Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 24 Jan 1901, p. 3

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Sora TS & Bow Mm ; FOR 30 Days. In order to make room for Spring Stock of Ready made Clothing .T will sell for Thirty Days the balance of my WINTER STOCK of Ready-made Clothing At Cost for Cash. WAT LONG never a, in need brand new almost wholesale p Warr Too Long best bargains have up. Everyone has ly pleased and sat their purchases. still scores of snaps fo buyers. : You can save 15 to 20 per cent hy bugis at this time of the year. Call and see for yourself. ; WILL PAY CASH or ant Port Perry, Jan. 16, 1gor. Removal y The undersigned would take this opportunity of thanking his nus merous custemers for the. liberil patronage received since opening business in Port Perry, and would inform the public that he haa moved his business from he Market building to the via Store pi First doorEast of } . the Post Office HE where he will be pleased to fill all erders for Meats in a manner that ft cannot fail to please customers. Having new and increased frecilities for the transaction of business he feels confident that he can give better satisfaction than heretofore, and in order to aerify this state he solicits ull to give him a call in'his new premises, Iva. GAME AND FISH IN SEASON. wa I. J. WHEELER. First-class Farm for Sale Tremendous Discount hs The undersigned offers for Sale SALE Ht 'his Splendid Farm--more particul- oF arly known as the Medd Farm-- 4 being composed of the south-half of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers Jot 10; con. 6, Cartwright, contain- AT ing 100 ACRES more or less. about « ©8 acres are cleared and in a good | CEHEAPSIDRE state of cultivation. Well fenced, | CY good buildings and a never-failing HE subscribers having just well of fine water. Two Orchards, finished Stock-taking and find- of good, bearing frult trees. This | ing that on account of the mild will be a good vpporturity to secure |season they have too many Boots "a grand Homestead, the proprietor, and Shoes of all. kinds on-hand, owing to failing health, is desirous have determined from now of retiring from farming. This vai: A wable property is situated on the till March 1st leading traveled road of the towt- to offer their whole stock at ship-- being about 6 miles from \ Port Perry; 16 miles from Bow IN manville; 4 miles from Burketon gation oa ihe © PRAT one Wile --of the latter there are only broken Se I lots and not a full assortment of apply to the proprietor on the pro-| ; : : .. |sizes--such sizes as are left Go \ perty. Immediate possession given AT HALF PRICE. NELSON MARLOW. £ Blackstock, Jan, 22, 1901 Boots and Shoes that were $1 r 8octs, thoge at $1.25 for rag fl fo! $1. those that were $1.50 for $1.25, $2 Boots for $1 60. Men's Heavy Boots of all kinds 20 cts. off every dollar. Men's Heavy Rubbers and Sox, 20 cts off every Dollar, &c., &c., &c. Purchasers of Groceries will be dealt most liberally with and Crock ery and Glassware of all kinds at OF VALUABLE d Furniture! 5. . 20 cts off the dollar. InChinaware, A « Lamps, &c. we have some beauti 3 MR. C. L ITBY ful goods left and all go at big to sell by Auction at his'Residence reductions. (Blong Block) REMEMBER t t ¢ i Cast : -- 2 tliese reductions are for Cash >. ORT PIR ---- down and bring your Dollar Fo nN Bills and secure the bargains. Saturday, Jan. 29, 12 01, All his. Valuable HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS including Mrs. I. C. FORMAN & SON. Whitby's Grand Piano. Marriage License Everything is nearly new, and in | Office. first class orders. All must be sold | "Port Perry, Jan. 16, 1901. 'the proprietor beng about to lea 'this locality. : MF Sale at One the wade ersigned urc ase of all or any of the Prahe Parm Properties --belong- ing to Mr. John Adams, advertised to be sold by auction on the 23r¢ November, and withdrawn at the sale. 1 A. McGILLIVRAY, "TENDERS "FOR GEDA NEALED "TENDERS, marked "Tender for Cedar' will be re- ived by the undersigned up till i sof Monpay, Fesruary 11th, 75 Pieces 16 feet long, 6 inches in diameter at small end. ~ 40 Pieces 18 feet long, 10 inches in diameter at small end. All tobe positively ood. sound, een and straight, and to eliv- i near the Town Hall, Man: HE undersion Sh offers 5 sale or i chester, not later than the 1st day| bai nis Js; m. otal, first-class 2 Oratard, a eo sor "acres of fine | For further particel i Jan, 14,1901. xy Hotel Property at Epsom FOR SALE OR OR TO RENT. : 3 Wi seexc Clerk.| Manchester, Jan 21, 1991. Clothing and Boot & Shoe Business "IN ALL ITS DEPARTMENTS. "Zoe HC Having increased the dimensions of my premises, I have purchased and |i: Reductions of 5, 20, 8 450 goncant| Having had the commodious Store in the Currie Black fitted up e ially, I am satisfied I have now one of the best appointed Drug an invitation to all to Port Perry, Sept. 12, 1900. opened out I have the largest and most not fail to ploase. Come and see us in our enla Port Perry, Sept 6, 1899. opened in this locality for your inspection, and the prices are such as Stores in the Province, and have taken possession of my new and 'extensive premises, where I have opened out, addition to my extensive stock of Drugs, Chemicals, and Fancy Goods, a full line of SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES. | While returning thanks to my numerous patrons I would extend Jan. 23, 1901. call and gee me in my new premises. A.J. DAVIS, an Extensive Stock of AND READY-MADE CLOTHING il for Men and Boys which for quality a 'thus district, SREIREAE veried Stock of BOOTS anp SHOES rged quarters. my customers in every particulr, A. F. CARNEGI than to with the WELCOME, No better way to prove if det face to fa 00ds--our Store yours to look at or to buy in any time, YOURE ALWA ever more My aim shall be to ple: Temple Building, . Toronto. | 1 for the following Cedar y ber Teduired by the Corpora: (°F JORN ADAMS, aha tion of the Township of Reach, viz | 55150 hb extents premises Jo where we wi ' Durability and We have Moved our business to the South side of Queen Street and now o supply our customors and with everything in the Harness Ro WHICH POR GHEAPNESS, STYLE - STRENGTH, | ust vacated by Mr. B. F. AcKErmaN, be better prepared i ever to the public in I= § : i A the Whole Stock " THE SERVICES OF A irst-classT ailor Fits guaranteed. is determined to Clear Out the WM. PARR. p------ py Au pia uy, od YA #4 Port Perry, Jan. 15. 1901. skets, Coffins, Robes, &c. EST ABT, A MID-WINTER BD 1847. Furniture Sale But Not(t) Giving Up Business. My motto is--fair dealing to all. ONE ( est of t o t. Charles Hotel, Having a surplus Stock left over the Holidays, I will give Great Bargains the Next Two Months, for Cash or Credit untii next fall to re- sponsible persons. In my Undertaking Department every branch is complete--such as Having - purchased my Funeral Goods fore the advance in price I am prepared to give my customers the efit. 1 furnish one of the best Hearses in the County. any. " Wood taken in exchange. Prices low as KZ" I am AGENT FOR MONUMENTS. 7 Also Fancy Goods. Diesfeld's sx We are prepared to give SPECIAL BARGAINS in Dollar, nicely Enameled and Set with Pearls, &c. Prices to suit you all right. COLD AND SILVER WATCHES. Gold Filled Cases in great variety, some as smell as a Quarter of WEDDING AND ENGAGEMENT RINGS |in Pearl, Opal and Diamonds, all fine and New Designs. REAT VARIETY VERY CHEAP, Sets, &c., and some more to follow. ®& Repairing as usual, Port Parry, Nov. 30, 1898. CLocKs IN Nl | Knives, Forks, Spoons, Fruit Dishes, Butter Dishes, Cake Baskets, Te EVERYTHING GoBs CHEAr. §3 DIESFELD'S Garnegie's ROLLER MILLS )LLER PROCESS @& » manufacture of Flour, and i prepared to do ! ly and in a manner that cannot fail to give to my customers 4 Seppe ik our of in full operation and can rupply all kinds of ets, Stancles, £ The undersigned takes this opportunity of returning his sincere thanks for the large measure of patronage bestowed on him since commencing business in Port Perry, and would beg to state that having, at a large expenditure, thoroughly overhauled the entire Mill and introduced the best, mos _ approved and most modern machinery including the isting and Chopping FINEST BRANDS PLANIN G "FACTORY Lumber, also Lumber, Jorsts, Scantling, Boards, Pick Sash, Mouldings. Weekly Polikeat, Agricultural 4 Family Newspaper 18 POSLISITED AT PORT PERRY, ONT, EVERY TAUASDAY MORNING a. PARSONS, LETTERS containing money, addressed to Ottice, Prepaid And res aio mn aod ADVERTISEMENTS charged Bs ehpariel; and According to the space ADVERTISEMENTS ER Tor patio with received for Fo Binet tions, ment will oS taken out until no; for. on wiv A LIBERAL discount allowed to Merchants and other + Who advertise by the yesr or half yedr, ' THESE terms will in yil cases be strictly' adhered to JOB DEPARTMENT, Pamphlets. Hand Bills, Posters, Programs, Dodgers, Bill Heads, Oheok Lotter Heads, Wedding Invitations, Blank Forms, Recoipt Books, Business Card Books, Cire ilars, Assembly Cards, Visiting Curds, &a. of every style and at me ance gel to take fame Yin hens 1. PARSONS. GENTR WANTED FOR {TORS oF Arion Yr John lak molec 111.1. 8. Filis, M.A. A. Cooper, Ma i of and an Magus ne," Torvnto. ang Lond n advantage in procuring p oroy auth irship, letterpress ox | Cn ain Contingenta bec il rival w for ora prospoctiis « pigsetsing a TivAl Drospe is Croulam And. terme fi Apply Worlu Pullishing Company, Guelph, Ontario, Central Livery PORT PERRY. [ EARTILY thanking the public for the liberal patronage receiv. many years I have kept a Livery ment in Port Perry, Ihave much pleasure in announcing that I have removed MY LIVERY! to my former place of business Water Street which Tam about to largely extend in- crease facilities so that the public may be better accominodated with safe and desir- able RIGS AT MODERATE CHARGES R. VANSICKLER, Port Perry, June 21, 1900. han in any will mail free Change of Bas. WEILER returning sincere thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore ex- tended to them, the undersigned would beg to announce that they have MOVED INTO PURDY'S BLOCK where they will be in a better position than heretofore to meet the requirements of their numerous patrons and they respect fully solieit the patronage of all Mr. Hay craft's former customers. Fresh and Cured Meats of the best quality will always be found at their Store, Orders will receive prompt attention, Game and Fish in Season, Second door East of Mr. Purdy's Grocery S. T. CAWKER & SON Port Perry, May 21, 1900. TE JOHN NOTT, UNDERTAKER, and Funeral Director, PORT PERRY. SUMMER HILL ROVER 3rd. THE undlondigned keeps for service at tis place, lot 41, at Grand, Young, Improved Yorkehire White Boar, Bammer Hill Rover "ied red ed by Dia Sun, Mi Mill Grove, Ott. His Reg. Hoare ot Avil on 80 the owner. 0 Aged Boar of the same wT 'Dhetios can have their 'choice Of 'these grand In, ice $1. So Sep 19, 1000. Washing and House Cleaning I wish to state fate that I am prepar- ed todo Washing or House Clean WM. MEDD. ing on shortest notice. Charges moderate, Residence north of Foundry. MRS. E. WHITE. Port Perry, April 26, 1goo. GEO. JACKSON, Licensed Avnctioneer, Valuator. &c. YOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSHII OF CARTWRIGHT, ISHES at this the commencement o another Auction Sale Season to re: turn thanks to his numerous patrons for past favors. In requesting their esteemed state that ne effort or pains will be spared on his part to make & 1 sales entrusted to him successes. His very extensive practice in the past should be a sufficient recom mendation as to his ability. All "Sle fiven into his char with promptness lg made out od blank notes supplied free, on Anpliention: 4 Parties wishing to engage his services hie 8, ey Sie or Standard Offizes, | HOLIDAY FASHIONS, We Trim Hats for Special Occasions. Nissi L. & J Sittings of the Division Coarls w 5. CANNINGTON Clark, Geo. Smith, Canningtén + 6. BE FAVERTON. Clerk. Geo. F and continued patronage he desires to! ge We make a featrre which hive Vik a iy COUNTY OF ONTARIO. 1801. WHITEY Clerk, DC. Macdonell, Whitin: Ah 8 Febminey 4, March d, Aprils, Mo & To =i Juy : Se, eptembe r4, Uctover 3, Nuveiober 4, Dug emis 0 HAWA Clerk, I. C. Macdomall, Whit hy-- Janus ary , February 5, March 8, April 3, May 7 + Jus, September 5, October 4, November 5, Dec: BROUGHAM--Clerk, M: Gloeson; Greenwood=Jants ary, | Barc 6, May 10, July 8, Aeptemor §, Nov. ember 7. PORT PERRY - Clerk, J. W. Burnham, Pert rt Parry ry 15, March 7, Mdy 13, July §, September wher 11. UXBRIDGE. Clerk, Jos. E Genld, Txhridge-- anuary 16, March 20, May 37, Juiy 11, Septiubee 18 November 19, January 17, Mus h 21, May 28, July 10, September 19, November 20. Bruce, Beaverton arch 23, May 29, Beptember 20, Br Nov. iv il UPTFROROYE~Clork, Thos. Uy ~Murch 23, May 30; Sept rn HI, Dptengtore By order, J. E. FAREWFLL, Clerk of the Peace. Dated at Whithy, Oct. 22nd, 1900. IT &h ; us NPA INDING my 5 Livery RECOM FT ion oopromy St being far too small to quirements of my rapidly ne business I have leased for a term of rears and taken possession of 'the commodious Livery Offices and Stables On Queen Street --entrance adjoining the Canadian, Bank of Commerce property--where" I will constantly keep for hire a complete variety of reliable rigs at moderate Charges. Constant at- tendance night and day, so parties may rely on having theit require: ments met at all tires. Patornage respectfully solicited. --- Conveyance to all trains. Wu. JTamisoni Port Perry Sept 26, 1900. South Ontario aoa Tustiuld WiLL HoLp MEETINGS As FoLLows PickeriNG-- Jan. 8th. Harmony (alternoon)-- Jan. gth. Cepar DALE (evening)-- Jan. gh. KiN:ALE-- Jan. 10. At each of these meetings Mx. Wi C. Sheaer, Blight, and Mr. Fraser, Burford, will address the meetings along the line of Dairying and Hay Raising. CrarEMONT-- Jan. 23rd. Brookrin--]an. 24th. MancHESTER--]an. 25th. Mr. Robert Millet, Stouffville, will address these meetings on Horses, and the pure: breeds Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Swine. MyRrTLE-- Jan 29th, Be Port Perrv-- Jan. 30th 2 WhiTey-- Jan. 31st. La jh Mr, Simpson Rennie will g iver address along the best lines of gra J growing at these meetings. Afternoon sessions will begin a 1 30, evening sessions at 7 30. Other speakers are being atra for, who discuss various subjects. At each evening session it is pected that a member of Wi Institute will give an address. The Secretary will be prepar: discuss "The Pea Bug." "Sm Oats," "Scientific Farming." The meetings are free to Come yourself and tell your bor to come also. % Wax. OrinstoN, F Erser Lick, Secretary Strayed GC TRAYED from the D the pren S dersigned, lot 3, cot, | 2 2th Novem! & Culves---one a Heifer, star on forehead, the ot 'will be attended to | dispatch. Sule list | | Sark Reiter either at! Perry, for dates claimed for Sle make to his

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