Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 28 Feb 1901, p. 1

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v £1 E < Jam, si ---- EVERY THURSDAY) pos ia 8 THAN RIGHT OUR MISTAKES." {TreMs : --$1 Pir ANxum IN ADVAXCE] Western A Se Sratat tivation gai atten to in tes and Grea rates. Interest calculated an each depositor semi-annually, Bank Port Perry Agency. Canada, United Sta & IK . Deposits receivad at the highest current exedited to H. G. HUTOHESON, MANAGER, Port Perry, June 26, 1897. HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO, ONT Capital (Paid Up) - - $8,000,000 |, ESTABLISHED 1867. BUSINESS WITH FARMERS In addition to handling Commercial Paper, this Bank makes a special business of Loans to F: and the discount- ing of Farmers' Sales Notes at reasonable rates of interest. Careful and prompt attention is also given to the collecting of Notes, etc. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. is the Following Advantages eficred by our Savings Bank: Deposits of One Dollar ived and & m rates. Interest is added to the deposit TWICE in each year, at the end of May and November. The Depositor is subject to no delay whatever in the withdrawal of the whole or any portion of the deposit. Mo Charge is made ou withdrawing or depositing money. Port Perry Branch . M. GIBBS, Manager. fo sad upwards d at current BR. D. ARCHER, M.D.C.M. Victoria University ; M.B. Toronto University, Memb r or the College of Physicians and , Ont.; Licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburg: Licentiate of Physicians, Edin- Royal College roiture Emporiam, Quees Street. Office hours--9 to 11a. ., sod 2to 5 p.m_, and evenings. 1 have taken as partoer, my brother, Dr RB. Ascher, M.D. C. M., Member of Col lege of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont. Port Perry, June 9, 1867. DR. E L. PROCTER {SUCCESSOR TO DR, CLEMENS ) MD C.M. of Trinity College University Toronto, with Hovor Certificate. Fellow of Trinity Medical Collere, Toronto. . Mem. of Ool. of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont., Licentiate of University of State of New York. Ofice and residence on Dr. Clemens' old site. Opposite Town Tall POET PERRY. NOTICH. R. J. H SANGSTER, Physician, Sor geon and Accouchear, and Dr. W. A. Sangster, Dentist, may on and after to-day, be found iu their new Sargical and Dental Offices over the Post Office, where they will be found as Berelfiore, prepared to attend to their respecti essions in all their 'branches. trol Port Perry, Dec. 8, 1597. DR. 8. J. MELLOW, Pavsiciax, SurckoN, &c. Office and Besidence, Queen 8t., Port Perry + 4MBes hours--8 to 10 a.m.; ito3 p.m. 4 Telophone in office and house, open night | 415 60 ri vir Office and day over the lines south, connected with the residence of G. L. Robson, V.8. Port Ferry, Nov. 15, 1894. DR. JONES Bomcrox, &c., CoroNER far the County of Ontario. Surgery and Dior Ms. Cumgics Store, Queen Work a Specialty. Camsarea, Aug. 26, 1896. £100,000 STERLING (British Capital) To lend at 4 45 and 5 per cent on good Mortgage security. Apply to DAVID J. ADAMS Banker and Broker, Port Perry, Ont. April 22, 1897. MONEY TO LOAN. T= Sabscriber is prepared to LEND ANY AMOUNT on Farm Security AT 6 PER OENT. ar Also on Village Property. AF MORTGAGES BOUGHT, Ha HUBERT L. EBBELS, Banister, Office next 0 Ontario Bank. - Port Perry, May 10, 1885 J.-A. MURRAY, DENTIST, [Rooms over Allison's Drug Store] PORT PERRY. All branches of Dentistry, inclvding Crown and Bridge Work successfully practiced. Artifical Teeth on Gold, Silver, Aluminum or Rubber Plates, Fillings of Gold, Silver or Cement, Painless extraction when required: £2 Prices to suit the times® ort Perry, Feb, 1897. W. A SAKGSTER LK GSTER, DENTAL SURGEON. Jffice over the Post Office. Office Hours--9 to 12 a.m., 2 to 6 p,m. Also open Saturday evenings, #¥ Gold Fillings, Bridge and Crown Vitalised Air. Dr F. D. McGrattan (DENTIST) L.D.S. of Royal College of Dental Surgeons, also D.D.S. of Toronto University, Office over McCaw's Jewelry Store, Offiée hours--8 a.m. t08.30 p.m. Vort Perry, June 20, 1898. JOS. BATRD ICENSED AUCTIONEER for County of Ontario. the Sale Register at Patronage solicited. Manchester, Jan, 19, 1899, AUCTIONEER. oe undersigned takes this opportunity of returning thanks for the very liberal Datrenage be has received as Auctioneer in extensive practice which I have had will be turned to advantage of patrous, and parties favoring me with their sales may rely on their interests bein, effort will be Sate 3 o 3 will be found at th The increased experience and fully protected. No to make it profitable sales in my hands. THOS. SWAIN. WM. GORDON? Licensed Auctioneer, Yaluator &c. 'R the Townships of Brock, Uxbridge, Becki, Thorah, Jars, Remay Maripons n 3 Partieseutrusting their Sales to me may and Eldo x rely on the ntmsot attention being given to their intrests WM. GORDON, Sunderland, H. MoCAW, ISSUER OF . MARRIAGE LICENSES, Port Perry Ont. Pert Perry, Dec. 19, 1883, i TEE] perimental Farm (ree of Postage. eee ee | Dirtribution ot Samples of Seed Grain and Potatoes Editor of the OBSERVER, During the past twelve years samples of those varieties of grain, &c , which have succeeded best on the several Experimental Farms have been distributed onapplication in 3-1b. bags, free through the mail to farmers in all parts of the Dom- inion. The object in view in this distribution has been to add to the productiviess and improve the quality of these important agricult- oe reach ry farmer, pur he m vigorous a "productive sorts. | the co wounds to heal. and This work has met with much ap preciation, and a large measure 0 There is noth Under instruction of the Hon. ing so bad for a Minister of Agriculture another cough as cough- ing. Stop it by or: distribution will be made this season Owing to the very large number of applications annually received, it is not practicable to send more than one sample to each applicant,-- hence if an individual receives a sample of oats, he cannot also re- ceive one of wheat, barley or pota- toes, and applications for more than one sample for one household can- not be entertained. These samples will be sent only to those who apply personally, lists of names from societies or individuals cannot be considered. The distribution will consist as herctofore of samples of oats, spring wheat, field peas, Indian corn and potatoes. Applications should be addressed to the Director of Experimental Farms, Ottawa, and may be sent any time before the 1st of March, 1901, after which date thie lists will be closed, so that the samples ask ed for may all be sent out in good time for sowing. Parties writing will please mention the sort of sample they would prefer naming two or three different varieties of their choice. Should the available stock of all the varieties named be exhausted, some other good sort will be sent instead. The samples of grain will be sent early but potatoes cannot be distri buted until danger in transit by frost is over. No provision has been made for any general distribu: tion of any other seeds than those named. Letters may be sent to the Ex Even the cough of early consumption is cured. And, later on, when the disease is firmly fixed, you can bring rest and comfort in every case. A 25 cent bottle will cure new coughs and colds; the 50 centsize is better for settled coughs of bronchitis and weak lungs; the one dollar size is more economical for chronic cases and con- sumption. It's the size you should keep on hand. « All families ought to be on the watch for sudden al of croup or acute lung troubles. Jvery Sous home in the land shou Joel Cherry Péctoral constantly on to provide against an emergency." Jost G, WiLLis, M.D, Dec. 14, 1698. 'Holland, Mich. Kootenay As Describad by Rev. Prof W, J. Sipprell sfibe Columbia Moth < ze. eCtoral' |t at awful gorge hundreds of feet TARIO, THURSDAY, FEB. 28, 190L { WHOLE NO. im we inspiring as what I saw in| moonlight gleams on the enay river. The train began cend the grades of the Koote- j valley in the river gorge. What face for a railway. Now rushing g a ledge cut in the rock far up base, now crossing a trestle that med suspended in mid air, now pricade flung in its way, : biddi hills, grotesque in the gleaming moonlight fon the right lay Kootenay lashed into yeastly foam as tk on the rocks that lay in its e railway was very crooked ould rush toward some chalky id then by a sharp curve round it like some sprit try-| p seek a place to hide. As we| led such a curve, a neighbor pmit shut out the moonlight scene now became one of nd terror. Far assuming above us the ening darkness seemed to hurl themselves upon us. Far below us rushed the awful torrent, a heaving, & boiling flood. As I looked into hang the beetling crags that in d and saw its black, treacher- ous waters, madly rushing through themarrow channel. As I looked at those mountain heights that seemed to try to crowd us to our death in the mad waters below and as I'heard the shrieks of the wheels as they grated on the curve. what with the frowning cliffs above and the'terrible chasm below and the darkness, I felt that if we were sur- rounded by all the fiends of the lower world who seemed to. laugh There are scenes that require t full splendor of sunlight fo bring oul distinctness of outline and clearnes: of detail while others are rendere more charming nature' <tronger light- is toned down an llow moonlight bathes into the Wht. SAUNDERS, © Director Experimental Farms. You Make A Mistake If you have Pale, Greenish, | (¢ was the writers privilege to see or Sallow Complexion, Gold | (le scenery in this part of the pro=| Hands and Feet, Loss of Ap- petite, Dyspepsia, Laok of Energy or Stomach Troubles, You Make A Mistake When you do not use Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pills to counter- act these conditions, Why? Be- cause they contain all the natural elements necessary to build up the human system. The way to a cure lies along the road from the stomach to the blood and nerves. All food is acted on by the stomach aud pre- pared for absorption into the system. Dr. Ward's Pills give just the pro- per help to a tired system, and dif- fuse a glow ot health through the whole human frame. You feel yourself getting well when you take Dr. Ward's Blood when the soft the hiiland valley. The scenes has his ideal in the Kootenay district between Robson and Nelso me dips gently lover of vince on a perfect moonlight night} Arriving at Robson from Trial, th sun had set and the silvery mo was rising over the verdue cla hiils, I stood on the deck of the steamer and looked up the lake. The scene was so heavenly and divine that to attempt to describe] a master painter and a master poet: to paint or sing its charms. could gaze upon the panorama not feel that strong yearning: "0 for the touch of a vanished hand And the sound of a voice that's still." Earth's babel soundings subdued, not a zephyr was astir th Jake lay calm and still; on ei side rose the darkening hills, silh etted against the azure sky ; on left rose the moon, clear and soft her silvery beauty, and on- the 1s her beams lay like shafts of polish and Nerve Pills. when a passing boat moved t 0.cta. per box. five Loxes for $1.00 All drug | WALErS. Far up the lake rose a gists, or Bam Williams & Oo, Teroute, Oke | other hill, seeming to lie across fi * Sold by A. J. Davis. Sittings of the Division Courts OOUNTY OF ONTARIO. water as a barrier past which might go. On its summit linge: the rays of the departing sun, above it rose in queenly grace the 1901. goddess Venus, the evening star. That scene of mingled light and 1 WHITEY. Clerk; D0. | Maclonell, Whitby Janu. shade becomes a fixed and enduring 37, Bepiacaver 5 Gotober 5, November 4, Des: thing in every poetic soul for it brings sweet rest and calm repose OSHAWA--Clerk, D. 0. Macdonell, Whitby--Janu- + SR Bepermo b ¢ Sho Apilh MaxT, Just | to the tired heart and becomss om beautiful part of life, a beautiful 2 BROUGHAM~--Clerk, M. picture in the art gallery of the soul. , Gleeson, Greenwood --Jant- Marelis, May 10, Juiy 3, September 8, Nov. : Chamounix may have its mighty. 7, ember 3. PORT PERRY. Ly. Sdrgbim, Port Perry Bl d i : ; tary Merch y uly 9, Septem! anc and its raving Aroe ie ; Arveirou, but the moonlight on tl 4 UXBRIDGE Jos. 'E. u n Joni Mah Syst, 30 11. Be | lake between those hulls will 5. CANNINGTON--Clerk, Geo. Smith, Canniugton-- January 17, March 21, May 38, July 10, September © 18, November 20. ) 6. PPAVERTON Clots Geo. F. Bruce, aan ber v blem of God's great gift to peace. Leaving Robson, the changes from restfulness and pe quiet and repose, to one awful gi deur, where confusion, turbu and disorder find full expressi rushi and thr man Beaverton-- 18, March 22, May 29, September 20, Nov- 1. UPTERGROYE--Clerk, Thos. P. Hart, Uptergrove March 23, May %, September 21, oi YEARLY to Christian mén $900 Soon from the placidity of a mer morning one would see a s moonlight § it seemed a sacrilege. Ilonged for}: ir we were indeed heir victims. I clutched my car iling as we hung between death [above and death below and longed or relief. Soon it came, rounding curve, the moon peered upon us Mrom behind the crags, the torrent had given place to a peaceful quiet aver, the hills were less awful in M)rm and threatening in attitude ind I felt the calm that comes often 6 our human life after a night of pain. So peaceful seemed the quiet waters below, so restful the, Pbeautiful the sudden mooulight that thought that : "Forever and forever, So long as the river flows, 8 180 long as the heart has sorrows £ So long as life has woes ; he moon and its broken reflections, And its shadows shall appear \As the symbol of love in heaven EF And its wavering image here." Crossing Slocan river we soon came to Slocan Junction where a branch line runs to Slocan. Four piles farther was the Rossland ctric power house, where the beautiful falls of the Kootenay gpplies power to generate the Th ' nd threatening, they seemed | where the hills seemed the guardian down upon the usurper man, | angels of the place, feeling that no | whose right lay elsewhere | scene had been more 'sublime or hose unhallowed feet were | awful than that through which I nded to tread £0 holy a spot. | had come and quite sure that one and more rugged seemed | page would ever remain for me in bold but it is not by any means fall which flung its spray toward us THE GAME WAS LOST. | as if in anger at our approach. Then all was quiet and placid and AND 412 POUNDS OF BASEBALL IDOL calm for many miles. moonlight bathed the waters that seemed to rest themselves in the embrace of the towering hills as if they too, like us felt a sense of | security a-ound curve after curve we came ving a way through some rocky | to the terminus of the railway, Nel it seem-|son, where the calls of the hotel g defiance | run The gentle and peace. Rushing us back to the ners brought i ife, 1 he rv place In the fo life's history, and that was the "Moonlight scene on the Kootenay." W. J. SIPPRELL. Qard of Thanks. It is with pleasure I beg to re- turn thanks to my numerous patrons and the public 'in general for the extensive practice bestowed upon me during the past sixteen years The cordial relations that have ex isted between my patrons and my self during my extended practice as a Veterinary Surgeon will ever re- main green in my memory and itis with pride and thankfulness I refer to the knowledge that I have re- tained their confidence and support during my professional career, a career which I have just closed by disposing of my Veterinary practice to Mr. John T. Elliott, of Detroit, Michigan, and being cognizant of the fact that he is one of the most accomplished Veterinary tioners on the continent. I no hesitancy in recommending him eral public. As a dental and sur te cases in his success in infri large cities both in United States has phenomenal. been almost Port Perry, Feb. 19, 1901. practi- have to my former patrons and the gen- gical operator he has few equals and anada and the Orr GRAHAM. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION, REV, JOS. FLETCHER, M, A, Incumbent; Sunday-- Mating, 10.30 a.m. Evensong, 7 p.m. Bunda School, 2.30 p.m. Wednesday-- Evensong, 7.30 p.m. METHODIST CHURCH. REV. G. W. MCCOLL, B A., B.D., Pastor. Sabbath Services, 10.30 and 6.30. Week Evening Service, Thursday 7.30. Straogers welcome and conducted to seats. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH. (reese TAN.) REV. W. COOPER, B.A., Pastor. Sabbath Services, 10.30 snd 7.00. Week Evenin Service, Thursday 7.30. BAPTIST CHURCH. REV. MR. McF LANE, PASTOR. Sabbath Services, 10.30 and 7.00. 'Week Eroning Service, Thursday, 7.30. R. 0. CHURCH. REV. A. O'MALLEY. Third Sweday at 10.30 a. m, CANADIAN: - "DACIFIC NY. Excursions ee WAS SHATTERED. The Ignominious Downfall ef the Lightfoot Lilies' Club Mascot When In an Ill Advised Moment They Told Him to Slide, "Well, why is it you never played baseball yourself?' asked a latter day fan of the very stout man sitting in the corner. "You say you were the mascot for the famous Lightfoot Lilies ot Jones county, and yet, with the ex- ception of the time that they put you forge & ng run in the thir, AR o 3 Ae you never seem to have pr self. After such suceessfuf daring were you never asked to play again? I don't quite understand." The stout man gazed at the speaker searchingly for a few minutes and then, apparently satisfied that the ques- tions were asked in good faith, proceed ed to unfold the one dark shadow In his otherwise sunny life. "Have you never heard?' he began. "Then now you shall heat, and, though I think no blame should rest with me, you yourself shall judge of that, Lis. ten. You have already referred to the contest in which 1 forced the winning run owing to the pitcher's inability to put the ball over the plate without striking my corporation. This, I be- lieve, was due to a law of physics which states that but one body can oc- cupy the same space at the same time or words to that effect. Rut, whatever the cause, I acquired a reputation for high class baseball second to none in Jones county and at once got a regular position on the team. My figure being my stock in trade, Captain Slugger Burrows of the Lightfoots spared no pains in bringing me to physical per- fection before the next game with the Roarers. Under a carefully selected diet of beer, butter, lard, potatoes and cod liver ofl I rapidly rose from a mea- ger 320 pounds to the magnificent ng. are of 412, "For the first eight Innings of thé great contest, which ultimately proved my downfall, I fully sustained my en- viable reputation for artistic ball play- ing. Three times the bases were full, with the Roarers one run in the van Three times I proved the Lightfoots' salvation by forcing the tielng run by means of my superior figure. Three umes the home rooters vied with one another in futile attempts to pay me suitable homage. 1 was truly more than queen. And then that fatal ninth, with its brimful cup of gumless bitters! Four hundred and twelve pounds of shattered idol! "In the last half of the ninth I reach. ed first through my customary strategy. Later 1 succeeded in gaining third by a daring bit of base running while the Roarers' fielders were searching for 'Bull' Thompsou's liner on the other side of the center field fence. Sammlo Salmon and one of the Foote twins died easy deaths on Infield pop flies. There we were: Ringtail Roarers, 17; Lightfoot Lilles, 16; two out, Thomp- son and yours truly on second and third bases respectively and the in- vineible 'Home Run' Hankins at the bat. All were breathless with sus- pense, The pitcher swung his arm back slowly, and then, swish, bang! 'Home Run' Hankins never missed his aim.. 1 struggled bravely toward the plate, and in less time than it takes to tell it Thompson was at my back push- ing violently. I doubled my efforts. A moment later Hankins himself caught up and joined in the single file struggle for home and victory. 'T'was do or die, and the people were like lunatics in thelr wild excitement. Spurred on by their cheers, I was soon but five feet from the plate, with Thompson and Hankins still dancing at my heels Then suddenly a voice rose clearly above the others. 'Stide, Willle, slide!' it vang out. Oh, fatal words!" At this point the fat ex-mascot was overcome by emotion and stopped short. It was some minutes before he could pull himself together sufficiently to go on with his sad story. _---- - ---- while To Manitoba and Canadian North-West will leave Toronto every TUESDAY during March and April, 1901. Passengers travelling without Live Stock should take the train leaving Toronto at 1.45 p.m. Passengers travelling with Live Stock should take the train leaving Toronto at parrent that lights the city of Ros- and over fifty miles away. What ore a miracle! What less ould it be to our fathers! Hidden ay in the deep darkness of a y gorge where for ages those is ro 9,00 p.m. s have tumbled down the rocks | "clit Sleeper will be attached to each thrown their jets of spray to- | train. For full particulars and 8 copy of 'Set tlers' Guide" apply to any Canadian Pacifis Agent, or to A. H. NOTMAN, Assistant General Passenger Agent 1 King St, East, TorosTo. wa d the heavens, lies the light of a listant city teeming with activity ting with life. Over hill over torrent and stream living wire; through storm kness and impetrable night Carries light and cheer to of vice and abodes of virtue | Wonderful ! yea more; it is |a miracle. On we rushed itching, Burning, Oreeping, Orawling Skin Diseases relieved in a few minutes by Dr. Agnew's Ointment. Dr. Agnew's Ointment relieves instantly, and cures Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Eczema, Ulcers, Blotches, and all Eruptions of the Skin. Itis soothing and quieting and acts like magic in all "Well," he sald at last, "I slid. Di But the e v- ing gracefully forward, I slid a nicely calculated slide that brought my chest directly above the rubber. thuslasm this occasioned among the Lilies was short lived. n- " "pouch the plate, you fool; touch the plate! "Bull Thompson and Hankins yelled together. "Now, would you believe it, sir, try "Rock mel I cried. 'Rock mel as I would I couldn't, My corporation had been overtrained. Lying face down, { was so high from the ground th«t my arms would not reach the plate. * 'Rock you? 'Bull' Thompson roared. "'Rock me; T pleaded, with tea 'Rock you?! We'll rock you, stone you, egg you, and--touch that plate, d'ye hear? fn my eyes. 'You don't understand. Rock me like you would a rocking horse. Tilt me. I can't touch bottom. "Twas too late. While I had been wheels as we rounded ge and disturbing the silence of ght and preparing the soul terrors yet to come. Soon surrounded by them. seemed wider than ever. ion of fall and turbulent y in our way. Miles of seemed rushing upon us. decended to its level, tumult nfusion and deafening roar 'our ears, when around an- we came in full view of mighty volume of water. elf into a seething, boiling from which rose masses of ny feet in height. Soon beyond the brink and w the great current gather- am as it neared the fall for | plunge a few yards away to strike terror to the "We soon crossed a [1 | 2 h ¥ Baby v during teething time, 35 cents a box.--159 Sold by A. J. Davis. umors, Irritation of the Scalp or Rashes TIME TABLE. WHITBY JCT. AND MANILLA JOT. GOING NORTH. GOING BOUTH. AM. AM, 10 40 10 56 Grand Trunk Railway. Man and Rev. Dr. Bochror, of Buffalo, says: from this we first used Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powd ** 50 cents.--i53 g on the very brink of a Sold by A. J. Davis. wife and I were both troubled with distress- ing Catarrh, but we have enjoyed freedom vating malady since the day er. Its action was instantaneous, giving the most grateful relief within ten minutes after first application. explaining my predicament to those blockheads, the Roarers' fielders found the ball, and-ser--well, we lost. After ward 1 told Captain Slugger Burrows how it happened #nd begged for just one more chance. No use. He sald that any fool with my shape ought to have sense enough to slide on his back and that--but say, honest Injun, now, do you think J 'vas I» any way to blame?" No Interference. Burglar Guadenly confronted by a policeman)--Hello, here's a cop! Policeman -- Don't let me Interfere. I'm not on duty tonight. .Tnst dropped in to see the cook. Strayed Oalves. QTRaTED from the premises of the un. dersigned, lot 3, con, 2, Cartwright, on the 12th November, TWO SPRING Calves--ane a Heifer, dark red with white star on forehead, the other a dark red Steer. Any one giving such information as will Ew an a lead to their recovery will be suitably re- warded. WM. DARCY, Dec 20, 1900, Purple Hill Stumblin {Undone ac" bVerdone ! I and desolate] Ema+ ciated nerve wrecks | Not one of you is tea. deep down in the mire of disease but the story of such a potent remedy as American Nervine can reach you and back to good health. It's pat trusted lieutenant, gentle, but firm and flinching. It never fails.--156 Sold by A. J. Davis. oe ------ . TICKETS TO ALL PARTS OF THE WorLp.--Mr. W, H. McCaw, Pert Perry, is now in a position to issue tickets to all parts of the wotld and to supply all necessary informati to parties as to the cheapes! d Stes D. been re appointed Ticket the Grand Trunk Railway. artieg intending to travel will consult thei own iuterests by consulting Mr, McCaw before embarking on a trig, GEO. GARDNER: ISHES to inform the public of Pork \ Perry and surrounding country; that after four years experience in provecutin, his business in sonie of the largest cities o the Uvited States, he is bitter prepured than ever to cxecuto any of the following branches of his trade :--Stone Masonry; Bricklaying. in all ite branches; Plain an Ornamental Plastering. Also Artificial Stone Walks, that will remain parmanent and will endure any weather. Brick Cisterns without any weod in their con- struction to decay or give out. If you are in need of any of the above, come to me and obtain prices, All material required in m ine will Ye kept constantly on hand, af or sale after the first of next April, GEO. GARDNER} Port Parry, Jan. 3, 1804. PTLY our interesting books ** Invented n Write for or's Help' and " How you are swindled." Send us a rough sketch or model of your in- vention orimprovement and yre will telt you free our opinion as to whether it ig probably; patentable. Rejected applications have often, been successfully prosecuted by us. We, conduct fully equipped offices in Montreal and Washington ; thisqualifies us to prom pt-4 ly dispatch work and quickly secure Patents) as broad as the invention, Highest referencesd furnished. Patents procured through Marion & Ma- rion receive special notice without cha in over 100 newspapers distributed throughout the Dominion, Specialty :--Patent business of Manufac- turers and Engineers. MARION & MARION Patent Experts and Soliclters York Life B'id'g, Otticss:_ {NET tie Bag, W v YY 15, § D.C. SAA 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TraDE MARKS Desians COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketch and description map: ascertain our opinion free whether an. special notice, without charge, in the Scientific American. A handsomely {llustrated weekly. Largest efré culation of any scientific Journal, Terms, $3 & year ; four months, §l. Sold by all newsdealers. BINA & Cozeremuee New York ch Office. (25 ¥ Bt. Washington, for acceptable ideas! State if patented: THE PATENT RECORD; Baltimore, Md. 8 ption price of the PATENT RECORD per annum. Samples free. PAINTING Ka somining, &c FPYHE undersigned would take this oppof tonity of thanking bis numerous pat- rons for their liberal and still increasin patronage during the time he has carried = the business of PAINTING in Port Perry, and would state that fie i§ better prepared than ever to execute all orders for Painting, Kalsomining and Paper Hanging Parties entrasting their work to me may rely on having it neatly and promptly exe- cuted, My charges are moderate, » 1-am also prepared to supply Paints, boyy when contracting. AT a A continuance of public patronage soli cited. WM. TREMEER: Port Perry, Mar. 23, 1593. DESIRABLE PROPERTY IN PORT PERRY FOR SALRBI rPYHE undersigned offers for sale at a bargain his fine property on Lorue Street, Port Perry, consisting of a commos dious Dwelling House, containing six rooms, hall and three closets ; there is a good stone cellar under the main part and foundation under the kitchen, all in a good state of repair. There are three lots which have been couverted into a splendid Garden, iu which are a-large number of choice, thriv! ing fruit trees--Apple, Cherry and Plam-- Grape Vines, Berry bushes and other smait fruit in abundance, There are also on the premises a good bricked Well and. Cistern and convenient Stable: Lots 108, 109, 110 on Ella Street-- ready for crop. For partitulars apply to Nb GEO. GARDNER, Port Perry, Jan 22, 1896. ome

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