© AN ELECTION AT HAND. Paper. ih as a favor to Britain when Canada| 'All signs point to an early and Loy gin BT 9 : 'apes Y all levies a duty on British goods pre: | sudden election. The Government as dies PNR ¥ : E ons Pause rerun Dee oy ote viously free, and this favor is made organizer for Ontario has taken an| "= happily denominate ricultural vear of publication, was bouglit by Schlclhauf | greater when the Government places | office here and is seen in daily Shamrock Af in on are pleased to state | d J P. Clougher. | License on the free list United States goods conference with the Ministers and hall on the evening of hey ore), repared ; te Janigy has ng os Dec that were previously dutiable. campaign literature is going out| TC ejoybie affair ut itl To ee Rc y 3: a pla ho A, March 17.--The three| A HORSE OF ANOTHER COLOR. Jost wader Soysment ranks I all was a sens of beauty ar fertilizers, fodder, crops, roots, | . Cloughers were the first to £0ld, unlawfully supplicd ment days of this weck have| Naturally Sir -Charles: Tupper] ' levec by many thatthe Goy- forever, embellished by paintin; jgrastes, and clovers. {introduce into Canada the now person dst he 2S of 2gea oa ; Ep .-lernment will not wait to vote next oa system of cooperative popular small page style, high qua i-| Without a written order is ted mainly to the consider- | does not agree that the existing tariff year's supply, but will dissolve the the Queen and Lord Roberts. perimental work in Agriculture ty paper, frequent illustrations, and | fents, guardian, or master." of two amendments to the/is the one that Sir Wilfrid promised House >_without : .completing: the viands were recherche and | Ss started in 1886 with Go plots, | the many features which make the From Hise % nvictions Utlin ap- ove! motion to go into sup-| when he declared that coal and Jon | eines of the. session... TheSebate ant and were patronized ver ich were situated on Heive | edern Shurch paper so attractive, Pe o naa: Jude hes | ov : a i; : oe brah A Pou RT Jerse at ; "by cone Strange to say both amend: | would be placed on the. free list; lis expected to throw out the Gerry- ally, 'G. M. Gibbs, Esq. e RES EE lara k nee large g Dl ng Jarety sha the defendant led ig hs ychauce So. : he Gi th hich Sir Louis Davies ad- lar manager the Canadian ate, however, the work has|large stall of editorial writers, most the in. have come from the Govern- | the one whi RL mander bill for the same reason ger d fr peat inlof wh i i ir | formation nor the conviction dis-| ---- side. Mr. Bourassa, whose |vocated when he said-that the issue . 9% | Commerce filled the h om yearto soa = Rad) " Je oft Wege: specialists in. their closed an offence against the License = > : ; : 99 ther e 12,0 ts, epartment. offence against the Li ments have become rather between the parties was . between that it Nas theown. out last YET | absence of the Rév. Mr. A ; hE ment. 0: Act, which En that "any ar, proposed motion setting | free trade and protéefiom - The Some think that the day after this is After a few appropriate introg Ontario. ss 5 Clo he dui cio Messrs, | 1.oe sed person" who allows liquor y a motion ¢ : otcetiom.- troch it Ol : Eid ugher form © PRESBYTERIAN od is Ry : h that the course adopted by the | Opposition" léader "préfentéd: the remarks the chairman called gar oF ExreRinghss FOR 1g0O. Review Company, Limited, with Mr. fo be supplied in his Premises toan ernment in sending troops to| question under the similitude of a J. McMechan for an add p Tires varieties of Outs: Baglow 3 i ; : ja Eo "her icc e know. Africa without the consent of Parlia [horse race. Heand Langer were told the story of St. Patrick! Tr oavaricties 0 tnwe ett hon Secratary reutur den |, Age heap e Sioned. JF <Tson "must not be repeated or be [two jockeys, one riding: Protection, ing to Ireland and ultimat Three varieties Spring Wheat. | ing, which have more and more oc. liable to a penalty, Ee regarded as a precedent for the|and the other Free Trade: XVhen verting the natives from He: . Three varieties Buckwheat. cupied their time tenti It was hed 5 4 hat | _ future. It was a motion condemn-| Sir Charles goes -1o. Mie" starting ism to Chrictianity--how he plu Three varieties Hicld Peas. Early this year, the License & # hog. Drohibit Rhu : ieti o ield |. 8 1th lying "of li g the course adopted and was| place he finds Lauriet. 'mounted on the Shamrock from the gros Two. veristies bug-proof Field {her retired from the management ip Dig Yai fof Yaquor 1 dod renin ; nto get: held it up as a;symbol of i March SrOwing og The Shamrock in of calculation it is made to appe:r oN liquor excell The done the Premier will announce his resolution: to appeal to the country onthe action of the Senate, making 'that the ane issue. Such may be the Premier's intention but he will 'be hardly able to take the attention of the public away from otherissues, which the people may consider of much greater importante than the fate of the Gerrymander. y : hin ] ay d ak ing Director- 3 19 is resisted in an eloquent speech by | Protection, and. asks him 3 jor Three, varieties of Soy or Jap- er Vi He th Sianaging Direcior Act, namely, those apparently, orto esd. of Colonel Sehtel, ~ the Premier. Mr. Bourassa himself 'down and take lis own broken. wind- God before the Irish i ns, D the knowledge of. the licensed per-| ihe German officer in. charge of . Chieftains at the Hill of : - {Canadian Camera and D . a : spoke cleverly but his argument was el and spavined beast: "The other ftai ill of Tara i dics Husking Corn. ny, Limited, so el Com Bo age, and bat Jicehsed ar Y. Who = wn we merely an expansion of the state [jockey replies. "It is true this Mr. McMechan spoke with ies Mangolds Com pany had to consider as to his fg, ying; that in this respect both Elan ., he bas 'ment made by Sit Wilfred in October | looks and acts like your horse; he of his native land, of its a E ppl D3 Sant hy wt from the prisoners' camp to a orators, poets, ges, si ¢ Sug fe { Bogar Bests log information and conviction were ~ when he declared that the Govern. | has the same fine form, limbs, tive jn ngtdiselosing an offence. > d no power or right to offer | splendid chest, neck anc But e i powers of. hi it pos wR HET ee ths of ani = dine of it. will have th reckless bravery, d and | supports his contention by inch shorter than yours." In| Ripe Ia ve Ee rl he loyal fidelity to, their: leader, of the e very words of Sir Wilfrid and | fact " said Sit Charles "I find that peasuré ® perusa peasantry. Mr. Tarte. He affirmed that the/it is'my horse with one joint rubbed | the reverend gentleman gave a re. whole press of Quebec province was [off his tail." The application of citation of ** Irish Social Life} which opposed to the action which the this parable to the Laurier tariff Bimetons departments completitand was ® gréatly enjoyed and elicited BS > Government took. He also con-| with its seven-tenths of orig pefEént, attractive. and that their Grand | Mundersof applause. Mrs Whit " isties Kale. _ a Ala! pint of excellence wr to-day, and morrow, of Commons yesterdny he Chancellor demned the British policy in Africa, | reduction is sufficiently evident: Milivery Opening will take places "8 2 Very pretty" and Patriotic | 20. res varieties Clover, the. proprietors--making the Re. hols airy en all = oe Een Rag sal Picks: thus merely reaffiming the state- oti Tuesday and Wednesday, April Song which had 'the fragrance of | 2848 BR ths Lugetue, aud Mammioth viEw a journal not only worthy of get it. of applications of the War Joss had ments made by Mr. Tarte in the Sir Charles' easily showed flat 3 and 4, when unusual attractions i ive varieties Grasses. ihe Church, but one that will be EvERY year that has rolled around edn 59 Bu. Sng Ss Jotal Sm of House a few days before. He made taking the last three yearsand com | will be presented. Everything that Delpiel 10 the Church and homes oy hag 'brought us added knowledge | gest application had been for £104 a» good deal of the argument that paring them with the previous thee | is new, most stylish and attractive : and experience. : 1 : ns Ey for El the African war was a small affair, our imports from Great Britaindfad| - as well for appearance as price-- Look e as for the right things and their. application. Below £40,000 that Canadian help. was notifjlen of, while those from the will be displayed in profusion. They right things in clothes, hats and the assignments would vary from @ needed, that Chamberlain had called : - furnishings for boys and men. nen United States had increased. He| want all to come and see their stock. To Sufferers from Nervousness and |Do as the trees do; change your er i to a: on us so that the country would be did not believe that so called -pre- we < ; oi 1 Headache. garb. That thick suit was all] Beg asked a question in the House committed to help in case ol Jarger| ferential tariff had been any benefit right a month ago, but now it|ef Commons yesterday regarding the wars in the future. This is exactly makes you conspicuous. reports of trouble threatening im Messrs. Jones & Co's Spring Circular is in press and will be ready to onal to d= onvictions « were therefore an often been saccepted eich I ree varieties Millet. as DOW DoD sacceptad; so thatiquashed: z ' § I A hereafter the paper will be published | Mr. erson, of T to, ap- : : awh Later; by request, the fits Sombinations Grain for {oq the new proprietors, who, with a | peared or Cn Crown Ty #335,500,000 FOR THE WAR LOAN. ass Peas and: two varieties large Eapital 1, heir oSeposal 4nd | Donahue for the inspector, 'Nearly 40,000 Applications Wers Sent in Cetchen N - Mr. Hossack 'as Presiden 0 ree tee v by Eager Iuvestwre. Lh Dwarf Essex Rape and two vat. and Managing Editor, should carry | THe same. trustworthiness yester-|, London, a0 Ts tht House yterian Church, ma or the PrEsBYTERIAN RE prising firm reports the season just closed one of the most satisfactory in its existence. = They announce their THE GENERAL DEBATE. J. ] ; the Shamrock upon it and received very hearty applanse. The whole affair reflected great crediton our public-spirited and winsome ladies The net proceeds were $27.00. EE Corn, } A Woman's Advice. our fertilizers and no fertilizer 1 with Mangolds. wing Peas at fonr different dates to determine the injury ] 4 "done bythe pea bug (Bruchus Corporation By-Laws Owing to an informality in the =o M RoBins Local Option By Law submitted to RS' RoBiNs, oF Port CoLBOURNE;, To tha Elitor of the OBsXRYRR, -- Sir Wilfrid rose to the occasion | tion. by an eloquent vindication of Cana- [ by Rev. Mr. Maxwell, on Thursday dian interference in this war. He and Friday by Hon. Dr. Montague, asserted that the people of Canada taken | the Opposition side, and while Mr, was in acting as the people | for the Goverment. Sir Wilfrid's speech was thus an eloquent enlargement of the letters written and speeches | that by making his motion at a time made by Sir Charles Tupper when |and in a way that shat out an am he was nrging Sir Wilfrid to take |endment he would place the Oppo- What Sir Wilfrid Laurier |sition in an awkward position in says now and the leading members| which they would either be obliged of the Opposition, and the whole|to vote approval of the Government [to Canada. -And the Government the argument used by Mr. Tarte at! 4 pre-arranged the general St Vincent de Paul. . THE PrEMIER'S ORATION. tariff that the mother country got.ne benefit from the alleged 'discrimiha' The argument was continned McMullen and Mr. Campbell spoke The talk will be resumed next week. Mr. Russell probably thought the ratepayers of Darlington lately it was quashed. has been submitted, the voting to take place on April 7th. ient Statesman is publishing the By-Law Mr. Henderson, and Dr. Sproul on | with number attached--No. 573-- knowing perfectly well that so doing may invalidate it a second time. in the lucrative farce of its publica- toin so long as Darlington Council is silly enough to let him. Moses. ° A second By-Law The sap- Editor of the Bowmanville Of course Moses will persist O, Moses; Something Particularly Inter esting to the Ladies. It will be seen by the advertise- Sir,--Have we any snow By law in Port Perry. and, if so, is there in existences any proper machinery for its due enforcement? Every win: ter, and especially this winter, for | many weeks of the year our side- the Corporation. At the present moment they are a source of danger to pedestrians and may, any day, involve us in claims and law costs for broken limbs or loss of life.-- Why shonld the interests of our village in this respect be less care fully looked after than in the neigh boring villages and towns. Else where if, after a {all, the snow is not cleared off the sidewalks by ga: tw. by the owners or occupants of every pisi): lanting cut Potatoes the same = day and 5 days after being cut anting cut © have and erial ch person in ster, walks areand have been a disgrace to | 304% Planting Corn in rowsor squares. for either number 25 t or number 26experiment sent by express,and for each ® others it will be forwarded by to conduct illing to use great care and Icy in thé work report the tof the test as soon as possible est should select the exact and apply for ent desired je at an early date. will be forwarded 1n the Potatoes which have uot sbeen coated over with land which Ontario who an_ experiment The TeLrs How Sue Founp a Cusre AND ASSERTS THE BELIEF THAT Tue SAME ReMEpy WiLL Cure OTHER SUFFERERS. . Mrs. Daniel Robins, of Port Col-|1 borne, Ont, is one of those who be- lieve that when a remedy for dis- ¢ase has been found, it is the duty of the person benefited to make it may also find the road to renewed health Mrs Robins says: 'In the spring of 1897 my health gave way and I became completely pros- trated. Nervousness, palpitation of the heart and severeheadaches were the chief symptoms. . The nervous trouble was so severe as to border almost-upon St. Vitus' danee. The least 'exertion, such as going up stairs for example, would leave me Wk like the trade of men who feel known, in order that other sufferers Stout, extra stout, slim, lean reg- Tue greatest salesman in the world China, the Parliamentary Secreta of the Foreign Offices, William St. that they have not a cent to|John Brodrick, said - Her Majesty's squander in thé buying of clothes | Government had taken and continued --men who penny count. F ever grace, distinction, fashion fit, wear and all round excellence must make 'every to take all necessary steps to protect Dritish interests in this connection, He also denied the story published in the United States that the American Government was sending warships to were compressed into a suit they | China, are in these pure fancy worsted garments. ular, any shape, we can fit you every time. is in our employ. Wit, humor, oratory" and eloquence down when. he 1ises to speak. Price is the great speaker, the in: vincible: salesman - who is always listened to with rapt interest. : -C. L. WHITBY, Budget Passed Second Reading, During the budget discussion Mr, John Redmond, the Irish leader, said the Irish members abstained from the discussion, - but they did not regard it as a humdrum budget, as it im posed tipon Ireland an additional war tax of .!| which the conscience of Ireland, ho all sit added, revolted. ~ over a million a year, at The bill passed its second reading by a vote of 182 to 30 SALVATION ARMY WORK, Anvual Report to the State Depsrtmerd ut Albuny Shows Well, Opposition press printed in Eng-|or condemn the preference to Brit | ment elsewhere in this issue that [lot in the municipality, it is doe, whic ES auons ate Sloe preatiuess, 2d my heart lish, were affirming five months|ain. He will probably find theCon | the Misses Stouffer have opened | effectively, not by a sleepy" plow | exhbus / It might be well for petite pany ale ry My was Ll ago. Mr. Bourassa and Mr. Mopet | servatives in no way afraid to. volela new Millinery.and Dressmaking which often forgets 10 put in p+, cant to make a. second Luauchveduoed th Rosh: THE aval " ave wrging the old Laurier con-| against his motion and' to:taketheir| Emporium in the"Bléng Blotk; Port [Pearance=but = with = cbr} ion | ear coud nol remedies were teied, but did not| , A : Wanths suceseaing. ha tention now with scavty support|own time to express their own | Perry. The advertisement will be] employees with shovels-- the cost : A ZAVITZ help me and eventually' béchme so Géorge Wyndham s Smiling Re- | of the army last spring. from the members of either party. | views on the question of tariff pref-| tead with particular interest especi- the labor being added to and col Agricultural College, rake tu: 1 was waite 0 pectonm mark in Commons Lobby. So great has been the change of erence to England. ally by the fair ones of the town and | lected with the taxes assessed hy Ee Guelph, Ont. ie Y suffered fron, Hens ET Government position in less than its surroudings. They intend having the property or properties. w. AS elph, March 19, 1900, me feel as though my head .would half a year. It must be said that 0. |a great display of the most charming thus neglect to comply with the re-j== ATR A burst... Iwas feeling "very discour- when Sir Wilfrid rose to vindicate The annual meeting of the British | all that is newest, most fashion. | quirements of the By law, Wh | aged when a cure in a case mach re- his surrender to public opinion he Empire League, successor of the able and stylish in the Millinery line | Should we be behind others. in this| Sing nine through the use of did it well. His speech was cheer. | Imperial Federation League, took respect ? : fs ame oLs came to Albany, N.Y. March 20. -- The lal report the Sal x corporation It shows that the value of the real property of the Army in the United States is $662,835 and that of the personal property $195,500. During the pers iod which the report covers, $67, 788.14 was rocelyed for "shelters" of the Army and $67,686.40 oxpended, and $12,549.54 received and $12,. 429.12 expended for children's homes, The Ariny earned through its publica tions $161,407.88, of which $28, 451.77 was used in charitable works, L The War Office, 'However, Had No News Confirming the Report of the Town's Relief~Free Stuters in Force Around Smithfield--Kroonstadt » Bad Spot - Gen. Buller Ready for Work-Kruger Adulte His Defeuts ALL IMPERIALISTS, 1 THE BLACK PLEAGUE Yours, &c., 3 Pro Bono Pusrico. ------------ Will Rebuild the Theatre. : Paris, March 20. -- The Chamber of Deputies yesterday adopted a cred- 't of 2,400,000 francs for the con- 4truction of the Theatre Francais, re- ir Sestroved by fire, and for the provision of a temporary home Fam the Comedie Francaise at the a The Finance bill 'was then voted in its entirety, after aa Cdditicnay | declared that they additional oe CD ------ ~The (Parry Sound) North Star of March afternoon in his room over his establishment at the corner of otre s ENCE AMENDMENT. amendment was off Vietoria Wheat Harvest Melbourne, March 0 '| cial statistics of rhe. Victoria show only 15,00( 000, ; 7 at their Grand Opening on Tuesday 3 i my notice and I decided to give ed to the echo by both sides of the Place on IN Br) It Was the and Wednesday, April 3 and 4. The Further, why have we no By-law b . A C K A C H E « [them a trial. After using two boxes | London, Mareh 20, -- 4 am.) -- House. Especially did the Oppo- Jargon oa rng! a pre + | young ladies are late of Toronto, | regulating the measurement of w dive thin thie } foun so much relief that I was The War Office has no: news n) = sition join in a tremendous burst of | ©0 0n€! Denison, has yet faced, and [© tl dence need be ask. | offered for sale on the streets of the oring that was ever offered the | greatly rejoiced to know that I had this hour confirming the report of the ARIAL included at least half of both Houses ' a il I 1d be a boo dq a | Sufferer for Kidney or Bladder trou: | found a medicine that would cure relief of Mafeking, but Mr. George . approval when Sir Wilfrid demand f Parli t. You cannot find|€d Of their first-class ability and|Viiage. t would be a boon and allipie eer reached the top rung of the me. I continued using Dr. Wil. [W¥dham, Parliamentary Under-Sec- | ¥!Y® Deaths at Adeinide, South Australia ed dramatically "what would have © ar oy ETO h . | cuperior taste than the great pop-| Protection to buyers if the Council er of success so rapidly as Dr. |liams' Pink Pills until I had taken {heey oy Yas, (replying £0 a private Fedu the Sevurgn, happened if we had refused to offer wany on icine "in iy 0310 © ularity they enjoyed among the fair would enact a By.law appointing [Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tab. |eight or nine boxes, when I consid- | Commons. about, midnighe sage! glsaite, Sou Anstatia, March the troops?" The Premier answer | MPeria ists. Colonel Denison, Sir ones the Queen City and the great | Say the leasee of the town scales} and as evidence of that fact, we ered my cure complete. The palpi. sald: "I think it is cil right." curred here from what 15 TY 0 ed the guestion by saying that there Chatles Tupper Mr. McNeill, Sir reluctance with which they let them | measure every load of wood so hot Sefep you to some one ou; 3etion of the Beart nervousness and Jae Tyee Staters seemingly have not | the bubonic plague. i el ing. : pwn to you, in some out of the | headaches ha isa d ; | Qui te collapsed. ey are i id- other Death = = would have been a disastrous agi.) Sandford Blening: ad Rew a go from the millinery and dress | Posed for sale and to mark the nu y place, that you cannot reach | appetite was again a bad erable force around Smithfield, al Sydney, NSW Maren 30. An- tation and a conflict on race lines ip | ©'PA! rant are old siagers 1 making ranks there. ber of cubic feet plainly in chalk onfexecépt by mail, and days of waitin ained in Weight nicely. 1 re though much dispirited. other death from bubonic pla B f 1 -*] R : 1h : - 8: | 8 8 y gard Kroonstadt a Bad flague has this country. He had no trouble Meetings. But of late, 'state "Im- : the load-- charging say 5 cents for some one in your own town, | myself as completely restored and I | A Dritish spy on pat oll occurred here, and two fresh cases making the majority of the House perialism has become fashionable, his trouble and collecting this}? Te written testimonial you can | would urge other women suffering ports that Commandant Olivier and Teste omdally Jobo bel that the Government acted | they have had the pleasure of meet =" Mr. R. W. Walker, Utica, | amount from the vendor. "{€astly prove for yourself, was given |as I did to give Dr. Williams' Pink '# commando are going to' Kroon- The O. Wan Cire settled Seely i pr i If to by ing many leading Liberal members|one of Reach's most enterprising : ingly and without reward. Pills a trial, and I am sure they will | Stadt. The agents he loft behind are Ottawa, March 20. -- Gowan ve wisely in allowing itself to be pro who formerly made no end of fun of |and successful farmers, and who Chis sort of testimony is a radical | have equally good reason to sound | tong Sesperaie means 10 aise re- | the Canada Atlantic Hallway Cony pelled by public opinion. the movement. There are no Com. | has an enviable record as a breeder Jeparture fromall previous methods, their praise. | under penalty i ong Tr Yn oe pany has been settled by the parties. THIS SE TLES IT. ial Uni i left. The Cart | of thorough-bred Holstein cattle, on | w\ Bennett, M.P. for East Sime d naturally bears the stamp of | There are thousands of women | Where the Doers are concentrating fs Tele ny wn uetich taki by the : mercial Unionists left. e Lar 1d h 2b far nett, 8! | fat. I{ the simple reading of throughout the country who suffer 187 miles from Bloemfontein. It is Hoe Ce ahs ne Willies In the end the motion of Mr. wrights and Charltont are angry if | 1 uesday last, sold to Jo n Smith, | it the nail on the head when € ollowing testimonial, of a resi.|as Mrs. Robins did, who are pale, 'Urrounded by a country of hills and iat er de da 80 Tlourassa was defeated by a vote of || 000g reciprocity is eve men- Esq., Cartwright, a yearling bull said that the Conservatives would {dent of your town does not convince | subject to headaches, heart palpita | eS tan is the death.of the latter on Jan. 7th, 119 to ro, the minority including |ioned while at Wednesday's-meet from hiis famous herd of Holsteins-- | pe sorry to have Mr. Tarte leave 4s gO and jk the. This is but fhion E0d dideiuess, who drag along 'Springfontein preliminary a 1899. The Brac teriasal tie settle: : ' 3 : : i i ife § " 6 ment are unknown, ti x Government supporters and four ing the President of the League and | * grand, prize Joveg anil, for House. The Master of the Ad Gove he on Ble, ho ty pr Bing ind gee wi for Work Rood thay Wn ar otet os ry 'Opposition, the whole ten being gir Charles Tupper were almost out. | Which he received a handsome sum. | istration is the worst enemy of th 8. worth and efficiency of Dr. |give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a far| Gen. Buller's hill work before Lady- ot Dartortly satisfied the parties ia Trench speaking members from |, Imperialist by thé Eon{eft- This'is the third purchase made by| | iberal Government, . and if fcher's Backache Kidney Tablets. | trial. These pills make rich, red SMith has given him. an experience Ouebec. A number of Government | oq oqvocates of the continent. ts | that gentleman from " Ridgedale stays a little longer he will wre rs; M. Emmerson, Port Perry, blood, strengthen the nerves, brin famich is aboxt to be used in forcing supporters from that province ab-| 1. =o belong. -- Farm," Utica, within a few years, of Bu "Ihave used Dr. Pitchers the glow of health to pale "end, sagopa Jobo lev: "srained from voting. This probably Bus the same strainof this desirableclass | AUCTION SALE --It will be clie Kidney Tablets for pain | Sallow checks, and make the feeble about to engage Gen, Botha's f «nds the direct discussion in the MUST ROT INVESTIGATEs of dairy cattle. by the posters that Messrs. G. & back due to cold, getting them | 20d despondent feel (hat life is once |snd the next news of fighting will a . Pred LR Smith, lot 2, con. 12, Cavan, DAS] vis, Druggist They |More worth living. The genuine [Probably be from Natal. of Commons as the bill to] Mr. Borden has made another is . tie ck 4 M ; Th 's ito \ He trouble in short order, and , 2r¢ sold only in boxas, the wrapper| The leaders of the Afrikander Bund far the pay of the soldiers | struggle to get permission to resume Britain wanted to borrow £30, iastrsels He es wai do SitOa i they action 1 bearing the full name * Dr, Wil oe Sruiating a postion in Cape Gol- d Committee, Mr, Field [the West Hitron and § wife [080,000. The great aggregation of | on the premises, on Thursday, Ma : f the pain since |liams' Pink Pills for Pale People." not to take away the Sr depemlanaarny Ree: winch 1 ople who 29, all their stock of hor: good May be had fi 'all dealers or by the Boers, ependance of Er vat ; : 35, swine and farm imple mail at soc. or fix boxes for! Thirty-two thousan mW " Fh : \ fri g t. And this was at a time when | or Nel ; ope: h ; pointment declaration made last session by Sir | there appeared to be grave possibil- | tario- County was n Wilfrid himself Then the Pr ities of war with one or more|terday, was in the County ; : AER se ame) es : ir ! : ; "Las ¥ | Minister met Mr. Borden more than {European powers. Evidently the Glengarry. He studied Jaw in To. pleia late issue contains the following thonitee Right a Pet tuguess ne Dame and Bt. Vincent streets, lend tished ph |ronto in the office of McMichael, p k , H y : half way and afterwards went about |money-lenders, are satisfied wit Hoskin'& Ogden, and Was called t b anent the successful building opera. ; Pecial train a force of infantry to |1e Was seen for the last time alive fi | such guarantees of repayment as the yo por tr sono? : a er Tablet Co., Toronto, ti Q reinforce the garrison on the Trans. | Thursday evening. He was subject the country boasting of it. Then hg! pay! $ the bar in the year 1887. He com- X ~ | tions of one our esteemed towpsmen: | yani border. to weakness of the heart. he promised all the help he could Ballas) realen and the national |menced the practice of law at St : - "Mr. Jesse Ireland of Port Perry,| - : ---- give to a full and thorough i; delence allord, Thomas with his cousin, Angus Mc- | March 20.--A horrible | Who has has been raising up and| The s [ Squatiug South Qutarle. i>. i: x he has "stopped the na de ad ai Crimmon. After spending ayear in |g 'occurred at the G T.R.|end straightening the en the report to will | Ottawa, March 20. -- It is undor« ow = : yes IuPorTANT TO Farmers, --Mr. [that place Mr. McCrimmon return. |; ; m. today. Jas. | Lumber Company's big saw mill has he ell Evaran Stood that fe junior judgeship of" gation in the middle and wil] potl,, . " ; iti ed to Toronto and joined the firm |g 22,0f Oshawa, attempt. | Completed the work satisfactorily | ~awh a a \engarty will go to a . w . y is now in a position to sup- - 401 1) » attemp! . 3 ! 'We decline to x allow it to go a step farth r farmers with Sted Grai of MacDonald & MacIntosh, toed a train on which he! and left for his home this morning | Borden took the opportunity to read p> once With Se Tain --rU€ | which firm name that of his own "rile. The wheel of| Mr. Ireland is noted from Kingston | make. the evideocs rning the Hog s| to name --in quantities that may be was subsequently added. About passed over his legs [10 the Soo as a most successful ballots. the stolen' ballots a Hage required. = Success in harvest time ! . the left knee, and just Builder, Lita a of "build * 1. | depends on the quality of the seed | ent ie hale 1 nkle, almost severin, gs. en here ~ of course fufing of ballots. Me sod thel ST 0 SE TT SF Hoge ; hy bs were amputated | felt ccmpelled to call on his name- jy of Retuming Officer Farr Bebe' ! ] {iss sake, the Editor, and became a sub: to] 2ccording to own story, § } i a The : ' 1 Auction Sate---It. will be seen Tings od ne ar b TICKETS TO "ALL : y the posters and the advertise Worin--Mr. W. H, McCa Perry, is now in a position 1 weaken- tickets to all { f the world ters 2 term of years, has "authorized Mr. Jackson to sell by auction on the