT 8 EASIER - The negotiations for | of the Assets of the Bank of Columbia, by the Canadian of Commerce, an anrouncemen specting which was made son mouths ago, have been carried! to a successful conclusion, a tho: {rough examination of the affair of the Bank of British Columbia was made by the officials the Canadian Bank of Commerc and this proving entirely satisfa tory the amalgamation was finall vi completed on the 2nd of January! A statement of the affairs of the Canadian Bank of Commerce after the amalgamation has now bee issued, and discloses a very strong position. In point of Capital and Res servelBank now ranks fourth amon, banking institutions on the contin= éntof America It has 61hranches throughout Canada: United St: tes, namely at New York, San Francisco, Seattle, Portland (Ore.), Shagway (Alaska); and o in London England, 67 estab ments in all, The acquisiticn of t ie] the London office is an important step in the progress of .the Bank The Bank's transactions in sterling exchange in the United S ates] and. Cajada each ysar amounty to many milons of pounds, andj Russias Statement. St. Petersburg, April 5.--Th Official Mes-enger to-day publishes) a detailed review of the negotiation conducted by the allied powers withg the Chinese plenipotentiaries at Tientstin and Pekin, and of the ascgotiations: that ledto the prose tation of the French draft of peag uditio which sted makes awing state "While anticipating an early ment of the qnestions affe mutual relations between sowers 'and China, the Government, on its part ecessary to concern itself stablishment of a permanen { things in the Chinese dong the borders of 'wif Russian Asiatic possessiol or a distance of eight" they versts (5,300 miles). Tost rovisional written conditi modus vivendi were agreed rot between the Russian withorities and the Chin mors of three Manchurian: With "reference tothe juent institution of ak dministration, and after: onsideration of ali. th 8 said he, "not because they are asham- ed to be seen going into a pawnshop | themselves, but because 1 can get more | for the goods than they can. There's an art in pawning a coat or a ring, Just | the same as in everything else. "I've known people to go into a pawnshop with some old article to pawn and to look the proprietor over with a supercilious air, as if they con- sidered themselves so_far above him socially that he couldnt touch them with a 40 foot pole. Naturally, for sheer spite, the broker offers them only about half as much as they would get if they approached him properly. Hav- ing had a wide experience of my own, 1 know how to avoid such difficulties, I am not gervile, but 1 am polite and respectful, and as those two qualities touch the most generous chord in the broker's bosom I get all I want on the proffered chattels, x "As recompense for my services I charge my customers 10 per cent com- ! I baye regular ep whom 1 h er and over week after the other. On pay day they take their things out of soak. Three days later they put them in again, and the next pay day they take them out again. And so it goes, month after month. I canvass the houses just like a book agent or corn plaster peddler or insurance solicitor. hs " 'Anything to be pawned today? 1 kK. ~ "And if there is I take It around to some shop and ralse the necessary ugh and take It back and get my mission. Once In awhile I como b 'across somebody who abuses me and 'calls me a shark, but I'm nothing of | 'the sort. I'm earning a decent living at business." Pride. a 'great deal of | th tances, the Russian Gi rew up a draft of a spec ment with China providis sradual evacnation of M 1s well as for the adoptia visional measures to as in that territory and to pr recurence of events similai {last year, Unfortun the object of stirring pinion against Russi rumors were circulated in ress regarding the pi intentions of the Russi ment ~~ Falsified texts establishing a protecto Mauchura were quoted, eons reports were design: of an alleged agreement Russia and China. As fact this agreement was. basis for the restorati as contemplated by Government of the P lanchuria, which, i of the alarming even! was occupied by Russi In order that the requsite measures might be taken imperative that the questio be settled one way or the was impossible to lay doy with by meas of a mutual ment the condition of the tion Manchuria. According riews received, 'serious hind were Placed, in the way ol conclusion of such an agrcen and in consequence its acceptd by China, which was indi for the gradual evacuation province, proved impossible regards the eventual restor: the province to China, it i that such intention carried out when th fi 0 branches in thes "Ido not know of Dr. *| Kidoey Tablets and the great work they Igamatio (COMMERCE ets of the Bank y to handle this busi ugh the Bonk's own on office will result in an im- addition to the earning of the Bank. In many other actions bile interests of the Banks will be immensely be- d by the amalgamation. e ing is a condensation ent issued by the Bank f businesson the 3st ASSETS d} Bullion, ankers' Balances d Balante Due 'London Office...$ 9,095,934.47 estments 10,822,507.29 ms and Discounts 42.492,985 80 il Other Asséts.... 1,422,018.53 lob $63.833,446 09 LIABILITIES $ 5:299,934.00 + 45.755 750,52 2,442,519.06 a §53.498,203.58 8,000,000 00 2,000,000.00 335,242.51 divided Profits . 863 833,446.09 Heads Up "Don't kick and white, * Just get in liae % With the the fellows who've grit and luck; 'Don't frown and scowl, "Look glum aud growl, % Styp pratling about ill-luck, iffup your head, on't seem half dead, 'Stop wearing 4 wrinkled face ; on the m: Whose little span Is full of grief and glocm, ery, om trandle-bed to tomb, Give me tha chap Who, whate'er may hap, Looks up, and is chee: ful still; Who meets a brunt With smiling front, And nerve, and vim, and will --Juy Bee, in April *'Success," --_-------- Port Perry People Praise Dr. Pitcher. Jome Evidence That Must Convince the Most Skeptical. There are few people in Port Perry who Pitcher's Backache are accomplishing in caring backache, lame or weak back, tired, dizzy feeling, puffincss under the eyes, swelling of the feet and "| aukles, frequent riging during the night, y troubles and Kidney weakness of Urin children and old people, One of those who does 'not hesitate to praise this remedy for the personal benefits Emmerson Pitcher' Backache Kidney Tablets for pain in the I have had no return of pain since and I believe now that all the Dr. "| Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets are £0 ots a hox at all druggists or sent by mail on The Dr. Xina Pitcher Co. she derived from it, is Mrs, M. who says; 'I have used Dr. back dus to cold. good reports of them are true" receipt of price. 'Toronto, Out. openhagen, April 5,--A Danish maker has discovered a new tive which excells every. that line heretofore known 'of this preparation it is sible to preserve butter, meats all kinds of perishable merchan- that er for instance, can be preserved ed and cooled off again without It can be placed among goods that ecomposing or contain raok thout being affected. The on is not injurious from a ary point of view, and is believ il create a revolution in the Experiments show ng any of its freshness $s merican quail on their estates. Danish quail a migratory bird d for that reason the Danes wish t a variety that remains all the 'round, which the American For Over Fifty Years WINSLOW'S BOOTHING SYRUP has been millions of mothers for their children while 1f disturbed at night and broken of your a sick child suffering and crying with pain of h, send st once and get a bottle of ** Mra. Ryrup" for Children Teething. It & the poor little rufferer immediately. Depend there is no mistako about it. It cures ach and PTR TRICKS IN ALL TRADES. ! Lapldaries Who Substitute Stones } That Are "Just as Good." A Chicago jeweler was handed a New Mexico garnet the other day with the i | request that he have it cut for a ring | setting, Two days later he sent for bis gustomen and when the latter came he : sald: "I am afraid to have that stone cut." "Why?" g "Weil, I am not sure that what I glve to the lapidary will be returned to me. He may substitute a stone." ay do you know?" tok i its place. Then I found out lapidary at least, if not others, when re- J | ceiving a stone in the rough finds it | | cheaper to substitute an already cut | | stone of similar color than to cut the ! original" | The customer finally had the stone cut in carbuncle form for a pin, but to this | day he is not satisfied that he received back the stone which he originally turn- ed over to'the lapidary. In the matter of ordinary ring settings it is easy to make substitutions without it being pos- | sible for even ansexpert to know that the change has been effected. The owner of a garnet in the rough has no means | of proving when it has been cut that it is the stone he first possessed. He takes the lapidary's word for it. Another trick which is quite common, but not generally | known to customers, is that of substitut- ing hair on customers who desire orna- | ments of hair made for brooches, pins | or chains. A young man secures a lock | of bair from his sweetheart and rushes off to bave it made into one of those | lovely watch chains that look like a centiped with a million legs. He lov- ingly bands the lock to the hair worker and in a week receives his ornament. But often he does not receive back the | hair he gave. The hair worker buys his | hair at wholesale. He makes it up into | stock ornaments. He simply matches the | | hair he has received with something in | stock--not a difficult matter--his work is 1 completed and his bill ready for collec | tion. Of course the customer knows no bet- ter. So the workman of easy conscience | | asks, "What is the difference?" There | does not seem to be much, only the differ- ence between honesty and dishonesty, and that is no more than the difference { between black and white, eee ed : Tle Could Not Spell, | The owner of a small book store in Harlem, desirous of a distinctive name Science since for the same, after some hours of deep cogitation finally hit upon the legend, "Harlem's Literary Mecca." This be thought exceedingly good, and he had a ' man put it up in enamel letters upon his window. After the job was done be was standing out by the curbstone admiring the effect of the inscription, when he heard an old Irishman who had stopped 'and was also looking at it soliloguize as. follows: | "Well, now, will you luk at that! The cheek of that Scotchman, callin himself 'Haar-r-lem's Literary Mickey," just to catch some of the Irish trade! An the blackguard don't even know how to spell 'Mickey! "" : The inscription has been removed. Not Exactly That Dad. Mrs. Malaprop--I saw some of them Eyetalian emigrant women just landed from the ship today. Such funny look- ing things! | Mrs. Brown--Dressed in their natural costume, I suppose? { Mrs. Malaprop--I guess. Anyhow, it | was the most eccentrical garbage I ever saw. | -------- | Her Preference. in | She~If ever I marry, it will be to some struggling young fellow whom 1 ean help to make a fortune. { Her Friend--Give me some struggling millionaire whom I can help to spend one. ~--Brooklyn Life. | GUARDING AGAINST FIRE. Every Precaution to Be Taken at the Pan-American Exposition, | There are two fire houses upon the | grounds of the Pan-American Exposi | tion at Buffalo, N. Y., which are fully equipped with the apparatus and men necessary to fight any outbreak of fire upon the grounds. In addition to this there are chemical fire extinguishers in all of the boild- ings. These are of the same type used at the World's fair at Chicago and are attached to the wall on the interior of the building. A cog on the bearing of the reel releases a valve which turns on the water In case of fire, It.is only necessary to unreel the hose and thus turn on a stream which can be di- rected upon the blaze without a mo- ment's delay. caution is to be taken to prevent the occurrence of any fire and consequent destruction of valuable property. een. ' Exeursions to the Pan-American. "All over the country the people are planning to make excursions next sume« mer to the Pan-American Exposition. Clubs are being organized whose mem- bers are saving money for the trip In this way. Pan-American study clubs business firms are planning to give ex- cursions to their employees, and In many maoufactories the employees are organizing to go In a body to the Ex position. In the large shoe manufac. turing concern of Hanan & Bons of Brooklyn the employees, who have or ganized themselves into an association called the Mutual Ald soclety, have decided on a five dayy excursion to the Pan-American and Niagara Falls and have engaged a special vestibuled train for the purpose. The trip will be made during Independence week, and It 1s expected that at least 1.000 ney. Firemen to Attend In a Body, The Hill Hook and Ladder Company of Rensselaer, N. Y. will attend the Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo next summer in a body. _. Oatarrh and Colds Relieved in 10 to 60 Minutes --One short puff of the breath through the blower supplied with each bottle of Dr, Agnew's Catarrhal Powder diffuses this powder over the surface of the npsal pase ages. Painless and delightful to use. t relieves . instantly, and permanently cures catarrh, hay fever, colds, headache, sore throat, tonsil deafness. 50 cents --47 © Sold by A. J: Davis. (WHOLE NO ou flake | Mistake If you havo Pals, Creonich, or Sallow Complexion, Cold Hands and El RRL % EXPOSITION MA ay THE PAN-AMERICAN TO MANY PARTICULARS. The Moat Delleate nnd Int Plastic Work Ever Attempted Exposition Parposes -- Color Horticultural Embellishment. The development of the san Exposition at Buffs Foot, Loss of A= Lot Soria. Amor spepala, Lack of ys : ae " oy u Make 2 "the wonds A Mistake Pum a Never was there an Exposition 24 novel, so unlike what the world : When you do not use Dr. Ward's learned fo expect, a8 this. With the Blood and Netve Pills to counter- glorious examples of the Exposition act these conditions. Why ? Be- builder's art and genius to look back cause they contain all the natural upon with fond remembrarce and ad- i miration, the world has wondered I£ all elements necessary to build up the human system, The way to a cure that has been promised for the Par | American would be realized. If one lies along the road from the stomach W¥ judge by the present stage of the to the blood and nerves. All food is acted on by the stomach aud pre- vast work, the millions of visitors to Buffalo during the exposition season pared for absorption into the system. which begins on the 1st of May next | will suffer no d'sappointment. The Pap American Exposition will outshine its distinguished predeces- sors in many particulars. Of these the court settings are of first importance.. | In order that there may be abundant room for the elaborate decorative ef- fects, 83 acres are slone devoted to courts, This area is two and a half | times the area of the courts at the | Chicago Columbian Exposition. About | these broad courts rre grouped a score | of great bulldings, In which the mult tude of exhibits from all parts of the western world are to be disnlayed. As a second Important feature may, be mentioned the ornate architecture, ) + | the use of plastic ornamentation of ELECTRICAL EXHIBITS. | very intricate and beautiful design and Wonderful Collection =nd Grand | the employment of original sculptured Display of Electric Lighting, groups In the exterior decorations of It Is the plan of the management to | buildings, entrances and architectural make the Pan-American Exposition at | features. No less than 125 original Buffalo next year the greatest electric- | sculptured groups, modeled by some 36 al Exposition ever held. In view of | Or more distinguished American seulgs the wonderful advance in the electrical tors, will be used In this feature of the the World's fair there will 2 work. Dr. Ward's Pills give just the pro- per help to 'a tifed system, and dif. fuse a glow of health through the whole human frame. You feal yourself getting well when you take Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pills. 8 cte. par ox, five boxes for §200, All deng gists, or Sam Willams & Co., Toronto, Outs Sold by A J. Davis. eter probably not be a single duplication of | The use of an elaborate color scheme an exhibit seen at Chicago in 1893. has never before been attempted at an Nearly everything in the electrical line exposition. The appropriate title of. then exhibited bas been superseded in | the "Rainbow City" bas alrendy been the market by new machinery and ap- applied to this great group of brilliant. pliances constructed upon a better ly colored buildings, and lovers of colon understanding of the wonderful force. | Will find the exquisite harmony of The discovery of the Roentgen rays, tints that has here been produced & tha. inyontion of wireless tclegraphy most delightful subject for contemplas and the development of the electromo- | tion and study. esa As a fourth point of superiority may be named the hydravlic and fountain features. In all the courts are broad pools containing numberless cascades and fountains. These will add to the beauty of the great work in no small degree. Many of the fine sculptures will form a part of these charming fountains. A broad and stately canal a mile and a balf in length, banked with grass and lined with a double row of young trees, completely encircles tha main group of buildings. x The horticultural embellishment of the grounds constitutes a fifth paint of excellence. Ornamental trees, shiubs, lawns and flowers of brilliant hne will -- THE MINES BUTLDING, bile are among the well known new ! and useful applications of electricity unknown at the time of the Columbian Exposition. Electricity Is to be ex- tensively used in making attractive displays at night. For this purpose a steel tower 375 feet high has been planned which will face tbe Court of the Fountains. Upon this great tower and in this broad and beautiful court there will be seen at night fantastic and beautiful displays in electrical fllumination. More than 200,000 elec tric lamps are to be used for this pur pose, it being the intention cf elec tricians to have all the large buildings In this way every pre- | are also being organized. Some large : persons will participate in the four: | | surrounding this court outlined with ! a fringe of brilliant electric lamps. These wonderful electrical displays are | made possible by the nearness of Nia- gara Falls, from which pearly all the power used for the Exposition will be drawn. WEST VIRGINIA ALERT. Governor Will Urge Appropriation to Have State Represented, Governor Atkinson of West Virginia announces that he will embody In his next message to the legislature a rec- | ommendation for an appropriation to pay the expeuses of the state commis- sion baving in charge the state ex- hibit for the Pan-American Exposition. West Virginia is one of the many states that are Inviting capital and | labor to come in and belp develop their patural resources. With ber 15,000 square miles of coal lands, her thou sands of acres of hard wood forests, her wonderful stores of petroleum, her fron ore deposits and her great acre- age of lands suitable for farming, | stock ralsing and wool growing, she | has much to offer in the way of ex- | hibits and much to gain by bringlog her resources properly before the world: It is expected that an exhibit | will be made showing by maps and specimens, statistics and information | of a general character what a new- comer to the state may be able to do in the way of advancing the fortunes of himself and those who depend upon him. The millions of visitors to But- falo next year will be interested Ia / knowing what the possiblities are in | all parts of the western hemisphere. The West Virginla commission ls com- posed of Stuart W. Walker of=Martins- burg, president; J. C. Morrison of Charleston, secretary; R. B. Battelle of Wheeling, treasurer; James AM. Por- ter, Jr. ot New Cumberland and B. B. Smith of Parkersburg. Pli-osophy.~ Ties are pills and | pills--but Dr. ew's Liver Pills cents & vial lead in The Somand. | The sie borders on the phenomenal. Sluggish- liver, constipation, or irregular bowels are ' v 'of many physical disorders. wonders remove the a AMERICAN EXPOSITION Gra as TRMPLE OF MUSIC, delight the eye everywhere, Sunken gardens and formal beds of 'flowers will surround fountains and pools and border upon the walks throughout the courts. Crowning the great work of produces ing uvparalleled vistas and an exposi ton pleture of unrivaled beauty will he the electrical illumination, = Only when a great volume of power | able, such as Buffalo p ed NI 0st i to draw upon, the electrician b no restraining conditions in his The electric tower, 375 feet high, of = rich and elaborate design, will form the. centerplece of the electrical brilllancy, while every building, fountain and are chitectural feature and even the broad surfaces of the artificial lakes pools, with floating lights, will with electrical radiance and luster. T! scene will be one of unsurpassed lo finess, hitherto [mpossible and unliks soon to be repeated again on acco the vast expenditure of electrical gy necessary to produce It. MARK eee Oregon Editors Will Go to ! The Oregon Press associatic annual convention recently bold its annual excursion 1901 at tue Pan-American ove the cause. 40

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