Ontario Community Newspapers

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 24 Jan 1901, p. 2

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\ Reception 'at Prince Albert tolone of wondrous compass and ung its yearly sub' picture of that mem eir correspondent Hamilton, and others ye witnesses of that le battle, say it gives » elligent idea their position of the Boer ramp. A cop) in he seen at. this office. SH ret A RACKING COUGH . Sufferer For passed throngh this place on his Saskatc hewan. He arrived at Hali- fax on the Roslyn Castle, and could not cross the continent withoui his old school-fellows who had not moved away. In such atfectionate Afflicted the Twenty Years. 'Ortex Sat Urpin Bep CouGHING Tue Wao B Nigar Losc--IDoc tors UrriMarery Toro Hiv THE Trot BLE was DrveLoring InTo 'ConsumpTioN--How RELIEF was he first left home, now several years present him with an address and Prom the Times, Picton, Ont. adorn a mantel in his western home. _ Nothing racks the body more than If 1t is allowed to 'run for any length of time, it is very hard to get rid of, and often leads tc the most dreaded ot all disease-- msumption. Such a sufferer wa: omas Jinks, of Prince Ed decorated, was packed to the doors with those who bad assembled to "| the ey 1 have had a bad co troubled with catarrh, which start ed in my head, but later spread to my stomach, leaving me dyspeptic For two years I was troubled with pains mn the stomach and was no: zble to raise my arms above my head without experiencing severe Africa. Then my kidneys began to trouble me and at times I could not get ont of a chair without help My Limbs and feet I ARCDDY on HE on = only too glad y OBSERVER] to go ten times the distance to hear the same two songs sung by th same young lady, whose vcice ish PORT PERRY, JAN. 24, 1901 / a Returned Soldier from |sweetness, nativity and cultivation South « frica. .| Mr. J. Balfour also sang a couple of «4 : songs in his own inimitable manner, Mx Marley Campbell has just and was deservedly encored. Miss} Armstrong played all the accompan- iments with her well known tastcf] and ability. During an intermission for thef purpose Rev. W. W. Bates was called on to make the presentation and to read the following address | ADDRESS PRESENTED TO MR. MORLEVH 5 ; CAMPBELL ON HIS RETURN FROM remembrance has he been held since | typ War 1x Soutn AFRICA BY HIS FRIENDS IN PRINCE ALBERT. ago, that his {fiends determined to ONT. take advantage of his presence to| DEAR Sik, : Several of Yope old Friends in EE ai of = meri ning, tafe with ose clock, which will soon, it is hoped, | entation, having heard that on your§ way from the battlefields of South} Accordingly, on Wednesday even Africa to your home in the West § ing last the public ball, beautifully a 38 the 3 time here with your father andj mother, felt that t uld not | do honour to one of the bravest of | yu i h the place avithout brave band of men known a 8 Canadian 'Mounted Rifles, who nad covered themselves with glory during the Campaign in South way from South Africa to Fort spending a few days here at his father's and mieeting again those of ing to a far distant land to up the rights of our Sovereign Lady Queen Victoria and to fight for the} honor of the Empire and the ad§ vance of civilization in the dark The chair wus taken by Mr. Mc- Lurer's accounts, signed by Mr Wesley Mounjoy and Mr. Isaiah be | Barclay, was read aud on motion | Grand Demonstration held in Port 'ihe Secretary's report was also |and appropriate remarks the Chair. submitted to the meeting showing Eile following to be the result of the Eseason's operations : s ¥ Number Ibs. Milk delivered, 819,124 { Total Cheese made 77,011 M lbs.-- total cash ........$756% 75 E Total Butter made 7531 Ibs. as. McBrien, Esq, opened the proceedings, lie congratulated the visitors on their success in page Ro § Emblazoniug them forever ae the Victorian "For all the virtue, faith, and fortitude y noble womanhood Ave erst thy golden youth-- We also would do homage to thy name, Joining our distant voices in the loud carrying off so magnificent a trophy. Mr. J. S Dench, Supreme Leader of the Order, addressed the meet: ing to good effect, he gave a lucid and comprehensive statement of the inception of the Order and its wonderful progress up to the end of the century just closed. At the proper time Miss Marshall, on behalf of the Port Perry Circle, graciously made the presentation of if a Which rings o'er earth and sea - In attestation of the just renown Thy reign hrs added to the Britich E Total forbutterand cheese $9158 87 Retained by the Company for manufacturing Butter $263 57 Retained for manuiactoring Oh! you naughty Sir Wilirid, didn't you rise up in the judge's stand in our beautiful Driving park and with your sweetest smile stand. ug out in bold relief from a back- ground of Union Jacks and tricolors tell us that the deficit of the Post- office Department was growing less #Rent for milk cans . 8 Two milk cans soid ...... EOverpaid patious last year Mr. W. J Roy, Leader of Tyrone Circle, acknowledged its receipt, and in, doing so paid a compliment to its donors, dwelling on the mag- nificence of the award, the appro- 'ness of the inscription and the Total received by Coy. .$2010 67 Total 3 per : a edict ed a future greatness of "which f had the least conception. The ladies politely invited their guests to partake of a charming tea; t took ¢" to repair the each Liberal throat, the long delayed postal report has its appearance we find a Stillman for making Brien, P. S. I, who discharged his| co, tinent, We cannot forget that} = somewhat onerous duties most sat | tle present is the third generationg isfactorily. Indeed nothing less |since your father's and mother's could be expected irom a gentleman family, the Campbells and the capable ot making such a speech -- Carswsllss first seiled 3a this part rather, such speeches--as he favour |° me Lounty oO ntario' and ihn 4 although for some years you havefs ed us with during the proceedings. had your dwelling in another party His nationality and patriotism were | of this great Dominion we remen > llevident in each eloquent sentence. | ber that it was here that you spentfg swollen that I was unable to lacc my boots, but as soon as the sweli went down I was but a mere sha dow, My wrists and arms were so' shrunken that I could sense. Rev. Messrs. McFarlane whole night long. finally told me I was in the first of consumption. _ spring of 189g, a litile pamphlet was < thrown in the hall door telling about decided to try them. the second box, change and after using them for a couple of months, I was completely cured and the cough had left At present my health is as good as I can wish for, and I can truly say through all my suffering, got any permanent rehet until I took Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." Mr. Jinks added that it was not in his own case alone 'Williams' Pink Pills had proved of advantage to. his "© daughter Miss Mildred, was in a d or health, and scarcely able Roce acid In fact, her friends blood, and thus reach the root These pills are the only medicine offered the public "that can show a record of such marvellous cures after doctors bad If your are at all unwell, + this medicine will health, but be sure you get the the full name "Dr illiams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo- le," on the wrapper around each A New Thing in Newspaper- dom In the search by Newspapers for something new, plans of insurance to their readers have been devised . and put into operation by London "newspapers for some years past. © Many thousands of dollars have * been paid out by insurance com. 'panies in England in connection with newspaper In Canada we are not behind in this any more than in other respects. . Some years ago, the Montreal Star adopted a plan by which anybody "who met with a railway accident and had in his pocket a copy of could derive certain "benefits from theinsurance company insurance plans. Now a new insur- ance plan has been arranged for by The Toronto Star. In this latter case, everybody subscribing for the "Toronto Daily Star for one year, her an old or new, receives Ocean Accident & Guar poration of London, Eng- of the best insurance The speech of Mr. Wm, Ross, M.P., your youth, that it was here youl del one. for legislators received your education, and that was: &../hode. One RgIS) '|it was from here you went forth) being brief, pointed, and bristling |in all the strength and pride of early with that very uncommon thing|manhood to engage in "the stern battle of life," a battle which so far} you have fought honourably andfg d McColl : successfully ; and we are also persu § and McColl gave great praise t0|gaded that you, for your part, have in Britain and Britain's soldiers, and your heart, and will ever retain there were of the very decided opinion |a very warm corner for the dear} that if ever a war was justifiable it old viilege of Prince best: Wel was that in which the Empire is a or oy oaitly oper now engaged. Mr. McColl had|of war and on your Fei hoped that conciliation would avert | from the dangers of the deep ; and, hostilities ; but those hopes vanish- ed when the then President Kruger declared war against England, and which is commonly called common his loving care of you amid all repast was highly creditable to the skill and generosity The proceedings were enlivened and interspersed by an excellent program consisting of dialogues and singing, in whicli the following took part: Misses Boe and Ceesiresanseiaias "greater-than-has been deficit." We don't really believe you knew that you were telling fibs, + Sir* Wilfrid. 'We fancy that ©J, William," must have played you for a sucker.--Mail Mnsurance on factory and HE QUEEN End of the Longest and Most Glorious Reign on Record. DEATH OF Cutting Ice for factory. . - Masters Stewart Cape Town, Jan. 21,--The resi dents of the Hanover district have been warned that they must surren- the Government modern rifles hereafter, all the guns. hereto in being antiquated weapons. Steps are being taken to enforce the orders for the delivery of all arms aud ammunition. rounded by her children and gland ALBERT EDWARD, Qur Beloved and Most Gracio: Majesty Queen Victoria, Queen o!f§Secretary, salary Great Britain and Ireland i Empress of India, wasborn May24th| Timber for and putting in 181g ; she ascended the throne olf |Great Britein and Ireland on Junc@R, J. Bruce, milk cans and 20th, 1837, and was crowned Queen g in Westminister Abbey, on Junc®iohn Nasmyth, m Auditors' expenses On February roth, 1840, she wasflinterest on $300 note in married to the Prince Albert of Saxe § . By this marriage@Repairs, postage, station there were nine children, whom survive her, died on December 14th. 1861. 1876 she assumed the title of "Em- press of India." Her reign has been a glorious, prosperous one, and thef ow Cowes, Island of Wight, Jan," 22. With the members of the royal §family gaihered at the Queen's bed: Hide, the Bishop of Winchester and Bthe rector of Whippingham read 8the prayers for those in extremis, Happily, the Queen was able 'to recognize those around her. Th came to he bedside, but the phy ans had warned them against tempts to speak to her. he family, while recognizing it ¥claim for public jinformation, ¥ that the details of events around the death bed shall be sacred for® n the whole house: The Queen is said to have bac vicissitudes through which youf§farewell at midday in a feeble The entertainment was pronounc- ed be one of the best and most enjoyable they had ever attended. The following members o work and cleaning o Screen doors and windows Burgess, John Coudgou, Richard Davey, Jas. Curtis, Jas, Pooley, J. S. Henry, W. Couch, W. H. Moore, Ottawa, Jan, 21.-- At meeting of the Cabinet an order-in- passed calling Mr. George McHugh, ex-M.P., to the Senate in the room of the late Sir . Q Byron Farrell, J. W. Virtue John 5| Mutton, Samuel Bingham, Willard Ben. Carscadden, T. R. Hoar, Thos. Creeper, Vienna, Jan. 21--The patronage of thé Emperor Francis Joseph, who recently contributed 5,000 crowns to Herr Kress the @ronaut, able him to continue his experiment with you, we offer our heartfeltfgstrictest secrecy o thanks to the universal Father forf§"® £2" The popular Comedy, "Our Boys," for the benefit fof the Port Petry Public Library by the Dra- matic Club on Friday, 8th February BOverpaid in 1899 threw down the gauntlet, by invad- have passed unharmed. Butfosyllable to her family assemble ing British territory. = Mr, McFar-| whilst our hearts are thus filledfther bedside. lane beautifully expressed the hope that an. era of peace might soon L | y dawn upon the world. seem to have been less fortunate; The Port Perry Orchestra are hard at work preparing "several selections for the occa: Special scenery i: being made for he presentation 'of this Several choice vocal seléctions and with the @rial machine, has, as was expected, drawn sufficient subscrip- tions from other wealthy persons to cnable the inventor to construct his She first recognized longest of any reign in the annals off. c}, with joy and gratitude on yourjgthe Prince of Wales, to whom account, we cannot forget others wholispoke a few words of great mom Ithen the Emperor William and and our sympathies go out to thefothers present filed past notable for the great advancementf§~ Ee eg 7 MCash paid Com fi made in all branches of art and ! ompany.. 108 | science, and the extension of "her The speeches of Major Forman | friends of those brave men whoffa whispered good-bye, and Captain Rolph, being reminis- cent and patriotic, were, heartily en- joyed by all the old residents of Prince Albert, particularly by those g | left of the Company that marched away o the hospital, and especially to thej relations of those who were called to their final rest whilst fellow-f assengers with yourself from South Africa, and more t all to the] wite'and d eyes clo n their Jast s almost within sight of home. may those bereaved ones say: dared to invade the sacred soll of resell : . Wellg _|Canada, Both gentlemen were el evidently ready to, go on another « And the stately ships go on, : To the h der the hil: campaign of the same sort should And O, for the touch of & vaniabed haud, : d th ice that ie still they be called on by their country. 03 sp dpkaed of 4 ¥5 a What may be called the classical speech of the evening was made by. as being one of ourselves, and wef a gentleman from Port Perry ; and are proud of you because of theff all is said that need be said when it| manly way in which you have dis- is said that it was made by Dr|charged your duty as a member of a : that brave band of warriors, the Sangster. Judging from Rev. Mr. Royal Canadian Rifles, the one body] Wilson's address it would be some : . ® | of men who perhaps more than any$ what difficult to decide on his|others were able to cope with the nationality. His straight-forward: | courageous but mistaken Boers and| ness would indicate that he was an o own tactics. We ask you to accept§ Englishman, his shrewdness would this time piece as a token--though a3 Convince one that he was a Scotch- very inadequate one--of the esteem man, his eloquence would make you |in which we hold you and as a ready to swear he was an Irishman, | memento of the welcome which wi whilst the patriotic sentiments that | POW offer you. In doing so we fee ' : bataing period that an apology may be due to those] pulsated in 'every hg Pp amongst whom you have your dis-§ would make yon exclaim, "That|tant home for our having thus to man can be nothing else than a{some extent anticipated the muc more elaborate reception whic! they will doubtless accord to you Short speeches were also made], Your arrival at Fort . Saskatc by Messrs, Christie, Boys, Gibbs, | wan. 2 Hutcheson, and others ; and letters M. E. WiLson, M. A, of regret were read from Col. Fare. 4. yousizman cf Com well, Dr. Mellow and Rev. Mr. Secretary, Cooper, at their not beingable to prince Albert, Ont, .{ be present. Col. Farewell also sent| Jan. 1, 1901. } Mr. Campbell a complimentary card| The meeting was brought to a Canadian!" Cape Town, Jan. 21.-- Fighting is reported to have occurred outside of Maraisburg, in which a 'corporal It is believed that the marching towards 1 of Maraisburg have fallen on the veldt or died inthe bedroom were in tears. choruses will be given. THE NEWS CORROBORATED: London, Jan. 22, 7.30 p.m telegram from the Prince of W ito the Lord Mayor is as foll Osborne, 6.45 p.m.--M Albert Edward Prince of Wales) born November gth, 1841, becomes [heir to the throne. and honor him as our new King. him as He has and shipping Butter and OvsTER SUPPER AND CONCERT, -- A grand Oyster Supper and Con- tal cash for Butter 'atal cash far Chases. ¥= They fit, They wear. = They hold their shape. They fairly bristle\ Our Collars possess all town hall, on the evening of Friday, The tables will be readiness at 6 o'clock when oysters will be served till all have partaken, after which short, interest- ing and appropriate addresses will be delivered by Rev. Mess and Ruttan and pthers interspersed by readings and recitations. W. M. Yeo of Little Britain will also favor the audience with a num. ber of choice solos. Thos. Graham, E<q. will occupy the chair. A cordial invitation is extended to NEeiL SweeTMaN, Chairman o! R S: Rurran, Pastor. Hockey --In a very Winter Races. and exciting game--on tl i Rink of this place on Th ¥last week Port Perry de { Excelsior Seniors (champ As has been implied, we, forfToronto League) by a 800 reasons already intimated,.claim youf§to 4. 7 Bal in favor of Patrons. . It will be seen by the above that ihe patrons have received for their butter 17.61 or a little over 17} cts. §They have also received for their cheese a fraction over 7} cts. per lb. I'he average Ibs. of milk to make a pound of cheese was 10.63 Ibs. § Mr. lsaiali Barclay was appoint- :d Auditor for the Patrons The winter meeting of the Port je| Perry Trotting Association com) ¢ |menced on Tuesday last on the Central Park track. The first day's) ¢ | events were all that could be desir I ed--close contests and much inter est manifested in the results, isecond day was not so successfu owing to a scarcity of entries. i Free for-all was the only event tha filled and won in three straight heat by Looking Glass. entries for the other events theyl dwere declared off. The Hamilton have had to abandon their races owing to the same cause. E%. Who wants to purchase or a first-class farm, v A P elsewhere in this issue. 1cTorious Acain.-- Port last evening again vanquishe gol Toronto's best teams--this Bit was no other than the Beatty & BoNGark's hand-made harpess is made to wer. There is no value to equal it. factory made harness and\he price is not noticeably higher. Bank League) the score biel hen proceeded with, the old Board Port Perry, it is con fisesses the fastest Hockey Club in the Don Fire.--On Monday last at 8 7.30 a.m. the driving hiouse ang AN Overcoat oR a CoLp'--WNch is safer to carry} At a meeting of the Directors ubsequently held Mr. J ppointed President, Mr.. W. A to defeat them by employing theirany 22.-- The papers devote columns of space to the his torical and personal reminiscences, and the scenes and incidents. of the Emphasis is laid on the fact that Her Majesty paying the peralty for her devotion to affairs of state. weather demands an Overcoat, and because you get a better assortment now than later on. --A. F. CarNEGIEZ £5. Everything in the Jewelry, Gold and Silverware lines, fitted and acceptable for Holiday Gifts, at ohn Smith, Treasurer, and Mr. G ML McLaughlin, Secretary. anchester, was discovere re and there being a strong. t the time the buildings to 1 Geo, Curtis' (Lindsay) W.1... Epos Gupane). Johuy MOntario Pine Grove Cemetery 2 EP LC erases tix . | 8. Leadloy's Maud Hays | Jolin Aldro's Harry Wilkes... Time, 2 304, 2.304, 2.34, 2.38, The annual meeting of the share- Bholders of the Ontario Pié Grove metery Company was lield pur ; ant to statute in the: Town Hall 143 a8 Poit Perry, on Monday, Jan. zr. Mr. S. Jeffrey was called to the 3 2 2 28chair and Mr. John Rolph appointed until a few days a.o0 there was no harder worker in Ronghly estimated, she signed 50,000 documents yearly. No despatch of any gravity was ever issued from the Foreign Office until seen by the Queen, and some idea of the work thus entailed is gathered from the fact the Foreign Office handles considerably over a thousand despatches weekly, After every sitting of the House of Commons the government leader in the house was i forwarding to the Quéen an abstract Tug public are cordially invited to inspect my stock of Holiday Not necessary to make a purchase.--W. H. McCaw, Don't miss seeing Jones & Co's beautiful holiday display. Don't advantage of their wonderfully low prices. EE. Perhaps you want a litt] everything--maybe only a' collar nd Machinery were a tot ome of the vehicles were The minutes of the Annual Meet- ding of 1900 were read and dn motion AvcTion Save--It will b 8the Posters and and advert J. Widden one of the General Roberts presented the Auditors' king of the part the@Auditors e Canadians at the bat-Breport of the treasurer's accounts, deberg that it was theirfwhich was on motion adopted. felsewhere in this issue, that L. Whitby who, all regret, Rio leave this locality, has a kson to sell by Au from the Lieutenant-Colonel and |close by singing the National Any, Officers of the Thirty-fourth Bat- them. allion. Several gentlemen, too, weré| Oddfellows' Installation. heard lamenting that Mr. F. Yarn: Ci . At a regular meeting of Warriner OF, held o button. Glad to see you if you only want to pay your respec The report shows the handsome 93,26 in favor of the he total receipts bring Majubag$884.68, The expenditure being position which was th compelled Com-Rbalance of ' lay down his§iCompany. of his Household This will be a grand o secure first-class furnil of the business done: She personally attended' to these and frequently returned them with marginal asking for explauation. os tn kept away by a Heriogs Lake, Si © [Monday eve _ Mr.Campbell was much mprenery- | : saring before a peaceful ssembly of his fellow-countr EF Diesfelds have the largest and best stock of Diamond a i a - \. Gem Rings in th i : e County: See ? : N ps . re-interments 3, the number of : 3 ES. No matter low low we quote, o|than he would be in assaulting a by commando of Boers, even though under - the wily De Wett himself,| = Wm. Motheral, V.G. and entrenched in the most - im i Ash, Rec-Seretary hrm hie of Sout Af) LN ar" Nevertheless, he entertained the | Geo. Kilpatrick, Wa audience with an interesting account ohn Doubt, Conductor : ures on the veldt, and m. Monet, 0.G. eaoali R S.N.G - N.G s sold during the year being 37. he report was ado, depend upon it that you will get the atest intrinsic value that is pos- you to recejve.--Diesfelds. 's no news to our custom- pred and ordered We, the undersigned, do hereby |g agree to refund the mon S cent bottle ol Greene's Syrup of Tar if it fails cough or cold, We also 'On motion of Mr. McKnight, econded by Mr. John Powers the Board of Directors of 1900 were re- essrs. J. H. Brown and T. J. dden were appointed Auditors. The special committee consisting |

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