aries MhLLEnnu ushers it in--the days in all its phases need n THE GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN RHEUMATIC CURE d of suffering from this relentless disease ot-be prolonged. THIS POWERFUL SPECIFIC wins daily en- ~ coniums for its splendid It gives perfect relief in 6 It Drives Out the Causes-- Oleanses the System -- Paves the Way and Helps to Perfect Health. Only those who have been its victims--whether for a shorter ot a longer period --in its milder forms or its.more acute fortis, can really any correct Soticepticn of the ing agony that es to a Duly those who have been its tictims and have been cured by that most powerful and never-failing re- medy, South American Rheumatic Cure can really appreciate the blessing it has proved to mankind in relieving pain, dissolving and eradicating from the system all the foreign matters, the irritating acids, the unnatural through cold and exposure collect in the joints and muscles, cause swellings, stiffenings; inflammation | and-oft-times cripple and incapaci- | tate those who 'have been so un- fortunate as to be caught in its meshes. : and medicines that are calculated to give the quickest relief and are most promising of a permanent cure. That the highest results have been attained by South American Rheu- matic Cure that have been attained by any remedy of modern times is attested by the splendid testimony, the thankful words, the encourage- ment and faith shown in it by the hundreds and hundreds who have over their own signatures told how it has healed those who have been bed-riden for years--those who have through its use "thrown away the crutches" -- those whose stiffened joints that were affected by every whim of the weather--those who have suffered the deathly pains and pangs that are incident to the in- flammatory and neuralgic forms of Rheumatism, work in dispelling pain: : hours. : substances which | South American Rhegmatic Cure is a specific for' Rheumatisni and Neuralgia in all its forms. 108 ne an experiment. It 'is. compounded on the most scientific principles known in modern medical ' science. It is the concentrated essence of the | Words cannot too strongly ex- best and most potent ingredients | press its great merit, and sufferers recognized as being the most seatch- | need only to put to the test what ing and healing." The formula is the | others say of it to prove the claims outcome of years of study on Rheu-' of the great South American Rheu- matism- in all its forms; its causes matic Cure. Years of pain may be | matter of days at most till the st the place of the 'pain and there'll be a joyous and last dom. says: "1 have been a vic | Rheumatism for seven years: fined to my bed for months at a unable to turn myself; ha any benefit. f Rheumatic cures I saw advs but my wife induced me to: bottle of South American Rhi was in agony with pain. 12 hours after I took the first the pain had left me. until I used three bottles, day I am completely cured sto ispelled in an hour, but ubborn cases will vanish, J. D. McLeod of: Leith, vik reated by many I yscians wit! d Y a no ic Cure from Mr. Taylor, d n Owen Sound. At that ti 1 1 con South American Nervi ower in restoring wasted orce ; cures nervous pro h trouble bility, h fresbies on builds up waste places. South American Kidney Cureis a- liquid Kidney specific; cures Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Bladder troubles and all Kidney disorders«= Helps in four to six hours and cures permanently. 1 | | ++ SoLp BY A. J. Davis... CHAOS IN A LIBRARY. BSarcey's Fearfully Bad Duck With the Custodians of His Books. Francisque Sarcey had a 'splendid libra- ry, of which he was very proud, and there ate many stories told in Paris about the singular fates, comic and tragic, that overtook the librarians who successively looked after the late critic's books. The first was a released convict, who pleaded that to be much among good books would reform him. Sarcey, pugna- cious in print, was the kindliest of men in practice. He yielded to the plea. Un- fortunately his protege carried the ethical cure too far, for one day he decamped, taking with him the best of M. Sarcey's good books. * Te second was a distinctly minor dram- atist, Debrit by name and debris by na- ture. He bad worn himself into an in- curable melancholy by persistent addic- tion to the humorist vaudeville habit. Sarcey saw that abstinence from further eomposition could only be secured it the tan had some light occupation with a ¥iving wage. He established him in the vacancy left by the convict. A few days Tater as the critic, returning from the the- ater, drew his carriage up before his door he heard a smash of shivered glass above him, followed a minute later by what he no longer dared to call a dull thud on the pavement below. The wochegone libra- rian, wearied of life, had thrown himself out of the window. With his last breath he cursed Sarcey as his murderer. Third in order was one Bernard, a gladsome youth, whose blithe tempera- ment promised relief from the gloom cast by his predecessor. In the height of his glee he pulled out all the books, so as to 'rearrange them in more logical order on the shelyes. He stacked them ln craggy "pyramids all over the floor. But it hap- pened to be the special day of the week whereon Sarcey was wont to bave a few of lis theatrical friends; male and fe- male, to lunch with him. After lunch a dance followed as a matter of course. Nothing could dismay the librarian. He whisked the pyramids to four walls and joined in the dance. Next day he asked permission to go home and see bis moth: er. He never returned. The pyramids had to be sorted out by Barcey"s man- servant and put pellmell on the shelves again. The last librarian was Mlle. Blouska, an elderly Polish maiden, who proved an fnvaluable assistant until she perished miserably in the fire at the charity ball in Paris.--Philadelphia Times. ONE "FAKE" TOO MANY. A Romancing Reporter Who Was Finally Found Out. "The most incorrigible fakir that ever spilled ink on a daily paper is at present a director in a big trust in the northeast," said an old reporter last evening. "The way he got out of the newspaper business was rather peculiar, and as the story is now pretty generally forgotten it may be worth telling. with a smfle, "it 18 Dot the first time tn | Experimental Union Field my life that I have wished | had 'been Tests for 1900, born plain John Smith, without a six- pence in my pocket unless I bad earned | The members of the Ontario Agricultural * ard Experimental Union are pleased to state that for 19oo they are prepared to again for that portion of the history which is distribute into every Township of registered in the stratified rocks of the Ontario material for experiments crust. But if the paleontologists find with fertilizers, fodder, crops, roots, such a period too narrow. for their re- "orang, grasses, and clovers. quirements [ can see no reason om the v geological side why they should not be at This system of cooperative liberty to enlarge it as far as they may experimental work in Agriculture find to be needful for the evolution'of or- was started in 1886 with 60 plots. ganized existence on the globe--Sir which were situated on twelve Archibald Geikie. | A | . different farms in Ontario. Since that date, however, the work has increased from year to year, and in 189g there were 12,035 plots, which | were situated on 3,485 farms through: "out Ontario. List oF EXPERIMENTS FOR 1QOO. . Three varieties of Oats. Three varieties 6: rowed Barley. Two varieties Hulless Barley. . Three varieties Spring Wheat. . Three varieties Buckwheat. Three varieties Field Peas. . Two varieties bug-proof Field Peas. . Three varieties of Soy or Jap- anese Beans. . Three varieties Husking Corn. . Three varieties Mangolds . Two varieties Sugar Beets for stock feeding . Three vaticties SwedishTurnips . Two varieties Falk Turnips . Three varieties Carrots. . Three varieties fodder or silage Corn. . Three varieties Miilet. . Three combinations Grain for fodder. Grass Peas and two varieties Vetches. ' . Dwarf Essex Rape and two var isties Kale. . Three varieties Clover. . Sainfoin, Lucerne, andMammoth Red Clover. The Age of the Earth. Bo far as 1 have been able to form an opinion 100,000,000 years would suffice A Deeply Laid Plot. Mrs. Good--Why does your daughter wear your diamonds whenever she ex- pects Mr. Richman? Mrs. Wise--Oh, he's a jeweler, you know, and would be ashamed not to give | her larger and better ones than he thinks | #hs has. --Jewelers' Weekly. A LUNATIC'S IMITATION. It lacked Finish and Got Himself and = Thief Into Trouble, A Paris correspondent tells an inter- esting story of how a shop thief was captured recently at the Bon Marche In circumstances that in all probability are unique. One of the private deteet- ives in the pay of the establishment noticed a man who, with the most barefaced effrontery, was appropriat- ing articles of every description. The individual indeed seemed to make lit tle or no attempt to keep his operations secret. He slmply walked from coun- ter to counter and filled his pockets with whatever attracted his fancy. In spite of the strangemess Of the man's proceedings there was nothing to be dome but to have him arrested, and he was given into custody. His in- dignation was extreme. Ho protested {hat it was most unjust that he should be interfered with in this way when other people who were behaving in ex- actly the same manner were left un- molested, and he pointed fo a stout gentleman of most respectable appear- ance who he msserted had been lay- | 22: Five varieties Grasses. ing his bands on all sorts of goods |23- Three varieties Field Beans. without resorting to the formality of | 24. Three varieties Sweet Corn. | paying for them. 25. Four fertilizers and no fertilizer | "Ihe policeman to whom he had been with Corn. given In charge had been accustomed | 26. Four fertilizers and no fertilizer to listening to unconvincing explana- with Mangolds. tions and took his prisoner to the sta- | 27. Sowing Peas at four different tion. A few minutes later the stout dates to determine the injury gentleman, also In the care of a police- done bythe pea bug(Bruchus man, arrived at the same destination. pisi). The detective, whose curiosity had |, g pjanting cut Potatoes the samc been aroused; bad watched the per- "He had persuaded one of the big northern dailies to send him on a trip to Hawaii te write up the sugar industry, but after he srrived at Frisco he con- cluded it would be foolish to make a long ocean voyage when there were so many good cyclopedias at hand and proceeded | to grind out his letters trom a room in the Palace hotel. The correspondence at- tracted a good deal of attention, and his descriptions of island life were generally regarded as the most truthful and graph- jc that had ever been penned. Just how he arranged about getting bis remittances 1 don't remember, but he fixed it souk how fod kept the taing going for several "Then he was supposed to return and at last really took the train for the east. En route he got broke in a Pullman car poker game. It was then he executed his great coup. He got off at a little town in Arizona and telegraphed his office: 'Just held up by train robbers. Got all I had. Vire me $250. The office answered: in full account of on the No . mt of the road, and took the ot affidavits to 'who " gonage and had found it to be true that day and 5 days after being cut | he was perpetrating theft after. theft 29. Planting cut Potatoes which with the utmost dexterity. have and which have uo After a short investigation he was been coated over with lana i recognized to be an expert and notori- plaster. ous shoplifter, whereas the prisoner |30. PlantingCorn in rowsorsquares first arrested proved te be a lunatic PAINTIN Kalsomining, &c ITYHE undersigned would take this oppor: tonity of thanking his nunierous pat: rons for their liberal and still increasing patronage during the time he has carried on, the business of PAINTING in Port Perry, and would state that he i& am, as usual, now Large & Assorted Stock F DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS OF ion T am determined to sell very CHEAP et Dinh of 0 por cand | will be allowed on all Sales from now unti v ent. 3 pps en' A gontaing five rooms. ; Orchard nd a well | Port Perry, April 5, 1899, a -- returning thanks to the public for the N aironage. extended to me for over 3¢ ears, 1 would respectfully intimate that 1 ready for business, and have a As an inducement to CASH purchaseis Jan. 1st next, All work being MADE BY HAND, factory work kept in stock, the d ne oe 11 at once become super ority of my goods Ww! purchasers will find that hy din, before Jmking elsewhere : nten g ne hing in pl "of 4 oss kept onstantly on hand and repairs neatly and promptly attended to. ! JOHN ROLPH. Port Perry, Dec. 1, 1892. House and Lot for Sale orto Rent. "A "HOUSE AND LOT on Simooe Street, Port Perry, for Sule or to Rent. The The lot contains acre on which there are a barn, a good . Immediate possession. = Also for Sale a: General-Purpose Horse, Buggy and a Set of Single Harness --will be sold Ehenp or will exchange for other live stock. Apply nt the Office of this paper. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE IN THE of Reach. All makes--new and second-hand--from $25.00 ups Machines fully guaranteed. Samples of work on application, BY aaa CREELMAN BROS TYPEWRITER CO, [1 Sole Dealers in fie 15 Adelaide St. East, Toronto. Underwood Typewriters. TT Tv Te PHARMAC The Subscriber has just received a Complete Assortment of FANCY + CONSISTING OF : TOILET SETS in Plush, Persian and Oxidized Silver, Leather, §e. PERFUMES from the best makers, in Cut Glass Bottles, Bohemian Ware, &ec., at all Prices. FANCY CUPS AND SAUCERS, -VASES, &e PIPES and CIGARS of the Finest Quality. BLONG BLOCK A. J... DAVIS, Chemist and Druggis PORT PERRY orders for Parties entrusting their work to me may' rely or having it neatly and promptly exe cuted, My charges are moderate. 1 am also prepared to supply Paints, &e, 4 when eoutracting. A continuauce of public patronage soli} cited. WM. TREMEER. Port Perry, Mar. 23, 1693. GEO. GARDNER. Y ISHES to inform the public of Port Perry and surrounding country, that after four years experience in prosecuting his business in some of the largest cities o the United States, he is better than ever to execute any of the Ewing Bricklaying in all its branches; Plain and Ornamental Plastering. Also Artificial Stone Walks, that will remain permanent and will endure any weather. Bui Cisterns without any weod in" their co struction to decay or give out. If yous in need of any of the above, come to n obtain prices, All material required line will be kept constantly on han for sale after the first of next April, "88 GEO. GARDNER, Port Perry, Jan. 3, 1894. [Township better prepared than ever to execute alb{e Painting, Kalsomining and Paper Hanging {3 reparedif branches of his trade :--3Stone Masonry, § HE undersigned offers for Sale 32 acres art of lot 4 in the 3rd on. OF n ~ being ach. 'About 13 acres are cleared. 'the premises are a small dwelling house, barn, orchard of about 30 trees and a uantity of cedar. 4 "The property is sitnated near *¢ Cairns' Mill" alout 14 mile south of Utica "Further particulars may be had from EM. Yarnold, Solicitor, Port Perry, or of the proprietor on the premises, GEO. CAIRNS, Utica lune 22, 1893. Agricultural Machines ----AND ---- PLEMENTS SERD subject fo examination 1nd approval. pone. ORDER T th hie us. 0 = black, @¥ (cod tires and high: [0-DA 1 in every town to represent us. Hundreds earned their bicycle last yen i also Eixreo Tm greatest Exeluaive Bley Chicago, to any express company Iroquois Bicycles $ 400 of the famous Iroquois def 3 will be sold at mols Iroquois M3 Sake re tos QQuoals cYGL we have bought the entire cents on the dollar, With it we got 400 Model § Iroquois ished and com Made to Sell at $60. To vertiso our business we have concluded to sell these 400 at Just wi they stand us, ard make the murvelous offer of a IROQUOIS BICY CLE $16.75 while the; are strictlyup-to-date, famous everywhere fo DESCRIPTON Me lréaiols Model 3a too well kn ® detailed description. Shelby tubing, improved two-piees crank, detachable sprockets, arc oe barrel hubs and hanger, i in. drop, Best niekel and stam 'maroon and coa-h green; Gonts' frames, 29, 24 and 26 in., Ladies' 2 in.; best 'Recor do bq q Our Writ ith every (or your expross agent' way) ladies' or genls' height of frame wanted, and we will sap C. 0. D. for the bulance ($15.75 and ex vou don t find it the most wonderful Bicycle Offer ever made, send it if you don't want to be disappointed, 50 cents dist 1 i LES :nnsiejineot 99 Nodes at BIL Wheels £3 £0 $10. We want ERLE EL Thi T wheels an al saloat cycles, fin © of sample Wheel to agents. 10 our customers everywhere. . The Mead Cycle Co. ave absolutely reliable aod Troguois Bicycles at $16.76 are wonder fu DODS 15 « Bicycles FAILED Wiese Wee at a forced 1% in. seamless - crown, colors, Bieyen. color and charges), i proposition. 'We are known everywhere cle Mouse in the world and are perfectly reliable; we refer to any bank or business house in here. bi L. MEAD CYCLE ©0., Chicago, im, JESSE IRELAND, Port Perry. greg Bi ad. hat JAMIESON'S LIVERY T he will, within a few days, open his pew Livery Estalishment on his premises, Perry street, where he will keep for hire, a full variety of reliable rigs. Charges Mod- erate. 5 A generous share of public pitronage is respectfully solicited. #2 Conveyances to all trains, WM. JAMIESON. Port Perrv Aug 1, 1895. Taluatle Property for Sali ono Rend IN THE TOWNSHIP OF REACH. THE undersigned offers for Sale or to Rent that fine property sitnated one mile south of Port Perry, being part of lot 19, con, 4, Reach, containing 9 acres more or less, 6 acres of which ave cleared and in a good state of cultivation. On the pre mises there are a first-class Brick-Clad House, 80 x 20, with projection 18x 16, with wood cellar under the whole building ; Kitchen 18 x 14 ; goud Cistern, 2 goo Wells with Force Pumps. There is a firtt clas Orchard of about 67 Trecs-- Plum, Pear and Cherry--alsa entrant and gooseberry bushes and about quarter of an acre of [i ---- AT -- NDERLAND YHE undersigned keeps on hand and for sules the following Agricultural Mach: ines abd Inplements manufactured by the NUR EAMLTON NPR OL OF PETERBORO: Dictionary The Onc Great Standard Authority, Bo writes Hon. 1 irewer, Justice U. 8. Rupreme Court, ) pr--Send a Postal for Specimen Pages, etc. Successor of the 'Unabridged. Standard I'l 6f the En Cov in the I'osi ; A the U. 8. Court, al uprenie nearly ks. easy to find the word wanted. easy to ascertair the promu s easy to trace ti. growth of a het a word Material for either number 2: experiment or number 26¢xperimen! will be sent by express,and for each; of the others it will be forwarded by mail. i Each person in Ontario whe wishes to coaduct ap. experimen. nd is willing to use great care and iccuracy. in the work report the results of the test as soon as possible ifter harvest should select the exact :xperiment desired and apply for the same at an early date. The rial will be forwarded wn the » which the applications are | | but recently discharged from an asy- Jum, whose mania took the form of | imitatig any person who might hap | pen to strike him. The professional | thief was beside himself with rage at | what he described as the bad luck of | getting into trouble through the vaga- | ries of a madman. | GLASS BULB BOMBS. Scared the Man Who Used Them, but Vanquished the Burglar. | "Of all the outlan h weapons ever employed In a fight 5 man of the south 'on "hrought the | on': "into play one night last week. My | family is away on'a visit at present, | | and T am keepiig bachelor hall out ho | ' the house. On the night to which I ! fer I was aroused at about 3 a. m. by & noise somewhere in the region of the dining room, and, thinking I had shut "up the dog there, I jumped up very foolishly and came down stairs in my 'nightclothes 'without so much as a pocketknife. I 1% "When I opened the dining room door, I was startled to see a big, wongh | looking man bending over the e- board at the far end of the room, and after we had stood there en tableau for a moment the fellow made a rush at | me. I leaped back into thie hall 'and ha 1 'each applicant choice for fear the first could not be granted. C. A ZAVITZ, i Agricultural College, Guelph, Ont Guelph, March rg, 1900. "The burglar must pave thought 1 was chasing him with band grenades. It was the first time 1 ever knew in- candescents made such a row when they broke. An electrician tells me it 18 caused by the air rushing into the vacuum."--New Orleans Times-Demo- crat. A FOREIGN NOTES.' light bulbs, which I had brought home replace some that had burned out, and by In: ne of | them and threw It at the burglar. It ~ hit the d : I annually. e ¥ Monte Carlo is the one-pot on the con- ent at present where everything ig to pl English and make them fort) as the LETT ropean country in which in 1506 hag in the year enormous ex- & Ve x | to make a second London imports 18,000,000 tons of coal | PROMPTLY SECUR 3 resting iG : Polytehnio App:ied Sclences, Lu Tatent Law Association, Association, N-w England Water Works Assoc. P,Q Surveyors Association, Assoc, Munber Can, Badkity of Cin Engineers. American W 0'C.. MONTREAL DAN, . WASHINGTON, D.O. aa and Detroit, Mich, is the | ' only known safe, reliable Bony medicine on which ladies { HE DeYs ter Works 3. Binders, Reapers, Crown Mower, Daisy Seeder, Tiger Hay Rake, Two Furrow Plow, Three Furrow Gang, Combina- tion Plows, Champion Plows, S. T. Cultivator, 8. T. Harrow, Land Roller, Steel Frame Spring Tooth Cultivator, Binder Trucks, &c. also the following, the mubufagture of JOHN ABEL, Toronto High class Threshing outfits, Tractios Engines and Machines, Victor Clover Huller, Portable Triumph Engine. T am prepared to supply everything the armer requires in way of Machines, Tmple ments, Repairs, &e. tar A call solicited. McDonalds Hotel. One door West of R. K. BRYANT. Sunderland, April 8, 1893. {DESIRABLE PROPERTY IN PORT PERRY FOR S.AIHR] AE undersigned offers for sale at » bargain his fine property on Lornc rect, Port Perry, consisting of a commo- dious Dieclling House, containing six rooms, hall and three closets ; there is a good stone ONE GIVES RELIEF. Don't Spend a Dollar - Medicine until you have tried COVDO OOCVORO You can buy them in the paper 5-cent cartons Ten Tabules for Five Cents. his port is put up cheaply to gratify the universal present demand for a low price. If you don't find this sort of Ripans Tabules At the Druggist's cellar under the main part and foundation under the kitchen, all in a good state of vepair. There are three lots which have | heen converted into a splendid Garden, i which are a large number of choice, thri ing fruit trees-- Apple, Cherry and Plom-- Send Five Cents to Tur Rirans CHEMICAL CoMmPANY, No. 10 Spruce St., New York, and they will be sent to you by mail; or 12 cartons will be mailed for 48 cents. The chances are ten to one that Ripans Tabules are the very medicine you need. Geape Vides, Berry bushes and other small {frit in abundance. There are alsa on the { bricked Well and Cistern table: OUR OW: HOME. icutarssend Two 3c. stamps to #0 SMITE, A Tmuix Cancer CURE, Uxbridge, Ont. Canada Raspberries aud Shrubs. all CT) VY fgg ae House and Two Lots in the Village of Port Perry--being Lote Nov. 1066 and 107, On® tario Street. ~ On the premises there are a first-class Dwelling House with good Cellar, Hard and Soft Water, suitable Stable and Driving Shed und fine Garden of good Fruit Trees--Cherry, Plom and Apple--Berry and Currant Bushes &e. Terms to suit purchasers For further particalare. upp'y to D J Adams, Esq. or ta the proprictor on the premises, E. J. WHEELER, Port Perry, Feb 21, 1899. ANTED -- TRUSTWORTHY ANI active gentlemen or ladies to travel for responsible, established house in Ontario, Monthly $65.00 and expenses. Position steady. Reference. Encloseself-address d stamped' envelope The Dominion Com- pany, Dept. Y Chicago. ATIVE SOLICITORS WANTED EVERY: where for "The Story of the PHllplens by Murat Halstead, commissioned by the Government as Official Historian to the War The book was writien in army ecdmps at San Francisco, on the Pacific with General Mer- ritt, in the hospitals at Honoluln, in Hong Kong, in the American trenches at Manila, in the insurgent camps with Aguinaldo, on the deck of the Olympia with Dewey, and in the roar of battle at the fall of Manila. Bon- anza for agents. ful of original plotures taken by government photographers on the Spot. Jarge . Low prices, Big profits. rel bps id. Credit given. Drop all trashy anoffick: 8. Outfit free Address ¥. 5 boo! cial war books. ¥ . Barber, Bed'y., Star Insurance Bid Chloage. ANTED--SEVERAL TRUSTWORTHY PER mal oul in Herbert E. seest., Dept. M., Chicage. ops (t's a strong Statement but a straight fact, when we say that the greatest help to the live grocer and general storekeeper in Canada is "The Canadian Grocer." You cannot read it without getting: Spend