5 ake room for Spring Stock of Readymade Clathis 1 will sell for Thirty Days the balance of my ; INTER STOCK of Ready-made Clothing In order At Cost for Cash. You can save 15 t np cent by buying at this time of the Lh Port Perry, Jan. 16, 1go1. The undersigned would take this opportunity of thanking his pu: merous custemers for the liberi! patronage received since Spent business in Port Perry, and would inform the public t! at he haa moved his business from the Market building to the Store First doorEast of the Post Office whnpe he will be pleased to fill all orders for Meats in & manner thut sannot fail to please customers. Having new and increased fecilities for the tr tion of b he feels confident that he can give better satisfaction than heretofore, and in order to aerify this state he solicits all to give him a call in his new premises. 12a GAME AND FISH IN SEASON. I. J. WHEELER. First-class Farm for Sale The undersigned offers for Sale his Splendid Farm--more particul: arly known as the Medd Farm-- being composed of the south-half of} fot 10,-con. 6, Cartwright, contain- ing 100 ACRES nioré or less, about 8 acres are cleared and in a good state of cultivation. Well fenced, good buildings and a_never-failing ; well of fine water, Two Orchards! A finished Stock-taking and find- of good, bearing fruit trees. Thisiing that on account of the mild i opportlitity to secure | season they have too many Boots SAT Boots, Shoes and Rubbers CHR AP SIDE HE subscribers having just om Y J Tand Shoes of all kinds on "hand; 'owing to failing health, is desirous of retiring from farming. This val- uable propesty is situated on the {eading traveled road of the town- $hip--being about 6 miles from Port Perry; 16 miles from Bow- manville ; "4 miles from Burketon i on the C.P.R.. and one mile gran ops v ay] have determined from now till March 1st to offer their whole stock at Reduskinna of 5, 20, 2050 yor nd --of the latter there are only broken lots and not a full assértment of sizes--such. sizes as are left GO AT HALF-PRICE. Boots and Shoes that were $1 for 8o cts., those at $1.25 for + $1, those that were $1.50 for $1.25, $2 Boots for $1.60. Men's Heavy Boots of all kinds 20 cts. off every dollar. Men's Heavy Rubbers and Sox, 20 tts off every Dollar, &t., &c., &c. Purchasers of Groceries will be dealt most liberally with and Crock- ery and Glassware of all kinds at 20 cts off the dollar. In Chinaware, Lamps, &c. we have some beauti- ful goods left and all go at big reductions. REMEMBER +t { t these reductions are for Cash down and bring your Dollar Bills and secure the bargains, T. 0. FORMAN & SON. Marriage License Office. Port Perry, Jan. 16, 1gor. fr Blackstock. For particulars apply to the proprietor on the pro- perty. Immediate possession given . NELSON MARLOW. Blackstock, Jan. 22, 1go1. PORT PERRY MARKETS. (Quotations by A. Ross & 8-1.) THURSDAY, Jan. 30, 1801. . to $063 --or oo BEEZ55STIREEBE S555555555585F55F85585E8885883F58 ESLER RER -a 0 tie amet of Reach vizio Mr. Jon Acne adv Pieces 16 feet long, 6 inches into be sold 'by auction on the 23r¢ diameter at smallend. ~~ |November, and withdrawn at the feet long, 10 inches in sale. small end. ple Building, oe Jos Bali deliv- Jo8 Port Perry. W.J.NOTT, Manager. Y ; "Our Giving Up Busi Sale Bus been 8 Gnas § 0 CESS. ig bargains in five, new, stylish furniture ~ never known in town, If yo 'need brand new furniture almost wholesale prices, I: Warr too Lone before the best bargains have been taken | up. Everyone has been high- ly pleased and satisfied with their purchases. There are. still scores of snaps for ready buyers. \ TP TRNITRL 0, | Having had the commodious Store in the Currie Block fitted up espec- ially, I am satisfied I have now one of the best appointed Drug Stores in the Province, and have taken possession of my new and extensive premises, where 1 have opened out, in addition to my extensive stock of Drugs, Chemicals, and Fancy Goods, a full line of SCHOOL - BOOKS AND SUPPLIES. While returning thanks to my numerous patrons I'would extend an invitation to all to call and see me in my new premises. Port Perry, Sept. 12, 1900. othing and A. J. DAVIS. HAVING PURCHASED L WHITBY'S STOCK AT A RATE ON THE & determined to Clear Out the the Whole Stock "THE SERVICES OF A Have been secured and Perfect Fits guaranteed. WM. PARR. Jan. 23, 1901. BESTABIISHED 1847 AMID- WINTER Furniture Sale mars ont Bot & Sloe Business "IN ALL ITS DEPARTMENTS. St fdr i i i 1 d and Having purchased my Funeral Goods Having increased the dimensions of my premises, 1 have purchased and | pefore the advance in price I am prepared to give my customers the opened out an Extensive Stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING tosis for Men 'and Boys which for quality and low prices cannot be equaled in this district. : ) 1 have the largest ahd most vetied Stock of BOOTS anp SHOES ever opened in this locality for your ihspection, and the prices are such as can: not fail to ploase. Come and seé us in our enlarged quarters. My aim shall be to please my customers in every partictlr, A Port Perry, Sept 6, 1899: F. CARNEGIE. No better way to prove it han to get face to lace} Eo with the g00ds--ou? SLOPE Sle we oy i = eis er wp yours to look at or to buy in af} any time, YOU GLCOME, never more W MIR RE ALWAYS ; " We have Moved our business to the South extensive p supply But Not(t) Giving Up Business. Having a surplus Stock left over the Holidays, I will give Great Bargains for the Next Two Months, for Cash or Credit untii next fall to re- sponsible persons. In my Undertaking Department every branch is complete--such as Caskets, Coffins, Robes, &c. i benefit. I furnish one of the best Hearses in the County. Prices low as any. My motto is--fair dealing to all. Wood taken in exchange. K=" 1 am AGENT For MONUMENTS. JOEREIN INOTT, re » Warerooms--one door west of the St, Charles Hotel. Port Perry, Jan. 15, 1901. Diesfeld's + TULA LIL, We are prepared tc give SPECIAL BARGAINS in COLD AND SILVER WATCHES. Gold Filled Cases in great variety, some as sittell as a Quarter of Dollar, nicely Enameled and Set with Pearls, &c. Prices to suit you all right. WEDDING AND ENCAGEMENT RINGS {in Pearl, Opal and Diamonds, all fine and New Designs. Crocks IN o GREAT VARIETY VERY CHEAP. &&" Repairing as usual, Port Parry, Nov. 30, 1898. DIESFELD'S Carnegie's ROLLER MILLS "NN "Y-.K BD | N= The undersigned takes this opportunity of returning his sincere thanks for the large measures of patronage bestowed on him since commencing business in Port Perry, and would beg to state that having, at a large expenditure, thoroughly overhauled the entire Mill and introduced the best; mos approved and most modern machinery ineluding the PLANING FACTORY | i: all kindsof , Boards, Pick irst-class Tailor EVERY THURSDAY MORNING BY H. PARSONS, THEME 41 pa smut pid in wdrance; fos $10 an ind Bo paper disoouiinged PLA. tn ADVERTISHNE eceivod tor Hlication, wit Brn von; goo advertise A sors vot ows to Morchants and other THESE tami will in all esses be strictly] adhered to 3 with ti OB D. Programs, Dodgers, Bill Heads, Ohisok Latter Heatly; Weldirig Invifations, Blank Forms, ~~ Reooipt Hooks, Business Cd Books, Cireulars, Abinbly Cards, Visiting Cards, &o. of very atyls snd color Ed : H, PARSONS, GENTS WANTED. FOR "STORY OF 80 A AFRICA Uy John Clark Ridpath, LLD., Edvard 8. Klis, MAL. J. A: per, Managing Editor of the I Cajadan Magnzine," J. H. mdon, it, Who bh: turned this week years Sreveliing, 1a South Afric for us. We eto mdian Publishers who have had a branch in South Africa for nineteen years, giving us an immense vi in procuring ef Hind wi material. Our suthorship, letterprees and engravings are superior, sn Canadian Contingents better illustrated than in any rival work. Bo sure nré we of this that will mail free for comparison our proshoctus to afyone possessing a rival prospectus. Circulars. and terms free. AVY World Publishing Company, Guelph, Ontario. Central Livery PORT PERRY. F EARTILY thanking the public for the liberal patronage 'received during the many years 1 have kept a Livery Establish meiit in Port Perry, I have much pleasure in announcing that I have removed MY LIVERY! to my former place of business a | complete a test. theif vitality or v L act Te unsatisfactory gros . Th acter of the crop is greatly inf ed by the quality of the seed and to obtain the. best, resilts should have its gerinidating unimparied, so that when pk i the soil the young plants may tak 3brompt and vigorons start. Hence it is very important that ; should ascertain whetlier the | they are holding for- seed pos the vitality necessary lo produce goodcrop. .... iw .. By instruction of the Minister of Agriculture, , has been made whereby. the be a Eo ha! ed can g n he seeks, by forwardingto tor of the Experimental Farms; Ottawa, samples of such grain or seeds. Samples may be Sent free through the ni2il and an ounce of two 1s sufficient for the purposes About two weeks arc required to It is hoped that all who desire to avail themsthes of the provision offered will sen in their samples early so Sats work may be completed in season. : Wat. SAUNDERS] a. Director Experimental Farms. Water Street which Iam about to largely extend in-| creasc facilities' so thut the public may be better accommodated with safe and desir- able RIGS AT MODERATE CHARGES R. VANSICKLER. Port Perry; June 21, 1900. Change of Base. WELT returning sincere thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore ex- tended to them, the undersigned would beg to announce that they have MOVED INTO PURDY'S BLOCK where thiey will be in a better position than heretofere to meet the requirem nuts of their numerons patrons and they respect. fully solicit the. patronage of a'l Mr. Hay- craft's former customers, Fresh and Cured Meats of the best quality will always bé found at their Store. Orders will receive prompt attention. Game and Fish in Seasen. Second door East of Mr. Purdy's Grocerv 8. T. CAWKER & SON Port Perry, May 21, 1900. JOHN NOTT, UNDERTAKER, and Funeral Director, PORT PERRY, That Improved Yorkshire White Boa SUMMER HILL ROVER rd. : Ea os Yh, he" NE alam wean Washing and Hose Cleaning 1 wish to state that I oo AOE Fo ones ing on shortest notice. Charges moderate. Residence north of Foundry. iy MRS. E. WHITE. Port Perry, April 26, 1900, GEO. JACKSON, ; Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator, &ec. YOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSHII OF CARTWRIGHT, . ISHES at this the commencement o another Sale Season to re- past favors. In requesting taro thanks $0 Joi4 Dumeseus patria fos HOLIDAY ; FASHIONS! Ds rtp tht to asic onc are many ladies who find in millinery thelr greniest pleasure. We Trim Hats for Special Occasions. Misses L. & J. Stouffer Port Perry, Dec. 12, 1900. Sittings of the Division Courts COUNTY OF ONTARIO. 19001. . WHITBY --Clerk, D.C. Macdonell, Winitay --Jad: ary 8, February 4, March 4, April 3. May6, Juve 2 Ju y 4, September 4, Uctover 3, Novemberd, Deo: ember 4. OSHAWA -Clerk, D. C. Maddonsll, Whithy --Janu~ ary 9, February 5, March §, April 3, May 7. June 4, July 5, Sepiember 5, Uctdber 4, November §, Dec ember 5. 2 BROUGHAM--Clerk. M. Gleeson, Gréenwood:-~Jant- wry 7, Murch 6, May 10, Jrly 8, Scptuminr 8, Now. ember 7 3. PORT PERRY--Clerk, J. 'W. Bifrtham, ~January 15, March ¥, May 13, Jay $ 13, November 11. 4 UXBRIDGE-Clerk, Jor. E Gofid, Uf Jnunary 16, March 20, May 27, July 11, Septem 18, November 19. 5. CANNINGTON ~Clerk, Geo. fit - January 17, March 21, May 24, gb = Shptembet 19, November 20. & Brace, Bewverton--- September 30, Nov: 6. BEAVERTON --Clerk, Geo. 1. UPZERGROVE Clock, Thos. P. Hart, Uj --Ma Port Perry Bepleaber Jauuary 18, March 23, May r 3l. rch 23, Moy 30, Sepiember 21, Novem! By order, J. E. FAREWELL, Clerk of the Pesce. Dated at Whitby, Oct. 22ud, 1500. : dation 6nPerty St. curtal being far too 10 reel quirements of my rapidly business I have leased years and commodious and continued nage he desis sales